How to melt chocolate correctly: methods, recipes. How to melt chocolate so that it is liquid in a microwave, in a water bath, gas stove, multicooker, funds, in silicone molds, milk, cream, oil: tips, recipes

How to melt chocolate correctly: methods, recipes. How to melt chocolate so that it is liquid in a microwave, in a water bath, gas stove, multicooker, funds, in silicone molds, milk, cream, oil: tips, recipes

Melted chocolate is needed to decorate cakes or create delicious drinks. In this material, we will study the methods of melting chocolate.

Chocolate is a favorite sweetness of all children and adults. Well, you must admit, there is nothing tastier than a piece of this delicacy. White, milk, black, and maybe with fillings? Everyone will find something to their taste.

In addition to the fact that the chocolate is delicious in itself, as an independent dessert, it is often used as lipsticks, glaze for cakes. So, let's talk about the secrets of choosing chocolate for the cake and how it is best to melt it.

Which chocolate is better to melt for a cake?

In order to answer this question, let's talk a little about what types of chocolate exist today and what is their own, is chocolate.

Chocolate is the sweetness based on cocoa oil. By chocolate, we will mean only those types of confectionery that contain cocoa oil.

To date, in stores you can see a huge amount of various chocolate, as well as desserts from it. However, the main types of this sweets are still the following:

  • Lactic. Most often, milk chocolate has the following ingredients: cocoa oil and powder, milk (condensed or dry), lecithin and, of course, sugar. However, experts argue that real milk chocolate should consist only of cocoa oil, grated cocoa, sugar and milk powder (dry cream). In any case, in this type of sweetness there should be 35-40 % cocoa
  • Black bitter chocolate. It is made of cocoa oil, grated cocoa and powdered sugar. We all definitely saw “dark” and “black” chocolate on the shelves of supermarkets. Such types of chocolate are obtained due to experiments with the ratio of powder and grated cocoa. The grated cocoa makes the taste of sweetness more bitter - so we get bitter chocolate. If you add more sugar powder to sweetness, we will get nothing more than dark chocolate
  • White. In this type of confectionery, cocoa powder is completely absent, which is why the color of the sweet, cream. The composition contains cocoa oil, sugar and dry milk
  • Ruby. Also today there is a type of chocolate. However, he knows little about him. Such chocolate really has a ruby \u200b\u200bcolor (which is why it received such a name)
  • Porous. Such chocolate is prepared using another technology and that is why in the end we get a porous tile structure
  • Also very often you can encounter "confectionery tiles." Therefore, it is worth telling about it. The composition of such a product includes sugar, fats that replace cocoa oil, cocoa powder, various additives, possibly milk. You must understand that “chocolate” or “confectionery” tiles have nothing to do with real chocolate
Melting chocolate
Melting chocolate

Now that you know exactly what chocolate is, and what it happens, you can easily choose the product you need. And we want to “give” you a few recommendations regarding the choice of chocolate for the cake:

  • Give preference to "pure" chocolate. Do not choose products with raisins, nuts and lipsticks
  • Refrain from porous chocolate. He is very picky in trampling and as a result you can get completely not what you counted on
  • Most often, dessert chocolate is used to prepare various glazes and lipsticks. Thanks to its tender taste, it is best suited as adding to the cake
  • White chocolate is great for decorating other confectionery products, including cakes. Moreover, having melted such a treat and adding the desired food dye to it, we can get a completely new chocolate color

The choice is definitely for you, but you must understand that the better you choose chocolate for the cake, the tastier your finished dessert will be.

How to melt chocolate so that it is liquid in the microwave: tips, recipes

The microwave is an excellent kitchen device in which you can not only warm up food, but also cook it. For the happy owners of such kitchen technology, we present the following methods of kindling chocolate.

So, the first way:

  • We take the tile of chocolate weighing 100 g and chop it in any available way
  • Then we take the container in which we will heat the sweetness. Please note that the dishes should be porcelain, earthenware, ceramic, glass from refractory, heat -resistant material. On any containers there should be no drawings and jewelry. So in such a container we lay out pieces of chocolate
  • We put the dishes in the microwave for no more than 1 min. We pull out, evaluate the result. If the chocolate is not enough, we put for another 30 seconds. At the same time, the chocolate needs to be stirred all the time. That is, they set for a minute, after 30 seconds. opened, interfered, closed, etc.

Now consider the second option:

  • We take chopped chocolate, put it in a suitable container
  • We put the container in the microwave, but now we will work with the defrosting mode. Turn on the device for 2 minutes. It is also worth mixing chocolate. If after 2 minutes. The mass did not become liquid, add another minute

The use of this device allows you to get liquid chocolate literally in a matter of minutes, but you should know that, melting chocolate in this way, you will not get a brilliant chocolate mass. In addition, the surface of such chocolate is unlikely to freeze smoothly and evenly.

It is also worth noting that, melting chocolate in the microwave, it is important not to overheat it. If you bring sweetness to a boil, then you can’t see liquid chocolate. And one more hint, 50 g of chocolate melts about 50-60 seconds.

How to melt chocolate in a water bath: tips, recipes

This method is the most common, and all because everything can use it, without exception.

To melt chocolate in a water bath, only improvised means and knowledge of several secrets are needed.

  • So, we begin with the fact that we collect water in the container and smear it. It is important to know that you do not need to bring water to a boil
  • Grind the tile of chocolate in any convenient way and place in another container. This container should be smaller than the one in which we heat the water
  • Now we send dishes with chocolate to a water bath, that is, to a container of water
  • In the process of melting, sweetness always needs to be stirred
  • When the chocolate mass has cooled a little, cover it with a lid, a plate, in principle, in principle, with anything, the main thing is to cover, and leave to stand up. During this time, all the unsuccessful pieces will “reach” the consistency we need
Chocolate in a water bath
Chocolate in a water bath

Well, now the time to reveal secrets:

  • The container in which you will lay out the chocolate must be dry, otherwise the sweetness will be buried
  • The fire on which you melt the treat should be completely weak, otherwise the chocolate will pester the dishes. Also, because of heavy fire, the mass can boil, and we absolutely do not need this

How to melt chocolate on a gas stove: tips, recipes

In the previous recipe, we melted chocolate in a water bath using a gas stove, using gas burners. However, this is not the only way that can be used for our needs.

Now we will tell you how to melt chocolate with an oven in a gas stove.

  • We take the required amount of chocolate and crumble it as smaller as possible
  • We shift the sweetness into a metal dish
  • Turn on the oven at the lowest temperature and put a container with chocolate there
  • The treat will be melted for about 10 minutes.

Using this method, you can quickly melt a large amount of chocolate.

Chocolate on the stove
Chocolate on the stove

You can also melt the chocolate steam. The method is very similar to a water bath, but there are some differences.

  • We need 2 containers, approximately the same in size
  • Pour water into one container and smear it, bring it almost to a boil
  • In another - finely chop the chocolate
  • We put the container with chocolate on a steam bath so that it does not touch water. Therefore, the dishes should be approximately the same size
  • Mix the mass all the time, otherwise it will simply boil


  • Using this method, make sure that the walls of the dishes do not touch water. Chocolate should melt only for a couple
  • In no case do not cover a container with chocolate during melting. Because of this, water will fall into the mass, and this in turn will lead to the fact that melted chocolate will take lumps or grains

If there are no time for steam, water baths and other methods, use the "open fire"

  • Chopped chocolate is folded into a pot with a thick bottom
  • Next, put the pan on the burner, on the smallest fire
  • Mix the chocolate all the time so that it does not burn
  • Remove the pan from the fire when the chocolate is almost melted, we do not expect complete melting
  • Stir the mass even after it is removed from the fire

How to melt chocolate in a slow cooker: tips, recipes

The multicooker is an excellent assistant to any housewife. With its help, you can cook delicious dishes and spend a minimum of time. Let's see how this device can handle our current task.

Most often using a slow cooker for such purposes, they use the "steam" mode

  • We take a container that in size and diameter will correspond to the cup of multicooker
  • Grind our chocolate into it
  • Pour water into the multicooker bowl, approximately 0.5 liters and turn on the "steam" mode
  • As soon as the water boils, we put our container with chocolate on the device of the device and wait for about 5-7 minutes, while constantly stirring the mass
Melt in a slow cooker chocolate
Melt in a slow cooker chocolate

In no case do not melt the sweetness under the multicooker lid, because the resulting condensate will definitely fall into the mass and spoil it. There is another advice so that after cooking, the chocolate does not stick to the dishes, lubricate it with a slightly ordinary butter.

How to melt chocolate in a funds: tips, recipes

Fundy is an ordinary pot, which stands on 3 legs, between which a candle or burner is installed.

In order to melt chocolate in such a device, it must be made of ceramics.

To just melt the chocolate in the fund, you will need:

  • Chocolate
  • Fond Syushnik

There are several ways to melt chocolate with the help of such a device:

  • Fold all the crushed chocolate in the container and melt on a gas stove
  • After that, we rearrange the container on the stand and light a candle under the fondue
  • Thus, chocolate will be all the time the desired temperature

Or we do this:

  • Chopped chocolate is laid out in a fund
  • Under it we light a special burner with helium

Since this device is intended precisely for such purposes, the chocolate is melting in it quickly and easily

The use of funds
The use of funds

Since we are talking about a fund, here is a recipe for a delicious chocolate fund.


  • Chocolate at your discretion - 250 g
  • Cream - 200 g
  • Cognac - 3 tbsp. l.
  • Fruits, berries, nuts at your discretion

Cooking fondue.

  • Pour the cream into the container
  • Then chop the chocolate and add to the cream
  • We melt the mass with a water bath (so faster and more convenient)
  • Add cognac
  • We pour the contents into the fund and light a candle under it
  • My fruits, cut into small pieces
  • Serve chocolate and fruits to the table with skewers

How to melt chocolate in silicone molds for figures: tips, recipes

In silicone molds, chocolate is most often melted in order to then create certain figures from it.

We will need:

  • Silicone forms for figures
  • Chocolate
  • Nuts, raisins, flakes (as a filler, if you want to make chocolate figures)

So, since we want to melt the sweetness right in the molds, we do the following:

  • Grind the chocolate, you can grate it on a coarse grater, so the pieces will be much smaller than if we broke them with our hands
  • Now we take our forms. They must be clean and dry - these are mandatory conditions
  • We lay out the sweetness in forms. We put the forms on a baking sheet or in one solid baking dish, and send to the oven
  • The oven should be included in the minimum fire, you need to put the forms as high as possible from the fire
  • The chocolate will melt about 10-15 minutes. It all depends on the oven and its condition
Melted chocolate in forms
Melted chocolate in forms

Well, now, some tips for those who want to make figures from melted chocolate in forms:

  • When melting chocolate, do not forget to stir it
  • If you are not fundamentally melting sweets precisely in silicone molds, it is better to use a water bath and a regular plate, this is more convenient
  • If you want to put a nut or other filling in the middle of the future chocolate figure, then fill the melted chocolate in the shape in 2 stages: first a small “foundation”, then we wait a bit to freeze, and then we put the nuts and pour the residue of the delicacy
  • Next, we wait until the chocolate has cooled, and put the molds in the refrigerator for 1-2 hours, depending on the size of the shapes and the amount of poured chocolate

This is how easy and simply you can melt chocolate in silicone forms and make wonderful figures out of it.

How to melt chocolate with milk or cream: tips, recipes

In previous methods of melting chocolate, we described the fastest and easiest methods. Now let's talk about how to melt the treat with other ingredients.

Let's start with a recipe for melting chocolate with milk, we will need:

  • 150 g of chocolate (we will take dark)
  • 7 tbsp. milk

We melt:

  • We take the container in which the process will occur, slightly lubricate it with butter. We do this in order to get it easier after melting.
  • Do not forget, initially the container should be dry, otherwise your chocolate will simply suck
  • Grind the chocolate and transfer it to the cooked dish
  • Now we add milk to the container. We need milk so that the mass is more liquid and acquires a milk taste
  • We will melt in a familiar way - in a water bath. Why exactly? Because it is this method that is the easiest and most safe for chocolate
  • Here is another advice - interfere with the chocolate only with a clean dry spoon, because even a small drop of water that has fallen from a spoon can completely ruin the mass
A mixture of chocolate with milk
A mixture of chocolate with milk

And now the option with cream:

  • 150 g of chocolate (take white)
  • Butter - 50 g
  • Fat cream - 4 tbsp.

We will melt the same in a water bath:

  • Grind the treat, put in a dry container
  • Add cream
  • Put the dishes in a water bath and melt, constantly stirring
  • Having removed the container from the fire, add our oil to the chocolate mass
  • Mix everything carefully. Ready!

Thanks to the cream, our mass will be softer and tender in taste.

How to melt chocolate with butter: tips, recipes

Recipes for melting chocolate in which there is oil are especially popular, because it is the oil that adds a light creamy taste and the desired consistency.

So, let's try the following recipe:

  • 150 g of milk chocolate
  • Butter 40 g

We melt the previously described method - in the microwave. Initially, chop the chocolate (hands, knife, grater), put in the microwave for 30 seconds. We take out, interfere with the mass, again put in the microwave for 30 seconds. In the already melted chocolate, add the oil and expect the complete dissolution of the lumps, mix thoroughly

Melted chocolate with butter
Melted chocolate with butter

Here is another interesting recipe:

  • 100 g of any chocolate
  • Milk - 2 tbsp.
  • Butter - 50 g
  • Honey - 2 tsp
  • Flavor "rum"


  • Finely chop the chocolate tiles and put it in a pan
  • We pour milk there
  • We melt to half -consumption
  • Remove from heat, add oil. After the mass becomes homogeneous, add honey
  • And at the very end we drip a couple of drops of the flavor

Oil in these recipes plays a huge role, because it is it that adds chocolate a creamy soft taste and does not allow it to freeze quickly and ugly.

What is the best way to melt white, porous, milk, chocolate?

As mentioned earlier, today there is a fairly wide variety of chocolate, but it is important to know that not all of its species are suitable for melting.

  • Let's start with porous. This type of goodies is better not to use for melting, as it is too poorly lend itself to temperature exposure. Moreover, during the kindergarten process, you can see how the oil is separated from the chocolate, and the remaining mass turns into a pile of grains, which are always strayed into a lump. If for some reason you need precisely melted porous chocolate, then you need to melt it in a steam or water bath, stirring constantly. At the same time, chocolate should be chopped as finely as possible, and remove from heat as soon as half of the delicacy melts
  • Milk chocolate is much better to heat process, and working with it is much more pleasant. It can be melted in absolutely any way, including the microwave and oven
  • White chocolate is most often represented in the form of porous, therefore, from its use as a glaze, it is also worth refraining. But for decorating and decorating other confectionery products, this chocolate is very suitable
  • Chocolate is best suited for melting, which contains a significant amount of cocoa oil

How to quickly melt the chocolate to a liquid state?

Sometimes it happens that there is absolutely no time to prepare any dish or dessert.

To quickly melt the chocolate to a liquid state, you can use the “open fire”, we have already described this technique.

  • Any type of chocolate must be broken or crushed as finely as possible
  • Fold the whole treat in a container with a dense, thick bottom and put on the smoother fire
  • We constantly stir as soon as the chocolate is melted half of it - remove from heat. Do not ignore this advice, believe me, the sweetness will “reach” even without fire
Melting chocolate
Melting chocolate
  • Also do not forget that in no case should you add water to chocolate
  • The maximum, already in the mass removed from the fire, you can add a little oil, but this is not necessarily

How to melt the chocolate so that it does not freeze and be brilliant?

It often happens that after the treat has disappeared, it immediately freezes.

Here are some tips on how to avoid this:

  • It is very important to choose high -quality chocolate. Note, it is chocolate, and not its substitutes, “confectionery tiles” and desserts similar to chocolate
  • The fire on which you melt chocolate, whether it is a steam bath or water, or directly in the pan, should be weak, because the sweetness is melted very quickly and can boil, and this will lead to the chocolate will become loose and eventually freeze
  • Also, so that the chocolate does not freeze, after its melting to the mass you need to add a little butter, but if you cook according to the recipe, follow the proportions of the oil and chocolate
  • A brilliant mass easily turns out of a kitureur - natural chocolate, which has a very high content of cocoa oil. However, such chocolate is the most expensive

What to do if the melted chocolate thickened?

To begin with, let's figure out the reasons why it could happen. There are several such reasons:

  • You have acquired poor -quality chocolate
  • Chocolate has expired the expiration date
  • You overheated chocolate or water got into it
Melt thickened chocolate
Melt thickened chocolate

You might be mistakenly think that it is impossible to “reanimate” such a mass, but there are several ways that can do this:

  • If the chocolate thickened completely and managed to cool, then, of course, it will have to be melted again. After the chocolate melts, add a small piece of oil to it
  • If you are melting a treat and noticed that lumps began to appear in it, then you need to do it as follows:
  • Remove the mass from fire immediately
  • Add a piece of oil or confectionery fat to chocolate. You can also use some milk, cream or vegetable oil
  • Remember, added ingredients should be approximately the same temperature with chocolate
  • Stiring, bring the mass to a homogeneous state

Chocolate is not only tasty, but also healthy. That is why he earned such popularity among other confectionery. Properly melted chocolate can be used as an independent dessert or glaze for a cake.

Video: Melt chocolate in 3 ways

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