Riddles for schoolchildren 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7th grade - the best selection with answers

Riddles for schoolchildren 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7th grade - the best selection with answers

A large selection of riddles for schoolchildren of various topics.

Riddles for schoolchildren - the best selection with answers

Riddles for schoolchildren - the best selection with answers
Riddles for schoolchildren - the best selection with answers

Riddles for schoolchildren are the best selection with answers:

This liquid is painted
It happens even color.
The poet, composed poetry,
The feather in this liquid model.


The textbooks keep so that they do not fall,
To stand on the desk all the time.
Table, examples and rules in the frame
You will find it without difficulty, since a textbook in ...


She lives in the textbook,
Pages are found necessary
And he knows, apparently, in advance,
What topic are we passing.
To open the place necessary,
Pages number so that it does not become a mystery
And not to forget anything,
You, schoolboy, please use ...


The result of your hard school years -
Solemnly handed the document.
(Certificate of the school graduate)


Two legs conspired
Make arcs and circles.


I'm lying in a school bag
I'll tell you about the marks.
(Student diary)


Marks, comments
The teacher writes in it.
Lessons schedule
We will find it in it too.
Keeps and protects it
An approximate student.
"Five" in it is full,
As a document ...
(A diary)


Your braid without fear
The girl is dipping in paints.
Then a painted pigtail
The girl drives a page.


This subject studies different things:
Solid, liquid, gaseous,
Quick, light, even square,
Beating current and incomprehensible.


Computer science.
She is about calculations.
She is not boring at all, to teach her
She is mysterious, complex.
Rhymes with "grammar",
It is called ...


We met computers,
And before the lesson they did not know at all.
We are friends with the computer,
We know a lot -
We work, we easily gain texts.
We are even familiar with computer graphics.
And all - in the lesson alone - ...
(Computer science)


We play on the xylophone
And we sing different songs,
Sonates are listening, symphony,
We live pretty cheerfully.


We learn to write and read notes
And to distinguish a waltz from the melodies of others.
We listen to arias and sonatas.
What is this lesson, tell me, guys?
(Music lesson)


In this lesson, we are developing,
We study sociability.
Not Motorika teaches us communication, -
This is the task of science ...


And experience, son of difficult mistakes,
And genius, paradoxes friend,
This science serves as -
Explosive of sciences!


On the desk of paints and a set of gouache,
Portrait, landscapes - then our drawings.
Needlessness and diligence are needed here,
And the lesson itself is called ...


This lesson will tell you a lot of new things about nature.
The names of trees will teach
It will help to recognize which plant has which leaf.
He will tell you a lot about the soil,
Immerse you into the world of insects.
Animals will also be known to you.
You are definitely familiar with this subject.
What lesson will tell about everything in the world?
Come on, tell me, children.
(Natural Science.)


In first -graders, instead of Russian, it is.
And the subject itself is called briefly - ...


They learned to read in this lesson.
First, by syllables, and now we want.
We teach easily poetic lines,
We distinguish the story from poetry ungroces,
Inspiration itself comes to us with the book,
And what is everything in the lesson?


This subject will teach you this subject
He will send an adventure to the books.
What kind of lesson, answer me, friends,
Does any of you know?


Even a beast or a bug
Here it becomes a hero.
Here hints in fairy tales are looking for,
And of course, they find.


Everyone knows that she
Both miracles and secrets are full.
He teaches from other people's mistakes
And forever not bored!


The lesson is interesting, on it we think,
Together, examples, problems are solved.
Circular, all for sure - without any romance.
Well, what kind of lesson? That lesson ...


In this lesson, they will teach you to be considered,
The numbers are added, taken and multiply.
What kind of science is this, children?
Will someone answer me?


Recording, notebooks, fountain burns, creak,
Every student writes carefully.
We read the rules, teach a nazubok.
Well, guys, what kind of lesson is this?
(Russian language lesson)


We are very pleased to work together, we are very pleased
To sculpt, cut, glue something-entertaining.
In this lesson, fantasy is with us,
We will make everything with our own hands.
(Labor lesson)


Something always master
And we are not sitting idle -
They sewed a soft toy
And a podgy needle.
The bookmark was glued in the book
And the cover for the notebook.
And from the ribbons of satin
A lot of beautiful roses came out!
We are never bored!
We love a lesson ...


Crosses run, do exercises ...
With health, everything will be fine with us,
Sport helps us to keep the figure,
Sport tempers us! All on ...
(Physical education)


In this lesson we are always in motion:
Victories, rewards and sports, achievements ...
We run, swim, play games,
Along the way, we strengthen our health.
No tablets or mixtures need -
Classes will cure us ...
(Physical education)


The guys are bad, the student,
Who does not keep a diary at all
And there is no lessons,
And instead of school, he plays the ball.
Tell me what to call
Who loves to skip school?


Kolya, Lena
So at school ...


For good studies
I was handed this sheet,
Awarded - and still! -
I'm an activist in the class.
I am sure - everyone knows
As that leaf is called.


Took the encyclopedia,
I wrote a job.
I will speak in front of the class
On the same Saturday.
My scientific abstract
Called ...


"What is the plateful nose?" -
I came across such a thing ...


Here the lessons have ended
But we are not going home.
Someone writes the house. work,
Here we draw, draw, sew.
Here we are half a day, and home
We set off with a crowd.
Walk Stas, Maxim, Alenka
In the school ...


We are resting these days,
We do not study, walk.
In the fall, winter, spring
We have them with you.
Yes, and in the summer, I do not hide,
I rest from school.
I ask you to call you
When I don't go to school.


We rest from lessons at this time,
We look at cartoons and walk in the yard.
Well, then, after returning again,
To replenish something already, already what we know.


He showed us a rope
And he began to explain immediately:
How to climb upstairs
And back how to go down.
(Fizruk and rope)


Here he is at the board,
The whole class looks at him.
He says: Well, let's start.
We get all the notebooks! "


One question and three answers,
It’s not difficult to write at all.
We choose the right answer,
Then we get the marks.


It is important for us to write to all today
This control is only for "five"!
This work is not at all simple,
This control ...


Multiplication table
I taught two weeks.
I will say no doubt -
There is more important thing!
I remembered her for years!
At least how many years will be
I am always for any example
I will give the right ...


I attend lessons
And always keep a diary.
I call myself
Schoolboy or ...


At first, the man is a student,
Well, oh, in the last grade -


He only studies on round "five",
He always knows what he must say.
He does not know laziness, is ready for lessons.
Tell me guys, well, who is he?
(Excellent student)


He only studies at the "four" and "five",
All children only need to take an example from him
"Five" decorates his diary.
Tell me, who is the student?
(Excellent student)


September day, autumn,
The school is today a holiday.
From excitement is scattered
Boy- ...
(First grader)


Riddles about school with answers

Riddles about school with answers
Riddles about school with answers

Riddles about school with answers:

Thirty -three sisters
Growth of small ones.
If you know their secret
Then you will find an answer to everything.
Answer: (letters)
Letters-digits, like fighters for a parade,
In strict order are built in a row.
Everyone in the assigned place is worth
And the building is called ...
Answer: (alphabet)
Black white
They write every now and then.
They will work with a rag -
Pure page.
Answer: (School board)
On the black field -
A bunny-white bunny is walking.
Answer: (chalk)

The white pebble melted
I left traces on the board.
Answer: (chalk)

How bored, brothers,
Ride on someone else's back!
Would give me a couple of legs,
So that I myself can run.
Answer: (Spring)

He runs to school in winter,
And in the summer lies in the room.
As soon as autumn comes
He takes my hand.
Answer: (portfolio)

I carry a new house in my hand,
Doors at home - on the castle.
There are paper residents,
All terribly important.
Answer: (portfolio, books, notebooks)

I am an important subject.
To make a paper cube,
Plane, cardboard house,
Application in the album,
You don't regret me.
I am loving, viscous ...
Answer: (glue)

I didn't miss the work
I cut the flowers,
Multi -colored snowflakes,
Birds, stars, pictures.
I am almost an artist.
Helped me ...
Answer: (scissors)

Something grandmother's scores
Take reluctance to take.
Better I take guys
New ...
Answer: (calculator)

Either I am in a cage, then in a ruler.
Write to them for them!
Answer: (Notebook)

On the leg stands alone,
Wipes-worships his head.
The countries shows us
Rivers, mountains, oceans.
Answer: (Globe)

Two legs conspired
Make arcs and circles.
Answer: (circus)

We write in it tasks for the house -
Put us notes nearby,
If the marks are good
Ask for: "Mom, subscribe!"
Answer: (Diary)

Brokes sat in a row
And the words say.
Answer: (letters)
They live in a wonderful house
Fun friends,
They are all called all of them
From the letter A to Y.
And you, since they are not familiar with them,
Knock faster into a friendly house!
Answer: (Primer)
Who speaks silently?
Answer: (Book)
Not a bush, but with leaflets, not a shirt, but sewn,
Not a person, but tells.
Answer: (Book)
There is a leaf, there is a spine.
Not a bush and not a flower.
There are no paws, there are no hands.
And comes to the house like a friend.
He will fall on his knees to mom,
He will tell you about everything.
Answer: (Book)

In alphabet
In strict order -
Forty surnames
In a thick notebook.
To the right of them
Filted cells,
So as not to run away
Your marks.
Answer: (Cool magazine)
I'll indicate everything on the map -
Pole, tundra and Alaska.
I am friends with the teacher.
Guessed? I - …
Answer: (pointer)
You look outside -
House, like a house,
But there are no usual residents in it.
It has interesting books in it
They stand cramped in rows.
On long shelves
Along the wall
Tales of antiquity were accommodated,
And Chernomore,
And King Guidon,
And the good grandfather Masai ...
What is this house called?
Try guess!
Answer: (Library)
I am a collection of cards; From the punch
Two of my knowledge depends.
If you want, I will turn into a name
Shiny, silky fabric I.
Answer: (Atlas - Atlas)
For me, an elastic band, brothers, a fierce enemy!
I can’t encounter her in any way.
I made a cat and a cat - beauty!
And she walked a little - there is no cat!
You can’t create a good picture with her!
So he scolded the elastic in full ...
Answer: (pencil)
Not like a man,
But he has a heart
And work all year round
He gives a heart.
He draws and draws.
And today in the evening
He painted me an album.
Answer: (pencil)
Magic wand I have friends.
I can build this stick with this
Tower, house and plane,
And a huge steamer!
Answer: (pencil)
In the white field on the road
My horse is my one -legged horse
And for many, many years
He leaves his mark.
Answer: (pen, pencil)
Although I am not a laundress, friends,
I wash me diligently.
Answer: (elastic band)
If you give her work -
In vain, a pencil worked.
Answer: (elastic band)
Near the river,
In the meadow,
They took a rainbow-fool.
I got it,
And put in the box.
Answer: (colored pencils)
What is this an animal here
Walks along and across?
A boiled nose in the paint,
A wooden long tail.
Answer: (brush)
He will draw a picture
And painting Pinocchio.
He will write an ad
And a postcard-congratulation.
Draw posters Master -
Bright, thin ...
Answer: (felt -tip pen)
There is a sea - you can’t swim,
There are roads - you can't go,
There is land - you can’t plow
What's this?
Answer: (Geographical map)
Colored liquid for Scripture.
Will tell who is its name?
When the poet composed a verse,
In her, the pen was dangling her.
Answer: (ink)
Let's get acquainted: I - paint,
I'm sitting in a round jar.
I will paint you coloring
And also pictures for a fairy tale
I will draw a baby.
I am brighter than a pencil,
Very juicy ...
Answer: (gouache)
Schools are not simple buildings,
In schools they get ...
Answer: (Knowledge)
The physical education center told us
Everyone go to sports ...
Answer: (Hall)
Between two calls time
Called ...
Answer: (Lesson)
City in bows, bouquets.
Goodbye, you hear, summer!
On this day a crowd of cheerful
We are together to walk to school.
Answer: (September 1, Knowledge Day)
The routine of this day
Was written for me.
I will not be late,
After all, I observe it.
Answer: (daily routine)
I could not come in time -
The lesson has long began.
The teacher immediately became strict -
Why did he punish me?
Answer: (late)
There is a house -
Who will enter it
That knowledge will acquire.
Answer: (School)
There is a cheerful, bright house.
There are many guys in it.
They write and think
Draw and read.
Answer: (School)
He calls, calls, calls,
He tells a lot:
Then sit down and learn
Then get up, disperse.
Answer: (call)
The school opened the door,
I let goals.
Who guys know
What are they called?
Answer: (first graders)
Live in a difficult book
Cunning brothers.
Ten of them, but these brothers
They count everything in the world.
Answer: (numbers)
There are, friends, such a bird:
If you sit on the page,
I am very happy
And with me the whole family.
Answer: (Five)
There is a completely different bird.
If you sit on the page,
With a drooping head
I return home.
Answer: (Two)

In every book
And notebook
Can be found
These beds.
Answer: (lines)
I'm a small figure
The point under me is large.
If you ask what you will be,
You can't do without me.
Answer: (Interrogative sign)

Riddles for schoolchildren - 1, 2, 3, 4 grade

Riddles for schoolchildren - 1, 2, 3, 4 grade
Riddles for schoolchildren - 1, 2, 3, 4 grade

Riddles for schoolchildren - 1, 2, 3, 4 class:

You will hit anyone -
He is angry and crying.
And you will hit this -
He jumps with joy!
Then above, then below,
Either a bottom, then jump.
Who is he, guessed?
Rubber ...


He does not want to lie at all.
If you quit, he will jump.
You will hit a little, immediately jump up,
Well, of course - this ...


I decided to become a strong man
I hurried to the strong man:
- Tell us about what,
How did you become a strong man?
He smiled back:
- Very simple. Many years,
Every day, getting out of bed,
I raise ...


There is a lawn in our school,
And on it are goats and horses.
We smoke here
Exactly forty -five minutes.
At school - horses and a lawn?!
What a miracle, guess!


Green meadow,
One hundred benches around,
From gate to gate
The people are running briskly.
At these gates
Fishing networks.


Wooden horses are jumping in the snow,
And they do not fail in the snow.

In a white open spaces
Two even lines,
And they run nearby
Commas and dots.


Who rushes quickly in the snow,
Not afraid to fail?


Not to feel the legs with joy,
I'm flying a hill down.
I became a sport of relatives and closer,
Who helped me, children?


He looks like one board,
But the name is proud,
He is called ...


I have guys
Two silver horses.
I go immediately on both
What kind of horses do I have?


Who will catch up with me on ice?
We run ahead.
And they carry me not horses
And shiny ...


Drings the puck before him.
(Hockey stick)


In the yard in the morning, the game
The kids played out.
Screams: “Work!”, “Past!”, “Beat!” -
There is a game - ...


I don't look like a horse
At least I have a saddle.
There are knitting needles. They admit,
They are not suitable for knitting.
Not an alarm clock, do not tram
But I know how to call, know!


In the early morning along the road
The dew shines on the grass,
Legs are driving along the way
And two wheels run.
The riddle has an answer -
This is my …


The relay is not easy.
I'm waiting for a jerking command.


On the squares of the boards
The kings brought the shelves.
No for a fight at the regiments
No cartridges, no bayonets.


The juice of the tablets is more useful,
We will save us from all ...


Since childhood, people have been told to everyone:
Nicotine - deadly ...


So that he was not frail, lethargic,
I did not lie under the covers,
I did not get sick and was in order
Do every day ...


I have no time to hurt friends
I play football, hockey.
And I am very proud of it,
What gives me health ...


Forget about the computer.
Run to the street for a walk.
It is very useful for children
Fresh air ...


It has two letters “K”
Do not forget to write
Always be like him!
(Neat person)


Sub the steel pipes,
If you clean ...


They declared battle to Bacilllah:
My hands are purely with ...


He is in the pocket of the guard
Roar, crybaby and dirty
The streams of tears in the morning,
He will not forget about the nose.


He is not sugar, not flour,
But it looks slightly like them.
In the morning he is always
It falls on the teeth.


Hot and cold
You always need me.
You will call me - I'm running
From diseases of the shore.


So that he was not frail, lethargic,
I did not lie under the covers,
I did not get sick and was in order
Do every day ...


I have no time to hurt friends
I play football, hockey.
And I am very proud of it,
What gives me health ...


Forget about the computer.
Run to the street for a walk.
It is very useful for children
Fresh air ...


They declared battle to Bacilllah:
My hands are purely with ...

Very bitter - but useful!
Protects from diseases!
And he is not a friend to microbes -
Because it -


There are vegetables and fruits.
Children need to eat a lot.
There are still pills
Taste like candy.
Accept for health
Their cold sometimes.
For Sashuli and Polina
What is useful? - ...


Little girl -
Hard bangs,
Cool cools during the day.
And in the morning and evenings
Work is accepted:
The head will cover
Yes, the walls will wash.


Sports riddles for children
It is basketball,
Volleyball and football.
They play with him in the yard
Interesting with him in the game.
Drings, jumps, jumps, jumps!
Of course, this is ...


Nearby walk along the snowy mountains,
They help to move faster to us.
The assistants walk nearby with them,
They also advance us forward.
(Skis and skiing)


The air cuts Smokyo-Klovko,
Stick on the right, on the left stick,
Well, between them a rope.
This is long ...
(jump rope)

We compete in Okhorov,
We throw the ball, let us jump deft
We smoke at the same time.
So pass ...
(relay races)


We are like acrobats,
We make jumping on the mat,
Through the head forward,
We can and vice versa.
Our health for the future
There will be everyone ...


We are physically active
With him we will become fast, strong ...
He tempers us by nature
Strengthen the muscles.
No sweets are needed, cake,
We need only one ...


The struggle for winning, recognition
We are calling all ...


Win in competitions -
This is our credo.
We do not require recognition
We need…


The winner in the sport of competitions,
Only he is ahead all the time.
How does it sound, tell me, proud name?
They know everything that is ...


We were divided into teams
And they give a task.
We participate for the first time
In sport ...


This sports shell is two poles,
On the rack, hinges are attached.
I will become strong with them.
The shell is called briefly - ...


Music plays loudly.
The motion class performs.
Not simple movements,
These are exercises.
Gymnastics to music
He improves us.
Tell me the name
It is amicable for me, class!


The legs in them are quick and dexterous.
Then sports ...


There would be no victory on the run
If they did not rush me b ...


It’s not easy for me to pull up
I'm small in stature.
Every student knows
What will pull us up ...
(horizontal bar)


You can play with him in the lesson,
Rot it and rotate it.
He is like the letter "o":
Circle, but inside - nothing.


We tumble on it,
It doesn’t matter, since we’ll fall.
Here I am so glad to wallow
Because it…


Legs and muscles all the time in motion -
This is not just a person.
Such fast movements
We call briefly - ...


Legs, arms - all in motion,
I'm crawling under the ceiling
Muscles - just tension -
I could raise myself.
Mat is laid under me,
I got up up. Helped ...


The first is jumping! The second went.
And the shell is called ...


Two pairs of legs rest on the floor,
And he himself is tall, almost from me.
I just could saddle him.
We jumped over ...


The ball in the ring! The team is goal!
We play ...


I'm swimming in the pool,
I know that I will not drown.
I swim - the upper class! -
In style under the name ...


Everything in them is visible under water,
Open your eyes bolder,
Will never fall into them
Water from the pool.
And if you wear them in the river,
Then you can see the fish,
How to swim at the bottom of the crustacean,
You look through ...


The team drive the ball across the field,
The goalkeeper at the gate came across a dodger.
He does not allow him to score a goal with a ball.
Boys play on the field ...


I gained strength over the summer
And significantly grew up,
I did a lot of sports
I ran easily ...


Hands apart, and legs together.
Running, then jumping in place.
Called in order
That's all - the end ...

Riddle for a student 5, 6, 7 of grade

Riddle for a student 5, 6, 7 of grade
Riddle for a student 5, 6, 7 of grade

Riddle for a student 5, 6, 7 of grade:

Troika, three flew.
Halls in that three white.
And the queen sits in the sleigh -
Belokos, Belolitsa.
How I waved my sleeve -
Everything was covered with silver.
(Winter months)


What are the guys,
A month in this riddle,
His days are shorter than his days
All nights are longer than the night,
To the fields and in the meadows
Snow lay down until spring.
Only our month will pass,
We celebrate the New Year.


"The end is the end and the beginning of winter!"
- That's how they asked me a riddle.
Frosts and blizzards
And snow in the yard
To visit us
Winter comes in ...


The calendar begins
A month with the name ...


He is the first to go the first
The New Year will begin from it.
Open the calendar rather,
Read! Written - ...


Snow with bags falls from the sky,
Snow snowdrifts stand with the house.
Then drill and snowstorms
They flew into the village.
Frost is strong at night,
Calling is heard in the afternoon.
The day has been added noticeably
Well, so what is it in a month?


The last winter month is a pity
He is the short itself - ...


Spiky snow on the ground
The wind drives in ...


In what month people say the least
(In February)


The warm southern wind blows,
The sun shines brighter.
Snow loses weight, fleshes, melts,
The rook of throat flies.
What a month? Who will know?


Brokes run faster,
The sun shines warmer.
Sparrow weather is glad
- I looked at us for a month ...


In warm sun's boots,
With a light on fasteners,
The boy runs in the snow
- Snow scares, Shalunishka:
Only steps - snowy,
The ice split at the rivers.
The excitement covered it.
And this boy - ...


The river roars furiously
And breaks the ice.
He returned to his house,
And in the forest the bear woke up.
In the sky, the lark is trill.
Who came to us?


Bear got out of the den,
Dirt and puddles on the road,
In the sky Lark Trill
- I came to visit us ...


At night - frost,
In the morning - drops,
So in the yard ...


Wakes up forest, fields and mountains,
All clearings and gardens.
He knocks on everything,
Sangs by the water.
“Wake up! Wake up!
Sing, laugh, smile! "
The pitch is far heard.
It wakes everyone up ...


The distance of the fields is turning green
Saws the nightingale.
The garden dressed in white,
The bees are the first.
Thunder rumbles. Guess,
What is this for a month?


The garden tried on white,
The nightingale sings a sonnet
Our edge dressed in the greens
- We meet us with warmth ...


The baby runs in the paws,
You hear him steps.
He runs, and everything blooms,
He laughs - he sings everything.
Hid happiness in the petals
The lilacs on the bushes.
"My lily of the valley, smell!"
- commanded the cheerful ...


Warm, long, long day.
At noon - a tiny shadow.
Blooms in the Kolos field,
The grasshopper gives a voice
Rubs strawberries.
What a month
Tell me?


Hot, sultry,
Sour day.
Even chickens are looking for a shadow.
The kosba of bread has begun,
Time of berries and mushrooms.
His days are the top of the summer.
What, tell me,
This is a month?


Maple leaves yellow
The southern countries flew away
Small winged haircuts.
What a month, tell me?


The collective farm garden was empty,
Spider webs fly into the distance,
And to the southern edge of the earth
Cranes stretched.
The doors of schools opened.
What kind of month did you come to us?


Following August comes
With a leaf fall, rinses
And he is rich in crop,
We, of course, know him!


All the darker face of nature:
Grinded the gardens,
Forests are exposed,
Poultry voices are poking
Bear hibernated.
What kind of month did you come to us?


Queen is our autumn,
We will ask you together:
Open your secret to children,
Who is the second servant?


The field became black and white:
The rain or snow falls.
And it was also cold -
Ice struck the waters of rivers.
Merzes in the field of winter rye.
What a month, tell me?


Who does not let us warmly,
Does the first snow scares us?
Who calls us cold,
You know? Of course yes!

Interesting riddles for schoolchildren

Interesting riddles for schoolchildren
Interesting riddles for schoolchildren

Interesting riddles for schoolchildren:

There is different weather
The fault of it, she - ...


Gifts of land are subject to her
But for people to cherish
She always reminds
After all, so fragile and lonely,
It happens mother- ...


Peas scattered in the dark sky
Colored caramel of sugar crumbs,
And only when the morning comes,
All caramel suddenly melts.


In space through the thickness of the years
Ice flies an object.
His tail is a strip of light,
And the name is the object ...


Run on the sea
Run along the river -
Blonde little men.
Runned and disappeared.
New appeared.


Autumn rain in the city walked,
The mirror has lost his rain.
The mirror then on the asphalt lies,
The wind will blow - it trembles.


Rooster is an alarm in the yard.
He wakes everyone early in the morning.
Hello, he is ringing the sun
And it is not in vain.
Alets the edge of the sky:
Thank him ...


Only at night in the sky shines
Like a sickle, otherwise - round,
Our close neighbor
Golden ...

The night went down to the ground
The darkness brought.
Stars shine in the sky,
Yes, flickers ...


It rains in my window knocking
Topol pierce upward.
The rain is in a hurry to say goodbye to the ground,
Watching to the dump ...


The head is heavy
I don't want to rise.
How short
This star ...


She lies on the grass
Though water, but does not run.
Not a stream, and not a river,
And not the rain in the clouds!
Exactly! Not a rain! -
After all, she - ...


White pearls
The herbs are woven.


Maybe I'm still in a dream?
It is very strange to me.
I ran away before the deadline
Autumn, leaves the leaves,
So, to be winter soon.


Not fire, but burning.


Who, at least without hands,
Can I draw?


Whose drawings on the window,
How is a crystal pattern?
Piercing all of the nose
Winter grandfather ...


Clouds are catching up
Howls, blowing it off.
Rummages around the light,
Sings and whistles.


He ran along the path of Lugovoi -
They nodded poppies with their heads.
He ran along the blue river -
The river became pockmarked.


In the spring, the fur coat he
Puts on green,
From the shoulders in winter her down!
And throws on the ground.


In the spring it is amused
It is cold in the summer
Nuts in the fall
Warm up in winter.

Musical riddles for schoolchildren

Musical riddles for schoolchildren
Musical riddles for schoolchildren

Musical riddles for schoolchildren:

This is the key set,
Sound at every blow.
Even an accordion
It is equipped with it, there is in the piano.


Musical tool,
He is a wind,
With a cane, he is a single
It is beautiful.
And more elegant,
Apparently, there is no music.
Everyone understands what I mean?


We performed on stage,
We played the piano
The third grade danced us,
The fifth grade marched.
Songs sang and danced;
We were set assessments
From the jury, then experts.
We love school ...


Dance of the house, in the corridor,
I rehearsed.
All movements from the dance
The whole family learned.
Even the cat Murka knows
How dancing ...


Dancing to music
To the music of the shake
It is called clear to everyone, simple.
Then ... (dance)


He danced at the balls
And it was considered solemn.
Who did not know, he did not climb.
Well, dance - ...


The verse alone was beautifully spent,
I started to sing simple ...


We sing together
And there is no singing us ...
When there are four of us
It will turn out ...


This note is height
Relatively simple.
And you do not need to be a master
To determine ...


The color of the sound is so called.
With him, the height and volume are here.
And next to the duration is coming.
Who will call the first sign?


It's easy to go on a camping way,
I have fun with me on the way
And I'm screaming, and I am Buyan,
I'm sonorous, round ...


He has a shirt in a fold,
He loves to dance in a squat
He dances and sings -
If it falls into the hands.
Forty buttons on it
With mother -of -pearl fire.
Funchak, not buoyan
Our vocal ...


You will take her in your hands,
You will stretch, then squeeze!
Ringeous, elegant,
Russian, two -row.
Will play, only touch
What is her name?


The string rings, she sings,
And the song is heard to everyone.
Six strings play anything
And the tool is always fashionable.
He will never become old.
We call that tool ...


I'm standing on three legs
Legs in black boots.
The teeth are white, pedal.
What is my name? ...


They loved music very much
Two sisters, Natasha and Nina,
And so they bought it
Big them ...


He will sparkle in the sun
With a gentle sound, it will give.
In jazz, he is the very first


As if the girl sang
And in the hall seemed to brighten.
The melody slides so flexibly.
Everything was calmed down: plays ...


Know them with a drum of neighbors.
They are made of copper.
You need to wave your hands in time,
Lightly hit, then relax.
Their party is not a trifle, not a trinket,
There are also music ...


He looks like a rattle
Only this is not a toy!


Wooden oven,
Not a clarinet and not a gobo,
Singing in a low voice,
Called ...


Wooden palms,
And they sound, as if spoons.
Well, give me answers
What is this?


Let the hammers let go
On iron leaves
And a cheerful ringing flies.
What rings?


The signal sounds, calls for the battle!
Get up, soldier, she sings!

Short riddles for schoolchildren with answers

Short riddles for schoolchildren with answers
Short riddles for schoolchildren with answers

Short riddles for schoolchildren with answers:

There is a paradise tree,
Flowers bloom on one side,
On the other, the sheets fall,
On the third - the fruits ripen,
On the fourth - bitch dry.


Was white and gray
Green and young came.
(Winter and spring)


Rutered the paths
I decorated the windows
I gave joy to the children
And on the sled rolled.


One gray
Another young
The third jumps,
And the fourth is crying.
(Winter spring Summer Autumn)


Pava arrived
Sat on the lava,
Dissolled feathers
For all potions.


She comes with affectionate
And with your fairy tale.
Wave a magic wand -
In the forest, the snowdrop will blossom.


I came without colors and without a brush
And she repainted all the leaves.


Snow in the fields, ice on the waters,
The blizzard walks. When does it happen?


I have a lot of things - I'm a white blanket
I cover all the earth, I clean the rivers in the ice,
Belya Fields, at home, and my name is ...


Who, guess the mistress?
The Perinka shook - over the world of a fluff.


The snowball melts, the meadow came to life.
The day arrives. When does it happen?


Every year they come to visit us:
One gray, the other young,
The third jumps, and the fourth cries.


Fields of the field, the earth is wet,
Rain water when it happens?
(In the fall)


I carry crops
I sow the fields again,
I send birds south,
I undress the trees,
But I do not touch the pines and Christmas trees.
I - …


In the morning we go to the yard -
The leaves are pouring rain,
They rustle underfoot
And fly, fly, fly ...


I open the kidneys in green leaves.
I put on trees, I water the crops,
The movements are full, they call me ...


The beauty is walking
Easily touches the earth,
Goes to the field, to the river,
And on the snowball and the flower.


I am woven from heat, I am warm with me,
I warm the rivers, "Bow!" - I invite.
And you love me all me, I ...


The sun bakes
Lipa blooms.
Rye is gloomy
Gold wheat.
Who will say, who knows
When does it happen?


My husband has three wives
And all three are alive;
The birth and death are unknown to them,
Two to her husband help
And the third ruins.


The streams rang, rooks flew in.
In the hive, the bee brought the first honey.
Who will say, who knows when it happens?


Who, tell me a dear friend,
Pains white around everything around
Both trees and at home?
This is the winter- ....


Rain fell from the sky,
And now snowflakes are flying.
Name us the time of the year
Where is frosty weather.


The sun suddenly became warm
The stream rumbled in the forest.
The time of the year call -
It has a blooming month May!


It became the sun of warmth,
The stream rushed in the forest,
All nature blooms,
Who will find out the time of the year?


Lie on the grass well,
Listen to sing in silence:
Nightingale, Drozd and Slavka.
Top of the year tell me!


I'll go to the forest today
I will type ripe berries.
The time of the year tell me -
There are elaboxes!


The leaves are quickly yellow
And flew to the ground.
It happens once a year,
And when? I can `t get it!


All the leaflets turned yellow
At the birch, and at the spruce
For some reason they don't want to
And do not fly to the ground.
The time of the year guessed?
If so, then a medal
You ask your mothers.
You are smart for years!

Riddles about sports for schoolchildren with answers

Riddles about sports for schoolchildren with answers
Riddles about sports for schoolchildren with answers

Riddles about sports for schoolchildren with answers:

I'm in a hurry for training
In Kimono, I am deftly fighting.
I need a black belt,
After all, I love ...


Legs and muscles all the time in motion -
This is not just a person.
Such fast movements
We call briefly - ...


We will collect the team at school
And find a large field.
Pierce the corner -
We score your head!
And in the gate the fifth goal!
We love us very much ...


Court, mesh, ball and rackets.
The feed is sent a well -aimed
Opponent. I hope to beat off.
This sport is called ...


He is in sports with that name
Does everything with an old one.
And you would try yourself
Do sport …


Tape, ball, log and beams,
The rings are next to them.
I do not dare to list
Many shells.
Beauty and plastic
Gives us ...


Inside, goalkeeper, stopper, Beck,
As well as forward and midfielder
Play, scoring a goal
In the famous game ...


In this sports players
All are dexterous and high.
Love them to play the ball
And throw it into the ring.
The ball shakes loudly on the floor,
So this is ...


Horse, rope, log and bars,
The rings are next to them.
I do not dare to list
Many shells.
Beauty and plastic
Gives us ...


From a palm without looking back
Through a grid for landing
On, someone else's team, floor
The ball flies, then ...


This riddle is not easy:
I am always written in two "K",
Both the ball and the puck hit with a club,
And I am called ...


There is a platform, ball, gate.
We defend our honor here.
We score a goal with our hands,
Playing among themselves in ...


There everything is on the ice platform in the armor
They fight, grabbed in an acute battle.
Fans shout: "Beat more!"
Believe me, this is not a fight, but - ...


The dodger beats on the goal,
Swimming, throwing the ball.
And the water here instead of the floor,
So this is ...
(water polo)


They came together in the ring in the battle,
On the hands of each glove.
The gong of a cheerful sounded,
By the beginning of the battle, he gave a signal.


Here the team wins,
If the ball does not drop.
He flies aptly
Not at the goal - through the net.
And a platform, not a field
At the athletes in ...


You can’t do without oars,
If you go in for sports.
And what is the name of the lesson,
Where in the boat they float to the finish line?


It is very difficult to be, do not argue
The most well -aimed in this sport.
Just rush along the track,
Then even me can.
Try to run the day yourself
And then get into the target,
Lying back, from a rifle.
Here you can’t do without training!
And the target is not an elephant.
Sport is called ...


The outcome of the battle is only one possible,
Opponent on the shoulder blades
Must be laid.


I don’t understand, guys, who are you?
Birds? Fishermen?
What kind of net in the yard?
- You would not interfere with the game
You would better go away!
We play ...


Boxers have a shell - a pear.
And in this sport "fruit" is better.
The athlete clogs the ball there
Into the gate in the form of the letter "n",
The plum is very similar to the plum.
Do you call this sport?


In the old days, once in a clean field
Pushkari -artillerymen
We decided to knead the tired muscles,
The shells are heavy in the distance to leave.
So they had fun until the morning,
Having come up with a sport ...
(Pushing the nucleus)


There is such a field in the flyers,
They often fight here
There are no swords, shields, shells,
It is not necessary to fall here either,
Only thoughts win,
And not guns an accurate shot!


What a funny people -
The stone was thrown on the ice.
They run ahead of him
For some reason, rubbish
Brilliant ice.
What for? Well, who will understand.
Is this a sport?


Here are the ships running
To the right - there, there and there,
People manage them,
They walk with the wind through the waves.


On the ice track
The skates are rapidly slipping.
Athletes of each other
They want to overtake.


What is the game between dad and brother,
Able to end suddenly "obscenities"?


Under enemy shelling
The soldiers are bold.
And if they are being played,
They get up again.
(Bowling, towns)


In the stadium run, walking,
Jumping, throwing,
What is the right to name the competition?


The players for the ball are fighting:
Attack, defend,
They beat on the goal
On the left, on the right, from the turn.
They will score a goal, shout: "Hurray!"
But the game is held
In the pool, not on the field.
And called ...
(water polo)


They pulled the bowstring
Arrows released ... u - o -
Flew, did not fall,
They hit the apple right.


To the music on ice jumps,
Support and rotations.
Powders at the skates shine,
Costumes are a sight for sore eyes.
(Figure skating)


Two rivals in the fight are fighting:
Attack and fights off.
There is no blood from the injection of Rapira.
Though tournaments are held with battles.


The question is not easy for me
As it is called
When athletes on sleigh
Are they moving along the gutter?


Swords, sabers and rapiers,
Snow -white uniforms,
Masks with a steel grid -
Musketeers went into battle.


The ball over the table flutters
He runs away from the racket.
What a cool game?
Guess the kids ...

Riddles about professions for schoolchildren

Riddles about professions for schoolchildren
Riddles about professions for schoolchildren

Riddles about professions for schoolchildren:

Who in the days of disease
All are more useful
And heals us from all


Doctor, but not for children,
And for birds and for animals.
He has a special gift
This doctor - ...


He is not a pilot, not a pilot,
He does not lead the plane,
A huge rocket.
Children, who, tell me?


He puts bricks in a row,
Builds a kindergarten for guys
Not a miner or a driver,
The house will build us ...


In reality, not in a dream
He flies in the embroidery.
Puts a plane in the sky.
Who is he, tell me?


You are probably familiar with him.
He knows about all the laws.
Not a judge, not a journalist.
Gives everyone advice ...


In kindergarten, lunch,
The cook takes a sample from dishes.
But mom is not nearby,
Who sets on the table there?


Movement rules
He knows without a doubt.
He instantly starts a motor,
Rushes by car ...


Autumn, summer, winter,
Heat or snow goes -
It can build at home
Dad all year round!


All the roads are familiar to me
I am in the cabin at home.
The traffic light blinks me
He knows that I - ...


Dark night, clear day
He fights with fire.
In the helmet, as if the warrior is glorious,
He hurries to the fire ...


He is a wolf and Santa Claus,
And mix the guys to tears,
Last time he was a teacher,
The day after tomorrow is a driver,
He must know a lot,
Because he …


He is ready in the fire and fight,
Protecting us with you.
He goes to the patrol and in the city,
Will not leave the post ...


I have a pencil,
Multi -colored gouache
Watercolor, palette, brush
And a tight sheet,
And also-an easel of a track,
Because I ...


High, slim, like a spruce,
In the dress of a fashionable top- ...


Furniture, bread and cucumbers
They sell us ...


For sour cream, bread and cheese
At the checkout, the check will break ...


The brother performs in the circus,
He is airy ...


He tells clearly
He leads excursions.
It becomes clear to us
The fact that he is ...

Riddles about dad's profession

He is a very good master,
I made a closet to us for the hallway.
He is not a carpenter, not a painter.
Furniture does ...


Movement rules
He knows without a doubt.
He instantly starts a motor,
Rushes by car ...


Dark night, clear day
He fights with fire.
In the helmet, as if the warrior is glorious,
He hurries to the fire ...


He puts bricks in a row,
Builds a kindergarten for guys
Not a miner or a driver,
The house will build us ...


Who floats on the ship
To the unknown land?
He is a good merit.
What is his name?


In reality, not in a dream
He flies in the embroidery.
Puts a plane in the sky.
Who is he, tell me?


You are probably familiar with him.
He knows about all the laws.
Not a judge, not a journalist.
Gives everyone advice ...


It stands at your post
He is following the order.
A strict bold officer.
Who is he?


Nails, axes, saw,
Strings are a whole mountain.
This is working as an employee -
Makes us chairs ...
(a carpenter)


He is from all relatives in the distance
Drives ships into the sea.
I saw a lot of countries
Our brave ...


On the bridge to rush fast,
He repaired at the bottom of the support.
All day after time
He dives deeper ...


Who controls the movement?
Who misses the cars?
On a wide pavement
Waves a wand ...


At the post he is in the snow and in the heat,
Protects our peace.
Man, the oath is true
Called ...


The knock flies from under the wheels,
The electric locomotive rushes into the distance.
The train is not a taxi driver,
Not a pilot, but ...


In films, tricks performs,
Diving from height to the bottom
Prepared actor.
Fast, brave ...


Wave a thin wand -
The choir on the stage will sing.
Not a wizard, not a juggler.
Who is this?

Riddles about mom's profession

All hands
A jacket and trousers will sew us.
Not a cutter, not a weaver.
Who is she, tell me?


Who will prescribe vitamins?
Who will heal from the sore throat?
You don't cry on vaccinations -
How to be treated, knows ...


The bell rang loudly
A lesson began in the class.
The student and parent know -
Will conduct a lesson ...


In the window, all products:
Vegetables, nuts, fruits.
Tomato and cucumber
Offers ...


Teaches us politeness,
Reads the story aloud.
Not a teacher, not a writer.
This is a nanny ...

Riddles about traffic rules for schoolchildren

Riddles about traffic rules for schoolchildren
Riddles about traffic rules for schoolchildren

Riddles about traffic rules for schoolchildren:

Near the highway lies,
Transport does not run on it.
Well, if suddenly trouble
Then they move here.


What kind of transport is such
What is taking you home.
He runs back and forth
Resting on the wires.


The rolling pin walks along the road
Overweight, huge.
And now we have a road
Like a ruler, even.


You can't take this tape
And you won’t swim into the pigtail.
On earth she lies,
Transport runs along it.


Red circle, and in it my friend,
A quick friend is a bicycle.
The sign says: here and around
There is no travel on a bicycle.
(Cycling is prohibited)


What is this miracle-yudo
Two humps, like a camel?
This triangular sign
Is it called what?
(Rough road)
The sign was hanged with dawn,
So that everyone knows about it:
Here the repair is the road -
Take care of your legs!
(Road works)


White circle with a kamka red
So it is not dangerous to go.
Maybe he hangs in vain?
What do you say friends?
(Movement Prohibition)


Two roads walked for a long time
And they approached each other.
They did not quarrel
They crossed and ran further.
What kind of place is it,
We are all interested in.


If you are in a hurry on the way
Go through the street
Go there, where the whole people
Where there is a sign ...
The move is ahead -
Brakes and wait:
It is lowered - the move is the move,
And raise - drive.


What a miracle this house is
The windows are light around.
Wears rubber shoes
And feeds on gasoline.


Machines grinded:
It’s time to cool the tires
Let's stop where the square is!
But the letter "er" intervened:
Only I can decide
Where to allow the parking lot!
(Parking lot)


A person walks for me.
Zebra calls me.


Under the ground a corridor
He leads to the other side.
There is no door or gate
It is too…


Hey, the driver carefully!
It is impossible to go quickly.
People know everything in the world
Children go in this place!
(Sign "Children")


Brakes soon the driver!
You can crash into the fence!
Who blocked us the way
And blocked the road?
(Railway barrier)


On the side of the road,
Like soldiers, they stand.
We are all doing,
All that they drive to us.


Our bus was driving,
And he drove up to the site.
And on it the people misses it,
Silently the transport awaits.


Red circle, rectangle
Every schoolboy must know:
This is a very strict sign.
And where did you not be in a hurry
With dad in a car,
You will not go through.
(No entry)


He has a harsh hole -
Long, thick, like Bors,
He lay down at the crossing,
Protecting a pedestrian.
Steep policeman


Look, what a strong man:
On the move with one hand
I am used to stopping
Five -ton truck.


Drinks gasoline like milk,
Can run far.
Carries goods and people.
You are familiar, of course, with her.


Here is a road mystery:
What is that horse
What fell on the transitions,
Where do pedestrians walk?
Pedestrian zebra


What a horse, all striped,
Is it sunbathing on the road?
People go and go
And she does not run away.
Pedestrian zebra


Three multi -colored circles
They blink one after another.
Glow, blink -
They help people.
Traffic light


I perched on the road
And blinks a lot,
Changing every time
The color of their rounded eyes.
Traffic light


The bus does not roll here.
The trams will not pass here.
There are calm pedestrians here
They go along the street.
For cars and for tram
The path-road is different.


You tell me, friend,
What is the pointer,
What is worth the road
Does it tell me speed to reduce?
Road sign


On the road sign Tom
The man walks.
Striped paths
They lay us under the legs.
So that we do not know the worries
And they walked forward along them.


Warns this sign,
That the road has a zigzag here,
And the car is waiting ahead
Dangerous turn


The move is ahead -
Brakes and wait:
It is lowered - the move is the move,
And raise - drive.


The device is identified
Those who exceeds the speed.
Says the locator strict:
- A violator on the road!


Striped pointer,
Like a wand from a fairy tale.


If you are in a hurry on the way
Go through the street
Go there, where the whole people
Where there is a sign ...


Cars rush menacingly,
Like an iron river!
So as not to be crushed,
Like a fragile bug, -
Under the road, like a grotto,
There is…
Underground crossing


Not alive, but coming
Fighting - but leads.


Our bus was driving,
And he drove up to the site.
And on it the people misses it,
Silently the transport awaits.


Iron animals
They growl and buzz.
Eyes like cats
At night - burn.


The sign was hanged with dawn,
So that everyone knows about it:
Here the repair is the road -
Take care of your legs!
Road works


Two roads walked for a long time
And they approached each other.
They did not quarrel
They crossed and ran further.
What kind of place is it,
We are all interested in.


I am going to a circle in a blue.
And it is clear to the whole district,
If you think a little, -
Pedestrian ...


What is the light to go to
So as not to do troubles?


And when, tell me
Changing your color in the window,
The traffic light tells us:
“Will the path will be open soon”?


Changing the light in the window.
Says: "There is no passage!"


I want to ask about the sign
The sign is drawn - like this:
In the triangle guys
They run somewhere from all legs.
Caution, children!


Lihachu will order "Stop!"
On the road…


Near the highway lies,
Transport does not run on it.
Well, if suddenly trouble
Then they move here.
The roadside


What is this miracle-yudo
Two humps, like a camel?
This triangular sign
Is it called what?
Rough road


This sign is visible for those
Who studied the best and therefore to him
We stuck the letter y
Training vehicle


This sign is very strict,
If it is on the road.
He says to us: “Friends,
You can’t ride here at all! "
Movement Prohibition


Sign of fans of overtaking
Announces outlawed.
In this place, it is immediately clear
It is dangerous to overtake others!
Overtaking is prohibited

Riddles about water for schoolchildren

Riddles about water for schoolchildren
Riddles about water for schoolchildren

Riddles about water for schoolchildren:

A lot of me - the world would disappear,
Not enough of me - the world would disappear


Flies down with droplets,
And upward - invisible.


On a hot day
The most desirable is.


I am a cloud and fog,
Both stream and ocean,
And I'm flying and running
And I can be glass!


Why can't you roll out the mountain,
Do not take away
And in your hands can not be held?


In the seas and rivers lives,
But often flies around the sky.
And how to bother her to fly,
It falls to Earth again.


Not a horse, but running
Not a forest, but noise.


Flows, flows -
Will not flow out
Running, running-
Will not run out.


Sleeps in winter,
And in the summer it is noisy.


There are no legs, but it is not worth it,
There is a bed, but does not sleep
Not a boiler, but he is seething
Not a thunderstorm, but thunders.
There is no mouth, but she is never silent.


If our hands are in Vax,
If blots sat on the nose,
Who is the first friend to us then,
Will it remove the dirt from the face and hands?
Without which mom cannot
Neither cook nor wash
Without which, we will say directly,
To die a person?
To pour rain from the sky,
So that the ears of bread grow,
To swim ships -
We can’t live without ...


Not the sea, not the earth,
Ships do not swim
And you can’t walk.


It pours into it, pours out of it, weave it itself.


Around water, and with drinking trouble.


Autumn rain in the city walked,
The mirror has lost his rain.
The mirror then on the asphalt lies,
The wind will blow - it trembles.


What kind of stars through the coat and on the scarf.
All through, cut, and take water in your hand?


In the middle of the field lies a mirror:
The glass is blue, the frame is green.

Autumn riddles for schoolchildren

Autumn riddles for schoolchildren
Autumn riddles for schoolchildren

Autumn riddles for schoolchildren:

Autumn puzzles for children with answers
Leaves from branches fly around,
Birds fly away to the south.
"What is the time of the year?" - We ask.
They will answer us: "This ..."


Our beds are empty.
The garden and the garden are in order.
You, earth, still give birth.
We collected ...


The leaves in the air are spinning,
Quietly on the grass they lie down.
Drops the leaves of the garden -
It's simple…
(leaf fall)


It began to get colder at night
Puddles began to freeze.
And on the grass - velvet blue.
What is this?


The wind will call the cloud,
The cloud floats across the sky.
And on top of gardens and groves
Drinks cold ...


It became frowning outside the window
The rain asks for our house.
The house is dry, and outside
Appeared everywhere ...


In the gray sky is low
Clouds go close
Close the horizon.
It will be raining.
We took…


The guy is almost seven years old.
Behind the shoulders is a satchel.
And in the hands a large bouquet,
On the cheeks is blush.
What kind of festive date?
Answer guys!
(1 September is the day of knowledge)

Branches in the park rustling,
They drop their outfit.
He is at oak and birch
Multi -colored, bright, catchy.
(Leaf fall)


It flows with a slanting wall
And knocking on our windows.
Himself cold, shed,
And in the garden the arbors are wet.
Autumn sheet is circling for a long time,
In order to go down to the puddle later.
(Fall rain)


In the fall, it is often needed -
If it rains rain in puddles,
If the sky is in black clouds,
He is the best for us.
Overlap it over yourself
And a canopy of yourself!


In September and October
There are so many of them in the yard!
The rain passed - left them,
Medium, small, large.


I carry crops
I sow the fields again,
I send birds south,
I undress the trees,
But I do not touch the pines and Christmas trees.
I - …


I came without colors
B without a brush
And she repainted all the leaves.


Forest undressed,
Sent to the sky
This is the time of the year - ...


I carry crops, I sow the fields again,
I send birds south, I undress the trees,
But I do not touch the pines and Christmas trees, I ...


Fields of the field, the earth is wet,
Rain water when it happens?
(In the fall)

Leaves from branches fly around,
Birds fly away to the south.
"What is the time of the year?" - We ask.
They will answer us: “This ...” (autumn)


The days have become shorter
Nights were longer,
Who will say, who knows
When does it happen?
(In the fall)


In the morning we go to the yard -
The leaves are pouring rain,
They rustle underfoot
And fly, fly, fly ...


Leaves fall from aspen,
a sharp wedge rushes in the sky


There is no sun, in the sky clouds,
The wind is harmful and prickly,
It’s blowing like that, there is no salvation!
What? Give an answer!
(Late fall)


The leaves in the air are spinning,
Quietly on the grass they lie down.
Drops the leaves of the garden -
It's simple…
(leaf fall)


Autumn came to visit us
And with it brought ...
What? Tell me at random!
Well, of course …
(Leaf fall)


Branches in the park rustling,
They drop their outfit.
He is at oak and birch
Multi -colored, bright, catchy.
(Leaf fall)


The leaves are yellow,
Fall, circle,
And under your feet just like that
How the carpet is lying!
What kind of yellow snowfall?
It's simple …
(Leaf fall)


Red Egor
Falled to Ozerko,
He did not drown himself
And the water did not stir.
(Autumn leaf)


Who beats the roof all night
Yes tapping
And mutters, and sings, lulls?


The wind will call the cloud,
The cloud floats across the sky.
And on top of gardens and groves
Drinks cold ...


There was lanky, it was bogged into the damp ground.


Large, fractionally often,
And the whole earth was wet.


He is coming, and we are running
He will catch up anyway!
We are in a hurry to hide in the house,
Will knock on the window to us,
And the roof is stuck and tuk!
No, we will not let in, a dear friend!


Without a road and without a road
Walks the longest,
Hides in clouds,
In the darkness,
Only legs on the ground.


Warms the field, forest and meadow,
City, house and everything around!
He is a leader and clouds,
You know, this is ...


In the gray sky is low
Clouds go close
Close the horizon.
It will be raining.
We took ... (umbrella)


It became frowning outside the window
The rain asks for our house.
The house is dry, and outside
Appeared everywhere ... (puddles)


Clouds are catching up
Howls, blowing it off.
Rummages around the light,
Sings and whistles.


Flies, not a bird
Howls, not a beast.


Not thorny, light blue
It is hung on the bushes ...


It began to get colder at night
Puddles began to freeze.
And on the grass - velvet blue.
What is this? (Frost)


Not snow, not ice,
And silver will remove the trees.

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