How to conceive a healthy child: pregnancy planning. What do both parents need to know before conceiving a child, what tests need to be taken, what examination to undergo, what vitamins to drink?

How to conceive a healthy child: pregnancy planning. What do both parents need to know before conceiving a child, what tests need to be taken, what examination to undergo, what vitamins to drink?

We plan a pregnancy: how to prepare for the conception of a healthy child?

To become a parent is a responsible step in the life of every person. And if in the West for many decades have been carefully preparing for this step, then this area is only developing in the post -Soviet space. In this article we will tell you how to conceive a healthy child and what is needed for this.

How to conceive a healthy child: what to take into account?

Careful planning of the child will help to avoid many unpleasant surprises. A dozen years ago, only married couples planned the kids, and only those who did not work out on a hunch. If the unmarried woman planned pregnancy, this caused censure in society and imposed a certain unpleasant seal.

Today, any social norms are easier, and the concept has taken root - it is better to bring one happy mother than two unfortunate ones. But be that as it may, the main question: how to conceive a healthy child.

Here are the requirements that must be observed in order to avoid risk to give birth to an unhealthy baby.

  1. You yourself or you and your partner should be happy. An unlucky person has constant stress, and pregnancy in stress cannot be positive dynamics. Eliminate the causes of your misfortunes, if necessary, visit a psychologist. And when you have a good mood, return to the issue of pregnancy planning. Concentrate on pregnancy that the child’s health is the main thing that should worry you, and all hardships are nonsense. Be calm and happy.
  2. The next step is housing and communal. Even if it seems to you that with a sweet paradise in a hut, when pregnancy, you will reconsider romantic thoughts and plunge into the harsh life of the first year of life of the baby. And if there are no elementary living conditions - you will plunge again into the abyss of stress. In this case, there are no certain standards for the life of the baby. Someone gets along well in odnushka, someone needs an impressive area. There is only one criterion - if now, at the time of pregnancy planning, you are closely, unstable or not very comfortable, to conceive a child under these conditions is not the best solution.
  3. Age. Everyone knows a terrible saying about biological clock. But if the fifth dozen did not go to you, this saying is not about you. Study statistics and you will understand that problematic pregnancies are both in 17 and 45. Difficulties in conception can be at any age. There are tendencies of health deterioration with age. And this may affect the health of the baby or the possibility of conception or bearing pregnancy. But, if you do not have specific diseases that adjust to become a parent, it is better to do everything measured in time, on time.
  4. Current, chronic and hereditary diseases. A thorough approach is required here. Take two A4 sheets and divide each into three parts. One sheet for a woman, the second for a man. In the first column, introduce diseases that you are currently sick, in the second-chronic in the stage of remission, and in the third hereditary diseases and diseases that your parents, grandparents, and sisters-brothers were sick. These lists will be required a little later - when visiting a family doctor, as well as genetics, if there is a need. In the presence of hypoternosis and AIT, the quality of eggs of not the best quality and the risk of infertility or conception of an unhealthy child is very great, so you must go through the examination. And in the presence of diseases, plan a pregnancy under the supervision of a doctor. We will talk about how to prepare our health to pairs that do not have chronic diseases below.
  5. Exclude bad habits -Smoking, alcohol for 6-9 months to prepare the body for pregnancy. And the woman and further for the entire period of pregnancy and breastfeeding.
  6. Take measuresto get rid of excess weight. Estrogen accumulates in adipose tissue, which will negatively affect the reproductive health of both parents.
  7. Sprinkle the infection, Candida, herpes, parasites, throat and other viruses for which should take tests. Women with chronic candidiasis have acidified pH vagina, and with bacterial vaginosis, on the contrary, alkaline. These deviations from the norm create adverse conditions for sperm. Active herpes during conception can damage a fertilized egg, so protect yourself from herpes L-lysinewhich we accept during planning and in the first trimester of pregnancy.
  8. Before planning pregnancy, conduct cleaningin the body fiber, enzymes, probiotics (beneficial bacteria) and dietary supplements to maintain the liver.
  9. Eliminate existing deficits In the body with the help of dietary supplements, having previously passed tests.
  10. Also in about 6 months Sprinkle your mouth, heal the caries and other diseases of the dentist, since the treatment of teeth during pregnancy and the materials and medicines used in this case are not entirely safe for the fetus.
  11. Remember, men are contraindicated At this time, take hot baths and go to the bathhouse, as well as wear a phone in pockets close to the genitals or put a laptop. Overheating of the testicle leads to sluggish sperm and lowering the libido.
  12. Get pregnant after canceling the COC Allowed after 9 months.
  13. Pregnancy is not allowed With uterine fibroids.

Next, we consider important points in more detail.

Pregnancy planning: What examination to undergo?

Two should participate in the question of how to conceive a healthy child. And if it was previously believed that the conception and health of the child is an entirely zone of women, now the statistics are inexorable. Almost 50% of conception problems arise due to the health of men. And hereditary diseases and predispositions are transmitted from both the mother and the father.

  • First of all, plan a visit to the gynecologist. Go not only an inspection, but also an ultrasound, hand over a complex of analyzes, what a doctor will prescribe.
  • Following this, the intake of the urologist, which will go to this, should be planned: the future father and mother. Take a complex of analyzes and in case of detection of infections - go through the treatment.

One of you has hereditary or chronic diseases? Visit the highly specialized doctor of the genetics, undergo an unscheduled examination and, if necessary, treatment.

Next, you need to take tests for existing deficits of vitamins and trace elements in the body.

Memo for parents when planning pregnancy
Memo for parents when planning pregnancy

What are the tests to plan pregnancy to both parents?

Here is a list of tests:

  1. Blood test for Rh factor Both of the future parents.
  2. General blood analysis - Hemoglobin and Ferritin are important. These indicators should not be low or too high.
    Hemoglobin For women-125-135, men 135-145.
    Ferritin -70-90 (in extreme cases 100) for both.
    Platelets - Ideally 250, above is very undesirable, close to the lower border of the norm is also undesirable.
    The volume of red blood cells -87-90, strong deviations are undesirable.
    Eosinophils -The optimal indicator 1-2.
    ESR, leukocytes and lymphocytes - within normal limits.
  3. Analysis for thyroid hormones and other hormones.
    TTG - Ideal 2. Above does not mean good.
    T4 and T3 Free - perfectly divide the standard in your analysis into 4 parts and detect your indicator in the last quarter close to the upper values.
    Antibodies to the thyroid gland must not be. The indicator should not go beyond the norm.
    Prolactin - A good indicator is a little more than the middle of the reference values. Close to the upper border or exceeding it means a problem with the thyroid gland, or chronic stress (increased cortisol), or incorrect work of the adrenal glands. In case of a high prolactin indicator, analysis for corizol in saliva or urine. In the blood, cortisol will not give you the right picture.
  4. Blood chemistry.
    Homocystein -For a healthy pregnancy, the indicator is 5.5-7, in extreme cases, 7.5, but not higher.
    Cholesterol high density - HDL (good) should be within normal and higher normal.
    Low density cholesterol - LDL (bad) should be within normal limits.
    Atherogenicity coefficient It must be normal.
    Triglycerides Ideal - 1.5.
    Insulin should not exceed indicator 6. The low indicator is also undesirable. With low indicators, it is necessary to take an analysis for C-peptide (the condition of the beta cells of the pancreas). High insulin has mutagenic properties and can have a negative effect on the health of the unborn child. And pregnancy at best can turn into a miscarriage.
    C-reactive protein -1-1.5. A higher indicator indicates inflammatory processes in which it is undesirable to get pregnant.
    Lactate - Must be within normal limits.
    General protein - Not lower than 77.
    The remaining indicators biochemical analysis (billirubin, asat, alate, uric acid, urea, creatinine, glucose, alkaline phosphatase, general and pancreatic amylase, lipase, GGTP, LDG) should also be normal.
  5. Analysis for electrolytes (Potassium, sodium, chlorine, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, iron) - indicators should be in the middle of reference values.
  6. Analysis for vitamins B9 (folic acid), B12, D
    AT 12
    -good indicator 600-900
    AT 9 - A good indicator in the upper quarter of reference values.
    D. -good indicator-70-100
  7. Oncomarker CA-125rises with endometriosis.
  8. Urine analysis for mineral metabolism 23 indicators (minerals and trace elements). The analysis will show scarce states for metals, micro and macro elements.
    In the presence of deficiency and overdose, it is advisable to confirm the levels of these trace elements in the blood.
    In the blood, manganese, zinc, copper, iodine should be from the middle of reference values \u200b\u200band higher, but remain within normal limits.
  9. Also check your digestion. You should not have reduced acidity of gastric juice (analysis for pepsinogen-I, and Pepsinogen-II ), no infection, dysbiosis. You can pass feces for dysbiosis or Osipov.
  10. Urine analysis for organic acids 60 indicators. Sometimes vitamins can be present in the blood, but they will not be enough at the cellular level. Therefore, the analysis of urine for organic acids will indicate deficiencies of the main vitamins at the cellular level. This analysis is especially important to assess the level of folic acid and vitamin B12.
    See the decoding of organic acids in the picture below.
Decoding analysis on organic acids
Decoding analysis on organic acids

Each bad analysis requires additional analyzes.
For example, with increased homocysteines and a lack of vitamins B9 and B12, it is nice to take an analysis for the mutation of the genes of the folate cycle MTHFR, MTRR to know how to eliminate the deficiency of these vitamins and reduce homocysteine. Microelements and toxic metals (40 indicators) can be checked by handing over the hair for analysis.

With reduced acidity of the stomach, take betaine with pepsinogen for better absorption of vitamin B12.

Now, having gathered a full range of analyzes and examinations, visit your family doctor or doctor of the reproductologist-nutriologist. Consider the issue of planned pregnancy with him, show information about your diseases (those very lists, as well as a full examination). Consult whether you need a genetics consultation. Remember that such a disease as Down syndrome can be warned in advance and make an important decision for the family.

To avoid dangerous diseases in the fetus, take the following information in mind:

  • The main thing is to eliminate the deficiency of nutrients by the time of conception. The deficiency of nutrients has an effect on chromatin, which is responsible for chromosomes and DNA of offspring.
  • Therefore, the deficiency of vitamin B9 (folic acid), B12, B4 (Kholina), B6, B8, Omega-3, at the cellular level, as well as betaine at the time of conception can turn into a violation of the DNA of the unborn child.
  • There was also information that the fluorine, which is in toothpaste, can also contribute to disorders that can cause Down syndrome and other troubles with the health of the unborn child. Therefore, replace your toothpaste for children without adding fluorine for a while.
  • Aluminum salts can also lead to trouble. Therefore, refuse when cooking from aluminum dishes, foil, as well as deodorants, which include aluminum. Aluminum is also in industrial production cheeses in antacids, which reduce gastric juice (take for heartburn, pain in the stomach), and also as a preservative is added to vaccines for vaccinations. Therefore, if you planned a vaccine, do it at least 6-9 months before pregnancy planning.
  • Glutamate of sodium and aspartam, which are part of sausages, sausages, soy sauce, various sweeteners and other food products, can affect the brain of the fetus, which will lead to ADHD or even cerebral palsy.
  • Exclude gluten -containing foods from the diet as possible - white flour products, milk protein, casein. Gluten causes the inappropriateness of beneficial substances from food, which leads to deficits with the ensuing consequences. Gluten also promotes the absorption of harmful substances located in our intestines. Protein of milk is not intended for feeding adults, so it can negatively affect the health of the offspring. At the forum of parents who have autistic children, the first reason for this diagnosis was called milk and dairy products that they used in planning pregnancy and during pregnancy itself. Although sour -milk serum without white component is a very useful product with sour -milk bacteria.
  • Keep in mind that bisphenol A, located in a food plastic container (bottles, buckets, bags), inhibits the ripening of a healthy egg, causing infertility or chromosomal abnormalities in it. Refuse at least for a while from such a container. Drink water from the filter, do not warm up food in plastic containers, cellophane bags.
  • Things from plastic (children's toys, plastic cards, wall coatings) negatively affect spermatozoa. In plastic there are flulates that disrupt sperm mobility, which affects sperm epigine. Ftalates also negatively affect the health of children. In addition to plastic, they are in synthetic carpets and carpet coatings.
  • Do not conception in bad weather or in a bad mood. The body (even if you do not feel) is in a state of stress. It is better to go on vacation for this period, to the village for nature, where you will be peaceful. It is good to arrange romantic dinners during conception.

Do not be afraid that they will tell you “bad” diagnoses, since most of them can be adjusted if you consult doctors until conception. A family doctor, having familiarized yourself with all the details of your health, can recommend additional tests, as well as certain examinations. It is better, of course, that the doctor is a nutritionist and is well versed in biological additives in order to adjust the testimony of your tests to optimal levels.

So, we summarize: There are no single list of tests and doctors. Everything is very individual, like our organisms.

How to conceive a healthy child: Tests for barrenness

If you have already tried to conceive a child for some time, but this was unsuccessful, you can recommend taking tests for barrenness. Also, these tests are important if you wondered how to conceive a healthy child, or the age of future parents 40+.

For women, this is a hormonal imbalance test (due to high insulin, thyroid dysfunction or adrenal glands, at the immune level), as well as checking for the maturation of the egg. For men, this is a test for spermatozoa. It is also worth checking the intestines for inflammation and dysbiosis, parasites, infections. The body will not bear pregnancy if there is inflammation or competition with parasites for nutrients.

It is necessary to consult a geneticist if there are deviations on the following analyzes on the genes.

Analyzes for genes mutations when planning pregnancy
Analyzes for genes mutations when planning pregnancy

Again, the negative result is not a reason for panic, but only the opportunity to find out about the disease in time, undergo treatment and achieve an excellent result, the fruit of which will be a small lump of happiness.

Pregnancy planning: diet

The first thing you should pay attention to is the diet of both parents. You can even conceive every day by eating fast food daily, but if you wondered how to conceive a healthy child, go to the right, balanced diet, eliminating gluten, dairy products (except for sour -milk serum), sugar, confectionery.

As for the diet - you can choose both budget and luxury foods, the main thing Follow the proportionality of proteins, fats, carbohydratein, and also do not forget about saturation with vitamins and trace elements. And it is better to choose products of non -industrial production.

We know what needs to be increased in the diet of vegetables, fruits, berries and greens.

However, many have a problem with fats. Our fats are not only in sunflower and olive oil, but also in butter, fat, coconut oil, nuts, fish, avocados, quail eggs. Useful fats for the health of the eggs and sperm are of great importance.

Do not consume food too often. Try no more than three times a day so that the interval between food is about 4 hours. The fact is that after digesting food and absorption of useful substances, there should be a gap when the body from absorption goes to detoxification (withdrawing unnecessary products into the intestines). This is how a healthy organism works. In case of violation of detoxification, if the body did not manage to remove spent hormones and other toxins, it wares it in deep tissues and organs, including ovaries.

If possible, eat, sharing carbohydrates and proteins (they are not friends with each other). Eat carbohydrates with fats separately from proteins with fats. If this is not possible, then from the dish potatoes with meat first eat potatoes, and then meat.

Do not drink tea, compote, coffee immediately after the main meal. The fluid helps to dilute the gastric juice and poor digestion, in this case, it is obtained from food by little nutritious and many non -nuclear (toxic) substances.

It is better to drink water and liquids in the intervals between food or 15-20 minutes before meals.

And a slight digression regarding vegetarianism. We are not aimed to enter the polemic, but only state facts. A pregnant woman, as well as a child until the complete formation of the body (18 years) needs not only plant, but also animal foods. No matter how we want to abandon our inner predator - we have it and without meat, fish, milk, cottage cheese, eggs, it is impossible to conceive and endure a healthy child.

Pregnancy planning: What vitamins are needed?

  • Complex vitamins or multivitamins. The main thing in them is trace elements. Choose yourself the option that suits you most according to urine and hair analyzes for trace elements. You can buy multivitamins on the Aigerb website (iherb) after passing this link. Here is the biggest selection. A good option look here and here.
  • If you do not have enough B9 (folic acid) and B12 then pick up vitamin complexes on AIcherb (iherb) by this link. The methyl group of these vitamins is better absorbed, so choose with the word methyl (methylfolat, (6s) -5-methyltetragidropholic acid, methylcobalamin). With too high or low indicators of these vitamins in the blood, there is a suspicion of a deficiency of both vitamins at the cellular level. Focus on urine tests on organic acids. And, if organic acids indicate a deficiency, then additionally take lithium (better in liquid form), it contributes to the passage of group B vitamins and trace elements to the cage. Vitamins B9 and B12 for better absorption require vitamin B6, B2, B5, magnesium, vitamin C. If only one is needed B12, then look here.
  • Other group B vitamins look in the catalog for the following links - vitamin B1, vitamin B2, vitamin B3, Vitamin B5, Vitamin B6.
  • For a deficiency of glutathione (a very important antioxidant in the body, the body of detoxification of the body) may indicate a high or low level of pyroglutamic acid in urine analysis, as well as a low indicator of homocysteine \u200b\u200bin blood test. You can make up for the level of glutathione by choosing a dietary supplement, after passing this link and, additionally adding to the diet broccoli and selenium, if he is not in your chosen dietary supplement.
  • Vitamin D. If you have an indicator below the norm, then you need to take at least 5000 IU. If in a month your indicator does not budge, then increase the dose to 10,000MO (it is 10,000. The body receives in the summer sun for 20-30 minutes). Vitamin D works better with vitamin K. Also the best choice - this is a liquid form with vitamin K. The assimilation of vitamin D requires additional consumption of magnesium.
  • Omega-3. An important element for a healthy brain and retina of the eye of the unborn child. We do not hand over the analysis for Omega-3. It must be taken anyway. Choose for yourself dietary supplement by this link. The best option by this link.
  • Vitamin C. It is needed to assimilate many trace elements, nutrients, protects the vessels from destruction by free radicals. You can’t do without it when planning pregnancy. The best option is vitamin C Liposomal, which is in the body for a long time. Exactly liposomal form of vitamin C It is produced in the body of animals, therefore, wild animals do not have heart attacks and strokes and do not suffer from colds. It can be alternated with ordinary form of vitamin C with bioflavonoids.
  • Vitamin E. The best option to choose the correct form where there is a d-alpha-tocopherol, and not a DL alpha-Tocopherol. Pharmacy synthetic vitamin E introduces destructive to cell membranes, and it cannot be taken! A good version of vitamin E, where there are all tocopherols and tocores. If you are not happy with the price, then eat vitamin E in the catalog. Remember that vitamin E works in pairs with vitamin C. and bioflavonoids. It makes no sense to take them separately. Only together.
  • Iodine. If you have a lack of iodine in analyzes or a problem with thyroid hormones (provided that you do not consume hormones in drugs), then you can add it in addition to multivitamins. But take at different times with multivitamins. Iodine works in pairs with selenium. Therefore, it is better to drink them together. Iodine Eat the aicherb in the catalog (iherb) by this link, a selenium on this one.
  • Magnesium. Magnesium happens in various forms. The best option is when there are several different forms in one capsule - malate magnesium, magnesium citrate, magnesium oxide, magnesium glycinate. Choose Magnesium in the Aicherb catalog (iherb) depending on your tests by this link.
  • Zinc. If you need a zinc, choose from the catalog here.
  • Kilikhinon Q10. Q10 improves the quality of eggs and sperm at any age, but this is especially important for women and men aged 35 years. Reception of Q10 when planning pregnancy helps to conceive a healthier child. The best option of Kilikhinon Q10 with PQQ here, catalog p Q10 see here. It is no longer necessary to take Q10 during pregnancy. Although it is absolutely harmless, its effect on pregnancy was not studied.
  • MIO-foreign-vitamin B8. It supports a healthy reproductive system of both men and women at a high level, stabilizing it at a hormonal level and improving the health of the egg and spermatozoa. The best version of the myo foreign one at this link. If the price does not suit, then look catalog with vitamin B8 inositol here.
  • Protection and health of the liver. Choose in the catalog for their money dietary supplement to clean the liverso that it cleanses itself and cleanse the blood of toxins and unnecessary trash in the body. The best option here.
  • Phosphatidylcholine- is part of the membrane of each cell of the body, supports  the liver improves the detoxification of the body, fights with inflammation. It is necessary to maintain health during pregnancy planning. Choose a supplement for yourself with phosphatidylholin in the catalog here. Best the option here.
  • Fiber for intestinal cleaning, detoxification. We drink separately from other vitamins, since its task is to remove all the excess from the intestines and the body. Better directly at night, when the vitamins have already managed to absorb. The best option see here, catalog With fiber here.
  • Enzymes. In order to better break off food into nutrient and non-nuclear substances (more nutritious is absorbed and less toxins), we use vegetable enzymes that improve digestion before each meal. This is good for women and men. Look enzymes for yourself in the catalog here. A good option here.
  • Betain. With reduced acidity of the stomach, add before taking protein food betain with pepsin For better protein assimilation and improving total protein indicators in analyzes, as well as for the absorption of vitamin B12 and, as a result, a decrease in homocysteine. A good option betaine at this link.
  • Probiotics (beneficial bacteria for microflora). Most of us suffer from dysbiosis due to modern food. Conserviers and various additives in industrial production kill the intestinal microflora. Because of this, food is poorly digested, immunity suffers, there are deficiency in the body and, in addition, in the intestines, and bacteria that are unfriendly on any mucosa settled on any mucosa. To fix this situation will help supplements with useful bacteria. Before taking beneficial bacteria, bacteria must be drinking that will destroy an unfriendly microflora - this bulardi suckers or lactobacteria Reurier. After that, take it probiotics for the intestines and digestion, vagina, respiratory system, oral cavity. Choose what you need.
  • Lecithin. With its help, nutrients are transported through cell membraneAnd therefore, without lecithin, vitamins are not absorbed, or poorly absorbed. Men and children need sunflower lecithin, women you can soil.
  • With high cholesterol of the low density of LDL, we restore vitamin D to the upper borders of reference values \u200b\u200bin the analyzes by this liquid drug from 10 drops and above. When restoring the level of vitamin D, reduce the dosage to preventive 2-5 drops. Accept this lipaza For splitting and better assimilation of fats at each eating or each large meal (2-3 times a day for 1 capsule) and Q10. Reduces cholesterol well betain with pepsin, which also improves fat digestion, of course, if you are not too increased acidity of the stomach (an analysis for pepsinogen-I and pepsinogen-II will show. Heartburn also with low acidity of the stomach and regulates cholesterol level phosphatidylcholine and lecithin. Do not focus on it. In addition, if cholesterol did not return to normal, add to the diet in the morning before meals This dietary supplement from poor cholesterol. In addition, to reduce the production of poor cholesterol, it is necessary to strengthen the vessels, because poor cholesterol is produced in response to destructive processes in the vessels.
  • To strengthen blood vessels Accept Omega-3, Vitamin E, Vitamin C Liposomal, rutin, Bioflavonoids, multivitamins, garlic (During pregnancy, do not use garlic), alpha-lipoic acid.
  • For liquefaction of viscous bloodnattokinase and Serrapeptase. You can buy separately nattokinase and serrapeptase.
  • Increased insulin, glucose In the blood serum, they indicate a violation of carbohydrate metabolism and usually occur against the background of deficiency chrome and Vanadia. Also helps the healthy response of insulin to the presence of glucose in the blood inositol or vitamin B8, also accelerates glucose metabolism biotin or vitamin B7supports normal insulin sensitivity likopin. In addition, take carbohydrate food with each intake enzymes that break down carbohydrates, glucose. With reduced insulin, it is better to consult a doctor. This can be a sign of beginning diabetes mellitus, or a high content of glutamate in the body (taste amplifier), which is formed from metabolic disorders, and plus you also eat industrial products with the addition of glutamate. An increased level will indicate an increased level about the increased content of glutamate in the analysis of organic acids 2-Ketoglutarova and fumarova acids, as well as PH of blood Above 7.43.
  • With reduced general protein Add to the diet protein (set 18 amino acids in capsules) or vegetable protein in powder (also 18 amino acids). Turn to additives in addition to amino acids (iron, potassium, sodium, zinc) so that there are no overdoses along with multivitamins. If these elements are already in a sufficient dosage in multivitamins, then they should not be chosen. Do not choose amino acids from milk protein, it is not suitable for pregnancy planning. Also needed collagen (bone broth). It is advisable to alternate beef, chicken, fishor drink combined. However, additives for sports achievements are not suitable for you. With reduced protein, tighten closer to the upper boundaries of the reference zinc, copper, manganese In the blood, take vitamin E and vitamin C with bioflavonoids. With each meal of protein food, take spitting squirrels and betain with pepsin, serrapeptase.

Having provided the body with these vitamins, the success of pregnancy increases significantly. What person to consume additives can you consult with your nutriologiologist who has knowledge in the field of nutrition.

How to conceive a healthy child: smoking and alcohol

If you have a serious goal, how to conceive a healthy child - give up cigarettes and alcohol at least six months before conception, if you are a man. The future mother should abandon these bad habits for the entire period from pregnancy planning to the end of breastfeeding. We also strongly recommend not to be in rooms with smoking people, and even on the street at a distance of several meters.

Remember that drugs, alcohol and smoking significantly harm not only parents, but also spoil DNA, attract various chromosomal anomalies, which leads many genetic diseases. If you want to raise healthy children, refuse alcohol, tobacco, drugs, which kills the health of the unborn child.

Pregnancy planning: coffee and caffeine -containing drinks, tea

For the goal of conceiving a healthy child, it is worth abandoning not only alcohol, but also excessive consumption of coffee and tea. And even more so from all kinds of invigorating drinks, as well as soluble coffee. If there is an irresistible craving for coffee - allow yourself once a week a cup of weak natural coffee without milk and sugar. But still, more often once a week, drinking coffee is not recommended.

Tea also contains caffeine. Therefore, to him the same requirements as to coffee.

But what can you ask? You can naturally lemonades with berries and fruits (not to be confused with soda), tea from leaves and berries of raspberries, rosehips, fruit drinks, jelly, smoothies - this is a great alternative for morning awakening.

How to conceive a healthy child: we optimize weight

It is easier to conceive a child than to endure, give birth and at the same time to remain within the weight norm. But if you wondered how to conceive a healthy child - control body mass index. In order for the child’s health to be normal, scientists recommend that the heir after the father and mother adjust the weight. After all, the body needs fat to store slags formed from a violation of metabolic processes there.

Take measures to restore health if you are violated:

  • Fat metabolism - fats are not absorbed, low cholesterol of the low -density of LDLs is increased.
  • Protein metabolism - proteins are not absorbed, the total protein in the blood is reduced, in the urine there is a lack of amino acids.
  • Carbohydrate metabolism - carbohydrates are not absorbed, insulin or blood glucose is increased or lowered.

Details about how to reduce cholesterol in case of violation of fat metabolism, raise the total protein in case of protein metabolism, reduce glucose and insulin in the blood in case of violation of carbohydrate metabolism, read higher, in the section about vitamins.

If the mother had excess weight during pregnancy, the daughter is recommended to carefully monitor the diet, both during planning and during pregnancy. A predisposition can play a cruel joke in the form of a sharp weight gain during pregnancy. Remember that 90% of excess weight is incorrect food habits that began to lay in us at the time of uterine life. And therefore, overpower yourself and give your baby a happy life regardless of sweet, acute and harmful.

How to conceive a healthy child: rejection of protein

On the question of how to conceive a healthy child, scientists have made a unambiguous verdict - protein cocktails for sports achievements with various additives under the ban, both in a man and a woman three months before the planned pregnancy. And the whole point is that additives in protein and its dosage for achievements in sports negatively affect the hormonal background, which will affect not only the speed of conception, but also the health of the future baby.

However, protein as vegetable amino acids without additional sports additivesin case of insufficient protein levels in the body, both women and men are needed.

How to conceive a healthy child: medicine

If you are actively working on the question of how to conceive a healthy child, follow the medicines that you take. Discuss the intake of medicines with a family doctor. If you get sick, when prescribing drugs, stipulate with doctors that you plan conception so that they take this into account when prescribing certain drugs during pregnancy planning.

There are situations when the parent's health becomes more important than the planned pregnancy. This is a high temperature, infectious and viral diseases, as well as serious diseases. In these cases, you should not refuse treatment for the benefit of future offspring. The child first needs happy and healthy parents. Therefore, do not risk. Repeat the pregnancy planning cycle first after you recover.

Prevent Poster Pregnancy
Prevent Poster Pregnancy

Luburbicants and douching: is it possible when planning pregnancy?

If you wondered how to conceive a healthy child - give up lubricants, as well as any douching. Despite the fact that for more than twenty years, gynecologists have been in full swing about the dancing of douching (it is permissible only for treatment and only as prescribed by a doctor), many women continue to wash the vaginal microflora, and then they sincerely surprised where the thrush, difficult pregnancy and other complications came from.

Luburbicants are good for sexual intercourse, but only those that will not be crowned with pregnancy. Some will reduce the possibility of conception, while others even enrich the body with unnecessary chemical elements. If a woman does not have sufficient natural lubrication - visit a sexologist and find the true cause, and do not replace natural excitement with chemistry. When planning pregnancy, additives are recommended Tribulusfor men and women to improve sexual desire.

The vaginal microflora must be restored after treatment (if there was an infection) special female probioticssuitable for the vagina. Pay attention to probiotics that contain 38 different strains of beneficial bacteria.

Pregnancy planning: linen and clothing

Want to conceive a healthy child? Be sure to pay attention to your clothes. Both men and women should have linen from cotton, not crushed, not crashed. Leave beautiful openwork, leave thongs on playful evenings when the linen will be on the body for no longer than half an hour.

Close jeans, uncomfortable leggings, compressing and rubbing-throw it away. This will not only negatively affect the microflora of the genitals and, accordingly, the conception, but also on the general condition of the body.

Pregnancy planning: Is abstainment useful?

They wondered how to conceive a healthy child, carefully prepared, work without lingering your strength - but there is no result and no? That's right! When having sex once a day and more often, there are more chances for passive sperm.

This is not a guarantee or an indicator for contraception, because once every hundred years and the stick shoots. But scientists argue that with a regular sex of sex, the body of a man is exhausted, and the result is worsening for conception.

Take breaks to rest, and do not focus on conception. Sometimes the couple is so fond of the expectation process that it forgets about the bright and rich world around. And most importantly, provide yourself with a good dream, he is a real assistant in the conception of a child.

How to conceive a healthy child: ovulation, we conduct graphs and records

The Internet is full of information on how to correctly calculate ovulation. But remember that everything is very individual. More accurate information is given by the ovulation test, as well as the temperature measurement.

For basic knowledge: if the cycle is 28 days, then ovulation will last from 12 to 15 days. It usually takes place within 24-48 hours, so during this period it is best to engage in regarding.

But all these are very blurry deadlines, since the sperm can live within five days, waiting for an egg, but the egg successfully waits for another 5-6 days. As you can see, the run is very large and everything is individual. Healthy ovulation will help mIO-foreign (vitamin B8).

Want to know how to conceive a healthy child? First accept yourself and follow the cycle. The first day of menstruation is the first day of the cycle. Record it on the calendar, since it is simply impossible to keep everything in your head, especially if you conduct a cycle for months.

Everyone has a different cycle, but if you have one month for 28 days, and the other 35, then consult a doctor and take tests. Sometimes this is a sign of an unstable organism.

Meet yourself, make notes. Your condition, your mood, your food habits, as well as the selection on different days of the cycle.

The next step - froze basal temperature. Also lead the schedule in parallel in the cycle. At the time of ovulation, the temperature rises by 0.3-0.4 degrees. But the peak is three days before the temperature rises. That is why it is important to conduct a schedule and predict the ideal moments for conception in advance.
With an irregular cycle, drink three months mIO-foreign And look at the result. But the body will work like a clock if you eliminate deficits in all directions in vitamins, trace elements, amino acids.

How to conceive a healthy child: choose a pose

Very often you can find jokes and jokes, as well as recommendations from an adult generation in what position it is better to conceive a healthy child. If the structure of the woman’s uterus is normal, then the pose does not affect conception in any way.

But if a woman has a bend of the uterus, and she is worried about how to conceive a healthy child - the pose plays a big role. Due to the deformation of the location of the uterus, it is harder for sperm to get inside. Therefore, regardless of what position you finished the process - immediately after contact, put a towel or pillow under the buttocks and become in the birch pose. To do this, it is enough to rest on the walls on the wall, and leave the pillow under the buttocks.

Pregnancy planning: Waiting difficulties

Of course, in the question of how to conceive a healthy child, many are faced with a long expectation. After all, when not to place, everything comes quickly and unexpectedly. But you should want - and even a month seems languid and unrealistically long. Many are under stress due to expectation.

The first thing to remember is about stress is harder to get pregnant. And this applies to both partners. Imagine you have a new lifestyle. Healthy, interesting, such as you need. And pregnancy is in the long run. How to conceive a healthy child? Plan, but do not wait. After all, the expectation is equal to stress, and stress is a bad ingredient in such a scrupulous issue.

Read books, watch movies, take charity, travel and relax well. You yourself will not notice how the day will approach when a little heart will stand inside a woman!

How to conceive a healthy child: pregnancy tests

Today, women asking about how to conceive a healthy child want instant results. Calm down if you are pregnant - you will definitely notice it! There are, of course, there are times when women, being pregnant, did not feel it, but still scientists are inclined to the fact that women are cunning in this matter, since it is impossible to notice increasing parameters, active movements and another rhythmic knock of the heart.

A pregnancy test can be done no earlier than on the first day of delay. But most likely it will show a negative result, since in the early days the hormonal background is only rebuilt. But you can see two strips clear on 10-14 days of delay.

Pregnancy planning: How to plan a child's gender?

The question of how to conceive a healthy child often joins the question - how to plan the gender of the child. There are many tips, recommendations and many, many folk recipes, but for many years of research, scientists have refuted everything.

Remember that both boys and girls are born every day. Therefore, to plan pregnancy depending on lunar calendar, the time of year is an interesting entertainment, but nothing more.

The trap is even more dangerous-to adjust the food, lifestyle in a special way. Just imagine that you will go a long way, you will tune in as much as possible and as a result of a child of the other sex. Well, if you quickly survive disappointment, and if the family breaks up from this? Or will the baby deny be?

According to the observations of many obstetrician-gynecologists The boy is obtained when the contact occurred on the day when the female egg was ready for fertilization, it would fertilize on the same day a strong sperm with a male set of chromosomes. If the sperm spent in the body of a woman for one or two days in anticipation of ovulation, he will acquire a female chromosome, then a girl will be born. So, for conception, the girl needs a period immediately before ovulation, and the boy in the period of ovulation itself.

But however, instead of planning the sex of the child, it is best to think about the reasons for this desire. On the advantages of educating both sexes. And know - the baby is a gift of higher forces, and they should not establish their own rules.

How to conceive a healthy child: tips and reviews

Milena: my first experience to conceive a healthy child was a test of marriage strength. It turned out that bad habits are more expensive than the health of the unborn child. Divorce and new relationships. I voiced on the second date that I want children in the future, as well as healthy planning. I thought I would run away, but no - my husband was already supported! I myself did not understand how we started living together, how quickly we organized the surrender of tests, a visit to the geneticist and prepared for the most important step in life. He did not come immediately-a year later, but TFU-tfu is healthy and strong! What I wish you!

Maksim: they stopped protected before the wedding, but on the fifth anniversary they were without a peanut on their hands. They began to read articles how to conceive a healthy child, and decided on a comprehensive examination. My wife turned out to be the uterine bend, and I have weak sperm. Small treatment, several "folk" tips and the other day we will become happy owners of twins!

Are you interested in how to conceive a healthy child? Read the rest of our articles:

Video: How to give birth to a healthy child?

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Comments K. article

  1. Be sure to plan a pregnancy (take the necessary tests, take drugs). The health of the baby depends on this.

  2. Very good article! Pregnancy planning should be approached with all responsibility. My husband and I began preparations for half a year. We are already leading a healthy lifestyle, but in these half a year they put ourselves in a strict framework. They passed the tests, underwent ultrasound, etc. I immediately began to drink vitamins. I drank all pregnancy and now (at the GV) I drink the Finnish complex minisan mother. It has all the key components necessary for both mom and child. So you need to remember that the baby’s health is in our hands!

  3. My pregnancy layout began with ovariamine. The gynecologist immediately said that without this drug, my ovaries will not cope with the task set for them. Indeed, after 4 courses for taking pills, the diagnosis of ovarian dysfunction was removed, and a month later I became pregnant. So we are already waiting for replenishment 🙂

  4. Nowadays, even at a young age, health leaves much to be desired. And after 30 and even more so. Therefore, planning approached with all responsibility. General medical examination of both me and my husband. Reception of vitamin. I took folic acid. Pregnancy has come, took already complex for pregnant women. I really liked the fruttilar "Vitamins for pregnant women." They have two types of folates: folic acid and calcium L-methylphulatory. Even iodine, zinc vitamins B6, B1, C, E, D, A. Only 18 items. And I liked my unusual form. These are jelly berries, tasty and healthy.

  5. Everything is very accurately noticed in the article, I myself, together with my husband, were preparing for pregnancy and fulfilled all the doctor's recommendations. For example, for six months I took Actiff Gino, this is not a hormonal drug, but it has established me metabolic processes in my body. My menstruation became regular, it became easy for me to track ovulation and at the time, I was able to get pregnant.

  6. Of course, you need to check for all infections, take tests, and then proceed to the case. Well, vitamins will not be superfluous. On the recommendation of the obstetrician-gynecologist, I took the Miterevel complex, in it, among other things, omega, slang and iodine-everything is important and necessary for the development of both physical and intellectual)

  7. I also drank vitamins foil and transnoton. I took it normally and gave birth.

  8. All future parents are required to read the article. It will protect many mistakes. My husband and I tried for two years, everyone hoped, but ... I had to be treated, he took a spermaplander to improve fertility. Amino acids in the composition help in the formation of healthy sperm, there is still Taurin. Refusal of bad habits, we switched to proper nutrition. We were recently under control, everything is within normal limits, we are trying to get pregnant.

  9. I believe that in our time, even if you seem to have no health problems, you need to check. To lead a healthy lifestyle, to drink special complexes, for example, a spermactin was recommended to her husband, in the composition of mainly amino acids. They contribute to the proper formation of sperm, improve sperm quality, increase the chances of conception of a healthy child. I cured adnexite, he was in a chronic form, I did not even suspect, about its existence, and he also interferes with conception.

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