Riddles on biology for 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 class: the best selection for presentations and open lessons

Riddles on biology for 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 class: the best selection for presentations and open lessons

A large collection of puzzles in biology for presentations and lessons.

Presentation riddles for biology - the best selection

Presentation riddles for biology - the best selection
Presentation riddles for biology - the best selection

Presentation puzzles for a presentation are the best selection:

In evolution, leap
Like air sip -
A new method of propagation -
Internal fertilization.
Will there be progress? No problem,
After all, this is aromorphosis.
The answer is aromorphosis


Supply with birch
Exchanged substance.
We are such a relationship
We call mycorizo.
The answer is mycoriza


Two organisms are mutually useful,
Together are just iron.
Live alone? - A huge question.
Such cohabitation is symbiosis.
The answer is symbiosis


The gland is under the stomach,
Selects insulin.
Two carbohydrates,
We all need it.
High glucose level
He will reduce in the blood “no”.
If there is little insulin -
You will have …
The answer is a diabet


We can cut the hydra boldly -
Restore its body.
This is not a sensation,
And regeneration.
The answer is regeneration


There are special organs,
Their glands are called.
The body is disclosed
They are here and here.
Substances are distinguished
Into the ducts and outside -
We call exocrine glands.
If hormones are released directly into the blood,
And growth, exchange, love, depends on them,
Then we call these endocrine glands.
They function - we live normally.
The answer is exocrine and endocrine glands


DNA - it is double
And the construction is not simple.
Monomer - nucleotide,
Of the three pieces consists
Behind the nitrogen foundation
As in the ranks - this is beauty.
Carbohydrate deoxyribosis,
Phosphoric acid.
There are four foundations
We will remember their names:
Cytosine + guanine,
And Timin + adenine.

Answer - DNA structure


What a miracle? Suddenly you can't
The body is controlled,
And their movements
Coordinate everything?
It’s hard for you and to your mouth
Bring a piece of bread ...
So know what is violated
Your …
The answer is the cerebellum


DNA contains
Inheritance Information.
DNA double
We call the reducing.
Answer - DNA reducitation


Ribosomes like beads
Climbed onto the DNA.
From DNA they read
Protein molecule code.
They build a protein chain they
According to information.
Together we call the whole process
Briefly ...
The answer is a broadcast


In the summer, there is no need for males.
Just a miracle of miracles!
This method of propagation
We call ...
The answer is partenogenesis


Here is the trouble - the boy was born
Hairy and with a tail.
Return to our ancestors
We call atavisms.
The answer is atavism


The organs have lost their purpose.
The prospect of organs is their disappearance.
A person has a lot of rudiments:
A goat, appendix ... even the third eyelid.
The answer is rudiments


The pituitary gland emits samatotropin.
All people in the world are necessary.
If the hormone is highlighted little -
This is only the beginning.
Here, despite any year,
You will be a dwarf forever.
A lot of hormone - trouble again -
You will grow up a giant then.
But even if you have grown -
There will be a huge hand or nose.
The answer is the pituitary gland


Thyroid - an important organ,
There is no replacement.
Hormones will highlight a little -
There will be a myxedem.
Oxide intensity
In the fabrics decreases,
The rhythm of heart contractions
Very slows down.
They will not worry you
Films about spies,
And the child will be nerd,
If there are no hormones.
If there are many hormones in it
(often happens),
Then blood pressure
Very increased.
With a based disease
Hunger wakes up,
The patient often tired,
It is quickly annoyed.
The answer is the thyroid gland


Zhing in a net,
The core system -
Here is a double perianth,
(Everyone knows about it).
Two cotyledons here instead of one.
Repeat all this with me again.
Answer is the classure class


Veins in parallel or arc,
The perianth here is the simplest,
The uterine root system.
We will remember the topic about one -day.
Answer is a single -day class


Your food got into your mouth,
She immediately became small.
Amylase and Maltose are contained in saliva,
Drink carbohydrates.
In a slightly alkaline environment.
Both proteins and carbohydrates
Everything we need, we eat,
So that there is no bacteria
Lizocym helps.
Look at them to us.
32 there are teeth.
We need everything as one,
They contain dentin.
Answer - mouth cavity


Swallowed food
It falls into the stomach.
Here are the glands of the stomach
Enzymes are highlighted
Squirrels are split here.
Pepsin and Gastrixin.
The stomach protects
Mucous mucin.
Lipase breaks down
Fat from milk.
And the main part of the fats
He is untouched so far.
There is digestion
In hydrochloric acid.
Such an environment is acidic
Not anywhere else.
The answer is the stomach


After the stomach there is a breakdown
In the 12-peremple intestine.
There is digestion here
In an alkaline environment.
Fat, proteins and carbohydrates
Here they are digested on time,
After all, Tripsin, amylase, lipase contains ...
The answer is pancreatic juice.


The liver is also an important organ.
He is from the word “stove”.
Emulgage fats
Helps bile.
12-first gut

And this is a small intestine
3.5 meters long
Everything is sucked here, for sure.
We are grateful to her for that.

The villi is a lot here - do not count.
There is each capillary in the villi.
Proteins and carbohydrates of splitting products
Capillary is absorbed in the blood without delay.

And next to the bloodstream there is a lymph vessel.
All glycerin and fatty acids here
The villi will surely suck.
All food substances
They are absorbed on time on time.
And if anything has not yet been split -
It will help in that intestinal juice.
The answer is a small intestine


There is no life in this body.
The body breathes barely.
Life is hidden, this is the curiosity.
This is all anbiosis.
The answer is anbiosis


Can live without oxygen
Their names …
The answer is anaerobes


Synthesis of organic substances
Due to the energy of chemical reactions.
Bacteria does not need light at all for this,
Studied chemosynthesis of vineyard.
The answer is chemosynthesis


The rest of the life of the past era
To this day has survived well.
Perhaps he is not famous for anything
But it is important to know it, because this is a relic.
The answer is a relic


Eyebrows, eyelashes and eyelids
Not just given to man.
The eye, like guards, they guard,
They protect him from moisture and dust.
The organ of vision is the eye,
It has three shells.
The one that is white outside,
Let's call the protein.
So transparent ahead -
Compare with glass.
This part is simply calling it - the cornea.
The second layer - there are vessels in it,
Ahead he is a rain.
In it, the hole is a pupil,
And the pigments are different.
Receptors in the retina, in the depths,
Everyone clearly helps me to see me.
We will divide them into couples:
Some are cones, others are sticks.
The answer is the eye


Green fern sheet
Something is not entirely clean.
On the bottom of the sheet
Dark points for a reason.
They are called sporangia,
Small disputes in them ripen.
And for the disputes that ripen on it
We call him a sporophytus.
Disputes ripened, fell to the ground,
But after all, they did not disappear at all.
The debate on the basis suddenly sprouted -
They became small in the germs.
And on the germ - you look -
There are archegonia and anteridy.
They have gameta germ cells in them
Spermatozoa and eggs.
The sperm in the water will swim -
And fertilization will occur.
And after that there will be a zygote
(Remember all this very much).
So the smallest green embryo
And turns into a new propagation.
What is on the germ of gametes,
We will remember this very clearly.
They ask - we will answer at night and day,
We call the gamer gametophyte.
The answer is the propagation of fern


Plant leaves are modified.
Various organs all suddenly turned.
Needles of barberry, antennae peas,
The cactus of the thorns - everyone lives well.
One origin, but the functions are different.
We are such organs
We call homologous.
Answer - homologous organs


Pisces and cancer of Zhabra have,
We do not need to explain:
Different origin,
One function is to breathe.
The function is one for them,
The structure is different.
We are such organs
We call similar ...
Answer - similar organs


Dominant genes
Act together.
The new sign has manifested
Very interesting.
It's just a surprise -
After all, they are unpaired.
And we just call
Their complementary.
The answer is complementarity


Dominant genes,
But they do not appear.
Genes of another alleles
Just suppressed.
We call suppressors.
These are in the genotype
There may be aggressors.
And on this terrible note
We will finish our story.
This is a property in the genotype
We call epistasis ...
Answer - epistasis suppressor


The white woman went out of the black man.
Everything in that issue is calculated correctly.
There will be a child Negro il Mulat,
It all depends on the number of dominant.
Genes are more dominant -
More and pigment.
And this property of genes
Called polymer.
The answer is polymeria

Riddles for biology lesson for schoolchildren - biological charades

Riddles for biology lesson for schoolchildren - biological balls
Riddles for biology lesson for schoolchildren - biological charades

Riddles for a biology lesson for schoolchildren - biological charades:

The first is resting,
Beer is drank.
Tolstaya branch - second,
It can be completely dry.
Together all - he is a forest beast,
Wakes up in the spring
He lives in his hole,
He eats everything he will only find.
He deftly digs the earth,
And, tired, falls asleep.
Sleep all day
The beast is not lazy.
(Bar + bitches \u003d badger)


You can look for the first to the sea,
But you can't swim for it.
And on the second earlier the land plowed -
The tractor got up the tractor, people did not even know.
The whole is an animal too,
It is very similar to the second.
(Buoy + wave \u003d buffalo)


We call the house so
The trash, where everyone is and thrush.
Change the letters -
There will be a fish in the sea to swim.
(Saray - Saira)


The first in the bottle easily climbs,
Thoroughly launders it launders
And for the second fishing, we go,
It will peck when he is on the hook, we are waiting.


The first draws figures on ice,
But the second lead to the stable.
The third on the roof is fastened with two slopes,
In the sea, the fourth lives, lives.
The fifth is affably waved by the wing,
The sky above the meadow is his blue house.


The first is a large bird of prey,
That over the dead animal is spinning.
The long part of the guitar is the second,
It is tightly compressed by the left hand.
There are a third on secret documents.
What is the word? Think children.


With "B" - he raises the soldier on the attack,
In distant Australia with "B" lives.
(Combat - Wombat)


With the letter "P"-Assistant Author,
Any work he is glad to ease you.
With the letter "x" - it has an elephant,
He is famous for his length.
(Robot - trunk)


With the first "s" - I am a huge bird,
That he cannot learn to fly.
With the first "w" - everyone should know me:
Valsov I managed to write a lot.
(Ostrich - Strauss)


C "G" - I am a striped predator,
Brother your cats are guys.
And without "g" - I am an institution,
All in targets is a room.
(Tiger - shooting gallery)

Riddles on biology with answers about human anatomy

Riddles on biology with answers about human anatomy
Riddles on biology with answers about human anatomy

Riddles on biology with answers about human anatomy:

1. It looks a little like a worm,
And not yet fully studied.
He is useful all the same or not-
The scientific advice will not decide.
He has a bad habit, brothers,
Suddenly inflamed for no reason.
And if you have the right side,
They will say: "Probably .."
(Appendicitis, appendix)

2. There are people of small stature
And someone looks from a height.
It’s not easy to say in advance,
How much you stretch out.
And who controls it all,
Lets me grow and me -
The piece of iron is so cunning
What lurked in my head.


3. All people have this body,
He is more important than the organs.
His hands, teeth are obedient,
Language and neck, legs, lips.
He gives all the teams.
He thinks - then he lives.


4. She is very important
Short or long
Always rotates the head,
Raises, lowers.
It can be decorated.
Who will be able to guess?


5. I circled around the edges,
I have a thicker skin
Than the rest of the foot.
Sometimes you sparkle me.


6. It, like a small pump,
Not at all jokingly, but seriously
Pumps blood, pumps
And he does not know tired.


7. Why do we need it? I will answer, for example,
She is a protective barrier.
The first blow takes on himself.
If you came across a poison.


8. It consists of bones.
He is the basis of the eye, ears.
Everything that is attached to it
Called the face.


9. The body flows,
All organs nourishes
It is going to the heart
It spreads from the heart.


10. so as not to be like a jelly,
On a slippery jellyfish
He all should have,
And he is not a burden to us.


To contact oxygen instantly
Maybe he is only alone.
He lives in red blood cells,
The name of …


This organ pushes blood,
The body is the main one, everyone knows
And inside there is a valve - "door",
What kind of organ? It - ….


He is used to delicious food
The body of the taste is our ...


Oxygen will deliver everywhere
This, brothers, is not a problem ...
(Circulatory system)


Food in the body breaks down.
Simple substances are turning,
Food is assimilated,
And that is the fault ....


We remove it from the lungs,
Exhale every time
The body does not need it,
It ….
(carbon dioxide)


And quite the opposite
We absorb ...


All the microbes are all killed!
Connected ...


Food enters the mouth.
Siper, further ...


It's time for us guys
Above and put out points,
In the system of discharge
The most important organ ....


It is support for the body,
But he is not worse,
He is found in "horror."
Called ...


If a solid gait
And you write clearly in the notebook.
Who helped us so much?
Working …


There are two stakes,
On the coals - a barrel,
On a barrel - a bump,
On a bump - a dense forest.


In the morning at four,
In the afternoon at two,
And in the evening on three.
(Child, adult, old man)


When we eat, they work,
When we do not eat, they rest.


Between the two luminaries I am in the middle.


Red doors
In my cave.
White animals
They sit at the door.
Both meat and bread -
All my prey
I am happy
I give white animals.
(Mouth, teeth)


White Steads
Chopped kalachi
And the red talker
Puts new ones.
(Teeth, tongue)


Always in the mouth,
And you will not swallow.


Five brothers:
For years equal, different growth.


Petka has potatoes,
Maryushka has a duck.


Two mothers
Five sons,
And one name is all.
(Hand and fingers)


Five brothers -
For years are equal
And tall are different.


Here is a mountain, and at the mountain -
Two deep holes.
In these burrows, air wanders:
It comes in, then comes out.


Alyoshka has a shock
Alenka has a wave.


Sanding rods scattered
On the cheeks of Marinka.


Always have people
There are always ships.


Two windows are closing themselves at night,
And at the sunrise themselves open.
(Eyelids and eyes)


Two twins are two brothers,
They sit on the nose riding
High, and legs behind the ears.


I have two pebbles,
Where will I throw it -
I’ll get it everywhere!


Round, Gorbato,
Near - mokhnato,
Trouble will come -
Water will flow.


If there weren't him
I would not say anything.


He is always at work
When we say
And resting,
When we are silent.


Two neighbors - fidgets
Day - at work,
Night - rest.


Four brothers go towards the eldest.
“Hello, Bolshak,” they say.
-Great, Vaska-Oka,
Yes, baby Timoshka!


Full trough
The geese-swans are soaked.


Thirty -two hammer
And one turns.
(Language and teeth)


One says, two are looking, two are listening.
(Language, eyes and ears)


Two go
Two carry
The third says.
(Legs, arms, mouth)


Do not sow, do not plant - they themselves grow.


Olya listens in the forest,
How cuckoo shout.
And for this we need
Our Ole


Olya looks at the cat
On the pictures - fairy tales.
And for this we need
Our Ole ...


My brother lives behind the mountain,
Can't meet me.


Olya takes the berry
Two, three things.
And for this we need our Ole


Five brothers -
For years equal, different growth.


Olya nuclear nucleus gnaws,
The shells are falling.
And for this we need our Ole


The five brothers are inseparable,
They are never bored together.
They work with a pen,
A saw, spoon, ax.


All their lives they catch up with each other, but they cannot overtake.


All their lives they go to the overtaking,
And they cannot overtake each other.


Full of a knife white sheep.
(Mouth and teeth)


What kind of lunch is more necessary?


It knocks day and night
As if it was started.
It will be bad if suddenly
This knock will stop.


Not a clock
And ticks.


Your assistants - take a look -
A dozen friendly brothers.
How glorious to live when they
Work is not afraid.
And, like a good boy,
Everyone is obedient ... (finger)


I wear them for many years
And I don't know the account.


Without a tongue, but says.

Puzzles in biology 5-6 grade-trees and shrubs

Puzzles in biology 5-6 grade - trees and shrubs
Puzzles in biology 5-6 grade-trees and shrubs

Riddles in biology 5-6 class-trees and shrubs:

Decorates their people
Every time for the New Year.
Instead of leaves - needles.
Name the trees!
(Christmas trees)


Yellow-red clothing,
Each leaf, like a palm.
He is brighter in autumn.
Have you guessed? It…


Trees in the forest are standing,
Even on a quiet day they tremble.
Along a winding path
Rustling with foliage ...


The clustard is red, but not a mountain ash.
The leaf is carved, but not viburnum.
She is poisonous.
This, brothers, ...


Drowning a bush in the flowers of terry,
Like in clouds of lilac.
On a bright warm May day
Our eye is pleasing ...


White bottom, green top -
In the summer grove is more beautiful than all!
On the trunks of the strips.
Good ...


In May it was warm, green,
The clusters put on in the fall.
In scarlet berries - bitterness.
What is the tree?


He is in the forest like a knight, he will stand up,
The stomachs will give on time.
Both forester and lumberjack
They know him. It…


I lowered the branches into the water
And I was sad about something.
See how beautiful
Over the river ...


Over her thick foliage
A bee roe is buzzing in the heat.
And in the winter of the flu in the winter
It treats delicious honey ...


Cones on green paws,
Smolish smell from the bark.
Here and there are needles.
What is this?
(Christmas trees)


Who in summer and winter
In Kolka Smolyana fur coat?
Autumn and drops in the rain
Does not take off the fur coat ...


On the branches on spring evening
White candles opened.
Holds the giant candles.
What is his name?


Sticky kidneys opened -
He dressed in leaflets.
In the summer, a dandy dressed in fluff.
Have you guessed? - It…


The beauty has a girl
Long scythe, white -faced
In the fall, they pour in the branch
Golden coins entirely.


I became high and powerful,
I'm not afraid of a thunderstorm or clouds.
I feed pigs and protein
Nothing that my fetus is small.


Kudri lowered into the river
And I was sad about something
And what is she sad about -
He does not say anyone.


In a small hut
Behind each door is a tree.


Although he is not at all fragile,
And he hid in the shell, -
You look into the middle, -
You will see the core.


It is not covered with foliage
Even late in the spring!
He dotted his branches
Green coins.


Like pines, like Christmas trees,
But in the winter - without needles.


I am a tree with fragrant color,
I give a cool shadow
You rest under my crown
On a calm and hot day!


Autumn day is transparent, clear,
The lids drops down ...


What kind of tree is worth -
There is no wind, but everything is trembling?


There are still no leaflets
But the kidneys swelled
In white fur coats of fur -
From afar you will see them.

Riddles in biology 7-8 grade-botany

Riddles in biology 7-8 grade - botany
Riddles in biology 7-8 grade-botany

Riddles in biology 7-8 grade-botany:

The berry is not sweet,
But the eye is joy
And forests decoration,
And the thrush is treated.


Good grass -
Red head:
And he will give Medka,
And brews the seagull.
(Blooming Sally)


Gold eye
The sun looks:
How the sun is frowning
The eye will squint.


Like pine trees, like Christmas trees
And in winter without needles.


The dress was lost -
The buttons remained.


The pop is standing
It has forty red.


I flame without fire
I save bullfinches
And not rare about me
The songs are remembered.


They sparkled underfoot
Buscins are vigorous:
If you want - tear with the bushes a handful,
If you want, eat soaked.


I'm sometimes blacker than the night
The sky is blue, blue.
Who wants to eat more -
Smell stronger.


Grandfather sits, dressed in a hundred fur coats.
Who undresses him

He sheds tears.


Small - Dick
I went into the damp earth,
He found blue a hat.


Red girl,
Sits in a dungeon
A scythe on the street.


I am thin on the mustache
In the swamps of the most marshy,
And for sour vitamin
Crowds climb through the quagmires.


Thorn with nettles - neighbors,
And I am full of joy:
And people are in a hurry and bears
Mine enjoy the sweetness


Stands the tree, the tree of the Khan,
Shamakhan dress,
Angelic flowers,
The claws are devilish
(Rose hip)


It grows around
She is both the enemy and friend,
Like needles - hairs
Covered all the sheets
Break off at least a hair -
And drip caustic juice
On the skin - at least scream!
Oh oh, blisters ...
But if you are friends with her -
You are many healthier:
In it, vitamins are a treasure.


The tablecloth round, like snow white
Teeth around, sewing without hands,
And on the tablecloth-Karavay gold.


Round, not a month
Yellow, not oil,
With a tail, not a mouse.


He is a golden and Usat,
In a hundred pockets -
One hundred guys.


The oak is sluggish,
A damn thing is sitting on it.
Whoever goes
So will not go away.


Birds demolished
Sineni testicles,
Wooded on wood:
Bullshit of a muffle,
Sweet protein,
And bone bones.


Pania came
In the red sundress.
How they began to undress -
Let's cry and sob.


In spring, color,
In the summer I bring the fetus,
I do not fade in the fall,
I don't die in winter.
(Fur tree, pine tree)


That's the outlandish like that:
On the branch - carrot!
Hanging, blushing,
Heating in the sun.
(Red pepper)


He releases sheets
Wide width.
Keep on stems of strong,
One hundred fruits of rough tenacious.
If you can’t get around them,
You will find them all on yourself.


Clothes Sers,
Yes, the body is bel.


From plants whose portrait
Is it knocked out on a coin?
Whose fruits are not more necessary
On the earthly planet?


At least the rank is not a khan
On the head - Sultan,
And with gold cubic
Hidden under mice.


Berry is red!
The berry is tasty!
Cut and salt!
Eat and praise!


The flower is in vain,
The fetus is dangerous,
And the field is all planted.


Egor is in Red Ermolka,
Who does not pass
Every bow gives.


The taste of the berry is good
But tore her, go:
Bush in thorns, like a hedgehog,
So they called - ...


In a yellow house
Black kids.
There are gray among them,
But they are not mature.


I'm black, red, white,
I am good for everyone when ripe
And leaves with an elegant pattern
I am equal to a sheet of grape.


I clung to my native land
And I blush near the stump,
Therefore, they call it
People are affectionately.


I am in the field and in the garden
At passers -by in sight.
My head is white
The petals are overgrown.


On a green fragile leg
The ball has grown by the track.
Warm coat rustled,
And I dispelled this ball.


Grounds in the field of rye ...
There you will find a flower in rye.
Bright blue and fluffy.
It’s only a pity that not fragrant.


Bubenchiki appeared -
White pots.
The bells blossomed
On a green leg.
(Lily of the valley)


Grandfather is sitting
He is dressed in a hundred fur coats.
Who undresses him
He sheds tears.


Blue uniform,
Yellow lining,
In the middle of the fold.


Not a bee, but sting.


Tomato brother,
And Kumachu is not happy:
He grew up in a lilac clothes,
Does not blush even in a lying.


Balls hang on the bitch
They turned blue from the heat.


In haymaking - Gorky,
And in the cold - sweet,
What kind of berry?


One hundred clothes
And all without fasteners.


The girl sits in prison,
A scythe on the street.


I was spoiled for glory
The head is white, curly.
Who loves cabbage soup -
Look for me in them.


A lot of hands, one leg.


Around Tyn
The Grivnaya gold hung.

Riddles in biology 9-10 grade

Riddles in biology 9-10 grade
Riddles in biology 9-10 grade

Riddles in biology 9-10 Grade:

What is studying endlessly,
Living creatures are always
As with the environment,
They interact sometimes!
Answer: Biology


Studying life,
Different creatures,
Helps to know
This item!
Answer: Biology


Structure and functions,
Will help you understand
And the connection of living beings,
He will be able to solve it!
Answer: Biology


The laws of life,
Her manifestation,
Science will help
Know no doubt!
Answer: Biology


Lamarck and Treviranus,
Science was captured,
It has a set of different functions,
Living creatures identified!
Answer: Biology


To describe the processes,
She attracts science,
Interaction and communication,
He studies living creatures!
Answer: Biology


The patterns reveals
Experiments also puts
Communication between living beings,
This science sets!
Answer: Biology


Structure, distribution,
Any origin of them,
This science will explain
And with accuracy will describe the view!
Answer: Biology


From school bench,
We study it,
A set of sciences,
Living nature illuminates!
Answer: Biology


Diversity and connection,
All organisms on Earth,
This science has long
Gives the answer in full in everything!
Answer: Biology

Puzzles in biology Grade 11 - for the open lesson "Young Biologist"

Puzzles in biology Grade 11 - for an open lesson, young biologist
Puzzles in biology Grade 11 - for the open lesson "Young Biologist"

Puzzles in biology Grade 11 - for the open lesson "Young Biologist":

There are crystal eyes -
Like wizards in a fairy tale:
They will instill in a reason fog and haze
And they will see invisibility.
Answer: Lenses in a microscope


If you look at that pipe,
You can see a lot:
Which is not visible just an eye
The pipe will show us right away.
Close the eye alone! And so -
Everything is "harvested" ...
Answer: Microscope


Passes through the nose into the chest,
And the opposite keeps the way.
He is invisible, and yet,
We cannot live without him.


I am a cloud, and fog, and stream, and ocean,
I'm flying, I'm running
And I can be glass.


Green leaf -
The worker is vaunted.
The ray of light we caught
And they packed in starch.
(Photosynthesis in green plants.)


They beat me, pounding me
Tors, cut.
I endure everything
And I cry with all good.
(The soil.)


It does not burn in the fire,
It does not sink in the water.


On earth he is smarter than everyone,
Because everyone is stronger.


Clothing of a person who is not
Gets wet and does not become small.


I watched the bark on the branch
Granddoye through the glass:
There in the cells of the white mesh
Fish sleep green.
(Lichen under a microscope.)


The guys came
We sat on the hemp.
Sitting with a gurt
You can’t drive a whip.


There is an old woman harmful.
On her, the hat is pale.
And the leg is in the boot,
On the stocking - stalls.
Around the gate - Black.
(Death cap.)


What a miracle this "house",
He is surrounded by lips
The teeth in it live, language,
"House" he eats and says.
(Oral cavity.)


You hold it if it is behind your teeth,
Silence - gold next to you,
They also say about him: “Without bones!”,
He brings a lot of news to us.


If you smile
You will see white brothers
And only 32 of them are our head.


There is a neck, crown
Enamel and dentin,
The apartment is spacious
Lives not alone.


Incisors, there are fangs and there are indigenous ones,
Answer what kind of organs are these?


Varnish that teeth covers
And saves them from ailments,
Protect him from troubles,
Buying Blend-A-Med.
(Dentition enamel.)


What a muscular bag
I could dissolve all the food:
Acidic environment inside,
He clearly cooks proteins.


This small factory
It produces all year round
Acid, pepsin enzyme
Because he is alone
Dissolves proteins here,
So that all of them are absorbed.


Somewhere in the right hypochondrium
She is modestly hiding
Without her bile
You and I will come to the khan.


In it “gates are open”,
Blood comes here
For deep cleaning
And the path of the non -oxide passes.


This organ is only one
It produces insulin.


Only this substance
It has magic:
To the norm reduces sugar,
So there is no coma! Hooray!


In this organ happens in any way:
Squirrels and fats here change the structure,
Bile fats are crushing quietly to pieces,
Tripsin will gradually dissolve the proteins.
Attention! Here is strictly alkaline,
There are simply no other conditions here.
(12-first gut.)

Riddles on biology about plants - meadows, forests, steppes, water bodies

Riddles on biology about plants - plants of meadows, forests, steppes, water bodies
Riddles on biology about plants - meadows, forests, steppes, water bodies

Riddles on biology about plants - meadows, forests, steppes, water bodies:

How great it is
This water cereal - ...


Grows not on land,
The head is from Plush.


On the river it stands a green wall,
And the wind is noisy in it random sometimes.
It is growing, protection and house will be frog,
They are in a hurry to hide in him more often.


In the swamp, at the pond
You will always meet her.
This is not a frog
Kamysh girlfriend.


White cup
Green saucer,
Beautiful, fragile,
But do not drown, do not beat.
(Water lily.)


They shine quietly between the canes
In light pearls of dew
The bowls are pale ...


You saw on the water
Snow White flowers.
These residents of the river
The petals are hidden at night.
(Water lily.)


I am a swamp plant,
Konopatati will be walls.


Between cranberries and clouds -
A tenant of forest swamps.
On a bump, moss without a leg,
Wherever you look, it grows.
He is gray -haired from below,
Higher - green.
Kohl will be needed,
Narvi him soon.
On the bushes of the meadow
Dried in summer heat,
He is the partisans of the wound
He treated in the wilderness of Lesnoy.
(Moss sphagnum.)


Here is a sad picture:
I pulled the pond all ...


Bright blue, fluffy
He will be born in bread, not suitable for food.


There is a curl in the garden - a white shirt.
Gold heart, what is it?


I walked on the path on the path
I saw the sun on the grass.
But the sun is not hot at all hot rays.


In the spring it is amused, in the summer it is cold,
In the fall, nourishes, warm in winter.


Like pines, like Christmas trees,
And in the winter without needles.


It turned green in the spring, tanned in the summer,
Autumn came to the garden, the red torch lit.


White sheep runs around a candle.


No one scares, and all trembles.


Girlfriends are on the forest edge.
Belina dresses, hats are green.


Not caring about the weather,
In the sundress, it walks white,
And one of the warm days
May gives her earrings.


The Russian beauty stands in the clearing,
In a green blouse, in a white sundress.


Alena costs: green scarf,
Thin camp, white sundress.


Kudri lowered into the river
And I was sad about something
And what is sad about, does not tell anyone.


In winter and summer - in one color.


The guys have a green friend,
Merry friend, good,
He will hold out hundreds of hands to them
And thousands of palms.


That not Seyano will be born?


Angry, like a she -wolf
Burning like a mustard!
What is this marvelous?
This is indeed …


Ah, don't touch me!
I will burn without fire.


Whoever touches
It clings to that.
Linking and sharp
Needles stick out around.


In the meadow among the bugs
The thistle rose.
I pushed the family of daisies
Giant ...


Cuffy, not fluff, green, not grass.


They grow up in the summer, fall in the fall.


Into this smooth box
Bronze color
A small oak tree is hidden
Future summer.


It stands above the water, shakes the beard.


Jugs and saucers
Do not drown and do not beat.
(Water lilies)


Black crown, yellow edge.


The golden bottom turned to the sun.


He is a golden and Usat,
In a hundred pockets of a hundred guys.


Drowned, dried, chopped, tear,
They twisted, woven, put on the table.


Mala baby is a golden cubic.


In the field of earrings on thin legs.


Small, remote,
He passed through the ground,
Found a red cap.


Antoshka is on one leg.


Under the pine by the track
Who is among the grass?
There is a leg, but there is no boot
There is a hat - there is no head.


Red girlfriends grow on the edge of
Their names …


Stood on a strong leg,
Now lies in Lukoshka.


I'm growing in a red hat
Among the roots of aspen,
You will recognize me a mile away
I am called ...


What kind of mushroom is on a bump
In a red velvet scarf?


But someone important
On a white leg.
He is with a red hat
On a hat of peas.


Near the forest on the edge,
Decorating a dark boron
The colorful, like parsley, grew,
Poisonous ...


Along the forest paths
A lot of white legs
In the hats of multi -colored,
From a distance of noticeable.
Collect, don't put it on!
It …


In the summer in a fur coat, in winter - naked.


His spring and summer
We saw dressed.
And in the fall from the poor thing
They tore all the shirts.
But winter snowstorms
They dressed him in the fur.


Adhesive buds,
Green leaves.
With a white bark
Stands under the mountain.


In a white sundress
I got up in a clearing
Tits flew,
We sat on the mowing.


Stand in the sister's field:
Belena dresses,
The caps are green.


We scattered around the edge
In white dresses, girlfriends.


"Cat grass" -
Patients with the amendment:
Spine in a first -aid kit,
To help the heart.


I was born on a rainy day
Under Osina Young,
Round, smooth, beautiful, beautiful
With a thick and straight leg.


A cap and a leg
That's the whole Yermoshka.
(White mushroom)


Stood on a strong leg,
Now lies in Lukoshka.
(Mushroom praosinovik)


That in summer and winter
In one shirt?
(Fur tree, pine tree)


In a golden glomerulus
Oaks hid.


On the green branch
In a beige beret
Strpysh repeats everyone - I will
Slender and powerful oak!


In this smooth
Bronze color
A small oak tree is hidden
Future summer.


All children on branches
From birth in berets.
They will fall from the trees
They will not find the berets.


Either purple, then blue,
He met you at the edge of the edge.
The name was very sonorous to him,
But he will hardly be able to ring.


Eh, calls, blue,
With a tongue, but there is no ringing.


All of gold is cast, stands on a straw.


On a straw house,
One hundred guys in it.


Green bush is growing,
Touching - bite.


Only touch
You will pull off your palm:
Firing grass
Like fire.


Around the hair, in the middle of the sausage.


In the spring it is amused, in the summer it is cold,
In the fall, nourishes, warm in winter.


It dresses in the spring, undresses in the fall.


The hero is rich
Treats all the guys:
Vanya Strawberry,
Tanya with a skeleton,
Mashenka walnut,
Petya raw
Katenka with a raspberry,
Vasya twig!


On a green lace
White calls.
(Lily of the valley)


He grew up in the field, brought us a tablecloth.


Golden ...
Very friendly sisters.
Walk in red berets,
Autumn is brought to the forest in the summer.


Grow green,
They will get yellow,
They will blame.


They fall from the branch
Golden coins.


They grow up in the spring
They fall off in the fall.


We go along the carpet with you
Nobody wove him.
He spread himself
Lies at the river blue
And yellow, and Xin, and Al!


The sun burns my crown,
He wants to make a rattle.


It is an oak, full of cereals.
The cap is covered,
It is nailed with a clove.


At a small Christmas tree
Killed needles,
Balls are blue,
As if in a hog!


There is one such flower
Do not swim him into the wreath,
Hang a little on it
There was a flower and there is no flower.


There are no mushrooms friendly than these -
Adults and children know -
On hemp grow in the forest
Like freckles on the nose.


In the hanging cradle
In the summer, a resident sleeps forest.
Autumn motley will come
He will fall on the tooth.


Boy baby
In bone clothes.


Green cap
It is impended to the ears.


She did not have time to dress, but put on earrings.
I put on the dress, she lost.
Red earrings fell under the legs.


What blooms without color?


The traveler often wounds the leg
Here is the doctor by the road.


The traveler often wounds the leg
Here is the doctor by the road.


Antoshka is worth
On one leg.
Where the sun will become,
He will look there.


It grows on a long leg
With petals, like horns,
His head is large
Black seeds are full.


Amazing sun:
There are one hundred windows in this sun,
From the windows are looking
Hundreds of small tackles.


In the middle of the courtyard
Golden head.


Golden Reshet
Black houses are full,
How many black doves,
So many white residents.


It grew out of the grain
Golden Sun.


On the branches
dense lumps.
They are asleep in them
Sticky leaves.


In the field - a panicle,
In the bag - pearls.


White basket
Golden Donets,
It lies in the dew
And the sun sparkles.


In haying-gorka,
And in the frost-sweet.
What kind of berry?


Autumn in the garden
I came to us
Red torch
Here are the blackbirds
Squorses scurry
And, Gald, they peck him.


I have a longer needle than that of the Christmas tree.
I am very right in height.
If I'm not on the edge
The branches are only on the top of the head.


High and green
She will be braked.
Sheep, goats and cows
It is always ready to eat.


Like a snowball white
In the spring, she bloomed,
The delicate smell exuded.
And when the time has come,
She became at once
All of the berry is black.

Riddles in biology - a living and inanimate world

Riddles in biology - a living and inanimate world
Riddles in biology - a living and inanimate world

Riddles in biology - a living and inanimate world:

1. One bonfire warms the whole world.


2. Well, which of you will answer:
Not fire, but painfully burning,
Not a lantern, but shines brightly,
And not a baker, but bakes.


3. Decorated the night blue
Silver orange.
And only a week passed -
A slice remained of him.


4. Golden apple
He rolls around the sky:
And smiles-rays
Very hot.


5. The sun ordered: “Wait!
The seven -color bridge is cool! ”
Clouds hid the sun light -
The bridge collapsed, but there are no chips.


6. Fluffy cotton wool
Swims somewhere.
Than cotton wool below
The rain is closer.


7. White blanket
Not made with your hands.
Not woven and did not roar
From the sky fell to the ground.


8. Bel, not sugar,
There are no legs, yes it goes.


9. Above the river, above the valley
The white canvas hung.


10. He is fluffy, silver,
But do not touch his hand.
Will become clean,
How you catch a palm.


11. Without boards and axes
The bridge is ready across the river.
Bridge - like blue glass:
Slippery, fun, light.


12. Winter glass
In the spring it flowed.


13. And not snow, and not ice,
And silver will remove the trees.


14. In the morning, the beads flashed,
All the grass was stuck,
And let's go look for them during the day
We are looking for, we will not find it.


15. Hanging the icy heel outside,
It is full of drops and smells in the spring.


16. In the morning I always fall -
Not a rain, not a star.
And sparkle in burdocks,
On the edges and meadows.


17. Silver fringe
On the branches hangs in winter.
And spring on weight -
It turns into dew.


18. He is long, he is great,
He is from a cloud to the ground ...
Let him go more, more, more
So that the mushrooms grow soon.


19. Who is the gardener?
Poured cherries and gooseberries,
Poured plum and flowers,
Washed herbs and bushes.
And how the twilight came
We were told on the radio
That tomorrow he will come
And our garden flows.


20. The snowball melts, the meadow came to life,
The day arrives. When does it happen?


21. For each other a series
A brother and sister walk peacefully.
The brother wakes up the whole people
And the sister, on the contrary,
He calls to sleep immediately.
(Day and night)


22. The hot arrow
The spruce dumped at the village.


Though herself - both snow and ice,
And it leaves - he pours tears.


It is dulling the field
Sings and whistles
The trees are breaking,
Presses to the ground.


Walks in the field, but not a horse,
Flies in the wild, but not a bird.
(Winter storm


26. I am a cloud and fog,
Both stream and ocean,
I fly and run
And I can be glass.


27. Around water,
And with drinking trouble.


28. In a blue shirt
The ravine runs along the bottom.


29. Not water or land:
You won't swim on the boat
And you won’t pass your feet.


30. Slightly trembling in the breeze
ribbon at the open, narrow tip - in the spring,
And the wide - at sea.


31. Transparent, like glass,
And do not insert it out the window.


32. From the sky - a star,
On the palm - water.


33. The old man at the gate fired.
He does not run and does not tell.


34. What, having just touched,
Does it turn firewood into smoke?


35. What is four times a year
Changing clothes?


36. Colorful rocker
It hung over the river.


37. In the morning, the beads flashed,
All the grass was stuck,
And let's go look for them during the day
Looking for, we are looking for - we will not find.


38. Fluffy cotton wool
Swims somewhere.
Than cotton wool below
The rain is closer.

Riddles about living creatures - animals, birds, fish, etc.

For me, the stable is the house.
Help me oats!
The mane curls behind his back
Do not stole me!


In the greenish meadow
I can spend all day.
And I will ask you secretly:
Does milk smell like flowers?


Come closer to me:
I will not offend the baby.
Play with me a minute
I am only fighting!


Let them say that I'm stubborn
And a little rustic.
I will not give myself offense
My defense is horns!


I ate and fell asleep.
I live great!
They say that I am dirty?
It's just that the soul is not in the stable!


Having eaten the grain, drinking water,
I demolished the testicle for you.
I'm busy now:
I clean feathers with beak.


Whatever day, gets into a fight
Red-haired Petka Zabyaka.
But he will wake up on time
He is children for a lesson.


Wakes up in the spring.
Friends with a tree - pine.
Who loves to tear loudly from resentment?
Who has species on honey?
This is a fuss ...


He dressed in the shell and rushed into battle,
The ticks holding over their heads.
The armor is heavy,
But gave him as a gift
Strong and fast
Legs five pairs ...


I'm going to visit, or I'm going home
Everywhere I drag my house on myself.
And if the danger is waiting on the track,
I am once, and I will hide the horns in it.


Very small forest animal
Both in length and across.
Puff is a small lump.
He sits gnawing a leaflet.
That's why on the edge
Only the ears appeared,
And for the ears if you take
You can get the animal


Emerald that snake.
But to catch-go for a lot.
And raise it for the tail -
The tail will leave, and - run.


In the coat is bone
She and hail do not care.
He is in no hurry
And does not know fear
Important, it is sedately ...


Proudly walks in boots,
Wears spurs on the legs.
On the head is a scallop.
And it is called ...


Who was competing with beauty
With a red -haired fashionista fox?
At least slightly lower
She does not easy to feed her.
She stocks nuts
White mushroom and rahs.


What kind of sanitary bird
Does not fly to the bazaar.
Food for children under the bark
Goes the day-day
And everything works, knocks,
We do not tell you to be lazy


She has an elegant look,
The louder in the forest screams.
Chernobrova, Beloboka.
Everyone calls her ...


At night is awake, and during the day
He sleeps and sleeps in his hollow.
But the bird's king
That bird does not eat bread in vain.
All ministers are head.
And her name is ...


An angry inconsistent
Lives in the wilderness of Lesnoy.
There are a lot of needles,
And the threads are not a single one.

Interesting riddles in biology - The theme "Flowers"

Interesting riddles in biology - The theme flowers
Interesting riddles in biology - The theme "Flowers"

Interesting riddles in biology are the theme "Flowers":

In the rye field near the river fast
The sky sparks scattered.
This is in the field near the river ...


The flower is yellow-golden,
Like a chicken, fluffy.
Immediately wither from frost
Our gentle ...


A lot of spicy petals -
Red, yellow, white, colorful.
You look at me,
I am called ...


Wonderful flower
Like a bright light.
Lush, important, like a pan,
Delicate velvet ...


We will weave whesies in the summer
For Oksana, Masha, Sveta,
For Alenka, two Natasha.
All wreaths from ...


Here is a clearing, all in flowers,
As if in light blue points.
I will collect here for Anutka
Blue ...
(Forget -me -nots)


The snow is cleaned
And the needles and the jacket.
And the first appears
In Stalina ...


On the leaflets there and here
Violet salute.
This is on a warm May day
Rushes ...


He was a yellowish flower -
He became white like a snowball.
The girl and the boy are blowing -
Flies around ...


Calls grew in a row,
It's a pity only - do not ring.
Blue buds -


Here is a basket with a black don.
The whole day is following the sun.
There are so many grains in it.
What is it?..


Thorny balls,
Very bastard.
They will attach them to all a loafer -
Big weed ...

Yellow heads,
White eyelashes,
They are all similar
Like the sisters.
I hope you know
These modest flowers?


The flower was good,
It looked like the sun
A day later, it was as if chalk
With the wind flew away in the field.


This flower is as follows:
With many petals
Hat, like a fluffy ball,
This flower is fragrant,
In color, there are different ones -
Pink, white, red.


He grew up under the sun burning
Fat, juicy and prickly.


Above the meadow of the parachute
They swing on a twig.


On the window, on the shelf
Needles grew up
Yes satin flowers -
Scarlet and red.

Mushrooms - puzzles in biology

Mushrooms - puzzles in biology
Mushrooms - puzzles in biology

Mushrooms - riddles in biology:

He grew up in Bereznyak.
It wears a hat on the leg.
The leaf stuck to it on top.
Have you learned? This ... (mushroom)


Placed under the pine tree
This mushroom, like a forest king.
I am glad to find his mushroom pipe.
This is white ... (Borovik)


If they are found in the forest,
They will immediately remember about the fox.
Reddish sisters
Called ... (chanterelles)


He lives under the Christmas tree,
Hidden by their needles.
He has a lot of brothers.
The red mushroom is called ... (Ryzhik)


Guess, guys:
He has a shaggy hat.
Mushroom, like a pink eye.
What is his name? (wave)


In a white hat on the leg
The mushrooms grew at the track.
And now in the basket let
Flying edible ... (Road)


No one is friendly with him in the forest
And in Lukoshka he is not needed.
Flies will say: "This is a mor!"
In a red hat ... (fly agaric)


The mushroom is not boiled, they do not eat.
In a speck of his outfit.
This is red ... (fly agaric)

Riddles about biology fruits with answers

Riddles about biology fruits with answers
Riddles about biology fruits with answers

Riddles about fruits in biology with answers:

Sami with a cam, a red barrel,
You touch it - smoothly, and you will bite off - sweetly.


Without windows, without doors, a chapel of people is full.
(Bob Gorokha, Cucumber, watermelon)


The house is full of pigeons, there are no windows or doors.
(Bob Gorokha, Cucumber, watermelon, pumpkin)


In a hanger in the summer

a resident sleeps forest.
Autumn motley will come - he will fall on a tooth.


He is not at all fragile, but hid in a shell.
You look into the middle - you will see the core.
From the fruits it is more firm of all. Called ...


Without breaking the pot, do not eat porridge.


A small stove with red coals.


A whole herd of horses on one leash.
(Bunch of grapes)


The mother has a thousand sons,
She gave everyone a bowl, but did not take herself.
(Oak, acorns)


I'm sitting on a tree, round like a ball.
Red as blood, sweet, like honey.


The dress was lost. And the buttons remained.
(Rowan berries in winter)


Sits on a stick in a red shirt,
The abdomen is full, stuck with pebbles.
(Multi -tires of rosehips)


Chernenka, small, cute to the whole world.
(Cherry berry)


The lush crest of the seed fired.
(Fruits of dandelion, Bodyak, willow seeds)


The jay grabbed something in the beak, dropped along the road,
And the loss did not disappear: she lay down, and got up.
(Settlement of acorns soil)


Sails in the River Utitsa.
It dives, then spins - it will be far from the native shore.
(Resettlement of fruits with water)


House without windows and doors, like a green chest,
It has six round children called ...


The one -to -one grandfather is dressed in a straw.
(Oat grain)


It costs an oak, full of cereals, covered with a heel.
(Poppy box)


A kind nucleus is imprisoned in a weak shell.
(Hazel nut)


The banks are green, the water is red, the fish are black.


Under the tier, tier, brushes with a red garus hang.
(Rowan fruits)


They buried Danilka in a raw grave, and he lay down and ran to the wild,
It stands, flaunts, people admire it.
(Sown grain)


He threw one - he took a handful.


All children on the branches - from birth in berets.
They will fall from the tree - they will not find a berer.


Krasnenka matryoshka, white heart.
(Multi -Kostyanka raspberries)


Though Alena is hiding behind a green branch,
But the red cheek is visible from afar.

I did not live in berry bugs, and did not eat the worm,
And he tore it from the bush, looking - the middle is all empty.
(Multi -Kostyanka raspberries)


Although his sun burns, he is dressed in a cloth.
And the cloth is golden, thin and clean.


The berry is not sweet, but the eye is joy to the eye and the forests of decoration and the thrush are treated.

Riddles about roots, root system - biology

Riddles about roots, root system - biology
Riddles about roots, root system - biology

The riddle about the roots, the root system - biology:

In the garden of Antoshka, the apple tree grows.
The branches raises high upwards,
What does she help on Earth?
The answer is the root


He is buried in the ground,
The tree holds and strokes with water.
The answer is the root


Earth breaks, gets water,
He lives under the ground,
The trees from the fall are saving.
The answer is the root


He has no arms and legs
But he was able to hold a huge tree.
The answer is the root


He buries his nose,
The water from the ground for trees mines.
Each of you could guess,
What is it …
The answer is the spine


Their hands, living underground,
The mighty trees hold firmly on the ground.
The answer is the root


When it sprouts from the twig,
This branch is put in the ground,
And then the tree grows.
The answer is the root


Eat the ground
Water is mined,
Plants, trees hold
And they are saturated with water.
The answer is the root


In height, to heat and light
Branches climb without effort,
And more persistent, stubborn
Grow in the ground ....
The answer is the roots


The kingdoms of the dark tenants
Crawl to different ends
They drink water tirelessly,
All plants are given life.
The answer is the root


From Buyana-Uragan
At the Oak-Bogatyr
There are live anchors.
The answer is the root


Not a chirus, but the earth is digging
Not a river, but a grove is singing.
The answer is the root


He does not walk, but alive,
He buried in the ground with his head.
The answer is the root

Video: Biology for children - a trip to your body

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