Is it possible to beer during pregnancy in the first, second and third trimester? Non -alcoholic beer during pregnancy in the early and late stages

Is it possible to beer during pregnancy in the first, second and third trimester? Non -alcoholic beer during pregnancy in the early and late stages

Beer is not the most useful drink, but its use during pregnancy is completely blasphemous liberty for the future mother, which can lead to the most tragic consequences. Why is it impossible to be beer during pregnancy and what to do if you really want to drink a foamy - read in this article.

For every woman, it is a great happiness to know the joy of motherhood. For some it happens unexpectedly, and someone is very thoroughly plans and prepares To this event. When a woman learns about pregnancy, there are many questions in front of her about how to correctly eat and what way to lead a lifestyleso as not to harm the child.

Can I drink beer during pregnancy?

The expectant mother begins with greater care control your dietbut every now and then arising temptations cause significant inconvenience. In particular. Many mothers are interested in, and is it possible to drink alcohol During pregnancy and is it threatening the child?

Drinking alcohol during pregnancy

In Russia, it was strictly forbidden drinking alcoholic beverages At the wedding and before the first wedding night. Our ancestors reasoned that it was on the first wedding night that there was a probability conception of a child And fun with alcohol can cause damage to the baby’s health. Since ancient times, the health of the mother and the child has been worth its weight in gold.

Today, doctors are just as clear in their words about the dangers of alcohol, claiming that even a small amount of drunk can be destructive for the baby. Despite this, some women consider alcohol consumption permissible And often, paying for such liberties is brought to nothing innocent children who are born disabled or die in the womb.

Video: Is it possible to consume alcohol during pregnancy?

Can beer affect pregnancy?

Now in stores there is a wide variety of drinks both alcoholic and low alcohol. A small number of degrees on the label can give false confidence to the future mother that the drunk glass of beer will not harm the child. But only a few know that a bottle of beer equal to 50 g of vodka.

Beer - a slightly alcohol drink, which is produced due to alcohol fermentation with beer yeast, most often using hops. The content of ethyl alcohol in most beer varieties about 3.0-6.0%.An important and harmful component in beer is precisely hops - in its fruits it has Fitoormone, which can cause hormonal infertility.

Beer contains a phytohormone

At first glance, it seems that these doses are minimal, but frequent use of beer even in small quantities promotes the accumulation of phytohormone. This hormone reduces the level of testosterone in men, which can lead to a decrease in the chance to get pregnant with a healthy woman from such a beer lover.

Fitoormone It affects not only men, but also women. With an increase in its level in the body pathological changes occur - The mucous membrane of the uterus thickens significantly, which reduces the chances of a successful pregnancy.

Beer during pregnancy in the first trimester

During the first weeks of pregnancy fertilized egg It enters the uterine region and alcohol, which a woman will drink during this period will certainly affect her development. Since in the early stages not every woman knows about pregnancy, she does not control the amount and quality of alcohol that she uses. In such cases, large doses of alcohol can be destructive for the fetus.

Beer during pregnancy in the first trimester

In the first trimester The formation of the internal organs of the child. On the ultrasound apparatus, you can already hear how the baby’s heart beats. This period is extremely important, because laying important organs and systems, and alcohol can destroy this process destructively.

Because of how the organs will initially form and the blood system of the child will depend development throughout the entire pregnancy period. Alcohol, which is contained in beer, in turn, penetrating through the placenta, causes oxygen starvation fetus. This can lead to problems in the development of the brain and respiratory system.

Even an insignificant dose of beer in the early stages can put the fruit life at risk

Also, in the early stages, they can be very frequent miscarriages, caused by substances that are in beer, their ability violation of metabolism In the body of the fetus, it can lead to the death of a child in the womb.

Beer during pregnancy in the second trimester

The second trimester of pregnancy It can be called more calmly than the first. During this period, the development of organs that have already formed in the first trimester occur. But despite this, drinking a pregnant woman of alcohol Also contraindicated.

The consumption of alcohol in the second trimester should be refused

Regardless of the volume of alcohol contained in an alcoholic drink, the body of the crumbs Significant damage can be caused. Except for the alcohol dangerous for the child in the womb, the composition of such drinks has a number of other hazardous substances, because now on the shelves of stores you can so rarely find really high -quality products.

Despite the fact that practically half of pregnancy has already been passed, the risk of premature birth is not excluded - The danger of alcohol Strong both in the first and in the second trimester.

In the second trimester, important organs develop

In the second trimester and until the birth the child's brain continues to develop, and abuse of hop drinks can adversely affect the development of nerve cells. Even if the child is born without pathologies, then in the future he is awaiting Poor performance, weak logical thinking, nervousness, difficulties in various areas of life. And this is far from a complete list of possible results frequent and immoderate alcohol consumption a woman during pregnancy.

Beer during pregnancy in the third trimester

At the beginning third trimester Pregnancy mom and baby are already going to the “finish line”. He is the same responsible and importantLike the previous ones, but now the mother also gets a clumsy body, pain in her legs and fear that childbirth is no longer around the corner.

Drinking beer in the third trimester can provoke premature birth

It would seem that I don’t want anything harmful, especially alcohol, after all, at a long gestation period, you clearly understand that inside you is a life that is incomparable with any wealth of the world. During this period, the child is already it can distinguish between sounds And distinguish some smells. He is already preparing to become a full -fledged member of society.

In the third trimester The brain of the child continues to form, the development of other organs and systems is completed. Therefore, a young mother should be patient and still limit drinking beer and other alcoholic beverages.

Beer kills nerve cells

Scientific studies have proven that children born to parents, which used alcoholic beverages, During pregnancy or feeding, they get sick more often than those whose mother and father abandoned the pernicious habit.

Why do you want beer during pregnancy?

During pregnancy, a woman has New taste preferences. Often women who previously could not stand even the smell of alcohol are now dreaming of a glass of hoppy. And it is very important to understand in time to understand the reason for such a pernicious desire and replace it with something more useful.

Bear yeast contains a large number of vitamins of group B

The most common explanation of thirst for beer in expectant mothers is lack of group B vitamins. In beer yeast, this vitamin is present in sufficient quantities, but this does not mean that drinking beer is needed during pregnancy.

It is better to fill the deficiency of vitamins with more useful products, for example, increase consumption:

  • carrots
  • greenery
  • bananov
  • fish
  • meat and liver
  • eggs
  • porridge and legumes
Carrots will fill the deficiency of vitamins

All kinds of vegetable and fruit salads will become your friends for the entire period of pregnancy. Freshly squeezed will be very useful juices or herbal teas.

Is it possible to drink non -alcoholic beer for pregnant women in the early and later stages?

Even kefir and sweets with a liquor are alcohol, what can we say about beer: in the so -called non -alcoholic beer is present 0.5-1.5% of alcohol. And even such a tiny, at first glance, percentage should concern future parents, because the child’s body in his mother’s stomach is more vulnerable than the body of an adult and the placenta is not able to protect it from all dangers from the outside.

Non -alcoholic beer is contraindicated in pregnant women

It is also important that in non -alcoholic beer contain a large number of harmful additives. So, as a stabilizer of the foam is used cobaltwho is very toxic to the body of both mom and child. Its content in beer exceeds the norm of practically 10 timesthan the one that is acceptable for a person.

The reasons why a pregnant woman is contraindicated in taking non -alcoholic beer:

  • a long shelf life of this drink due to various preservatives in its composition
  • diuretic effectwhich is very undesirable for future mothers
  • cobalt The beer causes inflammation in the esophagus and stomach
  • frequent use increases the risk oncological diseases
Bo -alcoholic beer during pregnancy is harmful to both the mother and the child

All these extremely harmful nuances negatively affect the health of the mother and the child, Moreover, even a one -time use of such an explosive mixture from preservatives and stabilizers can lead to non -combat consequences.

Is it possible to drink beer when planning pregnancy?

The body of each person individual. Someone may become bad from a piece of cream cake, and someone with pleasure sees this cake with a dozen sweets and remains healthy. But it is important to understand that the health of future parents is not formed in one day and you need to prepare for motherhood and paternity in advance.

Pregnancy planning is an important period of life of future parents

Caring for your own health and health of future children It is a priority task of responsible parents. Therefore, the period pregnancy planning It is extremely important for the future mother, as the strategic time of preparation of the body to a difficult testwhich is pregnancy. The harmful effects of alcohol consumed at this time can not only jeopardize gestation, but also The life of the unborn child.

In this way , the amount of alcohol, drunk at the stage of conscious preparation for the conception and birth of the baby it should be zero.

What to do if you drank beer during pregnancy?

Today, women are independent and self -sufficient, they advocate feminism and human rights, defending the position that everyone is free to do what they want. But the health of the child is a huge responsibility and when the question is about him about his well -being How can thoughts and desires about drinking alcohol arise?

Beer during pregnancy

Every woman should understand that with the onset of pregnancy she ceases to belong to itself and an incredibly responsible period of life arises when every step and action It is done for the good of the child in the womb.

But we are all people, and, of course, Not everyone has a willpower Which will make it easy to abandon something harmful, whether it is chips with beer or fries with a hamburger. And if there is such a situation that you allowed yourself in the company a sip of hoppy, do not blame yourself until the end of your life.

Fruits and vegetables - the best replacement for harmful products during pregnancy

Even the fact that you thought and repented of the already deed already Positive sign. Therefore, do not spoil your mood for the remaining period of pregnancy with the torment of conscience, or better neutralize the influence of alcohol shock dose of vitamins, good walks and joyful emotions. This will benefit you and your future baby.

Video: Is beer useful for pregnant women?

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