Can Muslims eat squid, crabs, shrimp, lobsters, crayfish, mussels, oysters? What can not be eaten by Muslims from seafood?

Can Muslims eat squid, crabs, shrimp, lobsters, crayfish, mussels, oysters? What can not be eaten by Muslims from seafood?

Muslims are forbidden to eat many seafood. This is due to the prohibition described in the Qur'an.

The Muslim seminary of Jamia Nizamiya, based in Hyderabad and founded in 1876, two years ago introduced this people a ban on the eating of squid, crabs, shrimp, crayfish, mussels and oysters, calling them Makrukh (forbidden, sinful). In Islam, there are three categories of food: halal (allowed), haram (impossible), macrouss (it is worth avoiding as sinful).

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From this article you will learn is it possible to eat seafood for Muslims and what. Read further.

Free food: What is it?

Free food
Free food

Term "Felle" - Translated as "Resolved", and is also used in the Islamic people to designate certain dishes that are allowed by law. Often this term is used not only to refer to food or drinks permitted for Muslims, but also in everyday life.

Thinking about the term free food, most people tend to think about meat dishes, however, other food products that were approved and allowed for Muslims can be attributed to this category. To determine which foods are considered free or harammal, you can look into the famous Qur'an (the sacred book of Islam). It indicates which products are a halal or, conversely, are prohibited for use. Muslims are strictly forbidden to eat, such products:

  • Any flesh sacrificed in the name of any other God except Allah.
  • Meat obtained from animals killed by blows or strangulation.
  • The meat of animals who died by a natural death.
  • Blood of animals.
  • All meat pork, wild boar and birds with claws.

Even the meat of birds that feed on prohibited products, such as insects, are allowed in Muslims only if this type of food is not an important part of their diet. From insects, only locusts can be eaten for food, it is strictly forbidden to encroach on the life of the rest.

A few more nuances:

  • Fruits and vegetables should also be examined before eating to make sure that there are no insects on them.
  • Seafoods are strictly prohibited.
  • Coagulated with acid or plant enzymes are allowed.
  • Grain is allowed provided that they were not prepared using animal fats or other prohibited ingredients.

It is allowed to use vinegar prepared not from fermented alcohol.

Can Muslims eat squid, shrimp, mussels, oysters?

It is generally accepted from Muslims that squid, shrimp, mussels, oysters And other seafood, are not permitted, so they are under a strict prohibition for people of this religion.

Almost the entire water game is considered harammal, except for some varieties of fish. The Hanafite school of Islamic jurisprudence prohibits eating seafood other than fish. However, scientists still disagree on shrimp, related to fish seafood.

Is it possible to eat crabs and crayfish to Muslims?

Omara, octopuses, crabs and crayfish It has long been included in the list of marine inhabitants, who in Islam are customary to classify as creatures that can feel pain. Therefore, people of this religion carefully monitor that these marine residents never fall on the table of a Muslim person.

In Islam, methods are strictly prohibited that are mainly used on fishing vessels in European waters to kill marine creatures. Unacceptable methods include: beating with sticks, cutting off the head with crab or cancer, as well as strangulation in the suspended mesh bag. For these methods of fishing for marine creatures, a Muslim person is able to receive a fine and even get behind the prison bars.

Therefore, almost no one dares to cross the law in order to taste the meat of crayfish or crabs.

What can not be eaten by Muslims from seafood?

Seafood that Muslims cannot be eaten
Seafood that Muslims cannot be eaten

If it comes to fish, the Muslim people are forbidden to use in food, some fish rocks. For example, categorically you can not cook food from mollusks, lashes and sharks. However, you can eat dishes from salmon, carp, sea perch or sardines for food.

What else can not be eaten by Muslims from seafood? Read more:

  • The meat of crabs and crayfish is also prohibited to add to food to the Muslim people, since it is believed that these types of marine inhabitants are able to feel pain, and as you know, people of this religion are often defenders of living beings.
  • Squid, shrimp, mussels, oysters Also in many Muslim countries are prohibited for use. You can find information about this prohibition in the Qur'an. The verses of this book containing information about free food: 2: 173, 5: 5 and 6: 118-119, 121. It is considered sacred in Islam, and Muslims are obliged to follow lines from the famous Qur'an.

On the one hand, the rejection of seafood for Muslims can largely reduce the risks of the disease with any bacterial diseases. It is believed that fresh and frozen raw seafood may contain bacteria, such as salmonella and listeries, as well as parasites, pinworms or flat worms.

Video: Can I eat crabs?

Video: Haramic products

Video: Free seafood

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