Is it possible to plan the gender of the child until conception? How to conceive a son and daughter?

Is it possible to plan the gender of the child until conception? How to conceive a son and daughter?

Planning the sex of the child is an important occupation of future parents. It turns out that in advance the birth of a boy or girl can be determined using the right methods that have gone through time and many marital couples.

What depends on the gender of the unborn child?

The floor of a newborn child was laid even at the cellular level. From school biology lessons, everyone remembers that the cell consists of cytoplasm and nucleus. It is the core that contains a set of certain chromosomes. A healthy cell has 46 chromosomes - i.e. 23 pairs.

All 22 pairs in men and women are exactly the same. Differences are only in the last 23 pairs.
In the female body, these are two “x” chromosomes, in the male - “x” and “y”.

If at the time of conception the egg (female cage) meets with a “x” sperm (male cage), then after 9 months a girl will be born, and if with a “y” sperm with a sperm, a boy will be born.

Chromosomes X and Y
Chromosomes "X" and "Y"

Back in the 60s of last year, scientists made conclusions that it is possible to predetermine the future floor! It all depends on the degree of cell activity.

The fact is that male cells with chromosomes “X” are distinguished by their survivability, but not with activity. Being in the uterine cavity, they can calmly wait for ovulation for 48 hours. On the other hand, cells with “y” chromosomes are more active, but are subject to quick death. They can quickly reach the eggs and fertilize it if the conception occurs on the day of ovulation.

Planning the sex of the child on the day of ovulation
Planning the sex of the child on the day of ovulation

How to influence the floor of the child?

This desire has arisen in humanity for centuries and it is still relevant. Interestingly, it took its beginning in ancient China and traced in many European countries. You can believe in this, but you can not, but the eastern inhabitants are sure that girls are most often born in smoking parents. It is tobacco that is able to influence the number of “x” chromosomes in male material. The Japanese even emphasize that a man must smoke one pack of cigarettes per day.

Smoking men have more than x chromosomes
Smoking men have more “x” chromosomes

Other researchers, on the other side of the world, Italians, determined that the time of the year affects the floor of the unborn child. So, they are absolutely sure that in the fall there is the greatest opportunity to conceive a boy, because this season affects the concentration of chromosomes “Y” in male sperm.

Autumn is the time of conception of boys
Autumn is the time of conception of boys

The oldest scientists also believed that the moon was able to influence this decision. Sexual relations for couples must be planned not only depending on its phases, but also to take into account weather conditions. For example, the Egyptians knew for sure that the full moon favored the appearance of the son. They knew that the girl would be born if the woman was fertilized immediately after the period of menstruation. Well, Aristotle himself insisted that if a couple wants a boy, she needs to conceive a child at a time when the north wind blows, and the girl - when the southern one.

Blood theory

A modern person is unlikely to pay attention to the weather and phase of the moon during fertilization. However, there are several main methods that allow you to accurately predict the sex of the unborn child. Increasingly, couples plan the gender of the baby according to the fashionable European theory of blood renewal.

Blood renewal planning planning

Rhesus factor of the blood of father and mother
Rhesus factor of the blood of father and mother

It is believed that first of all, the Rh factor affects the floor of the child and only then the age of the parents.

Chinese calendar planning of the child's floor

Table of Chinese calendar determining the sex of the child by mother's age

According to special studies, male blood can be updated once every four years. Women's blood does this more often - every three years.

The formula for calculating the sex of the child

To determine, you need to multiply the dad’s age by four and divide by 16. Then you should multiply the age of the mother in three months and divide by 12. Compare the numbers obtained, if the male number is larger - there will be a boy, if the female is a girl.

Formula for determining the sex of the child before conception:
For men: Y \u003d 4 x (an integer number of months lived: 16)
For woman: X \u003d 3 x (an integer number of months lived: 9).
If the male number Y is more than female x, then these parents will have a boy. If you get a female number x more than men's Y, then these parents will have a girl.

Child floor calculation table

How to use a table? This is a Japanese calendar, which consists of two tables. By the first table, we determine the number from 1 to 12 and look for this figure in another table, and plan the floor of the unborn child.

The first table of the Japanese calendar by determining the sex of the child
Child floor calculation table
The second table of the Japanese calendar of the calculation of the sex of the child

Medical planning methods

Such planning is quite possible, but it is extremely not desirable. Medical planning allows you to determine the gender of the future baby with 100% accuracy by staining chromosomes. Such planning is permissible to pairs conducting artificial fertilization and is prohibited in many countries, for example in China. It is believed that this method is not natural and is able to lead to an imbalance on the planet.

Artificial fertilization of the egg
Artificial fertilization of the egg

Preimplantation genetic diagnosis

It is used mainly for genetic diseases in parents to eliminate the transfer of this disease to the child.

In addition, preimplantation genetic diagnostics is carried out in married couples with increased risk of congenital anomalies in children, which is not associated with the carriage of diagnosed mutations. Such cases include pairs where the mother’s age exceeds 35 years; where the age of the father is above 39 years; If the father has severe disturbances in spermatogenesis; married couples with habitual miscarriage; Married couples with repeating unsuccessful IVF attempts.

Independent planning of the sex of the baby

The more people, the more opinions.

The people also have such a theory that repeats that the less often in the life of a couple there is sex - the more likely to conceive a girl. And vice versa: more often - to the boy.

Therefore, some couples practice the abstinence method and then proceed to fertilization, and therefore, often have sex if desired, conceive a son. This theory is effective, since spermatozoa has a feature to quickly ripen.

Frequent sex ensures the conception of a boy
Frequent sex ensures the conception of a boy

Nutrition for conception of the desired child

French scientists concluded that to predetermine the gender of the baby will adhere to a strict diet. Moreover, it is believed that a certain diet should be observed during the period of menstruation. Before conception, the mommy should adhere to a strict two -month diet. For example, if a woman wants a boy, she should give preference:

  • meat
  • potatoes
  • mushrooms
  • bananas
  • oranges
  • dates

Food should be abundantly seasoned with salt.

A special diet favors the conception of a boy
A special diet favors the conception of a boy

If a woman wants to conceive a girl, she needs to eat:

  • eggplant
  • dairy
  • cucumbers
  • pumpkin
  • beets
  • peas
  • onion
  • pepper
Food will allow you to conceive a girl
Food will allow you to conceive a girl

Statistics suggest that this method has an effectiveness exceeding 80%. It is also worth keeping in mind that compliance with a diet can have both a positive and negative effects. Lack of trace elements leads to vitamin deficiency.

Folk signs on the planning of the sex of the child

There are many diverse folk remedies, both effective and stupid, favorable to the birth of a certain gender of the baby. For example, our great-grandmothers and great-great-grandmothers were sure that if during conception to put an ax under the pillow, a boy would be born, and if the threads are a girl.

Folk methods of planning the sex of the child
Folk methods of planning the sex of the child

It is also known that if mothers use sweets - this contributes to the birth of a girl, and salty - a boy. Among all the recommendations and methods, it is important to highlight the most effective, in which there are proportions of truth.

It will be useful to take into account the place of work of the pope, because men working in harmful production rarely have the opportunity to conceive a boy.

All because the carriers of the gene in male sperm are very susceptible to negative factors of influence.


A huge role in planning can be given to the heredity of parents, for example, if there are many children in families. This feature is important both in mom and dad.

Surprisingly, it is female heredity that is unique. Pay into account how many children are in the mother’s family and what gender they are. The prevailing floor is able to influence your child.

The female body has a predisposition to the conception of boys or girls. Therefore, a fertilized egg can be rejected by the body at any time if it does not meet its requirements.

Heredity plays a huge role in the predestination of the floor
Heredity plays a huge role in the predestination of the floor

They also believe that the floor depends on the physique and appearance of the woman.

It is noted that not tall and chubby ladies reproduce the boys, but slender and tall - girls.

And do not ignore the character of the couple, because it does not rarely happen that strict “iron” people are predisposed to their sons, and soft, flexible and gentle men most often raise daughters.

How to conceive a child in ovulation?

In planning the sex of the child in ovulation, the decisive role is played by what a sperm that has fertilized the egg will be. How to find out?

It is no secret that the gender of the unborn child depends on the father, more precisely, on the set of the chromosomes of the sperm, which fertilizes the mother's egg.

At first glance, this is a simple and effective method that does not require complex calculations. In more detail on this method of planning the sex of the child and other methods, get acquainted in this article Half of the child before conception on our website.

Tips and recommendations for the conception of a daughter: Folk signs

If you want to give birth to a girl, try using such recommendations:

  • do not salt food, try to eat fresh food
  • include a large amount of dairy and dairy products in the diet
  • use a lot of sweets
  • eat meat, bird, fish
  • forget about smoked meats
  • avoid salted cucumbers
  • do not drink coffee
Recommendations for the conception of a girl
Recommendations for the conception of a girl

Tips and recommendations for the conception of a son: Folk signs

If you dream about your son, try:

  • salt the food abundantly
  • eat sausage, smoked meat, pickles
  • eat bananas often
  • turn on each menu potatoes
  • do not get carried away with eggs and milk
Recommendations for the conception of a boy
Recommendations for the conception of a boy

Which of the "true" ways is more effective to decide. The main thing is not to overdo it with your efforts and do not harm your body with diets or products that can bring you allergies.

Video: We plan a child's gender

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Comments K. article

  1. If you want a child, then it doesn’t matter what floor. The main thing is to get pregnant and take out. I have problems with this business, so I know how difficult it is.

  2. Actifert-Gino helped me. They put secondary infertility. Everyone said that there is already one baby - rejoice. But we did not give up. When Actire Gino was advised, I grabbed him as for a straw-and he helped. Yesterday there was a second screening - the baby develops normally, pregnancy, unlike the first, as in a textbook 🙂

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