Jelly cake with fruits with pastries and without baking: 6 recipes, secrets of cooking, reviews

Jelly cake with fruits with pastries and without baking: 6 recipes, secrets of cooking, reviews

Recipes for preparing a jelly cake with fruits.

Many girls monitor their figure, so they do not use easily digestible carbohydrates, as well as sweets. However, still sometimes I want to pamper myself with desserts, in this case, low -calorie options, such as a jelly cake with fruits. In the article, we will give several of the most successful gallstone recipes withfruits. 

Jelly cake with fruit without baking

Many of us are familiar with this type of dessert, as our mothers sometimes prepared such cakes. Then this recipe was called broken glass, and was a mix of various types of jelly, flooded with sour cream mass. Often, cookies, biscuits and fresh fruits with berries were added to this dessert. In principle, the recipe is not much different from broken glass, but still somewhat modernized under modern trends, as well as preferences. 

One of the simplest options is a dessert with sour cream. Sour cream is distinguished by its opacity, jelly turns out to be a matte, with a white shade, against which bright tropical fruits and additional impurities look very beautiful. 

To prepare it, you will need the following ingredients: 

  • 1 orange 
  • 2 bananas 
  • 400 ml of sour cream 
  • 30 g of gelatin 
  • Powdered sugar 
  • A small amount of water 

Recipe for the preparation of jelly cake with fruits without baking: 

  • It is necessary to clean fruits from the skin and cut into smallslices. Remove the seeds and divide into pieces. Cover the shape with cling film in several layers. 
  • This will facilitate in the future the extraction of a dessert of forms. At the bottom, you must very carefully lay fruits. Remember that this side will become like a window, so it should be very neat and beautiful. 
  • In a separate bowl, mix gelatin with cold water, let stand. When the mixture swells, it is necessary to put it on a slow fire until the grains were dissolved. In a blender, beat sour cream with powdered sugar, until uniform. There is no need to whip the mass into the foam. 
  • Pour the gelatin with a thin stream again. Now put the sour cream mixture on the fruits on top. Carefully smooth everything and cover with the remains of the food film, place in the refrigerator for several hours. 
  • In order to extract the dessert from the mold, it is necessary to lower it for several minutes into a container with hot water. Thus, the upper part of the gelatin will give a little and the cake will easily fall on the plate. 
  • You can decorate the dish with whipped cream, fruits and berries. 
Cake with jelly
Cake with jelly

Jelly cake with fruits and cookies

The dessert using cookies is very unusual and tasty. It has a higher calorie content than the previous recipe, but at the same time much more tasty. For cooking, it is best to use some simplest, but high-quality cookies. Options such as Dnieper, ghee, or sugar are suitable. Many women are successfully using a cracker with poppy seeds. 

The following ingredients will be needed for cooking: 

  • 300 g of cookies 
  • 400 ml of sour cream 
  • A glass of strawberries 
  • A glass of currant 
  • 150 g of sugar powder 
  • Vanillin 
  • 30 g of gelatin 

Recipe for the preparation of jelly cake with fruits and cookies: 

  • It is necessary to wash the berries with boiling water. Further, gelatin is soaked in a separate bowl, dissolved by warming over low heat. 
  • After that, the sour cream is whipped with powdered sugar until a homogeneous mass. It is necessary to pour the gelatin mass into it with a thin stream, which is previously cooled. 
  • Next, it is necessary to put on the bottom of the shape a food film and a thin layer of berries. Try to mix them or lay them in order so that the cake has a very beautiful look. On top of the layer of berries, it is necessary to pour a small amount of sour cream mass. 
  • On top, without trampling, it is necessary to lay out a layer of cookies on which the berries are laid out. Again, the mass is poured with a small amount of sour cream. So it is necessary to alternate the layers until all products end. 
  • From above, the mass is covered with cling film and placed in the refrigerator for several hours. 
Cake with biscuit and fruit
Cake with biscuit and fruit

Fruit cake

Very tasty, unusual and saturated is a jelly cake with cottage cheese. You can purchase a ready -made curd mass that resembles a cream, or cook it yourself.


  • 400 g of cottage cheese 
  • 400 ml of sour cream 
  • A glass of milk 
  • 30 g of gelatin 
  • Any fruits 
  • Sugar powder and vanillin 

Recipe for cooking tfruit  

  • It is necessary to sort out the selected fruits and cut into pieces. Choose depending on the season. In summer, it is best to choose soft fruits, such as peaches, plums, melons. 
  • In winter, the choice is not so large, so bananas, as well as citrus fruits, will be an ideal option. Fruits are cut into small pieces. 
  • In a bowl, it is necessary to soak gelatin in cold milk until completely swelling. Further, the mass is placed on a small fire and warms up until gelatin dissolves. Be sure to stir the mass, as milk can burn. 
  • After that, in a separate bowl, mix sour cream with powdered sugar, and pour milk with gelatin with a thin stream. It is necessary to pre -make a milk mixture. A conventional one -time package, or food film, is laid out in the form. 
  • Pour the prepared fruits, sliced \u200b\u200bfruits on the food film. It is necessary to grind cottage cheese into the mass in the blender so that there are no grains. The pasta is mixed with sour cream and gelatin. After that, the film is put into the container, fruits are poured and poured with a milk-torn mixture. Due to the presence of cottage cheese in the recipe, the dessert is very dense, with a rich creamy taste. 

Zhelynaya cake with fruits and biscuit

Of course, the options that are prepared with a biscuit, as well as cookies, are more satisfying. After all, they have simple carbohydrates.

In order to prepare a jelly cake with fruits and biscuit, it is necessary to prepare the following ingredients: 

  • 300 g of biscuit 
  • 3 orange 
  • 2 kiwi 
  • A handful of strawberries 
  • 30 g of gelatin 
  • 500 ml of sour cream 
  • Powdered sugar 

The gallstone cake with fruits and biscuit: 

  • A ready -made biscuit is purchased, which is sold in any store. For cooking, you need to soak gelatin in cold water for 30 minutes. 
  • After that, the mass is placed on the fire until gelatin dissolves. The biscuit is cut into small pieces, the fruits are washed and cleaned of the skin, berries from tails. 
  • The container is best to take a domed shape, so that the cake is easily extracted from it. Gelatin is dissolved when heated, mixed with sour cream and powdered sugar. 
  • Fruits are laid out at the bottom of the container, and pieces of biscuit are laid out on top. It is necessary to alternate layers of fruits and biscuit. In the end, everything is poured with sour cream mass with gelatin. The cake is put in the refrigerator for several hours. Before serving it is turned over, dipping it in hot water. 
Tasty dessert
Tasty dessert

Jelly cake with fruits without sour cream

Sour cream is considered a high -calorie product, therefore, if you follow the figure, it is better to refuse to use this ingredient. In jelly cakes, sour cream can be safely replaced with kefir, fermented, or low -caloriecottage cheese.  

The ingredients for cooking are presented belowdessert:  

  • 30 g of gelatin 
  • 400 g of cottage cheese 
  • A glass of milk 
  • Powdered sugar 
  • Any fruit to choose from 

The recipe for making a jelly cake with fruits without sour cream: 

  • Fruits are washed, peeled and cut into small pieces. Fruits are laid out at the bottom of the container and left until the pouring is prepared. 
  • It is necessary to beat cottage cheese with milk and powdered sugar in a blender, until a homogeneous, viscous mass, which is very similar in texture to sour cream. 
  • Georgine, previously soaked in water, is heated in the container, and flows into a thin stream into a prepared milk mixture of cottage cheese and milk. 
  • Next, the prepared fruits are laid out on the bottom of the container and poured prepared with milk mass. The dessert is placed for several hours on the cold, for solidification. 

Jelly cheese with fruits

A very unusual cake with cookies in the form of a cheesecake is obtained. The fact is that cheesecake is a high -calorie product, therefore, if you like to pamper yourself tasty, you can prepare such a dessert with cookies and fruits. Thus, its calorie content will decrease. 


  • 200 g of low -calorie cottage 
  • 10 pieces of kiwi 
  • 150 g of cookies 
  • 70 g butter 
  • Gelatin 
  • Half a liter of kefir 

Recipeandspruce cheesecake with fruits  

  • Pour gelatin with cold water, dissolve over low heat and mix with kefir, as well as powdered sugar. Next, it is necessary to grind the cookies into the crumb and add the melted butter. 
  • At the bottom of the form it is necessary to put the food film, and lay out cookies on top of it. It is necessary that the bottom is obtained, as well as the sides, 2 cm high on the sides of the shape. 
  • Thus, you are preparing a frame for cheesecake. The form with such a workpiece must be put in the refrigerator for half an hour so that the oil grabs and becomes solid, does not crumble. 
  • After that, it is necessary to pour kefir with jelly into the prepared mass, and put in the refrigerator, having previously placed a dome -shaped bowl inside. 
  • You need to achieve a kind of depression inside the cake to fill a mixture of kiwi. After kefir with gelatin hardens, it is necessary to pour hot water into a bowl that is on top, gently pull it out. Thus you get a recess. Now prepare the filling for this recess. 
  • To do this, peel the kiwi, mix with powdered sugar and prepared gelatin. Thus, you will get fruit mashed potatoes with gelatin. All this flows into the recess and is left for two hours in the refrigerator. As a result, you will receive a curd cheesecake with a filler, but without cottage cheese. 

Jelly cake with fruit: reviews

Of course, every mistress prepares such cakes in her own way, and is ready to share his recipe. Below we present the reviews of girls who prepare a jelly cake with fruits.

Jelly cake with fruits, reviews:

Victoria: I have adhered to proper nutrition for several years. With the help of a hard diet, I lost 18 kg, now I support my weight using dietary recipes. The jelly cake is a real way out for me when I want to pamper myself tasty and please the guests. The most interesting thing is that none of them even realize that I am cooking the cake in order to maintain the figure, and not in order to surprise them. Oddly enough, but all the guests are just adoring this cake. I cook from skim cottage cheese and kefir, with the addition of various fruits, nuts and raisins. It turns out very tasty and unusual. Sometimes I lay out a layer of cookies on one to make a cake with a layer of dough. 

Marina: I don’t cook this cake often, children usually ask me. Most often I use a recipe for broken glass. That is, I immediately cook jelly of various colors, I first leave it in the refrigerator, cut it into pieces, and then I fill it with sour cream with gelatin. Very often add crackers with poppy seeds to such a mixture. It turns out very unusual and tasty. A good optionon a quick hand which allows you to prepare a delicious cake for little money. 

Olga: I began to engage in weight loss on the diet not so long agoDucan. Oddly enough, but the jelly cake is one of the options that can be on such a diet. I cook it using low -fat cottage cheese and milk. Instead of sugar, add a substitute. I use the lowest -calorie fruits. Usually these are lemons. DietingDucan You can eat lemons, with their help I cook such a cake. It turns out a dish with a very saturated lemon taste. I use not only lemon pulp, but also zest. I cut it with small pieces. Sometimes I cook cake from oat bran, when I want something more significant and saturated. 

Puff cake
Puff cake

Many delicious recipes can be found in our articles:

FROM blood cream for a biscuit cake: 7 best recipes, cooking secrets, reviews

Creams for aligning the cake: ganash, cottage cheese, creamy. How to align the cake with cream for mastic, icing?

Cream-chiz for a cake at home: six recipes for cooking

Biscuit cakes for the cake: 5 best recipes, secrets of cooking, reviews

Such cakes look interesting, unusual, declared at the request of the hostess. Usually this decoration with fruits, berries and whipped cream. Often upwards are decorated with chocolate icing. Usually laid out circles of citruses along the perimeter of the cake, as well as kiwi. It looks very interesting, unusual and bright. Instead, you can also use other decoration options. 

Video: fruit jelly cake


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