How to kill the taste of vinegar in a finished dish: how to remove? How to get rid of the smell of vinegar?

How to kill the taste of vinegar in a finished dish: how to remove? How to get rid of the smell of vinegar?

Do you need to remove the taste or smell of table vinegar in ready -made dishes? There are several proven ways.

Vinegar is a universal remedy. It is used as a taste supplement. With the help of vinegar, various spots on clothes and furniture are removed. But this healthy product has a very strong aroma. Its smell can be preserved for a long time even in the prepared dish.

Read on our website another useful article on the topic: "What is the difference between apple cider vinegar from ordinary table vinegar?".

In addition to a strong smell, vinegar is fraught with another danger. If you add too much to the dish, then you can harm your health, in particular, the gastrointestinal tract. Therefore, in some cases, it is necessary to get rid of a large volume of vinegar in the finished dish, and therefore, eliminate its smell. How to do this is described in the article below. Read further.

How to get rid of the smell of vinegar?


An overdose of food with vinegar can occur by accident or when using the wrong dose. Sometimes a certain amount of vinegar is indicated in the recipe, but consuming food, this amount does not like. A dish in which there is a lot of vinegar should not be thrown away. You can leave it on the stove on, open the lid and let it boil or extinguish for another half hour. Under the influence of high temperatures, vinegar will disappear.

It is worth knowing: The vinegar with time disappears on its own. But boiling accelerates this process.

How else can you get rid of the smell of vinegar? You can reduce the concentration of vinegar in the dish with the help of such products:

  • SODA

Thanks to its alkaline properties, it neutralizes vinegar. But you need to add soda very carefully, because it does not have a very pleasant taste. You need to start adding with 1 \\ 3 teaspoon per 3 liters of dishes.

  • RICE

He absorbs water perfectly. With water, rice takes all taste additives. Thus, excess smells are removed. Washed rice can be put in a gauze bag or take a packaged cereal. In this form, it is added to the finished dish and boiled over low heat until the smell of vinegar disappears. However, rice is not always combined in taste with all products.

  • Raw potatoes

It is also added to the dish. But this method is suitable only if there is little vinegar in the prepared "masterpiece".


Boiled water is added to the dish. But do not pour it too much. Otherwise, the taste features of the prepared food will be lost.

Each of the listed methods does not interrupt the taste of dishes, while removes the excess taste and smell of vinegar.

Sugar neutralizes vinegar?

Adding sugar is one of the ways to neutralize vinegar taste. Especially if the composition of the dish has beets and carrots. They release sugar, which give a shade of sweet food. Therefore, adding sugar will not greatly change the taste of the dish.

Sugar neutralizes the taste of vinegar in the food that contains sweet vegetables, berries and fruits. And also it reduces the concentration of acid in sauer dishes and winter blanks.

How to remove the taste of table vinegar from food, finished dish - than to kill: secrets

The taste and smell of vinegar can be reduced in any finished dish
The taste and smell of vinegar can be reduced in any finished dish

The acid content can ruin the dish too much. There are several ways to reduce the taste of table vinegar in food, ready -made dishes. So, how to kill the taste and smell of acid, how to remove? Below are the secrets. The use of additional ingredients depends on which dish you need to kill the taste of vinegar:

In marinades for the winter:

  • It is necessary to soak the vegetables in chilled water, periodically checking them to taste (if they have lost their elasticity).
  • And then pour the vegetables with a new marinade, where all the ingredients will be reduced half.

In sauerkraut:

  • Cabbage must be washed well in running water.
  • And before serving the table, season with vegetable oil and herbs.

In the zucchini caviar:

  • Add sugar, boiled carrots, spices, greens, vegetable oil to taste to the caviar. There will be no trace of the taste and smell of vinegar.

In pickled meat:

  • You can kill the taste of vinegar in pickled meat in several ways. But before that, the meat must be washed well in running water.
  • After the product, you can soak in water with soda, soda or kefir.
  • And add fruits or adjiki to the marinade.

In the salad:

  • The taste of salads directly depends on the correct combination of ingredients.
  • Therefore, neutralizing the smell of vinegar in them is not so simple. And add additional ingredients extremely carefully.
  • You can kill the taste of vinegar in the salad with rice if it is combined with other ingredients.
  • A small amount of sugar or honey is also suitable.
  • You can also break into the salad of some of the ingredients or all in a small amount.

In a salad dressing:

  • Add oil or honey.
  • If the sour taste remains, you can put a small pinch of salt.

In almost any dish, you can kill the taste of vinegar if you add oil to it. Olive or grape seeds are best suited. Sometimes adding a small amount of fat content helps to improve the taste of dishes a lot.

It is not always possible to achieve the correct ratio of ingredients. And if the excess in the dish of some products does not greatly affect its taste, then an excess of vinegar significantly spoils its taste. But the problem of excess acid can be easily solved using other products. Their correct proportion will help not only get rid of the smell, but also from the unpleasant taste of the excess vinegar.

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