Multiple pregnancy. Pregnancy twins: weight and stomach, sensations

Multiple pregnancy. Pregnancy twins: weight and stomach, sensations

The onset of pregnancy is a very important event in the life of any woman, regardless of whether she planned to become a mother or fate so ordered. Exciting preparations for the birth of the baby begin. Sometimes prepares for the appearance of two babies at once. This is double happiness, but also double load and responsibility.

Making twins is located on the border of normal and pathology due to increased load on the female body. Multiple pregnancy increases the risks of health problems, termination of pregnancy, complications during childbirth. That is why it requires increased attention and observation.

From the first days of the discovery of the presence of pregnancy, the woman falls under thorough control from both medical personnel and from relatives and friends.

Multiple pregnancy, early signs

Early diagnosis of pregnancy twins is extremely important for the normal course of pregnancy, because it requires special attention and constant observation.

In general, the woman at first does not feel that she is pregnant with twins. Most often, this is learned about this in the first ultrasound study when registering in a antenatal clinic.

Pay attention to some early signs in which you can suspect the presence of multiple pregnancy:

  • Exposited smell, intolerance to aromas, toxicosis
  • Pronounced swelling of the mammary glands
  • The appearance of age spots on the face and chest
  • During the first examination, the presence of two fruits may suspect a gynecologist in size of the uterus and its rapid increase at the next reception. Sometimes, pregnant women at the first reception are set the wrong period due to the fact that the dimensions of the uterus do not correspond to the time
  • For a period of 10 weeks, an multi -resulting pregnancy can be detected by electrocardiography
  • Increased hCG level, which can be detected by blood tests
Pregnancy period (in weeks) Singleous pregnancy norm
1-2 50-300
3-4 1500-5000
4-5 10000-30000
5-6 20000-100000
6-7 50000-200000
7-8 20000-200000
8-9 20000-100000
9-10 20000-95000

Important: the first ultrasound study does not guarantee the detection of multiple pregnancy, because one fruit can hide after another.

Signs of pregnancy twins
Signs of pregnancy twins

Signs of pregnancy twins

For a period after 20 weeks, a multi -resulting pregnancy can be found without the help of an ultrasound apparatus:

  • On the palpation of the abdomen, four large parts are felt in different places (heads and buttocks)
  • The height of the bottom of the uterus and its dimensions significantly exceed the indicators of ordinary pregnancy
  • The expectant mother clearly feels the movements of two fruits
  • When listening to the abdomen, two heartbeats are found

Pregnancy test, twins

  • Pregnancy test is the first remedy, according to the results of which you can suspect the presence of multiple pregnancy
  • In this case, the HCG level (hCG - human chorionic gonadotropin) is much higher, as a result of which the second strip on the test, which indicates the presence of pregnancy, is distinct and bright in color
  • In addition, an increased level of hCG helps to determine the presence of multiple pregnancy earlier than the detection of a regular
Pregnancy test
Pregnancy test

Pregnancy twins - sensations

With multiple pregnancy, the well -being and sensations of a woman are somewhat different from pregnancy with one child. What the expectant mother can face with:

  • Strong prolonged toxicosis
  • Varicose veins due to weight gain
  • Shortness of breath due to an excessive increase in the uterus, as a result of which the diaphragm of the bottom is shifted
  • Heartburn
  • Increased fatigue, drowsiness
  • Swelling
  • Back pain
  • Dark spots
  • Anemia, dizziness, fainting

A pregnant woman begins to feel the movements of fruits a couple of weeks earlier than during a regular pregnancy, they are more intense and numerous. This is due to the fact that the kids are crowded and they fit closer to the wall of the uterus.


Pregnancy: twins or twins

There are two types of twins: monozygous or dizygoma:

  • Monozygot (one -eating) twins implies the birth of babies very similar to each other (twins). They are obtained from one egg and have one set of chromosomes. The egg is divided at an early stage of development. With such pregnancy, children of the same sex are born
  • Dizigate (bilingual) twins develops with fertilization of two eggs with two spermatozoa and has a different set of chromosomes. As a result of such a pregnancy, heterogeneous kids may be born. Twins do not imply a strong similarity between children

Interesting: it has long been the birth of the twins gave a mystical coloring. For example, in ancient Greece, such a phenomenon was considered the gift of gods.

Monozygot and dizigate twins
Monozygot and dizigate twins

Weight during pregnancy twins

There is a misconception that weight gain during pregnancy is much higher and can reach 30-40 kg. However, this is not true.

The norm of the set depends on the weight of the woman before pregnancy and her growth. It is according to these data that BMI is calculated - the body mass index. To calculate BMI, you need to divide the weight (in kilograms) by growth in a square (in meters). For example, for a 56kg girl with a growth of 1.6m BMI, it will be 21.9.

According to the initial BMI, we can assume how much the future mother of twins will gain with the normal course of pregnancy:

  • BMI ‹20-weight gain 16-20kg
  • BMI 20-27-set 13-17kg
  • BMI ›27-set 11-13kg

To determine the perfect weight at different periods of multiple pregnancy, you can use online calculator.

Multiple pregnancy weight
Multiple pregnancy weight

Stomach during pregnancy twins

  • The stomach with multiple pregnancy begins to grow earlier than with a regular one. By the 12th week, it may be quite noticeable due to an increase in the size of the uterus
  • Starting from the 17th week it is already quite difficult to sleep. It is recommended to lie or sleep on the left side, slightly bending the legs in the knees. A special pillow for pregnant women or just a twisted blanket laid under the stomach and between the legs helps to reduce pain.
  • In the third trimester, the stomach begins to grow very actively, which leads to the appearance of stretch marks. It is recommended to use moisturizers or oils to increase skin elasticity from the beginning of the second trimester. For example, wheat germ oil or baby oil
  • At about the 20th week, the doctor may recommend to wear a bandage to support the back and abdomen
Belly with multiple pregnancy
Belly with multiple pregnancy

Development of twins by weeks: the first trimester of pregnancy

It is generally accepted that the trimester is 13 weeks. What happens to the babies in the womb at this time?

Multiple pregnancy is slightly different from the usual. One of these differences is the somewhat accelerated development of fruits. I offer you an approximate description of what is happening with your body and your kids:

  • 4-7 weeks-fruits growth of 20-30mm, the development of the brain and internal organs begins. The expectant mother can feel the first signs of pregnancy: breasts swell, light nausea appears
  • The 7th week is the growth of embryos 8-10mm, the outlines of the head and limbs appear, the eyes, mouth and ears are outlined on the head. There is a probability of miscarriage, it is determined during the examination
  • 12th week-kids grow to 5-6 cm, the risk of miscarriage is reduced. You can already meet them by passing an ultrasound. The fruits of nails and teeth have appeared, their height can reach 15 cm, and weight - 1g. They can already react to stimuli, clenching their fists, and make their first attempts to swallow

Development of twins by weeks: second trimester of pregnancy

  • 20th week-by this period, the growth of fruits reaches 25 cm, the weight is already 250-300 gr. Kids begin to respond to sounds, the uric system and the intestines of the fruit begins to work. The expectant mother already clearly feels movements and shocks
  • 24th week-height about 30 cm, weight-600g, hair appears on the body, the outlines of the eyebrows and the first cilia are already noticeable on the face, the noses are formed. The head is still disproportionately great
  • 27th week-starting from this period, fruits are considered viable in case of premature birth. Vital processes in the lungs are formed, weight can reach 1 kg, height of 35cm. Since twins grow rapidly, a pregnant woman feels inconvenience due to a large abdomen and lower back pain. Due to the increase in the load on the legs, it becomes hard to walk a lot

Development of twins by weeks: Third trimester of pregnancy

  • 32nd week-the formation of the skeleton is completed. The weight of twins is about 1.5 kg, height up to 40cm. Each fetus has its own sleep cycle. The bodies in proportions begin to catch up with the head, the pancreas begin to work
  • 34th week-the expectant mother feels pain in almost the whole body, rapid fatigue appears. If one of the kids drops down, a little relief occurs, because the stomach sinks and ceases to press on the diaphragm and internal organs
  • 36th week-nails protrude beyond the edges of the fingers, the formation of fat under the skin ends. Weight 2-2.5 kg, height up to 45cm. Twins are smaller than one child at this time, but often their lungs and other body systems are more developed
Twins, third trimester
Twins, third trimester

Features of multiple pregnancy

  • Get ready for frequent visits to a antenatal clinic, pregnancy of twins requires careful observation
  • Take vitamin complexes and folic acid
  • Eat correctly, more often in the fresh air
  • You may have increased appetite, because gestation of two babies requires a lot of energy
  • Your figure can slightly change its outlines, moreover, there is a high probability of stretch marks in the late stages
  • Be prepared for an early family. Twins are rarely toned until the 40th week, usually the delivery occurs at 36-38 weeks
  • There is a high probability of cesarean section

Video: Double Pregnancy

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