The best games and contests for the children's holiday, birthday: description for conducting. How fun to spend a children's holiday, birthday without an animator, at home: children's entertainment, games and contests for children, adolescents and kids, tips

The best games and contests for the children's holiday, birthday: description for conducting. How fun to spend a children's holiday, birthday without an animator, at home: children's entertainment, games and contests for children, adolescents and kids, tips

In the article you will find many funny, funny, mobile and other contests and games for children's holidays.

How fun to spend a children's holiday, birthday without an animator, at home: tips

A child’s birthday is one of the most desired holidays for the family, it is a joyful and cheerful day. Most children are looking forward to this holiday and consider it days.

Along with this, the holiday brings a lot of trouble. Parents are faced with the task of thoroughly consider the script of this day:

  1. Decide whether the celebration will be held in a children's club, cafe, in nature or at home.
  2. To arrange a room, a hall in the style of the holiday.
  3. Determine the menu and order/prepare a treat for guests.
  4. Agree with the photographer and/or video operator on the shooting of the event.

What do children expect from this holiday? You are unlikely to surprise them with treats, a beautiful photo shoot will also not cause delight, first of all, children are waiting for fun, unforgettable emotions. To do this, animators work on the holidays who have fun children and hold contests, games.

Important: parents can independently arrange an unforgettable holiday for children, hold a lot of fun contests and games on their own. The most important resource for this is time. And you will find the ideas of contests and games below.

Tips for organizing children's games:

  1. For a holiday in the open air, plan more outdoor games.
  2. In the apartment, on the contrary, table games are more suitable, there are also a lot of them.
  3. If adults will be present at the holiday in addition to the children, conduct several joint games so that the parents also do not miss.
  4. For participation in competitions, give children small prizes, souvenirs. This, firstly, is pleasant, secondly, will cause even greater interest in children.
  5. If during the games you noticed that children without enthusiasm, remove the games of this plan. Replace this game another, more fun. To do this, there should be several games in the arsenal just in case.
Tips: How to organize a holiday for children

The best simple, light games and contests for children for children's holidays, birthday: Description

IMPORTANT: Thinking through the script of the holiday, take into account the age of the children. This criterion will become decisive at your celebration. Kids under 3 years old, preschoolers, schoolchildren, adolescents - the interests of children of these age groups are different.

It often happens that children of all ages gather at the holidays. In this case, you should come up with universal games that everyone will like. Their main criterion is simplicity. Both babies and older children will be able to participate in a simple game. Consider the options for simple games and competitions.

Game "Disco"

A cheerful holiday without dancing is unimaginable! Gather children in a circle. Under the cut of fun music, invite the children to repeat simple movements for you. The highlight of the game is that every child can take turns offering dance movements, and everyone else will have to repeat him. For each dance, it is worth highlighting literally 1-2 minutes.

Game "Air Boy"

Divide the guests into two teams, divide the room into two parts with chalk or any conditional line. Give the balls of two colors to each team, for example, one - pink, the other - blue. The conditions of the game: to the music, each team will have to transfer its balls to the other behind the established line. As soon as the music stopped, the game stops. The team that has fewer balls wins.

Game "River"

To conduct this game, you need to prepare a long section of blue or blue fabric. It will be a river. Two adults hold the fabric, at first a thin stream, children should step over it. Then the river becomes wider, adults raise and lower the fabric, children should crawl and not touch the fabric.

Competition "Wind up"

To participate, you will need 2 people, a long thread and two coils. In the middle of the thread, tie a bright noticeable knot. Competition conditions: Children should wrap the thread on the coil, who first reached the knot, he won.

Simple games for children for a holiday

Interesting games and contests for children for children's holidays, birthday: Description

Game "Joint Postcard"

Participants in this game have to draw a common card for the birthday. Each participant alternately in a short time should draw something. The postcard will turn out to be original.

Competition "Architect"

Divide the children into 2 teams. Prepare a lot of children's cubes in advance. Participants line up in a chain, everyone should put the cube so that it does not fall. The team with the highest tower will win.

Competition "Racing"

Give two participants on the same typewriter. Children sit at the start and run their cars. Whose next, he won. Then the next couple can compete.

Video: ideas of children's contests and games

The best fun games and contests for children for children's holidays, birthday: Description

Important: the most fun games at the children's holiday are those in which children can run, jump, dance.

Game "Cats Mouse"

Traditional catch -ups where the cat catches up with mice will never go out of fashion. You can modernize this game a little, for example, instead of a cat there may be a dragon, a monster, a dog, etc. The main characters can be the favorite characters of children.

Game "Oblija Parting"

Put plastic cups for starters in one row. Invite the children to jump over the barrier in turn. Then gradually complicate the task, setting glasses higher.

Bowling game

Children's bowling is a cheerful game in which children of different ages will take part with interest. To do this, you need to buy a children's set: KELLO and the ball. Conditions are clear: the player must knock down all the keg.

Funny games for children's holidays

The best comic games and contests for children for children's holidays, birthday: Description

Competition "Choose a prize"

Small souvenirs are hung on the rope: a pencil, a balloon, a keychain, a magnet, etc. Each participant blindfolds, the presenter promotes the participant (very carefully). After that, the participant must choose his prize to the touch. The funny thing is that two people with a rope can move, evasion from the participant.

The game "Kittens and puppies"

Divide the children into two teams. Choose two from each team, it will be mothers - a cat and a dog. All other participants are kittens and puppies. All children are mixed and begin to bark and meow. And mom at this time should find her cubs and gather everyone in a heap.

Game "Chamomile"

Make chamomile with large petals. On the petal, write some task: sing a song, buy, dance, jump on one leg, depict one of the animals, etc. The child tear off the petal and performs the task.

Children's contests

The best funny games and contests for children for children's holidays, birthday: Description

Game "Young Artists"

Invite the children to draw. Let the children come up with a character whom they want to draw together. After that, each participant takes turns eyeing, and he must blindly draw some part (legs, arms, torso or something else). The picture will turn out to be very funny.

Competition "Excess chair"

This game is already old, but remains loved and funny until now. Participants should be one more than chairs. To the music, children run around the chairs. As soon as the music stopped, the participants occupy chairs. The one who does not get a chair is being tracked down.

Competition "Planet"

For this competition, children from 8 years old are needed. At least, they must be able to inflate the ball on their own and tie it. Two participants compete. Everyone should inflate a balloon, and then draw as many people as possible on it by a felt -tip pen. This ball will be a new planet. Whoever has more characters on the ball won.

The best outdoor games and contests for children for children's holidays, birthday: Description

Game "Paints"

The presenter with the participants conduct the following dialogue:

- Knock Knock.

- Who's there?

- Painter.

- Why did you come?

- Behind the paint.

- For which?

- For red.

At this moment, all children, on whom there are no red clothes run away. A child in red or with elements of red stands still at that moment.

Competition "Firefighters"

The competition is suitable for hot weather. Two teams should be lined up in a row. In the hands of everyone has empty glasses. Water is poured into the glass of the last child in a row. He must pour water to the neighbor as neatly as possible and run into the end of the line. The team that has the most water in a glass will win.

Game for accuracy

Put a basin or other container. Children should throw small balls into the container from the distance.

Games with throwing objects into the container can come up with different ones to attract the interest of children. You can, for example, feed the dragon, throwing balls into his mouth.

Outdoor games in the fresh air

The best table games and competitions for children's holidays, birthday: Description

Important: table games are great for the holiday in a small room. In such a situation, you do not particularly run, so you need to interest children in the field.

The game "unprecedented beast"

This game develops imagination and cheer up. Invite the children to fantasize on the topic of unprecedented animals. Let everyone answer the question: where does the musician fish live? What is the name of Murmurenka's mother? The favorite dish of chocolate bird?

The game "Do not say and no"

The conditions of the game are as follows: the presenter asks questions, and the children must answer without using the forbidden words “yes” and “no”.

Competition "Finger Up"

When the host pronounces who or what knows how to fly, children should raise a finger up. The host also raises his finger, thus confusing the children. The one who never gets through will win.

The best games and contests for boys for children's holidays, birthday: Description

Competition "Strongings"

Announce that there will be a strong man's competition. Let the boys demonstrate their biceps. The joke is that the boys will not measure with biceps, but to hold a pencil between the nose and lip. The host will have to make them laugh so that the pencil falls. Who will last the longest, the very main strongman.

Kangaroo contest

Divide the boys into 2 teams. Each team is lined up with a line. The first participant clamps the ball between his knees and jumps to the assigned line and back. Passes the ball as follows. The team that jumps faster.

Game "Air Football"

Two boys are on both sides of the table. A line is held in the middle. A light ball or ball must be blown away with your mouth to the opponent.

The best games and contests for girls for children's holidays, birthday: Description

The game "Nesmeyana"

Choose one girl who will be a princess. All other girls will have to make her laugh. Who succeeded, she becomes the next non -humane.

Competition "Who is faster"

On the table in front of the girls, put two dolls and according to the same set of clothes. To the music of the girl should quickly dress up her doll.

Game "Find a bear"

Hide a plush teddy bear in the room. Then invite the girls there and offer to look for a teddy bear. If you notice that someone is approaching or moving away from the goal, say: “warm”, “cold”.

Birthday contests for girls

The best games and contests for the youngest children, kids for children's holidays, birthday: Description

Important: for kids 2-3 years, you need to come up with simple games by age. They will not be able to understand complex games, and the holiday risks turning into a boring one.

Round dance

Bring a round dance with the kids with the long -known song “Karavay”. Put the birthday man in the center, let him choose at the end of one of the children.

Game "Dorish Faces"

Prepare pre -printed portraits without a face. Invite the kids to draw eyes, nose, mouth to the heroes. You can also experiment and invite children to portray sadness, laughter, surprise, tears, etc.

Catching up

The kids will be happy to run away from the wolf, cat, dragon, from the wasps that wants to sting them. A sea of \u200b\u200bjoy is provided.

Game "Teremok"

An adult should play a clubfoot bear in this game. Take the bedspread, it will be a tower. Let the kids hide under the roof of the tower. When the bear tries to sit on the roof, the children will have to scatter from the tower.

Video: Games for babies for birthday

The best games and contests for teenagers for children's holidays, birthday: Description

Important: teenagers are boring to just sit at the festive table. They are an active people and do not mind having fun and play on birthday.

Game "Mummy"

For the game you will need several rolls of toilet paper, 2 participants in the team. One will have to wrap the other with paper, like a mummy. Whoever can cope, he won.

The game "Chicken with paw"

The game needs several participants. Let everyone clasp between the fingers on the leg and try to write some kind of well-known phrase or phrase “Happy Birthday”. If nothing comes out at all, let them write with his left hand, and left -handed people with the right.


Let each of the teenagers pull out a card on which it will be written that he needs to be portrayed with gestures and facial expressions, without words. Other teenagers will have to guess what it is.


A funny cool game that not only adults, but also teenagers can play. The main thing is to find a host who will come up with moves for players.

Games for teenagers

Mafia game for teenagers for birthday: Description

The game "Mafia" is popular among adults, it is often redone a little, removing frankly vulgar characters, and adapted to teenagers.

Important: the essence of the game is that players are divided into two teams - the mafia and peaceful townspeople. The peaceful townspeople were tired of the proceeds of the mafia and decided to get rid of them. The mafia also declares war on the townspeople.

For playing the Mafia, special cards are needed that determine who belongs to the mafia and who - to civilians.

For this game, you also need a host who will know the script and rules of the game perfectly.

You can find out in more detail the script "Mafia" by watching the video.

Video: Children play the mafia

Conducting a children's holiday can do funny, energetic people, those who can have fun and organize children. You can spend a holiday without an animator, now you know many options for games and competitions.

Video: Mafia game for teenagers

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Comments K. article

  1. Hello everybody! The new 2021 year is not around the mountains. Do you know that from January 1, 2021 a real paradise on Earth will come? God extended difficult earthly life from October 2, 2020 to January 1, 2021. 2020 was the anniversary, leap and Novocilular year. As written in the Holy Scriptures, Jesus will come to Earth a second time, and order on the planet will immediately restore. In winter, there was very little snow, the sunset and sunrise of the sun were red, the coronavirus appeared, the red moon in the evening, frequent rains, abnormal heat and much more - these are signs of the second coming of Jesus Christ. All people should bring God the fruit of good and evil, which Adam and Eve did not bring to Eden. Jesus also died for the sins of all people. We degenerate to dust or resurrect into heaven. From January 1, 2021, pathogenic bacteria will not cause diseases, the strong will not offend the weak, the water will not be able to drown, the fire will not be able to burn, the earth will not be able to absorb with its abysses. It will also grow for free in abundance: fruits, vegetables and berries. Moreover, even in the north we will eat bananas, coconuts, strawberries and even potatoes that you will not have to plant. Our Earth will turn into a real paradise! Animals will eat fruits, vegetables and berries. Nobody will die, but they will be born less often. The Bible is known for the exact number of resurrected people - 144 thousand. Perhaps after billions of years, there will be life on other planets and even stars, since the universe is endless. This is accurate data, paradise will certainly come on Earth! In the meantime, I wish prosperity and prosperity! Let the new 2021 year bring a sea of \u200b\u200bhappiness and wealth for all people and animals! And the Almighty Good God will help in this. Amen.

  2. Thanks!!! All contests are great !!!!!!!!!!

  3. Thanks for the contests and for the fact that the games beloved from childhood reminded !!!

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