Riddles about healthy lifestyle - short, informative, with answers: Best selection

Riddles about healthy lifestyle - short, informative, with answers: Best selection

Card index of riddles for lifestyle for preschoolers and schoolchildren

Riddles about lifestyle short

Riddles about lifestyle short
Riddles about lifestyle short

Riddles about lifestyle short:

So that you have enough strength
Run, jump and play,
At noon on the crib
You need to lie down and rest.
This means that we have
According to the regime ...
(Quiet hour).


I am everywhere where I am
I have time for everything in the world
Because I have


You will be better to study
You will be better to rest
If you strive ...


Here the eyes completely closed,
And I felt -
He will soon show me fairy tales.
My night wizard ...


To keep health,
Strengthen its body,
My whole family knows -
Very important
(daily regime).


So that he was not frail, lethargic,
I did not lie under the covers,
I did not get sick and was in order
Do every day ...


I have no time to hurt friends
I play football, hockey.
And I am very proud of it,
What gives me health ...


I'll sit under my arm
And what to do will indicate:
Or put in bed,
Or I will allow for a walk.


Even though he is pinching the wound and burns
Heals perfectly - red ...


For the scratches of Alenka
There is a full bottle ...


I never lose heart
And a smile on the face
Because I accept
Vitamins ...
(A, c, s)


I slept to the temperature
Here's a liquid ...


Svetka is not lucky today -
The doctor gave bitter ...


The juice of the tablets is more useful,
We will save us from all ...


Since childhood, people have been told to everyone:
Nicotine - deadly ...


Forget about the computer.
Run to the street for a walk.
It is very useful for children
Fresh air ...


It has two letters “K”
Do not forget to write
Always be like him!
(Neat person)


Little girl -
Hard bangs,
Cool cools during the day.
And in the morning and evenings
Work is accepted:
The head will cover
Yes, the walls will wash.


Who is for the good of all people
Does it share its blood?


In this fashion store
You will see on the window
Not toys, not products,
And not grandmother's shoes.
There is a micacture and tablets,
Ointments, drops and pipettes.
In order not to get sick
Where should I come? - ...
(To pharmacy)


In this bright store
You will see on the window
Not clothes, not products,
And not books, and not fruits.
There is a micacture and tablets,
Here are mustard, pipettes.
Ointments, drops and balms
For you, for dad with mom.
For human health
Opens the door - ...


This house is multi -storey
Clean, bright, very important.
You will meet different doctors here.
They treat adults and children.
You will lie in bed
Kohl seriously ill.
We don't want to find ourselves here!
Where, tell me? - ...
(In the hospital)


There are vegetables and fruits.
Children need to eat a lot.
There are still pills
Taste like candy.
Accept for health
Their cold sometimes.
For Sashuli and Polina
What is useful? - ...


He is cold, he is pleasant
I have been friends with him for a long time, guys,
He flows me with water,
I will grow up healthy!


Green meadow,
One hundred benches around,
From gate to gate
The people are running briskly.
At these gates
Fishing networks.


There is a lawn in our school,
And on it are goats and horses.
We smoke here
Exactly forty -five minutes.
At school - horses and a lawn?!
What a miracle, guess!


Either skipping, then
Children do ...


As soon as I wake up in the morning
I'll sit down, get up and bend -
All exercises in order!
Will help to grow ...


To make health in order
Do not forget about ...


Horse, rope, log and bars,
The rings are next to them.
I do not dare to list
Many shells.
Beauty and plastic
Gives us ...


I have interesting friends.
They do not allow either to lie down or sit down.
I sailed, I ran, I spent the pedals,
But strange: I did not leave the house.
(Fitness equipment.)


He teaches the goal to achieve
Fight the Olympic prize
In competitives to win
And the vigor of the spirit is not to lose.


The flame is blazing
Five rings shine.
Holiday for the people
Once every four years.
The holiday is sports
Ancient, bright, marvelous.


Out of dozens of different countries
Athletes gathered for us.
You need to remember the name:
This "rally" - ...


That fire is in a huge bowl -
For athletes, there is no more beautiful!
All of him is happy to see him -
The Olympics began.
(Olympic fire.)


It is not easy to get it,
We must be brave in the battle.
Only that is it given
To the last who beats.


He held in his hands three times
This prize vase,
After all, he strove for victory
And he achieved her with labor.


He rides from the stadium
For the apartment of the champion.
Will live with a winner together
In an honorable, prominent place.


What kind of ladder is this -
Not simple, prize.
It is not easy to stand on it -
You need to win in sports.


This sign is not sold,
And solemnly handed.
For sports successes
They are only awarded the best.


Athletes are only the best
On the pedestal,
They are awarded solemnly
All them ...


What is spinning around the waist
Gymnast? Have you learned?


Who is the sports shell.
He will be very slim soon.


Gymnast Chashchina Irina
Slender, like a prima-ballerina.
What is in the hand, like a snake, curls?
What is such a subject called?


We are in the gym yesterday
Girls class showed.
It is unlikely that any of the guys
He will also sit on ...


How watermelons are great,
Like apples, crayons,
But all of them need to be raised,
To become a strong man more.


Iron bird
I took off the testicle
Yaichko from the nest
Do not take it without difficulty.
Heavy egg,
In the egg - a ring;
You take over the ring -
You will take the egg.


On the griffy on each side
Heavy "pancakes" hang.
The task for the athlete -
Raise this severity.


Tribunes - hundreds of eyes!
The stands - do not make noise!
Here he comes out - once!
And a record weight is taken!


For wars, the shell was getting up,
Now - sports equipment.


Munchausen flew on it,
But the athlete is his metal.


A common word certainly
Name the athlete for me:
Karatist and samboist,
Judoist or samboist.


In shorts and in warm mittens
Two comrades fight.


What a boxer has a pose -
For an opponent, a threat?
He seeks to occupy her,
To immediately accept the fight.


Boxing field
They call it in sports.
(Boxing ring.)


Two fighters went to the ring:
Left - hook, towards - swing,
Uppercott, and here is a knockout.
But there was only the second ...


Got a boxer hit.
In a row “ten” he did not get up.
How is this failure
Called differently?


A very harsh fat man in appearance,
He will definitely win in the fight.
In Japan has been familiar for a long time
That sport. He is called ...


I'm in a hurry for training
In Kimono, I am deftly fighting.
I need a black belt,
After all, I love ...


This is the type of struggle -
Either with a foot, then with a hand,
From that, the protection serves
Who fights, not friends.


Master of Sports Ivanov
He raised six pancakes at once.
Explain why,
After all, I did not eat a single one.


Have you seen the loafer?
It cannot stand it.
I took a hammer
Yes, how to leave!
(Hammer thrower.)


The assessment will be put at the athlete,
You guessed what is it?
And today I only found out:
The assessment is athletic ...


He escaped from the rider,
To get into the gym?
There is no mane or tail.
Where is the saddle and where is the detachment?
He does not ride the guys.
How is sports to call a shell?


Bezbiral and not white,
Smooth, without wool, body,
Iron hooves,
As if in a dug land,
He does not shine, does not make noise,
Where they put it - stands there;
They don't move him -
They jump through him.
(Shell - goat.)


Two rings
And two ropes,
Up and down,
There and back again.
Unfinished flight,
Standing, take -off and turn.
(Shell - rings.)


The letter "P" Sports shell,
I am actively training.
Pulled up once and two -
Head is spinning.
(Horizontal bar.)


The gymnast has training.
The girl is running deftly
Along a narrow path,
Rides on one leg alone,
Then suddenly makes a twine.
It's hard, they say
But so it is started.
And the path is ...


Flies faster than a swallow,
On the strips of a gymnastic girl.
I'm afraid it will fall, I will close my eyes.
The girl-little girl works wonders.
To judge, well, I do not take it.
Two planks - sports ...


The soldiers fought them
I have long, but I know
Now still remained
Throwers ...


The bar is raised, oh my god!
Here, probably, six meters!
I will help you can help?
Well, of course, long ...


Jumping on the grid, jumping
And the somersault in the air is spinning.


This run is not a marathon
The segments are divided.
Competition, I know this
They call ...
(Relay race.)


Again in the park, a race took place,
Participants are a hundred people.
Everyone tried, and seriously
Perceived this ...


Very difficult in hot summer
Run it athletes,
A lot of long kilometers
To defeat the wind faster.
The path is not easy, it is named
Ancient word ...


To start a marathon, friends,
What kind of team am I waiting for?
The signal will be heard, I will break
And quickly I rush to the finish line.


There is no happier moment for the runner:
Here is the finish breast ...


Stick plus frame, plus mesh -
For tennis, this is ...

Not a rocket, but a racket
I hold it with my hand -
Once - and the ball flies behind the grid!
Once again! - And Set for me!


Nimble ball and two rackets.
All blows are rosary, tags.
Play to the victorious,
Nobody gives way to anyone!


What kind of law on
Tennis players in shorts, T -shirts?


This ball for badminton,
Apparently, made a craftsman.
And pen from the tail of someone else
It is decorated as an Indian.


We play badminton with you.
What are we beaten off with a racket?


I came to us from England
This wonderful game.
Two rackets and oxide
Loves children.


A racket beats in a shuttlecock,
Again, he should fly by the net.
It's time for you to call it.
What is this game?


There is one game with a bat.
Like baseball she is almost.
And the game is called that
In the word simple - ...


In America,
If you go there,
You will find out
What is ours is called the bast shoe.
In New York
Such a game for a long time
Athletes and spectators
Crying ...


This shell with this,
Everyone knows,
In baseball
The ball is clogged.


Here the team wins,
If the ball does not drop.
He flies aptly
Not at the goal, through the net.
And a platform, not a field
At the athletes in ...


In this sports players
All are dexterous and high.
Love to play the ball
And drive him into the ring.
The ball shakes loudly on the floor,
So this is ...


Well done jumps
Between two rings!
Together with the players
With long hands!
(Basketball, basketball.)


The ball is cracking
With a ring and a basket ...
(Shield, basketball shield.)


The game with the ball is oblong.
Do you know her guys?
There is such an English city.
You do not know? Open the atlas!

Riddles about healthy lifestyle cognitive

Riddles about healthy lifestyle cognitive
Riddles about healthy lifestyle cognitive

Riddles about healthy lifestyle cognitive children:

The words "cannot enter" are burning,
Be kind, you see it!
Not photo 9 on 12,
This device knows how to get out!
Harmful rays will tighten captive,
Familiar to all (X -ray)!


Left, right, up and down,
This is definitely not striptease!
And kindly monitor,
You will open your eyes!
Wow! Forward! Let's! Sleep!
Show me everything (ultrasound).


Crying, jumping, laughing!
And rubs his back against the wall!
Aches, crawls, lame,
And sometimes does not understand!
Suffers, sometimes silent,
Sometimes he doesn’t sleep at night!
A very good argument,
Provide (patient).


Quietly, slowly, a little bit,
She is the right way!
Cap-cap-cap, and again cap,
You are an hour in the power of a slave!
A stunning problem,
Eliminates to everyone (system)!


Foreign invasion,
Further penetration!
Maybe it hurts, maybe no
He will leave exactly a trace!
That healing arbitrariness
They call everything (injection)!


Sit, stand, back and forth
They are worn by their need!
Long more than 38 parrots,
She is like this from morning to evening!
Either in disagreement, then one after another,
Either a snake, or a semicircle!
Removing a coat on the go
Always shout "the last one?"


Bright, small, big,
He will decorate your image,
If you get into a fight,
The eternal satellite of the bastard.
By the way, just like that,
Get this (bruise).


Nerves, bad, heart beats,
The soul somehow lies.
Drink this infusion,
And calm the heart!
The main guest of the cat's booze,
This is ours (valerian).


Aibolit will help you
Throat of color like raspberries
So you have ... angina


If you ran in puddles
The umbrella did not seem to be needed
And the next morning from nowhere
There is ... a cold.


Smile and joke
He loves children very much
Puts on injections in a row
Children's doctor ... pediatrician.


Hepatitis, dysentery
Malaria, diphtheria
It will drive everything away like a chikist
Doctor ... infectious disease specialist.


They stand in the heat, stand in the cold,
Always in the hands of bouquets of roses
Children gives this house
We will call him ... a hospital.


Check cleanliness, cleaning quality
Disinfection for you at a moment is carried out deftly
If you violate their law, a receipt flies in a moment,
And she will send it to you ... a sanitary and epidemiological station.


He is not a sadist, but he will shine in the eye,
Everyone, as a schoolboy, will answer all the letters.
On the card everything is encrypted, Chekist,
The people are an eye socket, and for us ... an optometrist.


“Scalpel, clamp, dry, fast, enough,
Time? Pressure? We’ll have time, calmly. ”
Many colleagues and sterile around,
So the best ... surgeon operates.


White teeth - of course beautiful,
He will play the caries in the heart.
The seal will be left in the mouth not a proctologist,
Everyone beloved doctor ... dentist


In his office "Polish" pills,
And there, without a problem, Lyuli-Blue will sing.
What is called Aibolit, he is glad
Everyone knows that he treats children ... a pediatrician.


He is no worse in the desmurgy of the surgeon,
GIPS will impose you, tighten it more.
Will correct the joint without medicines and needles,
Everyone is beloved by a doctor ... a traumatologist.


He promises sweet dreams to everyone,
The mask gently puts on your mouth.
No, he is not an ENT or a dentist,
We know that this is ... an anesthetist


In the hands of a stethoscope, and a tonometer in place,
He knows medicines, tons, probably two hundred.
Runs to the site and sends everyone hello,
Master of medicine, dear .... THERAPIST

Riddles about lifestyle for 3-4 years-about useful items

Riddles about lifestyle for 3-4 years - about useful items
Riddles about lifestyle for 3-4 years-about useful items

Riddles about lifestyle for 3-4 years-about useful items

In the morning and evenings
Brushes - brushes teeth to us,
And the day is resting,
He misses a glass


He is not sugar, not flour,
But it looks slightly like them.
Put it on the brush
And rub the teeth thoroughly.


What kind of rain without clouds
All day is ready to go
Only the crane I turned
The downpour rushed at me.


Moidodyr I am relatives.
Turn away - kha me
And cold water
Quickly I know you


This house is not simple
The heat in it in summer and winter,
If you were there,
"Enjoy Your Bath!" heard.


It is not great itself,
I went into the town,
Interrupted all people
And sat in the corner.
(Banya broom)


Long path,
Two embroidered ends,
Soft and clean
After bathing will drain me


I don't look at him yet
There is no one nearby
Do not wash, do not shave
And you can’t see the hairstyle
People cannot live without him
And try on outfits.


What a wonderful glass
It hangs on the wall.
If you look into it
You can see a double.


Can be family, household, bath,
It happens fragrant or does not smell at all,
Different colors, size and shape, any,
But slippery is only with water!


Without it, we are nowhere:
"Not there and here",
We need everyone for life
Very clean.


There is such a sea in the house
In it, we often mine,
We rest in white foam,
We let the boats.


I walk, wander not in the forests,
And on the mustache, on the hair.
And my teeth are longer
Than wolves and bears.


All girls and boys
Wear me in a pocket
And how I need it
So they will get me
They will give themselves purely
And they will hide back.


Frequent, toothy,
Clutched a vyubhosta forelock?


The hairdresser needs
They are very different
Rare and frequent,
But always toothy.


I close my eyes tightly
I rub him into my head,
And then wash off water.
This is a hair remedy
Maybe even without tears.


Soap and girlfriend
To wash Andryushka.
A girlfriend's back was dancing,
The back became pink.

Riddles about healthy lifestyle for children 5-6 years old-immunity assistants

Riddles about healthy lifestyle for children 5-6 years old - immunity assistants
Riddles about healthy lifestyle for children 5-6 years old-immunity assistants

Riddles about healthy lifestyle for children 5-6 years old-immunity assistants:

Round, ruddy from a tree, I will get it,
I'll put it on a plate
“Eat, mommy,” I will say.
- Apple -


Golden one barrel,
Another barrel is reddish.
In the middle, in the core - a worm lurked.
- Apple -


I am a ruddy nesting doll
I don't tear off my friends
I'll wait for the nesting doll
He will fall into the grass herself.
- Apple -


Sami with a cam, a red barrel,
You touch - smoothly, you will bite off - sweetly.
- Apple -


Juicy, fragrant, ruddy, magical.
We grow on the trees.
- apples -


Weighs a bun on a branch,
His ruddy side shines.
- Apple -


Round, ruddy,
I grow on a branch.
Adults love me
And little children.
- Apple -


Round green on a tree grow
Like a barrel blushes, here they will be broken off
Sweet and ripe will be collected in a basket
Everything looks beautiful, just like from a picture.
- apples -


All the boxers know about her
With her, her blow is developed.
Although she is clumsy
But it looks like a fruit.
- pear -


This fruit tastes good
And it looks like a light bulb.
- pear -


The yellow bulb hangs.
To eat it to us.
- pear -


Though the sun is burning, he is dressed in a cloth,
And the cloth is golden, thin and clean.
- peach -


Yellow citrus fruit
In the countries of the sun, it is growing.
But it tastes the most acidic,
And his name is ...
- Lemon -


He is almost like an orange
With thick skin, juicy,
There is only one drawback -
Very, very sour.
- Lemon -


With orange skin,
Similar to the ball,
But the center is not empty
And juicy and tasty.
- orange -


- Yellow, round, where are you from?
- Right from the sunny south!
You can eat me, but only
First divided into slices.
It looks like the sun itself.
How will you call me?
- orange -


In appearance, he is like a red ball,
Only now he doesn’t rush to jump.
It has a useful vitamin -
It's ripe ...
- orange -


Bright, sweet, poured,
All in the cover of the gold.
Not from a candy factory -
From distant Africa.
- orange -


Citrus it is growing in the south,
In a warm grove, not in the garden,
But we love in our district
The fruit is orange and sweet.
We come to the store,
We buy ...
- orange -


Bright, sweet, poured,
All in the cover of the gold.
Not from a candy factory -
From distant Africa.
- orange -


I am sweet, grew up in the south like the sun in foliage.
Orange and round, I like the kids.
- orange -


Well, to guess it
Very simple:
Orange, neither give nor take,
Only less growth.
- Mandarin -


Brother Lesser, orange,
Because small.
- Mandarin -


Tasty - lick your fingers -
Orange balls.
But only in them I do not play
I invariably eat them.
- Mandarins -


He is orange and juicy,
Loves New Year.
Look under the Christmas tree - for sure
He is waiting in gifts!
This red -haired gentleman -
Delicious sweet ...
- Mandarin -


We all know him since childhood -
An amazing fruit,
Orange reminds
Called - ...
- Grapefruit -


Yellow ball, slightly bitter.
In the summer, thirsty will quench.
- Grapefruit -

Balls hang on the knots,
They turned blue from the heat.
- plum -


The fruit is green all summer
And in early autumn, red with akens.
- plum -


Blue uniform, white lining,
In the middle - sweet.
- plum -


It was green dress,
No, I didn't like the red,
But it's also tired of this
I put on a blue dress.
- plum -


Birds of the blue testicles demolished,
Wooded on wood:
Little shell,
Sweet protein,
And the yolk is bone.
- plum -


Round -side, yellow -faced,
It can be compared with the sun.
And what a fragrant,
Sweet pulp is like that!
We are now fans
Queen Paul ...
- melons -


He is sweet, but fat.
And a little like a sickle looks like.
- Banana -


Kids know this fruit,
They like to eat his monkeys.
He is from hot countries
The tropics are growing ...
- Banana -


They seem to be cucumbers
Only ligaments are growing,
And for breakfast these fruits
Monkeys are served.
- Banana -


They know everything that monkeys
They love to eat very ...
- Banans -


Neither in the fields and in the gardens,
Neither you nor we
And in tropical forests
Grows up ...
- a pineapple -


A small stove with red coals.
- pomegranate -


In the summer solar garden
Fruits ripen in sight.
Just not to be lazy,
Guess them to work hard.
Far in the south, somewhere
It grows in winter and summer.
Surprising us a thick -skinned one ...
- a pineapple -


What a fruit is a casket with a secret!
Seeds - glass in appearance,
All transparent, all pink color,
Shock how strange it is not.
- pomegranate -


He sighs very hard -
So the poor thing turned fat
What a green vest
He put on himself with difficulty.
- watermelon -


We came to us with Bakhchi
Striped balls.
- Watermelons -


You can hardly hug this fruit, if you are weak, you will not raise it,
Cut it into pieces, you sing a red pulp.
- watermelon -


He is big as a football ball!
If ripe - everyone is happy!
It tastes so pleasant!
What's this? ...
- watermelon -


Round, round,
Sweet, sweet,
With striped skin smooth,
But you’ll cut it - look:
Red, red it inside.
- watermelon -


Green striped ball,
With a scarlet scarlet like a fever
Lies in the garden, ripens ... well,
Say what it is ...
- watermelon -


The caftan is green on me
And the heart is like a kumach.
It tastes like sugar is sweet,
In view of the side of the ball.
- watermelon -


Although he is a strip, however, he will not be Used.
At least has its tail,
But short and dry.
He has round sides
Like a bang.
And from great -grandfathers
He is a lover of everyone sweet.
Who is this peanut?
- watermelon-


The watermelon has a lot of cargo,
The load of the watermelon is not a burden.
And inside the whole watermelon
Full of black wet beads.
- watermelon seeds -


Red beads hang
They look at us from the bushes,
These beads are very fond of these
Children, birds and bears.
- raspberry -


Red nesting doll
White heart.
- raspberry -


A lot of berries in the garden,
All are red as for selection.
Collect all of them quickly
And put in the mouth rather.
- Strawberry -


There are many thin stems on the hemp,
Each thin stalk holds a scarlet light,
We rake the stems-pick up the lights.
- Strawberries -


I am a drop of summer on a thin leg,
Bonds and baskets weave for me.
He who loves me is glad to bow.
And the name gave me my native Zemlyatsu.
- Strawberries -


Red, thin, fragrant,
It grows low, close to the ground.
- Strawberries -


Egor is worth
In Red Ermolka,
Whoever passes -
Everyone will bend.
- Strawberries -


Like on a stitch on the track
I see scarlet earrings.
I leaned over one
And for ten I came across!
I turned on - not lazy,
I scored a mug.
- Strawberries -


And red and kisla
It grew in the swamp.
- cranberry -


What a bead here
Has it hung on the stem?
You look - saliva will flow,
And get out - sour!
- cranberry -


Sits next to us
He looks with black eyes.
Black, sweet, small
And the guys are sweet.
- blueberry -


Under the sheet on each branch
Little children are sitting.
The one who collects the children
Hands will smear his hands and mouth.
- blueberry -


The taste of the berry is good
But hand her go:
The bush in thorns seems to be a hedgehog, -
So called ...
- Blackberry -


A lot of berries in the baskets,
Here is cranberries and cloudberries.
Here the blackberry blackens
Nearby is red ...
- cowberry -


Two sisters are green in the summer,
By autumn, one blushes, the other blackens.
- red and black currants -


Black berries lush bush -
They taste good!
- currant -


On a finish branch with a honey filling,
And the skin on the branch of the breed is hedgehog.
- gooseberries -


Learing, but spicy, sweet, not a smell.
You will tear the berries - you will wrap your whole hand.
- gooseberries -


In haymaking - Gorky,
And in the cold - sweet,
What kind of berry?
- Kalina -


Like blood, red.
Like honey, tasty.
Like a ball, round,
I lay down in my mouth.
- cherry -


Long -term boasting:
- Am I not a beauty?
And just a bone
Yes, a red blouse!
- cherry -


Was green little
Then I became Ango,
I turned black in the sun
And now I'm ripe.
- cherry -


Gemini on a thin branch,
All vines are relatives.
Everyone in the house is glad for the guest.
It's sweet ...
- grape -

Riddles about healthy lifestyle for children 7-8 years old

Riddles about healthy lifestyle for children 7-8 years old
Riddles about healthy lifestyle for children 7-8 years old

Riddles about healthy lifestyle for children 7-8 years old:

In gymnastics, its role
It is extremely important
For records of athletes
She inspires.
Creates a mood
Reveals talent,
She sparkles
Like sounds diamond.


This, in a word, is a fight,
For a cool result,
Competition, championship
And the championship.
In his course of emotion
And fans shout,
This is a win, victory,
Sports excitement.


This is a simple complex
Exercises for everyone,
Improves health
Without special interference.
This is a special sport,
Spectacular view,
On him and lazy
He will turn his gaze.


To work a lot
And do not be tired,
It is necessary to develop it
Everyone has the ability
This is
But the level is different
Everyone, of course!


Gymnastic shell
They are happy to master them
Any athlete
And get a discharge.
Two poles on racks
And they do not slip
On the supports calmly
They stand motionless


It has jumps
From the circus.
So acrobats before the people
The decorates were their own
And there were ASSU in this matter!


In this gymnastics
It is important to own the body
Be physically developed
And to keep the balance.


Movement, rotation, coup,
Jump over the head
And all opening the mouth
Applauds standing
A delighted people!


This is a pure female
Sports shell,
To conquer everything
The girls want.


She can do everything in the world!
So that the children are sick less,
To go peppy,
Sports, they loved the charge.
(Physical training)


I can be from rubber
And I can be from the skin.
Round, small, big,
Multi -colored with a strip.
And I am heavy
Light kids play.
Every boy has
In the courtyard with me is the division.


Everything is in gymnastics
Only starts with her,
Prepare the body
He tries to loads
The athlete is the most experienced
And a beginner
This truth knows
Straight to the teeth.


He will definitely answer you
And the teacher and mom,
What to do in the morning
It is important to be the most important thing.
She helps
Shrug, wake up,
A new one is slow on the day
Engaged in getting involved.


This is a group of athletes
In the team alone,
To victory all together
Go ahead!


Gymnastics in this
The oldest country
Considered culture
Quite worthy.
Plato and Homer
Converged in my opinion
That gymnastics is useful
For the muscles of fortitude.


He is in the hall of sports
Lives all year round.
Not an elephant, not a giraffe,
Not a wild boar and not a cat!
He could have
Animal living
Grow in the meadow
Behind the overgrown pond.


Who is the ability of this
It has a ud
Can bend like that
As the other does not dream.


Performed by this
The exercise is difficult
Do not fulfill everyone
He is destined.
Stretching here is necessary
Have one
To freely,
Without injuries on him
Dexterously sit down.


They are twisted, juggled,
They throw them into the air
They catch gracefully
And they throw it again.
It will become more spectacular with them
Speech athletes
Judges will put up at once
All grades are high.


This is part of the physical culture,
Not worm, not literature,
This is work, work, training
For the development of skills and dexterity.
This is speed, dexterity and patience,
And to someone, like inspiration!


He rides from the stadium
For the apartment of the champion.
Will live with a winner together
In an honorable, prominent place ...


We have only skates
Only summer they are.
We rode on the asphalt
And they were satisfied ...


I don't look like a horse
At least I have a saddle.
There are knitting needles. They admit,
They are not suitable for knitting.
Not an alarm clock, do not tram
But I know how to call, know!


Small, remote
Shouts loudly
The judge helps
Tired does not know ...


I look - the champion
A rod weighing a quarter ton.
I want to become the same
To protect your sister!
I'll be in the apartment now
Raise big ...


I twist him with my hand
And on the neck and foot,
And at the waist twist,
And I don't want to drop ...


What is spinning around the waist
Gymnast? Did you find out? ..


Who is the sports shell.
He will be very slim soon ...


Swim here in winter
We can easily with you.
Here they will teach us to dive.
Somehow we call the place? ..
(swimming pool)


I lean over the table
Sight - at the angle I need,
And Kiim is making a blow.
Hooray! I scored in a luster ...


In billiards, you need to play
On the legs are a table, more - balls.
And they make a blow with a stick
And they drive a ball right into the loss.
Missed? Badly! Very sorry.
And what is this "stick" called?


Munchausen flew on it,
But his athlete his metal ...


I want to become a strong man.
I come to the strong man:
- Tell us about what -
How did you become a strong man?
He smiled back:
- Very simple. Many years
Every day, getting out of bed,
I raise ...


You throw in the river - it does not sink,
You beat on the wall - does not groan.
You will throw about the ground -
It will fly up ...


If you quit, he will jump.
Throw it again, rushes to jump,
Well, of course - this ....


Growing, but daring,
I rode away from me.
Though he always put on -
It’s never bored with him ...

Riddles about healthy lifestyle-9-10 years, about sports

Riddles about healthy lifestyle - 9-10 years, about sports
Riddles about healthy lifestyle-9-10 years, about sports

Riddles about healthy lifestyle-9-10 years, about sports:

You need to understand sports:
The tennis player is a paramount player.
How, tell me yourself,
Are they called in sambo? ... tatami


The gymnast has training.
The girl is running deftly
Along a narrow path,
Rides on one leg alone,
Then suddenly makes a twine.
It's hard, they say
But so it is started.
And the path is ... log


He escaped from the rider,
To get into the gym?
There is no mane or tail.
Where is the saddle and where is the detachment?
He does not ride the guys.
How is sports to call a shell? ... horse


In the gym standing,
He is not real
So that he is inanimate.
Though there are four legs
Put it wider
But he does not shake his beard.
Cannot but
He's just without oxes.
He can not even be angry.
Do not be afraid, my friend.
And make a jump.
Not terrible sports ... Goat


He is in sports with that name
Does everything with an old one.
And you would try yourself
Play sports ... sambo


Metal two brothers,
How to grow together with boots,
Wanted to ride
Top! - on the ice and rushed.
Ay, yes brothers, ah, light!
The brothers are the name? … SKATES


Two wooden arrows
I put on my feet.
I wanted to go down the mountain
Yes, he flew into the kubarmar.
That was the laughter
From that landfill:
They are on me
And above the stick! … SKIS


Remember the vehicle:
When you were still small
Then a dad for convenience,
Like a horse, harnessed? … SLED


There everything is on the ice platform in the armor
They fight, grabbed in an acute battle.
Fans shout: "Beat more!"
Believe me, this is not a fight, but - ... hockey


Wooden two horses
Down the mountain carry me.
I hold two sticks in my hands,
But I do not beat the horses, they are sorry.
And for the acceleration of running
I touch the snow with sticks ... skis


He is the "carrier" of the backpack,
In a tourist campaign,
Sit at the fire
Loves very much in nature.
Brushwood, last year's sheet
He will throw it into his fire ... a tourist


The field is smacked smoothly,
Even like a notebook.
Only who will understand this?
Everything is strange! Vice versa!
Both at the gate
There is no completely, very much fence.
But athletes soon
They will go out in the field,
The ball is alone on all.
Spectators from all sides!
What kind of field? ... stadium


Boxers have a shell - a pear.
And in this sport "fruit" is better.
The athlete clogs the ball there
Into the gate in the form of the letter n,
The plum is very similar to the plum.
Do you call this sport? ... rugby


He looks like a huge bowl.
The fan there on the ticket is only entry.
It’s cool to get on it! "Spartak is a champion!
How the hive is buzzing and buzzing ... Stadium


A strange policeman
Walks across the field
In shorts, like a pioneer,
It drives behind the ball.
Although very strict in appearance,
He gave “good” - the ball beat with his feet.
You will sit if it whistles,
On a bench with fines,
So you, my dear,
The ball beat off with his hand.
Only I do not remember
What is that judge called? ... arbitrator


The field has two halves,
And baskets hang around the edges.
Then the ball will fly over the field,
Then between people rushes to jump.
All beats him and the ball of angry,
And with him they play ... basketball


With their feet, everyone beats the ball, kick,
How a nail is scored into the gate,
Everyone shouts with joy: "GOOD!"
The game with the ball is called ... football


This game has its own attributes:
T -shirts, panties, people in boots are shod.
The goalkeeper stands lonely at the gate,
The people are rushing across the field,
From the stands, the word "goal!" Is heard from the stands.
What do two teams play? In ... football


I saw my baby Anton
How they played in badminton.
At the athletes - according to the racket.
What was flying above the grid?
Not an eagle and not a cormorant!
This is with feathers ... Volan


Four is played by one,
Comfortably sitting at the table,
In a circle whose turn will come
He puts his stone and stone.
They came up with the game for a long time,
She is called ... domino


One racket hit -
Volan flies over the net.
Seryozha, although he was very beaten,
The oxide got into the net.
Anton won today.
What did you play? In ... badminton


Refuel the car,
Skachachai tire.
Automolaph has begun.
The champion is not known.
Click on gas, Davi pedals,
You are a participant ... autoralli


The athlete dressed in a kimono,
Taught and taught techniques, but
Did not learn everything from and to
And lost his battle in ... judo


In the winter on the site
The floor is cold, smooth.
But hockey players are satisfied
Slippery floor, even, clean.
He will fill the bump for himself
Who suddenly flopes on ... ice


Vanya went to the ice,
It beats the puck on the goal.
Does the puck beat Vanyushka with a stick?
Not! Not a stick. This is ... a club


Here is a club, like a hook,
Drives a black patch
On the ice with the excitement of the kids.
Hockey is a sports game.
They drive all one nickel.
The name is his guys how? … WASHER


On the field of ice, fence around,
And drawn in the center of the circle.
The people are worn across the field
As if looking for a way out, input.
For the washer here - two entrances.
So what is this? … GATES


Take the snowball from the site,
Rasflow with water, friend.
And on these winter days
The shoes are not boots, skates.
Beat the puck, since playing a hunt!
Drive her! Where? In ... gates


Table tennis - class! - the game.
We have a table among the yard.
We are both, me and friend Vadim
According to the rules, we want to play.
But how to play without a grid?
Still need ... rackets


The tournament is coming. The tournament is in full swing.
We are playing with Andrei in pairs.
We go to the court together.
We hit the ball with rackets.
And against us - Andre and Denis.
What are we playing with them? In ... tennis


Area. In the middle is a mesh.
In the team, the captain is Sveta.
And everyone to her play the player.
In another team - Igor.
He brought five with him
Play "Party" in ... volleyball


Stand on the shell, my friend.
One - jump, and two - jump,
Three - jump to the ceiling,
There are two somersaults in the air!
What a miracle network is here?
For jumping shell - ... trampoline


From the ceiling - down two ropes,
Books on them guys.
You, of course, learned
What are the bagels in the gym? … RINGS


The game lasts a lot.
What is the score? And faces
Turned to the side of that
Where the account is indicated
At the current moment.
Now I will know.
Window. It has two numbers. Glass.
What is the name of the window? ... scoreboard


The skater is dancing on the ice,
Drings like an autumn sheet.
He performs a pirouette
Then a double sheepskin coat ... Ah, no!
He is not in a fur coat, easily dressed.
And now on the ice now a duet.
Eh, they ride well!
The hall held his breath.
The sport is called ... figure skating


It's hard to say
Rush at speed from the mountain!
And the obstacles are worth it -
There are a number of flags.
The skier needs to go through them.
For the victory, the award awaits
Congratulations to the rampart will pour.
This sport is called ... slalom


It is very difficult to be, do not argue
The most well -aimed in this sport.
Just rush along a track
Then even me can.
Try to run the day yourself
And then get into the target,
Lying back, from a rifle.
Here you can’t do without training!
And the target is not an elephant.
Sport is called ... biathlon


What kind of horse? And at the horse
There are wheels, no steering wheel.
I don't sit on it in the saddle,
I'm on my back
I stand on my horse.
I got on my back on my back
Hands to the sides, spreading
And went on asphalt,
And from the border he made a "Salto".
The horse hit the stone-brow.
And the horse's name is ... a skarbord

Riddles about healthy lifestyle for children with answers harmful food

Riddles about healthy lifestyle for children with answers harmful food
Riddles about healthy lifestyle for children with answers harmful food

Riddles about healthy lifestyle for children with answers harmful food:

In the refrigerator we have
Miracle vasility:
For him in the family is large
Overgrown demand.
At the editor wagons
Very delicate taste.
He loves delicious food
Every little one!
What is it?..


We are sometimes like ears
Bows, horns, shells.
Adults and children love
Both rings and spaghetti.
And add grated cheese to us -
There will be a real feast.


Clung to the steam locomotive
Delicious wagons.
Each fragrant, roses,
Juicy bars.
All meat, in a thick skin,
And yesterday I got Murka.
(Sausages, sausages)


Tare’s bitterness will season
Barbecue for dinner.
And the health of the top will correct
Who is lying a cold.
At least the back is burning with fire
She will cure bronchitis.


Fresh bread.
From above, cheese and sausage.
He himself asks us in his mouth,


We are all sons of potatoes,
But we don’t need a spoon.
We crunch, crunch, crunch,
We want to treat the guys.


Fragrant plate
I will break into halves
And more on the lobels -
It will be scooping!
Both tasty and sweet,
What is this?


I'm getting ready for fire
Sometimes in the wilderness of the forest.
I roam there on skewers,
Tasty, juicy and meat.


They wrapped this tile
In a silver sheet.
Each is glad to eat tiles.
What is this?


White snow
In honor of everyone.
It gets into the mouth -
The moment disappears.


What kind of sand is this
It is sweet with him that we have teas
Each kitchen lives,
All housewives please.


He is white, like snow, prickly.
Like dry sand, loose.
Sweet-sweet, like honey.
Dad often drinks tea with him.


In the water will be born, afraid of water.

Riddles about healthy lifestyle for useful food

Riddles about healthy lifestyle for useful food
Riddles about healthy lifestyle for useful food

Riddles about healthy lifestyle for useful food:

Green striped ball,
With a scarlet scarlet like a fever
Lies in the garden like a load,
Say what it is. (Watermelon)


With orange skin,
Similar to the ball,
But the center is not empty
And juicy and tasty. (Orange)


He is almost like an orange
With thick skin, juicy,
There is only one drawback -
Very, very sour. (Lemon)


Well, to guess it
Very simple:
Orange, neither give nor take,
Only less growth. (Mandarin)


We know all him since childhood -
An amazing fruit,
Orange reminds
Called - (grapefruit)


This is the best dinner
I am glad and Misha is glad
After all, today is our mother
I bought us. (grape)


They seem to be cucumbers
Only ligaments are growing,
And for breakfast these fruits
Monkeys are served. (bananas)


Guessing is not very simple -
Here I know such a fruit -
It's not about coconut,
Not about pear, not about plum, -
There is still a bird
They also call -. (kiwi)


This very strong is small
Naughty tooth
Split it first
And then eat. (nut)


Not in forests and not in the gardens,
Not with you and with us
And in tropical fields
Grows. (a pineapple)


From plant products,
Of the famous berries, fruits,
From everything that is sweet, juicy,
What is edible and not very,
For children to all overwhelming,
We can cook. (jam)


Inside it is red velvet,
Outside green is smooth (watermelon)


Golden and healthy,
Vitamin, although sharp,
It has a bitter taste
It burns not a lemon.


Like on a bed under a sheet
The churbachka rolled -
Zelenets are remote,
Tasty vegetable is small.


Garden Kralya
Hid in the basement,
Bright yellow for color,
And the braid is like a bouquet.


Green fat woman
I put on a lot of skirts.
It costs like a ballerina
From the leaves of the Pelerin.


Red, kids, but not poppy.
In the garden - not Burak.
Juicy tidbit Signor.
Guessed? (Tomato)


In the garden - a yellow ball.
He just does not run to jump,
He is like a complete moon.
Delicious seeds in it.


At the winding path
The sun is growing on the leg.
How the sun will ripen,
There will be a handful of grains.


In a green tent
Koloboks sleep sweetly.
A lot of round crumbs!
What's this? (Peas)


He bites, only now
There is a tooth, but where is the mouth?
White wears a frock coat.
What, tell me, my friend? (Garlic)


Brown - not a bear,
In mink - but not a mouse.


At least it grew up in the garden
Knows the notes salt and FA.


In these yellow pyramids
Hundreds of appetizing grains.


This is not a toy at all -
Fragrant (parsley)


At least he did not see the ink
The purple suddenly became
They love Vanya vegetable, Jean.
So it is. (Eggplant)

What kind of trotter is this


Failed on the barrel?
The very well -fed, salad.
True, children (zucchini)


What are these miracles?
On the grass lies a star!
Maybe this is a marvelous dream?
No, this is (Patisson)


Round, crumbly, Bela,
She came to the table from the fields.
You smelled her a little
After all, however, tasty.


The old grandfather is dressed in a hundred fur coats.
Whoever undresses him, he sheds tears. (Onion)


Ermoshka is sitting
On one leg,
It has a hundred clothes on it
And all without fasteners. (cabbage)


Green grass above the ground,
A scarlet head is underground. (beet)

Riddles about lifestyle for preschoolers - personal hygiene items

Riddles about lifestyle for preschoolers - personal hygiene items
Riddles about lifestyle for preschoolers - personal hygiene items

Riddles about lifestyle for preschoolers - personal hygiene items:

A warm wave splashes
In the shores of cast iron.
Guess, remember:
What is the sea in the room?

White trough
Nailed to the floor.
Lake white -
It is full, then it will make it
Clean water from the sky -
It will fill the lake
And then it will disappear without a trace.

Iron House,
The walls of the wall in it,
No roof - there is a bottom,
And at the bottom there is a window.
I can dive in the bottom in it,
But I can't drown
And if it becomes deep
I'll open the cork easily.


And what happened! And what happened!
Mom put the river into the house.
The river gurgled merrily,
Mom washed in her linen.
And then, and then,
I bathed in the rain.

The house is small
Full people live
Everyone is honest and simple
Everyone is transparent and clean,
And how the guest will come -
The people will run out
He will fall on the guest -
Yes, the guest will not be offended
Once it will hug, the other -
Shine with cleanliness.

The rain is warm and thick,
This rain is not simple:
He is without clouds, without clouds
All day is ready to go.

Wash basin
Parashka is worth -
Holds a cup
I bowed my head
I lowered the nose
And streams from the nose
Pure water in a cup.

Silver pipe,
From the pipe - water,
Water runs and pours
In the whiteness of the well,
On the pipe - two brothers,
They sit and have fun.
One in a red caftan,
The second is in blue,
Both friends are
Water with water.


I saw my portrait.
He went away - there is no portrait.

And shines and shines,
It does not flatter anyone, -
And he will tell any truth -
Everything as it is showed.

Although he did not leave for a moment
You have been from your birthday
You haven't seen his face,
But only reflection.
There is a portrait in the room,
Everything is similar to you.
Law up - and in response
He will laugh too.

I didn't look out the window -
There was one Antoshka.
I looked out the window -
There is the second Antoshka.
What is this window
Where did Antoshka look?


The sage in him saw the sage,
A fool is a fool,
Baran - Baran,
The sheep saw a sheep in it,
And the monkey is a monkey,
But they brought it to him
Fedya Baratov,
And Fedya saw
Lokhmatnoye lokyu.


When they wash with me,
Then tears spill.

Look, look -
He sinks in the river and in the trough!
Why is it always
Only where there is water?
Eliminates like living
But I will not let him out.

The case is quite clear -
Let him wash his hands.
The bubbles let go
The foam climbed up -
And he was gone,
It all disappeared.

Take me,
Wash yourself, bathe,
And what am I -
Guess rather
And know:
There would be a big trouble
When not me and water.

Smoothly and fragrantly,
Wash very cleanly
It is necessary that everyone has it.
What's this?

White foam foams
Washing your hands does not foam.
Brick pink, fragrant
Eat it and you will be clean.


Glass Akulinka
I went for a walk on the back.
And while she was walking
The back became pink.


Bone back,
Hard bristles,
It is friends with mint paste,
He serves us diligently.
Tail - from bone,
And on the back - bristles.

Little girl -
Hard bangs,
Cool cools during the day.
And in the morning and evenings
Work is accepted.


I stopped into the cave,
It goes out by the stream -
From the walls, everything withdraws.


Waffle and striped,
Vilest and shaggy,
Always under the hand -
What it is?

I wipe, try
After the boy’s bath.
Everything was wet, everything was crumbling -
There is no dry corner.

The track says -
Two embroidered ends:
“Wash yourself at least a little
Ink, rinse off the face!
Otherwise you are half a day
You stain me. "

Hangs on the wall, hangs out,
Everyone clings to him.


Toothy saw
I went into the forest dense.
The whole forest went around
I cut nothing.

There are many teeth, but eats nothing.
I walk and shut down not in the forests,
And on the mustache, on the hair,
And my teeth are longer
Than wolves and bears.
We often use it,
Although she, like a wolf, is tooth.

She doesn't want to bite
She would scratch her teeth.
As many as 25 teeth,
For curls and crests.
And under each, under the stale -
The hair will lie in a row.

Light field-wagon
The harrow is walking around the field
Wheat rakes wheat,
The order observes.
Clean, toothy
Clutch a vault of a whipper.

Wooden fence
Protects the yard
In the courtyard - a herd of horses,
And in the fence - a hundred doors,
To get out of the wild
Yes, run in a clean field.
The horses rushed in a wave
They flowed out a living river.


Lay down in your pocket and guard -
Roar, crybaby and dirty.
Streams of tears in the morning,
I will not forget about the nose.


Where the sponge does not master
Does not house, does not weld,
I take work for myself:
Heels, elbows with soap work,
And I rub my knees,
I do not forget anything.


Slides along the path
His leg -
In the wrong hands
Rides upside down
Yes, the scraper is scraped.


Massage brush
Iron hedgehog
With rubber skin,
It goes down with needles,
The grass rowing the grass.

Riddles about healthy lifestyle

Riddles about healthy lifestyle
Riddles about healthy lifestyle

Riddles about healthy lifestyle:

This horse does not eat oats
Instead of legs - two wheels.
Sit on top and rush on it,
Only better to the rule of the steering wheel.


I don't look like a horse
At least I have a saddle.
There are knitting needles. They admit,
They are not suitable for knitting.
Not an alarm clock, do not tram
But I call, so know!


The bicycle was built,
Seats placed a couple.
Two riders should be here,
To twist the pedals.


It usually goes fast here
Cycling racer.
Accelerate and circle.


I am flying on the track and about
Cool I see a turn.
And explains our coach,
That the turn is called ...


Rushes quickly on the way
Motorcycles string.
The competition is coming.
Who will call it to me?
(Racing, motocross.)


Refuel the car,
Skachachai tire.
Auto-marathon has begun.
The champion is not known.
Click on gas, Davi pedals,
You are a participant ...


We have only skates
Only summer they are.
We rode on the asphalt
And they were satisfied.


Wheels attached to the board
And then they ride from the slope.


What kind of horse? And at the horse
There are wheels, no steering wheel.
I don't sit on it in the saddle,
I'm on my back
I stand on my horse.
I got on my back on my back
Hands to the sides, spreading
And went on asphalt,
And from the border he made a "Salto".
The horse hit the stone-brow.
And the horse is called ...


That's the miracle of Stadion-
For horses, it was built
All Oryol trotter
To invite to yourself.


Horses rush to the finish line.
What are those running?


Athlete skates and puck took
I changed them to the ball with the horse.
Now rushing on the field rushes
And the club is to score with a club to strive.


That pond is not visible
No ducks, no geese.
Shores from tiles,
Call him ...
(Swimming pool.)


Swim here in winter
We can easily with you.
Here they will teach us to dive.
Somehow we call the place?
(Swimming pool.)


He liked the pool so much -
He immediately drilled into the water,
The batterfly style rushed,
Now guess the athlete.


The walker walks along the path,
And he is floating along the path.


All swimmers were delighted,
The new style was taught.
The frogs were adopted.
How did they call it?


Beauties in the pool in front of us
Everything is upside down, and upside down.
(Synchronists, synchronous swimming.)


There is a blade in my hand,
On the water, I am a row to her.
In order for our boat
The water glided strictly.


The wind scooped out
White wing
And roll boys
It took the sea.


The Indians lived at the River,
Lightly Chelny hung himself,
Sailed along the river on it
And rowing with one oar.


In the backpack is always with me
My boat is folding.
I walk on it on the rivers
Almost every day off.


You can’t do without oars,
If you go in for sports.
And what is the name of the lesson,
Where in the boat they float to the finish line?


On the masts of the sails they shot up
They pouted from the wind of the strong,
And yachts rush along the waves.
Is this race known to you?


To ride a wave
I do not need a ship.
I need:
Foam board,
Strong knees.


A little noticeable
To a cloud, to a cloud
Meter, meter
Rises with difficulty -
Does it carry your house on your back?
Think, think, don't be lazy!
Not a snail - ...


The men dragged
Two ropes and hooks.
Climb the steep wall,
Like big spiders.


From under heaven,
Like in a terrible dream
The athlete flies
On the sheet!


Jumped down
Hang on the flower.
The land touched -
The flower curled up.


In appearance - this is a plane:
Wings are and there is a pilot.
Knows how to fly well
But has no motor


Two new maples
Two -meter soles:
I put two legs on them -
And run in big snow.


Two snub athletes
They run to the distance, followed by ribbons,
Rushing on the run
Remain in the snow.


Around deep snow lies,
And he runs easily on top.
Only you can’t leave the rut.
Who rushes to the finish line, sliding?


Sports in the world is such
It is popular in winter.
You are running on the runners,
You are in a hurry for an opponent.
(Ski race.)


Frost will not catch up with us:
We are skiing ...


The skiers run through the forest
Between trees, bushes.
What is the way the route is called
Everywhere marked with flags?


Risk, speed amateur,
Snow slopes conqueror.
He rushes like a meteor,
From the tall mountains.


It's hard to say
Rush at speed from the mountain!
And the obstacles are worth it -
There are a number of flags.
The skier needs to go through them.
For the victory, the award awaits
Congratulations to the rampart will pour.
This sport is called ...


On the slope, athletes,
Faster than the tram,
The flags are okybay.


Is that slide high? Let!
It’s not terrible to us cool ...


About this sport
I heard a lot:
By ski.


Maybe we all dream of -
The skier, like a dancer, is spinning.
Somersault, then jump,
Not one is knocked down the flag.


Here is boldly skiing Alina
The distance jumps with ...


He put his wings on his feet,
Slocked from a hill and took off!
(Jumping jump.)


He is skiing, but like a bird
It may appear in the sky.
He will push off and go
Goes to flight.
(Jumping jumps.)


There is only one ski here,
Short, not long.
We will show miracles on it,
We can even smoke.


It is very difficult to be, do not argue
The most well -aimed in this sport.
Just rush along a track
Then even me can.
Try to run the day yourself
And then get into the target,
Lying back, from a rifle.
Here you can’t do without training!
And the target is not an elephant.
Sport is called ...


For a long time we walked skate
For each other three,
It was very difficult for them
Climb up.
Suddenly a honed motion
Get rifles - and shoot!
They hit targets on targets -
One, two, three, four, five.
And they rushed under the slope.
What is this? ...


You are this athlete
I could call it right away!
And he is an excellent skier,
And he is an accurate shooter!


Probably saboteurs
Who knows.
Then they run on skiing
Then shoot!


My friend and I
Every day we hasten here.
The lights shine here
And skates ring on the ice.


My new girlfriends
Both brilliant and light,
And on the ice they frolic with me,
And they are not afraid of frost.


There is a stadium in the yard
Only very slippery is it.
To rush like a wind there,
Learn to skate on skates.


Metal two brothers,
How to grow together with boots,
Wanted to ride
Top! - on the ice and rushed.
Ay, yes brothers, ah, light!
The brothers are the name? ...


Both boys and girls
They love us very much in winter
Cut the ice with a thin pattern,
Do not want to go home.
We are elegant and easy
We are figured ...


Larisa, they say,
On the skates of the second category.
Lariska is spinning
Lariska - ...
(Figure skater.)


The skater is dancing on the ice,
Drings like an autumn sheet.
He performs a pirouette,
Then a double sheepskin coat ... Ah, no!
He is not in a fur coat, easily dressed.
And now on the ice now a duet.
Eh, they ride well!
The hall held his breath.
The sport is called ...
(Figure skating.)


Who is ten kilometers
Swinging with a hand,
Runes faster than wind
Bending a poker?


Skaters on the site,
In the helmets, their hands are on gloves.
Together running to the finish line
What kind of sport is what?
(Short track.)


On the ice field
Such a picture:
Athletes drive
Heel from the boot!


As a soldier there is no without a gun,
There is no hockey player without ...


Drings the puck before him.
(Hockey stick.)


Drive on ice on ice
We all have it in sight.
She will fly into the gate,
And someone will definitely win.


He plays skates.
He holds the club in his hands.
The puck beats with this club.
Who will call an athlete?
(Hockey player.)


The stadium is seething today,
Players' guests accepted about
And he gave them a puck to drive.
But what about the meeting to name that?


On the field of ice, fence around,
And drawn in the center of the circle.
The people are worn across the field
As if looking for a way out, input.
For the washer here - two entrances.
So what is this? ...


The puck is apparently tired.
They do not allow to take a nap at all.
She ran to the stands
To relax a bit.


Who won today,
Did you score the most goals?
Everyone will immediately understand -
For this, ...


It hangs over the stands
This is a very necessary shield.
He will show each goal -
It can be seen from all sides.


I ride it until the evening time,
But my lazy horse carries only from the mountain.
I go on foot myself on foot,
And I drive my horse for the rope.


Here are the runners, back, planks -
And all together it - ...


Look - here is the hero
He flies upside down
Belly on the sled lying.
Scary, frost on the skin.


The question is not easy for me
As it is called
When athletes on sleigh
Are they moving along the gutter?


On the icy site
Players mark with a broom
And they drive a stone on ice.
What kind of sport here is before us?


What kind of sled? Themselves
Run under sails.

Video: interesting riddles for children. Riddles about objects. Drawing lesson for children

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