What does it mean if menstruation and weak second strip on a pregnancy test? Delay of menstruation, and the test shows a weak second strip

What does it mean if menstruation and weak second strip on a pregnancy test? Delay of menstruation, and the test shows a weak second strip

A pregnancy test can sometimes show a fuzzy result, it is very not easy to evaluate correctly. A weak strip of dough - what does it mean and in what cases appears - it is important for every woman to know.

AT expectation desired pregnancy or in fear undesirable even at insignificant delay generally accepted straightaway the same try find answers on the all questions with help dough on the pregnancy.

But sometimes make sure in accomplished conception or refute his enough hard, after all test maybe give result, which the understand definitely enough not simply. How interpret appearance fuzzy, blurry or lubricated strips on the testread below.

How looks weak the second strip on the test?

Indications dough on the pregnancy founded on the chemical reactions between specific reagent, applied on the striped, and  chorionic gonadotropin in urine women. So called hormone pregnancy HCG it is produced fabrics khorion after togo, how will happen implantation.

Chorionic gonadotropin

AT the first watch, days and even weeks level this hormone maybe to be insignificant low and spent test on the pregnancy simply on the him not react.

  • Any standard test it has control zone and indicator. If a You completed test and in control zone appears red stripmeans sufficient amount investigated material hit in zone reactions and test completed right
  • The second the same strip he speaks about result, then there is availability HCG in urine. But not always appearance second strip indicates on the pregnancy
  • Big meaning it has then, which color and saturation it has the second strip. If a she is bright, red or pink, then such result he speaks about pregnancy
  • If a the same color dim, a strip fuzzy, then do unambiguous conclusions not costsbetter spend test repeated
You can not always properly interpret the test result

Not costs accept per sign pregnancy and appearance gray second strips. Such result he speaks about volume, what reaction on whichthen reason not it happened. Often appearance gray strips on the test maybe to be provoked too much long his finding in liquids.

That's why should withstand test in urine strictly specified in instructions time.

Why the second strip on the test weak?

One from signs initial stages pregnancy, when level chorionic gonadotropin more low, maybe to be weak the second strip. But distinguish and other cases, at which test maybe to give such result:

  • pathological pregnancy
  • period after miscarriage or furious pregnancy, when in body women it remains slightly amount HCG
  • availability tumors
  • false result fromper low qualities dough
  • reception drugs, in composition which there is chorionic gonadotropin
The slightly positive result of the test

Seeing weak pinkish striped, not costs do hasty conclusions and count, what pregnancy allthe same there is. Weak strip maybe show not only initial dates pregnancy, but and her fading, a also ectopic pregnancy.

Period and weak the second strip on the test

If a test on the pregnancy showed weak striped and at this u women observed period, then necessary in mandatory order turn to doctor. AT the first turn this is required for togo, to exclude dangerous for women states, for which characteristic similar symptoms.

A repeated test in a few days can become clearer

How already it was said above, weak the second strip not always indicates on the pregnancytest maybe to be low -quality or conducted wrong. So way, if repeated test show negative result, then rejoice or, vice versa, to be upset not costspregnancy no and period only proof this.

To unfortunately, bloody discharge can go and in time pregnancy, reason this maybe to be:

  • ectopic pregnancy
  • miscarriage
  • detachment placenta
  • period
Sometimes menstruation can go during pregnancy

Traditionally received count, what menstruation not maybe go, when woman pregnant. But on the myself business exists row reasons, on which on the early dates all the same can observe period. Among them select:

  1. Peculiarities hormonal backgroundif fertilization happened in middle cycle, then organism maybe not be on time rebuild on the new terms functioning. Fertilized egg before two weeks maybe be «in ways» to uterus, then how all processes in body occur onold
    2. Maturation simultaneously two eggs extremely rare phenomenon, when one from matured eggs fertilizes and directs in uterus, a another displayed in form menses
    3. Flaw progesteroneif main hormone pregnancy it is produced in reduced quantity, then maybe arise daub, which can observe in term monthly

Highly weak the second strip on the test and delay menstruation

Absence menstruation in expected term already sam on yourselfone from signs fertilization, a if at this and test shows let even weak second striped, then exists big probability togo, what You pregnant.

The slightly positive result of the test and delay are most likely talking about pregnancy

Weak strip maybe testify about volume, what, quicker total, more at all small term and level HCG in urine small.

For more confidence repeat test through several days, if result will repeat, then can with solid confidence to tell, what You allthe same pregnant. Necessarily visit doctor, which the confirm fact fertilization and appoint Ultrasound —  study, which will be able install exactly there is lee fruit egg in uterus and approximate term pregnancy.

Jet test, weak the second strip

Comfortable in operation and in high degree accurate jet test maybe also give ambiguous answer in form weak second strips. Such result is small -positive answer dough, which the in high degree he speaks about volume, what pregnancy allthe same there is.

Jet test for pregnancy

Weak strip on the inflain test appears on a few reasons:

  • early dates pregnancy
  • incorrect performance dough
  • poor -quality test or such, term fitness whom came out
  • hormonal diseases

At small -positive result inflastic dough should spend his repeated through several days and necessarily realize check in morning time.

Repeated sensitive stripgood occasion visit female consultation.

Video: Inkjet pregnancy test

Why several tests show weak second striped?

If a You used for checks several tests different manufacturers and even species and at this result all i became sweetable the second strip, then all they they say about insignificant availability chorionic gonadotropin. it maybe to be good base for togo, to count, what pregnancy there is.

The same result on several tests

Not costs forget and about row others factors, which can provoke small -positive result teststumors, hormonal diseases or reception some drugs. To make sure in volume, what result not mistaken repeat his through several days or a weekif You pregnant, then to this deadline level HCG will become above and strip on the test will become clearly.

Why several days on the test weak the second strip?

Chorionic gonadotropin starts to be produced with the first days pregnancy, but in this is time his level insignificant small. To 67 week volume HCG increases in several thousands once and if on the the first pores test on the pregnancy maybe and not identify small doses hormone, then cO time his result will become clear and unambiguous.

On the length several days conducting tests, carried out on the initial dates after fertilization, when content hormone in urine slightly, result maybe to be sweetable strip. AT this case necessary spend repeated test through a week, then his result will be more reliable.

If a the same after 12 weeks result dough repeated necessary turn to doctor, for togo to he installed reason low content chorionic gonadotropin. Tighten with hike to specialist not costs, after all such symptom maybe to be a sign development fetus not in cavities uterus or already frozen pregnancy.

On the test appeared weak the second strip through hour, the reasons

At use dough on the pregnancy necessary clearly stick to recommendations, which indicated in instructions to him, after all from togo how exactly You spend test directly depends reliability his results. So, one from important instructions in instructions is time, in flow whom result dough valid.

You can only believe the test result if it was produced in accordance with all the rules

How rule, majority manufacturers tests indicate, what loyal result can observe through a minute after conducting dough, but not more how through 5 minutes. Such reservation called those, what chemical reaction interactions reagent with HCG it has temporary framework, on expiration which appearance second stripesfalse positive result.

So way, if test through hour, two or day showedpositive result accept his how true not costsmeaning it has only then, what showed testin the first 5 minutes after his conducting.

A strip that appears 5 minutes after the test is false

O how he speaks weak the second strip on the test: reviews

Whothen he thinks appearance weak strips at testing unambiguous result, speaking about consisted pregnancy, othervice versa, her absence. How show numerous reviews, such result dough on the pregnancy in 80% cases he speaks, what pregnancy allthe same there is, what confirmed subsequent Ultrasound research and inspection gynecologist.

Most often, a weak strip can talk about pregnancy

Important stick to all rules conducting dough, then on the his result can rely:

  • conduct test only on the morning urine
  • withstand teststriped allotted in instructions time
  • evaluate result should not more how on the length 5 minutes after conducting dough
  • not apply one test more one times
  • check term fitness dough
The result of the test is not always reliable

Which would result dough neither was not should accept his per truth in last instances. Important understand, what exists risk small errors: specialists they say, what at conducting dough error it is before 97%, a at conducting such miniresearch in home conditions with non -compliance clear recommendationsonly 74%.

Appearance weak second strips can perceive how false positive or false negative result , but point in question there is pregnancy or no maybe put only doctor after conducting Ultrasound or analysis on the content HCG in blood.

Video: At what time will the pregnancy test show the correct result?

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