What is the probability of getting pregnant if you miss one contraceptive tablet: a gynecologist’s answer, reviews. I missed a month of taking contraceptives - what to do?

What is the probability of getting pregnant if you miss one contraceptive tablet: a gynecologist’s answer, reviews. I missed a month of taking contraceptives - what to do?

From this article you will learn what will happen if you skip one reception of contraceptives and how to be in such situations.

Hormonal contraceptives are one of their most effective methods of protection against unwanted pregnancy. Each drug has its own method for taking, which is very important to observe. It happens that women forget to take pills and then worry what to do so that the pregnancy does not occur. Will it come at all? And now what to do with pills? Let's figure out these matters.

What is the probability of getting pregnant if you miss one contraceptive tablet: a gynecologist's answer

Rules for taking COC
Rules for taking COC

As a rule, pregnancy when taking contraceptive tablets occurs, just because the rules of use are violated. If a woman missed the reception of a contraceptive tablet, then this is just a violation.

Each drug implies that between the completion of one and the beginning of the other course passes 7 days. In this case, even 1 missed technique can become critical and increase the risk of pregnancy. The fact is that women can earn ovaries as usual and this can provoke fertilization.

Another situation may arise if you skip the last tablet, and start drinking the course on time. The break will be longer for a day and this may be critical. Any doctor will tell you that the deviation from the reception scheme may be critical.

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What to do if you missed the reception of a contraceptive tablet for 1 day Yarina, Jess, Regulon?

Rules for forgotten pills
Rules for forgotten pills

Of course, it is important to drink drugs for protection constantly, but what if you still miss? First of all, determine what time is missing. So, if until 12 hours passed, then the hormones will continue to act. But despite this, you need to immediately drink a pill, as soon as you remembered it.

If you have passed for a day, then, depending on the drug, action may vary. It is better, of course, to study the instructions. Somewhere it is recommended to drink 2 tablets at once. Basically, this method is used. Actions may differ if you drink a drug from 28 tablets. Then, some can simply not drink, because they are “dummies”, but it is better to specify this fact.

If the break is more than two days, then emergency contraception methods will come to the rescue. These include escapel, postinor and so on. But do not abuse them, because it is a strong hormonal blow to the body.

To figure out in detail how to act if you miss the reception of a contraceptive tablet, look at a small plate:

Actions in case of passing tablets
Actions in case of passing tablets

I missed a month of taking contraceptives - what to do?

There is a situation that the girl missed the reception of a contraceptive tablet when the course was supposed to start? Or I just forgot that it was time for her to drink pills and had to skip for a month. How to act in this case?

If the pass after the start of the course was up to 5 days, then not everything is lost and you can start drinking pills. This is usually not considered critical. Just keep in mind that this does not apply to drugs that have 21 tablets. They act a little differently. In this case, it is better to check the information with the doctor.

As for the drugs with the 28th tablets, then if 5 days have passed and the drug is not started, then just do not start packaging. Leave it until next month and on the first day of menstruation start the course.

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What to do if I missed a contraceptive tablet and became pregnant?

If a woman missed the use of a contraceptive tablet and pregnancy still occurred, then the child will definitely not harm the child. In most cases, with rare exceptions, pregnancy proceeds normally and children are born healthy.

Regardless of the situation, you need a doctor’s consultation. First of all, you must decide what to do next - to preserve pregnancy or interrupt it. In any case, the reception of pills will have to be stopped.

I missed the reception of a contraceptive tablet: reviews

Many girls, when they miss the techniques of pills, begin to look for reviews of others. What did they do in such a situation? Often, if she missed the reception of a contraceptive tablet, the girls advise simply drinking a missing tablet and continue to receive further. Of course, you can do this, but just keep in mind that once at a time you don’t have to and then you should not be surprised that you are pregnant. Always adhere to the instructions and once again better consult a doctor than to listen to such tips.

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