What to do if you overproped the soup? How to neutralize the severity in the first dish from pepper?

What to do if you overproped the soup? How to neutralize the severity in the first dish from pepper?

Preparing food is also a creative process, and not a boring everyday duty. True, a person does not always have the mood, therefore it turns out that food is always different. This factor plays a big role in cooking. What to do if you overprop the soup - we will consider further.

Each mistress can accidentally ruin the dish with salt or spices. This happens for various reasons. Due to the fact that many parallel deeds are being done, or because of forgetfulness. And it happens that different manufacturers can have a season with the same name to make different searse. What to do if you re -spill soup - we will find out further. After all, the first dish can be saved by different methods.

What to do if you overproped the soup?

When you prepare an Asian cuisine, a lot of certain seasonings are always added to the dish. Moreover, each housewife uses all sorts of subtleties in the process, and uses her favorite seasonings. There can be a mixture of peppers and not only smelling, but also sharp. Therefore, overkill occurs, the soup can turn out so sharp that it will be impossible. You can always pour the first dish, so, without enjoying your favorite food. And this is the worst option for solving the problem. There are others that we will consider further. Let's find out what to do if you overprop the soup?

How to fix the soup if it has been re -fed?

At first, you can simply pour water, and pour so much so that the taste of the dish becomes acceptable. It is even better to take coconut milk, it extinguishes bitterness very well after peppers. Thanks to coconut milk, the soup will be wonderful. In addition, you can also use various ways to remove the taste of sharpness due to a large amount of pepper.

The acuity after bitter pepper is perfectly eliminated by fermented milk, milk drinks. They can also extinguish the severity on the mucous membranes in the mouth. It is these drinks that reduce the fire inside, just juice, water will not be useful for solving the problem. If you cook the cream SUP and the problem happened to it, then add natural yogurt to it, or sour cream.

It is also recommended to do the following to eliminate severity:

  1. Increase the amount of the first dish by increasing the number of components in it. Cabbage is an excellent neutralizer of the severity of the dish. You can also add other components, depending on which dish you cooked initially, such products will be appropriate.
  2. You can also apply this soup as the basis for the second portion of soup.
  3. To eliminate bitterness, add sugar, only this is not always a good idea, especially for salty soup. The main thing is not to overdo it.
  4. And, of course, the soup will correct milk, sour cream, cream, cheese. Then ordinary soup can turn into milk, but this process will remove almost all the severity.

A good option would be the idea to add something else to the soup of sour. Tomato paste or pickled cucumbers is suitable. But this method acts if you have not too much overdo it with pepper.

IMPORTANT:When cooking the dish, try not to experiment with the products that you bought for the first time. Especially spices, add them in small portions and try the soup so that you do not have to correct the situation later.

How to neutralize the severity in the first dish from pepper?

Peppers are different in taste. Therefore, you need to cook dishes with them with caution, there is a danger of spoiling the first dish. You need to pour seasonings with peppers in small portions. What to do if the soup is overprop is a question that housewives ask. And if this has already happened with a hot dish, then you need an ambulance, do not pour borsch or soup into the sewer.

A lot of pepper in the first dish
A lot of pepper in the first dish
What to do when the first dish was too sharp? The first is not to panic. Do not rush to scrape borscht, let's look at methods of resuscitation of the product.
  • A great way to increase the volume of container, add water to borsch and add cabbage, potatoes and other components. Then the problem will completely disappear.
  • If you notice that the taste of borscht is spoiled by sharp pepper, right before serving, then serve the first with sour cream, thanks to the product, the sharpness will disappear. Your borsch will be approved by the taste of others.
  • If the pepper did not spoil the borscht heavily, then add to the first cabbage, the vegetable absorbs sharpness and can correct the unpleasant situation.
  • A small amount of sugar will also eliminate bitterness and sharpness.
  • There is such a method as first add vegetables to borsch, the same cabbage, and then get some of it from the pan. She will remove the sharpness of borsch. And then it can be used as an additive to another dish, for example, in stew.
  • Vinegar is also effective, just use apple to eliminate the problem, and not aggravate. In a three liter pan, add about 10 ml of 6 percent vinegar.

All these methods are effective. Only unfortunately, not always, if you accidentally poured half a package of a mixture of peppers into the first dish, then it is impossible to save the situation. It is better then to get vegetables and other ingredients from the broth. And cook them in a completely different broth, but it is undesirable to pepper. After all, these components also absorb acute seasonings and they will give the first dish a certain sharpness, but not the same as before.

If you crossed the puree soup, how to fix it?

If you overprove the cream-SUP, then fixing the first dish will not be so difficult. Perhaps you may even have to prepare a double portion of this dish. So, what to do if you overprop the soup, we will find out further. Some nationalities recognize only sharp dishes, and for us they are considered an amateur. Not everyone can eat such soups.

A overprian cream-SUP can be both sharp pepper and a mixture of peppers. The second occurs more often. Indeed, a rather burning ingredient may contain a rather burning ingredient in the mixture.

You can make the soup-puree suitable for use by adding carrots. And rash it more, the taste will be much softer. A grated cheese will help well. It is enough to mix it with other components. This product perfectly absorbs the taste of bitter pepper. Sour cream or cream also give a soft taste to the dish.

In extreme cases, boil a portion of a larger soup. And then mix it with the first portion, the sharpness will leave.

Crapped the soup, what to do?
Crapped the soup, what to do?

IMPORTANT: Soups-puree can be served with sour cream and cream. Moreover, this is done not only to soften the taste of the dish, but also in order for it to benefit. The absorption of such a dish is better.

What to do if pepper soup with pepper?

Of course, it’s a shame if you overproping the soup of the meat. After all, pepper is poured at the end of cooking, and the soup is too pervious. Sorry for the products and time spent on cooking the first dish. Therefore, you have to get out of an unpleasant situation by any way.

In addition to increasing the portion of the first dish, you can also increase other methods. Take the meat so that it is not burning in the soup, pour it with lemon juice or citrus fruits. Then lower it into the soup, thanks to this process, the soup will become more fragrant and tastier.

You can also mix the meat with pineapple cut into cubes, let it stand for about 18 minutes, and then send it to the soup. It will turn out deliciously if you add mushrooms or cream to the soup.

More read the articles on our portal on a similar topic here:

  1. What to do if you overlapped the meat when frying?
  2. What to do if the jelly was overlapping?
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Video: What to do if you re -pass the first dish?

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