Weight during pregnancy by months: table. Why are pregnant women gaining or losing weight?

Weight during pregnancy by months: table. Why are pregnant women gaining or losing weight?

How much weight needs to be gained during pregnancy? What should be the diet of a pregnant woman?

Our grandmothers believed that a pregnant woman should eat for two. And the faster she gains weight, the better. Modern doctors do not agree with this statement. They believe that the expectant mother should pay attention not to the quantity, but to the quality of the food. Because extra pounds are always harmful, regardless of whether the woman is a child or not.

What is the weight of a pregnant woman made of?

The weight of the child at birth is from 3 to 3.5 kg. Why, taking the baby, are we gaining much more? The weight gain consists of many values. Including from fat, which the female body stocks for the baby in case of hunger or cold. But this fat should not be too much, because this weight will only be a burden.

Pregnancy by months

The ideal increase that the expectant mother should dial in all nine months-10-12 kg. This is how this weight is distributed:

  • 3.5 kg - baby body. This is almost a third of the entire increase
  • 600-700 g-placenta. She nourishes and protects the embryo
  • 800-1000 g-amniotic fluid. At first there are few of them, but by the end of pregnancy, their volume can reach 1 liter
  • 1 kg - uterus and fetal membranes. But before pregnancy, the weight of this small organ was only 500 g!
  • 1.2-1.3 kg-the volume of circulating blood. Its amount increases in her mother so that she can supply the baby with everything necessary
  • 400-500 g-mammary glands. The female breast is preparing to perform the function of lactation, and therefore also grows in size
  • 3.5-3.6 kg-fat deposits. This is the very “useful” fat that stored physiologically. He not only protects the baby from the cold and is insured in case of hunger, but also positively affects lactation
  • 1.4-1.7 kg-intracellular fluid. These are fluid reserves in the body. They help increase blood volume, form amniotic fluid, help lactation to begin

When does the pregnant woman begin to gain weight?

A pregnant woman begins to gain weight far from right away. On the contrary, at first, she can even lose weight. This often happens due to toxicosis, which does not allow the expectant mother to eat fully. Do not panic. In the next two trimester you will “get” your own.

The doctor advises a pregnant woman

How much weight should a pregnant woman be gained before childbirth?

10-12 kg-this is the average increase for the entire period of pregnancy. Most of this weight falls on the second half of the term. It is then that a woman can type 250-300 g per week. There are factors that can change these numbers. This is what the doctor pays attention to, evaluating the weight of the future mother.

  1. The initial weight of the body. If you had a body weight deficit before pregnancy, then in 9 months you should not only gain the required 10-12 kg, but also make up for a shortage. As a result, the overall increase will turn out more.
  2. Features of the Constitution. If you tried unsuccessfully before pregnancy, then, most likely, the increase will go slowly.
  3. Increased appetite. We are used to ironicizing pregnant women on food quirks. But they can cause uncontrolled bulimia.
  4. Toxicosis in the early stages. If you threw off a couple of kilograms in the first trimester, then the body can "be reinsured" and gain more "spare" kilograms
  5. The size of the child. Naturally, a large baby in itself weighs more. But such a child’s weight can cause the placenta there will be more.
  6. Age. The older the woman, the more likely she will have a tendency to be full.

Pregnant nutrition

The rate of weight gain during pregnancy

Different doctors evaluate the weight gain in a pregnant woman in the second half of pregnancy in different ways. Some believe that 250-300 g is the norm. Exceeding can give a signal about the emergence of problems: obesity, edema and others.

Others believe that, starting from 30 weeks, a woman should type 50 g per day. When recalculating for a week, fluctuations are allowed: 300-400 g, but the increase for a month should not be more than 2 kg.

Pregnant woman on the couch

To calculate the individual weight gain in the last trimester, you can use the formula. The maximum increase is 22 g, multiplied by every 10 cm height. It turns out that for a growth of 170 cm, this figure is 374 g.

Pregnant weight table by week

Below in the picture a table is given to the rate of weight gain. Where BMI is the body mass index.

Table Age in weight during pregnancy

Excess weight during pregnancy: Causes

Most often, conservative women are gaining excess weight during pregnancy, who believe that the expectant mother cannot play sports and lead an active lifestyle, but you can eat a lot. The causes of excess weight during pregnancy are the same as in ordinary life. This is overeating and lack of motor activity.

A pregnant woman looks into the refrigerator

If you overtake constantly, then the body will become deaf to a feeling of saturation. Hunger will occur much earlier than you spend the stocked calories. As a result, you will eat more often, portions will become more. This can only be controlled by an effort of will.

Remember that if you had excess weight before, then you can’t gain more than 10 kg. If the doctor diagnosed you with obesity, then the maximum increase will be only 6 kg.

Pregnant diet to reduce weight: power rules

If you follow a universal diet for pregnant women, this should be enough. Any expectant mother, regardless of whether she has excess weight or not, you can’t eat a lot of fried, sweet, fatty meat.

Divide your diet into 5 meals. Dinner should be only 10% of all food. Moreover, it should be a light dish. It must be eaten no later than 2 hours before bedtime.

Pregnant woman with weights and food

What should be the nouriset of the pregnant woman so that the weight is normal?

  • Replace white bread with pastry with coarse flour. It is better if it is dried.
  • Avoid baking of puff and acature dough.
  • Cook soups in secondary broth or vegetable decoction.
  • Increase the share of complex carbohydrates (cereals), reduce the share of simple (sweets).
  • Eat more fish, but avoid canned goods, crab sticks or smoked meats.
  • Lie on vegetables, fruits, berries. Rulate salads with vegetable oil, but not mayonnaise and not fat sour cream.
  • Remember that you can’t starve. A feeling of hunger can start an embryo with an emergency mechanism.
  • After birth, the baby’s body, remembering the constant lack of nutrients, will store as much fat as possible. So you can develop a child's tendency to obesity.

Why does a pregnant woman not gain or lose weight?

Sometimes weight loss during pregnancy is not a cause for concern. For example, if you suffer from early toxicosis, it is better to try to wait out this period than to choke on food that does not climb.

Loss of weight in the late stages may indicate that you have swelling. At the same time, do not worry too. Loss of weight in the last weeks of pregnancy may relate to harbingers of childbirth. Complex processes occur in the body. Against their background, an appetite may disappear.

Pregnant power to gain weight

  1. Sometimes I don’t want to eat from the fact that you were sitting at home all day. Take a walk in the fresh air, do gymnastics, and appetite will appear.
  2. Vitamin C increases appetite. Consult your doctor. Perhaps he will advise you to eat an ascorbic half an hour before meals
  3. Eat more complex carbohydrates. The weight arrives from them. This is porridge, useful pastries, bread.
  4. Instead of dessert, eat nuts with dried fruits. This is a useful and calorie snack
  5. Do not forget to drink vitamins. Sometimes the lack of some substance can block the absorption of food.

Video: slim pregnancy

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Comments K. article

  1. I have 19 weeks, I gain 800-700 gr. For a month, is it bad or good?

  2. The article is very interesting, but please remove this stupid video at the end of the article!

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