Is it possible to get pregnant after admission to the wife: probability, reviews

Is it possible to get pregnant after admission to the wife: probability, reviews

The probability of getting pregnant after receiving a wife.

Wife - A drug that belongs to emergency contraception. In this article we will talk about pregnancy after the drugWife. 

How does a tablet work after an unprotected act of a wife?

Active substance -mifepriston, steroid hormone, which affects the state of the endometrium andmyometry. The endometrium is a thin layer of the mucous membrane that covers the uterus, and contributes to the safety of pregnancy. When allocating a sufficient amountprogestin, the endometrium acquires the necessary thickness for implantation of a fertilized egg. If the endometrium is very thin, pregnancy does not occur, spontaneous miscarriages are possible.

How the tablet works after an unprotected act of the wife:

  • Mifepriston It affects the structure of the endometrium, loosening it, and preventing the production of progesterone. In fact, fertilization can occur, but due to the deterioration of the structure of the endometrium, the egg is not attached to the uterine shell.
  • Mifepriston affects two characteristics immediately: it changes the structure of the endometrium andmyometry Reduces concentrationprogestinProgestin Often called the hormone of pregnant women, as a result of which the fetus occurs. With a deficiency of this hormone, spontaneous miscarriages occur, abortion. 
  • Mifepriston acts on the principle of drug abortion. At that moment, as such a fetal egg is not yet, but a zygote has formed. When taking the drug along with layers of the endometrium,myometry, a fertilized egg comes out. 
  • Usually, after taking the drug, bloody discharge begins, similar to menstruation. This is due to changes in the structure of the endometrium andmyometry, their exfoliation from the surface of the uterus. The drug, as it were, stimulates menstruation, removing the mucous membrane, with a possible egg.
  • Together with bloody discharge, pain in the lower abdomen, nausea, vomiting, poor health occurs. This is due to the action of steroid hormone, which affects not only the reproductive system, but also in general on the whole organism. Due to the receptionmifepristone is not The level of glucose, and thyroid hormones may change. But malaise after taking the drug is common. Indeed, in fact, hormonal balance is violated due to the introduction of steroids. 

Is it possible to get pregnant after receiving a wife?

Cases of pregnancy after EC in gynecological practice are rare, and occur due to untimely accepting the product. The instructions indicate that the effectiveness of the drug in the first two days is 95%. If you take the drug on the third day, effectiveness is reduced to 85%. If you take a tablet 72 hours after random sexual intercourse, the effectiveness of the product is only 56%. Therefore, it is recommended to use the medicine in the first three daysafter sexual intercourse. 

Is it possible to get pregnant after receiving the wife:

  • When taking itWife In the first phase of the cycle, during the formation of the dominant follicle and the maturation of the egg, the egg blocking occurs. Thus, the development of the egg is inhibited, it either does not leave the ovary, or comes out much later.
  • Within 7 days, spermatozoa die that did not get to the target, only after that the egg leaves the ovary. 
  • Mifepriston -This is a drug that is often used to interrupt the already occurred pregnancy due to double action. As indicated above, taking into the first phase the cycle blocks the ripening of dominant follicle, eggs.
  • If the drug is taken in the 2nd phase of the cycle, when the pregnancy has already occurred, then it acts in another way. After taking, the structure of the mucosa changes, which helps to expel the fetal egg from the uterus. Thus, the effectiveness of the drug is much higher thanPostinora. But due to combined action, side effects ofMifepristone much more.
  • Often it is used, coupled with other drugs for drug, tablet abortion, up to 90 days.

It is proved that pregnancy occurs after taking the drug in only one case out of a hundred. But at the same time, the risk of developing fetal pathology is high, due to blocking the releaseprogestin, and deterioration of the fetal nutrition.

Funds ec
Funds ec

After admission, the wife became pregnant, what to do?

It depends on the further plans of the woman. If the child is welcome, a woman can maintain pregnancy. Gynecologists recommend after takingWife And random pregnancy to do a medical or vacuum abortion. This is due to possible disorders in the development of the fetus.

After admission, the wife became pregnant what to do:

  • Due to taking the drug, the mucous membrane is disturbed, as a result of which a loose, partial introduction of the egg is possible.
  • A fruitful egg may lack nutrients. Often babies born after taking the drugWifehave a number of pathologies associated with the action of steroid. 

If you still decide to preserve the pregnancy, despite taking the drug, doctors recommend that you go through mandatoryscreening, and do an unscheduled ultrasound several times. This will help to fix the fetal pathologies in time, and if necessary, make a curettage if the child is observedsome serious violations, associated with life and health. 

I got pregnant after the wife, how to save the child?

A huge impact on the outcome of pregnancy after taking the drug has the health of the patient, and the place where the fertilized egg is attached. If closer to the exit, there is a risk of spontaneous abortion. It is best if the fetal egg is attached from above, in the area of \u200b\u200bthe bottom of the uterus. 

I got pregnant after the wife how to save the child:

  • If pregnancy after taking the drugWife It has come, a consultation with a gynecologist is necessary. Be sure to warn about taking the drug, this will allow the doctor to prescribe additional studies to detect possible problems in the child. 
  • Often pregnancy after the drugWife It ends with a miscarriage, spontaneous abortion, which is associated with disorders of the mucosa structure. 
  • Try to use the drug as little as possible, because it is not suitable for regular contraception, as it causes serious hormonal malfunctions. Take oral contraceptives, or use barrier contraception to protect yourself from unwanted pregnancy.
  • A drugWife Use only in exceptional cases, in the course of unplanned sexual intercourse. 
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Drugs ec

The probability of getting pregnant after wife

In some countries, the drug is allowed for termination of pregnancy with drugs, if the fetus period is not more than 70 days.Mifepriston Blocks the production of progesterone, which helps to preserve pregnancy. Due to the absence or deficiency of this hormone, with implantation of a fertilized egg into the surface of the uterus, pregnancy cannot be preserved due to the destructive or very thin layer of the endometrium. There is a high risk of spontaneous abortion, even if pregnancy has occurred. 

The probability of getting pregnant after the wife:

  • If there was sexual contact the next day or a few days after receivingWife, then the drug can be ineffective. The egg is blocked on a certain day, but it can leave the ovary in a week.
  • In some cases, it is proved that sperm can maintain their activity in the vaginal for a week. There is a slight risk of pregnancy if the next sexual contact without protection happened a day later. 
  • Mifepriston Much more effectivePostinoradue to different active substances. In paustinore The basis of the drug islevonorgestrel. It affects the woman’s body in a completely different way, and the mechanisms that prevent pregnancy are different. 

Wife for termination of pregnancy: reviews

Below you can familiarize yourself with the reviews of women who have used the drugWife. 

Wife for termination of pregnancy, reviews:

Oksana. I took the drug only once, after unprotected intercourse. A condom broke, I had to resort to emergency contraception. I had no side effects, pain, bleeding. Conventional menstruation came, only ahead of schedule. Pregnancy did not occur, and the next menstruation went on schedule. I did not notice any side effects, violations or deterioration. 

Faith. I already have two children, and my husband and I were usually protected, but I forgot to accept Regulon, so during sexual intercourse I had to resort to the reception of the wife. Before that I had already usedPostinorBut in the pharmacy the pharmacist proposed this drug. Despite one missed reception of combined oral contraceptives, the pregnancy has occurred. They did not find any pathologies from the fetus, I gave birth to a healthy son. If not for this case, we would never have decided on the third child. 

Svetlana. I took the drug twice, the second time I got pregnant, as I took a tablet later than 3 days later. I think that is why the medicine did not work.Unfortunately, In the seventh week there was a spontaneous miscarriage. Without the help of a doctor, I could not cope, they cleaned the hospital. 

A drug
A drug

Read on the topic:

UMifepristone There is one big plus - it acts exclusively in the area of \u200b\u200bthe uterus and ovaries, and does not affect the endocrine system,bark brain. Other means of emergency contraception can significantly affect the thyroid gland, adrenal glands.  

Video: Pregnancy after wife


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