Signs of conception, about the future field of the child. Holy places that help when conception: List

Signs of conception, about the future field of the child. Holy places that help when conception: List

If you really want a child, then pay attention to many nuances. We offer you important signs that help for conception.

Sooner or later, each married couple thinks about children, however, unfortunately, not everyone who wants to have a baby immediately see 2 treasured strips on the test.

Of course, in this case, the first thing to do is consult your doctor. But not only medical prescriptions can help to conceive a child, you can also try to accelerate the appearance of the baby with the help of folk signs.

Signs of conception

  • You can accelerate a joyful event by acquiring a children's thing. It can be a rattle, saliva, pants or a bottle. It is believed that the brighter you will imagine the baby in your home, the sooner he will appear in him, and children's things to let you even clearly imagine your baby.
  • Go to holy places. It is unlikely that anyone can be surprised by information that there are such places on our planet, a visit to which helps people to heal, get pregnant, etc. In such places, tremendous energy is accumulated and it helps people to fulfill their dream. It is important to note that the holy places help only those people who really want something very much (to recover, give birth to a child, and not glory, recognition, money) and believe in the power of these places.
For parents
For parents

The most popular places can be called:

  • Convent in Murom. Pars from all over Russia come to this monastery, since it is believed that it is there that you can recover from infertility and get a blessing for a long and happy family life.
  • Statue of a bug-scarab in Luxor, Egypt. Of course, it is unlikely that anyone will be specifically flying to Egypt for the sake of visiting this statue, however, if you are planning a vacation in the near future, and have not yet decided where you would like to spend it, then here's the answer. There is a legend that a scarab beetle can fulfill any desire, for this you just need to go around its statue 7 times counterclockwise and make the desired one. However, there is another opinion - a couple who wants to give birth to a baby should bypass the statue not 7, but 9 times counterclockwise and make a desire.
  • The gates of desires in Alania. Many people think that they should see the gates through which they will need to go, however, in fact, these “gates” are a natural hole in the rocks. Passing through this hole you need to make your desire.
  • River Gang. There are legends that a woman who has bathed in this river receives a blessing to give birth to a child and will surely become pregnant in the near future.
  • Tsalebiko. The temple is located in this place. Women who want to give birth to a child in the near future must first go to the chapel, which is located near the temple and put a candle there, and then, while the candle burns, praying to the temple along a very high staircase.
Holy places
Holy places

Mental mood. Folk signs say that a woman’s mood means a lot, so in no case can you pronounce the words of uncertainty that you will not have a baby, say that you cannot have children, etc.

  • There is also such a belief that if you “let go” the desire, stop thinking about him, then it will come true much faster. Try not to think about what you want to get pregnant, switch your attention to other things. Go on vacation and perhaps from there you will return the three of them.
  • It often turns out that people who have lost hope of having their own child adopt the crumbs from the orphanage, and soon they will learn the joyful news of the imminent replenishment. From here I went a sign - the adoptive adoptive and soon you will give birth to your own. However, it is worth noting that such a step is very responsible and it must be taken consciously. The baby, whom you adopt, need to be loved as his own not only before the appearance of your own child, but also after.
  • There are many signs that relate to the things of pregnant women. For example, if a girl dreams of becoming a mother, but she doesn’t succeed, she needs to drink from a cup from which she drank a pregnant woman, put on her clothes, sit in her chair, etc.
  • Create a picture of desires or collage. Take things that symbolize the appearance of the baby, dummy, diaper, etc. In the center of the collage, place your photo with your husband. If you have a joint photo with some baby, it is better to use it. Draw a stork next to it, but not with “empty hands”, but carrying a baby, glue a dummy or any other things you selected to the paper and hang the finished product in your house in a prominent place. There is an opinion that such a ritual can help a couple who wants to give birth to a child.
  • If you wait for the right time to conceive, pay attention to the plants in the house. If they wilted, turn yellow, dry - not yet time. As soon as the plants begin to bloom, turn green - you can try. This is especially true for sudden growth and flowering of plants and in particular those that rarely bloom.
  • Another sign is connected with plants. There is an opinion that the purchased or donated ficus is able to speed up the appearance of the baby in the house. A ficus presented by someone will be a true sign, but if this does not happen, buy a flower yourself. Put next to the bed, at the request, tie the ribbons of blue and pink on it and proceed to active actions.
Accelerates the appearance of the baby
Accelerates the appearance of the baby
  • Folk signs relate not only to plants, there are also beliefs and about animals. They say that the Cat nailed to the house is a faithful sign of an imminent pregnancy. The main thing is to shelter such an animal, love it and take care of it, as well as wait for joyful news soon. However, it is important to understand that the animal should be aligned by itself, just taking a kitten from someone will not be right.
  • No less effective way are considered to be prayers and icons. If a woman cannot get pregnant, she needs to visit the church and buy herself an icon. For example, the icon of the Virgin “Help in childbirth”, Theodor's icon of the Mother of God, the icon of the Mother of God “Mammician”. In addition to acquiring icons, it is important to pray in front of them or just ask God the baby.
  • Also, a faithful sign of an imminent pregnancy can be a dream. If a woman dreams of fish, children's things, children, especially girls, dreams of the process of planting grains, trees, etc., then most likely in her family will be replenished in the near future.
  • If you have a relative who has become a happy mother of several children (the more, the better), ask her for help and blessings for the birth of a baby. Let such a woman pray for you and ask a child for you. However, you only need to contact relatives and those people who really sincerely want to help you.
  • If the couple is just going to get married, then they should invite a pregnant girl to their wedding. There should also be children at the wedding, the more, the better. It is equally important that on the day of the celebration the bride holds on the knees of a very young child - this will contribute to pregnancy.
  • You can also try before conception to put several twigs of willow near the bed. It is believed that this tree multiplies very easily and therefore contributes to conception.
  • If you already have a reason to think that you are waiting for the baby, then the next sign can work. If you go to the pharmacy for the test or from the pharmacy, hospitals, etc. Home to check guesses, you will meet a pregnant woman or woman with a small child, then most likely you will see 2 treasured strips.
  • There is also a sign that if a barren woman is the first to pick up a newborn, then she will have every chance to get pregnant and give birth to a healthy baby. But the difficulty is that a woman should literally “accept” the child in childbirth, and this is not so simple. It is possible that such a ritual will turn out at joint birth with some relative, girlfriend, etc.
  • There is an opinion that holy water can help with a successful conception. To do this, the couple before sexual intercourse should drink a little holy water and ask God to give them the opportunity to experience the happiness of motherhood and paternity.
We drink in front of Pa
We drink in front of Pa
  • There is a belief that sometimes children do not turn out with a couple who concluded only an earthly marriage - signed, but did not get married. Therefore, it is recommended, with problems with conception, to conclude a spiritual marriage, to get married and in the process of this sacrament to ask God for children.
  • If a couple who wants to give birth to a baby in the near future has to get married, then on their marriage bed you first need to put a newborn, and if this is not possible, then a doll that looks like a baby.
  • If you really want a child, but you can’t get pregnant in any way, try to do so. Plan for your next year important things, for example, find a new more profitable job, buy a car, go on a trip around the world and strive to implement them. Choose things that you really want to do. In this case, the law of meanness will work, and soon you will see a positive pregnancy test.
  • There is a sign that concerns the appearance of a girl who wants to become pregnant. If the girl looks too sexy, dresses in candid outfits, paints brightly, etc., then pregnancy may not occur for a long time, since the Universe recognizes such an appearance as an effort to find a new man, and not become a mother. Therefore, women who want to conceive a child in the near future should dress and be dyed more modest than usual.
  • Sometimes they help to get pregnant good deedsMade sincerely and from the heart. For example, you can help in a shelter, a nursing home, a nursery. You can just help the old woman cross the road or buy a loaf of bread to the needy. There is a sign that good deeds will return to you with the opportunity to get what your soul wants so strongly.
  • In severe cases, when a woman does not manage to get pregnant for a very long time, you can ask for the help of a deceased relative who had many children and with whom the woman had warm and good relations.
  • There is a sign about angels. If someone gives you a picture with three angels embroidered on it, be sure to accept it and thank the presenter. This is the right sign that you will soon become pregnant. If no one presents you such gifts, embroider the picture yourself, and then hang it in a prominent place.
  • You can also embroider the icon (threads or beads), which helps to get pregnant and give birth to a baby. However, to embroidery such a picture, one must ask the priest in the church.
  • There is a sign about gaskets. Young mothers say that before conception you need to buy a lot of gaskets and soon you will see 2 strips. Well, if someone gives you such a present, take it without hesitation and be sure to thank you. If it seems to you that getting such a present is unrealistic, you are mistaken. For example, your mother or sister can buy you gaskets only because there was a promotion in some store, etc.

There are also signs about the future field of the baby who are no less interested in pregnant women and those women who only plan pregnancy.

Half of the baby
Half of the baby
  • There is a sign that applies to the abdomen of a pregnant woman, more precisely, its shape. So, if the stomach is rounded, a little “spreading” - there will be a girl, if more acute, wait for the boy.
  • There is also a sign related to the appearance of the future mother. They say that women who wear girls become less attractive during pregnancy, since all beauty is transmitted to the unborn child during this period.
  • Women who are waiting for boys, as a rule, become even more beautiful, outwardly more accurate, more attractive.
  • It is generally accepted that girls who are waiting for boys often face the appearance of hair on the stomach, arms, lips, legs, etc. Pregnant girls, as a rule, do not suffer from such problems.
  • In the old days, the gender of the child was determined by the nutrition and food addictions of the future mother. It is generally accepted that those who have a girl under the heart begin to eat more sweet, fruits, berries, and those who have a boy prefer meat and fish dishes.

As you can see, he will accept a lot of conception. Each of them is interesting in its own way. Believe in such or not - everyone’s personal business, however, to achieve such a goal as the birth of a child, is not a sin and for example to listen.

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