Riddles about cars for children 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 years old - a large selection

Riddles about cars for children 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 years old - a large selection

A selection of riddles about cars for preschool and school age children. They can be used both for entertainment and to acquaint a child with the outside world, more precisely with transport.

Riddles about a car for children - a large selection

Riddles about a car for children - a large selection

Riddles about a car for children - a large selection:

Running, buzzing.
Looks in two eyes
Only a red eye will look -
How dug will become.
The answer is a car.

I drink gasoline and oil, I eat
Although not hungry at all.
And without them, I'm so sick
I can't go to go!
The answer is a car.

I am twisting with the wheels.
Himself - Kachu through the streets.
Behind the turn - a turn
And in the garage.
The answer is a car.

Does not fly, does not buzz,
The beetle runs along the street.
And burn in the eyes of the beetle
Two blinding lights.
The answer is a car.

The audience is running
In rubber bagels.
The fifth bagel behind his back
He is probably a spare.
The answer is a car.

Eleza runs.
Behind the eye.
In front of the eyes.
Brakes screech.
The answer is a car.

What are this shoes?
Either small, then great.
We stood on rings -
People go to them.
The answer is a car.

On the way, behind the gate
Multi -colored wagons
They flee each other.
Their traffic lights are guarding.
The answer is a car.

Steel horses
All my life in pursuit.
The answer is a car.

The fraudulent dog.
Four paws - wheels.
Rushing along the road
The legs rotate.
The answer is a car.

He runs along the highway of Yegoza.
Yellow, radiant eyes.
Gasoline: am! Am!
Afraid of the holes!
The answer is a car.

On the right is the door!
On the left is the door!
And a gasoline heart!
The answer is a car.

On the gray rivers
Iron sheep runs.
The answer is a car.

Doors, windows, but not a house.
There are seats even in it.
The headlights shine like eyes
There are four wheels.
Dust swirls from under them.
What's this?
The answer is a car.

The light is on, the motor is buzzing
On the wheels of the tire
Rushing on the way
Us in ourselves ...
The answer is a car.

So I take you
I don't need oats at all.
Feed me with gasoline,
Hooves you are shoe in rubber.
And then, raising the dust,
Will run ...
The answer is a car.

Iron animals
They growl and buzz.
Eyes like cats
At night - burn.
The answer is a car.

She will deliver without difficulty
You in other cities.
But if you are going on the road
Do not forget to season it!
The answer is a car.

Running, buzzing.
Looks in two eyes
Only a red eye will look -
How dug will become.
The answer is a car.

I had a cart
Yes, there was no horse
And suddenly she rusted
Rushed - ran
Look, ran
A cart without a horse!
The answer is a car.

All year - in winter and summer
Dressed in a steel suit,
I'm standing in the yard -
Nothing is scared for me.
The answer is a car in the garage.

Little houses run along the street,
Boys and girls are taking houses.
The answer is a car.

On a rubber drive
I’ll get around all the roads.
I will come in handy at a construction site
I'm not afraid of work.
All paths are open to me.
You are not on the way with me?
The answer is a car.

Does not fly, does not buzz,
The beetle runs along the street.
And burn in the eyes of the beetle,
Two shiny lights.
The answer is a car.

Drinks gasoline like milk,
Can run far.
Carries goods and people.
Are you familiar, of course, with her?
The answer is a car.

I am twisting with the wheels.
Himself - Kachu through the streets.
Behind the turn - a turn
And in the garage.
The answer is a car.

The fraudulent dog.
Four paws - wheels.
Rushing along the road
The legs rotate.
The answer is a car.

Four wheels,
Rubber tires,
Motor and brakes ...
How does is called?
The answer is a car.

What are this shoes?
Either small, then great.
We stood on rings -
People go to them.
The answer is a car.

And in any bad thing
Very quickly at any time
I will take you underground.
The answer is the metro.

The car itself opened the doors to us
The stairs are lucky in the city.
We do not believe our eyes:
Everyone is standing - she goes.
The answer is the metro.

Brothers were equipped with a visit
Closed for each other
And rushed to the road far,
Only left a smoke.
The answer is wagons and a steam locomotive.

This bird has no wings
But one cannot but marvel:
Only the poultry will open the tail -
And rise to the stars.
The answer is a rocket.

He buzzes and draws chalk
He draws white-white
Blue paper on paper
Above my head.
The answer is the plane.

In appearance - this is a plane:
There are wings, and there is a pilot.
Knows how to fly well
But it has no motor.
The answer is a glider.

Past the grove, past Yara
Rushes without smoke
Rins without a couple
Sterazova sister.
Who is she?
The answer is an electric train.

Hand, toothy,
Walks-brades along the street
It goes and the snow is robb.
And the janitor only squints,
And the janitor smiles:
Snow is raked without it.
The answer is a snowpock.

The house is floating under the water,
A bold people live in it.
Even under polar ice
This house can swim.
The answer is a submarine.

Do you have a rain
Four wheels?
Tell me as called
Such miracles?
The answer is a watering machine.

I'm at any time of the year
She walks around the tractor in the field,
Ground is poured selected.
And where her trace is slightly noticeable,
There, then the crop is spinning then.
The answer is a seeder.

The plow carries, carries the forest.
Behind the iron horse
The box stretches with grain.
Through the holey bottom
The grain is spilled out.
The answer is a seeder.

I raised my eyes into the sky -
There is a big dragonfly,
Inanimate, made of metal,
Everything was flying and flying,
Rumbled and soared
And the propeller twisted.
The answer is a helicopter.

Riddles about cars with answers - a selection of military equipment

Riddles about cars with answers - a selection of military equipment

Riddles about cars with answers - a selection of military equipment:

The turtle crawls -
Steel shirt,
The enemy is in the ravine,
And she, where is the enemy.
The answer is a tank.

He rushes on the tracks,
Only he is not a tractor.
It will go into battle - and come in handy
Front -line character.
And does not melt in the fire
Strong armor.
Only the battle is not in the war -
In my nursery.
The answer is a tank.

This car is not easy
This car is fighting!
Like a tractor, only with a “trunk” -
It gives everyone a “cigarette”.
The answer is a tank.

Under fire, under bullets straight
The whole war was our ...
The answer is a tank.

I created last century
A miracle is a man.
It will hear a hundred miles,
How a bear breathes in a den.
The answer is a tank.

Bays fear
Steel Turtle:
It feeds on gasoline,
The answer is a tank.

There is a turtle - a steel shirt,
The enemy in the ravine - and even where the enemy.
The answer is a tank.

Two caterpillars crawl,
A tower with a cannon is taken.
The answer is a tank.

Here is the most powerful car!
Both harsh and beautiful.
Booking and with a gun,
This is not a darling at all!
The weight of the car is many tons,
More than an Indian elephant.
The car has a higher rank!
And she is called ...
The answer is a tank.

"Girl" walks
Starts a song
The enemy will hear -
He does not breathe right away.
Answer: Katyusha.

Not that I am hard,
Rather, just in case,
I wear the armor from the records, -
Lives with her much better -
To their enemies are too tough,
And therefore there are no enemies.
Are I, guys, you are familiar with you?
Who am I, the answer is ready?
Answer: Armenian.

The beast in the armor went hunting,
I pierced the hole in the termite.
He completed his work
He ate and hid in the hole.
The answer is an armored car.

At least I'm funny in the picture
But my armor on the back
Protects against enemies,
From claws and from teeth.
Let me be a small height
But catching me is not easy
I run away to the hole
I will wait for the danger there.
The answer is an armored car.

The dinosaurus is very small
He is with armor on his back
Do not be terrible thorns, branches,
She is completely protected by her.
Well, if the risk is huge,
The battleship will run away
He is to his hole in a fortified one,
Quickly seed, hurries.
The answer is an armored car.

Riddles about a quest machine - a selection about a motorcycle

Riddles about a quest machine - a selection about a motorcycle

Riddles about a quest machine - a selection about a motorcycle:

Helmet, gloves - and for business!
Motor roar, start - jerking.
This horse is for very brave -
You will ride with a breeze!
The answer is a motorcycle.

Who is too lazy to pedal,
Bicycle with the engine Dali
The answer is a motorcycle.

Who is so tapping
And faster than the wind rushes?
Speed \u200b\u200b- just miracles,
And only two wheels!
The answer is a motorcycle.

Does not fly, does not buzz
The beetle runs along the street.
And burn in the eyes of the beetle
Two shiny lights.
The answer is a motorcycle.

Rushing and shooting
Grinkled with a tongue twister.
I do not hide the tram
Behind this turator.
The answer is a motorcycle.

I always twist it
Just from idleness
I ask him with a hand
Fast movement.
The answer is a motorcycle.

This is a loud car
Without a steering wheel and without a cab.
The guy is very brave in the helmet,
Skillfully copes with her.
The answer is a motorcycle.

The horseman on the horse is steel!
And behind him - a smoke tail!
Today the knights are used to it
Only go on ...
The answer is a motorcycle.

Riddles about a police car for children

Riddles about a police car for children

Riddles about a police car for children:

On my back is a flasher:
I can see right away - I'm in a hurry.
In yards, entrances, parks
I put the order.
I will punish all the bandits:
I will put it in the bars.
The answer is a police car.

This machine is white,
The strips are blue, the flasher is worn.
And the numbers zero two wrote on it.
So that all people recognize her.
The answer is a police car.

If the criminal attacked you
You get two more faster.
With a miletic, with a siren, the car will come,
A evil criminal will take with him.
The answer is a police car.

We recruit "02" -
We need help now!
Who knows this car
And the riddle will guess?
The answer is a police car.

Brows in a blue eye
And in the pursuit of tearing right away.
The answer is a police car.

Riddle about a fire truck for children

Riddle about a fire truck for children

Riddle about a fire engine for children:

I rush with Sirena to the fire,
I carry water with foam
Turn the fire and heat in vigor
We are fast like arrows.
The answer is a fire engine.

The house is blazing. Nightmare!
She will tame a fire.
The answer is a fire engine.

What kind of stairs is such
It grows out of the car,
Rising above the house
I am so familiar to all firefighters.
The answer is a staircase on a fire engine.

What a red car
Are people lucky for a fire?
The light blinks blue
And the siren is stronger.
The answer is a fire engine.

Syrene's sound outside the window:
Someone's home caught fire.
Then the car drives up,
The house is watering water.
I. ... the fire ended,
That he raged so terribly.
I put out everything so fast
That fast ...
The answer is a fire engine.

The staircase on the roof
There are sleeves inside,
Does not want to go quieter -
Screaming, but not a word.
The answer is a fire engine.

Accelerates from the sidewalk
All passers -by and onlookers,
Rides slowly, tired
She has a tank with water.
The answer is a fire engine.

On wheels, not WHO.
With water, not a steam locomotive.
Sides in belts,
Always on the clock.
The answer is a fire engine.

Riddle about a car for children 3-4 years old: a selection about an ambulance car

Riddle about a car for children 3-4 years old: a selection about an ambulance car

A mystery about a car for children 3-4 years old: a selection about an ambulance:

If someone is sick,
Urgently calls us to the rescue, -
Get it soon one hundred and three ...
And he will come ...
Answer: Ambulance.

Here the car rushes with the cross,
Overtaking everyone to the hospital.
Answer: Ambulance.

And on a clear day, and even at midnight
Always hurries to the patients to help.
Everyone is inferior to her road
And they are respectedly allowed.
Answer: Ambulance.

The help of a doctor suddenly needs - type
Two magic numbers are 0 and 3!
And this car, like a bullet, will rush,
Will take the patient to the hospital immediately,
Or he will bring a doctor,
The doctor will suddenly take him and save it!
Will always arrive, at any hour, even at midnight
A car with the name ...!
Answer: Ambulance.

If someone gets sick
Only she will be able to help
And, believe me, nowhere
Will not leave you in trouble:
She will bring the brigade
The kindest doctors.
And on the street guys
Sushes "Be healthy!"
Answer: Ambulance.

When you need to go to the hospital
The car will rush to the rescue.
The doctor will bring medicines in it,
Save from all diseases.
You, of course, remember the number:
03 is ....
Answer: Ambulance.

If anyone happened to anyone,
Is a person sick, -
She found herself nearby
She has no others.
Answer: Ambulance.

Lights burn on the roof
Siren sound more and closer
Giveled all the way
The brigade rushes to help.
Answer: Ambulance.

On the car of that doctors
In the afternoon they rush in the night.
After all, patients need to be saved
Help urgently provide!
Answer: Ambulance.

The car rushes quickly
“I am taking the patient to the hospital,
And everyone who will call me
I will quickly get me to doctors! "
Answer: Ambulance.

This car is all the most important.
Doctors and orderlies in it
To the call of any day and at night
Hurry to help! Hurry to help!
Answer: Ambulance.

To get help,
Type zero zero three.
They will come in a way by car,
Orderlies and doctors.
Answer: Ambulance.

With a white and red cross,
With a loud and strong voice, moreover ...
This car, reader, you remember.
We call it ....
Answer: Ambulance.

The body is strong, the cross is red,
Rushes along the road with a lilac turned on.
Answer: Ambulance.

Here the car rushes with the cross,
Overtaking everyone to the hospital.
Answer: Ambulance.

White bird,
Rushes with siren.
Answer: Ambulance.

Riddle about a car for children 5-6 years old-a selection about a bus

Riddle about a car for children 5-6 years old-a selection about a bus

Riddle about a car for children 5-6 years old-a selection about a bus:

What a miracle is a long house!
There are many passengers in it.
Wears rubber shoes
And feeds on gasoline
The answer is the bus.

Long, melon cucumber
He runs from the end to the end.
It is full of benches
For passengers - seeds.
The answer is the bus.

Runes, sniffles, puffs -
Passengers are stuffed.
The answer is the bus.

House with three wings
Rides with men.
The answer is the bus.

The squeal of Antoshka
Exercises hisses on the side.
He plays for everyone -
The answer is the bus

On vacation, friends,
I and my whole family.
Poland, France, Cairo -
We will overeat the whole world
All places on the globe
In the new ...
The answer is the bus.

A strange house rushes along the road -
Round in rubber legs.
Passengers are filled
And the tank is filled with gasoline.
The answer is the bus.

Tail to the cabin, where is the cabin,
Tolstoy is fastened with rubber,
As an accordion he is parting,
But you do not be afraid, he will not break ...
The answer is the bus.

Box on the wheels
It spends all day in traffic jams,
Yes, and moves awkward:
A little passes - stop ...
The answer is the bus.

The house is on the street,
Everyone is lucky to work.
Not on chicken thin legs,
And in rubber boots ...
The answer is the bus.

The house goes on the way,
He is far away.
On his legs
Black boots ...
The answer is the bus.

The motor is going through -
He runs out to the scope.
And on a ringing street
He runs worries.
Market, mail and station,
So that no one is late ...
The answer is the bus.

It's just a super-house!
A lot of people in it.
Its rubber shoes,
And his food is gasoline ...
The answer is the bus.

A house is going on wheels,
The chairs are full in it, windows.
On the aisle - a steel turnstile,
There are no "hares" in the house ...
The answer is the bus.

Rides to the city from the village
On the wheels fast the house
Three Yegor, two Peter,
Twenty -two Ivan in him ...
The answer is the bus.

Riddle about a car for children 7-8 years old-a selection about a taxi car

Riddle about a car for children 7-8 years old-a selection about a taxi car

A mystery about a car for children 7-8 years old-a selection about a taxi car:

If you need to go urgently,
Everyone knows this for sure:
You just ask -
Sunny will instill in you ....
Answer: Taxi.

In cities late at night
Sleep a bus and a tram.
If transport is needed urgently -
You call the car.
She will come: “I am free!
I will take anywhere! "
Answer: Taxi.

In black checkers, a car,
She does not drink gasoline in vain.
They only ask everyone - just ask.
What is her name?
Answer: Taxi.

Rides fast - does not fly,
The meter counts the money.
All who ask - take it!
It will always be taken
Answer: Taxi.

Transport sleeps sweetly at night,
To carry in the morning.
To work, to kindergarten,
Everyone is in a hurry to school in the morning.
Only I can not sleep
Late passengers wait.
Just dial the number
He will give you ....
Answer: Taxi.

The transport is green -eyed
Coming to us right away
It is only worth calling him
He buzzes us.
He will take where you need
And on the meter payment.
Answer: Taxi.

Who will bring us quickly
To the station, to the airport?
You need to take things with you -
There are so many of them! Oh-oh!
Call and ask -
Everything will deliver in a moment ....
Answer: Taxi.

We were in a hurry to the station
Dad joyfully said:
“He will be able to quickly take
We are funny?
Answer: Taxi.

Take the phone,
Take the number.
I'll come for you
With a checker above his head.
Answer: Taxi.

And what kind of car is taking you home?
All yellow with "checkers" above the head,
Where the driver will tell you "Bonzhur" and "Mercy"
Such a car is called - ....
Answer: Taxi.

You are waved to me with the hand
The address is the right name.
He will take you ....
Answer: Taxi.

Green eye will light up -
So, we can sit down.
Answer: Taxi.

The counter clicks in a car.
Who will call me a car?
Answer: Taxi.

Comes by calling
And lucky - where I want.
Answer: Taxi.

Children's riddles about the car - a selection of trolleybus

Children's riddles about the car - a selection of trolleybus

Children's riddles about the car - a selection of trolleybus:

He is with a mustache like a beetle
Passengers the best friend.
If there are wires above it,
He will take you at least where.
Answer: trolleybus.

I rush, hold on to the wires,
I will never be lost.
Answer: trolleybus.

Behind the circle of a circle
Rushes into the distance
A mustachioed beetle.
He does not catch worms
And does not eat sedge.
Right from the sky, from wires,
He drinks electric currents.
If you do not feed him
Miracle pipelines
He will not carry us,
Shevel musted.
Answer: trolleybus.

Amazing carriage!
Judge for yourself:
Rails in the air, and he
Holds them with his hands.
Answer: trolleybus.

A house is going on wheels,
But with a mustache only he.
Clinging to the wires,
He drives around the cities.
Answer: trolleybus.

Two horns on his roof
He does not bow and rides quieter
Can only drive there
Where the current runs through the wires.
Answer: trolleybus.

There is a house on the asphalt,
There are a lot of children in it,
And over the roof of the reins,
He cannot walk without them.
Answer: trolleybus.

He is not easy, probably.
He goes there and back,
Forward and backward, and circles,
Clinging to the wire with horns.
Answer: trolleybus.

What a miracle house, guys,
There are many passengers in it.
The wire must be a mustache,
Transport is called.
Answer: trolleybus.

I rush, hold on to the wires!
I will never be lost.
Answer: trolleybus.

What is it: blue, big, with a mustache and completely packed with hares?
Answer: trolleybus.

The house runs along the street.
The house is rustling with the soles.
He, holding on to two ropes,
Runes to the stop,
It takes everyone
And again he hurries forward.
Answer: trolleybus.

On the wheels this house,
He carries passengers.
The horns are released,
He knows the stops.
Answer: trolleybus.

Amazing carriage!
Judge for yourself:
Rails in the air, and he
Holds them with his hands ...
Answer: trolleybus.

This is a city transport.
Bearing everyone. But the trouble is:
He is aside "not a foot",
Rides where the wires ...
Answer: trolleybus.

Running, trembling, shaking
It rushes through the streets.
Amazing deer -
The whole day rumbles ...
Answer: trolleybus.

He raised two hands to the top,
He took two veins in fists.
- Give me the road, guide,
I'll run along the pavement ...
Answer: trolleybus.

He is horned, but not elk
It didn’t just work:
He is with horns
Current takes from wires
And runs where
Wires will indicate the path ...
Answer: trolleybus.

Burning into the wires with horns,
He drives around the city in circles.
He has one route -
Passengers are waiting for him.
The fare takes the coupon,
Guess who he is ...
Answer: trolleybus.

Two horns on his roof
He does not bow and rides quieter
Can only drive there
Where the current runs through the wires ...
Answer: trolleybus.

Then he is there, otherwise he is here
He can eat a hundred people,
And his horns, I suppose,
The elk will envy ...
Answer: trolleybus.

I am with horns without difficulty
I will end in the wires
And on the streets of friends
I will run back and forth.
If only there were wires
With the wires at least where ...
Answer: trolleybus.

So the people gathered!
A horned moose ran up.
I picked up the moose immediately
This darkness to the people.
And drove the streets.
Guess what kind of moose ...
Answer: trolleybus.

What a strange car?
There is a salon, horns and tires.
Not a bus, do not tram ...
Hey passerby, don't yawn,
Solve the rebus more likely:
It's new ...
Answer: trolleybus.

Riddles about brands of cars interesting

Riddles about brands of cars interesting

Riddles about brands of cars are interesting:

To relieve huge stress,
I bought myself ... (Mercedes).

If you want to make a whim
Buy small ... (Matiz).

The weather is different
It will come in handy ... (Skoda).

For many city
New ... (Mazda).

Do you want to stand out? How?
You need … (Cadillac).

Do not want to be overtaken
Sit faster behind the wheel ... (Ferrari).

And if you are a cool type,
Buy a huge ... (Jeep).

You want to hear after only "ah!"
Get it soon ... (Maybach).

The sound of the motor is a reward for me.
I'm going in the car that is called ...

He will pass everywhere like Kamaz,
Although he is small, but still ...?

She is reliable and playful
Her name is the car ...?

She is beautiful as a picture.
Her name is Lada ...?

It is needed for rally games,
All incomparable ...?

You remember you all sides
In the car ...

I do not drive under the "brick",
I am the shore of my old ...

Run away from the road!
Take your legs quickly!
Please move away:
I'm going on ...

In the age of speeds, not hesitated, friend!
Pull us longer.
Dom instantly to work
Japanese car ...

A terrible creak is heard.
The driver at least stuck to the glass,
But the passerby is not knocked down,
After all, it slows down perfectly ...

Puzzles with a trick about cars

Puzzles with a trick about cars

Riddles with a catch about cars:

He is diligently sniffing
Bricks rushing for a construction site.
I got used to transporting goods
Strong, powerful ...

She does not need a driver at all,
You will get it with the key -
The wheels will begin to spin.
Put it - and she rushes.
Toy car
Maybe even without a driver
He rush along the corridor.
Can go to the yard
There are wheels and a motor.
If you insert the battery -
He will reach the bench.
(Toy groovy car).

He is easy with one hand
Building a house for you and me
What kind of miracle giant?
Everyone will say:
(Lifting crane).

To align asphalt,
He travels forward and forth.
I could lay the tracks
Our diligent

It spins slowly, interfering something.
The builder pours cement in a barrel,
Crushed stone, sand and water adds.
She deftly kneads for everyone - she does not mind -
What kind of car?
(Concrete mixer).

You threw out the garbage. So? Who knows?
A large car comes to your yard,
The container will raise a huge - and here
She is lucky right to the landfill.
And on hot days, in the rain and in the cold
He will come for garbage
(Garbage truck).

The ship is floating in the fields -
The whole harvest will remove.
How to cut spikelets,
Grain to the truck sprinkle
And do not drop by accident?
You ask ....

From farm to a city with a breeze
A barrel of milk is going.
Who drove to the cows,
Did you take more milk?
He brought him to the kids
To breakfast

I ate coal, washed down with water,
He was out of the day and smoked,
And wagons friendly system
Verily pulls along -
Only steam from under the wheels.
So lucky on

Short riddle about the car

A short mystery about the car:

Blinks eyes
Creaks with brakes.

On the right is the door!
On the left is the window!
And rubber four legs!

Rides, shakes, sways.
What is it called?

Steel horses
All my life in pursuit.

On asphalt rivers
Steel boxes float smoothly.

Two run away, two catch up,
And they rest together.

Riddle about a car for babies - a selection about an excavator

Riddle about a car for babies - a selection about an excavator

A mystery about a car for babies - a selection about an excavator:

He digs the ground with a bucket.
If necessary, falls asleep
A hole or a pit.
He is a car - a giant ...
The answer is an excavator.

Quickly a hole without a shovel
Can dig ...
I am happy with my work.
I replace a hundred shovels.
Proud of the strongness is huge.
I am folding, tall, modest ...
The answer is an excavator.

Goose is walking along the street
The street is biting with its beak.
I am the foundation of the swarm, ditches,
Water pits for water ...
I am at a construction site - Governor!
I am called ...
The answer is an excavator.

Who is their bucket for glory
Dig a ditch to you?
Build a house and an elevator
Helps ... The goose of the Iron Earth is digging.
He washes his paws in the swamp,
The head of his shovel,
Iron goose ...
The answer is an excavator.

Buzzing, noisy and howls,
With a shovel, the earth is digging.
He is digging a large hole.
He pushes the earth with a city.
He is a bucket - a large shovel
Roots. It…
The answer is an excavator.

I am iron and walking
I help to dig holes,
I'm for a thousand shovels
I will work glad to work ...
The answer is an excavator.

A mole climbed into our yard,
Rummies the ground at the gate.
A ton in the mouth of the Earth will enter,
If the mole opens the mouth ...
The answer is an excavator.

What a strange car
The cab is spinning from above.
Bucket - a huge shovel,
So this is ...!
The answer is an excavator.

He digs a quarry in the ground,
Gravel, crushed stone loads.
Iron bucket, not a shovel ...
What is the name of everyone ...
The answer is an excavator.

Hefty unit
Replaces one hundred shovels.
Alone can himself
Get a whole pit!
And bucket in five minutes
In the dump truck, the soil is embroidered.
The answer is an excavator.

I am not alive, but walking, I help to dig the earth.
Instead of a thousand shovels, I am glad to work alone!
What are you looking for in the ground?
- I'm not looking for anything.
The land of the swarm and the drag.
A handful of the land of Roya -
The underground path is ...
The answer is an excavator.

He loves his careers to dig
Crushed stone, gravel load.
Iron bucket, not a shovel ...
What is the name of everyone? ...
The answer is an excavator.

Replaces one hundred shovels.
He is his hand-ruler
Constantly looking for something.
You didn't hide, I didn't hide
What is looking for ...
The answer is an excavator.

Not a mole, but the earth is digging
Not a beast, but growls ...
With a long neck, a powerful bucket.
And what does he look like?
The answer is an excavator.

The earth is digging that bucket
Very well.
All the guys will say together:
That's for sure - …
The answer is an excavator.

This car is like a mole,
The hole is digging at the gate.
If his mouth opens,
The land will take a lot.
Iron goose with a flexible neck
Rushes a long trench ...
The answer is an excavator.

One -armed giant
Deep roar the pit.
The dump truck will put his back
He falls on his clay on his back.
The dump truck is trembling
And he will run from the construction site.
Turned out ...
The answer is an excavator.

What is good for this transport?
He has a huge bucket.
He does not know fatigue
It digs all day.
The answer is an excavator.

At sandy pits,
The mountain is steep
It is a giant
With an iron hand ...
The answer is an excavator.

Where you need a hundred shovels,
I am only glad to work alone.
All day with a steel hand
The hero is digging channels.
So that the water goes, Burl.
On dried fields ...
The answer is an excavator.

This transport is a little
Cleans the road with a scoop
Eh, work is not easy
A lot of sand in the yard!
Near deep pits,
Yes, the mountains are big
You will see a giant
With an iron hand.
For a high city
The goose of the iron earth is digging ...
The answer is an excavator.

He has a huge bucket
He is strong and so good,
He does not know fatigue
The day of the day of the day is digging.
He begins to dig
Replaces one hundred shovels ...
The answer is an excavator.

The earth and drag
As if I am looking for treasures.
The answer is an excavator.

Funny puzzles about cars - a selection about a truck

Funny puzzles about cars - a selection about a truck

Funny puzzles about cars - a selection about a truck:

The head is big,
On the back of a basket,
And heavy load,
I easily drive!
Answer: Truck.

Day and night,
I take an important load,
Very necessary!
Answer: Truck.

Watermelons, I drive apples,
I divorce your schools,
Large cab, as well as the motor,
And in my body a huge scope!
Answer: Truck.

Can't cope without me
I am very important
Because the truth is famous
I have a body!
Answer: Truck.

Big wheels,
In the cabin,
And between cities,
I ride all day!
Answer: Truck.

Dozens of tons,
I can carry
Deliver everything,
I will help you!
Answer: Truck.

When empty,
I run is easy
When loaded,
I'm starting to growl!
Answer: Truck.

Diesel fuel like milk,
I drink with pleasure, easy
I will lure the bodies on the back
Rustling with rubber to run!
Answer: Truck.

At a construction site, in the port,
In shops and schools,
I will help you all,
I will bring the load heavy!
Answer: Truck.

On the back of a basket,
Steel, wooden,
Under it bridges,
The wheels are on them,
Ahead of the house
There are a lot of horses under it!
Answer: Truck.

I am rushing along the threads.
In affairs in many helped everyone.
I drive different goods
And I value my business.
Answer: Truck.

He is so lucky so much cargo,
Enough for everyone for a whole year:
Furniture, boards, bricks
And sports balls.
He is not used to rest
Our hard worker ...
Answer: Truck.

Riddles about the car are complex

Riddles about the car are complex

Riddles about the car are complex:

A giant ship
It is not floating by the sea
A giant ship
Goes on the ground.
The field will pass -
The crop will gather.
(Answer: combine)

He goes, the wave is shifting,
Grain flows from the pipe.
(Answer: combine)

For harvesting
I'm going to the fields
And for a few cars
I work alone there.
(Answer: combine)

Noisy in the vastness
Golden Sea.
The ship came -
He drank the sea and left.
(Answer: combine)

In the yellow sea
The ship is floating.
(Answer: combine in the field)

Riddles about cars - a selection of a lifting crane

Riddles about cars - a selection of a lifting crane

Riddles about cars - a selection of a lifting crane:

A hero to a height
I could easily raise the stove.
The answer is a lifting crane.

One -armed giant
He raised his hand to the clouds.
He is a very important employee
The house is building a multi -storey house.
The answer is a lifting crane.

What kind of miracle giant?
Pulls his hand to the clouds
Engaged in labor:
Helps to build a house.
The answer is a lifting crane.

What kind of car:
The neck, like a goose, is strength, like an elephant?
The answer is a lifting crane.

I'm above the house
And easy with one hand
I raise a huge load.
Who, tell me, am I like that?
The answer is a lifting crane.

Raises the giant
Piles of cargo to the clouds.
Where he will stand, then
A new house grows up.
The answer is a lifting crane.

Turn it with a long neck,
The cargo is heavy.
Where I will be ordered -
I serve a person.
The answer is a lifting crane.

Riddles about cars - a selection about railway machines

Riddles about cars - a selection about railway machines

Riddles about cars - a selection about railway machines:

The horse runs a raven,
Drags a lot behind himself.
(Steam locomotive, train)

Brothers were equipped with a visit
Clung to each other
And they rushed onto the road far,
Only left a smoke.

The staircase lies in the field,
The house runs up the stairs.

Far, far
On the iron path,
Maybe this well done
Take the whole village.

Behind the haze, behind the whistle,
The brothers run in a goose.

Iron huts
Attached to each other.
One of them with a pipe
He leads everyone behind him.

Iron is already crawling
Passengers are lucky in the distance.

Iron snake
In the steppes wriggles.
The steppes are lost.
The voice is sonorous
He runs after the Party.
I ran a thousand miles.
I unhooked a long tail.

The horse runs -
The earth is trembling
From the nostrils, smoke is falling.
(Steam locomotive, train)

Who is on the run, couples of a cobble
Lets smoke with a pipe
He carries forward and himself
Yes, and me with you?

Little houses
Run along the street,
Boys and girls
The houses are being taken.

He rushed quickly on rails -
The sleepers counted everything.

Canvas, not a track,
Horse is not a horse - a centipede
On the way that crawls
The whole convoy is lucky.

I went into the green house
But I did not stay in it for long.
This house turned out to be
Quickly in the city a friend!

On steel tracks
The centipede rushes.
Round clicks the heel.
With a cheerful song
By iron ladder.

Fifteen brothers
They love to ride.
The first with the pipe
He leads everyone behind him.

One hundred barrels
Leads the bead.

Steel mare
Lazurny rushes along the steppes.
I ran a hundred miles
I unhooked a long tail.

What kind of houses in a row
On wheels in a row stand,
I ran to them by itself
A samovar with a pipe
He grabbed, rolled,
And the trace was caught.

The horse runs
From the ears, smoke is wrapped in a pillar.

I eat coal, I drink water,
As I get drunk, I will add the move.
I take a convoy on a hundred wheels.
And I am called ...

Riddle about the wheel from the car

Riddle about the wheel from the car

Riddle about the wheel from the car:

In winter and summer chicken
Barefoot on the street,
And what kind of slippers are always
At the "Lada" on the "paws"?
(Tires on wheels)

Jeep the owner of powerful power,
It has gasoline veins,
What is he rushing with a falcon
On the wide highway?
(On wheels)

From border to border
For the wheels of a tight "skin",
What are they fine on
Are you usually rushing easily?
(Cars on the highway)

My horse, iron sides,
With him, the path is short, short
And on what "hooves"
Highly wiped
He rushes faster the carriage
In winter and hot summer?
(On wheels)

That all the time under the feet
Rushes right and circles
And what has long grown
Noise of walking and creak of wheels?
(To the road)

Lysichkina's hole
Hole configuration,
There are no doors at all here
To move soon!
(Round, like a wheel)

These devices
Any car helps
Move smoothly
On the smooth asphalt road!

Where it is convenient for knitting needles
Walking around every day
Like a bicycle
Are we going with our brother?
(In the wheels of a bicycle)

The design of the machine
Suggests tires!
Where is their location
In the process of movement?
(On wheels)

I am in the period of the country
I easily pull the car!
Why is the whole load heavy
I'm taking a cheerful song?
(The car has a wheel, which facilitates the work)

That invention
Human genius,
It is considered for centuries
The main thing for now
And it helps everywhere
In heavy work!
(Wheel invention)

What is a gyro scooter?
He will help in the park in the morning
I have to rush along the alleys
When is the sunrise already aleep?
(Single -facing driving electromechanism)

I have learned and can
Move on the segway,
I twist the steering wheel with success
And the counter is not a hindrance!
(Two -wheeled driving mechanism with the steering wheel)

We look in surprise in the circus
On artists with a cycling mono,
The arena is very fun
Without losing balance,
Every moment
Change directions,
Overtaking each other
Rush quickly in a circle!
(Artists on one -wheeled bicycles)

The hollow has a standard entrance,
There, the squirrel lives for the third year!
And what is the drawing of the entrance
For fluffy people?
(Round, like a wheel)

What is the electrosteen forward
It is confidently carrying me
And he can usually usually
Overtaking passers -by?
(This board is equipped with wheels)

Which wheels do not need to download,
They are made of iron and can knock
On thin strips of backs,
Such endless paths?
(Wheels of railway wagons on rails)

Under sunny light and darkness of the starry
The "legs" are rolled up,
With iron reliable shoes
On the rails with the knocks of the bucks!
(Steel wheels for railways)

Electric wheels,
For the rails ordinary,
Here for cars pumps
They are not in demand!
(Wheels of trains completely made of metal)

For cars "shoe" this
It happens for winter and summer!
And the difference is simple
Tell me, what?

(Winter tires for wheels with steel spikes to slow down on ice.)

Riddle about cars - selection about car parts

Riddle about cars - selection about car parts

Riddle about cars - selection about car parts:

Many mechanisms live in harmony,
They easily pass the moment.
Engine - wheels. Come on, car, drive.
What is this design?
Of course …

The system is very important.
Cylinders, disk, pads.
She, for slowdown
Il is a complete stop.
Working, parking -
It is called that.
When she works,
A car does not know the troubles.
The system is super necessary
Not! Even the main one.
She is still called the system ...

People are greeted by clothes.
How to evaluate the car?
Yes, just like a person ...
The appearance is very important to us.

Comfort and adults,
And for the little ones.
Big and important part
It …

He launches the internal combustion engine,
Just turn the key.
Current on the winding -
And look,
Auto is already on the way.
He is a powerful mega-master.
Of course this ...

This is the heart of any car.
Drizes in motion
The car is easy.
Energy source -
Over the lord.
What kind of detail? Of course…

Mechanism systems -
There are a lot of details.
And now it connects
Body and road.
Changing behavior -
Now slowly, then sharply.
What is this system?
Correctly! ....

Changing the position of this device.
And the angle of rotation changes all the wheels.
It is important that the work is accurate and correct.
There must be a clearly controlled car.
This is something important. But what is it?
Of course, management with the name ...

Video: riddles for children, about construction machines. Tiki is still

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