How to prepare a Leningrad cake according to GOST? Leningrad house cake: recipes for cooking, reviews

How to prepare a Leningrad cake according to GOST? Leningrad house cake: recipes for cooking, reviews

Recipes for the preparation of the Leningrad cake according to GOST.

The Leningrad cake appeared in the post -war period. For the first time, the technologist of the Nord store-restaurant was baked. It is a dessert consisting of sandy cakes, soaked in chocolate-cream, and jam. It is decorated with a layer of chocolate glaze on top, sides are sprinkled with biscuit crumb. Usually a square shape is prepared. However, now there are many interpretations of the cake, but there is no doubt that this is a taste from childhood. 

How to prepare a Leningrad cake according to GOST at home?

The main difficulty that stood in front of the Soviet confectioners of that time is to prepare something very tasty and unusual from available products. Therefore, in this recipe, the cakes are not butter, but margarine. If you have the opportunity, you can replace with butter. At that time, biscuit products that were very popular disappeared from the shelves very quickly. Therefore, the competition was the cakes based on the recipe for the preparation of the Leningrad cake. This is a kind of alternative to the Kyiv cake. We can say that the Leningrad confectioners created a competing product. Indeed, at about the same time, the Kyiv company released its crown cake. 

Ingredients for the test: 

  • 550 g of flour 
  • 350 g of dairy margarine 
  • 3 large eggs 
  • 230 g of sugar 
  • Baking powder 

Ingredients for chocolate cream: 

  • 200 g of butter 
  • 200 g of condensed milk 
  • 1 cup of small sugar
  • 30 g cocoa 

How to prepare a Leningrad cake according to GOST at home:

  • Nit is dispensed to prepare products in advance, remove margarine from the refrigerator, leave in warmth. For 2 hours, the product should become soft and mixed perfectly with flour. Transfer soft margarine to flour and rub with a fork.
  • You can use your hands and mole the mass. As a result, get a very soft, wet baby. Add eggs, sugar and baking powder to it. Knead a homogeneous dough. It will absorb flour very quickly, but add it additional no need to add it. The introduction of flour can make a lump too dense, and the products are solid, tasteless. In order for a lump to roll better, and succumbed to the formation, it is necessary to put it for about 1 hour in the refrigerator.
  • After that, sprinkle the surface of the table with flour, divide the lump into two parts. As a result, get two cakes, which should equal the area of \u200b\u200bthe leaf for baking in size. Put parchment paper on the sheet, sprinkle with flour, put the cake on top. Keep in the oven at a temperature of 200 degrees for a quarter of an hour. Similarly, prepare the second cake. As a result, you will get two cakes. Put them on each other, with the help of a sharp knife, divide into 2 parts. For molding, you will need 4 cakes. Now you need to assemble dessert. 
  • As a lipstick, apricot, currant, strawberry jam is used. In the classic recipe, homemade apricot jam was used. A small amount of jam must be laid out on chilled cakes and distribute evenly. On top of this jam you can lay out a chocolate cream. 
  • It is necessary to pre -soften the oil, and beat in a mixer along with condensed milk. Enter sugar powder and cocoa. As a result, you will get a sugary cream that holds the shape well. Do not be surprised if the mass is too dense. The cream is well smeared, and does not lose shape. On top of the cakes, on which an apricot jam is previously applied, it is necessary to place a chocolate cream. Gather cakes, lubricate the sidebings with chocolate cream, and the top of the jam, sprinkle with sand or biscuit crumbs.
With nuts
With nuts

Recipe for Sand Cake Leningradsky at home with cream cream

This is a simplified version of chocolate cream, although the classic Charlotte cream was originally used. This is one of the varieties of custard, which is prepared using eggs, sugar with butter, and cocoa. 

Ingredients for the test: 

  • 175 g of oil 
  • 350 g of flour 
  • 1 large egg 
  • The baking powder of the dough 
  • 130 g of sugar 

For cream: 

  • 200 g of butter 
  • 150 g of sugar 
  • 1 egg 
  • 130 ml of milk
  • 35 g cocoa 
  • 30 ml of cognac 

Recipe for Sand Cake Leningradsky at home with cognac cream:

  • It is necessary to soften the oil so that it becomes soft and supple. Using a mixer, rub the cow fat with sugar and enter the flour. As a result, you get small chips or crumbs. Add an egg to it, knead a homogeneous dough.
  • Do not knead for too long, it can cause very hard cakes. If you want the dessert to be delicate and soft, use the dough that sticks. So that it is better formed,rolled, you can put in the refrigerator for 40 minutes.
  • Divide the dough into 4 parts, roll out rectangular cakes. Bake on parchment paper at a temperature of 210 degrees. Previously, it is worth pricing the layer with a fork so that the bubbles do not appear, and the base does not deform. 
  • Beat oil with sugar and add cocoa. In a separate vessel, heat milk, add an egg and a little sugar. Cook until the mixture thickens. It should become quite dense, homogeneous and tender. In small portions, enter the brown oil mixture, whipping thoroughly. Be sure to pour cognac at the end of cooking. The cream is distinguished by a pleasant taste, and unobtrusive aroma of cognac. It is not worth increasing its amount in the recipe, since it carries a flavor function rather than to improve taste characteristics. 
  • Take a rectangular sheet and cut the resulting foundations along the contours. It is necessary that they are perfectly even. It's time to collect a cake. This recipe does not use jam. Apply a cream for each cake and collect the product. The top is complemented by chocolate icing, also sprinkled with nuts. If the chocolate icing is too difficult to prepare, you can decorate the top with ordinary chocolate cream, which was used to lubricate cakes. As a decoration, you can use peanuts and fruits. 
With caramel cream
With caramel cream

Leningrad cake classic recipe at home with milk cream Charlotte

Charlotte cream does not have to be chocolate, milk is suitable. This is relevant if you prepare a dessert not only for yourself, but also for young children. In this case, cognac is also not introduced. 

Ingredients for the base: 

  • 330 g of flour 
  • 130 g of sugar 
  • 180 g of butter 
  • One large chicken egg 
  • A quarter of a teaspoon of salt 
  • Soda 
  • A little vinegar 
  • You can use the baking powder 

For cream: 

  • 220 g butter 
  • 130 g of sugar 
  • 130 ml of milk 
  • 1 large egg 
  • Vanilla Essence 
  • Any thick jam 
With cream cream
With cream cream

Leningrad cake classic recipe at home with milk cream Charlotte:

  • It is necessary to do the preparation of the cream. Pour milk into a small dish, add sugar. Put on the fire, stir thoroughly until the crystals disappear. In a separate vessel, beat the egg with a mixer. There is no need to turn it into white foam.
  • It is enough to mix the yolk with protein well. Pour milk syrup into the egg with a very thin stream. Add it in small portions, constantly whipping with a mixer. If pour the mixture into immediately, the cream will take lumps.
  • Pour the mixture into the vessel again and put it on the fire. It should be small, hold the cream on fire for 7 minutes. Be sure to stir so that the mixture does not stick to the walls and to the bottom. Put the butter from the refrigerator in advance, and turn into a lush foam using kitchen appliances. Add to the oil in small portions the custard mixture that has been cooked.
  • Mix thoroughly and put in the refrigerator. Now is the time to do the preparation of the base. Prepare butter, after softening it at room temperature. Enter the egg and salt.
  • Average, add baking powder or soda. Pour the flour and knead slippery dough. Put a quarter of a piece on parchment paper and roll a square layer directly on it. Cut it in shape, which must be pre -cut out of ordinary dense cardboard or paper. Bake for 3-8 minutes. The cooking time of the cake depends on its thickness. 
  • Lubricate each cake with jam, and then cream. Put the cakes on each other. Leave for 8 hours to so that the cakes are soaked well. The top can be decorated with chocolate icing. Use no earlier than 12 hours after that the cakes become soft and the icing froze. 

Cake Leningradsky Home: Reviews

Below you can familiarize yourself with the reviews of the hostesses who have experience in the preparation of the Leningrad cake. 

Cake Leningradsky Home, reviews:

Maria. I really like to cook, so I often experiment. I am 30 years old, and I absolutely do not remember the taste of the Leningrad cake. From childhood, he is not at all, but custard cakes from childhood. I found a recipe on the Internet and decided to experiment. I am not enthusiastic, since the cake seemed too dense, and was not soaked in cream well enough. Jam with a dense layer covered the surface of the cakes. As a result, they were practically not soaked in cream. The dessert seemed clumsyly sweet, but dry. I prefer a jelly or biscuit. Their main advantage is that they are well soaked in various creams and fillings. I will not cook the Leningrad cake more. 

Svetlana. The Leningrad cake in Soviet times in my city was a shortage. Then he was a boom on him, and almost all the housewives knew how to cook it, I was no exception. Now I pamper my grandchildren. They really like it, they eat with great pleasure than purchased confectionery. I cook cakes and cream in natural butter. I do not regret it, I think that it turns out very tasty. For impregnation, I take an apricot jam, which I cook from the fruits collected in my own cottage. 

Olga. I am a bad cook, and not at all a lover of sophisticated dishes. But on her daughter’s birthday, she decided to cook the cake. The choice fell on the Leningrad cake. Surprised, because this is a non -standard dessert, it is significantly different from everyone else. The main advantage is that the cake remains dense, sandy, but at the same time soft enough. The cream was cooked not chocolate, but cream. I think strawberry jam goes well with cream. The top was decorated with a chocolate lipstick. All guests at the birthday of birth liked the dessert, the children were delighted. 


There are many interesting things for our website:

In the classic version, the inscription Leningradsky was usually the inscription from above. Now it is almost impossible to find such products on sale. But at the moment there are many desserts that, in their recipe and taste, are very similar to the Leningrad cake. 

Video: Leningrad cake

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