The most delicious charlotte with apples in French, in German, in Russian: recipes, tips, secrets of cooking charlotte

The most delicious charlotte with apples in French, in German, in Russian: recipes, tips, secrets of cooking charlotte

From this article you will learn how to prepare a charlotte.

Charlotte - a sweet dessert with apples baked in the oven. How to cook it? What is the most delicious charlotte? We find out in this article.

Who came up with the first charlotte, and what is it in different countries?

The first charlots began to bake French cook Antoine Karem

The first charlotte began to be cooked in Englandat the end of the 18th century. It was raw: the slices of bread moistened in water were interspersed with finely chopped apples.

Then, at the beginning of the 19th century, in France, Germany and England, Charlotte began to bake. She was made of white bread soaked in a mixture of eggs and sugar, with apples stewed with sugar - in the middle. Charlotte was not necessarily cooked with apples, it is possible with other fruits (pears, plums), but with apples were most often cooked, because of greater accessibility everywhere.

In France, the cook by Antoine Karem was conceived and prepared by a new charlotte called Russian, since it was prepared for the Russian Tsar Alexander the Great, after the victory of Napoleon’s troops by the Russian army. Instead of bread, the famous cook took the “Savoyardi” cookies into this charlotte, and the filling was Bavarian custard and fruit jelly.

In Russia, Charlotte is preparing in a completely different way-this is a biscuit dough pie, baked with apples.

How to prepare a “Russian charlotte” according to the recipe of the French cook Antoine Karem?

"Russian Charlotte" according to the recipe of Antoine Karem

To assemble the “Russian charlotte” (slightly changed) Antoine Karem you need:

  • About 20 pieces of cookies "savoyardi" or "ladies' fingers"
  • 0.5 cups of sugar syrup and any liquor - for impregnation of cookies
  • 0.5 l of Bavarian custard
  • 0.4 l of cranberry jelly

For the preparation of liquor-sugar syrup, you need:

  • A quarter of a glass of water and sugar
  • 0.5 glasses of the liquor

For the preparation of Bavarian custard, you need:

  • 10 g of gelatin in powder
  • 75 ml of water
  • 1 egg
  • 1 cup of milk and oily (more than 33%) cream
  • 60 g of sugar
  • Vanillin in powder or extract - to their liking

For the preparation of cranberry jelly, you need:

  • 300 g of fresh cranberries
  • Half a glass of sugar
  • 2 tbsp. l. cranberry water
  • 2-3 tbsp. l. Water for soaking gelatin
  • 6 g of gelatin


  1. Linger-sachebler syrup. Mix water and sugar, put it to bask, and bring to a boil when it cools, add the liquor.
  2. Bavarian custard. We soak gelatin in water for 15 minutes.
  3. Beat the egg with a half sugar and vanilla to foam separately.
  4. In another vessel, mix milk and the other half of the sugar, put in a water bath and bring to a boil.
  5. Pour into boiling milk, a egg placed into the foam, and constantly interferes, let the mass thicken, and then let it cool.
  6. We heat the swollen gelatin until it dissolves, but let it boil.
  7. Beat heavily chilled cream with a mixer to a thick state.
  8. Mix the egg-milk, cream and gelatin masses together (everything should cool) and leave for 15-20 minutes (you can’t leave the cream longer, otherwise it will freeze).
  9. Cranberry jelly. We soak gelatin in water for 15 minutes.
  10. Cranberry with sugar and water, let it boil, boil, until the berries begin to burst.
  11. Remove the berries from the fire, wipe through the sieve.
  12. We heat the swollen gelatin until it dissolves, and pour it into hot jelly. Cool 30-40 minutes.
  13. Assembly of charlotte. The bottom and sides of the detachable shape is covered with parchment. On the sides you need to take the parchment a little longer than the length of the cookies.
  14. We lay out the bottom and sides of the shape moistened with cookies in cold syrup (cookies need to be soaked and removed from the syrup with lightning speed, otherwise it will fall apart).
  15. In the middle of the cookies laid out in a circle, we pour the cream, let it freeze in the refrigerator, it will take about 4 hours.
  16. We pour the cooled cranberry jelly on top, and put in the refrigerator for another 4 hours.
  17. We remove the rim of the shape and paper, transfer the charlotte to the dish, and you can try.

How to cook charlotte in German: recipe

Charlotte in German

For a charlotte in German, let's take:

  • 1 kg of apples
  • Half of the lemon
  • 1 tbsp. l. Any brandy
  • One and a half glass of milk
  • 100 g of sugar
  • 2 eggs
  • 700 g of white dried crackers
  • 40 g butter
  • 1 tbsp. l. Paning crackers
  • 3 tbsp. l. raisins
  • 2 tbsp. l. chopped nuts


  1. We clean the apples from seeds and skins, three on a grater (preferably large).
  2. We water the apples with lemon juice, add lemon zest, sugar, raisins, chopped nuts, cognac, mix and cover with a film.
  3. The white bread cut into small cubes without a crust is dried in the oven, soak in eggs whipped with milk.
  4. Lubricate the high shape for cake with butter.
  5. On the bottom of the shape and on the sides we spread more than half of the bread squeezed from the liquid.
  6. Pour all the apples onto a layer of bread, close them with the remaining layer of bread.
  7. In the remaining bread after swelling, pour the remaining oil, water the charlotte on top, and put it baked in the oven at 180̊c for 40-45 minutes.

Some tips for preparing charlotte in Russian

Secrets of cooking charlotte in Russian

Charlotte in Russian is prepared from biscuit dough and apples. In order for the charlotte to be tasty, you need to adhere to the advice of experienced cooks:

  • Charlotte is best from juicy apples of sweet and sour varieties.
  • The layer of peeled and chopped fine apples is laid out to the bottom of the shape with a thin layer, if the apple layer is thick, the pie may not bake.
  • You can add kefir, mayonnaise, sour cream to the test for a charlotte, they can be sour, this will not spoil the pie.
  • If the baked pie does not want to lag behind the bottom of the mold, put the shape with it on a pan with hot water for 5-10 minutes, and then turn it over, the charlotte will lag behind the shape.

How to prepare a classic biscuit charlotte in Russian: recipe

Classic charlotte in Russian

For a classic charlotte in Russian you need:

  • 1 glass of flour and sugar
  • 4 eggs
  • 4-5 apples, medium in size


  1. Beat eggs with sugar with a mixer until the mass is three times.
  2. Add the flour and kneaded to a homogeneous state.
  3. We clean the washed apples from skins and seeds, cut into small pieces.
  4. Lubricate the round shape with vegetable oil, slightly sprinkle with flour, spread the apples with a thin layer, pour the dough into apples.
  5. We put the bake in the oven, heated to 180̊c for 40-45 minutes, or while the Charlotte is browned from above.
  6. We turn the baked charlotte on the dish upside down, sprinkle with icing sugar, and you can cut and try.

Attention. The charlotte was baked or not, you can find out in this way: we take out the browned charlotte out of the oven, in the place where the thickest layer of the dough, stick a wooden toothpick, if the toothpick is dry, then the pie is baked if the dough is inothpick, then the charlotte still needs to bake.

How to cook a charlotte in Russian on kefir: recipe

Charlotte in Russian on kefir

For a Charlotte in Kefir, let's take:

  • 1 glass of sugar and kefir
  • 3 eggs
  • 1.5 cup flour
  • 3-5 medium-sized apples
  • 0.5 tsp. Soda and cinnamon
  • 1 tbsp. l. Raises. Lubrication oils
  • 1 tbsp. l. semolina to sprinkle shape


  1. Beat the eggs with sugar until the mass increases by 3 times.
  2. In kefir, soda is soda (it is better if the kefir is a little sour), add to whipped eggs, pour the flour here, and knead until all the lumps break.
  3. We clean the washed apples from the skin and seeds, finely chop.
  4. Lubricate the shape with butter, sprinkle with semolina, pour out the apples with a thin layer, sprinkle them with ground cinnamon.
  5. Pour the dough (like a thick sour cream) on top of apples, put it baked at an average temperature for about 40 minutes.
  6. We turn the baked charlotte on a dish, sprinkle with icing sugar.

How to cook a charlotte in Russian with apple filling?

Charlotte in Russian with apple filling

In the dough for charlotte in Russian with apple filling, we take:

  • 6 eggs
  • 300 g of sugar and flour

Let's take in the apple filling:

  • 5 pieces of sweet and sour juicy apples, medium in size
  • 100 g of butter, sugar and fat cream
  • Vanilin to taste


  1. Apple filling. We clean the washed apples from the skin and seeds, finely cut it.
  2. In the pan, we melt the oil, pour sugar, and heat it until the sugar begins to be caramelized.
  3. Pour the peeled apples, and simmer under the lid for 5 minutes, then pour the cream and stew for 3-4 minutes under the lid. At the end, we add a little (on the tip of the knife) Vanilin, and turn off the fire.
  4. Dough. Beat eggs with sugar with a mixer to an increase of 3 times. Add flour and knead with a spoon until smooth.
  5. Baking charlotte. Lubricate the shape (high) for cake with vegetable oil, pour most of the dough, then lay out the filling with the sauce - and again the rest of the dough.
  6. We put the bake in the oven at 190̊c for 35-40 minutes. Having taken out from the oven, let the Charlotte cool, and then sprinkle with powdered sugar.

So, we got acquainted and learned to prepare charlots widespread in several European countries.

The recipe for fast and lush charlotte, with strawberries can be found in articles:

Video: An unusual charlotte (delicate and airy, juicy). Cupcakes Cupcakes

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  1. Everything is simple and clear.

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