What can be baked and cook for tea quickly and tasty: ideas, recipes of quick and tasty pastries, fruit cake, rum honey, biscuit with blueberries, vanilla and cinnamon

What can be baked and cook for tea quickly and tasty: ideas, recipes of quick and tasty pastries, fruit cake, rum honey, biscuit with blueberries, vanilla and cinnamon

In this article, we will share fast and delicious recipes for baking to tea.

Guests who will soon appear on the threshold - a familiar picture, right? And, of course, any housewife at such a moment wants to brew tea and serve something tasty to him. But what to bake if a shortage of time is felt?

Baking tea: fruit cake recipe

What could be better than a treat in the form fruit cake? For his cakes you will need:

  • Eggs-pieces 4-5
  • Flour - 2 st.
  • Sugar is a similar amount
  • Milk - liter
  • Butter - pack
  • Chocolate in advance - in any quantity
  • Canned fruits - whatever and also in any quantity

You can proceed:

  • Eggs beat To the state of magnificent foam. Of course, in this case it is preferable to use a mixer.
  • Then you need to add 180 g of sugar. The mixture is whipped to the state thick foam.

Important: it is preferable to pour sugar gradually.

This is how eggs are whipped with a mixer with sugar for baking the cake for tea in haste
This is how eggs with sugar are whipped with a mixer to bake the cake for tea in a habit
  • Next, you need to add satted flour. In this case, the dough is mixed with a spoon until the flour dissolves in the dough.
  • Need prepare a form for baking. Namely: grease it with oil, as well as sprinkle with breadcrumbs or flour.
  • Now you can put the dough.
  • The indicator B is set 180-200 degrees. The shape is placed in the oven and holds there from 25 to 40 minutes.
  • Further the cake cools down.
  • In the meantime, baking and cooling occurs, to save time you can do cream. To get started in a pan milk pours.
  • Then they add there Sugar and flour. Both that, and that you need to pour in a glass.
  • All this is put on surgery fire and mixed.

Important: mix to a density state.

  • As soon as the workpiece under the cream thickened, you need remove the saucepan from the stove.
  • In a saucepan a whole pack of oil is added.
  • All mixed and left alone to cool.
  • When corge cooled down, it should be divided in 3 parts.
  • Each part Lubricated with cream and applied to each other.
  • Cake it is sprinkled with chocolate and decorated with fruits.

Important: if there is a margin of time, you can put the cake for a short time in the refrigerator for better impregnation.

Fruit cake that can be quickly and easy to bake to tea
Fruit cake that can be quickly and easy to bake to tea

Pasting for tea: Rum honey recipe

You can also surprise guests romic honey. The ingredients are as follows:

  • Eggs - 4 pcs.
  • Flour is a glass
  • Honey - approximately ¾ cup
  • Sanny cereal - about 2 tbsp. l
  • Sugar is a similar amount
  • Chopped nuts - ¼ part of a glass is enough
  • Orange zest, vanillin - the quantity is regulated at will

For the manufacture of glaze you need to stock up:

  • Roma - enough 2 tbsp. l
  • Sugar powder - about 200 g
  • Honey - 1 tbsp. l
  • Half a glass of water

Important: water should be hot.

Preparing the cake is simple:

  • Proteins and yolks separated.
  • Proteins are necessary beat, And the yolks - grind Together with sugar.
  • Only after that the yolks connected Again with proteins.
  • This mass is added honey.
  • All mixed in the direction from the bottom up.
  • Next, the workpieces are added to the workpiece sanny cereals, nuts, flour, vanillin, zest.
  • Now all this should be placed in a pre -prepared form, and the form, in turn - In the oven. Baking occurs at 180 degrees.
  • For preparations of glaze You just need to mix its ingredients.
  • Left lubricate the finished cake glaze - And you can serve it on the table.
This is how the cake honey carrier with rum, which can be prepared for tea in haste
This is how the cake honey carrier with rum, which can be prepared for tea in haste

Biscuit for tea: fast and tasty recipe with blueberries

To prepare fast and air Biscuit with blueberriesyou will need:

  • Eggs - 3 pcs.
  • Flour and granulated sugar - a glass
  • Blueberries in any quantity

Important: blueberries can be successfully replaced by currant, cherry.

You can proceed:

  • To start eggs beat with sugar. In parallel with this a little flour is added.
  • Now you need Lubricate the shape For baking with butter - and only after that you can pour the dough there.
  • It remains to be sent form in the oven and set the temperature in 200-220 degrees. How much to bake? Until the edges of the biscuit will lag behind the form.
Air biscuit with blueberries is baked to tea quickly enough
Air biscuit with blueberries is baked to tea quickly enough

Biscuit for tea: a quick and tasty recipe with vanilla and cinnamon

If there is a little more than an hour in stock, you can try to bake in a slow cooker, a biscuit with many vanilla and cinnamon loved by many. What is needed for this?

  • Egg - pieces 4
  • Flour - approximately 150 g
  • Cinnamon, vanilla sugar and sugar powder - the amount is strictly not limited
  • Sugar - approximately 6 tbsp. l
  • Vegetable oil - about 10 ml will be enough

The cooking order is simple:

  • First of all, worth divide proteins and yolks.
  • The first is traditionally needed beat to the state of foam.

Important: at the same time, sugar is gradually poured.

  • Now added yolks, And again everything beats.
  • It was the turn cinnamon. The workpiece with it needs mix.
  • Next is sifted and added flour. Everything is mixed again.
  • Multi -shaped the bowl is smeared with vegetable oil. Only after that the dough is placed in it.
  • It remains to set the regime "Baking" for 60 minutes.
  • After cooking, it is preferably given to biscuit drive for about 15 minutes.
  • Already infused dessert sprinkled with powdered sugar, cinnamon.
Another recipe for delicious biscuit for tea
Another recipe for delicious biscuit for tea

What can be baked and cook for tea quickly and tasty: ideas

For tea for breakfast you can bake delicious fast roll, cupcake, cookies. See their recipes in the following articles:

Video: Recipe for sweet cake for tea, which can be baked in 10 minutes

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