What simple, funny, creative, sports, interesting, logical contests and games to conduct for dads and children at the festival on February 23 in kindergarten: description, ideas, tips, questions and answers for quiz, video with contests for dads

What simple, funny, creative, sports, interesting, logical contests and games to conduct for dads and children at the festival on February 23 in kindergarten: description, ideas, tips, questions and answers for quiz, video with contests for dads

In the article you will find options for funny, interesting, sports contests and games for dads and children for the holiday on February 23 in kindergarten.

How interesting to spend on February 23 in kindergarten: tips, ideas

On the holiday of February 23, they usually congratulate military personnel, as well as all men of any age. This event does not bypass preschool children's institutions. In the kindergarten, children, along with the teacher, conduct a matinee to which parents are invited. If dad cannot come to the holiday, you can invite an older brother, uncle or grandfather. The child will be pleased when one of the relatives will be at the holiday.

Men at this holiday are given a special role. Children devote poetry, songs, wishes to them. Also, dads and grandfathers, as well as uncles or other relatives, are offered to participate in unpretentious competitions, quizzes and games where they can show dexterity, strength and ingenuity. Together with dads, sons and daughters can participate in competitions, because children also really want to play in the matinee.

The scenario of the holiday should not be long. On average, the matinee lasts about 1 hour. As for contests and games, they should not be long. For one competition, 5-7 minutes are enough, the audience may be bored if the competition is delayed.

There should be various games and contests on the matinee:

  • Comic
  • brain teaser
  • Sports
  • Creative
  • Quiz
  • Relay races

Thanks to the variety, the holiday will not be boring.

Important: well -chosen contests should be at ease and fun, such a holiday will be remembered by guests and children. The task of the teacher is to direct the holiday in the right direction so that no one is injured as a result of the games, and so that everyone is fun.

In addition to games and competitions, there should be an informative part of the program. Teachers in the correct way should convey to children the essence of the holiday. From an early age, boys must be taught that they are not only future defenders of their country, but also should be a support and protection for their family. All values \u200b\u200bare laid from childhood. However, do not complicate this part of the program too much, the information should be simple and accessible for children's understanding.

The holiday of February 23 is not complete without children's crafts. Children are preparing for the holiday in advance, make crafts and postcards for dads with their own hands. This lesson develops the creative skills of the child, motor skills, and imagination. From crafts and postcards, you can make an exhibition in front of the matinee in a group, where all parents will be able to appreciate the efforts of their children.

Holiday 23 February in kindergarten: tips

Simple contests and games for dads on February 23 in kindergarten: Description

Simple competitions that are tested by time are especially popular. It is known for sure that these contests are well held, everyone has fun or participate with interest.

Important: the advantage of simple competitions is that a minimum of props is required, and there is also the opportunity to spend them in a room with any area.

Competition with chairs

This competition is one of the most popular. Many have known him for a long time. Chairs must be put in a circle. Participants need to dial one person more than the number of chairs. Participants walk around the chairs to quiet music, dancing. When the music stops, everyone tries to sit on a free chair faster. The one who remained standing is left. So the game continues to the last participant.


On the cards, it is necessary to write words corresponding to the holiday: “Soldier”, “General”, “Tank”, “Automatic”, “Helicopter”, “Submarine”. The team participant must show, and others guess what it is.


Each team is given snowballs from paper and an empty bucket. Each participant should throw the snow in the bucket and get from the distance. The team that has more hits wins.

The game "The most well -aimed"

The game of darts is great for the holiday on February 23. Azart and the desire to get into the target will wake up for the dad who came to the holiday.

Video: Holiday 23 February in kindergarten

Funny contests for dads on February 23 in kindergarten: Description

Without comic, funny competitions, not a single holiday can do. Everyone loves to laugh - both adults and children. A selection of funny contests will help create a fun atmosphere of the holiday of men - February 23.

"Show the gait"

For this competition, you will need cards with animals depicted - a wolf, a duck, a snail, a kangaroo, ostrich, a bear, etc. Children should show the gait, and dad should guess. You can play on the contrary, let the dads show the gait, and the children guess. The game can be supplemented with cards with various types of transport (bicycle, passenger car, plane, train).


For this competition you will need balloons, they need to be inflated in advance. For the competition, participants must be divided into two teams. Put the tape in the middle of the hall. On both sides of the tape, put the same number of balls. As soon as the host gives the command, players should blow over the opponent of the ball. The team wins on the side of which the balls will be smaller.

"Support Honor"

Dads are in a row. With one hand it is necessary to give an honor, and with the other hand - stretch and raise the thumb up. At the expense of the teacher, you need to change the hand. You need to do this quickly, do not go astray. He who has lost his way out of the competition.


The teacher gives out the card participants on which parts of the body are written. The essence of the competition - participants need to attach cards to the corresponding places. Not only to attach, but also to keep these cards at the same time as others. Anyone who can hold more cards wins.

Competitions for dads on February 23

Creative contests for dads on February 23 in kindergarten: Description

Many dads have good creative abilities, for example, they draw beautifully or know how to make with their own hands. In creative competitions, dads can show their talents. Even if you can’t surprise with your talent of drawing, you can have fun from the heart during such competitions.

"Draw a portrait of mom"

Dads sit on chairs, they are given album sheets, felt -tip pens, pencils. In a short time, dad should draw a portrait of mom. You can attract children to participate in the competition. Then the judges will choose the most beautiful portrait. The winner is relied by a chocolate medal.

"The best postcard for February 23"

To participate in this competition you will need:

  • Flomasters
  • Pencils
  • Album sheet
  • Scissors
  • Colored paper
  • Glue

Of these materials, dads should make a postcard on February 23. You can attract children to participation, they will be interested in this activity. The winner is the one who makes the most beautiful postcard according to the hall or the jury.

"Universal Soldier"

Two teams participate. Each is given a props - colored paper, tinsel, military attributes, children's toys. Each team must choose a soldier and make it universal with the help of these improvised means. For example, make epaulettes, arm with automatically, come up with a headdress. Participants are limited in time, so they must work quickly and harmoniously.

Creative contests for dads on February 23

Sports games and contests for dads on February 23 in kindergarten: Description

In sports competitions and competitions between the teams of the pope can show their strength, dexterity. For a child, a strong dad is a subject of pride. However, competitions should be selected safe. In the process of holding the competition, no one should suffer.

"Tugting the rope"

This game is popular, they often play it. For the game you will need a rope. Parents need to be divided into two teams. At the command of the leading dad, they begin to pull the rope. How quickly the game ends, depends on the strength of the parents.

Important: Tugting the rope is appropriate if the area of \u200b\u200bthe room is large. If the hall for the holiday is small, it will be inconvenient to play.

"Who will jump further"

Participants are divided into two teams. The first participant should jump as far as possible. The next participant makes a jump from the place where the first jumped. The goal is to jump to the flag installed at the end of the hall. The team that first reached the finish line wins.

"There is power"

This competition will show whose dad is the strongest. Each participant is given a lemon and a glass. It is necessary to squeeze as much juice as much as possible in a glass. The winner will be the one who will have more juice in a glass.

Sports contests for dads on February 23

Interesting games and contests for dads on February 23 in kindergarten: Description

« Bring epaulets "

Playing speed and dexterity. Participants are divided into two teams. Each team is given two matchboxes. Each participant on his shoulders must carry these “epaulets” to a certain place and return back, transfer them to the next player. At the same time, matchboxes should not fall. So the epaulettes are worn to the last player. Those who will cope first win.

"The fastest sailor"

For this competition you will need the following items:

  • 2 stools
  • 2 dishevefers
  • 2 vests

To participate in the competition, 2 volunteers from the hall are selected. They should dress quickly to the music. The one who was the first to get won. It is possible that not two participants participate, but more. So it will be much more interesting.

"Pass the ball"

For each command, an obstacle course and gate is installed. Using the club, each participant should quickly lead the ball through the obstacle strip and score it into the goal.

"The master of all hands"

Men must be able to do everything. This competition will help to prove this. Each participant gives threads, needles, buttons, a flap of fabric, scissors. It is necessary to quickly and efficiently sew a button.

Important: Winners need to be encouraged by toy or chocolate medals, also all participants need to present incentive prizes. It can be some kind of trifle.

Video: contests for dads on a children's matinee

Competitions and games for dads on February 23 in kindergarten for logic and attentiveness: Description

Real men should not only be dexterous, courageous and strong, but also must be able to think logically, be attentive and smart. The following competitions will help demonstrate these qualities.

"Be careful"

For the competition you will need 3 flags of different colors. The teacher first explains the rules of the game. If the red flag shows - you need to scream “Hurray!”, Green - marching in place, yellow - to ride on a horse. Then the teacher quickly shows flags of different colors, trying to confuse the participants. Who was mistaken, leaves the game. Children help to determine those who were mistaken and should leave the game.

"Collect a fighting vehicle"

In this competition, teams consist of two people. Each team is given pictures from which you need to assemble a combat vehicle (tank, plane, helicopter, submarine, etc.) as soon as possible)

"Name the male professions"

Each team take turns calling a male profession. Children can also help parents and prompt.

"Plan of the area"

Each team receives a plan of the area with schematic signs. The team can study this plan within one minute, then the teams receive a new card, but without signs. From memory it is necessary to restore schematic signs. The team of the most attentive dads will win.

Quiz for dads on February 23 in kindergarten: questions and answers

If the matinee is held in a small room where there is no place for contests with running or obstacles, you can spend a quiz. For quizzes, questions related to military service and holiday on February 23 are suitable.

Questions for quiz on February 23 for dads:

  1. What is the name of a long coat of a soldier? (Answer: overcoat).
  2. What is the name of the clothing for sailors? ( Answer: Telnyashka).
  3. What is the name of the headdress of the tanker ( Answer: helmet).
  4. Which headdress allows you to protect your head from wounds? ( Answer: helmet).
  5. What is the military rank of junior command staff ( Answer: Corporal).
  6. What famous Russian military leaders do you know? ( Answer: Zhukov, Suvorov, Kutuzov, Budyonny, etc..).
  7. What headdress do cavalrymen wear? (Answer: Budenovka)

If dads cannot give an answer, it is worth telling them or give the correct answer. It is not worth giving a lot of time for thought, because the quiz will become boring.

Which contests to hold on the matinee on February 23

Joint contests for dads and children on February 23 in kindergarten: Description

Joint participation in contests and games of dads with children gives particular joy to both children and parents. Children are happy to play with dads and are very proud when their dads win.

"The strongest dad"

Participants are divided into two teams. Each dad takes his child on his shoulders, runs up a rack and returns back to the players. Then the relay passes to the next dad.


Two dads cross their hands, a child sits on them. Then the child must be carried to the rack and back. The relay passes to the next pair of parents.

"Race on Lasts"

For the competition, you will need 2 pairs of small and 2 pairs of large fins. Children and adults participate in the game. Each team should have the same number of children and adults. Each participant must put on the quickly flippers, promote the rack and return to his team. Then the baton takes the following. Thus, children alternate with adults in the game.

Matins in kindergarten, where parents take part in competitions, contribute to the rapprochement of parents with children, strengthen relationships in the team, and also allow time to have fun and unforgettably. Dads, as you know, are serious people, but they will never refuse to have fun. Now you know how to hold contests for February 23 for dads in kindergarten so that they are diverse, funny and interesting.

Video: Dads on the matinee on February 23

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