Contests for a pirate party for children

Contests for a pirate party for children

This article will provide information about which contests for a pirate party for children can be organized by adults to celebrate the child's birthday. Thanks to this event, children will be satisfied. They will recall a fun holiday for a long time.

One of the most dashing and fearless people are pirates. It is they who attract children with their craving for adventures in search of treasures in distant islands and interesting adventures in the sea. There are many interesting films and cartoons about pirates. But now this will not be about that. We will deal with the topic of which contests for a pirate party can be invented by adults so that the company of children has fun has fun.

Despite the fact that now in the pirate style the holidays are not new, they attract children. Children are happy to dress up in costumes of famous pirate heroes and participate in games and competitions. Kids like to complete tasks, sing, dance, run, scream and solve interesting tasks.

Contests at a pirate party for children

There may be many ideas in order to celebrate a children's holiday. You can make a holiday in the form of a carnival, an interesting party will be released if you arrange karaoke, a pirate party is suitable for both girls and boys. Many love the sea and ships, as well as the search for treasures. And what beautiful costumes do the pirates have - remember Jack Sparrow, his unique style, makeup, hairstyle. Children love to imitate the main character of the film "Pirates of the Caribbean."

Party for children
Party for children

Only the main thing is not this, a holiday without a script and tasks will be sad. Competitions for a pirate party should be invented in advance, for them you may need attributes, incentive prizes. All this must be prepared. Only then will the holiday go perfectly. Thanks to this, your children will be impressed by the party for a long time.

IMPORTANT: Preparing for the holiday in the form of a pirate party, take into account the age of invited children, the territory where they will be fun. Competitions must correspond to these two components. If the party is in the room, then it is necessary to carry out not particularly active entertainment. And to celebrate on the street is a pleasure.


  1. It is best to start with someone who will come up with a nickname for himself more interesting. After all, the pirates have nicknames, no one has ever called them by name. And the host must choose the best participant. At the end of the competition, everyone gives badge, children write their nickname and attach them to clothes.
  2. Findings in the sea - The next competition. The participant in the holiday is put on the mask on the face so that the eyes are closed. A certain object is put on the ground so that the child guess what it is? It is allowed to ask leading questions and prompt within the rational limits, until it becomes clear to the child what kind of toy is in his hands.
  3. Water contests- always like children, so you can spend Sea fishing. In the inflatable pool, you can throw many toys and the children will have to catch them, who most of all collects toys, he won.
  4. In the air you can spend sports competition. Divide the guys into two teams and arrange twisting the rope. He who will win who will win, and the presenter must bring more excitement to this game with his comments.
  5. Pirates for piratesfor such competitions, pictures on sheets A5 are used. First they draw, and then they cut them into pieces, children, in turn, should be folded together from the parts, like puzzles. Moreover, every player should have a picture. Who will collect the puzzles faster, he will win the prize.
  6. The next pirate competition - comic. Children put matching boxes on their nose, then they try to remove them without pens, for this it is allowed to simply change facial expressions. At this time, the host not only comments on what is happening, but also removes it all on the camera. The winner is the one who will fall the first boxes from the nose.
  7. Well, what pirates are robbers if they do not shoot. It is necessary to organize this competition. Children make a fleet of paper boats, place on the table and shoot a powerful water gun at ships. Let the children destroy the fleet in turn. The winner will be a pirate that the most well I got into a larger number of enemy ships.
  8. Competition for the attention of children.On a large sheet of paper, a large circle is drawn by hand or oval - it will be a land, and water is drawn around - this is all the rest of the space, is considered an ocean. The company of children becomes on land, and then the host gives commands - either land or ocean. Children fulfill who is mistaken - he leaves the game, the winner of the last member of the game, he gets prizes and encouragement.
  9. Win the sea monsters. For entertainment, balls should be inflated in advance, decorate them with your own hands, like octopus or sharks and other terrible inhabitants of the ocean. Inside them, put leaves, where to write tasks for the pirate in advance. Then they give darts, children should fall into the ball and perform a funny task that will fall out of it. Who will kill the monsters more, complete the tasks, that winner.
Letter to the pirates
Letter to the pirates

All these contests, accompanied with jokes and presentations of gifts and letters for pirates, will really like the children.  The only thing that should be organized in advance, prepare the necessary details. From the birthday of a pirate style, children will leave in a good mood and will remember it for a very long time.

Pirate party for children 5, 6, 7 years old

If your child is five years old, then you can arrange a holiday in the form of a pirate party. You can come up with contests for a pirate party yourself. That's just for this you will have to try well, think about everything from the invitation, and ending with costumes and contests for children. After all, children of 5-7 years of age can be here and everyone should be interesting.

At a pirate party
At a pirate party


  1. Motor. Prepare a long rope and attach the anchor out of paper in the middle. Tie sticks to the ends of the rope. Plant two rivals from different teams. Let the guys wrap the rope on sticks, and to whom the anchor will move faster - that winner.
  2. The game - Shark.At night, this toothy fish hunts, the presenter plays the shark. All children become at a distance from each other. The host to speak is a day, everyone can move, run, jump. When the presenter speaks - night, the children freeze, who did not have time to stop becoming a captive and play the game. So they play until one player is left.
  3. The game - Diver.Close your eyes to your child with a scarf. Cover it a little. Put a item or toy on the floor. The child must find him. Then it is determined by the touch that this is, for example, for a little animal. If the baby guessed, then they give him a gift.
  4. The game on erudition. The host offers children from two teams to write a word on a sheet that characterize pirates or belong to the sea. It is given on the task for about two to three minutes. Whoever comes up with words has won.
  5. Pirate game of naval battle. Form two teams. And they divide the zone with a rope or other objects into two parts. Teams throw balls into someone else's territory. On which side of the balls are more, that team lost. It will be necessary to burst one ball, and there is a note in which there is a task. The losers must complete this task.
  6. Competition - Hidden treasures. Children are divided into two teams and give the same cards with the plan of the room. On the map, children should guess where there are treasures. As treasures, you can use beads and other jewelry, as well as a trifle. At each point, there will be tips on how to find treasures. Who is the first to pass all points of the rooms and find treasures, that winner.
  7. Competition on tie a sea node.All children take hands, and two remain. One is a pirate from one team that will confuse children (tie a sea node), another child is a pirate that will unravel the knot. This game for laughter, you can give prizes to children who suffered when they were in uncomfortable positions when they were unraveling.
  8. The game Blind pirate.One child from one team blindfold with a scarf. And he must guess to the touch, which of his friends stands in front of him, he has three attempts. If you guess, it has the right to the prize. Then they choose a player from another team and do the same with him. Who guesses on the first attempt by the participant of his team, that winner has the right to surprise.
  9. The host takes pre -prepared bottles with notes, there are letters on the sheets. The host makes riddles to the teams - different. Children find answers in bottles. Each bottle is written in a note one letter. Children can guess the words, and without opening the bottles. Whoever guessed the first, he won.
pirate Party
pirate Party

IMPORTANT:Between contests you can arrange musical pauses. Children can dance to modern tracks or songs. Another leader should pause on a sweet table.

Children's contests for a pirate party - tips

Competitions for a pirate party are invented by the host, and for this you will need a good fantasy. After all, he will have to do so that the children in competitions participate with pleasure. It is for this that prizes, encouragement should be prepared. Tasks must comply with simple rules:

  1. Tasks should be selected for competitions, only suitable by age. If a pirate party is designed for preschool children, it is not advisable to choose contests with texts that need to be read.
  2. All contests should be built in a logical chain. That is, the tasks began with a choice, for example, nicknames for pirates, and in the end there were competitions about the search for treasures.
  3. So that the children are not embarrassed, it is better to turn contests into a game, and who won the prize. Thanks to this, excitement will also warm up.
  4. It is wonderful if the whole event takes place in a warm and mental atmosphere, children are actively moving, the best choice for a pirate party is a holiday in the fresh air. The plots for the holiday can be selected by various, starting from scripts with two leading pirates, ending with the leading Jack Sparrow in a stylish suit with an original hairstyle and makeup. It is advisable not to forget to photograph funny scenes with children to add these moments to photo albums.

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