What is the difference between mirror carp and usual?

What is the difference between mirror carp and usual?

Mirror carp and ordinary - what is common and how are they different? How to catch and cook mirror carp?

This article will be interesting to both fishermen and cooks. We will tell you how the mirror carp differs from the usual, as well as about the features of fishing for carps and their preparation.

The origin of the carp and carp mirror

Carps - The family (species) of fish, which, according to scientific theory, descended from the carp and belong to the silt species of fish. There are a lot of subspecies and they are freshwater fish.

The handsome men deserve special attention - mirror carps. A separate type of carp, dedicated to selectors, and divorced exclusively in domesticated conditions, as well as in artificial rates. They catch mirror carps both industrially and fans of fishing. In an open pond (under natural conditions), it is possible to catch a mirror carp, since some individuals fall in one way or another in the rivers and lakes, where they take root perfectly. But still they have no mass distribution.

What is the difference between mirror carp and usual?

In this section, we consider how the mirror carp differs from the usual, as well as what similarities are:

  • Mirror carp artificially bred fish, and in size an adult is larger than ordinary carp;
  • Mirror carp has a massive carcass with a large corresponding carcass. Convex eyes - one of the signs of carp;
  • In the mirror -type of scales is rare, located not along the entire carcass, scales are large and “mirror”. The fish looks very interesting, and some lovers of beautiful fish breeds propagate even in mini-elements on their personal plots as an additional decor;
  • Two pairs of antennae are located above the mouth;
  • Mirror carp reaches up to 25 kg and in length more than a meter, in extreme cases up to 35 kg and up to one and a half meters. To catch such a fish is a real success of a fisherman;
  • Mirror carp is a very bony type of fish, but the meat is so tasty that the bones are not an obstacle;
  • Mirror carps, like ordinary carps - some of the river species of fish containing a real storehouse of omega3 and 6;
  • Another plus of mirror carp, in contrast to the usual one, is rapid growth and weight gain, since the breed was displayed as a dietary dining room.
Mirror and ordinary carp
Mirror and ordinary carp

How to catch a mirror carp?

So, we figured out how the mirror carp differs from the usual, and fans of fishing, we suggest catching fish in a wild pond. Of course, in wild conditions, it is found more in Central Russia, in Siberia, in Kamchatka, as well as the North Caucasus. But in other regions, going to a quiet hunt for carp, you can catch a real rarity - a mirror look.

  • Please note that carps see and hear well. Therefore, going fishing for carpas, do not forget that they need to be caught in absolute silence so as not to frighten off;
  • In artificial conditions, Karpov is fed twice a day, and in the wild they also pop up higher several times a day to get food. If you often fish, feed carps, especially when it drizzles, and your catch will increase several times. Carps eat complementary foods from the water, especially noticeable when they gather in flocks before the cold;
  • Important: mirror carps almost never change their habitat. They caught one - feed the rest;
  • In winter, mirror carps go to winter, and awaken only in the spring. It is worth considering in choosing a season for fishing. But in the spring, hungry fish pecks almost around the clock. The ideal time is not for fishing, but for feeding;
  • Mirror carp is bred on cereals, as well as on nutrition by mollusks. Focus when choosing top dressing and bait.

How to cook mirror carp?

We have already figured out how the mirror carp differs from the usual one, and now we offer to cook the fish in the most delicious way - to bake with vegetables in the oven.

For preparation for 4 people, we need:

  • Small (2.5-4 kg) mirror carp;
  • 2-3 onions;
  • Juicy carrots;
  • Fleshy tomato, or several dense cherry;
  • Half of the lemon;
  • 1 spoon of mayonnaise and vegetable oil to choose from;
  • Parsley, dill, cilantro or any other greens, depending on the preferences of the hostess;
  • Salt and a mixture of peppers taste.

The recipe is simple:

  • Clear the carp from the insides without removing the head;
  • Rinse under running water and soak in salted water for 30 minutes;
  • Make longitudinal incisions along the entire carcass along the ribs and grate the pepper and salt with a mixture of pepper, also inside (slightly so that the dish is not overclocking or pepper);
  • Put the parchment on the baking sheet and grease with oil;
  • Grate the carrots, cut the onions and mix with chopped herbs. Add mayonnaise and mix;
  • Distribute part of the mixture into incisions, part inside the carcass;
  • Place the tomato slices on the carcass and pour lemon juice;
  • Bake at a temperature of 120 0 Within 40-50 minutes (until cooked).

What is the difference between mirror carp and usual: tips and reviews

Nikolai: Catching a mirror carp is a real find, because in the photo it looks oh-th, and on the table much fleshy and tastier from the usual. I recommend that the carp is not only frying and baked, but also try cutlets from carp, and lovers to get confused - take a chance and cook canned food in an autoclave. Then you will enjoy only divine meat, without choosing numerous bones.

Fedor: They completed the house and decided to ennoble the old lake overgrown with reeds. Cleaned, put a bridge, and the wife suggested launching beautiful mirror carps. Now everyone is satisfied, and the girlfriends who come to his wife enjoying the look, and my friends, who only manage to catch rapidly propagating mirror carps. Do not be lazy - I advise you!

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