Is it possible and how to get pregnant after 50 years and give birth to a natural way? Pregnancy at 50 and after: signs, reviews

Is it possible and how to get pregnant after 50 years and give birth to a natural way? Pregnancy at 50 and after: signs, reviews

The probability of getting pregnant at 50.

After the woman comes in menopause, in most cases she does not worry, and refuses hormonal contraceptives. In this article we will tell you whether it is possible to get pregnant after 50 years. 

Is it possible to get pregnant after menopause after 50 years?

Now medicine has stepped far ahead, so the probability of conceiving a healthy child after 50 years is much higher than 100 years ago. This is due to the improvement in the standard of living, as well as the development of medicine.

Is it possible to get pregnant after menopause after 50 years:

  • As for independent pregnancy after 50 years, it is unlikely, but still possible. Doctors recommend that after the last menstruation be protected for another 1 year. It is believed that menopause occurs 1 year after the last menstruation.
  • Accordingly, during this period, the egg maturation and pregnancy are still possible. Of course, it is worth considering that with the extracorepical fertilization of women aged after 50, using their own eggs, the chance of success is only 5-10%. This is due to the quality of the eggs, since after 50 years there is a high probability of the birth of a child with genetic abnormalities.
  • The egg in mature women is worse than the young representative of the fair sex. In spite ofthen, What a woman managed to get pregnant at such a respectable age does not mean that the pregnancy will proceed normally, it will be possible to give birth to a healthy child. 
Pregnant at 50 years old
Pregnant at 50 years old

Can a woman get pregnant after 50 years?

You should not put off the birth of a child to such a respectable age. During the period of menopause, changes are observed in the work of all body systems. In particular, this applies to the function of the kidneys, as well as the bone system. During the period of menopause, osteoporosis is often fixed, during which the brittle of bones may increase.

If a pregnancy is still in addition to osteoporosis, then calcium consumption during this period will increase significantly. This is fraught with fractures for the mother, the divergence of the pelvic bones, as well as tooth loss. This happens at a younger age, so we have to talk about women 50 years.

Can a woman get pregnant after 50 years:

  • As for an independent pregnancy, it is quite possible. The probability is low, but still it is not worth excluding it. Many doctors note that this usually happens by chance, since the premenopause period is underway before menopause, it can last for 5-7 years.
  • During this period, menstruation can become more rare, the gaps between them increase. Accordingly, the egg can ripen every 2 or 3 months. But this does not mean that it does not ripen at all and it is impossible to get pregnant.
  • This is the main mistake of women of mature age, after the breaks between menstruation become long, they cease to be protected, believing that it is impossible to get pregnant with such a monthly frequency. Practice proves another, there are really cases of pregnancy in such a mature age. 
Pregnant women
Pregnant women

What to do if you got pregnant after 50 years?

Is it possible to give birth to a healthy child at 50? The thing isvolume, What to begin conception, both men and women after 50 years old is not recommended. This is due to the fact that the body functions, the number of diseases accumulates, the negative effects of the external environment are reflected. Health worsens with age, which can cause genetic anomalies.

What to do if it became pregnant after 50 years:

  • In the course of the research of some doctors, it was found that 10% of children with Down syndrome was given birth to mature women after 40 years. They really recommend women after 35 years to take additionalscreening, tests to avoid the possibility of the birth of a sick child.
  • This is due to genetic abnormalities and deterioration in the quality of the eggs that occur with age. As for pregnancy itself and bearing, this is a real stress for the body. Typically, problems are observed with kidneys, often type 2 diabetes occur.
  • Women in adulthood have problems with bones, calcium, and kidney work. Pyelonephritis is often diagnosed. Therefore, in most cases, a woman at 50 spends almost the entire pregnancy, if desired, to preserve the baby, in a hospital.
  • This is not due to poor health, but with age -related changes in the body. At the same time, a woman before pregnancy may feel good enough, she has never been diagnosed with serious ailments. But during pregnancy, everything changes, the body is exhausted, the child stretches out useful substances and components from the woman's body. 
Late birth
Late birth

First pregnancy at 50: consequences

The consequences of the first pregnancy at 50: 

  • Bleeding during childbirth 
  • Crotch tears, as well as uterus during childbirth 
  • Uterine loss after the birth of a baby 
  • Breakthrough bleeding after childbirth 
  • Acute osteoporosis 

Usually in women aged children with genetic abnormalities, or birth injuries are born. This is due to weak labor, due to a decrease in muscle elasticity. Often a woman cannot give birth, so they make a cesarean section, or in the worst case they pull with tongs, vacuum or squeezed out. This cannot but affect the health status of a woman and a child.

Often such children are made by neurological diagnoses, so a child can become a disabled person or parents will have to spend a lot of effort to put such a baby on their feet. Do not forget that the task is not to give birth, but to raise a child. This requires a huge amount of effort, money and time. 

In an interesting position
In an interesting position

Complications during pregnancy after 50 years

In order to endure a child at 50, you may need the help of a doctor and hormonal drugs. This is due to the fact that in order to maintain pregnancy and provide the child with everything necessary, it is necessary to release a decent amount of progesterone. Until 3 months, it stands out with a yellow body, as well as ovaries. Since at the age of 50, the hormonal function in a woman fades away, progesterone may not be enough for the fetal egg to tightly attach to the uterus, and receives all nutritious, necessary substances.

That is why women after 50 years in case of pregnancy and desire to preserve the baby are prescribed progestins. This can subsequently adversely affect the health of a woman. Often, childbirth in adulthood becomes the cause of the development of cancer, and malfunctions in the body. Women who give birth at a late age are at risk of breast oncology, as well as uterus and appendages. 

Janet Jackson
Janet Jackson

Pregnancy after 50 years: reviews

There are not so many reviews about pregnancy at 50. This is explained by physical aging, as well as the unwillingness of the fair sex raising children in advanced age. However, there are examples when womenborn at 50.

Below we present a list of women who gave birth to children after 50 years: 

  • Irina Vitorgan. The woman gave birth to her first -born at the age of 56. Prior to this, the couple turned to the services of a surrogate mother, but this time the woman decided to endure the child on her own. The birth passed without complications, and the child was born absolutely healthy. 
  • INGIBORGA Dapkunayt. This actress gave birth to her first -born at the age of 54. The state of health of the woman after childbirth, as well as the health of the baby, were wonderful. In general, all manipulations passed without complications. 
  • Janet Jackson I gave birth to a child at 50. The actress and singer felt all the charms of pregnancy at 50 years old. She took a large number of hormones, and all the time lay on conservation with complications. The child was born absolutely healthy. 
Janet Jackson
Janet Jackson

Do not take such a responsible step at 50. The child needs to be raised, which requires strength, vigor, health.

Video: Pregnancy at 50 years old

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Comments K. article

  1. In such a negative manner, everything is described ... I immediately recall the doctors who said the same thing to me at the age of 35. Apparently everyone should give birth at the age of 16 ... By the way, 16 year olds also have Downes. So, there are risks at any age ... An unpleasant article!

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