Can the temperature increase during pregnancy increase? The temperature in the early and late pregnancy

Can the temperature increase during pregnancy increase? The temperature in the early and late pregnancy

The article refers to how body temperature changes during pregnancy. Tips are given on how to lower body temperature.

  • After the onset of the first and long -awaited conception of a woman, a new and unknown life comes. To little happiness, wrapped in diapers, more long for nine months
  • The joy of the future mother can overshadow poor well -being. The woman’s body has to accumulate all its resources so that a healthy baby is born
  • Toxicosis, headaches, constant fatigue, drowsiness-these are natural reactions when bearing the fetus to which every woman reacts differently
  • Someone suffers, someone attends a antenatal clinic about and without, and someone is looking for available information and answers by any means. The pregnant woman begins to count months and weeks before childbirth, which accompany the numerous "why?"

From the first months of pregnancy, a woman is responsible not only for her life, but also for the life that originated in her. In order for a small heart to knock evenly, so that the fetus develops normally, the expectant mother should be attentive to her well -being. To listen to the manifestations of the body should become a habit for the entire period of pregnancy.

How does the temperature change during pregnancy?

With a hormonal background, cardinal changes occur during pregnancy. Without such internal restructuring, the process of bearing a healthy child would be impossible.

The child’s childbearing function is regulated by such structures of the central nervous system as a hypothalamus, pituitary gland. The pituitary gland, in addition to the impact on growth and development, is responsible for thermoregulation

The temperature during pregnant womenPregnancy inevitably leads to minor violations that occur in the center of thermoregulation. The indicators of body temperature are preserved in the range of 37 - 37.2 ° C throughout the first day after implantation. There is no reason for concern if there are no other unpleasant symptoms.

Pregnant body temperature indicators can “jump”, appearing with tides of blood to the face. A woman may have a feeling of heat or chills

High temperature during pregnancyTemperature jumps indicate a violation of the activities of the autonomic system. She is responsible for supplying blood vessels. If the vessels expand, then heat appears, the body temperature rises. The cold is felt with narrowed vessels. There are pregnant women who do not feel temperature fluctuations. And this is also normal.

Why did the temperature rise in the early stages of pregnancy?

An increase in body temperature to 37.2 ° C and more at the beginning of pregnancy is not considered a deviation from the norm. The intrauterine development of the fetus is possible when developing the necessary “dose” of progesterone in the body of a woman. It is progesterone that causes an increase in body temperature, being a specific reaction to bearing the fetus

High temperature during pregnancyDuring pregnancy, malfunctions of the immune system often occur. Because of this, a pregnant woman can even feel cold, or heat on cold winter days. With any unpleasant symptoms (chills, weakness), the temperature should be measured.

If the thermometer fixes the mark of 37.8 ° C, then it is urgent to normalize the condition.

The temperature in a pregnant woman rises due to the inflammatory process, which can be provoked by an infection, cold, and flu. In the work of internal organs, failures may also occur

High temperature during pregnancyWhat body temperature is dangerous for the fetus? Serious consequences for the development of the baby are an indicator of body temperature at 38 ° C:

  • high temperature affects the formation of the central nervous system, which may affect the mental development of the child
  • muscle hypotension may develop
  • the child may have underdeveloped parts of the body (microcephaly - disproportionately small head, syndactylia - fingering fingers)

If the condition of the pregnant woman does not normalize for a long time and the temperature does not drop, do not hesitate to visit the doctor. Danger can be prevented, but it is difficult to fight the result of a careless attitude towards himself and the baby.

The temperature may also increase from banal overheating, if the room is not fresh enough air. In this case, ventilation of the room will help.

What is the temperature in the late pregnancy?

  • In the last weeks of pregnancy, fever can cause pyelonephritis, poisoning. Since the woman has a very weakened immunity by this time, she can easily catch a viral infection
  • An increase in temperature at SARS can during the second trimester with a hidden danger: the virus is able to overcome the hematoplacental barrier and apply irreparable harm to the fetus. A child can be born with various vices of internal organs
  • High indicators of body temperature in the third trimester are not so dangerous, because the baby’s organs have already been formed. But, penetrating the placenta, viruses are able to influence the blood flow of the child, which leads to hypoxia. High temperature can cause premature birth
high temperature in the late pregnancy

Low body temperature in the early stages of pregnancy

If the indicators of body temperature are lower than the generally accepted norm, then this can speak more about the characteristics of the body than about the disease. A temperature that deviates from the norm towards the decrease is sometimes indicated by endocrinological diseases in pregnant women.

The temperature indicator 36.1-36.4 ° C, which persists for a long period, is the reason for going to the endocrinologist. After consulting a doctor, you will need to undergo a course of treatment.

Low body temperature in the late pregnancy

  • If during the measurement of the temperature, the pregnant woman will find its decrease, and the indicator lasts 1-2 days, then the visit to the therapist will not be superfluous. At the discretion of the doctor, the pregnant woman will be directed to a narrower specialist
  • In some cases, the low body temperature, which is accompanied by symptoms of a cold, indicates a weakening of immunity. The doctor at the consultation will advise how to improve well -being
  • The body temperature is below the norm during pregnancy may be from malnutrition. If there is a strong toxicosis, the woman hardly tolerates smells, her appetite disappears, then it is quite possible that the temperature indicators will drop. Full nutrition will help get rid of the problem
low temperature during pregnancy

Why does the head and temperature hurt during pregnancy?

The most common causes of headache during pregnancy are:

  • changes in the hormonal background
  • "Jumps" of blood pressure
  • stay of a pregnant woman in a stressful situation, excessive experiences
  • lack of sleep, a feeling of fatigue, weaknesses
  • body reaction to weather conditions
  • insufficient fresh air in the room
  • chronic diseases (glaucoma, meningitis, sinusitis)

The main cause of headache and fever above the norm in a pregnant woman may be an acute respiratory viral infection. The autumn-winter period is especially dangerous for women who bear the child.

Almost half of the population is ill with SARS, and you can pick up the disease very quickly. From the influenza virus, the temperature increases greatly, which is a strong danger to the child.

A headache for a respiratory viral disease indicates intoxication of the body. Pain is especially strong in the temples, on the forehead, near the eyes.

If a pregnant woman simply has a headache, nausea and vomiting are absent, then it is better not to resort to the use of painkillers without a doctor’s prescription. Aromatherapy will help, a slight massage of the head in the forehead, temples. The pregnant woman should get enough sleep, rest a lot.

If the influenza virus has penetrated the body, then you cannot transfer the respiratory viral infection on the legs. A plentiful acidified drink will save from intoxication. Tea and coffee for a headache for pregnant women are contraindicated.

Why is a runny nose and high temperature during pregnancy?

  • Acute respiratory infections are accompanied by inflammation of the nasopharynx mucosa and abundant discharge from the nose. At first, severe dryness and burning in the nose are felt, and after that the head begins, weakness appears, and only after that does a runny nose begin
  • Frequent ventilation (more than 5 times a day) will help to avoid rhinovirus infection. The air temperature in the room should not rise above 22 ° C, otherwise a favorable environment for viruses is formed
  • For the treatment of a runny nose, it is better to resort to folk medicine: to instill a chamomile broth or radish juice, to drink a decoction of raspberries. Aquamaris can be used to wash the nasal passages

Headache and runny nose during pregnancyYou can not use vasoconstrictor drugs without preliminary consultation with a doctor with a runny nose. Juice of onions, dripped into the nose, is able to burn the mucous membrane.

Video: Treatment of colds during pregnancy

What is the danger of increased temperature during pregnancy?

The temperature above 380C can cause violations:

  • activity of the mother’s cardiovascular system (occurs due to intoxication)
  • changes in the placenta can cause a delay in the intrauterine development of the child
  • the fetus can develop with malformations
  • it is possible to increase the tone of the uterus, which threatens premature termination of pregnancy

Temperature treatment during pregnancy

  • It is impossible to lower the temperature with aspirin in the first and third trimester. At the beginning of pregnancy, this affordable drug threatens the malformations of the fetus, termination of pregnancy, in the later stages bleeding and a protracted process of childbirth are possible
  • It is better to be treated with paracetamol -based drugs. The first time you should drink the floor of the tablet. But it is necessary to resort to such a treatment method in extreme cases, because the frequent use of paracetamol can affect the work of the liver and kidneys
  • After the pregnant woman drinks a tablet, you should call a doctor at home. From folk treatment methods, it helps to fight high temperature tea with raspberries and wiping with cool water

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