Riddles on history for children with answers - the best selection

Riddles on history for children with answers - the best selection

A collection of riddles on history for schoolchildren for cheerful lessons and thematic quiz.

Riddles on the story with answers

Riddles on the story with answers
Riddles on the story with answers
Riddles on the story with answers
Riddles on the story with answers

Riddles on the story with answers:

1. then surprised by corn,
Either virgin, then communism,
Then the first cosmos conquered
Looking at our world with optimism.

2. He removed Khrushchev from all the posts,
The dispute continued with America,
The war in the house came to us again
Afghan wind from behind the mountains.

3. Fatherland, hearing a mortal moan.
He raised the people to battle with the enemy,
He had to sell his house,
To cope with the Poles.

4. His fate is intended
To lead the militia in the battle!
And storm to take the Moscow Kremlin
The stronghold of Russian all lands.

5. He had little boyars
And fell on his head
The crown of the Russian king,
The corpse of the impostor is a senior ...

6. He is like a shurin of the queen
Endless Russian land
I entrusted Fedor to manage
Autocracy to save.

7. He ruled with a hard hand,
He approved the royal title.
And the blood of the boyars flowed to the river.
The ruler did not spare enemies.

8. Oh, poor, poor emperor!
Catherine son is disgraced.
Like Peter the Great Reformer,
He was killed by the nobles in the bedroom.

9. Fatherland - heavy cargo
He wore a stigma to his death.
But he is with Kutuzov Frenchmen
He arranged hell in Borodino!

10. Pravil began with the deposits
He is upbringing of the Decembrists.
He created the third department -
Gendarmes faithful legion!

11. His rule is torment!
Tsarevich's disease, healing,
War, Rasputin, renunciation,
Three revolutions and death.
Now the holy halo is light!

12. His destiny and muse,
Guitars ringing, poems of the melting.
He beat the French with the partisans,
He was fair and dared like a lion!

13. Enemies brought a hero into the forests,
Where the spirit ruined the Poles evil.
Although the hero himself is killed by the enemy,
But the memory all lives about him.

14. Having gathered squads in Russia,
Asking blessings
He crossed Don for the battle
Where I found eternal glory ...

15. The Germans threatened us terribly,
But he blocked the way to the enemies
On the ice of the lake boldly with God
He learned enemies for a long time.

16. Ryazan burned down and the Mongols,
We went to Russia with a sword and pain,
But the Avenger Russian from Ryazan
He became punishment for the Mongols.

17. Turned a campaign for "zipuna"
With friends - inveterate Cossacks ...
He flooded the whole Volga in his blood,
For which he lost his head.

18. At least Grishka was called from birth,
But he achieved reign.
Russia did not suffer an impostor
And punished the ragged.

19. He raised the rebellion to half-Russia!
Hungry, barefoot walked with him,
To affirm justice,
Catherine to harm.

20. Sinop battle - his victory,
He exposed a lot at sea,
But he was killed on land
His own, protecting the bastion.

21. Suvorov at sea! They talk about him.
And many victories, and many awards.
He captured his sailors with kindness,
He is now known in Russia saint.

22. Not in number, but the enemy is reduced.
And he never ran from the enemy.
Alps and those submitted to him,
Recognizing the commander of that embroidered.

23. Having taken Sophia Paleologists to his wife,
The eagle of the two -headed got ...
The Hordes of the Mongolian captured was long,
But he broke him at once.

24. He had a quiet nickname,
I did not speak loudly with people
But in the fever of the riots of the terrible
With the robbers was not sweet.

25. He created an army in Russia,
In the Poltava battle, he won,
He built the most powerful fleet,
I cut the window to Europe!

26. She bore the name of Marta,
But was captured once,
And I became right away, my God!
Suddenly the emperor wife.

27. On the ship East - 1
A Soviet citizen took off.
He saw the earth from a height,
You certainly know him.

28. The artist painted this
Only battles in the light,
His "Apotheosis of the War"
You should know, of course.

29. He forced the people to rise
On the bourgeois and all sorts of gentlemen.
And "Aurora" forced to shoot,
To shine freedom to the sun!
30. The “White General” is imposed,
That I didn’t give the spike to the Turks!
Having said to the Bulgarians - "I will help!"
He took the Plevna to evil to the enemy ...

31. He headed the Cheka, defending the advice,
The counter was looking for like a dog!
Iron Felix from slavery to light
The sword of justice extended your!

32. He commanded the first horse
Like a red Napoleon!
Tachaki and checkers terrible power
The White Army spoke all.

33. He is the father of the Red Army,
That how steel is always strong!
He is a speaker for centuries,
In his head ... Kirka!

34. We need to "start perestroika!"
The ruler claimed that.
At first the USSR was demolished in the trash,
And behind him and all the people!

35. He is the chief of omnipotent Kagabe,
He became the Secretary General, albeit late.
Leaving a glory about yourself,
That he was strict, even formidable ...

36. He is a hero of the fight against the old world,
He revived in Russia a tricolor.
He is a reformer of the entire Russian width,
He entered a dispute with the GKChP!

37. Hero - what we need to look for!
He is a pilot and he flew like a god,
He could get America with a wing,
And he could fly over the pole!

38. He cried bitterly from his fate
He was offered a Rus to Russia!
Changing the dynasties bright coats
The Romanovs soon became kings!

39. Sagittarius raised her brother,
I wanted to kill, I could not!
Nun in the end
In Dali, she died unknown!

40. The daughter of Petra knew how to fight,
Frederick suddenly became humiliation,
She could not know, however,
That her victory will be a defeat!
41. Monet - artist faithful
The icon "Trinity" wrote.
Now the icon is that masterpiece
Shines like a soul crystal ...

42. He was a field marshal once,
He helped Peter in many ways.
He was successful and rich
But he became a poor prisoner ...

43. He loved Peruna and walked,
He smeared his mouth with blood.
But he soon deigned
Baptize yourself and your people.

44. He taught a letter stubbornly,
He made others teach others.
And schools appeared soon,
And our first Russian law.

45. He was a strong, important Varangian
The sword threatens his hand.
But he would rule, having come once
He remained with Russia for centuries.

46. \u200b\u200bAll his life in the saddle spent a fighting,
He loved a bloody mortal battle.
His wife was waiting, grief,
And he said goodbye to his head

47. This prince was a greedy wolf,
He is not a decree.
Polyudya twice taking from the Drevlyans,
He did not see Kiev ...

48. The princes gathered at the congress in a brotherly way,
He wanted to save his homeland.
To get together against the Polovtsy.
And go into battle together.

49. On the Borodino field, he,
And his enemy is Napoleon.
The Frenchman does not know yet
What awaits his big embarrassment!

50. From birth, Bartholomew was known,
I dreamed of being a book letter.
And he became a monk simple,
Famous in Russia saints.

1. N. Khrushchev
2. L. Brezhnev
3. Kozma Minin
4. Dmitry Pozharsky
5. Vasily Shuisky
6. Boris Godunov
7. Ivan the Terrible
8. Pavel-I
9. Alexander-I
10. Nikolay-I
11. Nicholas-II
12. Denis Davydov
13. Ivan Susanin
14. Dmitry Donskoy
15. Alexander Nevsky
16. Evpathy Kolovrat
17. Stepan Razin
18. False Dmitry-I
19. Emelyan Pugachev
20. Admiral Nakhimov
21. F.F. Ushakov
22. A.V. Suvorov
23. Ivan III
24. A. M. Romanov
25. Peter-I
26. Ekaterina-I
27. Yu. A. Gagarin
28. V. V. Vereshchagin
29. V.I. Lenin
30. General Skobelev
31. F. E. Dzerzhinsky
32. S. M. Budenya
33. L. D. Trotsky
34. M. S. Gorbachev
35. Yu. V. Andropov
36. B. N. Yeltsin
37. V.P. Chkalov
38. M.F. Romanov
39. Princess Sofya
40. Elizaveta Petrovna
41. Andrey Rublev
42. A. Menshikov
43. Vladimir Red Sunny
44. Yaroslav wise
45. Rurik
46. \u200b\u200bSvyatoslav
47. Igor
48. Vladimir Monomakh
49. M.I. Kutuzov
50. Sergius of Radonezh

Riddles on the history of Russia

Riddles on the history of Russia
Riddles on the history of Russia
Riddles on the history of Russia
Riddles on the history of Russia

Riddles on the history of Russia:

51. She did not become famous too
From a kind of mice or imagination?
Although the queen was
But in a pit for sins.

52. This boyars without words,
Was a defender of the foundations,
It was known as the opponent of reforms
All Orthodox old norms

53. A pitch to Moscow walked behind the knowledge,
Simple peasant guy,
And his daring is great,
In science, his path is far away!

54. She took revenge on her husband,
Sleeping Drevlyans their city is glorious!
In Constantinople, he got into the first
Having become for the Orthodox.

55. He founded our capital,
Having built a frequency fortress.
Dressed wars with a hoppy bowl,
He took Kyiv and the throne storm!

56. Vladimir he made the capital,
He erected the church on the nerls.
He could not fight off from the boyars
Kuchkovich stabbed him!

57. His family is his joy!
Having many sons,
He understood, then fate is a reward.
With him, Russia was stronger!
Freed by the collars and Tati
To make raids on Russia,
After all, Vsevolodovichi are brothers
Could a worthy fight!

58. From the birth of a German, Russian queen
All the Black Sea region by the Russian land
I did, fighting on land and water,
Winning the Turks with ease everywhere!
Favorite Potemkin Crimea Empress
Presented as a bright valuable diamond,
Suvorov bowed to the same queen,
And gave Russia a rare talent!

59. He is the husband of Catherine herself,
Elizabethan chick,
In total, he is a Russian adversary
He was cruel to the end!

60. He was an unintentional baby,
Laughed: he was sleeping on the throne!
Elizabeth is dropped from the throne,
Catherine was killed ...

61. He was the heir to the Russian throne
And the son was great Peter!
But becoming a cause of a family split
He tasted a whip and an ax!

62. Always live with Russia, forever! -
The same person decided.
And the Ukrainians were glad
By the decision of the Pereyaslavsky Rada!

63. He printed books the first,
In Moscow, under a bell ringing.
"Apostle" of his own, giving the king,
Whispered: -So thank you life!

64. During the Great Troubles
He also stood up for justice!
But in Tula they put on his putes
And he was Shuisky blinded!

65. The monk went to fight
On the Kulikovo field, not a robe!
He will be able to get even
With the hero of the Tatar Kochube!

66. The main oprichnik in the king,
He ruined the innocent calls
The order of the Lord executed
Until he himself became a victim!

67. He blinded Vasily the Second,
That would rightfully become a great prince!
But he sinned a lot for the people,
For which of the princes was sent to "Mud!"

68. The inventor of the radio in Russia,
He filled our life with miracles -
What are the unknown forces
Are they singing and talking from reproductors themselves?

69. Air AC, frantic and bold
For the first time in the world "Dead loop"
I did it on the airplane
But he fell for his homeland in battle ...

70. Judas of the Northern War,
A traitor to faithful Ukraine,
The merits of Russia are its own
He drowned a quagmire in the Swedish!

71. The son of Alexei, the grandson of Peter
He was Pescise in the Palace game.
It was not the time to correct him
He died of an ambulance!

72. Kazan Cathedral, on Nevsky Prospekt
He was an architect of a bold project.
In Rome, St. Peter's Council
It’s time to share the glory!

73. The Church carried out the reform,
Eradicating ancient rites.
But he himself got into the dungeon
For monastery fences.

74. The enemy of Nikon, the obstinate protopop
He denounced the reforms of the patriarch!
He baptized his foreheads without fear with his fingers,
To resurrect from dust again in the fire!

75. Its discovery is anesthesia!
Doctors cannot be without surgery.
All taught that bold doctor
Without pain to do amputation ...

76. The unfortunate prince, who has spent years in captivity,
Punished for pride before the enemy.
Not believing the signs of rock and nature
He was defeated by the eclipse of the sun!

77. He dreamed of great Russia,
He wanted to cancel the community!
But he was christened the villain
And they managed to kill in the theater.

78. Marshal of victory - his title!
He boldly fought with the damned enemy!
He beat the enemy near Moscow and near Kursk.
He beat heroic, which means in Russian!

79. From Yaroslavl he is born
He was theater inspired.
And made so that everyone could
Cross his threshold.

80. Hero Borodino, worthy of the general
More than once he surprised his courage.
And the "forest chopped" in the mountains on the passes,
In order to defeat the highlanders ... Glory to the hero!

81. "Burlaki on the Volga" drag a barge
They pull the strap and curses fate.
This artist was bold and courageous,
Having shown Russia to get nasty.

82. In Stalingrad taken, but not falling
Siberian and fearless guy,
In the same way measured and deftly
He beat the enemy from a sniper rifle.

83. On his hawk he knocked down fascists.
Became the hero of the war not in vain,
And before that he lost two legs,
But I learned to fly perfectly!

84. The Novgorod Sofia has his creation,
It stands proudly, and it is easy to find out in it
In the sculptural figures of great people
Versatners of the fame of the Russian and deeds!

85. neglecting the fuss of worldly, unnecessary
Among the Kirillovsky forests, he with monks together
He cut down a monastery with a prayer for the service of God,
To know the road to salvation.
And soon the monastery spread the walls,
And Russian kings, looking for blessings
The intercessor of the saint, their heads were inclined,
They searched for forgiveness and mercy.

86. On a snake of air, he was eager for flight,
But I did not achieve success from the snake!
And I understood - only a rotor -winged plane,
He will raise a person to the sky!

87. His lamp bloomed all of Paris,
From the streets, avenues and uped roofs
To the festive, bright ceremonial Versailles.
That lamp has become Russian victory!

88. He managed to agree with the Papuans,
He remained alive and became a leader with them.
He wanted the principle to be embodied
About what does not happen on the earth of strangers!

89. Our countryman is a designer of aircraft,
In the search has always been in work
And his glorified "silt"
The Germans were smashed in the war.

90. His "battleship Potemkin",
The descendants will also watch
Such a scale of the picture
Will be loved all the time!

91. Its invention is an automatic machine,
And for the soldiers he is a faithful friend and even a brother!
The name of the PPSHE at the machine gun,
He is the Savior for our soldier!

92. He was the head of the NKVD,
Serving regular Stalin's system,
On human trouble
He arranged his career!
But Stalin died, it happens,
Death takes the leaders!
And soon, soon they will be shot
The one who was other more important!

93. With comrades, he thundered the way to the edge of the earth
Where his ships argued with the ice.
He went down in history, suddenly opening
Between Kamchatka and America Strait.

94. “War and Peace” was written by the writer that
Living on the Bortdinsky field.
And he believed that he would come to life in the novel
The people are a gigantic feat!

95. Hydrogen bombs - he is his native father,
But he decided to argue with the war itself!
The authorities decided: "It will not pass!"
The academician was sent to exile!

96. This designer is famous
And let it confirm it to you
His creation is the T-34 tank,
What was once the best in the world!

97. He lost the Tsushima battle
And handed over our ships to the Japanese,
And we are so humiliation
Of course, they could not forget!

98. He is the commander of the brave "Varangian",
He took a battle with the Enemy squadron,
But did not let down the Andreevsky flag,
Thus entering the name for centuries!

99. Paired this priest with glory,
Already after the "Bloody Resurrection",
But the workers have not forgotten about that,
The death of this priest was sentenced!

100. This girl was in the partisans,
She did not have to return from the war.
She called before the death of Tatyana,
And she became the hero of the great country.


51. Marina Mnishek
52. Boyar Morozov
53. Mikhailo Lomonosov
54. Princess Olga
55. Yuri Dolgoruky
56. Andrey Bogolyubsky
57. Vsevolod Big Nest
58. Ekaterina-II
59. Peter-III
60. Ivan-VI Antonovich
61. Tsarevich Alexei
62. Bogdan Khmelnitsky
63. Ivan Fedorov
64. Ivan Bolotnikov
65. A. Peresvet
66. Malyuta Skuratov
67. Dmitry Shemyaka
68. Popov
69. Nesterov
70. Mazepa
71. Peter-II
72. Voronikhin
73. Patriarch Nikon
74. Protopop Avvakum
75. Surgeon Pirogov
76. Prince Igor
77. P. A. Stolypin
78. G. K. Zhukov
79. Volkov
80. General Ermolov
81. Ilya Repin
82. Vasily Zaitsev
83. Alexey Maresyev
84. Mikeshin (monument to the millennium of Russia)
85. Kirill Belozersky
86. Mozhaisky
87. Yablochkov
88. N. Miklukho-Maclay
89. Ilyushin
90. S. Eisenstein
91. G. S. Shpagin
92. L.P. Beria
93. Semyon Dezhnev
94. L. N. Tolstoy
95. Academician Sakharov
96. M.I. Koshkin
97. Admiral Rozhdestvensky
98. The commander of the ship Rudnev
99. Pop Gapon
100. Zoya Kosmodemyanskaya

Riddles about the history of the ancient world

Riddles about the history of the ancient world
Riddles about the history of the ancient world
Riddles about the history of the ancient world
Riddles about the history of the ancient world

Riddles about the history of the ancient world:

1. He appeared from the hoe,
Having saved everyone from excess torments.
He was dragging behind the stomach.
You are right, of course, this is ...


2. Live within the area of \u200b\u200bone
They, like a seed thrown into the ground,
Having gathered a few births
They formed ……


3. Name this venue,
When the whole day-day
Fruits, berries, roots -
Which has the appearance of a food
The first people were looking for
The herd was eaten then.


4. These are the ancestors of all elephants,
But much more, shaggy.
For hunters, all the more so,
No more desirable.


5. Women have learned to sow and squeeze,
And the hostesses of them turned out:
A stick with a bitch took
And they began to dig faster,
So that the crop turns out kindly.
You guess you or there is no:
A thousand or more years
What did the person come up with?


6. Having gathered relatives and all friends-
He decided to profit from them.
He robbed someone else's tribe
He shared prey with friends.


7. The neighbors lived,
They rowed about the past.
The land is only common
There was everyone for them.
(Neighboring community)


8. can go to the stake,
But for the ancients, not a joke ...
For them, this is God or the spirit.
What is it out loud.


9. How can it differ
The oldest man
From those who appeared
Early a century?
After all, he is the same naked
And also all overgrown.
Eats everything that comes across
True, he is rising.
(The ability to make tools.)


10. This is the main tool
For many centuries.
It is made of wood.
But changing slightly.
Hunters Perenias
Tied to the tip.
And since then for all animals
No weapons are threatening.
(A spear)


11. The leaders of the tribes and their friends
All were glorified.
And inherited to their descendants
Glory to that and honor.
They began to call these people,
You're right. Well, of course, …….


12. Call the gun
What was invented for a long time
The very first person.
And for us now it
Not even necessary at all.
(Dubina, stick stick, pointed stone.)


13. The first is the team.
The man is not lazy there.
He walks in the forest a day.
Collects everything - not laziness.


14. The man went to fishing.
To have a big catch.
And he grabbed the subject
What made of bones.
What it was.
And the weapon served.


15. From the genus they chose that
Who is old and wise at the same time.
And they chose him for
That your experience is ready to give


16. The man took the bone il Tree,
I split it slightly.
And in the breakup he is very clever
I inserted pebbles. Hand
I took it carefully
To cut off the ears of them,
So as an instrument, what,
Still known to everyone,
Could he work alone?


17. holes in the skin of it for a long time
Pierced. Oh, and Kolka!
For all ancients, the needle,
We call her ……


18. This stick was cut down
And she was focused.
What it was.
Yes, of course…


19. Man took a stick, stone
And tied up. He is not laziness
They work all day.
He cuts the trees to them.
How? Hurry to call which one?
(Stone ax)


They were protected and appreciated everywhere,
And in ancient Egypt - idolized.
Take a look, guys, at this god -
He looks like a little in appearance.


What a clear luminary?
In a boat in gold grief
In the east appeared
And the dawn lit up.
The boat passes through the sky.
Egyptians do not take the eyes.
We are glad to his god.
Oh praise! Praise to him!
(The god of the sun - Ra)


He was the king.
Then he won Egypt.
And became the master of the crown
He began to command all ...


From the genus they chose
Who is old and wise at the same time.
And they chose him for
That your experience is ready to give


Women have learned to sow and squeeze
And the hostesses of them turned out:
A stick with a bitch took
And they began to dig faster,
So that the crop turns out kindly.
You guess you or there is no:
A thousand or more years
What did the person come up with?


Name this bore
When the whole day-day
Fruits, berries, roots -
Which has the appearance of a food
The first people were looking for
The herd was eaten then.


The leaders of the tribes and their friends
All were glorified.
And inherited to their descendants
Glory to that and honor.
They began to call these people,
You're right. Well, of course…


On the banks of the Euphrates River
There was no surprise to everyone:
Gardens "hang", towers are standing,
And temples, just a sight for sore eyes


Front Asia people.
He invented the glass, and now ...
Purple fabrics sold.
I often stole children.
Passing the spaces of the sea.
He brought a lot of grief to all,


I am a sign, I am a letter, word, syllable
For many knowledge, the source
They could draw me
And write on papyrus.
I am an integral alphabet.
Where there are no vowels
And my ancient letter is forgotten


What kind of river is surprise.
At least hang out the announcement:
And she saved and drowned,
Were (nila spills)


It seems like a man:
His face, like everyone else.
The body is like a lioness.
Protects entrance to the tomb.
"Father of horror" is called one


The feudal lord always lived there.
The fortress was laid here.
And saved from enemies.
He withstood a lot of battles.


A thunderstorm of Europe was a long time
They even served the noble.
And Denmark formed
Everywhere they fought everywhere.


Their wealth is not great
Two or three villages and not more.
And in their own way they are all to the will
Both the duke and the count are happy to serve.
(Barons and Viscounts)


They began to sow more bread
They began to collect more.
When part of the field is large.
She even began to rest.
People became a ferry
In the villages to call everything.


As a way of agriculture was called
When two fields were sown,
The third was forced to rest
And the high crop was harvested.
(Three -sex.)


The first they are in the family
Then the military leaders.
Dear for everyone.
Their affairs are excellent.
Tell me what to call them.
Well, of course, this is ...


To collect everything taxes.
The king began to appoint them
To lead the area
And people there judge everyone there.
Tell me how to call him
How everyone began to dignify.


He is the main one over the monks
He is the boss for them glorious
He lives with them
The strict is very ongoing.


Who is the rules of the Church violate
And they don’t listen to God at all.
He has a lot of comfort
They do ……


I decided to leave people
To find calm.
And always pray for them.
From their life to renounce.


Tell me how to call that place
Where the monks are not crowded.
They also sow, also hug
They all live together


What was the name of that land
What was inherited
But not just like that, but it is necessary
The service of the warrior to carry
And bring the detachments.


Where the documents are stored
You tell us soon.
Where are the most important points
They painted it by year.


“The Beach of God” was his name.
What do you know for yourself.
The Union of Leaders headed
The thunderstorm was all enemies


He is cunning, calculating
He killed all rivals.
The strength of the Franks showed
He won the Romans.
He was the first king
And he recorded the laws.


What year tell me
The kingdom of the Franks
The empire suddenly became
The glory of the predator won.
(800 g.)

He is a large feudal lord
For service he gave the land.
He is a senior for him.
Tell me who he is since then.


He was the king.
Then he won Egypt.
And became the master of the crown
He began to command all ...


Not one year, not one slave
She was built for just like that.
To Pharaoh is calm
Could live in the afterlife.


The king was once in Babylonia
The powerful, famous was known.
He defended from the slavery of subjects.
He established the royal laws.


All the Athenians hurry up
Take better places,
So as not to miss anything,
What will all actors do
In honor of the god Dionysus,
And cheer the crowd.
Hurry up faster you call
The sight that is now.


Odysseus Poseidon was angry,
He watered his son with wine,
He put to sleep in his cave.
He red -hot
And his eyes knocked out with friends.
Tell me, as your son was called,
How did the giants dignified?
(Cyclops Polyphemus).


Fate threw him for a long time, far,
From the son and wife is beautiful.
He was in a hurry to go home faster,
King Attica, wonderful ...


What was the name of this,
When the people elected to the position,
And the one he chose, kept a report to people?


The Spartans have such a speech
Called brief and well -aimed
They called everything, of course ...

Riddles on the history of the Middle Ages

Riddles on the history of the Middle Ages
Riddles on the history of the Middle Ages

Riddles on the history of the Middle Ages:

1. Let us be Britov, he was,
Brave and mighty was known.
They led their struggle.
And the legends of people folded
(King Arthur)


2. His Velim was called
He captured a lot of lands.
Peoples have been hidden for thousands
He proclaimed the empire
(Karl the Great)


3. He is a cunning, calculating
He killed all rivals.
The strength of the Franks showed
He won the Romans.
He was the first king
And he wrote the laws


4. "The scourge of God" His name
What do you know for yourself.
The Union of Leaders headed
The thunderstorm was all enemies


5. Iron armor
He is hidden by the body.
Life choice -


6. Each knight has his own weapon
Long, dangerous, sharp ...
(a spear)


7. Adds weights, an iron outfit.
It became difficult to move around
But without them it is impossible to fight

8. Protection from the blow of the enemy point blank
Military headdress.
For it is clear to everyone
The warrior dresses


1. Baran velvet,
Barani caftan,
buttons are copper,
The clasps are iron.

2. Runes the boy annual,
Bends a puddy stone.

3. Iron Soul
Does not take the young lady.

4. who has no head,
neither hands nor legs, but everywhere
Does he walk and deceive everyone?

5. Who is not baptized,
Not born
Does it live in truth?

6. On Taras,
on mana,
On the damn legs,
Auropic button,
The fastener is iron.

7. Himself thin,
Head with pood.

8. Grandfather under the porch
A club with a ring hangs,
poured with lead.

9. He walks on a bazaar,
boasts of a club:
“Ah, I have a gold club,
Makovka is twisted. "


The barrel is water -water
1. Surrex,
tied up
They drove to the river
Do you want you do not want
And drink,
Yes, and a voyage of all people.


1. Baba in the corner -
Pipe in the mouth.

2. Without a soul was born,
the people came in handy;
I will let me drink - he drinks
I will ask - gives it.

3. There is a pig's pig,
From both ends is seen.

4. A man is worth it -
Six belts on it.

5. Oak itself,
Vyazovoe belt,
And the nose is fake.

6. Tyn oak,
And the wicker is visible,
And the horn is fake.


1. not sewn, not crown,
And all in the scarves.

Valek and a rolling pin
1. I go underground,
I am looking for a width
I want to shy.

Venik, brooms
1. Runned the runner
Yes Shmyg in the corner.

2. Without hands, without legs
Walks on the floor.

3. In the afternoon, the chicken is growing up,
And by night it sits in a corner.

4. Penitory Pitu,
I will pull out the bed
Let my riddle
It will go a year
GODOVIK will find.

5. Little Athanasius
Surrounded with a belt.

6. Small Dorozhika
Beded short.

7. Small,
Drive with a bast.

8. A small ball
It will shave everything
Builds Teremok -
And again in the corner.

9. On the shop of the beep,
Under the bench beep -
The beep was embarrassed,
He sat down in the corner.

10. The hut is dancing,
And he goes to a corner to sleep.

11. Sami with the nail,
A beard with an elbow.

12. There is a master in the corner,
He raised his legs to the ceiling.

13. Erofeyka is worth
Beded short.


1. They go to the hut - cry,
From the hut - they jump.

2. The whole forest is smooth
And two oaks above all.

3. The whole forest is smooth
Only two ate higher.

4. Cracking frost,
splash water,
And the girls are red swimming.

5. On the street - Bryak,
They rumble - Zvyak,
And they will go back -
Tears will flow.

6. STO is in stock
But it will not be stolen.

7. Through the hole -
The string lies.

8. Through the sea
Kotovy tail.

9. Through the blue sea
Crane throat.

History riddles for children

History riddles for children
History riddles for children
History riddles for children
History riddles for children

History riddles for children:

Hero of the Slavic ancient runes.
God is a thunderer, ours (Perun).


The god of fertility is worth it
Four -headed (Svetovid).


The Slavic people worshiped him.
The creator of the universe, gods - ancient (clan).


Brother Perun. The son is alive.
Will always be in memory.
Even Dryn will not force
We forget you (Boda).


Which of you will be forgotten,
How the devils raised
The judge and God are all one -
From the world of the dead ruler ...
Grabbing, maybe malaria,
I will go to court to God (Viu).


The element is a flame. This God
Blacksmith of the Galaxy (Svarog).


Father is his blacksmith Svarog.
The god of fertility (Dazhdbog).


Horse sister with beauty
The earthly horizon captivated.
I took off into the sky like a firebreaker,
Dawn goddess, then (Dennitsa)


Already arrived, Saturday came.
Peruna's daughter punched me,
So that he is going to hunt
That she spent me.
The daughter of the summer is always desirable.
I ask you to help me, (Devana).


The wife is so beautiful,
The land of the goddess. This (diva).


Fate goddess spinning.
For all her goddesses, will -
Perhaps the thread will break off ...
Or maybe merciful (share)?


The love of two is priceless to the gods.
With a raincoat she covered us (nonzena).


The goddess of life is a reflective daughter,
And your mother, Nonzen is night.
And your beauty is marvelous.
I bow to you, the goddess (alive).


I could settle in the lakes
The son of the lizard is God.
Beautiful he had a grin ...
Ivan helped Ivan.
And in transformations he knows a lot
God is the werewolf - gray (wolf).


The Savior of the "Sunny girl",
Centaurus, Slavic giant.
You sleep hard in oblivion,
A thunderstorm of offenders (Polkan).


King Sea.
Lives with his wife
Belarusian one.
He is the god of groundwater.
Who will name the name?
In gems, he, as in the often,
Walks under the ground ... (lizard).


What is under the earth's crust, friends?
Well, of course (mantle).


God is one -eyed and one -legged.
We will not let him on the threshold,
We will not call, but let's say quietly:
"Download from here, evil (dashing)."


Veles's grandson. He is beautiful and blush.
The god of music, poetry (Boyan).


Hypostasis from Chernobog.
It looks like a goat - a flaw.
Catching foot on the roads ...
Virus in the computer. He (Trojan).


Brother twin of Kolyada.
He is the next day.
Returned for the labors ...
Thank you (Ovsen).


Will give happiness in marriage and love
You, like a bright reward.
Just call the goddess
Blessed Goddess (Lada).


Veles's son and mother of diva
It has long been forgotten.
In fiery love - it was:
God grew up by name (Yarilo).


The god of physical love.
You are satisfied, glad.
Name the name of God
- He is for everyone (Connection)


Who is the city gates
Dragged so far?
Who has so much strength
What could he tear to the lion?
He loved honey to eat sweet
And make riddles.


In the stomach of huge fish
The prophet lived for three days and nights;
And when there was no urine,
He said a prayer there.
(And she)


Ate acrid, wild honey,
Lived in the desert for a very long time,
And then the people baptized
Preached about God.
(John the Baptist)


Who is it careless
Believes promises false;
Talks with a snake for a long time
And leaves Eden?


The names of the animals gave,
Eden garden guarded,
The very first person
He lived for many, many years.


He brought the people out of slavery,
The sea was divided into parts.
He brought the tablets from the mountain,
So that we know the commandments.


From sling shoots aptly,
We have known him for a long time.
Adults and children know
By heart his psalms.


For a long time he was sick with leprosy
And by the royal decree
He went to the Prophet
For medicine and lesson,
He plunged seven times in the river -
He was cured of leprosy.
(Non -vegetation)


With his son, he goes on a long journey,
Like his face is sad ...
There is no harder task,
Than his own son.
Bring, because he is beloved.
Name the dad's name!


The captive became the queen
But not a drop is proud
And saved from death faithful
From Aman of all Jews.


For prayers and for faith
He got into the hole with the lions,
But the animals did not eat it.
How was he called?


The storm raises the waves,
The wind howls terribly.
In fear, all students
And what are they floating on?


What animal modest
He enters Jerusalem
Jesus in the crowd is huge?
The city meets the whole of Christ.
(A donkey)


Three crosses - it is difficult to forget them,
On one of them is the Son of God.
The sun was darkened during the day,
What is this mountain called?


Forty years in the desert hot
They ate it constantly
Received as a gift
They collected early in the morning.


This building is sacred
Solomon built a long time.
People prayed there a lot,
Bannies made sacrifices to God.


With this grain Savior
I once compared faith.
Look carefully
How is it small in size,
But a little later
Will become a great tree;
This is how the faith of God grows.
Well, did you find out the seed?
(Mustard seed)


It’s dark and sad without her,
She is beautiful and light.
How is she for Jesus
Give the light and heat.


Brought the magi from the east
Jesus to bow.
She walked tall with a tropin
Above the moon is a chubby.


He is rich and secured,
Stretched - well, let.
Where Zashey found a place,
To look at Christ?
(On the tree)


Only abandoned the fishing rod -
I immediately caught the fish,
He looked into her mouth an apostle ...
Children, what did he see?


John baptized Christ,
Jesus gave us an example
The fulfillment of the will of God.
Who can call that river?


Stones, walls were swayed ...
This is not an earthquake.
The priest pircled into the horn,
The whole people shouted loudly -
The walls of the city fell.
What kind of city, did you find out?


How pure is the water!
The traveler can get drunk here.
Christ spoke once
With a samarayka here about thirst,
About living water, about the light ...
What place is this, children?


Is it not a balloon?
No, and not even a rocket.
Not a winged plane
Elijah carries to the sky.
Flame and fire in wheels -
What is the Prophet to take away?


Sources about the past,
Science studies,
The sequence of events,
In itself, everything embodies!
Answer: History

The ancient Greeks were engaged in her,
Events, facts in the parchment entered,
The basics of stories meticulously led
And this beginning was the way!
Answer: History


Processes in society, nature,
And the universe, land,
About what happened to humanity,
It should be determined in it!
Answer: History


Herodotus wrote about her
Cicero glorified in speeches,
Zhul Michele, called the resurrection,
Who are we talking about here without a doubt?
Answer: About history


The science of the past,
The facts are based,
Documents and books,
Late in the basis of her!
Answer: History


From ancient times,
Science is known
All facts are based
Lying everywhere!
Answer: History


Aristotle, Theofrast,
Stood at the origins,
Empirical research,
We paved the way for science!
Answer: History


Mentor of life,
She was called
And ancient Greeks,
In the works they glorified!
Answer: History


At the beginning of the nineteenth century,
Became a science,
At different steps,
I studied public life!
Answer: History


Specific facts,
Time and place,
Development of society,
All of humanity,
Will study, describe,
Will not hide the details
So, like a science,
This one was called?
Answer: History


Clay pot - the subject of history
1. There was a captain,
I saturated the family;
himself disappeared
Dogs do not eat.

2. He was smoked,
he fed seven
And he broke his head
So for Tyn flew.

3. There was a child -
I did not know the diaper
Star became -
He began to swaddle
But still sitting on a horse
Enters the fire.

4. I was a cop,
I was Topan
Was in the bazaar
Was in a fire
And how he died -
They threw it into the yard.
My bones and dogs do not swallow.

5. I was a cop,
Was Topan
I was in a fire
I was on the circle
One hundred goals fed;
Star has become
He began to swaddle
Threw out the window
And the dogs are not necessary.

6. I was on the copper,
I was on the Topanda
I was on the circle
I was in a fire
I was in the bazaar;
It was young -
He fed his family
Star became -
He began to swaddle.
Died - my bones are villains
Threw it into the pit
And my dogs
Do not get gathering.

7. I was on the copper,
I was on a cotton,
Was in a fire
was in the bazaar;
It was young -
I fed people
Star became -
He began to swaddle
died -
My bones are villains
Threw it into the hole
And the dogs do not dare.

8. I was on the shock,
I was on the fuse
I was on the circle
I was in a fire
I was in the bazaar;
Star became -
He began to swaddle.

9. I was on topani
I was on Lopani
was in a fire
He found himself in the bazaar.

10. In the mountains will be born,
Fire is attached,
put on the remedy,
They will take it to the merchant.
Father will come to the daughter,
wives merchants,
They will come to listen to his voice.

11. In the fire is baptized,
Birch bark.

12. taken from the Earth, as Adam;
The fire is entrusted into the cave, as for three ladies;
planted on a chariot, as an Elijah;
I am taken to beat on the merchant, as Joseph;
Bought by wife for a copper woman;
I live a hard worker in the fire hellish and leaned;
Turned to beat in colorful ries
and began the second century to live;
By decay, he crumbled,
And the earth does not accept his church.

Riddles on history - grade 7


Riddles on history - Grade 7
Riddles on history - grade 7

Riddles on history - grade 7:

Riddles about Russia
Where before on a holiday by the whole people
Did you drive round dance in the village?
Such dances among the people
In a country named ... (Russia)


Where are the white -bore birches
Are they growing around the blue sky?
They are sweet and so discreet
Birches come from ... (Russia)


In which country does he go under the sky
The flag is white-blue-red?
He is not given to the enemy,
Such a flag is in the country ... (Russia)


Where earlier sundresses are everywhere
Did all women wear up to the heels?
These outfits are just a miracle
They came to us from ... (Russia)


Where did the bright nesting doll come from
And also a delicious okroshka?
Whoever was asked about this,
Will answer together - from ... (Russia)


Well, guess faster,
Where does the balalaika come from?
Everything has been loved for a long time,
And she was born in ... (Russia)


And where are invented
The most navigable pancakes?
They were loved on Shrovetide,
Well, it’s clear where - again in ... (Russia)


There are in the old days both old and young,
Everyone knew how to weave
And they wore it with pleasure
Where does the bast shoes come from? From Russia)


And who will answer me now -
In which country was Kvass invented in?
You probably drank it,
Kvass is also from ... (Russia)


I somehow went to the bazaar
Buy a belly samovar,
So that friends have a seagull,
And the samovar from ... (Russia)


Go look tastier, look
What is simple cabbage soup from the stove!
And where were the housewives cooked?
As where, of course, in ... (Russia)


Puffs the bath with fervor-jar,
And invented not without reason
Where snow, frost and hoarfrost,
Bath in mother ... (Russia)

Riddles about everything connected with Russia

A symbol of wisdom and power,
Driving misfortunes,
Two wings spread his wings ...
He is a double -headed pta - ... (eagle)


Bronze monument -
You are not a toy
He is a gun,
This is ... (Tsar-gun)


I love the field and birches,
And a bench under the window,
I get bored - I will pull the tears,
Remembering the native.
I will not go anywhere
I will work here, live,
The place is expensive for the heart
I will always love!
I know this place
Do you know, friends? (Homeland)


Tanya is standing
In a white sundress.
On a slender leg,
In the ears - earrings. (BIRCH)


For all countries is famous
Russian beauty:
White clothes,
Gold - earrings,
With a scattered scythe,
Washed with dew. (BIRCH)


The main city of the state,
At least the republics, at least kingdoms.
Here the ingenuity will come in handy:
Here is Moscow, she - ... (capital)


I grow up, and after the brother
I will also become a soldier
I will help him
Protect my ... (country)


There is a night and day in the world
There is a person, and there is a wrong side;
The hat in the summer gives a shadow,
In the winter he warms us - ... (Ushaka)


This important document
Prepared by the president.
The personal signature was sealed,
So that he enters into force. (Decree)


At the head of the power,
Chosen by right
For four years by the will of the people. (THE PRESIDENT)


He complements the anthem and flag,
Any country is the main sign.
Russia is special for Russia
You try to call it. (Coat of arms)


I am sure, friends, you will guess
That old fortress in the center of Moscow.
On the spiers of her bright stars are burning,
On the tower there, Spasskaya chimes are calling. (KREMLIN)


Doll - a symbol of motherhood
And family unity.
Sarafan her clothes,
All of wood ... (nesting doll)


On the table is a pot -bellied one.
Nosik is its humpbacked crane.
Near gingerbread, sweets ...
Suddenly, like a rocket,
It will be out of the nose - steam!
Tula this ... (samovar)


Like bread and kalachi
We baked you in the stove.
Now meet the guests
Lush Russian ... (Caravay)


When in the ranks for a row row
Thousands of soldiers walk
And they move obediently
Rockets, tanks, guns,
People say to each other:
On Red Square ... (parade)
From a stone tomb,
Tomb for leaders,
That among tourists is famous -
Moscow ... (Mausoleum)


Territories of the country
You guys should know
To write letters to everyone,
To send parcels.
There is Ryazan, Tver,
What is it for you? (Region)


From matter with cardboard
The beauty of the fur -
But in a rack and with a bow
The groom lets the groom. (Harmonic)


This folk instrument
For a long time is known for the light.
Only buttons you touch -
Poin easily ... (accordion)


In mischievous three strings
Everyone in Russia is in love. (BALALAIKA)


We know this holiday -
Winter wire time.
People these days should
Have fun, bake pancakes. (PANCAKE WEEK)


At eternal fire or at
Spasskaya Tower
The soldiers are standing, guarding them.
And if you saw that post once,
Then call me these sentries. (Guard guard)


Riddles about the Russian flag and the anthem for children

He has many names:
Tricolor, tricolor banner -
It drives anxiety with the wind
White-blue-red ... (flag)


White-blue-red banner-
This is our Russian ... (flag)
A canvas curls in the wind,
It is attached to the pole,
The canvas has three colors.
Who will answer, what is it? (Flag)


Previously, they called him a banner
They are with a front step with him,
Any soldier will call
A symbol of fame of the combat. (Flag)


Three of his stripes are for a reason:
White strip - peace and cleanliness,
The blue strip is the color of heaven,
Domes of elegant, joys, miracles.
Red strip - exploits of soldiers,
That their homeland is stored from enemies.
He is the greatest of the most important sign -
Our valiant tricolor Russian ...! (Flag)


He is beautiful with us -
White blue red!
White - peace and purity,
Blue - loyalty, heaven,
Red - courage, courage ...
Here are the colors of the native ...! (Flag)


Rustling a three -color wave
In my hand above my head. (Flag)


When we went to the parade,
The older brother carried him in his hand.
We can’t do without him in any way,
After all, this is our Russian ... (flag)


Snowflakes are so beautiful and easy
How perfect the petals are at the chamomile,
Like a string on the board written by chalk,
We are talking about color now ... (white)


Calm and clean rivers of Russian water
Transparent and bright like a winter evening
Both noble and spacious sky arches are
The artist painted them in ... (blue)


Russia survived a lot of wars
And our grandfathers did not die in vain
And loyalty to their homeland to glory led
Under the banner of victory is bright ... (red)


There is a main song in our country.
Hearing her, we should get up.
The unity of the people is sung in her glory,
And our power is praised. (Hymn)


There are many different songs in the world,
But this one is most important for us,
She, as a symbol of the state,
Knowed to all up to one. (HYMN)


There is one melody,
The whole country is subject to her.
Citizen, discarding everything,
Standing listens to her. (HYMN)


He sounds solemn
Everyone gets up welcome -
The song is the main country
We all have to respect. (HYMN)


Riddles about the homeland
They bloom behind the outskirts
White daisies,
Larks sing
Above the wide arable land.
A warm wind will bring
The aroma of currants,
So what is not more expensive? -
No more expensive ... (Motherland)


The place is expensive for the heart
I will always love!
I know this place
Do you know, friends?
Born here, you live,
You leave - you miss
What is the name of this place, you know? (Homeland)

Riddles on history - 6th grade

Riddles on history - 6th grade
Riddles on history - 6th grade
Riddles on history - 6th grade
Riddles on history - 6th grade

Riddles on history - 6th grade:

In the center of Paris is a giant,
The tower is called number one
Not only in France, but on the planet.
You know that giant, children!
Eiffel Tower


The country of geysers.


Here is surrounded by the blue seas
Green swims a boot.
In it, for gifts for Christmas
Or for the New Year,
So many things are hidden at once,
That you will not overeat in a year:
Old cities,
Rivers and channels,
Orange groves,
Yachts, carnivals,
Mountains and so on
And it's all - …


The sun rises and comes in
Hundreds of years, centuries in a row.
Everything goes away in this world
In addition to blocks standing in a row.


The country of the fjords.


In the center of London by Thames
The house of the parliament is worth
Every hour on the tower someone
Time says loudly.
Big Ben


For a figure without fear
I eat sausages and sausages.
I cook beer best,
On ... .. I say.
German (Germany)


The country is thousands of lakes.


The bell tower was angry
On the wrong project
And a little tilted
To make an effect.
Pizan tower


Country of Mountains.


It’s not scary to me in the sea,
I am a sailor and a fisherman,
Viking Nabigia
Daring ... ..


I would contain all your friends
Huge Roman ...


The country of tulips.


Asian countries
Marble temple in hot Istanbul
All tourists want to consider.
He is opposite the Cathedral of Sofia,
This temple - ...
Blue Mosque (Turkey)


The country of the White Elephant.


You will find in Asia you TU wall.
Once to such a height
The cavalry climbed easily
After all, the walls are far from the wall.
Now you see her from space.
The name of the wall should know.
the great Wall of China


The country of the rising sun.


Lost in a large desert,
Hide hidden from the wind,
The oasis of travelers is bottom
The oldest city, miracle ...
Petra (Jordan)


Marble, magical,
In white domes.
Reflects the sky
In the mirror channels.
Taj Mahal


"The roofs of the world" is not above!
Called ....


In the first syllable - bow,
Poses diversity.
There is no war - in the second.
The word is mountains in Asia.


This stone tape
Surrounded by China.
Long Linge Wall,
What is the name, guess?
the great Wall of China


The temple of Artemis was burned in Ephesus
And Zeus statue in Olympia burned down,
The lighthouse was destroyed in Alexandria,
Colossus Rhodes and gardens of Semiramida,
And even the mausoleum in Galicarnas,
The only miracle was preserved - ...


South and North America
The country of maple leaf.


And this lady with a torch in the hand
It is the independence of the people.
Her from the ferry even in the distance
You will see. It - …
The Statue of Liberty


The country of the Aztecs.


There is no younger miracle in the world,
Spreading hands into the cross,
Love illuminates the light
Sculpture ...
Statue of Christ


The country of emeralds.


Miracle, I will not exaggerate!
Ancient city …


The Mayan Indians believed:
The god of rain lives in Voditsa.
The sacred city was erected
And they called ...

Riddles on history - 5th grade

Riddles on history - 5th grade
Riddles on history - 5th grade
Riddles on history - 5th grade
Riddles on history - 5th grade

Riddles on history - 5th grade:

1. There is a guy, I cheerful
Karalka covered himself.

2. Take it, hike,
I don't see at night
Let me try during the day.


1. The old man with a circle,
And the old woman was a priest.


1. What is in the hut?

2. NOVA fur coat,
On the hem of a hole.


1. Outra cow,
Titka Vostra,
Val on the side,
Good for milk.

2. Patra cow,
Tithechka Vostra,
Zhelvak on the side,
Good for milk.

3. Under the floor
There is a grandmother with a boiler.

4. There is a woman on the shore,
Passing by the river.

5. There is an old man on the shore
Yes, spits into the river.


Bucket (bucket)
1. Gusek bathes,
It does not break out of the hands,
Often looks ashore.

2. The cow is sleeping in place,
And the tail on the street.

3. Fish in the sea,
And the tail on the ground.

4. Fish in the sea,
Tail on the fence.

5. With the top,
Head with a pot.

6. Duck in the sea -
Tail in the wild
(Woe, clarify, bazaar, fence).

7. Duck in the king,
Tail on the fence.

8. Pike at sea,
Tail on the eg (grief).


1. A woman hangs in the beds,
All in patches,
patch on the patch,
And the hole is not sewn up.

2. New vessel -
All in the holes (hole).


1. They carry a pig to Ovin,
At both ends on the tower.


1. No matter how much torment nor boil,
And you won’t do whiter.

2. Black chicken
Sits on red eggs.

A pot of water
1. Under the cage,
Under the estimate,
There is a barrel
With raven lard.


1. Long Makar
He jumped in her first time.

2. Curve dog (bitch)
He looks into a jug (stove).

3. Kryukova queen
I walked around the world
Gold was gathered
I was not fed.

4. Full stable
red cows;
Black will come in
will expel everyone.

5. Full of the field
red horses;
One raven will come
will expel everyone.

6. Fully sample
red sheep;
The wolf of the blue jumps up
will disperse everyone.

7. There is a pre -trial detention center
At the ship's manaway,
The Kovalitsa gnaws
Gold eggs.

8. Suna, dish
In goldware,
I’ll beat there
I turn back.

9. Black Gagara
I jumped across the field
Gold was gathered.

10. Black horse
jumps into the fire.


Poker and pomelo
1. Queen Klyukovitsa
I jumped across the field
Red Gold Zobala.
King Cosmach came
And he says: “God help,
Queen Klyukovyka,
Red gold to get in! ”
She says:
“Be quiet, King Cosmach,
And you will be the same. "


A spoon
1. dragging a curvature
Through Tyn and to the ear.

2. I feed everyone with hunting,
And the rash herself.

3. Supplies from the mouth of the berry,
I will lick and put it again.

4. I will pursue a riddle,
forced from w ... berry,
Pauline, Pauline,
Yes, I'll put it again.

5. Watch, fuck,
Again, forbid.

6. Kiss, Paul
And again I will put it.

Spoon in a cup
1. Yellow dog
lies in a racket;
does not bark, does not bite;
Everyone is enough.

2. Cow in Khove,
And the tail on the stable.

1. In our hut
Grandmothers are red.

Tablespoons around the cup
1. Around the strip
Doves are sitting.

2. Above the pit, pit
Grandfathers are sitting with Kiya.

3. A hundred swans
One moon.

Spoon, teeth and tongue
1. The tree is lucky,
Suffer shifts,
Martyn himself turns.

2. The wood is lucky
The knuckle is shifting
Wet Martyn puts it.


1. Pig,
The back is cut.


1. Sema herself in a circle,
I can't move;
shackles on the hands
Legs are open.

2. Three legs,
two ears,
Yes, the sixth belly.

3. The eared boar
In the hut.

1. Mati fell from the furnace,
She told the son of speech:
Go, son, to the forest,
cut me a vein
So that I have lived for two centuries.

2. that the stom vito,
Wrong, hidden?
Someone will drive away
That's one hundred.

1. There is a goat,
Beat the horns
in all corners.

2. Ivina stands
All in branches.

3. Walks underground,
Bits (pokes) with a horn by coal.

1. No hands,
without legs,
The noodles are crumbling.

2. Little peasant -
Bone pen.

Knife and scabbard
1. Att, eat a horse
Yes, and in the nursery fell.

2. Enjoy, horse
In the nursery fell.

3. Sucks, eats lambs,
Yes, and in nursery.

Lohani's legs
1. Three brothers
They stand under one hat.

2. Three girls
They stand under one umbrella.


Pest and Stupa
1. Malanya Tolsta:
Dry Matvey
Fasten to her -
Do not get scolded.


1. I am Petrov.
I have eight angles
Four ear
And two belly.

Beer and pot
1.-Chernysh-Ogarysh, do you go?
- Be quiet, exhausted, and you are there.

2. - Black Gagara!
Where are you going?
- Be quiet, Gagarysh,
And you will be there.


Glass (cook)
1. Taganok
With an elbow,
With a handful.


Potted Korzhaga
1. A woman sits in the beds,
All in patches.


Polovnik (Nolovnik)
1. Forty under the ardor flew.

2. Pike in water,
And the tail is outside.


1. The Fedosya runs,
The will is disheveled.

2. In the corner, for the police
Star sits with a beard.

3. In the corner, behind the hollow
There is a grandfather with a beard.

4. Tutoria came out
From the underground,
I conceived the gold to rake.

5. The bear went into the hut,
He left his paw
And he ran away himself.

6. Lapochka bundles;
In the morning in the light,
At night in the corner.

7. Bear paw in the hut.

8. Bear paw
I went into the stove.

9. Bear paw
In the underground happens.

10. Bear paw rakes the heat.

11. Under the stove,
Under the tier
There is a woman with a garus.

12. Under the floor,
Under the middle
Lies a nobleman with a beard.

13. Under the floor,
Under the middle
Sits (lies) a woman with a beard.

14. Under the floor,
Under the middle
There is a lady (master) with a beard.

15. Under the floor,
Under the tier
Lies an old man with a garus.

16. Under the floor, floor
The lady is sitting with a stake,

17. Under the floor, floor
There is a lady with a crest (pen).

18. I will help, I will help
Yes - in a mare.

19. I will help, I will help
Yes, I will jump into the fire.

20. We have under the shop
bear Paw.

21. What is in the corner of the bear's paw?

Simple puzzles for history for schoolchildren

Simple puzzles for history for schoolchildren
Simple puzzles for history for schoolchildren
Simple puzzles for history for schoolchildren
Simple puzzles for history for schoolchildren

Simple riddles in history for schoolchildren:

1. He was the main chronicler.
In the monastery of the Pechersk resident.
The origin of Russia
He stated us to the descendants
Who is he-
Call it soon in a hurry.


2. Among the Slavs, tell me soon,
What tribe did the top kept?
Our power founded.
Nar River Rus it lived.


3. Agriculture with an ax
It cuts into the forest thick.
Thickets he clears,
And then he burns them.
As the occupation was called.
While the forest was - great?
(Submer agriculture)


4. When Perun over everyone is the main one,
And the court runs the glorious over everyone.
When the peoples honor God,
So that there was a large offense everywhere.
What did these views call?
Have the Slavs called a religion?


5. Families began to live separately
And everyone is fed.
There is no need to live together.
You can live separately there.
That neighboring community
It was in Russia for a long time.
And in the village the basis of life.
For centuries it has been known.
What was it called?
How did everyone call?


6. It is inherited by
And the feudal lords belongs.
What is the name of the Earth?
"In the Fatherland" should I take it?


7. They served at court
Boyarin Ile Prince.
Washed, sewed and cooked
Do not even go out for them.
What did the peasants call them?
How did they all grandmother?
(Courtyard servants).


8. As the economy was called
When everything in him was like this:
The peasants supplied bread,
All that is needed in life there:
And there are clothes, and shoes,
And weapons for the enemy.
In Russia, a stronghold of life.
For a long time there was a patrimony.
(Natural economy)


9. The ancestor he is princes,
Over the Rusichs that they stood.
And for a long time, this kind of Varangian.
Among the others was all the most important.


10. With a squad, the prince goes to the Slavs,
To collect tribute from them in time,
In order to show their power to them.
So how do those requisitions call?


11. “I go to the enemy, he said
And a brave warrior
I made a lot of campaigns
But he did not protect Russia all.


12. He saved Russia from the Pechenegs
And he glorified her with baptism.
To call the prince a haste
Remember him for a long time. Honor.
(Vladimir Saint)


13. What did that law call
What the Yaroslavichi created.
The first time he was written.
Have you proved the power of Russia?
(1072, "Russian Truth")


14. How the princess was dignified
That the Drevlyans took revenge like this:
What got into history
Well, it’s just not like that.
Igor, prince, was her husband,
What to collect tribute with the squad,
Again for the new collapsed
Greed turned to death.
(Duchess Olga)


15. Patriarch obeyed
But he was not afraid of him
Since he was the head of the church
What was in Muscovy.


16. Who created writing to us?
What did he call Cyrillic.
Greek alphabet
I handed over to the Slavs.
(Cyril and Methodius)


17. This prince built the cathedral
He created the laws itself.
And attention with enlightenment
I devoted a lot.
For the Cathedral Sofia Slava
The one in Kyiv is standing
And looks sovereign
Russian people honors him everything
(Yaroslav wise)


18. Under him, Russia as many as 30 years
From the Polovtsev did not know trouble.
I eliminated the princely vocation
And he defended people simple.
As the prince was called
How did everyone call?
(Vladimir Monomakh)


19. Along the steep shore
Swans are swimming -
Then the men are overseas
The boats lead.
Greasy and fun
They row oars,
Then the guests are foreign
They go to bidding.


20. All richer this city
There is standing on the Volkhov River.
Here the rich people rules,
The bell will invite.
Here, the princes of Kolya are unwell,
Drive away right away
Well, if the trouble will come,
Residents are not averse to helping.


21. We escorted the winter - they burned a scarecrow.
And in the spring as a gift - pancakes were baked.
(Pancake week)


22. I am a little grandfather,
I am, right, 1000 years old.
I'm with big ears
And with big bast shoes.
I look at the cattle.
The house is the master's shore.


23. So that Russia is recognized, Prince Vladimir
He ordered the people to baptize in the Dnieper.
Who did not want to - were driven by force.
And the idols were burned to enchant faith.
(Baptism of Russia. 988)


24. Woke up - and faster for business.
More fish to catch!
For this, the spear is sharper
Whoever wants to sharpen the younger.


25. Swords were given to them and rather
Let's wear in chain mail.
Having gathered all the fellows to match,
They called them all together ... ..


26. In the middle of many ancient states
The country is silver and gold.
And slavery - for that reckoning.
Once it was conquered.
You find him on the map-
The state is .......


27. In the Rusichs, the order is simple:
There are too few dishes.
Well, if the guest will come
All dishes are taken out.
It is filled with a drink,
And they will suddenly swim on the table
And geese, swans, and ducks.
This is not a casket, not a stall
Then from wood ...


28. All the people go to the gathering,
The bell sounds louder:
There is a question - to go on a hike
It will be resolved on ...


29. In the monastery cell quiet
Elder sits at the table
He works with prayer.
The account keeps years and days.
All about the prince he will record-
Life, the campaign will describe it.
So that the people and all are relatives
He was remembered, loving.


30. He is very long, painstaking
Each book is sitting
That is a wonderful creator
Of course, this is ...


31. Novgorodians solved-
From the boyars to choose it.
To really and without
Could refuel with business.
Well, if someone will say
That he is not a good thing in affairs.
They will urgently need them
Completely different….

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