What icon to turn, which saint to pray, put a candle, bow to get pregnant and give birth to a healthy child? What kind of icon to buy, what three icons should be embroidered to conceive, get pregnant? Which icon to ask for pregnancy, child?

What icon to turn, which saint to pray, put a candle, bow to get pregnant and give birth to a healthy child? What kind of icon to buy, what three icons should be embroidered to conceive, get pregnant? Which icon to ask for pregnancy, child?

In this article, we will analyze what icons should be addressed to women who want to experience the joy of motherhood

Each married couple sooner or later thinks about the baby and the continuation of the genus. Unfortunately, not every family immediately manages to conceive a child, and in some this process is delayed for decades. The desire to have a child and not be able to get pregnant is a great tragedy for spouses. The reasons why people cannot have children exist very different, the main thing is not to cease to believe and hope for a miracle. In this article, we will consider the icons that help a woman get pregnant.

What icon, which saint to pray, put a candle, bow to get pregnant and give birth to a healthy child: a list of icons about granting children

Orthodox faith fills the soul of a person with light and desire to fight, helps to overcome all life difficulties. In order for God to hear your prayers and requests, you need to correctly pray to the Almighty and Orthodox saints, as well as pronounce words from the heart, with deep hope.

With our heavenly intercessors, we can communicate with the help of prayers so that God gives children a number of prayers and rituals. And also you need to understand what icon to ask for the appearance of a child. Although many believers claim that you need to ask for such a gift of fate directly from the Lord God, because Children are also called "the gift of God." We also offer you to familiarize yourself with article, where you will find the words of prayer that will help to correctly ask God and saints about the granting of the child.

Mindful of the miraculous power of the Orthodox saints, many women seek help to give them the long -awaited child to the temple. In order to conceive and give birth to a healthy child, you need to contact such saints:

  • Matrona Moscow. It is believed that very strong and one of the main assistants for all desperate women who want to have a child, after prayers to the saint, many healings of infertility and incredible miracles pass. The miraculous power of the Matrona of Moscow is recognized as the whole hierarchy of the Orthodox Church, turn to the saint with a request for the gift of strength, endurance and stamina to all experiences and suffering, and with requests for the speedy achievement of a miracle.
  • Ksenia Petersburg. After the death of her husband, the saint devoted his whole life to prayers and God. It is worth bringing your gratitude for everything that you have, pray for the souls of newborn children and pray for both the conception of a child, and turn to her during the bearing of the baby for his health and well -being.
  • Archangel Gabriel - The first gospel of God. After sincere prayers, women received joyful and pleasant news about pregnancy.
  • Alexander Svirsky. Tradition says that his mother gave birth to a son after long years of infertility and diligent prayers to the Lord God. Alexander devoted himself early to service, and after his death, people noticed that after visiting his grave a variety of miracles began to be carried out, women heard such desired words about pregnancy.
  • The Holy Righteous Mother of God Joachim and Anna Parents of the Most Holy Virgin Mary Until old age, the Lord prayed for the granting of him a child. And already at an advanced age of 70, Anna was able to endure and give birth to a healthy girl. Such saints are praying for conception and prosperous bearing the baby.
Pray for a child's phenomenon
Pray for a child's phenomenon
  • Seraphim Sarovsky, whose earthly life was marked by many incredible miracles. Men pray in front of the icons of the miracle worker to accompany their earthly desires, and women - about giving a child. In addition, prayer helps to calm the soul and mind, strengthens the faith that helps to accomplish new victories.

What kind of icon to buy to get pregnant to pray at home?

Many people, in order to pray, come to the temple of God, and that’s right, but you can pray everywhere and at any time, so a woman who wants to get pregnant should buy an icon in a church shop so that you can turn to the Lord God or a certain free moment Saint.

Of course, according to the church rules, so that your prayers are heard, a married couple who wants to have a child, you must first take communion and confess, and then pray with a pure soul and mind. You need to do this at least once a week, but better, if possible. It is worth remembering that before the sacrament it is necessary to keep the post a day before the appointed day.

Praying for pregnancy should be at home
Praying for pregnancy should be at home
  • Any icon that is described in the previous paragraph is suitable in order to pray at home, but first of all you need to turn to the Blessed Virgin Mary - the patroness of mothers and babies. Especially if this icon of the Mother of God was used in the wedding.
  • Also, a blessed Matron is considered a very strong intercessor of the entire feminine, which will help to conceive a child.
  • You can contact the saint that patronizes you.

It is very important to remember that nothing should distract you from the sacrament of communication with the saints, and before prayer you should kiss the cross that you have on your neck. Before the icon, you need to light the candle and the article on the knees in front of the shrine. Believe by virtue of your words and that the miracle will come true. Ask your soulmate to pray with requests for giving you common joy.

What three icons should be embroidered to conceive, get pregnant?

Many icons of saints are able to help couples to conceive a child, and in the process of the entire period of pregnancy, the embroidered icons with their own hands, not only with ordinary threads, but also beads, have a particularly great power of miracles. Such icons are noted by a special miraculous effect:

  • Orthodox icon of the Holy Martyr Paraskeva Friday. She needs to pray for the conception of the child and for the well -being of the family as a whole. Also, prayers help in the process of raising children, and universal understanding in the family, between children and parents.
  • Icon Archangel Gabriel. During the creation of the icon, you should mentally pray for a long -awaited child. In this case, we are talking not only about conception, but also in the case of adoption of children from orphanages. Sincere prayer will help with bureaucratic problems during adoption.
  • Theodor's icon of the Mother of God It is considered miraculous and will help with infertility, in the future it will be a talisman for conception of a child and the birth of a healthy child.
The embroidered icon has miraculous influence
The embroidered icon has miraculous influence

Embroidered icons with their own hands are enriched with faith in a miracle, the main thing is to be sure that your long -awaited desire will come true. You can embroider not all icons, but only one, after consulting with the priest, which one to choose for you for home prayers, based on your problem.

It is better to decorate the icons in a solemn style, decorate with pearls, jewelry materials, it is better to place the product in gilded outlets or a frame made of natural wood. These attributes will strengthen the action of icons that help a woman when conception of a child.

The surrounding of the icon of the Mother of God: Does it help to get pregnant?

In addition to the Almighty, you can pray for the appearance of a child to other Orthodox saints, and the main patroness of all mothers and people petitioned before the Almighty is considered the Holy Virgin, the mother of all mothers.


The heavenly queen has quite a lot of icons, before which women ask for successful marriage, prosperity in the family, the speedy conception of a child, easy bearing and childbirth. Such icons include:

  • The icon of the Virgin "Help in childbirth"
  • Ski -deducted icon of the Mother of God, which also helps to heal after severe births
  • Theodor's icon of the Mother of God, for prosperous births
  • Georgian icon of the Mother of God
  • "Mammician"

In front of the icon, a surrounding icon pray with a variety of ailments, also with infertility, and according to many believers, help comes soon. The holy image of the mother can help people with sincere faith, pure thoughts and soul. In ancient times, they prayed for the good of saving life in a variety of tragic situations. Also, the servants of the Lord use this image to expel evil spirits and blacks from the souls of people.

What icon of the Virgin helps to get pregnant?

Most of all, data for help in conception of the child and mild bearing precisely after a prayer before the Feodorovsky icon of the Virgin were preserved. Such an image of the Mother of God is considered the most respectful in the Orthodox Church for all mothers and their children. The icon was written by the holy evangelist Luke. Name in honor of Theodore Stratilat, who found her in the city of Gorodets. During the time, while the icon was in this city, many miracles have been noticed.

Few people know that it is in this icon that there are two sides. With one image of the Virgin, on the other - the face of the martyr Paraskeva. The Blessed is asked about the following:

  • Conception of a child
  • Successful bearing
  • Light childbirth
  • The health of their loved ones
  • Healing from ailments
Theodor's icon of the Virgin
Theodor's icon of the Virgin

In order for the prayer to be heard, first you need to cleanse the mind and heart, sincerely believe and read prayer from a pure heart. You need to pray daily. It is very important to get rid of bad habits, and it is recommended to pronounce prayers to women in a skirt, because This is a sign of feminine, even if you read it at home.

Before the way, every woman asks for prosperity and health to her children. Take a prayer and sincere intentions to the Most Holy Theotokos and it really will help you.

Does the Iveron icon help to get pregnant?

The miraculous virgin Maria occupies an honorable place in the Christian faith, prayers in front of the Iveron icon of the Virgin helps with the healing of a variety of ailments, protect against injustice and abuse, and those who doubt the faith help restore her. Prayers help to take the right path and strengthen faith.

  • The icon is located on the sacred mountain Athos, in Iveria (Georgia) from here and the name.
  • This image of the Blessed Virgin Mary of the goalkeeper is considered an intercessor of the whole feminine, and the keeper of the hearth. By tradition, the icon should be hanged above the door, preferably above the entrance, so that it protects from all evil and uninvited guests.
  • The main thing is that with prayers it is worth not only to ask, but also to thank God the mother for the grace that we have.
Iveron icon
Iveron icon

As a true patroness of all women and children, the Virgin protects them and helps to withstand all life difficulties. Helps women, starting from conception and throughout the entire period of pregnancy and in the future even in raising children. Gives hope for the healing of childhood diseases and ailments. And also mothers turn to the Iveron icon when the problems of adolescence with the child begin.

Do not look for explanations about the miracles of the saints, you should simply believe, follow the commandments that help us survive all difficulties and obstacles in life.

Does the icon of the righteous Anna help to get pregnant?

Saint Anna Mother of the Blessed Virgin Mary, was the wife of St. Joachim. Over the very long painful years, the married couple could not conceive a child, but thanks to the persistent and unshakable faith, the constant prayers addressed to the Lord, Anna managed to heal from prolonged infertility. A girl who blessed the whole world was born to the light.

  • The saint helps in the fight against ailments and diseases, a saint prayer helps to find a way out of the most difficult life situations. St. Joachim and Righteous Anna order a prayer for healing from a female disease and granting a child.
  • Prayers in front of Anna icon give hope for healing, protect against bodily and mental ailments, strengthen in humility and patience, give faith to further light birth.
Prayer to Anna
Prayer to Anna

Anna's life history indicates that, by numerous requests and appeals to the Almighty, inexhaustible faith and trust bring him such the desired result. All women who cannot conceive a child for a long time turn to the great St. Anna, and she helps them.

The Matrona icon helps to get pregnant?

Not only believers, but also doctors speak of the benefits of prayers that are directed to the Orthodox saints. Faith gives a person seemingly impossible, according to numerous reviews, the prayer of St. Matrona for pregnancy and conception is miracles.

To enhance the action, you need to prepare a decoction of Matron before reading prayer. The decoction is prepared without the addition of preservatives and harmful substances, therefore it is completely harmless and useful for women who are preparing to become a mother. The secret of its effectiveness is that the decoction contains phytohormones, which are close to the female hormone - estrogen in its properties. The composition of the miraculous decoction includes:

  • Grushanka
  • Ortilia
  • Winter
  • Hibiscus or frame
  • Chamomile
  • Oregano
Matron works miracles
Matron works miracles

The infusion of herbs can not only drink, but it is also very useful to wash it. Matron was a righteous clairvoyant, and treated only with prayers.

Before prayer, it is worth asking for forgiveness for the sins and ask Matron to pardon and propitiate the birth of the baby. If you go to the temple, you must first keep the post for 9 days, be sure to take communion and confess.

The Ostrome icon in Vilnius, which works miracles: does it help to get pregnant?

The miraculous image of the sharp -brim icon of the Mother of God has a rich history of healings and is transmitted from generation to generation. This image is known and important both for the Orthodox Church and for Catholic.

Orthodox believers believe that this divine image is one of the strongest defenders from ailments and dark forces, which is very important for women who want to know the joy of motherhood. After all, many reasons why spouses cannot have a child are associated with the activities of dark forces.

In addition, the Ostrome icon of the Virgin:

  • Improve home energy
  • Will help find a way out of a difficult situation and start new things
  • Protects the married couple from temptations and interventions, helps to save the family
  • Will heal from mental ailments
  • The face of the Mother of God from the evil eye and damage will help

Today you can find the image of the Mother of God over the sharp gates in the Vilnius chapel.

Miraculous icon in Vilnius
Miraculous icon in Vilnius

Of course, it is better to conduct prayers in the temple, but it is worth remembering the important rules that you need to follow before reading the prayer:

  1. Prayer must be confessed to cleanse yourself
  2. A few hours before prayer, it is forbidden to eat food
  3. Do not wear open clothes, but put a silk scarf on your head
  4. Rid your mind from bad intentions, tune in to the good
  5. After completion, you must bow to the image

What icon is in Greece that helps get pregnant?

The Virgin Mary of Tsambik, in other words - “spark”, “light” is the strongest and most famous patroness of motherhood and children. You can find a miraculous icon on the island of Rhodes (Greece) on the top of the mountain, in the very center of the small island there is a miraculous monastery of the Virgin of Tsambiki, where all women who pray for the talent of a miracle come.

The most honorable holiday of the island is considered on September 8, which they begin to celebrate on the 7th, it is on this day that there are more miracles that were accomplished thanks to the prayers of the directed Virgin.

  • In the evening of September 7 to 8, all barren and women who want to feel the joy of motherhood make a sacrament: during prayer, lubricate the belt with sacred oil, and at the waist they tie a woolen thread, take a waxy candle in the form of a newborn and go to the very top of the mountain to the monastery .
  • Having risen, you need to light a candle, and when it burns completely, swallow it with an ogarik.
  • After the miracle accomplishment, many parents return to the monastery in order to baptize their baby in it, and many of them even name in honor of the holy child - Tsambikos or Tsambik.
  • There is an opinion if a woman who wants to become pregnant will crawl on her knees on naked stones from the foot of the mountain to the altar, then soon her desire will come true.
Icon on the hill
Icon on the hill

Since the monastery of Panagia Tsambika is located at the very top of the mountain, in the center of the small village of Arkhangelus, then the car does not get there, women go on foot, and the path is not close - approximately 240 m, on which 300 steps are located.

What icon is in Cyprus that helps to get pregnant?

In each corner of the world, you can find those holy places with certain icons that help women feel the joy of motherhood, help preserve their family and raise healthy happy children. There is also a Kikk monastery in Cyprus, there is a miraculous, respectful image of the Mother of God - the merciful icon.

  • This is one of the famous icons written by the Apostle and the Evangelist Luke, before the beautiful way of the Mother of God, many desperate barren couples are praying for the granting of a long -awaited child.
  • The icon is framed so that the left ear is visible, so the people have another name for this image - “listener”. As if the gracious Mother of God carefully listens to prayers and fulfills pure bright desires.
Gracious icon
Gracious icons

The monastery chronicle tells many miracles that occurred after the prayers of the "gracious." Her fertile healing power is able to help not only Christians, but also people of a different faith who, in sorrow, experiences, diseases, turn to the Blessed Virgin Mary.

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  1. Prayer to get pregnant

    (It is read clearly three times, once in a life, then be sure to write it somewhere so that others can use it).

    “The Holy Spirit, solving all the problems that shed light on all the roads, so that I could come to my goal. You, giving me the divine gift of forgiveness and oblivion of all evil. Made against me, in all the storms of life staying with me. In this brief prayer, I want to thank you for everything and once again prove that I will never part with you, in spite of any illusory of matter. I want to stay with you in your eternal glory. Thank you for all your good deeds to me and my neighbor. I ask you to grant a chance to become a healthy baby's parents "

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