How to check pregnancy without dough at home: 25 first signs of pregnancy. At what periods can you accurately determine pregnancy?

How to check pregnancy without dough at home: 25 first signs of pregnancy. At what periods can you accurately determine pregnancy?

What are the early signs of pregnancy. When it is best to take tests or do an ultrasound after a possible conception.

Pregnancy is happiness that can only be felt by women. Her offensive is a long -awaited event, accompanied by certain signs. This article will tell you about each of them, and tell you how to correctly determine the “interesting” position without the test.

At what periods can you accurately determine pregnancy?

The appearance of nausea, fatigue and drowsiness is the first signs of pregnancy, but they are not manifested by every woman.

There are several ways that will help to confirm or refute the emergence of a new life in the tummy. Each of them requires a certain time after the alleged date of conception. Among them can be highlighted:

  • Doctors recommend a blood test for determining pregnancy 1-2 weeks after the estimated date of conception of the child. Laboratory research time is 1 day. A positive result can be expected on 8-10 days after ovulation or fertilization of the egg.
  • Another way to determine pregnancy is urine examination. It is best done in the first days of delay, since not always a positive result manifests itself even before its onset.
  • Pregnancy test is a popular method among women. It is recommended to do in the first days of delay, to obtain a more accurate result.

To get truthful information about pregnancy, it is best to make two tests, but using test strips of different manufacturers.

  • Measurement of basal temperature is another way to determine pregnancy. It is produced from the first days of delay, for several days. In the case of a positive result, BT will be higher than standard indicators.
  • Ultrasound will show the presence of pregnancy after 2 - 2.5 weeks after conception of the child. The embryo will be best visible with a transvaginal examination.

Echography will help determine pregnancy 10-15 days after the fertilization of the egg.

Signs of pregnancy without dough
Signs of pregnancy without dough

The main symptoms that occur in pregnant women: what to wait?

The first signs of pregnancy appear only on 20-22 days of pregnancy, when a fertilized egg was already reliably attached to the wall of the uterus and began its development. A girl who suggests her pregnancy should monitor her condition, notice all the changes taking place with her body.

Among the symptoms that occur in pregnant women, one can distinguish:

  1. increased basal body temperature
  2. delay in "critical" days
  3. pain in the lower back, in the lower abdomen
  4. nausea attacks
  5. taste preferences, the desire to eat sour, sweet or salty
  6. increased appetite
  7. rapid fatigue, dizziness
  8. drowsiness
  9. loss of consciousness
  10. frequent mood change, irritability, tearfulness
  11. increased hearing (irritated or frightened by sharp loud sounds, quarrels with increased tonality)
  12. breast enlargement
  13. increased sensitivity and loading of the nipples
  14. emitted colostrum from the nipples
  15. intolerance of smells, most often the smell of spirits and tobacco smoke is the first to become unpleasant
  16. bloody issues
  17. increased amount of white dense muddy discharge
  18. an increase in salivation, which was not previously observed
  19. nausea, especially in the morning
  20. changing the pigmentation around the nipples on the face and the white line on the stomach (in the middle of the abdomen the line becomes dark)
  21. the occurrence of pregnancy bands (scars on the skin of the mammary glands, abdomen, hips)
  22. improving libido
  23. gastrointestinal tract (constipation, bloating, heartburn)
  24. incorrect urination
  25. reducing immunity

You will not necessarily have all the listed signs, however, if there are several at the same time, an occasion to think.

Video: The first signs of pregnancy

Increased basal temperature

An increase in basal temperature is the first sign of pregnancy. It varies at the mark of 37-37.2 degrees in the first 2-4 weeks after conception.

Doctors associate its appearance with the active production of the hormone - progesterone, this occurs during the development of the embryo. At this time, you need to walk in the fresh air more, eat fruits and vitamins necessary for the proper development of the fetus. Rest more.

Lack of menstruation

Delayed menstruation is one of the main indicators of pregnancy in women. If it is accompanied by other symptoms (nausea, intolerance to smells, drowsiness, constant desire to lie down, etc.), then the probability of an “interesting” situation is very high.

To check your expectations, you need to contact a gynecologist or make a test.

Increase and change in the appearance of the chest

The chest quickly reacts to the origin of life in the uterus. From the very first days, swelling and swelling of the nipples begins to be traced. They become more sensitive, which was not noticed before. Also a halo around the nipples is darkened. Sometimes droplets of colostrum can stand out from the nipples with light pressing.

If all this happens along with other signs, then you should think about the campaign on the hospital to the local gynecologist. The doctor will conduct an inspection, confirm or refute the alleged pregnancy.

Changing taste preferences, increasing appetite

A cardinal change in taste preferences, nausea, toxicosis is a common situation in pregnant women. Experts associate it with hormonal restructuring in the body and a lack of iron and other nutrients, the deficiency of which increasingly increases as the fetus grows and develop. Therefore, the future mother increases appetite.

In order to replenish the body with useful substances that are vital for the future mother and fetus, it is necessary to use vitamin preparations sold in pharmacies (they contain the whole complex of substances that are necessary for the growth and development of the child). Plant enzymes that improve digestion can also reduce toxicosis. Look aIcherb catalog (iherb) And choose digestive enzymes for children.

In no case should you limit yourself in your desires. If the body requires, even eat what they would never try in everyday life (for example, salty cucumber and candy, herring and cookies, cake and tomato juice and other illogical combinations).

The only thing to avoid is products that can harm (e.g. sushi, due to the content of raw fish in them, to which there may be pathogens and products in packages with flavor enhancers or sugar substitute).

Frequent urination

The main causes of frequent campaigns in low need are a change in the hormonal background in the body of a woman (active production of hCG) and an increase in the size of the uterus, which presses on the bladder.

To reduce the regularity of visiting the toilet (especially at night), it is necessary to reduce the use of fluids, as well as products that can contain it or with a diuretic effect.

The body of the pregnant woman, starting from the early terms, is functioning for two. The kidneys work more actively to purify amniotic fluid and blood, from the products of the fetus. The filtration process occurs due to frequent urination, which disturb the woman.

Pain in the lower back, in the lower abdomen

The pain in the lower abdomen with normal pregnancy is similar to pain before menstruation. This is because the fertilized egg begins to be introduced into the epithelium of the uterus, destroying it. The fruit egg needs to cling to the uterine wall tightly to develop normally. This process causes a little pain that can appear in the bottom of the abdomen and left and right, can be given to the lower back. However, if the pain is tangible, it is better to go to the gynecologist, since in the early stages, miscarriages in pregnant women may occur.

Fast fatigue, drowsiness, dizziness, loss of consciousness

Again, the cause of fatigue, drowsiness and dizziness, in some cases and loss of consciousness, is hormonal restructuring plus plus, but the temperature is increased, plus problems in digestion do not give the desired amount of nutrients from food. In addition, vascular spasm may occur, which does not give proper blood supply to the brain. Therefore, try to relax more during this period, breathing fresh air until the body adapts to pregnancy.

Frequent mood change, irritability, tearfulness

The listed reasons for fatigue are the reason for changing mood, irritability, and tearfulness. An increased number of female hormones makes you more feminine, weak, unprotected. Therefore, you have increased needs for protection and care. Try to convey to your family that this is not a character, but the needs of your unborn child in defense and security.

Increased hearing

A pregnant woman begins to annoy and frighten sharp loud sounds, quarrels with increased tonality, if any. These are instincts that allow the mother to avoid danger. The pregnant woman really needs protection and security.

An increased amount of white dense muddy discharge, bloody discharge

White discharge after conception occurs due to the preparation of the body for menstruation, which did not occur. The discharge is healthy, moderate without an unpleasant odor. In some cases, there may be small bloody discharge from the fact that the fetal egg is attached to the wall of the uterus, while destroying the epithelium. In the case of abnormal discharge (with a smell, too abundant, scarlet), consult a doctor.

An increase in salivation, which was not previously observed

Salivation can increase both slightly and abundantly. Below in the picture see tips on eliminating abundant salivation.

Increased salivation in the early stages of pregnancy
Increased salivation in the early stages of pregnancy

Increasing libido during pregnancy

At the first signs of conception, blood circulation in the pelvic organs in a woman is increasing due to hormonal restructuring and due to elevated basal temperature. This leads to an increase in libido.

Gastrointestinal tract - constipation, bloating, heartburn, toxicosis

Hormonal restructuring of the woman's body occurs. She needs more nutrients. And her body begins to demand products that contain those nutrients that are currently not enough in her body. Due to a decrease in the acidity of gastric juice, you want sour, pulls on salty cucumbers. By the way, to restore the acidity of gastric juice, take betaine with pepsin 15-30 minutes to a large amount of food, especially protein. Betain can be bought on aiharb (iherb) after passing this link. Betaine and digestive enzymes will help the woman’s body learn more nutrients from food, which will reduce toxicosis and improve the work of the stomach and intestines.

Change in the gastrointestinal tract during pregnancy
Change in the gastrointestinal tract during pregnancy

Below in the picture, see the recommendations for reducing gas formation in the intestine.

Tips for eliminating gas formation in the intestines
Tips for eliminating gas formation in the intestines

Changing pigmentation

Pigmentation will begin to change throughout the body due to an increase in the melanin pigment during pregnancy. The pigmentation of the face, lips, nipples, the white strip in the middle of the abdomen may noticeably change. “Pregnancy stripes” on the mammary glands, stomach, and hips will appear.

Pigmentation during pregnancy
Pigmentation during pregnancy

Reducing immunity

Nature reduces immunity at the first signs of pregnancy in favor of the fetus. Since the immune system can attack the fetal egg, recognizing it as a foreign object. However, this impact on immunity can result in viral infections. Therefore, if you plan a child, be extremely careful about viruses during this period. Do not drink cold drinks, do not eat ice cream, do not in contact with sick people. In addition, cystitis may appear, so before pregnancy, hand over urine analysis for bacterials and treat, if there is an infection. Since during pregnancy it will fully prove itself.

Lack of signs of pregnancy in a pregnant woman: is it possible?

Yes, perhaps. The absence of signs of pregnancy depends on the characteristics of the body. In some cases, even with a regular cycle and excellent well -being, girls determine their pregnancy only by the first move of the crumbs in the tummy. In order not to torment himself with guesses and hopes, it is worth going to a specialist, he will conduct an inspection, and everything will become clear.

What signs can indicate pathologies in the early stages of pregnancy, when urgent help is needed?

Among the main indicators that indicate the pathology of the development of fetus and pregnancy, one can distinguish:

  • bleeding
  • severe pain in the lower abdomen and lumbar region
  • strong headache
  • strong nausea and vomiting
  • fainting

In the event of one of these symptoms, it is urgent to contact a medical institution!

Definition of pregnancy without tests and doctors: folk methods

There are several folk ways to determine pregnancy without using the test and without going to the doctor.

  1. 1 tsp is poured into a container with urine. soda. If it drops to the bottom, there is a pregnancy, if the mixture has taken bubbles, then the result is negative.
  2. A drop of iodine is dripped into the container with urine, if it dissolves, the result is negative, if not - positive.

Although these methods have found their supporters, they do not always have a 100% correct result. It is best to go to the doctor or buy a test, then everything will fall into place.

Video: How to determine pregnancy with improvised means?

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  1. I only found out about pregnancy at 9 weeks, the cycle was irregular, the tummy appeared, began to train hard, and then dawned. And there were no special signs, the ultrasound confirmed, the doctor told vitamins to start taking folic acid, bought a frutilar for pregnant women, and there are immediately folic acid.

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