Riddles about food with answers - short, children's, about useful food: Best selection

Riddles about food with answers - short, children's, about useful food: Best selection

A selection of riddles about food for children.

Riddles about food - the best selection

Riddles about food - the best selection
Riddles about food - the best selection

Riddles about food - the best selection:

The lady's bed in the garden settled,
Dressed in noisy silk.
We cook the tubs for her
And a large salt is half a laundry.


Not sewn, not crown,
And all in the scarves.
Seventy clothes,
And all without fasteners.


Necazist, Shishkovato,
And she will come to the table
The guys will say fun:
"Well, scattered, tasty!"


Buried in the ground in May
And they didn't take out a hundred days
And digging under the fall -
Not one found, but ten!
What is her name, children?


Brown - not a bear,
In mink - but not a mouse.


What dug out of the ground,
Fried, cooked?
What in the ash we baked
They ate and praised?


Transparent house,
And who is it in him -
Not frogs, but green,
Not in sea water, but salty?
(Salted cucumbers)


In a piece
There was a place for the filling,
There is no empty inside it -
There is meat or cabbage.


This is bread, but it is not ours,
Called ...


It happens with a toleck,
Rice, meat and millet,
It happens with cherry sweet.
First, they put him in the furnace.
And how he will come out of there
Then put it on a dish.
Well, now call the guys! -
They will eat everything on a piece.


The ring is not simple
Gold ring,
Shiny, crispy,
All for a sight for sore eyes
Well, a schedule!


Lake milk,
The coast is kalachny.


White sweet stone
In our cup melts,
Tea, compote approves.


The hour of lunch comes:
My hands, fidget!
From meat, vegetables and cereals
Mom boiled delicious ...


Beat me with sticks
Comers me stones
Burning me with fire
Cut me with a knife;
And for that they are so destroyed,
That everyone loves me very much.


White Belyanka walked in the field;
I came home, went in my arms.


I am dawn with time,
I am collecting time,
I'm fed myself,
And I feed people.


What is more beautiful than the sun?


It grows without roots,
It gets up without bones.


They beat me, pounding me, and I endure everything - I cry good people.


They beat me with sticks, press me with stones,
keep me in a fiery cave
cut me with knives ...
Why are they so destroyed? For what they love.


Cut me
They knit me
They beat mercilessly
They are working on me;
I will pass fire and water,
And my end -
Knife and teeth.


Group is poured into a pan,
Cold water is poured
And put on the stove cook.
And what can happen here?


Black, small baby,
And there is a lot of land in it,
They will cook in the water
The guys will eat.


Black, small baby,
and there is a lot of land in it;
They will cook in the water, the guys will eat.


In the city of Torzhka
They sell a woman in a pot.


It was like this:
For a moment
It was puffy-puff-puff!
He puffed, puffed, puffed,
Until there sat in the cookie.
And from there came out -
And no longer breathes.


In a piece
There was a place for the filling,
There is no empty inside it -
There is meat or cabbage.


Enters in white skin
It turns out in a rosy clothing.


Take it out of the stove,
The guys are waiting for this meeting.
Tasty, hot crust!
It turned out to be successful -
They got out of the furnace on time
Wonderful … .


Everyone is familiar with him -
Here is the dough lump,
Cos in it cottage cheese,
It turns out … .


I bought flour, bought cottage cheese,
Brozen crumbly ....


You can bake something
For dating and for meetings,
Make friends to help,
Sweet baked ....


It happens with a toleck,
Rice, meat and millet,
It happens with cherry sweet.
First, they put him in the furnace.
And how he will come out of there
Then put it on a dish.
Well, now call the guys! -
They will eat everything on a piece.


He is ruddy, he is fragrant
Like the sun gold!
And the filling in it is jam,
Treated on birthday!


He is so ruddy, magnificent,
There are cabbage, with meat, with cherries.
He is a friend to all the guys -
Tasty, butt ....


"Pi"-ink took a horn
With him he is on holidays ....


Let's prepare a place
Roll out the dough.
That's jam, here is cottage cheese.
We want to bake ....


With a light mother's hand
It turned out from flour!
He has a ruddy side
And his name is ...!


The number "pi" and goat horn,
They love apple ....


I took flour
And took cottage cheese
Brozen crumbly ....

Like he looks like a bun
And inside him -
Eat it soon, my friend,
Sweet, delicious ....


In a piece
There was a place for the filling,
There is no empty inside it -
There is often meat or cabbage.


We take a scoop into our hands,
In forms we put sand.
Baking now with us
It turned out just a class.
You think so far.
What do we bake from sand?
(Pies, cakes)


It is delicious, full filling,
A small pie.
Elongated in appearance of the form,
And inside it is cottage cheese.
What is it?..


Or with cabbage, or jam,
What inside him is not visible.
With the heat, with the heat is our friend,
Very tasty … .


It is baked in a hot stove
From flour. Delicious, sweet
Soft, fragrant, spicy -
Therefore, it is called ....


All these brothers to select,
It's a pity to part with them,
All with the filling of the friend -
Fragrant ....


They are tasty and beautiful
Their bake with cabbage, cheese,
Cherry, cottage cheese, ink
And forest strawberries.
Well, answer me, friends!
What do I love? - ....

Riddles about food with answers

Riddles about food with answers
Riddles about food with answers

Riddles about food with answers:

Katya loves apple,
Mashenka - tomato,
Kolya and Seryozha
Cherry and pomegranate.
What am I talking about, my friend?
Of course, about fruit ...


When plus forty -two in the shade,
Not hesitated, stretch out to a friend,
Buying nearby -
One or two banks ...!


This is not soup or water
I always want to drink it.
Different tastes assorted,
There is no tastier drink!


Delicious, sweet and healthy
He is full of vitamins.
The guys drink certainly.
He is drinking - champion!


In the midst
Spring pores
He is dripping
From the snow -white bark.


They squeeze it out of fruits and berries,
Then they pour it on packages.
A healthy and delicious drink is ready.
Try, baby, freshly squeezed ...


From ripe apples drink, friend
Useful fragrant ....


Drink, squeezed
From juicy tomatoes,
Ripe apples,
The pears tanned,
Rubin berries.
He is rich in vitamins.


I took the strength from the fruits
Sweet berries, fruits.
For the guys I'm ready
The best of the products.
You drink me more
Pour, do not regret it!


So lightly the syllable of flying lines,
Like the tread of young, fast legs
On the beach, where hot sand,
And the wind is cold for the temple
When you drink ...!


It contains vitamins,
What we all need.
I drank the whole sip
He became awake. Thank you!
How pleasant the juice tastes!
He will be in English ....
(Juice, Juice (Jus)


What a miracle, fu-you, well, you!
We drink vegetables and fruits,
Beets, apples, bananas ...
Pour what's in glasses?


Riddles about food for children
Sweet, tasty, with candles,
All decorated with flowers,
Or funny figures,
It may even be a machine.
He is different, but always the main
On the table of desserts, obviously.
So he asks for his mouth,
Small, bright ....


It is baked and decorated,
On it and candles are lit,
It is sweet, cream, air,
At the bottom of the birth is very necessary.
After all, the holiday without him is not the same.
Beautiful, festive and tasty ....


What is a treat?
Not sweets, not cookies,
Not marshmallows, not lemonade,
Not Russian chocolate!
On birthday - the most
It serves the treat ....


He will be delicious, wonderful.
We will put it on the table,
We will force the candles to blow out.
Then he will go to tea -
Very tasty, sweet ....


He is a layer,
Very sweet,
A lot of roses on it,
We drink tea with him perfectly,
Or, if any, compote!
Have you guessed? It … .


He is winding, twisted
Baked in the stove is baked,
On the table he is, if a holiday,
He is always his participant.
He's sweet cake. Delight,
How this is decorated ....


We buy for a holiday
This is a miracle dramort,
Ah, what a yummy,
What we love ....


Birthday comes
The joy in the air is in the air,
The birthday girl is waiting
He baked for the holiday ....


Beautiful, and round,
Both delicious and fat.
What it is?!
Yes, everything is very simple!
His children love!
He decorates the table!
When the house has a holiday
He treats everyone!
It's nice to drink tea with him
Without sugar, even
It’s joyful, sweet with him -
The guys will say everything.
What kind of tasty such sandwich, what kind of tasty
What about the cream in the box?!
Of course - … !


What is given on the birthday?
Of course: congratulations,
Sweets and gifts,
A bunch of bright cards,
Flowers and chocolate ...
Socks, underpants, gloves?
And, most importantly, everyone is waiting for:
Big beautiful sweet ....


In the middle of the table stands
And has an important look
Everyone had been waiting for him for so long
They met with admiration.
On the feast, he is a king
You will please you,
Delicate, sweet, there are a lot of creams,
It is impossible to hide the delight!


He is sweet, good and tasty,
In the design-skillful.
Tastes of different ones can be
And he cannot cool ...
Warm it is not at all necessary,
His beauty is airy.
He is beautiful, no doubt
What is this? Give an answer.


He is winding, twisted
Baked in the stove is baked,
On the table he is, if a holiday,
He is always his participant.
He's sweet cake. Delight,
How this is decorated ....


Complex riddles about food
Riddles about milk
White water
It will be useful to us all.
From white water
Everything you want, do:
Cream, yogurt,
Oil in our porridge,
Cottage cheese on the pie,
Eat, Vanyushka, my friend!


Liquid, but not water,
White, not snow.
Who is someone yawning
Miracles are with me:
I rise - without legs
I run away - without roads!
At least I'm running not far
Do not catch: I ...
What does white have?
Everyone who drinks is not sick.
You are ready to call the product
What will a cow give us in the morning?
From the water of this white you do what you do -
Oil for porridge, cream, yogurt.
You can even cottage cheese - it is very tasty, my friend!


Not snow
And always white.
Although it flows,
Not water.
It has white color,
Who is drinking it, does not get sick
Since childhood, everyone has known him,
With diseases, it helps.
A cow gives it to us,
Are you ready to call it?


"House in the village" we see on a pack.
What is poured there?
Simple task.
From him - health, strength
And the blush of cheeks is always.
White, not white,
Liquid, not water.
Little Ozerko,
And the bottom is not visible.
What a white water
Does it rush from the farm to us in the cans?
We found the answer easily -
It's simple…
Eat, yes drink
Yes, pour guests
And do not regret the cat!


White, but not snow
Tasty, but not honey.
They take from the horned
And they give the guys.
Riddles about cottage cheese
It is healthy, gentle, tasty -
Adds appetite.
Those who eat it for breakfast,
Calcium will strengthen the teeth.
They cook it from milk -
Showing skill.
I really want to
There are in dumplings.
Even a small puppy
What would you like to eat? ...
(Cottage cheese)


He is milk
Tasty, juicy.
Vanya, friend,
Eat useful ... (cottage cheese)
Run to the kitchen with all legs,
After all, mom brought ...
(Cottage cheese)


What kind of white grains?
Not grain and no snowflakes.
Thrown milk - and on time
We got ...
(Cottage cheese)


Liquid, not water,
White, not snow.
It begins on "K" -
We drink a product from milk.


And Olya and Natasha
He will be put in porridge.
And we will smear bread to them
And we will show the girls.


It is fruit and creamy,
The world is tastier!
He is in plastic jars
For adults and children.


Liquid, not water,
White, not snow.
It begins on K.
Our product is made of milk.


Guess who is?
Snow White, thick.
The cream was beaten early in the morning,
So that we have ...
(Sour cream)


Love Little Damir
In the morning to drink sweet ...


It is made of milk
But firmly his sides.
There are so many different holes in it.
Have you guessed? It …


We will smear it on bread
And add to different porridge.
They will not spoil the porridge for sure
White-yellow pieces.


As the people call
In the composition of milk carbohydrate?


Since the world exists,
There is no tastier thing than ...


I eat it in the morning.

I love fruit taste.
They are different:
With cherries and strawberries,
With peach, ink ...
If you know them -
You will guess the riddle.


We will smear it on bread
And add to different porridge.
We will not spoil our porridge -
The saying echoes everyone.
Kohl add it to the cake,
We will get a single cream.


And what do we take from the horned cow?
Tasty, paired ...


All the kids are given by his cow,
So that we have health.
We drink it
We brew porridge on it.
And we will prepare a fermented bunk.
What is the name of this product?
Tender, white ...


Take sour milk,
And we mix pancakes.
And the people call it ...


He has a cream color,
They drink it and know the benefit,
From childhood, his taste is familiar with everything,
With various diseases, it helps out.
His horned cow gives us,
Will you call it correctly?
Guessed without a hint?
This is paired ...


Poured paired milk,
The mother fed deliciously.
We loved cottage cheese
Everything can be obtained from ...


We take a sour kefir,
We love dairy products.
We buy cheese, sour cream, butter.
Everything can be prepared from ...

We love liquid, white fluid,
Nutritional remedy,
The kids grow on it.
And they boil ...


Brought the kids seven pieces,
He feeds them with his maternal ...


Everyone is advised by doctors to drink goat ...


If we cook semolina porridge,
Then add the cow ...

Always in the garden, children eat porridge with ...


All the guys are loved by milk soup,
Favorable buckwheat porridge.
Grow very quickly,
And everything is cooked on ...


Drink yogurt,
Eat sour cream, granular cottage cheese.
And all this is called - dairy ...


If porridge is out of the box,
Then called dry milk ...


Without it, you can’t cook semolina porridge.
And you can’t prepare the same pancakes.
Tender, cool, with and without foam.
Boiled, paired ...


Woke up in the morning
Did the charging.
And for breakfast we have milk ...


All products are known to us
And for all they are useful.
You will recognize them easily
They all contain fresh ...


It will help save the bones in order.
You need to drink it every day.
Do not forget to buy it.
This product has been familiar to you for a long time,
This is boiled, tender ...


We get fresh milk
From your beloved ...


To give milk a cow,
Need to feed it every day
Fresh, juicy ...


Everyone loves cocoa with him,
Coffee without it is not tasty.
And we call this product -...


We cook pearl barley, millet, buckwheat porridge with it.
We all know it!
But called ...

Riddles about food with a catch

Riddles about food with a catch
Riddles about food with a catch

Riddles about food with a catch:

Long and round,
White and swarthy,
What a sweet coquet
In fantic dresses?


In chocolate caramel
Very tasty - believe me,
Adults and children love
Eating different ...


Fragrant plate
I will break into halves
And more on the lobels -
It will be scooping!
Both tasty and sweet,
What is this?


What a delicious ice
In colored dresses?
Guess - well done!
So what is it?


Fragrant sweets,
The tastes are pleasant
With sweet filling,
With a jam, lipstick -
They didn’t eat anything tastier!
What is this? ...


Carved, twisted,
With a filling, puff.
Tasty - just an overallness!
What's this? - It …


They are in a sugar fur coat,
You touch - how jelly trembles.
Multi -colored, aromatic -
And licking your tongue, they will become smooth.
So you get that you are not happy!
What a sweet? ...


And the jelly is trembling
Sweet, elegant:
Watermelon, strawberry,
Vanilla chocolate
And tender lipboard -
For anyone and taste and good
Multi -colored ...


Whipped cloud cream,
Like an air river,
The taste conquers the world
Fluffy sweet ...


Biscuit, puff
Baked cakes,
Cut into parts,
To eat it was sweeter.
It is very difficult to refuse -
It is very tasty ...


Biscuit, folded in layers,
It's delicious ...


Ice sweetness -
In summer children joy,
Melts good in the mouth,
Like a snowflake on the fly
It is difficult to refuse
From delicious ...
(Ice cream)


You can bake something
For dating and for meetings,
Make friends to help,
Sweet baked ...


Cream Brule and Eskimo
Everyone has been loved for a long time,
Vanilla, strawberry,
With nuts, blueberry -
Snow cake,
What is it?…
(Ice cream)


I am in a glass, a horn,
Tasty and tender.
Made in milk,
More often - snow -white.
I live in freezers,
And in the sun I immediately melt.
(Ice cream)


The berries were collected, mixed with sugar,
Cook, version, put in the banks-
Delicious! Everyone is surprising to everyone
What do they give for tea? ...


Grandmother from sweet berries
I welded something.
And there will be enough for us for a year
To tea and in compotes.


Sweets, sweets -
These are our joys
Milk "Burenka"
With sugar - …
(Condensed milk)


On a holiday, I will come to everyone
I am big and sweet.
There are nuts in me, cream,
Cream, chocolate.


He lives in his foil,
He quickly melts in his hand.
Very tasty, very sweet,
Makes the face of the guys.


We are in a confectionery rustling
Fantiki bright.
And we want for a holiday
To get to you with gifts.


It turned out a cake for fame,
I’ll pick it up and pick up the crumbs.
They added a seasoning to the cake,
Not simple, but a bark.


We are in the package of one hundred zero
We notice with poppy seeds.
Grandma, pour seagulls,
There are a bit of them for tea.
(Lambs, drying)


He was swab in the stove, dark
Like a bagel, also round.
This soft lamb
I eat for breakfast in a doseran.


Sweet, baked,
Golden glaze,
Tula carved,
Andryusha eat,
Masha and Nadia,
Both Maxims and Irinki,
Having broken into halves.
They will treat Tanya
Fragrant ...


What kind of sun is the holes,
Very tasty, ruddy?
Bake in a pan,
Oil, honey are gilded.
Can't buy in a shop
Grandmother ...


Their granny with sugar
I baked sweet.
The first came out - like a lump,
And others are smooth.


I am raisor, almond
We bake them on Easter.
And sculpt them in the yard
Also to be a child.
(Easter cake, Easter cakes)


It can be sandy,
And sometimes with cream.
Sometimes it happens with juicy
Appetizing jam.
And the meringue happens - crumbs,
And in the icing peel
Maybe it is potatoes,
Only not mashed potatoes at all.


On top - rhombic patterns,
And the filling in them is inside.
Quickly tea devices
Take it in the kitchen from the shelves.
We offer them for tea
Grandfather and baby.
And in their honor we call
Often a towel.


Mom, dear, where are you?
Get up the service soon.
There are viscous sweets,
They are called "KIS-CIS."


I look like jam
Only a gap.
You will take me to tea
And add to the cake.


I'm trembling in a glass,
As if I'm afraid.
I will offer you for dessert
Your pleasant taste.


In the shop window
I don't miss for a long time.
I am sunflower, tachin
I come to you for tea.


Very aromatic,
Sweet and mint.
On top we are in an iconic gloss,
As if in a joyful blush.


Children's riddles about food

Children's riddles about food
Children's riddles about food

Children's riddles about food:

We went into the forest yesterday,
And what did we find there?
He stood on a thick leg,
In a strong hat by the track.


The hat is and there is a leg,
There is no boot on the leg!
And the leg and the hat -
Tasty soup guys!
The sheet of alder stuck to the hat ...
Well, of course it is!


In the summer it is growing in the forest,
He himself does not go to the basket.
He needs to bow
Cut off the leg, not be lazy,
He will remove the hat then
Food is delicious from it.
What is growing under the hat,
Doesn't it go to the basket?


He hid under a pine tree
A round table on a thin leg.


I'm in a beautiful red hat
After sunlight
Under a thick spruce paw
He hid from people.
And they will find me, alas,
The hat will be removed from the head.


On stump on thin legs
The mushrooms grew a little.
What kind of friendly guys?
These are mushrooms ...


Strong, dense, very stately,
In the hat brown and elegant.
This is the pride of all forests!
A real king of mushrooms!


Here are the fashionistas of the sisters,
And they have their own habits -
There are any color hats
You can check it.


In a red hat under the aspen
The yellow sheet stuck to the hat ...
Climb the basket
You are an edible, delicious mushroom.


I found mushrooms in the forest.
I will take my mother quickly.
Red -haired color
Hello from the summer.
Their sisters love very much.
Called ...


On the edge of the pine tree
They were found in the grass with you.
We carry them in the body,
It is difficult to hold in the hand:
Slippery guys.
What do we have? - ...


The best mushroom in the forest
I carry it in Lukoshechka -
Strong, not worming,
With a beautiful hat.
You will guess in a moment,
What is in the basket - ...


The brightest mushroom in the forest
I won't bring home.
At least beautiful his pattern,
Not edible ..


On the edge of the forest
Near the old pen
The mushroom army gathered
I suggest guessing!
Can one of you guys
Will it say that this? ...


In the morning early under the bushes
Just found themselves!
On a hemp - like on a bench,
Fairy family! -
For selection, mushrooms - guys
Entitled … .


On a mossist, an old pencil case
Funny mushrooms grow,
They are full that your chickens
And what is the name of them all?


Pink pleasant color
And the rings are a bright mark.
So the girlfriends are worried,
These are mushrooms


Bright, red fungus
I could find today.
Like friendly sisters
Hide in the grass -


The best mushroom in the forest
I carry it in Lukoshechka -
Strong, not worming,
With a beautiful hat.
You will guess in a moment,
What is in the basket -


Look how good!
Hat red pea,
Lace collar -
He is not a beginner in the forest!


Bright, red fungus
I could find today.
Like friendly sisters
Hiding in the grass - ...


The leg is thick like a stump
The hat was famously swollen,
He is not small and not great,
The mushroom is beautiful ...


Legs like a tube,
White skirts,
The guys are sitting on the hemp
Called ...


I am more important than all mushrooms.
In Yushka delicious - there are no words!
And in potatoes, too,
I'm excellent, yet!
Coniferous forest and deciduous,
I consider it close!
Mushroom from the genus Mookhovik
And I am called ...


The mossy stump has
The mushroom got out of the diapers.
Thin, reddish -
Really ...


On a mossist, an old pencil case
Funny mushrooms grow,
They are full that your chickens
And what is the name of them all?


It grows, where there are birch trees,
Loves rain, fog and dew.
There are villi on top of the hat,
Below white plates.
For salting, he is the best
From time immemorial.
Who will he be like that
In the glorious army of mushrooms?
Mushroom pickers are all by heart
They will tell you what it is ...


These cunning mushrooms,
They hide from us in leaves.
Light red sisters ...
How do we call them? ...


Strange mushroom, like a hut cone,
Porous, look like a muddler.
He looks like an old man ...
What is his name? ...


Stropysh stands on the pedestal.
Mushrooms with vengeance of the hat were removed.
Such a pleasant goodness.
King fungus ...


Mushroom in a red hat in white dots
Yours immediately attracts the gaze,
Sometimes flaunts on a bump.
He is ivagid ...

When it grows asfall, it breaks down
Dry land pierces,
Among the mushrooms, the champion,
Delicious ...


He is oily in appearance,
It is also very famous
Not a kid, not a stranger,
Very tasty mushroom ...


Among the birch-spring of Otrada,
The fungus grows, what is needed.
The old man is inconspicuous,
But the taste is pleasant at ...


Let without horns and without hooves
He is very famous in the forest.
Does not jump like a foal,
The mushroom is wonderful ...


As if in their heads of their heads
And they can cover themselves deftly.
Very glorious guys -
Golden ...


They don't know how to run at all,
A spark in the grass yellow,
Without tails, they are with a sister,
Though they are called and ...


His mushroom pipe is an outfit
Will become the best of the awards.
Bugorcom stuck to the ground,
Smilely hiding, ...


This mushroom is almost homemade,
It grows in our basement,
Delicious broth from it
It is white …


The wavy mushroom is worried,
It flaunts under a tree,
Looking like a shell
He is called ...

Mushrooms grow
In the coniferous forest,
Slippery guys
Everything in oil ...


In the same outfits,
In fashionable hats, hiding his views,
The guys are sitting on the hemp.
What is their name? ..

Riddles about food for grade 4, 5

Riddles about food 4, 5, class
Riddles about food for grade 4, 5

Riddles about food for grade 4, 5:

I'm sitting between the grass
Red sweet.
Rogue and sink.


Roslav-rosla, increased,
I got out of the bushes,
I lit up with a bright color
And all people fell in love.


Red beads hang,
They look at us from the bushes.
These beads are very fond of these
Gather children in a basket.


"Telnyashka" a little of my strip,
But I don't go to sea.
I learned, of course, you guys
I am lying on the southern melon.


Green striped ball,
With a scarlet scarlet like a fever
Lies in the garden, ripens ... well,
Say what it is ...


The caftan is green on me
And the heart is like a kumach.
It tastes like sugar is sweet,
It looks like a ball.


A butuz is growing on a bahch -
The striped is tidy ....


He sighs very hard -
So the poor thing turned fat
What a green vest
He put on himself with difficulty.


Among Bakhchi -
Green balls.
The kids flew -
One bark from the balls.


Although he is a strip,
But, however, it is not Used.
At least has its tail,
But short and dry.
He has round sides
Like a bang - a bang.
And from great -grandfathers
He is a lover of everyone sweet.
Who is this peanut?
How do you think? ....


Scarlet itself, sugar,
The caftan is green, velvet.


Black, striped,
And in the middle is sweet.


This berry in the south
On Bakhch lives with us.
And always in the vest “walks”.
Who will call it to me?


You can hardly hug this fruit,
If weak, then you will not raise
Cut it into pieces,
You eat red pulp.


We came to us with Bakhchi
Striped balls.


Fresh, red, useful, tasty:
And freeze, and wet, and cook jam,
And it suits the fruit drink - he will not allow to catch a cold.
In the forest Idi-there is a berry ...


Leaflets - with gloss,
Berries - with blush,
And the bushes themselves -
No higher than bumps.


She is the queen of the north,
Tasty, red, well, just class,
Cold in winter is useful,
The balance of substances will support us.


What a small bushes
Grew up in the forests on bumps,
Where the soft moss grows,
Near peat bogs?
Berries on them with a blush,
The leaves are covered with gloss.
Like small grapes
Red brushes hang.
Who will tell me without a scream,
What is her name? ...


Like small grapes,
The clusters of the red hang.
In September, you will collect them,
You will stock up vitamins.
In the middle of the lobby-look!
- What kind of berry? ...


Her bushes are tall, thick,
The trunk and branches are a tube,
Very fragile.
The berries are red
Yes, not tasty.


Not black blueberries
The berry is completely different
Because the blue
They call ...


I'm the colors of the beautiful sky
Sweeter than honey tastes.
Color in mid -summer
And I am called marsh


Berries in the forest, on bumps,
Hide in the leaflets.
Blue all of the tunic ...
We are looking for what we are? ...


The long -legged boasts -
Am I not a beauty?
And all - the bone
Yes, a red blouse!


Like blood, red.
Like honey, tasty.
Like a ball, round,
I lay down in my mouth.


Like a ball, round,
Like blood, red.


Small, like a mouse
Red as blood,
Tasty, like honey.


I'm sitting on a tree:
Red as blood,
Round, like a ball
Tasty as honey.


Was green, small
Then I became Ango.
I turned black in the sun -
And now I'm ripe.


The taste of the berry is good
But hand her go - ka:
The bush in thorns seems to be a hedgehog, -
So called ...


This berry of prickly
Like an angry hedgehog.
But she is not a zlyachka at all -
It pricks a little.
Carefully collect
Unprecedented crop:
Look - for a row row
Miracle berries hang


On the bushes with thorns she,
It seems to be raspberries, but black.


In earnest, but seriously
The bush with thorns has grown.
Dark berries of shatter.
What kind of bush?


It is easy to tear the berry -
After all, it grows low.
Look under the leaflets-
There was ripe ...


On the edge of the hemp
A lot of red lights.
Ah, you just look - ka:
Why ...


On a boot at the hemp
A lot of thin stalks.
Each thin stalk
Holds a scarlet light.
We extend the stems -
Collect the lights.


There is Yashka in a red shirt,
Whoever passes past, everyone will bow to him.


I am a drop of summer
On a thin leg.
Weave for me
Brows and baskets.
He who loves me is glad to bow.
And the name gave me my native Zemlyatsu.


There is a red beard above the water.


In haymaking - Gorky,
And in the cold - sweet,
What kind of berry?


It grows in the bed,
Blooms, matures,
Mustache on the ground
He spreads his own.


In a hot sunny day
A light flashed in the bed!
Do not be afraid, look-
What kind of berry?


Here the berry ripened.
Her sister is next to her.
Together in the leaves sit
And they look at the sun.


Turned to the bed side
It was filled with red juice.
Her sister strawberries.
What kind of berry?


In early summer, it ripens,
And the red color is surprising.
It tastes tender and pleasant
And she is very fragrant.


Love to hide, hide,
And shelter with a leaflet,
The pyramid is red,
The berry is beautiful!


What a bead here
Has it hung on the stem?
You look - saliva will flow,
And get out - sour!


I'm red, I'm sour,
I grew up in the swamp
I ripened under the snowball,
Well, who is familiar with me?


On a branch - fines with a honey filling,
And the skin on the branch of the breed is hedgehog.


Bend and prickly
Sweet is not a smell,
You will tear the berries -
You will wrap your whole hand.


Red beads hang
They look at us from the bushes,
These beads are very fond of these
Children, birds and bears.


So the summer flew by
And you look, it ripened in the gardens:
Pear, apples, viburnum,
Chernivopia and ....


Red matryoshka,
White heart.


These berries, everyone knows
We are replaced by the medicine.
If you are sick with tonsillitis
Drink tea with ...


In the swamp she was disfigured
In a soft grass lurked.
Yellowish brooch -
Berry ...


On a prickly bush
Yellow beads.
Autumn has come quietly,
And she matured ...
(sea \u200b\u200bbuckthorn)


That between the spikes and leaves,
Bright solar color,
On short stalks,
Cooked up branches from the summer?
Fragrant to taste
Sweet-sour fruits,
Pineapple remind
And useful for food.
Tell me guys,
This berry is a doctor
That saves from diseases,
What is it called? ..
(sea \u200b\u200bbuckthorn)


What a wonderful picture:
A wonderful bush before me.
There are no leaves, but all strengthened
Scattering yellow beads.
(sea \u200b\u200bbuckthorn)


Red -haired children stuck around the branches.
And who eats them, improves health.
(sea \u200b\u200bbuckthorn)


Autumn came to us in the garden,
The red torch lit.
Here are druszes, starlings scurry
And, Gald, they peck him.


Two sisters are green in the summer,
By autumn, one blushes,
The other blackens.


- Are you red?
- No, black.
- Why is white?
- Because green?


Black berries lush bush -
They taste good!


Mother - spring
I'm in a color dress,
Stepmother - winter
I am in the Savan alone.


There is a beauty -
Everyone likes.
The dress was lost
And the buttons remained.


Like a snowball white
In the spring, she bloomed,
The delicate smell exuded.
And when the time has come,
She became at once
All of the berry is black.


In the forest and in the swamp
You will find weed.
And on it the bun is blue -
Sweet -sour berries are a handful.


A lot of dark blue beads
Someone dropped the bush.
Collect them in a basket.
These beads - ...


Under the sheet on each branch
Little children are sitting.
The one who collects the children
Hands will smear his hands and mouth.


Sits next to us
He looks with black eyes.
Black, sweet, small
And the guys are sweet.


There is a thorn on the forks,
Dressed in a crimson,
Who will do
That is zailnet.
(rose hip)


The berry sits on a stick
In a red shirt,
The abdomen is full, stuck with pebbles.
(rose hip)

Riddles about food - 6, 7 grade

Riddles about food - 6, 7 grade
Riddles about food - 6, 7 grade

Riddles about food - 6, 7 grade:

A small stove with red coals.


Round, hairy; inside - white; Outside - brown.


Sami with a cam, a red barrel,
You touch - smoothly, you will bite off - sweetly.


On the lace - the stem
Sweet berries pile
On a large dish.


There is a fruit in the garden,
He is sweet, like honey,
Blush, like kalach,
But not round, like a ball,
- He's under the very leg
It will stretch a little.


This fruit is loved by monkeys,
With him, I saw the compote in the bank.
This is a fruit with the letter "m",
I will eat it today.


Golden magic fruit
So he asks for our mouth.
I hid the bones inside.
There are four of them, look.
If not a ripe fruit -
How a rope will connect the mouth.


At least the sun burns
He is dressed in a cloth
And the cloth is golden,
Subtle and clean.


Yellow ball, slightly bitter.
In the summer, thirsty will quench.


- Yellow, round, where are you from?
- Right from the sunny south!
You can eat me, but only
First divided into slices.
It looks like the sun itself.
How will you call me?


He is sweet and fat.
And a little like a sickle looks like.


On a green cord
Among the summer heat
In a gold peel
Balls grow.


Guessing is not very simple -
Here I know such a fruit -
It's not about coconut,
Not about pear, not about plum, -
There is still a bird
They also call - ...

This fruit tastes good
And it looks like a light bulb.
The yellow bulb hangs.
Eating us tells us.


He is almost like an orange
With thick skin, juicy,
There is only one drawback -
Very, very sour.


With orange skin,
Similar to the ball,
But the center is not empty
And juicy and tasty.


Well, to guess it
Very simple:
Orange, neither give nor take,
Only less growth.


He grew up in the south
He collected his fruits in the clock.
And stern in winter
He will come to our house.


Citrus it is growing in the south,
In a warm grove, not in the garden,
But we love in our district
The fruit is orange and sweet.
We come to the store,
We buy ...


He is orange and juicy,
Loves New Year.
Look under the Christmas tree - for sure
He is waiting in gifts!
This red -haired gentleman -
Delicious sweet ...


Round -side, yellow -faced,
It can be compared with the sun.
And what a fragrant,
Sweet pulp is like that!
We are now fans
Queen Paul ...


What kind of fruit was ripening in the garden?
The bone is inside, in the freckles of the cheek.
Roy OS flew to him -
Soft is soft ...


The hot sun warms,
In the skin, like in armor, dressed.
Surprise us
Tolstoye ...
(A pineapple)


Kids know this fruit,
They like to eat his monkeys.
He is from hot countries
The tropics are growing ...


This is the best dinner
I am glad and Misha is glad
After all, today is our mother
I bought us ...


Pear, apple, banana.
Pineapple from hot countries.
These delicious products
All are called together ...


Yellow citrus fruit
In the countries of the sun, it is growing.
But it tastes the most acidic,
And his name is ...


In appearance, he is like a red ball,
Only now he doesn’t rush to jump.
It has a useful vitamin -
It's ripe ...


Pear, apple, banana,
Pineapple from hot countries.
These delicious products
All are called together ...


The hot sun warms,
In the skin, like in armor, dressed.
Surprise us
Tolstoye ...
(a pineapple)


Someone there, in the corner of Sadovoy,
In a modest lilac dress
Hides in the foliage shyly.
Have you guessed? It…


They hung on the branches,
How matured - turned blue.
They look at the pugnly from top to bottom,
Waiting for them to break them ...


The fruit looks like a non -nevalya,
Wears a yellow shirt.
Violating the silence in the garden
It fell from the tree ...


Yellow citrus fruit
In the countries of the sun, it is growing.
And it tastes acidic.
What is his name?


This fruit in a bright shirt
He loves to be hot.
Does not grow among aspen
Round red ...


Kids know this fruit,
They like to eat his monkeys.
He is from hot countries.
It grows high ...


What kind of fruit was ripening in the garden?
The bone is inside, in the freckles of the cheek.
Roy OS flew to him. -
Soft is soft ...


From above - the skin is gold,
In the center - the bone is large.
What kind of fruit? - Here's a question for you.
It's sweet ...


In a yellowish crust
Pink slices.
This bitter-acid fruit
Called ...


In the summer in the dress is green,
And in the fall - in the lilac.
Fragrant and beautiful.
Do you find out? It…


He is from countries where the climate is hot.
Bright yellow, but not sweet.
He is even ripe sour.
What is the name of the fruit?


They torn the edge of the shirt -
The glass sprinkled down.
Do not collect them all back.
What kind of fruit is this?


Who hid a sheet there
Your ruddy strong side?
Under the sheets-bags
Hide in the heat ...

Riddles about useful food

Riddles about useful food
Riddles about useful food

Riddles about useful food:

Shred on a flap - green patches,
The whole day on the stomach is not at the bed.


The lady's bed in the garden settled,
Dressed in noisy silk.
We cook the tubs for her
And a large salt is half a laundry.


I tried the whole summer -
Dressed, dressed ...
And how autumn came up
I gave us clothes.
A hundred clothes
We put in the barrel.


What kind of creak? What kind of crunch?
What is this bush?
How to be without a crunch
If I … !


How I put on a hundred shirts
Brushing on her teeth.


I was spoiled for glory
The head is white, curly.
Who loves cabbage soup -
Look for me in them.


One hundred clothes -
All without fasteners.


I was spoiled for glory
The head is white, curly.
Who loves cabbage soup -
Look for me in them.


All decorated with flowers,
Take a look at her yourself.
These white inflorescences
In the crackers we fry the children.


Orange spine sits underground,
He keeps a storehouse of vitamins in himself,
Helps children to become healthier,
What is this vegetable, can you say?


The red girl sits in a dungeon,
A scythe on the street.


For a curly crest
The fox made of mink was dragged.
To the touch - very smooth,
It tastes like sweet sugar.


Who hid in the ground deftly?
This is red ...


In these yellow pyramids
Hundreds of appetizing grains.


Immediately this vegetable is recognized by color,
The blue master calls his name.
With a shiny peel and oblong,
He is glad to treat adults and kids.


Violet caftan
Wears the vegetable ...


At least he did not see the ink
Violets suddenly became
And glosses from praise
Very important … .


Round and smooth
You will bite off - sweet.
I settled hard
On the bed ....


Round side, yellow side,
Sitting a bun on the garden.
Glorified in the ground tightly.
What is this?


She is pulled a grandmother with a granddaughter,
Cat, grandfather and mouse with a bug.
(Turnip) She is black,
She is white.
I pulled the tail from the bed
And I made it sour cream.


What a miracle is in the garden?
Under the sheet, a shell like.
He is a wavy from all sides.
What kind of vegetable? ....


Green House is cramped:
Narrow long, smooth.
They sit in the house side by side
Round guys.
In the fall, trouble came -
The house cracked smooth
Someone galloped where
Round guys.


On the stem is green hook,
And a chest hangs on it.
Eight guys are in the chest
Silently sit next to him.


In a green tent
Koloboks sleep sweetly.
A lot of round crumbs.
What's this?


At least it grew up in the garden
Knows the notes salt and FA.


This is not a toy at all -
Fragrant ...


Like on a bed under a sheet
The churbachka rolled -
Zelenets are remote,
Tasty vegetable is small.
(Cucumber) green on the ridge,
And in a jar salty.


Here is a green fellow.
He is called ...


Our piglets grew up in the garden,
To the sun barrel, hooking tails.
These piglets play hide and seek with us.


We fell apart in a mess
On his feather-link
One hundred green cubs,
With nipples in the mouth are lying,
Continuously suck the juice
And grow.


Like in our garden
Riddles grew
Juicy and large,
These are the round ones.
They turn green in the summer
They blush by the fall.


He warms his side in the sun,
Gives us tomato juice.
People have been loved for a long time
Red, ripe ....


Like in our garden
Riddles grew
Juicy and large,
These are the round ones.
They turn green in the summer
They blush by the fall.


I grew up in the garden
Under the rains of the mole,
Ripped and matured
And she matured ...


Prepare for lunch
You can't vinaigrette
If such a vegetable
You don't have on the bed.
(Beets) grass above the ground,
Underground is a burgundy head.


Below red, at the top is green,
In the ground grew up.


Bright flashlights on the bushes hang,
It is as if a festive parade passes here.
Green, red, yellow fruits,
Who are they, you will recognize them?


He happens, children, different -
Yellow, herbal and red.
Then he is burning, then he is sweet,
You need to know his habits.
And in the kitchen - the head of spices!
Guessed? It … .


It grows very long
And it takes half a break.
This vegetable pumpkin brother,
In the summer everyone eats it.


Substituting the sun.
Lies in the garden ....


The golden head is great, heavy,
The golden head rested to rest.
The head is great, only the neck is thin.


In the garden - a yellow ball.
He just does not run to jump.
He is like a complete moon
Delicious seeds in it.


In the garden, a yellow ball,
He just does not run to jump,
He is like a complete moon
Delicious seeds in it.


What is growing in our garden?
Cucumbers, sweet peas.
Tomatoes and dill
For seasoning and for samples.
There is a radish and salad,
Our bed is just a treasure.
If you listened carefully,
I remember necessarily.
Answer in order.
What is growing in our garden?


What has grown in the garden?
Very tasty, but not sweet.
In the garden everyone is lying -
We will prepare a salad!
We will weld a lot of cereals with them -
It turned out a delicious soup!
More chocolate tiles
We all need to eat it.


They grow in the garden
No need to walk far away -
Everything for borsch, salad, soup
We will pick it up simply and easily.


This word is called
Tubers and fruits,
To eat them
You can do everything!


They are different
They ripen in the gardens,
In a word they call
In borsch, their mother adds!


Different colors have
Who turns yellow, who blows,
Who has a root of the root
Others have a fruit in high esteem!


They plant in the spring
Water in the summer,
Weave, pull,
They dig up in the fall!


Edible tops, roots,
They are called, without a doubt,
The word that has been familiar from childhood,
Tell me soon what it is!


They are salted for the winter,
Cook and fried,
Salads are preparing
And squeeze the juice!


Both green and Gust
A bush has grown in the garden.
Rummage a little:
Under the bush ....


Necazist, Shishkovato,
And she will come to the table
The guys will say fun:
"Well, scattered, tasty!"


Near the house, between the bushes,
In the field, in the garden, along the forests
An important culture is growing
With a strong, dense texture.
We will all collect tubers,
We dry and take it,
We will eat until spring
The dishes are tasty from it.


Red eye,
Bogatyr Taras,
He went underground
I found ten brothers.
Look, look
What are the heroes!


She is hiding from the sun
Under the bush in deep mink,
Brown - not a bear,
In mink - but not a mouse.


Casserole, pancakes,
Pancakes and mashed potatoes
Zrazy and dumplings,
Liver in the peel,
And excellent okroshka
Can be made from ...


The cheeks are pink, the nose is white,
In the dark I am sitting a whole day.
And the shirt is green,
All in the sun.


He is dressed tightly in ten clothes,
Often comes to our dinner.
But only at the table you call him,
You yourself will not notice how you will shed tears.


Grandfather sits in the ground,
He is dressed in a hundred fur coats.
Who undresses him
He sheds tears.
(Onions) Throwed from Egorushki
Golden feathers,
Egorushka forced
Cry and without combustion.


Golden and healthy,
Vitamin, although sharp.
It has a bitter taste
It burns ... not a lemon.


Will make everyone around,
Although he is not a brawler, but ....


He grows in the ground,
It is cleaned to winter.
Heads look like a bow.
If only you make
Even a small slice -
You will smell for a very long time.


Small and bitter, Brother Lukov.


White clove
Chewing is not at all bad.
From colds from diseases
There are no more useful vegetables.


He bites, but not a dog.
There is a tooth. But where is the mouth?
White wears a frock coat.
What is it, tell me? ....


Riddles about delicious food for children

Riddles about delicious food for children
Riddles about delicious food for children

Riddles about delicious food for children:

Bel, like snow,
In honor of everyone.
I got into the mouth -
He disappeared there.


White sweet stone
In our cup melts,
Tea, compote approves.


Small, butt,
The wheel is edible.
I don't eat you alone,
I will share the guys to all.


The hour of lunch comes:
My hands, fidget!
From meat, vegetables and cereals
Mom boiled delicious ...


White stone in water melts.


They don't eat me alone,
And without me they eat little.


On the twine of the ring for tea
I buy in the store.


Born on the field,
The factory was cooked,
On the table disappeared.


Separately - I'm not so tasty
But in food - everyone needs it.


The leg is wooden,
Chocolate shirt.
In the sun I melt
I disappear in my mouth.


Sits on a spoon
Hanging the legs.


Comfortable, nostril both Gubato and Gorbato,
And firmly, and softly, and round, and broken.
And black and white, and all people are good.
(Bread, loaf)


What the riddle is about here,
It’s good to eat with a seagull,
In appearance - a small loaf
And with the filling of sweet he.


What is poured into the pan
Yes, four are bent


Can break
Can cook
If you want -
To the bird
It can turn.


White barrel,
And in it - not a bitch.


They don't eat me
But even without me they eat little.


Not snow
And always white.
Although it flows,
Not water.


Eat, yes drink
Yes, pour guests
And do not regret the cat!
Milk or kefir

White water
It will be useful to us all.
From white water
Everything you want, do:
Cream, yogurt,
Oil in our porridge,
Cottage cheese on the pie,
Eat, Vanyushka, my friend!


Liquid, not water,
White, not snow.
It begins on "K" -
We drink a product from milk.


Transparent house,
And who is it in him -
Not frogs, but green,
Not in sea water, but salty?
Salted cucumbers


In a piece
There was a place for the filling,
There is no empty inside it -
There is meat or cabbage.


It happens with a toleck,
Rice, meat and millet,
It happens with cherry sweet.
First, they put him in the furnace.
And how he will come out of there
Then put it on a dish.
Well, now call the guys! -
They’ll eat everything on a piece


Children are very fond of
The chill is in the bag.
Chill, chill,
Let me lick you once!
Ice cream


This is bread, but it is not ours,
Called ....


Guess easily and quickly:
Soft, magnificent and fragrant.
He is both black and white,
And it is burnt.


What is added to Borodinsky bread?


Sweet, gentle and airy.
Sometimes everyone needs him.
Not a single celebration
Does not pass without him.


On the day of funny name
Bake bread alone,
And they sing everything: “Choose,
Someone you love, …!"


It shakes on the table
But called ....


Soft piece of bread,
Top sausage, garlic.
He himself asks us in his mouth,


Warm, soft and shiny,
With a crust so crispy!
We will ask the children:
"What is this?"


The bees worked hard in the summer
So that in winter we get treated.
Open your mouth wider
Eat fragrant, sweet ...


They welded her out of cereal
Saul, sweeten it.
Hey, where is our spoon?!
So tasty for breakfast ...


Onions, cabbage and potatoes,
Different vegetables a little.
You look for them in a pan.
This is a naming soup ...
(cabbage soup)


Let's prepare a place
Roll out the dough.
That's jam, here is cottage cheese.
We want to bake ...


Sugar shirt,
From above - a bright piece of paper.
Sweet feelings love it.
What kind of delicacy?


It is made of milk
But firmly his sides.
There are so many different holes in it.
Have you guessed? It…


Not okroshka or soup.
Beetroot in it, carrots, cucumber.
Serve for lunch
With lean oil ...
(the vinaigrette)


What kind of white grains?
Not grain and no snowflakes.
Thrown milk - and on time
We got ...
(cottage cheese)


Guess who is?
Snow White, thick.
The cream was beaten early in the morning,
So that we have ...
(sour cream)


Grandmother from berries weld
Something tasty for a year.
Ah, what is the overalls -
Fragrant ...


What a white water
Does it rush from the farm to us in the cans?
We found the answer easily -
It's simple…


They wrapped this tile
In a silver sheet.
Each is glad to eat tiles.
What is this? (Chocolate)


He jumped off the pan,
Browned in the middle.
Know, is ready one more
With the heat of the heat is thin ...


What is poured into the pan
Yes, four are bent?
(Answer: pancakes)


Who knows this drink
That name will guess.
I call his sparkle,
And the name is water - a wheel.
(Answer: soda)


I am a herbaceous plant
With a lilac flower.
But rearrange the stress
And I turn into candy.
(Answer: Iris)


I love him very much
In the morning I drink milk,
But not coffee or tea,
Well, answer quickly!
(Answer: cocoa)


Parents Pechor
Lies the bull bib
Mac is crowded in the belly,
In the side the knife is imported.
(Answer: Caravay)


Liquid, not water,
White, not snow.
It begins on "K" -
We drink a product from milk.
(Answer: kefir)


White water
It will be useful to us all.
From white water
Everything you want, do:
Cream, yogurt,
Oil in our porridge,
Cottage cheese on the pie,
Eat, Vanyushka, my friend!
(Answer: milk)


Liquid, but not water,
White, not snow.
(Answer: milk)


There is and is it not laziness
It was my sister Nina.
And the next day
We fell ill with a sore throat.
(Answer: ice cream)


I was born in the water, baptized in the fire,
As it fell on the water, it disappeared.
(Answer: salt)


In water will be born, but afraid of water.
(Answer: salt)


They don't eat me alone
And they rarely eat without me.
(Answer: salt)


I bubble and puff,
I don't want to live in kvashny
Tired of me kvashnya
Put me in the stove.
(Answer: dough)


Beat me with sticks
Shake me with stones
Keep me in a fiery cave
Cut me with knives.
Why are they so destroyed?
For what they love.
(Answer: bread)


The "boss" whistled,
On the stove is our kettle:
“Come on, turn off,
And cook everyone ... ".
(Answer: tea)


Green, black and in bags,
There is a weighty one, but there are in briquettes.
Come on, buddy, help out:
“What do you drink with lemon in the morning”? ....
(Answer: tea)


I drink it every day
I am not lazy to enjoy.
He matures in Ceylon -
Every answer here guesses.
(Answer: tea)


Little Ozerko,
And the bottom is not visible.
(Answer: a cup of milk)


Adults and children love
There are these sweets with tea.
You can eat them without tea,
“Dirty” hands without noticing.
You just lick your fingers
And how to call them tell me.
(Answer: chocolate sweets)


They welded her out of cereal
Saul, sweeten it.
Hey, where is our spoon?!
So tasty for breakfast ...


Sugar shirt,
From above - a bright piece of paper.
Sweet feelings love it.
What kind of delicacy?


It is made of milk
But firmly his sides.
There are so many different holes in it.
Have you guessed? It…


Not okroshka or soup.
Beetroot in it, carrots, cucumber.
Serve for lunch
With lean oil ...
(the vinaigrette)


What kind of white grains?
Not grain and no snowflakes.
Thrown milk - and on time
We got ...
(cottage cheese)


Guess who is?
Snow White, thick.
The cream was beaten early in the morning,
So that we have ...
(sour cream)


Grandmother from berries weld
Something tasty for a year.
Ah, what is the overalls -
Fragrant ...


What a white water
Does it rush from the farm to us in the cans?
We found the answer easily -
It's simple…


They wrapped this tile
In a silver sheet.
Each is glad to eat tiles.
What is this?


He jumped off the pan,
Browned in the middle.
Know, is ready one more
With the heat of the heat is thin ...


We are all sons of potatoes,
But we don’t need a spoon.
We crunch, crunch, crunch,
We want to treat the guys.


In the kitchen the whole evening rattle -
This mother cuts beets,
And carrots and potatoes,
And a little cucumbers.
With mayonnaise everything will flood -
That will be tasty
And ready in the New Year
A glorious appetizer.
(Salad, vinaigrette)


And he's ear, and broth,
Cabbage soup, pickle - he is also.
He is pea, cabbage
And, of course, very tasty.


I'm getting ready for fire
Sometimes in the wilderness of the forest.
I roam there on skewers,
Tasty, juicy and meat.


Grandmother will get a bank
With buckwheat, rice or mankua.
The grandmother will boil later
With milk, cereal in a pan.
Eat, eat in the morning, children,
Best food in the world!


Grandmother will weld her grandchildren
Soup with carrots, beets, onions.
Grandchildren eat perfectly
With sour cream soup red.


I put oil on bread
And a holey food.
Than there are more round holes in it,
The richer the feast will be.
Here is a piece - beauty -
Yellow, hard, delicate.
This is Myshkin's dream!
And mine, of course.


We are sometimes like ears
Bows, horns, shells.
Adults and children love
Both rings and spaghetti.
And add grated cheese to us -
There will be a real feast.


Clung to the steam locomotive
Delicious wagons.
Each fragrant, roses,
Juicy bars.
All meat, in a thick skin,
And yesterday I got Murka.
(Sausages, sausages)


Tare’s bitterness will season
Barbecue for dinner.
And the health of the top will correct
Who is lying a cold.
At least the back is burning with fire
She will cure bronchitis.


Here is a chamomile in a frying pan,
Only this is not a flower.
Yellow circle in her middle
Called yolk.
And the protein goes around.
Well, eat it, my friend!
(Scrambled eggs)


He is in the garden for granny
Grew green in July.
In the New Year he would need
We get from the marinade.


You will find us in large cones
On Siberian pine.
Click on us - pour
By the power of the hero!
(Pine nuts)


He happens to rye, Minsk,
Darnitsky and Borodinsky.
Look for it in the bakery.
There are so delicious borscht with him!
(Black bread)


He is a loaf Il Bukhanka
We will feed us an instruction.
With him, both toast and sandwich
So they ask for our mouths.
(White bread)


We will smear it on bread
And add to different porridge.
We will not spoil our porridge -
The saying echoes everyone.
Kohl add it to the cake,
We will get a single cream.


This delicious food
I will always find in the forest.
We will fry them with my grandmother,
And salt and boil.

Riddle about food - salt

Riddle about food - salt
Riddle about food - salt

Riddle about food - salt:

I was born in the water, baptized in the fire,
As it fell on the water, it disappeared.
(Answer: salt)


In water will be born, but afraid of water.
(Answer: salt)


They don't eat me
But even without me they eat little.
(Answer: salt)


They don't eat me alone,
And without me they eat little.
(Answer: salt)


They don't eat me alone
And they rarely eat without me.
(Answer: salt)


Separately - I'm not so tasty
But in food - everyone needs it.
(Answer: salt)


Loves meat and cabbage,
Tomato, watermelon and lard,
Cucumber, grows that densely.
Maybe enough or little?
(Answer: salt)

Video: children's riddles about food

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