Is it possible to get pregnant with a spiral, what is the probability? Signs of pregnancy with a spiral

Is it possible to get pregnant with a spiral, what is the probability? Signs of pregnancy with a spiral

The intrauterine spiral is a modern method of contraception, but it does not give absolute protection from undesirable fertilization. Whether pregnancy with a spiral is possible we will try to figure out this article.

Science does not stand still, every year the discovery in the field of contraception is amazing with its diversity. And this is not surprising - from the ancient centuries, humanity tried in a wide variety of ways protect yourself from unwanted pregnancy,but sometimes despite the defense, pregnancy still occurs.

The principle of action of the intrauterine spiral

Unfortunately, in ancient times there were no such medical and laboratory institutions in which you could consult a doctor and choose for yourself a more gentle method of contraception. The improvised means used: lemon juice, tampons from a crocodile or elephant manure, which negatively affected the health of a woman.

Modern contraceptives

Fortunately, now there is no need to use such dangerous protection methods, because In the XXI century There are various methods of contraception for both men and women.

Condoms, oral contraceptives, or intrauterine, shoot - here the most common protection methods From unwanted pregnancy.

Intrauterine device - This is one of the most effective means of contraception, according to many experts and inhabitants. This is justified by the fact that the level of its protection is approaching 98% With proper use.

Intrauterine device

In order to be confident in the reliability of this method, it is better to carry out this procedure in the clinic using a qualified gynecologist. The doctor will conduct a gynecological examination, exclude the presence of viral and gynecological diseases or pregnancy.

The principle of action of the spiral is designed to prevent spermatozoa in the uterine area. Thus, it is practically excluded attachment of the egg After fertilization to the wall of the uterus.

Introduction of a spiral into the uterine cavity

The shape of the spiral can be different, but most often resembles the letter "t". Thus, with the introduction of a spiral, its antennae, as it were, open inside.

The most common is A spiral with a copper content. It is a plastic stick wrapped in a copper thread. Copper is used as a contraceptive, because its effect on spermatozoa is destructive.

There is also Hormonal spiral. Its functioning is based on the isolation of the hormone progesteroneWhich, in turn, makes the mucus of the uterus thick and does not allow sperm to pass through the compacted mucous membrane.

Intrauterine spiral with copper thread

And yet it is important to understand that although the spiral is a reliable means of protection, it still has enough Many contraindications. Therefore, before installing a spiral, consult a doctor in order not to harm your health.

Contraindications for an intrauterine spiral

As mentioned earlier, the intrauterine spiral has a large number contraindicationsthat are associated with the individual feature of a woman or health problems. You can discuss all the nuances and details with your doctor-gynecologist.

Doctors insist that if a woman leads random sexual intercourse or is not completely sure of her partner, it is better to use barrier methods of contraception (condom). After all, all medical studies indicate that the intrauterine spiral does not protect against infectionsthat is transmitted sexually.

The main contraindication when setting a spiral is pregnancy

Contraindications for the use of an intrauterine spiral:

  1. Gynecological tumors - If they have, the installation of a spiral is completely prohibited. In order not to provoke non -borrower negative consequences, many medical and cosmetic services are used only with absolute confidence that oncological diseases were not found in the field of application and throughout the woman’s body. One of these procedures is the installation of a spiral
  2. Inflammatory processes in the pelvic organs
  3. Bleeding
  4. Pregnancy - This is one of the most important reasons to abandon the spiral. After all, this is not only not appropriate, since the pregnancy has already taken place, but, be that as it may, it is a foreign body that makes the uterine muscles to contract more intensively. In turn, this can lead to a miscarriage
Diseases of the genital area before staging a spiral must be cured

Doctors also do not prohibit, but do not recommend putting a spiral girls who did not give birth. Since in the future this can lead to complications when planning pregnancy and bearing a child.

Thus, we can make a result that before putting a spiral it is necessary be carefully examined by the doctorTo exclude pregnancy on a short time or gynecological diseases.

What is the probability of getting pregnant with a spiral?

“And there is a hole on the old woman”, “Once a year and a stick shoots” - ancient Russian folk expressions, which mean that, despite experience, age and beliefs in life, there are mistakes. And when using a spiral there is a risk of pregnancy.

Even with a spiral there is a risk of pregnancy

In order to understand which method of contraception is the most reliable, developed Special calculation table. It in a percentage of the ratio shows which method is better to use in order to protect yourself from unwanted pregnancy. These calculations were made by an American biologist Reimond Perlthanks to which they received the name of the Perl index.

And although by calculating the Perl index such a contraceptive method as an intrauterine spiral has fluctuations only 0.3 - 1 %, The probability of pregnancy is still preserved in one woman out of 100.

Only barrier contraception can protect from sexual infections

It is also important to understand that the spiral is not a barrier method of contraception. That is, in other words, she interrupts the occurreed pregnancy At an early date, and not excludes conception in principle. Thus, it is similar to abortion.

Objective the reasons for the onset of pregnancy Gynecologists most often call two:

  • not proper installation of a spiral
  • expiration of its expiration date

The first reason is incorrect use of a spiral. For example, if a woman initially uses it without a specialist control, and did this procedure not in the clinic, but in home. At the same time, there is no complete guarantee that the spiral is installed correctly and fully performs its protective functions.

Incorrect spiral production can lead to unwanted pregnancy

It must be remembered that nothing eternal happens and everything has an expiration date - the intrauterine spiral is no exception. Average the shelf life of the spiral is 5 years. Hormonal spirals can last no more than 7 years.

After this period, the contraceptive properties of the spirals are already lost and you should not hope for protection. The spiral will also start grow into the wall of the uterusWhat can lead to infection and inflammation.

Intrauterine device

It can be concluded that the intrauterine spiral is enough Reliable protection method. But do not forget that the probability of an unplanned pregnancy is maintained with any form of contraception.

In turn, every woman should monitor her health and at least twice a year visit the gynecologist. This will protect it from various gynecological diseases and the risk of unwanted pregnancy.

Signs of pregnancy with a spiral

For women who are confident in their partner and do not want to deprive themselves of certain sensations with the barrier method of contraception of the priority. intrauterine device.

In addition, such a method of contraception does not cause a woman’s state of negative consequences and any dangers, except for one- in case of pregnancy It will be quite difficult to save it.

Delayed menstruation even with a spiral - a reason to make a pregnancy test

One of the main ones signs of pregnancy When using any type of contraceptive or interrupted sexual intercourse is delayed menstruation. It can be assumed that a woman who uses a spiral does not plan to give birth to a child. Thus, a delay in menstruation can become an exciting news for her.

First of all, it is important to exclude various reasons influencing from the outside:

  • stress
  • climate change
  • strict diet or post
  • menstrual cycle of a woman
All traditional signs of pregnancy are also characteristic of fertilization in the presence of a spiral

Delayed menstruation up to 7 days Doctors do not consider critical if it does not happen every month.

A probable, but not an exact sign of pregnancy are nausea, vomiting, abundant discharge, an increase in the mammary glands.

But still, every woman who did not wait for the onset of menstruation on time, first of all, should conduct pregnancy test. These products are sold in a rather diverse options in pharmacies and it is better to make several tests of various manufacturers to be as confident as a result.

Modern pregnancy tests

Another verification method is HCG analysis - Analysis of the hormone, which is released by the shells of the fetus after conception. It gives a more accurate and early result than a test, but in order to achieve an accurate result, it is recommended pass this analysis twice And check whether the hormone indicator increases.

With any of the results - negative or positive, you need visit a gynecologist. This will make it possible to exclude inflammatory diseases, tumors or pregnancy in the early stages.

What to do if you get pregnant with a spiral?

If, nevertheless, this situation has occurred and you are pregnant with a spiral, the question is primarily important: Is this a welcome child? If for some reason you are not yet ready to become a mother, you need to contact a gynecologist for termination of pregnancy. In this case, the doctor He will remove the spiral.

The sooner the spiral is removed during pregnancy, the greater the chances of maintaining it

If you still make a decision in favor of the child, you need to discuss the issue with the doctor the need to remove a spiral. In certain cases, the doctor may advise you to leave the spiral until a certain period. This happens when an ultrasound shows that she It does not interfere with the development of the fetus.

The hormonal intrauterine spiral is removed without fail, because the release hormonal matter, which negatively affects the development of the child.

How does a spiral pregnancy flow?

  • The preservation of a spiral during pregnancy entails The risk of miscarriage -in the first trimester of pregnancy, this figure is 50 to 70%. At the same time, it is best to remove the contraceptive as early as possible, because in this case the risk of termination minimum
  • Unfortunately, among pregnancies with a spiral, a large number is Intrauterine pregnancywhich carries a great danger of a woman’s life and about the preservation of which we cannot talk
  • Diagnostics with ultrasound in the early stages allows you to identify localization of the fetal egg and in case of pregnancy is detected outside the uterus, all measures will be made to interrupt it
Pregnancy with a spiral should take place under special control of a specialist

In no case is a woman should not remove the spiral on its own. To eliminate the risk of miscarriage or harm to health, it is recommended to produce this in the clinic.

If a woman is still does not want to remove the spiral And doctors do not see the threat to the development and health of the baby, they can be left. But you need to constantly consult with a doctor and in the case of pain or an increase in discharge immediately contact the clinic.

Removing spiral during pregnancy

Starting from the second trimester of pregnancy, the intrauterine spiral gradually it is pushed by the shells of the fetus And at the time of birth, it spontaneously removes from the body of a woman.

Consequences of pregnancy with a spiral

Summing up, we can say that preservation of pregnancy in the presence of a spiral - A hard, but quite possible process. The expectant mother will need to devote more time to her health and well -being and, with the slightest ailments, consult a doctor.

Pregnancy that proceeds while being in the uterus of a spiral may be completed safely

In most cases, with control of an experienced doctor, pregnancy with a spiral is still preserved and has every chance of being prosperous, the main thing is that it It was desirable - Then all obstacles and difficulties on the path to the birth of a child will be successfully passed.

Video: Intrauterine spiral

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