What will happen if the cat is pregnant? Why do pregnant women can’t kick, offend, beat cats and cats and other animals: signs, superstitions

What will happen if the cat is pregnant? Why do pregnant women can’t kick, offend, beat cats and cats and other animals: signs, superstitions

The reasons why pregnant women should not kick animals.

The people regarding pregnancy exist a lot of different superstitions. In this article, we will try to figure out why a woman in a position should be neat with animals.

Why do pregnant women can’t kick, offend, beat cats and cats and other animals: signs, superstitions

In general, there are a lot of controversy regarding the feasibility of the cat’s maintenance in the house with a pregnant man. Indeed, cats are carriers of a huge number of different ailments. It is mainly toxoplasmosis or worms. If you become infected with this ailment at an early date, you can give birth to a sick child. Toxoplasmosis in pregnant women often leads to the birth of disabled people and children with serious deviations. You can find out more about toxoplasmosis here.

The consequences of infection with toxoplasmosis during pregnancy:

  • Lesions of internal organs in a child
  • Brain damage in the fetus
  • Anomalies in the development of the liver and its work (jaundice, congenital hepatitis)
  • The birth of a baby with acute toxoplasmosis, which leads to deafness or blindness after a few years

But the point is not only in diseases whose carriers are cats. There are a lot of beliefs and signs among the people regarding animals.

Why do pregnant women can’t kick, offend, beat cats and cats and other animals: signs, superstitions
Why do pregnant women can’t kick, offend, beat cats and cats and other animals: signs, superstitions

Cats' signs:

  • If you hit a cat, then the child will be born with a hairy back
  • If you kick the animal, then it may be born ahead of time
  • If you kick a cat or slap it, then the baby can be born with damaged legs. The people believe that children with clubfoot, cerebral palsy and goleep deformation can be born from this
  • A child on the back or other parts of the body may appear spots or moles with hair

It is worth noting that it is useless to beat the cats. Their psyche is fundamentally different from the human, so they perceive the blows and screams as an encroachment on their freedom. Accordingly, in the future, the cat will respond aggressively to you or certain objects.

Why do pregnant women can’t kick, offend, beat cats and cats and other animals: signs, superstitions
Why do pregnant women can’t kick, offend, beat cats and cats and other animals: signs, superstitions

Ways to punish the cat:

  • In flower pots, lay out the balls of naphthalene. This smell scares animals, and the cat will no longer go to the toilet into a flower pot.
  • Arrange near the zones where the mousetrap cat should not be walking. Cover them with sheets of paper so as not to damage the paws to the animal. When upcoming mousetraps, cotton will be published. The animal is frightened and will bypass such zones.
  • Fill a tin can with coins and put it near you as soon as you notice that the pet is shkodnnic, run such a “rattle” into it. The animal is frightened of a loud sound.
  • If your favorite climbs up the curtain, direct a stream of water from the sprayer at her. From the cold and sputum, the cat will jump from the curtain and run away. After two times, the pet will bind the curtains and moisture, and will no longer crawl along the curtains.

In the best ways to wean the cat to school, or to walk where it is not supposed to put in these places scaring objects. Cats are afraid of noise and water.

Why do pregnant women can’t kick, offend, beat cats and cats and other animals: signs, superstitions
Why do pregnant women can’t kick, offend, beat cats and cats and other animals: signs, superstitions

What will happen if the cat is pregnant?

In general, a cat has long been considered a symbol of the absence in the house of evil spirits. She protects the house from otherworldly evil forces. It absorbs negative energy. If you punish the cat, it can be angry with you. Accordingly, the protection will weaken. This can lead to disease.

Cats punishment results:

  • Increased hairy in children
  • The presence of birthmarks
  • Moster disorders
  • Poor sleep in children and increased anxiety

All this can happen if you offend your pet, being in an interesting position. Moreover, the birthmark will appear in the place where you kicked the cat. That is, on the side or abdomen. Regarding the poor sleep of the child, this is possible due to the weakening of energy protection.

What will happen if the cat is pregnant?
What will happen if the cat is pregnant?

In general, it is believed that the cat should not be allowed into the children's room until the baby’s birth. But after you get out of the hospital, the pet should get used to the baby. Under supervision, let the cat sit next to the newborn. This has a good effect on the sleep and energy of the baby. It will be less disturbed by the tummy, and you will forget about problems with sleep.

A lot of reviews and opinions relative to the cat in the house with a pregnant woman. Many do not recommend putting a cat into a room with a newborn until he gets to his feet. It is believed that the cat owner does not like to divide his territory. Accordingly, it can offend a newborn. A cat can consider it a competitor.

What will happen if the cat is pregnant?
What will happen if the cat is pregnant?

As you can see, it is not worth offending cats during pregnancy. In addition, the pet will still not understand why you are punishing him. Therefore, use other educational measures. It is not necessary to give a cat for a duration of pregnancy, but you must be aware of risks.

Video: A cat in a pregnant housewife

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