How to cook fondu at home from cheese, eggplant, sweet from chocolate, meat?

How to cook fondu at home from cheese, eggplant, sweet from chocolate, meat?

Fondu is a delicious dish that will perfectly complement a romantic evening or a table meeting with friends. The article talks about how you can cook cheese and chocolate fondue.

What is a fondu dish and its species?

Fondu - a classic dish of Switzerland. It differs not only in its originality, an unusual look, but also an incredibly subtle aroma. It is noteworthy that Fondu has many interesting traditions of its occurrence and the meal itself. If you treat your guests with chocolate or cheese fondue, be sure that your loved ones will be delighted.

First of all, it is worth noting that the word "fund" from French translates as "Melt" or "melting". In the original, the fund should include two mandatory types of cheeses - “Emmental” (spicy, sweet, aromatic cheese with large holes), as well as “Gruyer” (yellow, hard cheese, which has a slightly sharp and slightly nutish taste, there is no cheese. holes).

For the preparation of traditional fund you should have special adaptse, in which you need to drown small pieces of cheese. However, this should be done in pre -warmed in a bowl with dry wine. There are a huge number of delicious recipesOther additives offering to interfere with cheese, for example, cherry vodka, from which Fondu only “wins”!

Interesting: the history of the occurrence of Fondu is very unusual. For the occurrence of the dish, the Swiss shepherds should be thanked, who could several days to a row of mouth of cattle in the valleys and mountains. As a provisor, they had only cheese, wine and crackers with them. Under the hot sun, the cheese melted and the shepherds did not come up with anything else how to wave pieces of crackers in wine and liquid cheese.

Classic Fondu

Fond Submer recipes

Fondu "French":

  • You should have three types of different cheeses For such a dish.
  • They will come in handy: Savoy cheese "Contain", the Swiss classic "Emmental" and "Bofor". Add quantity to the taste and volume of the funds.
  • Also use 100 ml. dry white wine
  • Wine can be replaced with milk if you do not drink alcohol.
  • Add to the mass a small garlic teeth missed through the crush and 1/3 tsp. Muscular ground nut.
French Fondu

Fonda "Italian":

  • You will need only one type of soft cheese called Fontin for such a fund. Use approximately 150-200 g. The amount should be adjusted according to the preferences and volume of the bowl of the funds.
  • Add 100 ml. any milk (the fatter, the better)
  • You also need one egg, previously beaten and poured into a thin stream into the mass.
  • For the aroma, you can add 10-20 g of fresh truffles or 2 tbsp. Truffle oil.
  • You can also, if desired, intervene 0.5 tsp. dried "Italian herbs": Oregano, basil, Mayran.
Italian Fondu

Fondu "German":

  • Milk (preferably fat)-125-150 ml.
  • Gauda cheese-100-150 g (add cheese in an amount preferred in volume of the bowl).
  • Cheese "Edam"-100-150 g.
  • Jin White - 2 tbsp. (can be replaced with vodka)
  • Corn flour - 1 tbsp. (can also be replaced with the same amount of corn starch).
  • Pepper and nutmeg - a pinch for aroma
German Fondu

Fondu at home without funds

To prepare you will need ordinary A pan with a Teflon coating or a culinary bucket with a thick bottom:

  • Turn on the smallest fire on the stove and put the dishes.
  • At the bottom of the dishes, put a large spoonful of butter.
  • The selected fat aromatic cheese for fondu (any) grate in chips.
  • Pour 100 ml into the oil. fat milk or cream, and gradually pour cheese chips.
  • Knead the mass thoroughly
  • If the mass seems to you that the mass is liquid. You can add 1 tbsp. Mix flour and mix thoroughly so that there are no lumps.
  • Place the hot fondue on the table and offer guests with ham or pieces of crackers.
Is it possible to prepare a fondue without a special funds?

Sweet Fondom: Recipe

The usual sweet fondue is very simple to cook. You will need:

  • Cream as the basis of fondue - 400 ml. (choose the most fat).
  • Vanilin - 1 bag
  • Sugar-150-250 (according to their preferences)

Important: as it boils, the cream will thicken. If the mass seems to you with liquid, you can add 1 tbsp. corn starch. Fondue is suitable for dripping fruits, cookies and pieces of crackers.

Chocolate Fonda with Fruits: Recipe at home

You will need:

  • Dry white wine - 100 ml.
  • Chocolate tile (any: milk or bitter) - 100 g (approximately).
  • Butter - 50 g.
  • Cocoa - 1 tsp

Important: if the mass seems too thick to you and it will burn in the bottom of the bowl, you can gradually add a small amount of wine or milk into it if you do non -alcoholic fondue).

How to cook delicious chocolate fund?

Fontau Swiss - Emmental: Recipe

You will need:

  • The cheeses "Emmental" and "Grier" in equal proportions. Get them into the baby.
  • Add 1 tbsp. butter
  • Pour 100 ml. fat milk
  • Several tbsp. dry white wine, preferably French.
  • For density, you can interfere 1 not complete station. ordinary flour.

Eggplant Fondu Recipe for the Winter

Fontum from eggplant - An unusual recipe that can diversify your menu. You will need:

  • Ripe eggplant - 2 kg.
  • Vegetable oil - 500 ml. (Use any that you love).
  • Garlic - several pcs. cloves
  • Parsley - bunch (approximately 15 g)
  • Preferred spices (any that you like).


  • Eggplants are cleaned, finely cut
  • They are soaked for half an hour in saline
  • After that, excess water is squeezed
  • Oil heats up in a pan
  • All eggplants are sent to the oil and fried there until beautiful, mix the mass thoroughly.
  • Add garlic and chopped greens to the mass, as well as spices.
  • Wash glass jars for storage with soda
  • Lay the hot mass through the jars, close the lids and after it cools down - send it to the refrigerator.
  • Such conservation can be eaten, both cold and hot.

How to make a cheese fondue at home?

Fondu at home is cooking quite easy and simple. To do this, you do not need to look for hard -to -reach original European cheeses. You can use those that are sold in your store.

If you look for cheese for fondu, it is important to opt for on a fragrant and hard cheese. “Swiss” with large holes is suitable (often called “royal” or “eminal”). It is good if you add such cheese in half with Parmesan or Grano Padano.

As a liquid base, you can use white wine, not sweet and not too strong. Those who do not drink alcohol can use milk. It is poured into the bowl under the candle, wait for the heating and lower the small pieces of cheese into the liquid one at a time. As cheese is melted, interfere with the mass, add spices to taste and a slice of garlic for the aroma.

Important: in such a fondue you can wave bread, chips, dried sheets of lavash, salted crackers, boiled vegetables, pieces of ham, fried mushrooms and much more.

How to cook cheese fondue?

Cheese fondue: what are they eating?

Cheese fund has several very successful taste combinations and therefore recommends it to eat with products such as:

  • Bread croutons or crackers (pieces of fresh bread are quite suitable).
  • Pieces of ham or smoked beef, chicken (not fat, without fat). You can also use pieces of any boiled meat.
  • Boiled vegetables: potatoes, carrots, broccoli, Brussels cabbage, sweet pepper and others.
  • Fried mushrooms (preferably in general)
  • Crackers, chips, salty cookies
  • Nuts

Important: you need to eat a fondue right. A piece of food should be filled with a special fork for fondue, dip in cheese and sent to the mouth.

What do you need to eat fondu?

Meat Fonda: Recipe at home

The meat fund involves preliminary pickling of pieces of meat, so that, while dumping into the bowl of Fondu, it can finally prepare before eating.

You will come in handy:

  • Chicken or turkey fillets - 200 g. For one person.
  • Lemon juice - several tbsp.
  • Vegetable oil - 1 cup
  • Soy sauce - to taste


  • The meat is cut with beautiful and neat pieces, approximately 2 cm.
  • A marinade is prepared from lemon juice and soy sauce, in which pieces of meat should lie for about an hour.
  • In the Fundy, heat the oil
  • Pieces of meat are poured on forks and sent to the oil for cooking, after which they are eaten in the formation of a broody crust.
How to prepare a meat fund?

Chinese fund: Recipe

You will need:

  • Vegetable oil-120-150 ml.
  • Soy sauce - 50 ml.
  • Grated ginger root - 5 g.
  • Garlic - several pcs. Zubkov to taste
  • Honey - 1 tsp
  • Sharp pepper or mixture of peppers - 1 tsp.

The resulting mass should be heated to the fund and bring to a boil. After that, you can dang into it on forks of pieces of raw chicken, beef or shrimp.

Video: "How to cook a fondue?"

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  1. Thanks for the good recipe.

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