Funny and funny contests for a small company of adults - how to cheer the company for 6 people?

Funny and funny contests for a small company of adults - how to cheer the company for 6 people?

In our article you will find ideas for holding fun contests for a small company of adults.

Competitions for a small company of adults - how to cheer the company for 6 people?

Competitions for a small company of adults - how to cheer the company for 6 people:

  • "Funny guessing" - This entertainment is suitable for the smallest company. So, prepare in advance stickers that can be without effort to glue on the forehead of the person. Write the words for guessing on them - a hippo, a sausage pie, a soft bed, and so on. Fantasize, the main thing is that in the end your guests have fun. Put the harvested pieces of paper in the box, fold them in half so that the guest does not see the mystery word. Next, invite the guests to stretch on a piece of paper, and glue the sticker on the forehead. After that, you can start the game. A person should raise questions that will help him guess the word. If desired, you can give him funny tips.
  • "Funny bills" - This is a more mobile version of the game. In this case, you will need to print paper bills in advance, there should be a lot of them. Be sure to provide an free space in the room where you can play the game. Lay out the bills on the floor, but not in one place, but at a certain distance from each other. Guests should be on one leg and collect bills to the music, the one who collects the most receives a prize - a rubber duck for a bath, rainbow socks, a magnet for a refrigerator.
  • "Merry artist" - A very cheerful competition that always gives a lot of positive. You will have to prepare an easel and colored pencils in advance. Put it in such a way that the guests are convenient to approach him. Next, you will need to draw a certain drawing with the guests, for example, a portrait of a woman or man. At the next stage, it is necessary to decide who will draw which part. After that, give the guest a pencil in your hands and blindfold. At the next stage, bring it to the easel and put your hand in that part of the sheet, de must draw. When he finishes, bring the next guest. After the picture is completed, we admire the masterpiece received together.

Competitions for a small company at home

Competitions for a small company at home
Competitions for a small company at home

Competitions for a small company at home:

  • "Drunk baby" - This alcoholic competition should be held when the guests have not yet been very hasty. So, for its holding you will need bottles with nipples - there should be as many as guests at your holiday. Fill them with alcohol. For men, beer is perfect, and for women a sweet liquor or cider. When the time comes, hand out the bottles of guests, and offer them a drink to the bottom. Since it will be hard to do through the nipple, it will take some time. Those who are the first to cope with the task are declared the winner.
  • "Table dance" -In this case, guests will not even have to get up from the festive table. All you need to do, prepare in advance with a dozen funny musical compositions that you can include guests. Next, you turn on the music and ask a certain guest to dance under it, but without getting up from the chair. Choose your own melody for each guest so that the dances are diverse. In the conclusion of the competition, decide whose dance was the most ideal.
  • "Mysterious animals" - This version of the competition is ideal for celebrating events in the family circle. Prepare sheets of paper and pencils or pens in advance. Find out from your relatives what animals they like the most, and ask them to draw. But specify that they should do it with their feet. You can create funny artists to the music, it will be more fun.
  • "Lemonone Adventure" - Take a few lemons and cut them with slices. Put a plate with lemons in the center of the festive table and invite the guests to take one slope into the mouth. Wait a minute, and then invite them to add one more slide. The competition must be continued until someone grinds. As soon as this happens, the competition is over, give out to everyone in sweet candy as a prize.

Competitions for a small company without a toastmaster

Competitions for a small company without a toastmaster
Competitions for a small company without a toastmaster

Competitions for a small company without a house:

  • "Cocktail party" - Another option for an alcoholic competition for adults. So, stock up on various liquors, low alcohol products. You will also need cocktail tubes and glass glasses. Fill the glasses with cocktails and arrange on the table. Prepare three different drinks for one guest. Give through the pipe at all present and offer them to drink all cocktails to the music. Specify that at the same time the tube can not be released from the mouth for a second. The first to cope with this task is declared the winner.
  • "Sharp surprise" - We immediately want to say that this competition is not suitable for everyone, but only to those who love sharp dishes. Although, if guests agree, everyone can participate in it. You will need sharp products - horseradish, mustard, chili sauce, Basabi. All these products are smeared on a small slice of bread and bend on the dish. The chosen guest is blindfolded and he begins to eat spicy. In order for the tastes to mix less, after each sandwich, let a person drink clean water. Ideally, he should guess all sharp dishes.
  • "Table pharmacy" -A competition that can be held without getting up from the festive table. All adults know the names of a large number of medications, and they can easily say what they help. Therefore, invite your guests for several minutes to become medical workers. Call them a medical drug, and let them tell you what it can help. But do not choose the names of too rare drugs, opt for, for example, on analgin, paracetamole, hydrogen peroxide, green, and so on. The guests who talk about the largest number of medications are declared by the "nobody". If desired, you can hand him a comic medal or letter.
  • "Cunning stool" - A competition that will require your guests maximum concentration. You will need a couple of stools that you install in the center of the room. But you need to put them not quite usually, but legs up. The essence of the game is that the guest is blindfolded and given a spoon in the hands. Then it is scrolling around its axis several times and offered to find a stool, and put on a spoon on its leg. The rest of the guests can help you choose the right direction. If it is difficult for your guests to fix the spoon on the legs, then replace it with a glass, it can easily be put on a stool's leg. Who will cope with the task faster, he will be the winner.

Competitions for a small company at the table

Competitions for a small company at the table
Competitions for a small company at the table

Competitions for a small company at the table:

  • "Correct snack" - Put a variety of alcoholic drinks on the festive table - vodka, wine, champagne, sweet liquor. Be sure to provide for the right snacks for them. So for vodka, meat snacks, pickles, sandwiches are suitable. For wine, make a cheese-naughty plate, and add it to a bowl of honey. Strawberries are perfect for champagne, and a bitter chocolate for the liquor. The essence of the competition is to invite your guests to choose an ideal snack for each alcoholic drink. Anyone who does everything correctly can get a prize.
  • "Funny alphabet" - A very simple, but funny competition. To conduct it, you will need to cut a sheet of paper into small pieces and write the letters of the alphabet on them. Fold the blanks in the box, and then invite the guests to pull each piece of paper with the letter. When you cope with this task, you can move on to the main part of the competition. You are cutting off time, and a person calls you words that begin in an elongated letter. Whoever remembers the most words wins.
  • "Best speaker" - A noisy and cheerful contest that will definitely cheer your guests. So, initially consider the topics that your guests will consecrate. They can be completely different - from cooking to the invention of the eternal engine. Next, choose two people and announce to each of them what topic they will illuminate. Specify what they will do at the same time, so you will need to speak loudly and clearly. After the sound signal, they can start talking. He who can condemn their thoughts to the rest will be the winner. If the idea with complex topics is not very suitable for you, invite guests to sing a certain song, the main thing is that they do it at the same time. Songs can be singed both with music and without it.
  • "Attentive editor" - As you already understood, this competition will require your guests to be attentive. You will need newspapers to conduct it. They should be the same, and accurately correspond to the number of guests at the table. So all your guests will be involved in a festive event. You can buy one newspaper, and then print it. The essence of the competition is to give out newspapers to your guests in which the selected text has been circled in advance. Then ask your guests using the red handle, to emphasize a certain letter or syllable. In order for the guests to be lost a bit, you can distract them with loud sounds - claps, a stomp of legs, loud music. The winner is announced by the one who will find the desired letters the most.

Funny contests for a small company

Funny contests for a small company
Funny contests for a small company

Funny contests for a small company:

  • "Sobriety check" - It may seem to you that this is a very easy competition, but this is not at all. And for a drunk person, he is even more complicated than for sober. So, ask your guest to go to the center of the room, bend your hand in the elbow and raise it perpendicular to the floor. Put an ordinary box of matches on a bent hand, and ask him to throw it into the air from this position. When the guest throws the matches, with the same hand he should catch them. If desired, the task can be a little complicated, and use two matchboxes at the same time. As a rule, in this case, people are lost and one misses, and it looks very funny.
  • "AIR BATTLE" - A competition for people with a sense of humor. In advance, inflate several balloons and attach the threads to them with which you will tie them to the chair. Fill one ball with water, but do not show it to the guests. Tie the balloons to the back of the chair, so that they are well fixed, so they will be easier to pierce. Choose a guest who will pierce them, arrest him with a fork and blindfold him. While you explain the rules to him, replace one ball with the one that filled it with water. Hold the guest when he pierce the balls. When he pierces the ball with water, start a friendly company loudly groaning, this will confuse it.
  • "Testament dreams" - Competition for a trick. You will need to whisper a certain task for each guest in your ear, which he must make one of those present. It can be any guest. But this should be done not in an orderly tone, but to ask a person with veiled phrases. To whom the first will be able to achieve his own, he wins. Ideas for tasks - to sit on a neighbor’s chair, break the bread on small pieces, blow on a hot dish, twist a neighbor’s napkin in a tube. You can fulfill other people's dreams not at a certain time, but throughout the evening, and only at the very end of the holiday to declare everyone about such a comic task.
  • "Find us vodka!" - Competition with a catch. To conduct it, you will need the same glasses filled with transparent liquid. They are distributed to guests. Next, one person is selected who will guess in which glass the water is, and in what vodka. Guests line up in one row and begin to drink from their glasses, and the host must carefully look at which of them has water and who has alcohol. The catch of the game is that in all glasses vodka, so the host will have to try very hard to find water. If you want to complicate the task, ask your guests to drink the contents of glasses with the most calm face so that the person does not suspect that something is wrong.

Cool contests for a small company

Cool contests for a small company
Cool contests for a small company

Cool contests for a small company:

  • "Greedy hamster" - A very funny competition that will cause a lot of positive emotions. To conduct it, you will need caramel sweets. They are best freed in advance from the wrapper and put them on a plate. Next, choose two guests who will be “greedy hamsters”. Invite them to take one candy and put in their mouths. Anyone who can fit the most karamelk and will be the winner. But if it happens that guests will be able to use the same number of caramels during the competition, ask to pronounce them some phrase, something like: "Sasha walked along the highway and sucking drying." Whoever suits is better, and declare that the winner.
  • "Horses on a watering - A spectacular competition for very close people. So, you need to prepare a drink - compote, fruit drink, lemonade, and pour it into a large container. If desired, you can use beer or cider for this purpose. Ideally, a couple of people should drink at the same time from the container. Divide guests in pairs and give them cocktail tubes. Pour drinks into pre -prepared containers. Next, turn on the music and offer guests using tubes, drink the drink as quickly as possible. Specify what to do this at the same time. That is, two people are simultaneously inclined above the container and drink fruit drinks.
  • "Popular mop" - Competition for a company with an odd number of guests. Initially, you will need to divide the guests into couples. To the one who was left without a partner for dancing, give out a mop. After that, turn on the music for 1-2 minutes, and everyone starts to spin in the dance. As soon as the music subsides, the replacement of partners occurs. The one who had a mop is enough who is the closest to him, and the music turns on again. The one who did not get a couple takes a mop to partners in dancing. If one person got a mop several times, he is offered at the end of the competition a passionate dance with his partner to different music - fast, slow, folk, classical, you can even portray a ballet introduction.

Funny, comic contests for a small company

Funny, comic contests for a small company:

  • "Mysterious chair" - Several guests can participate in this competition at once. To carry out it, you will need two chairs and two inflated balloons of a not very large size. The essence of the contest - the participant's eyes blindfold, is promoted and offered to find a chair in the room and sit on it, having previously made sure that there is nothing on it. The rest of the guests with prompts help participants find a chair. A person must carefully feel him and make sure that the chair is empty, and while he is trying to sit on him with blindfolded eyes, put a balloon on a chair, the person will be confused, and go to look for another, or sits on the ball and burst it. In short, it will be very fun.
  • "Mysterious twins" - A very funny competition that requires a minimum amount of props. In fact, you don’t have to buy anything, all you need is two strong leather belts, well, or a rope. All you need to do, tie the arms and legs of two guests together, they should become such an impromptu Siamese twins. After that, you can proceed to the most fun part of the competition - give the Gemini assignments. You can do it yourself or your guests. The tasks should be as simple as possible, but believe me, it will be hard to make them. Ideas for the assignment: untie the laces on the boots, unfasten the buttons on clothes, sit down, jump, prepare a sandwich. Turn on your whole imagination, but do not bend the stick.
  • "Spoiled fax" - This competition is analogues of the children's competition in the "spoiled phone". Ask the guests to become one row with each other. Give everyone a piece of paper and a pencil. The most extreme show the secret drawing that he must repeat on his sheet. Choose simple figures for the competition - circles, triangles, quadrangles, straight lines. The first participant puts a sheet on the back of the second participant and draws a drawing with pressure. The second participant acts in the same way, but draws his drawing according to the sensations that he experienced when he received a “fax”. The game continues until the first player draws his drawing. At the very end, you can see who made a mistake and when, and whether the fax was right at all.

Interesting, table contests for a small company

Interesting, table contests for a small company
Interesting, table contests for a small company

Interesting, table contests for a small company:

  • "Nimble fruit" - A table game that can be held right at the table. All guests need to be given a fruit. It can be an apple, orange, tangerine, banana, kiwi. The guest also offers a plastic knife and fork. Further, the matter is small. Guests should clean the fruit and cut it into slices with the proposed devices. When everything is ready, the fruit must be quickly eaten.
  • "Box for adults" - A competition for a company in which there are no minor children. Prepare a spacious box in which it will be possible to lay the things of the participants. So, turn on the music and begin to transfer the box to each other as quickly as possible. At the moment when the music stops, look at whom in the hands of the box. This person should take off one thing, and put it inside. Then the music is turned on again, and the game continues further according to the same scenario. When it ends only you and your guests.
  • "Nimble vacationer" - To conduct this entertaining competition, you will need an inflatable circle for swimming, inflatable sleeves, a mask for diving and flippers. There should be at least two sets. Next, choose the participants in the game and ask them to go to the center of the room. Give them an inventory. At the next stage, turn on the music and invite them to put on all this as quickly as possible. If you want to diversify the competition, ask guests in uniforms to accept a certain pose - pretend that they dive, swim, sunbathe.

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