How to check - can I get pregnant, can I have children: what needs to be done for this?

How to check - can I get pregnant, can I have children: what needs to be done for this?

Ways to find out if a woman can get pregnant.

Many girls who only enter into a new relationship are interested in issues regarding a possible future pregnancy. In this article we will talk about the main signs of fertility, which indicate the possibility of conception of a child. 

ToaK find out if I can get pregnant?

There are several positions that you should pay attention to if you wish to get pregnant. In order for a woman to get pregnant, it is necessary that some functions of the body work quite well.

In order for pregnancy to come, it is necessary:  

  • Ripened, full -fledged egg 
  • Normal hormone levels 
  • Passable fallopian tubes 
  • Endometry with a certain thickness 

All these signs indicate that a woman can get pregnant and give birth to a child. If any of the systems does not work, the pregnancy will not occur, unfortunately, will not occur. However, to fully find out find out if I can get pregnantWhether the reproductive system works correctly, difficult. It is necessary to conduct certain tests, research, also take a large number of tests.Naturally, At home, this is impossible to do. However, you can still pay attention to the signs that indicate that a woman may have difficulty with fertility.

Happy spouses
Happy spouses

Will I be able to get pregnant - how to find out by monthly?

Monthly should be regular. That is, they should advance between 21-35 in the afternoon. The cycle of different representatives of the fair sex may vary, but in the same girl it should be approximately the same.

How to find out by monthly, can I get pregnant:

  • A slight discrepancy in two to three days is allowed. The second sign that is worth paying attention to is how menstruation passes. If they are quite plentiful, painful or vice versa, scarce and smeared, there is an opportunity to suspect something something was wrong.
  • Most often, there is little blood during menstruation with a lack of estrogen, when the endometrium does not increase to a certain thickness, thin. Accordingly, there is practically nothing to go out during menstruation, therefore, menstruation is very scarce.
  • If the menstruation is plentiful, this suggests that the endometrium is growing a lot, so its thickness can be excessively large so that the egg can implant into it. Attention must be treated if menstruation with large blood clots and lumps.
  • This suggests that most likely, the girl has hyperplasia, polyps in the uterus or endometriosis. This means that in the uterine cavity a large number of nodes or mucosa growing over the cycle, and therefore the body tries to free itself from excess cells inside the organ.
  • You need to pay attention to the amount of blood. If there is too much of it, then after menstruation hemoglobin is reduced after menstruation, the woman feels very poorly. The maximum fluid that should flow from a woman during menstruation is approximately 150 ml. 
Big family
Big family

Can a girl get pregnant the first time?

Do not ignore other indicators that may indicate gynecological ailments. Among them, it is worth highlighting pain during sex, dryness and itching in the vagina.

Can a girl get pregnant the first time:

  • Very often women between menstruation can also have abdominal pain. This often speaks of endometritis, that is, inflammation of the uterine mucosa. This is due to infection with diseases that are transmitted sexually.
  • Most of these ailments proceed asymptomatic, often leads to complications in the form of a spike of fallopian pipes, infertility, inflammatory processes inside the uterus. Therefore, pain in the process of sex or aching abdominal pain, which differ in frequency, regularity, should indicate that the girl really can have problems with fertility.
  • If there are no periods for several months, you must urgently consult a doctor. This suggests that hormones in the woman’s body are not enough to make the egg mature, and there is a period of fertility with the possibility of conception. Therefore, all women who suffer from irregular menstruation must necessarily contact the doctor. 
  • If the girl has regular menstruation, this significantly increases the chances of pregnancy, but cannot guarantee it. The fact is that in addition to the maturation of the egg, there should be a suitable endometrium, also passable fallopian tubes so that the egg can pass through these organs and gain a foothold inside the uterus. Therefore, it is necessary to see if there is ovulation.
Pregnancy test
Pregnancy test

Can a woman get pregnant after ovulation?

To do this, you can purchase certain tests that determine ovulation, or simply control the discharge from the vagina between the period 12-16 in the afternoon of the menstrual cycle.

Can a woman get pregnant after ovulation:

  • It is during this period that the discharge changes, they become viscous, very similar to egg protein. This suggests that cervical mucus becomes a conductor of sperm, which improves and accelerates their entering the cervical canal, and also increases the possibility of pregnant.
  • If something is wrong with hormones, then this peak is not, accordingly, there is no ovulation either, while you will not see such mucus in the middle of the menstrual cycle. Unfortunately, it is impossible to check the condition of the fallopian tubes, the endometrium is impossible.
  • The simplest study that is carried out is an ultrasound of the pelvic organs. That is, it is necessary to come to the antenatal clinic, take an ultrasound direction. During the study, it is possible to determine whether the dominant follicle matures, and how thick the endometrium.
  • This allows you to determine whether the egg can implant on the mucous membrane of the uterus. If everything is in order, then the pregnancy can really be successful and will come on time.
  • The patency of the fallopian tubes is checked using a kind of study, during which the cavity is filled with liquid and photographed by an X -ray. Thus, the places that are dark, impassable, there are adhesions. 
  • It is impossible to get pregnant with adhesive process in the fallopian tubes. However, this research method is carried out only if a woman is registered with infertility. Unfortunately, about 15% of all Russian couples are registered with infertility, have some problems with conception. However, if the menstruation is regular,abortion, There was also no ectopic pregnancy, then the chances of getting pregnant are quite high. 
I can’t get pregnant

Can a girl with excess weight get pregnant?

Girls are sometimes embarrassed by the fact that they fail to conceive a child the first time. However, it should be understood that there are no reasons for concern in this case. Doctors are registered with infertility only if the couple try to conceive a child for 1 year of regular sexual relations without protection.

Therefore, if the pregnancy has not occurred the first time, you should not panic. Very often, couples of concept are numbting ovulation, the period of its onset. Therefore, sex can take place simply on the wrong day, when ovulation has not yet come, or has already ended. Therefore, continue to try, and pregnancy will certainly come. 

Can a girl with excess weight get pregnant:

  1. Please note that the weight of the girl is largely affected by fertility. Therefore, very often troubles can be observed after losing weight, or vice versa, weight gain. Very often, weight gain is associated with diabetes, some endocrine disorders that directly affect the ability to become pregnant.
  2. Accordingly, if you notice a leap of weight that has formed out of the blue, it is in no way connected with food, contact the endocrinologist, gynecologist. If you like to get involved in diets, be prepared for the fact that the monthly cycle can be broken.
  3. Indeed, in some women who often practice low -carb diets with a sharp weight loss, amenorrhea can be observed. That is, the absence of menstruation for a long period of time. If there are no menstruation, then the ability to conceive, endure and give birth to a child comes down to zero.
  4. Endocrinologists and gynecologists have proved that many models that have observed a diet for a long time and were afraid to get better to be successful in the modeling business, encountered infertility. Only after gaining a certain weight, the fertility restored. The body, as it were, prevents pregnancy due to the fact that a low amount of fat is not able to provide a child with all beneficial substances, in case of unforeseen circumstances.
Waiting for a miracle
Waiting for a miracle

The female body is very prudent, and tries to provide the child with everything necessary. Therefore, women with weight deficiency cannot become pregnant. 

Video: Can I get pregnant?

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Comments K. article

  1. To get started, contact a gynecologist. But if you are already at the planning stage, both radio studios need to go to the doctor. My husband went to the andrologist, and there they revealed that he had poor sperm and get pregnant with minimal. He took a spermaplander, good composition, amino acids - for the formation of healthy sperm, nettle extract - stimulates sperm production. Three months later, I managed to get pregnant in the natural cycle.

  2. A thin endometrium is a familiar problem. They did not solve her right away. And she smeared with an estrozhel, and ate pineapples, and drank a boron uterus ... But everything turned out in the end!

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