Lenten sandwiches: the best recipes. How to cook lean sandwiches for breakfast, for tea, for a festive table?

Lenten sandwiches: the best recipes. How to cook lean sandwiches for breakfast, for tea, for a festive table?

Recipes of delicious sandwiches for the festive table and every day.

Lenten sandwiches - This is a spicy appetizer of bread, vegetables and fruits, which is a great addition to breakfast, dinner and dinner. If you turn on your imagination, then from this set of products you will make a wonderful festive dish that has an attractive appearance and good taste.

If you want to make this dish even more universal, then use spicy spices and fresh greens to cook it. These components will add bread and vegetables of interesting notes and, as a result, you will get not a banal snack sandwich, but a delicious food that will not be a shame to give even to very dear guests.

Lenten hot sandwich: recipe with photo

Lenten hot sandwich with potatoes and onions

Hot lean sandwich is an excellent alternative to dry food. Due to the fact that this vegetable sandwich is served in warm form, he can even claim the second dish of lunch. Moreover, if you do not use sharp spices to prepare it, you can give it even to children.


  • Baton - 10 slices
  • Onion - 1 pc.
  • Potatoes - 2 tubers
  • Carrots - 1 pc.
  • Vegetable oil
  • Spices to taste


  • To get started, wash and clean all the vegetables from the peel. Grind the onion finely, and rub the carrots and potatoes on a grater. Fold all the vegetables in a bowl, salt them pepper and mix thoroughly.

  • Cut the loaf of a slice with a thickness of 5 ml. Take a vegetable paste and use a spoon evenly distribute it on the surface of the loaf.

  • Pour vegetable oil into the pan, heat it and start frying your blanks. They must be carefully laid down with vegetables and over medium heat to be frying until rosy crust.

  • After the dish has cooled a little, it can be decorated with herbs.

Lenten sandwiches recipes: recipe

Sandwich with tomatoes and bell pepper


  • Gray bread brick - half -book
  • Tomatoes - 2 pcs.
  • Bulgarian pepper - 1 pc.
  • Onions - 1 pc.
  • Paprika
  • Dry basil
  • Dry garlic
  • Salt and pepper to taste
  • Vegetable oil

Cooking sandwich:

  1. First, cut the bread into square pieces, and then cut them also diagonally.
  2. Next, we take a sharp knife and carefully cut off the crusts, leaving one crumb.
  3. If you think that the bread crust will not spoil the taste of the dish, then you can completely leave it.
  4. At the next stage, start to engage in vegetables. To begin with, I think of them under running water, and then cut them with the same slices in size.
  5. We spread them on a baking sheet, spray them with vegetable oil, flavor with dry spices, salt and put it baked.
  6. After about 15-20 minutes, we take out the vegetables from the oven and let them cool a little.
  7. At this time, we again begin to occupy bread. Each piece must be sprinkled a little with vegetable oil (preferably olive) and generously sprinkled with paprika.
  8. Then we take the vegetables, and put them on bread with a neat layer. When all the vegetables are laid out, we cover the workpiece with another piece of bread and serve the dish on the table.

Lenten sandwiches with fish: recipe

Sands with fish

Fish is a great addition to sandwiches. It makes their taste more interesting and soft. To prepare this dish, you can use pickled, baked, and fried fish.

But keep in mind that fried fish will add calorie content, so if you follow the figure, then it is better to bake it or, in general, prepare a couple with spices.

Below we will introduce you to the sandwicial recipe, for the preparation of which salted fish is used, but if you want, you can quite calmly replace it with fried or baked.


  • Baton - 1 pc.
  • Salt fish (any) - 300 g
  • A bunch of green onions
  • Lemon - 2 pcs.
  • Dill and parsley
  • Vegetable oil - 100 ml

Preparation recommendations:

  1. We cut the loaf into thin slices and fry in vegetable oil (on one side)
  2. I wash all the vegetables under running water and cut them with comfortable pieces
  3. Filter fish, put in a bowl and spray lemon juice
  4. We cut the other lemon with neat half rings and temporarily set aside to the side
  5. We take the bread, put the fish on it, and put the slices of the lemon on top of it on top of it
  6. Sprinkle everything with greens and serve on the table

Lenten sandwiches with mushrooms: recipe

Lenten sandwiches with mushrooms

Champignons are a rather universal product that can be well combined with absolutely all products, so there is nothing surprising in the fact that housewives are so widely used to make sandwiches.

These mushrooms belong to the category of products that can be eaten without heat treatment, for this reason if you do not have extra time, but you need to cook anything delicious, then make lean sandwiches with raw champignons.

Control components:

  • Fresh baguette - 1 pc.
  • Champignons - 250 g
  • Lenten mayonnaise - 200 g
  • Garlic - 2 cloves
  • Dill - a small bundle
  • Salt and pepper
  • Half lemon


  1. First, rinse the champignons thoroughly, dry them and remove their legs
  2. Then chop the garlic and dill, add them to mayonnaise and mix thoroughly
  3. Cut the baguette obliquely and put the resulting pieces on a large dish
  4. Cut the champignons with thin slices and sprinkle lemon juice
  5. Light the baguette with mayonnaise with greens and put pieces of mushrooms on it
  6. Sprinkle sandwiches at the end with black pepper and you can start meals

How to make a lean sandwich for tea?

Lean sandwich for tea

Those people who strictly adhere to all Christian posts know how difficult it is at this time to cook anything tasty for tea. But still there is a way out of this situation. To prepare a delicious and aromatic appetizer for tea, you can use a pumpkin.

You will like this option of sweet sandwiches and also the fact that you will spend the most minimum amount on its preparation.

Sweet snack ingredients:

  • Pumpkin - 500 g
  • Baton - 8 pieces
  • Reed sugar - 50 g
  • Vanillin
  • Cinnamon
  • Raisin


  1. First, peel the pumpkin from hard skin, cut it into small pieces and put everything on a baking sheet
  2. Sprinkle it with cinnamon and vanilla and send it to the oven to bake
  3. While the pumpkin will reach readiness, take care of the rest of the products
  4. Pour raisins with boiling water and let it stand in hot water for at least 10 minutes
  5. Cut the loaf into portioned pieces
  6. Get a pumpkin from the oven, let it cool a little, and then turn it into a pasta with a blender.
  7. Add raisins to the pumpkin mixture, mix everything thoroughly and apply to the loaf

How to cook lean sandwiches for breakfast?

Avocado sandwich
Avocado sandwich

We all know that breakfast should be as useful as possible, so it will be better if you use the maximum fresh vegetables for the preparation of lean sandwiches. This will help you not only achieve an interesting taste, but will also saturate your body with all the nutrients necessary for it.

Components for a useful breakfast:

  • White bread - half -book
  • Daikon - 200 g
  • Dried tomatoes-5-7 pieces
  • Avocado - 1 pc.
  • A bunch of greenery
  • Tkemali sauce
  • Olive oil - 30 ml
  • Salt and pepper to taste


  1. First, cut into thin slices bread and dry it in a dry frying pan
  2. Cut the greens coarsely, lay it in a blender and cross it into a homogeneous mass
  3. Add a couple of spoons of tkemali sauce and olive oil to the resulting pasta
  4. Dried tomatoes and chop the most finely as possible
  5. Dycon and avocado peel and cut the same slices in size
  6. Light dried bread with piquant paste, and then put all the vegetables on it
  7. Before serving the table, slightly add vegetables and shake them with black ground pepper

Lenten sandwiches on the festive table: recipes

Lenten sandwiches with beets and herring

Festive sandwiches involve the use of more interesting ingredients than in everyday life. Therefore, it will be better if you will also use fish for the preparation of a lean snack in addition to vegetables.

Lenten sandwiches with herring and kiwi


  • Herring fillet - 300 g
  • Gray bread - loaf
  • Kiwi - 2 pcs.
  • Lenten mayonnaise - 1 pack
  • Tomato - 1 pc.
  • Greens of dill

Cooking snacks:

  1. Cut the bread into pieces and make a round -shaped blanks from them with any comfortable tool
  2. Clean the kiwi from the peel and cut into circles
  3. Do the same manipulations with a tomato
  4. Pour bread with lean mayonnaise, put a circle of kiwi on top of all this, and then herring
  5. At the end, decorate everything with a piece of tomato and a till branch

Lenten sandwiches with beets and herring


  • Baton - 1 pc.
  • Herring fillet - 500 g
  • Boiled beets - 200 g
  • Lenten mayonnaise - 100 g
  • Garlic - 1 clove
  • Vegetable oil - 100 ml


  1. Cut the loaf in small pieces and fry in vegetable oil on one side
  2. Grate the hot croutons with garlic and set aside to cool aside
  3. Rub beets on a fine grater and mix with mayonnaise
  4. Apply a beetroot mixture on a fried loaf and put a piece of herring on top of it
  5. Before serving on the table, decorate the snack with fresh herbs

Lenten sandwiches with red caviar: recipe with photo

Lenten sandwiches with red caviar

Most often, butter or soft cheese is used to prepare sandwiches with red caviar. But today we will introduce you to the recipe, where tuna will be used as a connecting layer.


  • Canned tuna - 1 bank
  • Red caviar - 1 bank
  • Baget - 1 pc.
  • Lemon - 1 pc.


  • Open a jar with tuna, put it in a bowl and help with a fork or blender into a homogeneous mass.

  • Scald the lemon with boiling water, quickly cool and cut into slices.

  • Cut the baguette with neat slices and dry in a dry frying pan or in the toaster.

  • Let the bread cool, and then spread it with a broken tuna and decorate it with a thin layer of red caviar.

Complete the snack of lemon and serve to your households. If you want this dish to turn out as tasty as possible, use chilled products to cook it.

Lenten sandwiches with sprats: recipe

Lenten sandwiches with sprats

Previously, not a single holiday was complete without sandwiches with sprats. But the modern housewives why they began to forget this simple, but very tasty dish, and began to replace it with snacks with shrimp and various sea mollusks. Therefore, we want to remind you of one easy recipe that you and your household will definitely like it.

Products for lean sandwiches:

  • Sprats - 1 bank
  • Borodinsky bread - 1 loaf
  • Sunflower oil - 150 ml
  • Tomato - 1 pc.
  • Cucumber - 1 pc.
  • A pair of garlic cloves


  1. Cut the bread into the same pieces and remove crusts from them
  2. Cut cucumber and tomato circles in circles
  3. Heat vegetable oil and fry the croutons on it
  4. Put them on a paper cloth so that excess oil will take
  5. Grate them with garlic and put them on a dish decorated with salad leaves
  6. Then put a piece of cucumber and tomato on each piece of bread on a piece of bread, put a whole splone on them on top of them

Lenten sandwiches with avocado: recipe

Avocado and salmon sandwich

Lenten sandwiches with avocados can be a hearty, but at the same time a useful snack, as well as an excellent addition to almost any food.

Control components:

  • Bunks for hamburgers - 4 pcs.
  • Sleep salmon - 200 g
  • Avocado - 2 pcs.
  • Half of the lemon
  • Salt and pepper
  • Sunflower oil


  1. Cut the buns in half and fry them on one side in vegetable oil.
  2. If you want the finished product to be less fat, then dry them in a dry frying pan or in the oven.
  3. Peel the fish and cut it off with the most small cube.
  4. Remove the bone from the avocado, peel it and chop it as well as salmon.
  5. Season everything with lemon, pepper if required, salt and mix thoroughly.
  6. Let the resulting mass stand for 10-20 minutes, and then put it on completely cooled buns.

Lenten avocado paste for sandwiches: how to cook?

Avocado paste for sandwiches
Avocado paste for sandwiches

Avocado in our country is still beginning to gain popularity among housewives. But those who have already decided on a culinary experiment with this blowing use it to prepare both cold and hot dishes.

If you want to try to introduce avocados into the diet of your household, but do not know how to do it, then try to prepare a spicy pasta for sandwiches from it.

Classic recipe for avocado pasta


  • Avocado - 3 pcs.
  • Lemon - 1 pc.
  • Olive oil - 30 g
  • Salt and pepper to taste


  1. Remove the bone from the avocado, peel it and chop it as convenient for you
  2. Remove to the zest from the lemon and squeeze the juice out of it
  3. Lay chopped avocado in a blender, add lemon juice, zest, olive oil, salt and pepper to it
  4. Mix everything thoroughly and cross in a homogeneous mass

Avocado and zucchini paste recipe


  • Avocado - 2 pcs.
  • Zucchini (young) - 1 pc.
  • Garlic - 2 cloves
  • Juice of half lemon
  • Salt
  • Pepper
  • Vegetable oil


  1. Wash the zucchini, cut in a large cube and blanch in boiling water for 2-3 minutes
  2. Let him cool, and then kill a blender into a homogeneous mass
  3. Clean the avocado of everything superfluous and also turn into mashed potatoes
  4. Mix two vegetable masses together, salt them, pepper, add lemon juice to them, butter and mix thoroughly

How to cook lean paste for sandwiches?

Mushroom paste for sandwiches

Mushroom paste for sandwiches


  • Mushrooms (any) - 600 g
  • Onions - 100 g
  • Carrots - 100 g
  • Vegetable oil for roasting
  • Any spices


  1. First, peel the onions and carrots, wash them and chop them in small pieces.
  2. Heat a frying pan with vegetable oil and put chopped vegetables into it.
  3. Rinse and cut the mushrooms. If you use forest ones, then it is better to boil them first.
  4. If you use champignons to make a paste, you can not give them thermal treatment.
  5. When onions and carrots become transparent, add mushrooms to them and simmer everything under the lid for 10-15 minutes.
  6. We shift the mass into a bowl and whip it with a blender.
  7. It is best to store such a paste in the refrigerator and preferably no more than three days.
Walnut pasta

Walnut paste for lean sandwiches


  • Walnuts - 250 g
  • Peanuts - 250 g
  • Olive oil - 40 ml
  • The zest of one lemon
  • Juice of half lemon
  • Water - 100 ml


  1. Pour olive oil into the stewpan and slightly heat it
  2. Grind the nuts with a blender and transfer it to the pan with oil
  3. Stirring constantly, let the mass warm up well
  4. Когда стен заметен ореховый аромат, вводите в кастрюлю предварительно кипяченную воду
  5. Remove the fire to a minimum and drop the mass to thickening
  6. At the very end, add to it the zest of lemon, salt and pepper
  7. Mix everything thoroughly and let cool
Beach paste

Lenten bean paste


  • Beans - 1 cup
  • Onion - 1 pc.
  • Carrots - 1 pc.
  • Vegetable oil - 100 ml
  • A mixture of peppers
  • Salt

Preparation recommendations:

  1. Pour the beans with water and put it cook
  2. Peel the vegetables, chop them and let them go to transparency in vegetable oil
  3. Drain excess water from the beans, add onions and carrots to it, and cross everything with a blender
  4. Salt and pepper the paste and you can start cooking sandwiches

Video: How to cook a useful lean sandwich?

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