10 quick breakfast recipes in 5 minutes: ingredients, description

10 quick breakfast recipes in 5 minutes: ingredients, description

Prepare breakfast quickly and tasty: 10 recipes for every day.

In the morning, there is always not enough time to prepare breakfast. But after all, it is well known that morning food is very necessary for a person to conduct active life. To prepare breakfast, according to the recipes below, you will not need a lot of time, but a certain charge of useful energy, before the next meal, will be possible to get.

Breakfast in 5 minutes from an omelet with tomatoes

We start morning with omelet
We start morning with a delicious omelet

The most common, simple and hearty recipe.

We prepare:

  1. Egg - 2 pcs.
  2. Milk - 50 ml
  3. Tomato - 1 pc.
  4. Wheat flour - 1 tbsp.
  5. Cheese - 30 g
  6. A little of any fat for frying

Stages of work:

  • Whitish eggs with an ordinary fork
  • Small the flour in small portions, continuing to whip
  • Then slowly pour milk, salt
  • Beat finally
  • We cut the tomato not too small pieces
  • Cheese three
  • We put tomatoes on a preheated pan with fat
  • Fry a minute
  • Pour the egg mass
  • Cover with a lid
  • Tomim on medium heat
  • Before the readiness we sprinkle cheese

Breakfast in 5 minutes for children

Original decoration of semolina porridge
Original decoration of semolina porridge

Traditional semolina can be diversified by fruits and nuts.


  1. Sleeping - 20 g
  2. Sugar - 15 g
  3. Ground cinnamon - 1 g
  4. Apples - 60 g
  5. Milk - 150 ml
  6. Water - 50 ml
  7. Salt - 1 g
  8. Butter - 30 g
  9. Mint - 1 g
  10. Almonds - 6 g


  • We bring water to a boil
  • We fall asleep, let it swell constantly stirring
  • We pour milk slowly, whipping thoroughly so that there are no lumps
  • Salt, add sugar and oil to taste
  • Bring the porridge to readiness
  • We clean the fruits from the peel
  • Cut into small cubes
  • We blanch 2-3 minutes
  • Mix with sugar
  • We throw in the finished porridge
  • Add cinnamon
  • Mix
  • Serve by decorating mint with leaves, sprinkling with nuts

Sandwords for breakfast in 5 minutes

Morning snack with sandwiches
Morning snack with sandwiches

We prepare:

  1. Black bread - 5 pieces
  2. Eggs - 1 pc.
  3. Salted or fresh tomatoes to their taste - 1 pc.
  4. Butter - 35 g
  5. Cream cheese - 15 g
  6. Black pepper, greens to taste

We start work:

  • Boil the egg for no more than 5 minutes
  • Cool in ice water
  • Meanwhile, while the eggs are boiled, three cheese, we combine with butter, whipping with a fork
  • We spread the slices of bread with the plaster
  • We cut the finished peeled eggs and tomatoes into circles, put on top of the pasta: first a circle of eggs, then tomatoes
  • Sprinkle with finely chopped greens
  • Serve with hot coffee or cocoa

Delicious croutons for breakfast in 5 minutes

The easiest recipe for quick breakfast from the croutons
The easiest recipe for quick breakfast from the croutons


  1. Baton - 200 g
  2. Eggs - 2 pcs.
  3. Sour cream - 1 tbsp.
  4. Garlic - 1 clove
  5. Salt - to taste
  6. Vegetable oil - 25 g

Technological process:

  • We pass the garlic through a garlic coder
  • Water oil in the pan, heat well
  • In a small bowl, mix all the remaining ingredients
  • Dip on both sides each slice of loaf
  • Fry alternately
  • Lubricate garlic
  • Serve with hot sweet tea

Pizza for breakfast in 5 minutes

Perfect breakfast from simple pizza

For the test

  1. Kefir - 1 tbsp.
  2. Food soda - 0.5 tsp.
  3. Egg - 1 pc.
  4. Salt is a pinch
  5. Flour - 1/2 tbsp.

For filling

  1. Tomato paste - 1 tbsp.
  2. Tomatoes - 1 pc.
  3. Boiled sausage - 100 g
  4. Green onions-2-3 g
  5. Hard cheese - 100 g
  6. Vegetable oil - 3 tbsp.

Technological process:

  • Knead the dough, first of all, connect kefir and soda
  • Then put the egg, fill the flour and salt
  • Beat a fork
  • For the filling, cut all the components in any convenient form
  • Mix with tomato
  • Pour oil on a hot pan, pour the dough
  • Literally after a minute, as soon as the dough grabs below, we lay out the filling
  • Sprinkle with grated cheese
  • Cover with a lid
  • Fry over medium heat, until the liquid dough is completely readily read

Diet breakfast in 5 minutes

Oatmeal for quick breakfast
We prepare:

  1. Oat flakes - 150 g
  2. Assorted dried fruits - 100 g
  3. Any nuts - 50 g
  4. Honey - 2 tsp.


  • Rinse dried fruits, pour boiling water, boil for 2 minutes
  • Fall asleep oat flakes for a couple of minutes
  • Add honey
  • Mix
  • Sprinkle with nuts when serving

Vitamin fruit salad for breakfast in 5 minutes

Fruit salad with yogurt
The winter version of the dish provides for the following set of products:

  1. Apple, orange - 1 pc.
  2. Banana - 2 pcs.


  1. Mandarin - 4 pcs.
  2. Kiwi, grenade - 1 pc.
  3. Hurma - 1/2 pcs.

A set of:

  1. Apple, pears, peach - 1 pc.
  2. Grapes-7-10 berries

Yogurt - 100 ml (both in one option)


  • Grind large fruits into medium pieces, small (grapes, pomegranate grains) - we put entirely
  • Pour yogurt
  • Mix
  • We proceed to breakfast

Cottage cheese with fruits for breakfast in 5 minutes

Delicious dessert for breakfast
Delicious dessert for breakfast


  1. Apple - 1 pc.
  2. Kiwi - 1 pc.
  3. Apricot - 1 piece
  4. Bananas - 1 piece
  5. Cottage cheese - 150 g
  6. Sour cream - 150 g
  7. Liquid honey or sugar - 1 tbsp.


  • We wash the fruits well
  • Clean from the peel
  • Cut into the bar
  • We knead the cottage cheese with a fork
  • Mix fruits and cottage cheese
  • We season with honey and sour cream

Breakfast in 5 minutes to lose weight

Cabbage salad to make quick breakfast
You will need:

  1. White cabbage - 400 g
  2. The apple is sour - 2 pcs.
  3. Carrots - 1 pc.
  4. Honey - 2 tbsp.
  5. Lemon juice - 1 tbsp.
  6. Salt - to taste


  • Small the cabbage finely, suck
  • Grind well with our hands
  • Carrots and apples of three on a coarse grater
  • We connect all the products, spray with lemon juice, water it with liquid honey

Hearty breakfast in 5 minutes

For 1 portion you will need:

  1. Vanilla bun - 1 pc.
  2. Doctoral sausage (or any other in case) - 50 g
  3. Dill greens - 10 g
  4. Egg - 1 pc.
  5. Salt - on the tip of a knife

Preparation instructions:

  • Cut off the top from the buns
  • Carefully take out the crumb, leaving dense walls
  • We chop the sausage on the cubes, put the resulting shape inside
  • Mix the egg with salt chopped dill
  • The resulting mass is filled with sausage
  • Bake in the microwave for 3 minutes at the largest power

Recipes of quick preparation of breakfast make it possible to scatter the error, that this is a tedious and long process that does not have time for absolutely. Five minutes spent on cooking will not only save the budget on a snack in the nearest coffee shop, but will also give you the opportunity to get enough fresh, healthy, home kitchen.

Video: Quick breakfast from egg and cheese in 2 minutes

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Comments K. article

  1. Morning breakfast, especially when mom is in a hurry, and the child is still sleepy and does not want to go anywhere - this is a problem. The best way out is a ready breakfast. I usually buy KELLOLS (pillows, dinosaur's paws or rings) and give with milk. It turns out a cereal breakfast with a good composition and tasty. No child will refuse. Not every day, of course, a couple of times a week.
    And when I persuade porridge or cottage cheese, these rings or paws go on a snack, crunch and to raise the mood. )

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