What masks can be done for the New Year: the ideas of New Year's carnival masks per competition, description, photo. How can you decorate the mask for the New Year?

What masks can be done for the New Year: the ideas of New Year's carnival masks per competition, description, photo. How can you decorate the mask for the New Year?

In this article you will find many ideas of carnival masks for the New Year.


“Waiting for a holiday is more often than the holiday itself” - Quote from the book "Favorite" Valentina Pikul, flying around the whole world and becoming a good description of human emotions, anticipating some kind of event. Undoubtedly, New Year's Eve is a time of extravaganza, magic and dream fulfilling, when everything around is saturated with a fairy tale, and even the most adult skeptic believes and hopes for a miracle.

Read in another article on our website on the topic: "How to make masquerade masks with your own hands for the New Year?". You will find the instructions step by step, and also learn how to decorate a masquerade mask with ideas and photos.

How nice to plunge into the festive situation long before the onset New Year. I would like to create an atmosphere of comfort, warmth around me, decorate the house with garlands, balls, snowflakes, put a beauty-fraud, as a symbol of the fact that the owners of the house respect and honor traditions Grandpa Frost. It is interesting to make New Year's fakes and masks for New Year's carnival night with children. From this article you will learn how to make a mask on New Year. In addition, a wide variety of masks - different characters and animals will be presented here. Read further.

From what materials can a carnival mask for the New Year for the competition be made?

The creation of a carnival New Year's mask with your own hands is a unique opportunity not only to acquire an interesting and unusual accessory for a meeting New Yearbut also a chance to conduct leisure with your children, get closer, chat and spend a contact time. Often such an accessory needs a baby in a kindergarten or school for a competition, and sometimes he may be needed for adults.

Before proceeding with the manufacture of the mask, you need to get acquainted with the varieties, to understand what materials and means are needed to create a particular mask and find suitable templates.


  • Paper masks that only need to be cut according to the template.
  • Masks of decorations that need to be cut and painted at their own discretion.
  • Masks of appliances, for the creation of which you need to familiarize yourself with the lesson and instructions, choose the necessary materials and create.
  • Felt masks that are sewn from cardboard and a special canvas.
  • Mask made of paper plates.

The most popular products are masks with images of fairy -tale heroes, animals and the main character new Year's Eve - Grandpa Frost for boys and Snow Maiden For girls. Creating a mask for a child, you can also come up with some interesting role for a carnival night and play a mini-performance at home or a fairy tale with all family members. Of course, this must be done after the mask participated in the competition.

So, we begin to create. Read further.

New Year's mask of Santa Claus - how to make: description, photo

New Year's mask of Santa Claus
New Year's mask of Santa Claus

Which New Year without the main culprit of the celebration Santa Claus? Children adore this hero. Long before the holiday, they write letters to him and ask for the most cherished and desirable, and if they also become the owners of a mask with the face of a good wizard, then happiness and joy from such an event have no limit.

In another article on our website you will find, how to make such a mask from different materials.

Let's make a New Year's mask Santa Claus from paper. Here's a description with a photo:

  • For the basis of such a mask, you need to take paper, cardboard or round paper plate.
  • If we are talking about paper or cardboard, then cut a large circle and cut the holes in it in the form of the eyes, the hole in the shape of the mouth and determine the point for the nose with the point.
  • If there is a plate of paper in stock, then there is already a circle shape, it remains only to cut holes for other elements.
  • A small circle should be cut out of red paper - it will be a nose.
  • Leave your eyes in the form of cut out circles, or you can separately make and glue it to the necessary places.
  • Santa Claus's mouth is densely covered with a beard. Make it with cotton wool or cotton pads, simply glue the bottom of the mask.

On the head Santa Claus Put on the hat by cutting it out in the shape of a cap of colored paper, and use the same cotton wool formed in a voluminous ball as a pompom. Here are a photo of templates that can be used for creativity:

Santa Claus template
Santa Claus template
Santa Claus template
Santa Claus template
Santa Claus template
Santa Claus template
Santa Claus template
Santa Claus template

Everything, mask Santa Claus Both now a child or an adult is in full readiness to meet the protagonist of winter on his threshold.

Tiger Mask for the New Year using papier-mash technique: Description, photo

Tiger Mask for the New Year using papier-mash technique
Tiger Mask for the New Year using papier-mash technique

Coming New 2022 - year of blue water Tiger. This is a royal and very beautiful animal, which will be immensely pleased if it will be met in a mask with a self -portrait. Also a mask Tiger The child will need if he plays some role of a predator in the matinee in kindergarten.

Such an accessory can be made in the usual way from paper, cutting out a template, pushing the strip, ears, mustache on the sides, in the center of the nose, mouth and eyes. The tiger wool is simply imitated with cotton wool painted in red and brown color, or you can sheathe a mask with shreds of fabric. An interesting option for execution of the mask Tiger There will be a papier-masha technique.

Masks from other materials are described in this article on our website. You may want to make two masks-from papier-mash and paper.

For the technique of papier-masha, you need:

  • Plasticine
  • Glue
  • Scissors
  • Brushes
  • Paints
  • Newspaper paper or special fibrous paper
  • Starch and water

Here's a description with a photo:

  • First, it is necessary to blind a dummy in the shape of a tiger's face, corresponding to the shape or size of the person’s face for whom the mask is prepared.
  • In order for the view of the mask to be believable and as close as possible to the selected beast, all reliefs should be carefully worked out.
  • When the form of plasticine is ready, stir the starch in warm water to the state of thick glue, soak the newspaper sheets in the water and proceed to the formation of an accessory in the style of papier-mash.
  • On a plasticine base, you should glue paper one after another layer, smearing it with a thin layer of glue or starchy mixture.
  • In this process, it is important to immediately outline the place of eyes, mouth and nose on a plasticine layout, so as not to complicate the work for yourself and not cut these places on the frozen mask.
Papier-masha's workpiece
Papier-masha's workpiece
  • When the mask is glued evenly in thickness and layers, it must be left in a dry place for 24-36 hours, so that the paper is completely dry and the mask hardened.
  • After drying the mask, gently separate the mask from the plasticine shape, decorate and decorate with additional elements based on your own taste.

That's all. Looking at such a product from the side, it is difficult to believe that it is quite possible and easy to make at home with your own hands.

Carnival mask of a bear for the New Year for a paper contest: description with a photo

Carnival mask of a bear for the New Year for the competition
Carnival mask of a bear for the New Year for the competition

Bear - This is the owner of the forest, warm and big Toptyginwho often comes to visit children for a matinee in the company Santa Claus, Snow Maiden and forest residents. If there is a desire to identify yourself as the master of the holiday, then you can safely do mask Mishka. Here is a description of the carnival mask of the bear for the New Year for the Paper contest with a photo:

Cut the template
Cut the template
  • To create such a mask, it is necessary to draw on brown paper to draw a target muzzle template and cut out.
  • Also cut the eyes for the eyes and the recess for the nose.
  • To make such a mask look more interesting, you can cut only the upper part of the muzzle, that is, ears, eyes and nose. Thus, everyone will immediately find out who hides under the mask and give Mishuta a name.
Glue the details
Glue the details
  • On the finished template, lay the yellow circles in the place of the ears, decorate the black nose and the area on top of the mouth cover with an arc from yellow paper, imitating the cheeks and the mouth of the bear.
Glue the rest of the details
Glue the rest of the details
  • To keep the mask comfortably, equip it with ropes at the edges of the face.
  • To make it look more interesting and voluminous, you can make it from corrugated cardboard, and the elements of the parts of the face are convex.

In your hands, give a barrel with honey in your hands, and put on your head an army cap, like from a cartoon. Such a wonderful hero and a resident of the forest will not be left without attention at either the domestic or kindergarten event.

Rabbit Mask or Bunnies for New Year from strips of paper: Description with a photo

A mask of a rabbit or a bunny for the New Year from the strips of paper
Rabbit Mask or New Year's Bunnies from Paper Strips

One way or another, but in the life of every boy in kindergarten there was the role of a bunny or rabbit. This is another cute forest animal that always participates in the New Year's holiday. Of course, when there are only bunnies in white shirts, black shorts and cute fluffy tails behind the children's matinee, I want the child’s costume to be unique. Diversify and make a touch of individuality into the image on New Year, will allow a beautiful mask Hare From strips of paper. It is put on her head, looks very unusual and beautiful. Here's a description with a photo:

We make a rabbit mask
We make a rabbit mask

To design such a mask, you need:

  • White paper
  • Scissors
  • Color paper or corrugated cardboard

Here's how to do:

  • In the process of creating a mask from stripes, the first thing you need to divide the sheet into strips of the same thickness, while leaving on the sheet below 3 cm.
  • Then alternate the strips: we tear off one, leave one.
  • Unreleased below 3 cm Papers will imitate a hoop that should be equal to the volume of the child’s head.
  • We glue the hoop, bending the strips into the inside, intertwining with each other. Thus, an imitation of a hat should be obtained and the hoop should be worn as a headdress.
  • While the frame of the mask dries from glue, you can cut out all the elements characteristic of the muzzle of the bunny: ears, nose, antennae.
  • To make the mask look more interesting and voluminous, you can use corrugated cardboard or any other material.
  • We glue the nose and ears on a dried frame and a cute bunny is ready.

Other options you will find a hare mask of a hare by this link - These are interesting accessories from different materials.

New Year's mask of sheep - how to make from paper: description, photo

If the child likes a sweet and kind animal sheep, then you can safely create such a New Year's mask and image for New Year's Eve. All that is needed is glue, scissors, paper, felt -tip pens and a little cotton. How to do it? Here's a description with a photo:

New Year's mask of sheep - template
New Year's mask of sheep - template
New Year's mask of sheep
New Year's mask of sheep
  • To create a plausible mask, you need to cut the upper part of the face of the sheep out of thick paper, so to speak, a mask in the form of large glasses on the eyes with slots.
  • The nose and mouth of the child will be open. Or, if there is a desire, then you can fulfill this accessory and on the whole face or leave only your mouth open. In general, do how convenient you are.
Glue cotton balls
Glue cotton balls
  • A lot of small balls from cotton balls should be glued on top of the eye, thereby imitating the curly hair of the sheep.
Sheep mask
Sheep mask
  • Having drawn small freckles on the mask under the eyes, you can make a more delicate and cute image.
  • Cut out two circles from white paper and bend each in half. It will be ears.
  • In the center of the ears, draw pink circles. So it will be even more natural and believable.
  • Glue the ears on both sides of the mask and, for convenience, fix the accessory on the hair with invisibles or equip it with a rope.

Other mask options Sheep You can find in another article on our website on this link.

That's all. A sweet and friendly sheep is ready to delight everyone with her own way at the holiday New Year.

Carnival mask of a felt wolf: description with a photo

Carnival mask of a felt wolf
Carnival mask of a felt wolf

The wolf, although a predatory evil animal, no children's holiday is complete without it. To slightly soften the image of the villain, you can create a cute carnival mask with the image of a smiling and good wolf, others will not be so scary. Here you can not do without imagination. The main desire and several improvised means at hand. Here's a description with a photo:

Template of the wolf mask
Template of the wolf mask
  • To create a mask Wolf From felt, it is necessary to arm yourself with scraps of the felt of black, gray and white, cut the template or draw yourself. Stock up with scissors and powerful glue.
We make a mask of a felt wolf
We make a mask of a felt wolf
  • Having passed the details of the image of the wolf to the felt using pre -carved templates, you need to make holes for the eyes and cut the entire composition. So that the mask does not look simple, you should cut out all the elements separately. And then glue it to each other.
We glue the details of the mask
We glue the details of the mask
  • The basis in the form of a felt oval with eyes cut in advance, it is necessary to glue ears, voluminous cheeks with a mustache, mouth and nose.
We glue the details of the mask
We glue the details of the mask
  • The more layers of felt we glue, the more voluminous and interesting the mask seems more interesting. For the mask to serve longer, all glued elements should be treated with a hot iron.
  • To make the eyes more expressive, glue white thick eyebrows from above. For better fixation, the small elements of the mask go with a thick needle and thread.

More options wolf masks at this link.

The mask is ready and now a predatory forest resident does not seem so angry and merciless. Below are also options for other masks. Read further.

Mask monkeys for the New Year on the head from a paper package: Description with a photo

Mask monkeys for the New Year on the head from a paper bag
Mask monkeys for the New Year on the head from a paper bag

Monkey - an exotic and not quite traditional animal for the holiday New Year. But if the year of the monkey or the child is crazy about this playful and cheerful animal, then you can safely build such a mask with your own hands and please the child.

In this article you will find monkeys masks From different materials - interesting, simple, bright.

An amazing and unusual solution will be the creation of a mask from a paper rectangular bag. Below you will find a description with a photo. To make such an accessory you need:

  • Cardboard or paper bag of brown
  • Scissors
  • Colored paper
  • Glue and stapler

How to do:

Mask monkeys for the New Year on the head from a paper bag
Mask monkeys for the New Year on the head from a paper bag
  • First you should take a cardboard bag with handles down and outline places for the eyes, nose, mouth and ears on it.
  • Next, make the slots in the place of the eyes and nose, so that the child is easy and unhindered to breathe.
  • After that, cut all the elements of the face out of colored paper. The color and shape of the elements at the discretion of the author of the mask, but the most advantageous on the brown background look blue and black.
  • After cutting all the elements, glue them onto the mask, fix the ears with a stapler, and glue pre -cut bananas and coconuts on the bag handles, like imitation of a vine with fruits around a monkey.

You can put on the mask on yourself. Believe me, no one has such an accessory.

DIKO carnival mask with felt felt: Description with a photo

DIY carnival mask with felt felt
DIY carnival mask with felt felt

The dragon is a fabulous and unpredictable animal, but no holiday in the East is complete without it. Their traditions often leave an imprint in culture, and therefore the carnival mask of the dragon to celebrate the New Year is relevant and unusual. Make it with your own hands from felt.

From other materials, you can also perform such an accessory. How to do it, read this article on the link.

First you should decide on the mood of the dragon. If this is a kind and positive character, then you can take a felt of green shades. If the dragon throws fire and destroys everything in its path, then the colors for such a mask should be red-yellow.

For the manufacture of a mask of a felt dragon, you will need:

  • Fetr in the assortment
  • Scissors
  • Glue
  • Threads and needle

Here's a description with a photo:

  • Fetr is a unique material, as if created for the construction of masks. It does not crumble, is well cut and glued.
DIY carnival mask with felt felt
DIY carnival mask with felt felt
  • First of all, it is necessary to find a suitable template of all the elements of the dragon head.
  • After the elements, transfer to the felt and cut down the contour, indicating holes for the eyes and nose.
  • Combining the colors, shape and number of layers of felt, you can get a voluminous and very beautiful mask.
  • Decorate the mask with small circles of white and black felt, imitating spots on the face.
DIY carnival mask with felt felt
DIY carnival mask with felt felt

If the dragon is angry, then you can cut the orange fire and glue it near the mouth, as if the animal is emitting a flame. You can glue the "flame" onto the stick and put it to the mouth when the dragon will be angry.

Carnival mask of a paper rooster in the form of a hat: Description with a photo

Carnival mask of a cap in the shape of a hat
Carnival mask of a cap in the shape of a hat

A vocal, stringent and important rooster is a hero of many fairy tales and a welcome character at any New Year's holiday. The rooster combines many bright colors, he is a rather positive hero, and therefore is perfect in the role of the image for the New Year's carnival mask.

Other you will find a rooster masks in an article on this link. If you have two children and they go to the carnival or participate in the competition, then you can make two masks.

To design such a mask in the form of a hat, you need to get colored paper, scissors, glue and a stapler. Here's a description with a photo:

Cut the sheet into strips
Cut the sheet into strips
  • First you need to cut a sheet of yellow paper into strips, leaving at the same not less than 3 cm Uns cut space.
  • The length of the sheet should be equal to the volume of the child's head.
  • After the fake in the form of stripes on paper, thin the row of stripes, cutting off through one.
Glue the strips
Glue the strips
  • Then bend the strips and glue it on the opposite of an empty section of the sheet.
  • As a result, you should get a hat on which you then glue all the elements of the head of the rooster: beak, eyes, red scallop.
Get a hat of paper strips
Get a hat of paper strips

If desired, such a mask can be decorated with multi -colored feathers or cut off imitation of wings and glue on both sides.

New Year's mask of a rat or mouse from Foamiran: Description with a photo

New Year's mask of a rat or mouse from Foamiran
New Year's mask of a rat or mouse from Foamiran

Small and fast animal Rat or  Mouse - The beloved hero of many children. She is always cheerful, active and peppy, and therefore perfectly complement the image of a beautiful and sweet girl on the New Year's matinee.

In another article on our website there is many options for creating a mouse mask. You can choose what you like and do with your own hands.

Foamiran or foamed rubber is a synthetic material for fakes, which is easily cut, glued and acquires the desired shape. Foamiran is sold in stores in the form a4 sheetsAnd therefore, working with it, you can imagine that you cut out the New Year's mask and glue it from ordinary paper. Here's a description with a photo:

Mask template
Mask template
  • Here are the same actions as with paper.
  • First you need to apply a template on the canvas, cut along the contour and highlight places for the peepions and nose.
  • To make the mask more voluminous, cut round ears and glue it around the edges.
  • Fasten the mask on the head Mice Using rubber bands inserted on both sides.
  • In the center, a lump of cotton wool and antennae of wire can be glued to the place of the nose.

It turned out a beautiful accessory. If you buy material with sparkles, you can make a very beautiful mask that will shimmer and shine in the lights of the New Year holiday.

Carnival Mask Piglet using the Papier-Masha technique: Description with a photo

Carnival Mask Piglon in the Papier Masha technique
Carnival Mask Piglon in the Papier Masha technique

The pig is a favorite of all children. He is perky, funny, awkward and very playful. All children like Piglet Piglet and its pointed ears, and therefore not a single baby can resist such a mask.

Other options for the carnival mask of the piglet you will find In the article on our website on this link

In order to create a cute pink face of the piglet, the technique of papier-meshe will be needed:

  • The starch solution - starch is mixed with warm water and is brought to the consistency of the glue
  • Scissors
  • Old newspaper
  • Colored paper
  • Liquid PVA glue
  • Plasticine

Here's a description with a photo:

Old mask for the workpiece
Old mask for the workpiece
  • First of all, it is necessary to blind the layout of the mask. To do this, with the help of plasticine, pull out a circle, ears, a convex patch and do not forget to leave the cuts under the eyes and mouth, so as not to cut the finished mask. You can use just an old mask so as not to make a layout of plasticine.
  • After the plasticine layout is ready, you can start collecting a mask.
  • To do this, glue pieces of a newspaper sheet soaked in water on a plasticine layer and smear them with starchy glue or PVA glue.
  • Having done all the manipulations with paper, you need to leave the mask to dry for at least the 3rd day.
  • After completely drying out and hardening the mask, you should decorate it or beautifully design it with a patch patch, ears and eye.
Masks papier-masha
Masks papier-masha

Having glued all the elements and drying the painted mask, do 2 holes on the sides in the product so that the accessory can be securely fixed on the head. That's all. The charming and cute mask of the piglet is ready.

New Year's mask fox from felt with your own hands: Description with a photo

New Year's mask fox from felt with your own hands
New Year's mask fox from felt with your own hands

The cunning, red and elegant fox is one of the favorite forest heroes and guests at the New Year's Eve. Despite the fact that all the characters of the fox in fairy tales and cartoons are angry and negative, the children will be very happy with such a guest, and therefore the mask of the one who comes in this guise will study with great interest

Even more masks Foxes From felt you can find in the article on this link

The New Year's felt mask made by yourself will look most successful and beautiful, since this material itself resembles a short coat and beautiful volumetric fakes are obtained from it. Below you will find a description with a photo.

For the manufacture of a felt mask you will need:

  • Sample
  • Scissors
  • Pieces of red, red and yellow felt
  • Glue and a thread with a needle

Here's how to do:

Mask template
Mask template
  • Having attached a pre -prepared template with a fox muzzle, gently transfer orange on felt.
  • Next, draw the elements separately: ears, nose, eyebrows, wool on the cheeks and hairstyle.
  • The more additional elements are glued on the basis of the muzzle, the more voluminous and brighter the mask will look.
  • After all the elements are glued and collected with each other, you can draw near the nation of the antennae and come up with a beautiful and convenient fastening of the mask.
Mask fox for girls
Mask fox for girls

Such a mask of a red fox will definitely appeal to children and Santa Claus. For a boy, you can make such a simple fox mask:

Fox mask for a boy
Fox mask for a boy

It is almost not necessary to decorate, only fabric and thread.

A snake mask with a snake skin effect with guipure or lace: a description with a photo

Snake snake mask
Snake snake mask

Snake is not quite characteristic New Year animal. However, if the child loves him and comes to the matinee in kindergarten in such a mask, then you can be sure that he will be the same for the whole group and team. Make yourself a mask with your own hands Snakes With the effect of snake skin using guipure or lace.

In another article on our website there are other manufacturing options a similar mask - look at this link.

Description with photo:

  • In order to make a mask that resembles a snake skin in structure, you can take any old carnival mask over the eyes.
The blank to the mask
The blank to the mask
  • Wrap it with clay or white plasticine.
Pull out with a hyphen
Pull out with a hyphen
  • After the plasticine hardens slightly, attach a piece of hypunumer tissue to the mask and squeeze tightly in all places so that the drawing is printed as best as possible on the texture of the masks.
Remove the guipure, the desired texture turned out
Remove the guipure, the desired texture turned out
  • After that, carefully remove the guipure and decorate the mask.
Color the mask
Color the mask
  • Color in several layers.
  • Dalm along the edges and near the eyes - this will turn out more spectacular and interesting.
Cover with paint in several layers
Cover with paint in several layers
  • Cover the product with varnish or silver layer of spray paint - slightly.
Darken around the eyes and around the edges
Darken around the eyes and around the edges

Decorate the mask as you wish. So easy and at the same time unusual, you can arrange a mask by simulating snake skin.

Carnival mask of a felt dog: description with a photo

Carnival mask of a felt dog
Carnival mask of a felt dog

A dog is a favorite of all children, a person’s friend and just a beautiful animal who definitely finds a place in the celebration New Year. A dog from a fairy tale is always a kind and friendly character, and therefore such a carnival mask should be made of soft and pleasant material - felt.

Want to see options how and what else can you make a mask from Dogs? You will find them In the article on this link.

The sequence of actions and the necessary list of materials here is no different from the previous ones. Here's a description with a photo:

Mask template
Mask template
  • Having cut out a paper template, it is necessary to transfer it to a brown felt.
  • From a felt of a different color, it is necessary to cut out the ears, nose and sweet speck, which should have the same hole under the eyes as on a mask.
  • Having glued all the elements of the material to each other, for reliability, go through the product with a hot iron.
  • After that, do two holes at the edges for fastening the mask and safely go to conquer the hearts of all participants in the holiday in it.

Such a mask can be done for the boy. But for the girl she will do. If you want to add tenderness, for example, a bow, then it is better to make such a mask:

Mask template
Mask template

New Year's mask of a horse for all face: Description with a photo

A horse is one of the favorite characters of the children. She is playful, graceful and very beautiful. Such an animal will definitely become an interesting and welcome guest at any holiday and New Year's carnival.

You can try to do it foam mask. It will also turn out interesting and original.

Description with a photo, how to execute:

We make a horse mask
We make a horse mask
  • To create a horse’s mask, a large face template and large ears must be cut into the whole face so that the product completely covers the face.
  • In the finished elements, cut the holes for the eyes and decorate with paints that are most suitable for the image and costume.
  • On the template, it is worthwhile to outline two folding lines along the entire muzzle and bend so that the mask becomes more voluminous. Below, with the help of the same, but already longitudinal folding lines, you can decorate your nose by wrapping the paper inside the mask.
We make a horse mask
We make a horse mask
  • After gluing all parts and the design of the mask in the shape of a horse, the whole composition should be painted.
  • To give the mask of charm, draw circles of black paint around the eyes and glue thin antennae and cilia.

If there is some kind of fabric or artificial hair in stock, then you can decorate the horse’s mane and then the mask will become even more beautiful and believable.

DIY carnival mask with your own hands - how to make: description with a photo

Carnival mask of a bull bullfighting bull
Carnival mask of a bull bullfighting bull

Mask in the form Bull - This is a very unusual, but interesting choice. In such a mask, it is difficult to go unnoticed, and the process of creating this non -standard accessory will captivate for many hours of productive work.

Mask Bull It can be performed a little differently using paper. More described In another article on this link.

The most optimal option for creating such a mask is a fake made of felt. First of all, it is simple and beautiful, and due to its structure, this material gives the product volume and lightness. You can draw templates of all parts on your own on paper. Transfer all the details to the fabric so that later it turns out as in the photo above. The main detail is the head, cut it down according to this stencil:

Mask template
Mask template
Mask template
Mask template
  • So, cutting out the templates of all the elements of the mask Bull They should be transferred to black felt.
  • The nose, ears and horns of the animal should be either white or brown. So the mask will be original and bright.
  • Having made holes for the eyes at the base of the mask, fasten all the elements with glue.
  • For credibility, you can glue a pair of cow spots on the mask, and insert a ring into one of the nostrils, like the real leader of the herd.

Such a mask is best kept on an elastic band, so you need to cut two holes at the edges to pass the ropes in them.

How can you decorate the mask for the New Year: Ideas

Decorating the finished product, you should give preference to thematic New Year's accessories. The mask can be sheathed with a rain, covered with sparkles, feathers, beads, a beautiful fabric or with your own hand -drawn patterns. It all depends on the topic and the chosen character for the manufacture of the mask.

It doesn’t matter at all what animal or New Year's hero fell on the issue of creating a mask. The main thing is to approach the process with desire, interest, creativity and good mood. Remember that children remember the time spent with their parents very well, especially if it has benefited and some fruits of joint creativity. The New Year's mask made with his own hands will become a real subject of pride for the child and he will be very happy to show it to all friends and guests of the New Year holidays.

Here are the ideas of New Year's masks and how they can be decorated for the New Year:

New Year masks
New Year masks
New Year masks
New Year masks
New Year's mask
New Year's mask
New Year's mask
New Year's mask
New Year's mask
New Year's mask
New Year's mask
New Year's mask
New Year's mask
New Year's mask
New Year masks
New Year masks

Video: Mask - mouse in 10 minutes with your own hands. How to make a mouse - a mask for the New Year?

Video: Mask raccoon from cardboard! How to make her at home?

Video: how to make a cat mask, the first rhyme of the child?

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