Pregnancy: signs and superstitions. Signs to imminent pregnancy. Bad signs during pregnancy. How to attract pregnancy, determine the gender of the child: signs

Pregnancy: signs and superstitions. Signs to imminent pregnancy. Bad signs during pregnancy. How to attract pregnancy, determine the gender of the child: signs

The review will also accept superstitions during pregnancy.

A pregnant woman always carefully treats all signs and superstitions, even if she did not believe in them before an interesting situation. This is due to the desire to give birth to a full -fledged baby without illness. That is why the mother at a subconscious level tries to protect the child from everything bad and that can harm his health. In this article we will talk about the most common signs that are related to pregnancy.  

Signs for pregnant women: what can not be done?

There are a huge number of prohibitions during pregnancy. This is due to the fact that a lot of what is allowed by an ordinary woman is not allowed to do due to deterioration in health.  

There are many signs, and here are some of them:

  • Pregnant women should not cut your hair. It is believed that the tips of the curls contains vitality, energy, therefore, when they are cut, a woman loses additional energy, which can adversely affect her baby. Although in fact it has nothing to do with reality. Experts do not forbid to cut their hair in an interesting position.  
  • During pregnancy, you cannot iron a cat, Because it takes vitality and energy. At the moment, it is difficult to confirm or refute this fact, but the fact that it is better not to communicate with unknown animals that do not live in your house is for sure. The fact is that cats are carriers of toxoplasmosis, so the expectant mother can become infected with this serious illness, which will become a significant risk to the health of the unborn child.  
  • Pregnant women cannot be sitting on the threshold. It is believed that the threshold is a certain line between this and the other world, therefore, evil spirits and magical forces can accumulate in the area of \u200b\u200bthe doorways. In order for them to prevent the birth of a child, it is necessary to try to spend less time in these places.  
  • It is believed that pregnant women cannot sleep on their backs, Because the child will be born dead. Perhaps the sign was created for a reason. Because there is information that when it is on the back, you can squeeze a hindle of vein, which worsens blood circulation inside the abdomen and will cause an oxygen starvation of the child.  
The girl is in position
The girl is in position

Bad signs during pregnancy

There is still a lot of what you can not do to pregnant women.


  • Pregnant women cannot be sewn and embroidered.This promises a future mother, it is also possible that the child will become confused in the umbilical cord.
  • Pregnant women were also not allowed to look at different uglies, Because it could bode some kind of illness or disability to the unborn baby. This was considered a bad sign, could cause the birth of a not quite healthy child.
  • In addition, many believe that pregnant women should not apply makeup, This can adversely affect the health of the child. This has a share of truth, because in some pregnant women cosmetics can cause severe allergies, as well as rashes. The body, which is in an interesting position, does not always adequately respond to a variety of allergenic. Even if before pregnancy, cosmetics did not cause allergies, this does not mean that everything will be fine in the new position.  
  • It is not a very good sign who is considered to step over fruits and vegetables, which grew up in the ground. It is believed that in this way a woman crosses her child and prevents his growth. That is, in this way, the fruit fading and stopping its development within the womb may be revealed.
  • Also, pregnant women are recommended not to disclose an interesting position, in every possible way to hide it. To do this, women are recommended to wear clothes that do not emphasize pregnancy. There is also a proportion of common sense, because people are different, and perhaps someone will envy your position or look crookedly. Which can adversely affect the health of mom, as well as the future baby.  
The girl knit in the position
The girl knit in the position

Superstition during pregnancy


  • Many women who were already in an interesting position know that linen cannot be posted. Until a certain point, this was considered superstition and could lead to the confusion of the child in the umbilical cord.
  • However, in fact, hanging underwear can really become a threat to the health of a pregnant woman. This is due to the fact that when raising the hands up, pulling the skin on the stomach can be observed, which will entail the tone of the uterus and premature shedding of amniotic waters. Thus, you can provoke premature birth.
  • Women do not recommend eating red fruits in the position, including exotic. In fact, this is not entirely superstition, and there is a share of truth in it. The fact is that very often brightly colored fruits are strong allergens, so the child can be born with diathesis or atopic dermatitis. But besides all superstitions that are explained by common sense, there are still those that are not in any way confirmed by scientific way.  
  • They say that pregnant women should not be sitting, throwing their leg on the leg, crossing them. It is believed that this can cause a child’s clubfoot. However, in fact, this is not so. But still, sitting in this position of the future mother is not particularly desirable, because it worsens blood circulation in the legs, and this can cause varicose veins. What is fraught with edema and pastorality.  
  • It is believed that pregnant women cannot be purchased before the birth of a child. After all, there should be a baby in the clothes. If you purchase clothes in advance, then unclean power can settle in it. Thus, this can promise death to the unborn child. However, in fact, these signs are unreasonable, because it is very difficult to imagine a woman who will come to the hospital without things for the baby.
  • Your households, as well as those who remain in the house, will be forced not only to engage in housing cleaning, and preparing to receive a new man in this world, but also running around the shops, acquiring various things for the baby. It is not a fact that you will like them. In addition, the acquisition of things for mom is a rather pleasant procedure that causes positive emotions, and sets up on favorable birth. This superstition is absolutely unconfirmed.  
The acquisition of new things
The acquisition of new things

Signs for pregnant women - who will be born?

They tried to determine the gender of the child not only in the shape of the abdomen, but also by some interesting, unusual signs. It was believed that if the expectant mother is distinguished by a gait, and more often steps on her left foot, then a boy will be born, and if on the right, then a girl.


  • At the same time, in the old days, the birth of twins a bad sign was considered, which brings misfortune to the house. It was for this purpose that pregnant women were forbidden to eat double fruits, as well as eat eggs with double yolk. However, now everything has changed and many want to immediately give birth to two babies, that is, twins. It is believed that this is double happiness. You can determine the sex of the child as well as mom's health.
  • It was believed that if a woman of the first trimester feels good, she does not have any rashes on her face, as well as nausea, toxicosis, then the boy will be born. If an interesting situation is very difficult to give to a woman, then a girl will be born. In fact, there is no confirmation of this. You can also determine the gender of the future baby by the state of the abdomen, or rather by its hairiness.
  • If you have a plentiful amount of hair on your stomach, which were not observed before pregnancy, expect a boy. Many consider such a sign not causeless. Indeed, inside the womb, a woman who is pregnant with a boy may increase the amount of testosterone and androgens. Thanks to this, the amount of vegetation on the body of a pregnant woman increases. However, there is no confirmation of this.  
  • You can determine the gender of the child by the state of the mother’s abdomen. If it is sharp enough, then the boy will be born, if you are blurry, then the baby will be born. The most interesting thing is that this is really confirmed in most cases.  
Who will be born
Who will be born

Signs for pregnant women before childbirth

There are also signs associated with the church that should be followed, here are some of them:  

  • Pregnant women cannot be removed by a cross, because it removes the protection. This can cause premature and unsuccessful births. In addition, it is advisable for pregnant women not to attend the funeral and negative events, because this can also provoke a deterioration in the condition of the child.
  • Pregnant women are forbidden to visit magicians and sorcerers, because an evil spirit or some demon can move into a child, as well as spoil the upcoming birth, make them unsuccessful. That is, it is worth fear that the birth does not end sadly, deplorable for mom and baby.
  • Until recently, it was forbidden to recognize the gender of the child in advance. But now everything is somewhat different, because several screening, including ultrasound, are mandatory for pregnant women. That is, in any case, the mother recognizes the gender of the baby. This sign is currently irrelevant.  
  • Pregnant women cannot be crossed over the ropes and belts, because it promises to confuse the baby in the umbilical cord, and rather complex birth. General cleaning was considered harbingers of childbirth, as well as when you collect the package of things in the hospital. Of course, there is a share of truth in this, because a woman is physically strained, which can cause an increase in the tone of the uterus and premature birth.
  • In addition, if cabinets and doors are wide open, this can contribute to the onset of premature birth. That is why pregnant women in ancient times tried to close all the cabinets, and not to sit in the room with an open door.  
  • Pregnant women are prohibited from crossing the log, because this promises a stop of the fetal growth. In fact, a pregnant woman can only stumble through him, and thereby inflicting some bodily harm, which can cause a gestation to stop. There are also many negative signs regarding pregnancy. However, not everything should be taken seriously.  
Play during pregnancy
Play during pregnancy

How to attract pregnancy, quickly get pregnant: signs  

It was believed that if you sit in the place where the pregnant woman recently sat, that is, you will immediately sit on a chair, then this promises you an ambulance in the family. In addition, it was recommended to give pregnant women a variety of gifts and stroke the stomach. Soon, this also promised replenishment in the family.  

Dreams most often are the harbingers of pregnancy. They can be common.

Signs for pregnant women - what does the imminent conception indicate:  

  • If you dream of fish, mice, or some pets.  
  • If you collect mushrooms, berries or choose some vegetables on the market.  
  • If you have found some kind of treasure buried in the forest.
  • If you dream that you choose children's things or hatch in the hands of the baby.  
A cat with a pregnant woman
A cat with a pregnant woman

In order to accelerate pregnancy, many people who are associated with magic are advised to adhere to several rules and carry out rituals.

To get pregnancy:  

  • Ask the pregnant woman to sneeze at you or cough.  
  • Ask to ride an empty stroller. It is believed that if you ride a little baby stroller without a baby, then God will send you a child.  
  • You can also draw two fish and put them under the mattress or pillow.
  • In addition, it is believed that the forerunners of the pregnancy can be the behavior of pets. If your aggressive cat suddenly becomes very kind and affectionate, constantly spins near you, it is worth waiting for an imminent pregnancy. Animals feel if a child lives in their mistress in their stomach.  
  • The people are believed to accelerate pregnancy, it is necessary to communicate more often with women in a position, put on their things, drink from a cup. It is believed that this is a kind of virus that is transmitted by airborne droplets.
In an interesting position
In an interesting position

Of course, you should not take it seriously, but it is possible that the truth of the truth is in this. As you can see, a lot of signs that our ancestors have long tracked with pregnancy will be connected with pregnancy. Believe it or not, yours. However, you should not ignore them.  

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Comments K. article

  1. Talk about the indisputable efficiency of the spermaplat Evalar. I thank him, I became mom, and the health of the husband of the table is harassed better)))

  2. What they will not come up with))) but the main health, I have learned about pregnancy I revised the lifestyle completely. And, of course, she began to take vitamins - the minisan mother took on the advice of the doctor, the composition is excellent - iodine, iron, various vitamins. All pregnancy is no problem and complications)

  3. Signs with signs, but the main thing is health. I took a complex of vitamins Miterevel all 9 months. There were no problems either during pregnancy, but during childbirth. And most importantly - a healthy and strong baby was born. And the composition of Miterevel is excellent - selenium, molybdenum, omega and many more useful trace elements.

  4. So I also think that superstition is only superstition. The key to successful pregnancy is a healthy lifestyle and a doctor’s control.

  5. It was believed that if a woman of the first trimester feels good, she does not have any rashes on her face, as well as nausea, toxicosis, then the boy will be born. If an interesting situation is very difficult to give to a woman, then a girl will be born.

    The best friend and I are now both pregnant and everything is exactly the opposite)) She is with acne and toxicosis until the end of the second trimester, I am with mild pregnancy and beautiful skin. She has a boy, I have a girl

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