HCG blood test for pregnancy: when to take, how much to wait for the result? Blood on hCG - how to take it correctly: on an empty stomach or not, is it possible to drink water before analysis? HCG analysis decryption during pregnancy and not pregnant women: table

HCG blood test for pregnancy: when to take, how much to wait for the result? Blood on hCG - how to take it correctly: on an empty stomach or not, is it possible to drink water before analysis? HCG analysis decryption during pregnancy and not pregnant women: table

Deciphering blood tests for hCG and norms at different periods of pregnancy.

Almost every woman with trepidation refers to motherhood, therefore, at the first signs of pregnancy, she tries to confirm or refute her assumptions as soon as possible.

Where to donate blood to hCG?

Unfortunately, not all district clinics have appropriate equipment for determining the concentration of this hormone in the blood. But paid laboratories and clinics will easily conduct studies of your blood in order to find out the concentration of hCG. The tests without a queue are paid for a fee, but there are free directions that the doctor gives out. In this case, it will be possible to donate blood exclusively on the appointed day and time.

Where to donate blood to hCG?
Where to donate blood to hCG?

When you can donate blood on hCG, on what day before the delay and after the delay of menstruation?

Modern equipment is able to catch the growth of hCG already on 8-9 days after sexual intercourse. That is, from the moment when the fetal egg was attached to the walls of the uterus. In the urine, this hormone is fixed much later, about 2 days after the delay in menstruation. In the blood 100%, this hormone during pregnancy can already be from the first day of menstruation delay.

When you can donate blood on hCG, on what day before the delay and after delayed menstruation?
When you can donate blood on hCG, on what day before the delay and after the delay of menstruation?

Blood on hCG - how to take it correctly: on an empty stomach or not, is it possible to drink water before analysis?

This study will give 100% accurate result in the case of proper preparation. Doctors recommend donating blood from a vein exclusively on an empty stomach, that is, without eating food in the morning. In addition, time from 8 to 10 in the morning is considered the most accurate for blood taking. This is due to the fact that after sleeping the amount of hCG in the blood is maximum. You can drink water early in the morning and even in the queue for the surrender of the hormone. It will not affect the results in any way.

Blood on hCG - how to take it correctly: on an empty stomach or not, is it possible to drink water before analysis?
Blood on hCG - how to take it correctly: on an empty stomach or not, is it possible to drink water before analysis?

How many days after conception, at what period will blood on the hCG show pregnancy?

It all depends on the accuracy and sensitivity of the equipment. Usually a positive result can be obtained a week after conception. But to be 100% confident in accuracy, wait for menstruation delay.

How many days after conception, at what period will blood on the hCG show pregnancy?
How many days after conception, at what period will blood on the hCG show pregnancy?

How much is a blood test for hCG prepared, how long does the result wait?

In general, from the beginning of the analysis to the issuance of the results passes about 3-4 hours. In this case, sometimes a laboratory assistant for the full load of the device must take 15 samples. Then the patient is forced to wait until the indicated amount of blood samples collects. Usually, in the express laboratories, where there are many patients, the results are given the next day.

Some laboratories do not have their own state and are only intermediaries. In this case, samples are taken to the equipped laboratory. Then it will take several days for tests.

How much is a blood test for hCG prepared, how long does the result wait?
How much is a blood test for hCG prepared, how long does the result wait?

Is it necessary to donate blood on hCG and for what time?

At the very beginning of pregnancy, taking biomaterial on this hormone is not necessary, since the fact of pregnancy itself will be known without this study a little later.

Mandatory blood donation to hCG:

  • The first trimester. Estimatedly carried out from 11 to 14 weeks. It is carried out not as an independent analysis, but in combination with other blood tests. The biochemical screening test is called. In the process of analysis, the concentration of hCG and plasma protein is determined. According to the data obtained, one can judge multiple pregnancy or the presence of pathologies in the fetus.
  • Second trimester. This analysis is called triple test, since the concentration of three hormones is determined. It is held at 16-18 weeks. During the test, the ratio of AFP, free estriol and hCG is determined. This test helps to determine congenital malformations in the fetus and, if necessary, make a drug abortion.
Is it necessary to donate blood on hCG and for what time?
Is it necessary to donate blood on hCG and for what time?

Is it possible to donate blood for hCG during the day or in the evening?

No, it is impossible to take biomaterial for a lunch analysis and even more so in the evening, since this will significantly affect the results. In the evening, the concentration of hCG can decrease several times. Therefore, upon receipt of an inaccurate or dubious result, you will be forced to retake blood again.

Is it possible to donate blood for hCG during the day or in the evening?
Is it possible to donate blood for hCG during the day or in the evening?

Where do they get blood on hCG: from a vein or finger?

For testing, exclusively venous fluid is used. That is, the selection of biomaterial is carried out from the vein.

HCG level in blood during pregnancy: decryption, table by days and weeks of pregnancy

An approximate table of the concentration of the hormone in the blood at different periods of pregnancy is given in the table. It is worth considering that the data has a significant run, since the concentration of the hormone in each woman is different.

Where do they get blood on hCG: from a vein or finger?
Where do they get blood on hCG: from a vein or finger?

HCG analysis: Norma during pregnancy

Each pregnancy has its own hCG norm. With an increase in pregnancy, the concentration of this substance is constantly growing. It is the growth of concentration that is a sign of developing pregnancy. This hormone reaches the maximum value at 10-11 weeks of pregnancy. After that, the growth of the hormone stops and is at a constant level to the very birth.

HCG analysis: Norma during pregnancy
HCG analysis: Norma during pregnancy

What affects the level of hCG in the blood?

The level of this hormone is affected by the mass of internal and external factors. Try to donate blood in one laboratory all the time, since the data between laboratories can vary significantly.

Factors affecting the content of hCG in the blood:

  • Pregnancy by twins or triple
  • Ectopic pregnancy
  • The presence of diseases and malformations of the child
  • Early toxicosis
  • Diabetes
  • Debred pregnancy
  • The period of pregnancy is incorrectly set
  • Taking hormonal drugs
  • Blood donation after eating
What affects the level of hCG in the blood?
What affects the level of hCG in the blood?

When does hch in the blood increase?

An increase in this hormone is observed immediately after attaching the fetal egg in the uterine cavity. Normally, an increase in the concentration is doubled every day. But there are cases when the amount is several times higher than the permissible norms. This indicates multiple pregnancy and improper determination of the term. In addition, an increase in value can indicate the chromosomal ailments of the fetus.

When does hch in the blood increase?
When does hch in the blood increase?

HCG level in the blood after miscarriage

As indicated above, the maximum amount of hormone is observed at 11-13 weeks of pregnancy with a gradual decrease and fixation of 16 weeks. After a miscarriage, a few more days the concentration of hCG will gradually grow. Only 4-7 weeks after termination of pregnancy, the concentration will become standard, that is, not in a pregnant woman.

HCG level in the blood of non -pregnant women

Not pregnant women ideally have hCG in the blood. This hormone is produced directly by the chorion of the embryo. If a woman is not pregnant, then the concentration of the hormone is 0-5 units. If the number is higher and there is no pregnancy, this may indicate a cancerous disease of the liver or kidneys. Some malignant tumors produce this hormone.

HCG level in the blood of non -pregnant women
HCG level in the blood of non -pregnant women

Can a blood test of hCG show an ectopic pregnancy and what is the level of hCG in the blood with an ectopic pregnancy?

You can determine an ectopic pregnancy with hCG in dynamics, that is, with a constant comparison. With an ectopic pregnancy, the value of hCG is much lower and does not grow so rapidly. Sometimes jumps are observed, but the level of hCG is almost not growing.

Can a blood test of hCG show an ectopic pregnancy and what is the level of hCG in the blood with an ectopic pregnancy?
Can a blood test of hCG show an ectopic pregnancy and what is the level of hCG in the blood with an ectopic pregnancy?

Could a blood test for hCG be mistaken?

In fact, this analysis is very sensitive. This is at the same time a plus and minus. The fact is that even in the early stages even before the delay, you can find out about pregnancy. But at the same time, any violations of the rules when donating blood are greatly reflected on the results. Therefore, to confirm bad tests, you will have to retake blood several times.

Moreover, no doctor will undertake to talk about drug termination of pregnancy, based only on the analysis of hCG. Only after an ultrasound with the measurement of the thickness of the nose and the collar area of \u200b\u200bthe child can we judge the Down syndrome.

Could a blood test for hCG be mistaken?
Could a blood test for hCG be mistaken?

As you can see, hCG is a hormone that allows you to determine pregnancy at an early stage, as well as diagnose possible pathologies in the fetus. Always follow the recommendations of your doctor and pass all the examinations.

Video: Deciphering HCG tests

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Comments K. article

  1. Now in a good clinic you can do this analysis without any problems at all without problems, the doctor will decipher everything correctly and tell you.

  2. Absolute truth. And it is not expensive, and the analysis itself is very useful. As far as I know, there are generally three main analysis.

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