Give birth to 35 - is it worth giving birth for the first time, the second, third child is not too late? Advantages and disadvantages of pregnancy after 35 years

Give birth to 35 - is it worth giving birth for the first time, the second, third child is not too late? Advantages and disadvantages of pregnancy after 35 years

In recent decades, in many countries, including Russia, the number of mothers that give birth to their first -born after 35 years has increased significantly. This is due to the fact that modern ladies are increasingly postponing the birth of children, as they are busy building a career, obtaining education, solving housing and material issues, realizing their potentials, as well as the cause of pregnancy in a more mature age, there may be previous problems of a woman or later marriage .

There is no clear definition of what “late birth” is. Previously, the term "old -born" called women who gave birth to after 27 years. Then, official medicine, this line moved to a 30-year age. Nowadays, a softer term is used - "age -related primitive." And “late births” are called the first birth of women who are 35 years old.

Give birth to 35: the opinion of doctors

  • Is it to give birth to 35? Many obstetricians and gynecologists We are sure that there is no “ideal” age for pregnancy planning. Therefore, the concept of "late" is irrelevant.
  • In general, it should be noted that certain risks during pregnancy exist at any age. After all, the ability of a woman to endure and give birth to a baby depends on the general state of her health, physical capabilities and the presence of concomitant diseases.
  • The less a future mother has health problems, the more she has a chance for a prosperous pregnancy. Therefore, it is much more correct to judge a woman’s readiness for the conception and birth of a child, not by real, but by her biological age. In many 35-year-old ladies, the state of the body is not inferior to younger women.

Today, most doctors agree that age is not important for pregnancy, but for the ability to conception. The barrier to late motherhood is more psychological.

  • However, the fact is that with age (after about 32 years), a gradual decrease in fertility (ability to conception) begins in the body. And every subsequent year, a woman has a chance not to get pregnant.
Pregnancy after 30
Pregnancy after 30

This is due to the following age -related transformations:

  • Each woman has been laid down from birth a fixed number of eggs. Every year their quality and quantity are reduced due to a decrease in blood flow to the ovaries.
  • With age, the process of fertilization of the egg becomes more difficult In connection with a decrease in the level of progesterone and estrogen, which are responsible for sexual function.
  • Over time, the ability of the egg is reduced to attach to the walls of the uterus.
  • In adulthood in a woman Several cycles of the year take place without ovulation.
  • Over the years, all the resources of the body are depleted. And, as a rule, a woman after 35 years accumulates various gynecological problems in the form of endometriosis, adhesions, fiber or fibrous tumors.
  • Bad habits (smoking, alcohol), Which have been produced for years, also have a negative impact on the reproductive system.
  • For some women is characteristic negative heredity in the form of early menopause, Which also prevents conception.

Whether to give birth to 35: minuses of late motherhood

  • Of course, age is only numbers. And how the pregnancy will occur depends from the general physical condition of the woman. However, natural trends associated with late motherhood and causing many fears about this is unreasonable.
  • According to statistics, after 35 years, about 0.5% per year, the risk of various pathologies increases.

Doctors list the following risks associated with pregnancy after 35 years:

  • The older the lady, the higher the probability of the presence of chronic diseases of the kidneys, heart or gastrointestinal tract, which can worsen when bearing a child due to excessive load on the body. Exacerbation of inactive diseases can complicate the course of pregnancy.
  • Due to hormonal changes in the body in adulthood the chances of multiple pregnancy are increasing. This, of course, is not a pathology, but doubles the load on the body, which can provoke premature birth or the development of various pathologies.
  • In women, after 35 years, the likelihood of endocrine diseases increases. In this regard, hormones are produced in insufficient quantities, which increases the risk of detachment of the placenta, miscarriages and fading of the fetus.
Quite a lot of minuses of late genera
Quite a lot of minuses of late genera
  • During pregnancy in women an older age group, development is possible gestational diabetes, which can lead to excess fetal mass or premature birth.
  • Mature future mothers often observe excessive increase in blood pressure. In general, late birth negatively affects a woman’s cardiovascular system, which often causes a stroke.
  • Due to a decrease in the tone of the uterus, the danger of premature birth, weak birth or placental detachment increases.
  • Age mothers increases the probability the birth of a child with chromosomal abnormalities (for example, Down syndrome). And the risk of this disease does not depend on what kind of pregnancy the woman has. This is due to the fact that over the years in human germ cells accumulate genetic errors.
  • Probably the development of fetal hypoxia (lack of oxygen during childbirth). In addition, the risk of a child with low weight increases.

With an age pregnancy, it increases the number of indications for the cesarean section, Since the tissues of the body become less elastic, and the muscles of the uterus are reduced worse. If a woman gives birth not the first time, her muscles are more malleable, in which case there are more chances for natural birth.

  • After giving birth to 35, the body of a mature woman is restored more slowly, rather than young women in labor. In addition, later difficulties with lactation are not uncommon.

Give birth to 35: Pros of late motherhood

Despite the difficulties that a mature woman may occur during pregnancy, childbirth after 35 years also has its advantages:

  • It is known that Emotional and psychological readiness for motherhood comes much later than physical readiness, that is, just by 35 years of age. Women in these years responsibly relate to their position and perceive pregnancy more positively. That is why mothers who gave birth at 35, less commonly experienced postpartum depression.
  • In most cases, with late pregnancy in the body the level of cholesterol is normalized and the risk of stroke is reduced.
  • Menopausa in women who gave birth in adulthood passes easier, and menopause, as a rule, occurs later.
  • Thanks to the hormone estrogen, which is produced during pregnancy, occurs a kind of rejuvenation of the female body, including bone strengthening and tonization of muscle tissue.
  • Ongoing studies confirmed the connection of cases Long -lived women with their late motherhood.
  • After pregnancy, the ladies' body becomes more resistant to genitourinary infections.
  • Psychologically, a woman who has become a mother at 35 and later feels younger than her own years. After all, now she enters the ranks of “young mothers” with their interests, views and lifestyle. In addition, mature parents have to live hobbies of their offspring, which simply obliges to be in the spirit of time.
But there are many advantages
But there are many advantages
  • Mature women are the best mothers, as they consciously approach the birth of a child. They make more reasonable decisions. And when raising children, they show more patientness and restraint than young parents.
  • Studies have shown that children born in adult parents, physically healthier. As a rule, they are even higher than their peers. In addition, later children are always desirable, which contributes to their better development and social adaptation. They have less emotional and psychological problems. Such children are usually well studied and better educated.

Pregnancy planning after 35 years

  • If you are not ready for the birth of a child, it's okay. This is an occasion to listen to yourself and your feelings.
  • No need to be afraid that then it will be too late to give birth to a child. There are no medical contraindications for the birth of the first -born after 35 years. A woman should focus only on her own well -being.
  • However, any “adult” mother is obliged to realize that complications can take place both for her and for the unborn child.
  • In a mature couple, the baby can be born with heart defect, problems of the gastrointestinal tract, genetic and chromosomal disorders, and neurological diseases.
  • Therefore, at planning pregnancy after 35 years A woman should be attentive to her health. Preparing to become a mother, she needs to worry not so much about her age as about mandatory changes in habits and lifestyle.
Pregnancy planning after 35
Pregnancy planning after 35

In order to reduce the risks as much as possible, if you decide to give birth to 35, you must physically prepare your own organism for bearing the fetus and future childbirth:

  • Lead a healthy lifestyle Including proper nutrition, rejection of caffeine, alcohol and smoking.
  • Drink multivitamins. And three months before the estimated pregnancy, begin to take folic acid. The daily norm is about 400 mcg. This element is actively involved in the division of chromosomes in the egg.
  • Reduce the consumption of sugar -containing products.
  • Any take medications only after consulting a doctor.Take a therapeutic examination. It can identify a number of diseases that you do not even suspect. If they are detected, it is necessary to choose competent treatment.
  • Mammography. In the case of chronic ailments, it is important to find out how they can affect the course of pregnancy and the health of the fetus. The correct risk assessment will help reduce the likelihood of complications.
  • Doctors insist that when planning pregnancy, it is necessary to evaluate the age of not only the future mother, but also her spouse. After all, male fertility is also reduced over the years. Therefore, the husband must undergo a medical examination.
  • If necessary, normalize your weight. And also engage in physical exercises that contribute to the elasticity of muscle tissue.

Be sure to go through special testing that determines the status of carriage of genetic and chromosomal diseases. Modern medicine allows you to diagnose possible congenital anomalies before the birth of a child. Throughout pregnancy, there are an ultrasound once a month so that at the earliest stages it is possible to establish the development of any pathologies.

  • Some gynecologists advise taking probiotics From the first day, as you learned about pregnancy. These substances normalize the intestinal flora, which contributes to better absorption of vitamins. In addition, there is an opinion that probiotics are the prevention of autism in the future baby.
  • In the case when a woman of age 35+ cannot get pregnant for six months, she should consult a doctor.

You do not need to take the word "Great -age pregnant" close to the heart. This is not a definition of your age, but only serves as a reminder that you need more attention from the medical staff. Be sure that if you approach the planning of pregnancy after 35 years responsibly, it is quite possible to endure and give birth to a healthy child. The achievements of modern medicine make it possible to avoid many problems that “age” mothers faced in past years.

Is it worth giving birth to a second or third child at 35?

  • After the birth of the first -born, most women think over time About the birth of the second and even the third baby. However, by the time this desire becomes more conscious, some step over the 35-year-old line, and thoughts about the "inappropriate" age are becoming more and more annoying.
  • Should I decide on the birth of other children and give birth at 35?
  • There is an opinion that all subsequent pregnancies occur in women much easier than the first. However, this statement is not always true. A woman, especially after 35 years, may have complications associated with age -related changes in the body. Therefore, do not rely on previous experience and neglect medical supervision. In addition, if the second or third child is born with a difference of 10 years, then the woman’s birth is again considered the first.
  • In adulthood, the second and, especially, the third pregnancy are very rash. This is a conscious step of a woman who perfectly understands what awaits her. She is not afraid of the upcoming birth and is ready for difficulties that accompany the period of bearing a child. In subsequent pregnancies, there are usually no toxicosis and neurosis.
  • Most future mothers have a second and third pregnancy They proceed calmly. And childbirth, as a rule, pass faster than the previous ones. After all, the body has already passed these stages, and the woman in labor knows how to properly grind and breathe. A big plus is that a woman is already an experienced mother and knows how to treat a newborn. In addition, in most cases, mom does not have any problems with lactation.
Pregnancy proceeds calmly
Pregnancy proceeds calmly

The second or third birth is a difficult test for a woman of any age. The main thing is that the pregnancy is desirable and planned.

Having decided on the replenishment of the family, a woman aged 35 and older should be aware of some risks of age -related pregnancy:

  • Previous birth could contribute to the fact that The muscles of the anterior abdominal wall stretched excessively. Due to the displacement of the center of gravity forward, the future mother can suffer from lower back pain. Therefore, doctors recommend wearing a special bandage that will maintain the stomach from below and, thereby, will reduce the load on the lumbar.
  • Due to the "wear" of the uterine mucosa, a low arrangement of the placenta may be noted. This can cause bleeding and cause a miscarriage. However, in most cases, during pregnancy, the placenta gradually rises, and bleeding stops. The main thing is constant monitoring of your condition and timely appeal to the doctor.
  • In a woman, stretching and ruptures of the pelvic floor muscles that occurred during previous births are possible. As a result of this, in subsequent pregnancies, she may incontinate urine during cough or sudden laughter attacks.
  • With age, the likelihood of too fast labor increases due to the fact that the cervix is \u200b\u200brevealed at subsequent pregnancies faster. Fights can be taken by surprise. Therefore, you need to lie in a maternity hospital in advance.
  • During the second and third births, the rhythm of labor is often violated: Starting actively and energetically, the speed of the birth process is sharply reduced. In most cases, the cause of this factor is the stretching of the walls of the abdominal cavity.
  • A lady awaiting the second or third baby is not uncommon complications in the form of venous expansion of veins. This happens because the volume of circulating blood increases almost half. And due to the limited possibility of blood vessels to withstand the load, the blood flow slows down.
  • The general fatigue of the body of a mature woman is able to cause her decrease in hemoglobin - anemia. During repeated pregnancies, iron deficiency is often observed, which can cause placental insufficiency.
  • There is a high probability of overstraging pregnancy. This is caused by the fact that due to excessive stretching of the walls, the uterus becomes less sensitive to hormones that trigger its contraction.
  • After a third birth the recovery period is usually slower than after the first and latter. There is a great probability of bleeding due to the weak ability of the uterus to reduce, which can cause subsequent inflammatory processes.
  • Due to the reduced tone of the uterine walls, there is the danger of complications in the separation of the last.
It is important to know about the risks of late pregnancy
It is important to know about the risks of late pregnancy

It is necessary to decide whether to give birth to a second or third baby, evaluating the individual state of the body. Awareness of the features of pregnancy after 35 years will allow a woman to successfully endure the child, favorably go through the process of childbirth and quickly recover after them.

And how do you feel about childbirth at 35 or maybe you yourself have such an experience? Tell us in the comments, we are very interested. And come to us more often, we are always glad to you!

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Comments K. article

  1. Well, I don’t know. I couldn’t get pregnant up to 30. At 32 it was possible, the milk was Moore) and everything is in order with health. Therefore, everything is individual.

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