Recipes of delicious homemade croissants with a banana, orange, small salmon, chicken and mushrooms. Preparing tender croissants for breakfast at home: Best recipes

Recipes of delicious homemade croissants with a banana, orange, small salmon, chicken and mushrooms. Preparing tender croissants for breakfast at home: Best recipes

In this article we will get acquainted with a warm and home recipe, namely, we will learn about the preparation of croissants with a variety of fillings.

Home baking has always been distinguished by their taste, so skillful hostesses prepare almost all sweets at home, and the croissants are no exception.

Delicate dough, aromatic filling, why not pamper yourself and the family with such a yummy?

Home croissants with banana: recipe

According to this recipe, we will independently prepare puff pastry, and then we will make the fragrant croissants with a banana filling from it.

  • Butter - 230 g
  • Wheat flour - 2.5 cups
  • Homemade milk - 250 ml
  • Sugar - 60 g
  • Salt - 10 g
  • Dry yeast - 10 g
  • Banana - 2 pcs.
  • Honey - 1 tsp

Having started cooking, we do the following:

  • Please note that to prepare delicious homemade puff pastry, margarine and various oil substitutes cannot be used. The oil should be natural and preferably homemade, otherwise the dough will not work. We take out the product in advance from the refrigerator, because we need it to be soft.
  • It is also important to use the flour of high -quality, we sift it through a sieve, immediately leave 2.5 tbsp. l. For an oil layer.
  • Pour the flour into the vessel and pour the milk, mix the mass to the most uniform state. Next, cover the container with a bag or film and leave for 10 minutes.
  • Now 2.5 tbsp. l. Mix the flour with butter and knead the mass. Next, we cut off a piece of cling film and spread the oil mass on it, form the same layer from it. In size, it should be approximately 11 cm by 7 cm, and the thickness should not exceed 1.5 cm. We wrap the mass in the same film and put in the refrigerator for at least a couple of hours.
  • In a vessel with a mass of milk and flour, you need to add granulated sugar, salt and dry yeast. Now you need to carry out a very time -consuming process - knead the dough. It is necessary to knead it slowly and for a long time until the moment it becomes supple and very elastic.
  • The next stage is the stay of the dough in the cold. Pack the dough in a plastic bag and put in the refrigerator for a couple of hours.
  • After that, we take the dough out of the refrigerator, we subtly roll out and put the oil mass that lay in the refrigerator in the center of the resulting layer.
  • Then take the dough on top of the layer and wrap it to the center, take the same action with the test that is located below the layer. Take a rocking with a rolling pin a couple of times, moderately pressing it. This is necessary so that the oil mass is distributed evenly along the layer.
  • Fold the three -threshold dough and put it in the cold again, putting it in a bag. The time spent in the refrigerator is 1.5-2 hours.
  • We roll the dough layer again, put it three times again and send it for a couple of hours in the cold.
  • This time, the rolling procedure is carried out more intensively, the layer should turn out to be very thin - we fold it four times.
  • The dough is ready and now you can make different goodies out of it, and not only sweet, but also with meat, fish and other fillings.
With a banana
With a banana

Since we are preparing croissants with bananas, we need to make the appropriate filling:

  • We clean the fruits from the peel and imagine a fork. Since the bananas are sweet, we will not add sugar, and for the aroma we add a little natural honey. Mix the ingredients.
  • We divide the dough into 2 parts, each very subtly roll out. We cut the resulting parts again into 2 pieces, and divide them diagonally - we get triangles.
  • On a wide part of the triangle, lay out a little filling and twist the dough. Do not apply a lot of fillings, because it will begin to get out of the dough and burn on a baking sheet. In a similar way, we form all the dough in such croissants.
  • We send it to the oven. If the oven is warmed up, then the preparation will take 15-20 minutes, if not, about half an hour.

Home croissants from puff pastry with orange: recipe

In principle, not only oranges can be used to prepare such a dessert. You can use tangerines, grapefruits and even lemons. It turns out the treat incredibly fragrant.

  • Puff pastry - 4 pieces
  • Orange - half pcs.
  • Lemon - ¼ pcs.
  • Sugar - 1 tbsp. l.
  • Cinnamon
Orange filling
Orange filling

You can prepare such goodies in a matter of minutes:

  • The recipe dough we will use the purchased, because at home to prepare puff pastry for a long time and hard. You can, if desired, can make a home dough, so the baking will turn out even tastier.
  • Puff pastry is sold in frozen form, so before cooking from it, it needs to be defruted. Defrost the dough at room temperature, in no case lowering in hot water and without using the microwave for these purposes. After that, we roll it a little, but you do not need to zeal with this process.
  • A thawed dough must be divided into pieces. To do this, we cut each layer of dough into 2 parts. Cut the piece so as to get 2 triangles, that is, diagonally.
  • My fruits. The orange peel is rubbed on a grater, a total of it needs to be taken 1 tsp.
  • Next, clean the orange from the peel and white film and chop the pulp itself.
  • We clean the lemon from the peel and cut into small pieces. We need about 1 tbsp. acidic pulp.
  • In the container, connect the pulp of orange, lemon, zest and sugar. Mix the ingredients and add cinnamon.
  • Now we take 1 triangle of dough and lay out 1 tsp on a wide part of it. filling. We twist the dough, forming a croissant. We do the same with the rest of the dough.
  • We send the form to the warm -up oven for about 20 minutes.
  • As soon as the products are browned, you can get them from the oven.

By the same principle, you can make croissants with different sweet fillings. As a filling, you can use berries, dried fruits with honey, nuts, jams and sweet pasta (walnut, etc.).

Home croissants with little salmon: recipe

Croissants can be prepared using not only sweet ingredients as a filling. Puff pastry products with little salted red fish will serve as an excellent snack on the festive table.

  • Puff pastry dough - 4 layers
  • Fresh salmon salmon - 120 g
  • Garlic - 2 cloves
  • Parsley - 1 bundle
  • Solid cheese - 50 g
  • Black sesame - 20 g
  • Kurin egg - 1 pc.
  • Salt

Power dough products are prepared as follows:

  • We take the dough already ready, but if you have time and desire, you can cook it yourself according to the above recipe. The only recommendation will be a reduction in sugar by recipe, since the croissants should not turn out to be sweet.
  • We take all the dough and roll it. We cut each layer into 2 parts, and divide the resulting parts by another 2, but already diagonally.
  • It is advisable to use fish fresh, not ice cream, since the taste of such a product is much more pleasant than ice cream. If the fish is still frozen, we defrost it at room temperature, without hot water, etc.
  • My product, cut into small pieces and fall asleep with salt, mix the ingredients. Salt should not be sorry, since the fish should suck normally. You can try fish for salt, it should seem very salty to you - in this case, after a while the fish will quarrel and will be moderately salt. This process will take at least 2 hours.
  • During the salting process, mix the pieces of fish. If there is a lot of salts in the fish, it can be washed off with water. If there is no time and desire to independently salt the fish, you can use the purchased salted or smoked red fish. Moreover, you can take different red fish.
  • We clean the garlic and pass through the press.
  • Three cheese is on a fine grater.
We get
We get
  • My greens and very finely chop.
  • We will lubricate the products with an egg so that they are more beautifully browned, so we beat it in a separate container and add sesame seeds to the same mixture.
  • Add garlic, greens, cheese to a plate with fish. Mix the contents of the vessel.
  • On a wide part of each piece of dough we put the filling, approximately 2 tsp. We wrap the dough, forming croissants.
  • Lubricate each croissant with an egg mixture.
  • We put a baking sheet in a warmed oven for 15 minutes. During this time, both a thin dough and the filling will have time to bake.

How to cook homemade croissants with chicken and oyster mushrooms?

Of these products, the filling is unusually aromatic, so such snack croissants will certainly like both you and your relatives.

  • Puff pastry dough - 4 layers
  • Kurina pulp - 300 g
  • Oyster mushrooms - 300 g
  • The cheese was melted "amber" - 100 g
  • Dill - 1 bundle
  • Garlic - 3 cloves
  • Kurin egg - 1 pc.
  • Sunflower oil - 2 tbsp. l.
  • Sesame seed
  • Salt

We will prepare a snack of puff pastry according to the following instructions:

  • We defrost the dough as necessary, roll out. We divide each layer into 2 parts, and the resulting pieces are 2 more, but already diagonally.
  • My chicken and dry, finely cut it.
  • Weighters are the same and finely chop.
  • The flooded cheese of this species is most often pasty, so nothing needs to be done with it.
  • My dill is chopped.
  • We clean the garlic and pass through the press.
  • Beat the egg, if desired, only the yolk can be used, but if you will call the entire egg, the difference will not be very significant. Add sesame seeds to the resulting mixture.
  • Pour oil into the pan, let it warm up and put the meat into the container.
  • After 7 min. Add mushrooms to the meat. Salt the products and fry, constantly stirring 12 minutes. Then let the filling cool and add garlic, herbs and cheese to it, mix the products until a homogeneous consistency.
  • On the wide side of each piece we put a little filling, wrap the products.
  • The baking sheet is covered with parchment paper. Put the croissants on the baking sheet and grease them with the egg mixture
  • We prepare goodies in a preheated oven for 20 minutes.

Home croissants: an unusual recipe for delicious snacks

This recipe is interesting to an unusual filling that turns out to be very tasty and incredibly aromatic. Of course, not everyone loves experiments, but at least once such home croissants should try.

  • Yeast dough ready - 4 layers
  • Pork pulp - 200 g
  • Olives without bones - 100 g
  • Garlic - 3 cloves
  • Onion - 1 pc.
  • Olive oil - 2 tbsp. l.
  • Parsley - A couple of twigs
  • Kurin egg - 1 pc.
  • Sesame
  • Salt, black pepper, oregano, Provencal herbs
With meat, olives and egg
With meat, olives and egg

Unusual croissants need to be prepared as follows:

  • We defrost the dough at room temperature, roll out. We cut each layer into 2 parts, and, in turn, they cut them again by 2, but already diagonally.
  • My pork, dry and pass through a meat grinder or grind in a blender. It is best to take the scratch part or the beam. If desired, you can not buy meat, but buy ready -made minced meat, in which case the cooking time will decrease significantly.
  • Olives must be bought without bones, because we need to grind them. If desired, you can experiment and buy olives with filling, for example, with lemon, pepper, etc. Grind the product through a meat grinder or using a blender.
  • We clean the garlic and onion and chop with a knife.
  • My greens, dry and chop.
  • Beat the egg and add sesame seeds to it.
  • Pour oil into the pan, let it warm up and send twisted meat to the container, fry it for 10 minutes.
  • Next, add onions and garlic to the pan, as well as salt and all the selected spices and prepare another 5-7 minutes.
  • Add olives and greens to the finished minced meat.
  • We lay out a little filling on each triangle, form croissants
  • The form on which we will bake products are covered with parchment paper and put a snack on it. Lubricate the products with an egg.
  • In a preheated oven, bake goodies for 20-25 minutes.

According to the same principle, you can prepare homemade croissants with smoked meats, various types of cheese, sausage, etc. Using the finished dough, you can very quickly and easily cook delicious croissants who will definitely find their place on your table.

Video: tender home croissants

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