Riddles for girls - 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 years old: a large selection for fun and cognitive pastime

Riddles for girls - 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 years old: a large selection for fun and cognitive pastime

A large selection of riddles for girls 5-12 years old.

Riddles for girls - a selection for entertainment

Riddles for girls - a selection for entertainment

Riddles for girls - a selection for entertainment:

Triangular, colored,
Made of silk.
I will tie it on my head
You can see only bangs!

So that the eyes do not blind
Sunny, I dad me
With wide fields
Tomorrow will buy ...

So that the candy does not dry out,
She has a candy wrapper.
So that the braid does not break through
Everyone weave ...

Who came in the rim, and who has earrings.
Everyone will dress in the matinee,
Babies all sit in beautiful dresses,
Lida's hand shines on his hand ...

You can’t be a builder without a helmet,
And a nurse without a mask.
Will take a geologist with a map,
And the cook puts on ...

In the summer on hot days
Tie the scarf on the head.
With air hem, like a dandelion,
On the straps, put on a light ...

Ah beauty Alenka,
The hair is light blond,
And in the ears of her earrings,
And on the neck ...

Marina's pockets
Red hearts,
And sparkles on the finger
With a pebble ...

And the fashionista Katyusha
New clothing
And on a light blue blouse
In the form of a rose ...

I gave it to my mother for a holiday
Dad dress and panama,
And the daughter-angel
I handed it to the cross ...

Near the mirror on the shelf
A cunning hedgehog settled.
Count the doll with him
Katya and pigtail will swim.
Will become a fashionable hairstyle,
If it works ...

Aunt Rimma told me:
- This thing is necessary -
The umbrella lies in it and a scarf,
Cream, lipstick, wallet.
Everything - both mothers and daughters
They hide their purchases in it.

I draw and read.
I leaf out different books,
Two pigtails braided,
Long hair removed.
The bangs do not interfere with the eyes -
Holds hair ...

Often I look at him,
I am circling in front, I beg.
I brake my braids
And I correct the suit.

The pearls are wonderful
They hang on the thread,
They are worn on the neck,
They shine in the sun.
Then a kitten ran up
And touched the thread with his paw.
At least you are still a child
But do not scratch pearls!

Here is an outfit for daughters -
White flower,
Here is a pocket, collar.
Skirt - the sun, belt.
I am ironing the outfit myself.
- Ah yes daughter! - they say, -
Dresses quickly
He is going to visit.

Pink butterfly
With wings in a fold
It does not fly anywhere
We live on pigtails ...

They are all different for me:
Sitz and satin,
And for the house and for the garden,
For the theater, and the parade,
For winter, there is for summer
So what are I dressed in?

The riddle about the girl is interesting for funny pastime

The riddle about the girl is interesting for funny pastime

The mystery about the girl is interesting for a fun pastime:

Parents themselves give names.
It is a pity that they did not ask me.
I play dolls, I read books
My name is Sasha, but I'm not a boy.

I always go to her.
And I take out the garbage,
And I wipe the table
And my floor with a rag.
And she says -
“Thank you, my granddaughter!”

I take the material a piece.
I sew the side and side.
I begun on top.
I insert the rubber band.
That's ready
For a doll update.
The color of chamomile.
Ahead of the pocket.

The night came and it's time to sleep.
Dress, tights I shoot,
And I dress warm in a flower.
I will sleep in her
Meet sweet dreams.

I know, friends, on "five",
What should I sleep, and what to walk:
In the afternoon in the sun I am in Panama,
I sleep at night? - AT…

I'm not an umbrella, I'm big
I cover with my head.
I walk in the rain, I walk,
I never get wet.

If it’s hot outside
All panamas are dressed.
If it is hot to the legs,
Soldering sandals.
And on the body?
(Summer sundress.)

Grinded after the cold
Puddles appeared everywhere.
To walk on the road
We put them on the feet.
Smooth, shiny
For walking are suitable.

I will put on a long dress,
The dress has a long tail.
The shells are sprinkled
And pearls embroidered,
Like movie stars.
I'm friends with dolphins
And I am friends with fish.
And in a fairy -tale country
I live at the very bottom.

A brilliant dress
The crown is on the head.
At the ball, in the corner
Will not stand
And a lot, a lot
He will dance with the prince.
(Princess or Cinderella.)

I'm very small.
And she was born in a flower.
From hunger in winter she saved a swallow.
Now my house is a wizard country.
Elves fly around me, flowers grow
Rainbow bridges shine.

The riddle for the girl is simple - with answers

The riddle for the girl is simple - with answers

The riddle for the girl is simple - with answers:

I got up early today
I ran to wash
Well washed my face
Helped me in this ...

Mom washes my head
It will soap, then wash off
There are a lot of foam - only Dun
Creates it ...

Be a shame to me
This is very ugly
I don't want to be a slut
I will bring a comb
I have a beloved sister
It will braid now ...

There are many, many of them in the flowerbed
They are multi -colored
I look carefully
And I'm looking for them on a flowerbed.
It smells of marvelous aroma
What a marvelous aroma look
How beautiful - look
This is summer ...

Many flowers are Narus.
I will give everything to their mom.
Blue, red, yellow.
I scored a big ...

We play doctors
There will be our patient healthy!
We will drive the temperature
And let him give him ...

One two Three…
Four five…
I'm going to look for you.
Children run without looking back.
We play together in ....
(Hide and seek.)

Mom went to the store,
And I bought a gift for me
I will put them on the legs -
Blue ...

I put them on the ears.
I looked at the reflection.
The pebbles shine in them like that,
My eyes blind me strongly!
Only a little unusual
In my brand new ...

I wear on my finger
Unearthly beauty!
It shines with gold.
My round ...

Mom made a dinner:
Soup, cutlets, vinaigrette.
Then removed from the table,
But a little tired.
I will help mom
I'll wash all ...

I’ll remove the dishes in the cabinet,
And I will give all the garbage.
Well, I'll wipe the table
And then I will wash ...

You will spray on the clothes -
Smell for the whole house
In every corner
Holds later.
With a gentle smell they
Fragrant ...

You can paint lips with it,
You can paint the mirror.
But I do not need to take it.
This is mother ...

Riddles for a girl's birthday for a fun holiday

Riddles for a girl's birthday for a fun holiday

Riddles for a girl’s birthday for a fun holiday:

It is inflated with his mouth,
The air is launched into it.
They decorate the whole house,
It becomes multi -colored.

Everyone comes to his birthday,
And they eat treats there.
And when time comes,
This is all awarded to him.

For the birthday to be successful
Everyone should come ...

The house is full now,
I’ll take them here and me,
Congratulate you today
You gathered yours ...

This happens once a year,
They are preparing long for him.
Guests are invited to him,
And there they receive gifts.

To come for a birthday,
You need to get ...

They laugh and play here
The mood is raised.
All him celebrate here,
This holiday ... yours.

We will have fun
And play with all my heart.
Everyone is waiting for this day
And they call his guests.

Mom lights up candles,
Everyone is singing and congratulating
What a holiday, guess,
Call it as soon as possible!

So big, beautiful,
Any holiday will be decorated with us,
Green, red, blue
Take on your birthday with you!

A special song
With a simple set of words,
Fulfill it on birthday
Each guest is ready.
And even in English is sung without difficulty,
Together with the cake and candles, it always sounds.
(Happy birthday to you or Happy Birthday to You.)

In the festive wrapper,
With a gorgeous bow
He will be today
Cute and welcome.
After all for a birthday
Everyone goes with him,
Personally the birthday man
He gives to his hands.

In a colorful wrapper,
And in a large box,
What is there inside
What did you bring there?

When it is handed over
Excitement inside.
But everyone knows clearly,
He will be from the heart ....

In a large box,
In the foil of rustling,
With a chic bow,
Once a year, no more often.
Insanely necessary
Like the sun bright
You get it
Yourself ....

You look timidly:
What is this box?
It’s not without reason that there is a bow jacket
Because in it ....

The most beautiful day has come
The birthday man became older
His holiday will be bright
They are already waiting for him ....

It is nice to receive it
And most importantly, that forever.
No need to return back
Neither in a day, nor in two.
And he will remind
The one who handed it to us,
A smile to warm the heart
And add mental strength.

What do friends carry you
If you have a holiday?
And sweets and flowers,
And - a set for beauty,
And-the picture is a dramort,
And - a large biscuit cake!
Everything that is carried in the bright boxes,
Everything is called ....

Riddles for girls for March 8 for a matinee in kindergarten, school holiday

Riddles for girls for March 8 for a matinee in kindergarten, school holiday

Riddles for girls on March 8 for a matinee in kindergarten, school holiday:

Wonderful, beautiful,
Marvelous, beautiful.
You are so sweet,
You are so different.
And today on the holiday,
Glorious, warm, bright,
We present you
From the heart ...

Rays are reeling again,
Spring we are promised and warm,
Tell me, what kind of holiday
Will give the 8th number?
(International Women's Day.)

Yellow, fluffy
The balls are fragrant.
They will be tired of frost
In their twigs ...

Here are fluffy earrings
Sleep on the branches by the track.
Wants to grow to the sky
Skinny willow - ...

Let the sun shine brightly bright,
Let the birds chirp outside the window
So that not only ... -
Every day was considered your day!
(Day March 8.)

Great day …,
When it sparkles all around
And let me congratulate you
With International Women's Day!
(March 8.)

Lovet snow melts in the sun,
The breeze in the branches plays,
Calling bird voices -
So, I came to us ...

They say she comes
When the rooks arrive.
Winter always leaves with her.
The snow puddles in it beat the keys.
A snowdrop will blossom here,
And a women's day will come.
He will give everyone warm warm.
And the day will become longer.

He made his way out of the snow
To the sunlight,
He can cause a smile
Be from the heart with a key.
Boys are beautiful girls
They are handed over,
I think that everyone knows
What is these calls.

Delicate, subtle aroma,
Each is glad to get them,
We hand them to girls,
We congratulate you on the holiday!

Big and very bright,
He is more expensive than a gift
It is not simple - fragrant,
In a silver wrapper,
On International Women's Day,
All girls are not lazy to give?

Her wonderful aroma,
You distinguish from all others
It has a solar outfit
But not at all expensive.
Early spring comes,
All raises the mood,
Afraid of fierce frost,
But called ...

Here's a mystery,
I will be extremely brief.
Women are worn, girls,
Ladies, ladies, baronesses,
Queen, their servant,
Cinderella and stewardesses.
To make the legs wonderful
So that it was not crooked by them,
Choose in size
To make it beautiful!
And the answer is not a truffle,
It's simple…

The mood is raised,
All the girls adore them,
They always please
With happiness, the days are filled!

It blooms in the spring -
The most joyful sometimes.
Do not find a flaw in the flower,
So beautiful ours ...

The eighth of March is coming
Gives everyone beauty and joy,
Preparing for him, our boys
Everyone is mastering for girls ...

How much time to give you,
To solve the riddle?
Spring holiday, its number
Two zero is equipped
If we turn it -
We will find infinity.
What a figure lurked,
Has it turned into a women's holiday?

Their name with the animal seems to be
Like him, fluffy, too.
Under the sun they warm their sides,
But they can’t meow.
They grow on twigs,
In bouquets they will come to women.
(Pernial cats.)

These delicate flowers
Undoubtedly, you know.
Very early in the spring
Everyone brings them home,
On March 8, they give
And, of course, they put in vases.
There are yellow-white.
How, tell me, are they called?

Snow runs around with streams,
Heat the sun with rays,
Flowers wake up,
And on all trees - the kidneys.
What a wonderful time
Did you come to us after the winter?

Riddles for girls 5-6 years old about kitchen appliances

Riddles for girls 5-6 years old about kitchen appliances

Riddles for girls 5-6 years about kitchen appliances:

Four blue suns
Grandma in the kitchen,
Four blue suns
They burned and went out.
Swarling pancakes hasten - pancakes -
Until tomorrow the sun is not needed.
(Gas stove.)

Admire, look -
North Pole inside!
There is snow and ice sparkles,
Winter itself lives there.

Stands in our kitchen
Magic box.
Today for lunch we
A stew is warming in it.

Our dough hit
In a hot place.
Hit -
Not disappeared
It became a ruddy ball.

Iron mouth
He grabbed a sandwich.
Bricky Boka
And - for now!

People still do not know
Who in the kitchen will be the main one!
But it is indisputable that the boss
All the dishes will be ...

He clenched his fist of his giant
Made orange juice.

With salt barrels
Completed from the diapers
Anytime and anywhere
Bow food.

Bread protects bread
It does not allow stale.
For bread - a house,
He is good in him.

She was filled with meat,
And she chews him
Chews, chews and does not swallow -
It is rather sent to the plate.
(Meat grinder.)

Hard, holey,
Prilute, clumsy.
What will they put on her back
She will smear everything at once.

Tell me how to call her:
All her teeth in her teeth,
But beets, radish, horseradish, carrot
She grinds deftly.

And for dinner and dinner
We need a set of dishes.
Maybe - old, maybe new,
Put a set on the table ...
(Dining room)

By breakfast, all cups, saucers
Together in the morning they will gather.
It is not at all by chance for tea
There is a service, which one?

He is in the kitchen - like a boss.
And serious is not by chance:
Will spill into the plates of cabbage soup,
How much you want - do not send it!
And for spoons he is a colonel,
What a scoop? - Big…

Old clay pot
He was a distant grandfather.
He could feed him before
The whole family is lunch.
And now we have become easier
And the sides shine in enamel.
But, as before, cook porridge
And we feed your family.

Our age is not very young,
The grandmother had cast -iron,
And now we are from Teflon
Handles are made of plastic.
We warm up the pasta
And fry the meat.

I'm the most important in the kitchen
Because there is a whistle.
I heated more than once
For brewing boiling water.
The samovar was my grandfather.
Who am I? Tell me the answer.

White cabinet I'm outside
And inside there is a cold.
In the freezer minus twenty
Even in the summer.
Can be stored in it for a long time
Meat and cutlets.

There are burners, many pens,
And inside the oven.
Mount of sweet delicious things
I am deftly baked.
Grandmother was a stove,
On wood, pancakes baked.
(Gas or electric stove.)

The family gathered for dinner,
And this subject is very necessary.
We put dishes on it
And kitchen dishes.
We always sit behind him,
If we eat together.

Yes, friends, the time has passed -
We were from silver.
And now they have become others,
From chrome steel.
We are cutlery
With sharp teeth.
We punch tomatoes,
Meat and salami.

For hostesses for a long time
He is a special device.
Why is the rattle in the kitchen?
He cuts carrots.

Yes, I was wooden
And then tin,
But now I'm steel
And guys from the group
I know the best in the world
After all, I feed them with soup.
(A spoon.)

Not a day without me
You did not drink gulls.
Uncle the teapot pours into me
Burning boiling water.
Many and other work
It happens to me.
In the kindergarten in me compotes
The nanny pours.
(Cup mug.)

I sweep out every evening
I'm crumbs in the kitchen.
And I drive the thief -
A redhead cat.

My dirty dishes,
So that the saucers sang,
The heaps of the bock is everywhere,
So that they creak.
I wipe all the glasses
Tablespoons, forks, cups, taps,
I even clean the ceiling
And herself from foam rubber.

Riddles for girls 7-8 years about sweets

Riddles for girls 7-8 years about sweets

Riddles for girls 7-8 years about sweets:

On a holiday, I will come to everyone
I am big and sweet.
There are nuts in me, cream,
Cream, chocolate.
(Answer: cake.)

He lives in his foil,
He quickly melts in his hand.
Very tasty, very sweet,
Makes the face of the guys.
(Answer: Chocolate.)

I am in a glass, a horn,
Tasty and tender.
Made in milk,
More often - snow -white.
I live in freezers,
And in the sun I immediately melt.
(Answer: ice cream.)

I took the strength from the fruits,
Sweet berries, fruits.
For the guys I'm ready
The best of the products.
You drink me more
Pour, do not regret it!
(Answer: Sok.)

We are in a confectionery rustling
Fantiki bright.
And we want for a holiday
To get to you with gifts.
(Answer: sweets.)

It turned out a cake for fame,
I’ll pick it up and pick up the crumbs.
They added a seasoning to the cake,
Not simple, but a bark.
(Answer: cinnamon.)

We are in the package of one hundred zero
We notice with poppy seeds.
Grandma, pour seagulls,
There are a bit of them for tea.
(Answer: lambs, drying.)

He was swab in the stove, dark
Like a bagel, also round.
This soft lamb
I eat for breakfast in a doseran.
(Answer: Bublik.)

Their granny with sugar
Baked, sweet.
The first came out - like a lump,
And others are smooth.
(Answer: pancakes.)

I am raisor, almond
We bake them on Easter.
And sculpt them in the yard
Also to be a child.
(Answer: Easter cakes.)

It can be sandy,
And sometimes with cream.
Sometimes it happens with juicy
Appetizing jam.
And the meringue happens - crumbs,
And in the icing peel
Maybe it is potatoes,
Only not mashed potatoes at all.
(Answer: cake.)

Mom, dear, where are you?
Get up the service soon.
There are viscous sweets,
They are called "KIS-CIS."
(Answer: Irisk.)

On top - rhombic patterns,
And the filling in them is inside.
Quickly tea devices
Take it in the kitchen from the shelves.
We offer them for tea
Grandfather and baby.
And in their honor we call
Often a towel.
(Answer: Waffles.)

Grandmother from sweet berries
I welded something.
And there will be enough for us for a year
To tea and in compotes.
(Answer: Jam.)

I look like jam
Only a gap.
You will take me to tea
And add to the cake.
(Answer: Jam.)

I'm trembling in a glass,
As if I'm afraid.
I will offer you for dessert
Your pleasant taste.
(Answer: jelly.)

In the shop window
I don't miss for a long time.
I am sunflower, tachin
I come to you for tea.
(Answer: Halva.)

Very aromatic,
Sweet and mint.
On top we are in an iconic gloss,
As if in a joyful blush.
(Answer: Gingerbread.)

She is all out of chocolate -
The guys are always glad to her!
I call you to visit tea
I treat tasty sweetness.
Simply guess - it's
Chocolate ...
(Answer: candy.)

Or with cabbage, or jam,
What inside him is not visible.
With the heat, with the heat is our friend,
Very tasty …
((Answer: Pie.)

Her cottage cheese is inside,
Bite off and look.
She girlfriend is a pies -
Here is ruddy ...
((Answer: cheesecake.)

Multi -colored. Like jelly.
Very to the place on the table.
Sugar, chocolate on top.
This is sweet ...
((Answer: Marmelad.)

White snow
In honor of everyone.
It gets into the mouth -
The moment disappears.
(Answer: Sugar.)

The leg is wooden,
Chocolate clothing.
In the sun I melt
I disappear in my mouth.
(Answer: ice cream.)

Riddles for girls 9-10 years old about berries

Riddles for girls 9-10 years old about berries

Riddles for girls 9-10 years old about berries:

Egor is worth
In Red Ermolka,
Whoever passes
Everyone will bend.

Grew up,
It got out of the bushes,
On the tip twitched,
Red girls fell in love.

Red beads hang,
They look at us from the bushes.
These beads are very fond of these
Children, birds and bears.

Long -term
- Am I not a beauty?
And all-
Yes, a red blouse!

Two sisters are green in the summer,
By autumn, one blushes,
The other is blackened.

Live rubies
On the branches are visible,
And sweet pulp
Rubins are full.
(Sweet cherry.)

Acidic, sour! But - useful!
And, probably, everyone is well -known.
He is in the country, and in the forest.
I will do and bring
Smooth, like rice grains,
Red berries ...

Striped shell,
And inside it is sweet

Near the gentle raspberry
We recently planted
Wonderful berry
Very interesting!
Color - as if ink
Never washed the “face”.
Only this is not blueberries,
This is ours ...!

A lot of dark blue beads
Someone dropped the bush.
Collect them in a basket.
These beads - ...

What kind of clusters are poured
Carried ones hid in the leaves?
They drink their juice and eat them.
These clusters - ...

On a barbed thin branch
In striped T -shirts children.
Spike bush - not rosehip,
What is it called?

On a prickly bush
Yellow beads.
Autumn has come quietly,
And she matured ...
(Sea \u200b\u200bbuckthorn.)

You will find this berry
Not in the garden, but in the swamp.
Round, like a button,
Red ...

It is easy to tear the berry -
After all, it grows low.
Look under the leaflets-
There was ripe ...

Autumn in the garden
I came to us
Red torch
Here are the blackbirds
Squorses scurry
And, Gald, they peck him.

Balls hang on the knots,
They turned blue from the heat.

Riddles for girls 11-12 years old hygiene and hygiene products

Riddles for girls 11-12 years old hygiene and hygiene products

Riddles for girls 11-12 years old hygiene and hygiene products:

Iron House,
The walls of the wall in it,
No roof - there is a bottom,
And at the bottom there is a window.
(Answer: Bath.)

I can dive in the bottom in it,
But I can't drown
And if it becomes deep
I'll open the cork easily.
(Answer: Bath.)

Lake white -
It is full, then it will make it
Pure water from the sky -
It will fill the lake
And then it will disappear without a trace.
(Answer: Bath.)

A warm wave splashes
Under the wave is white.
Guess, remember,
What is the sea in the room?
(Answer: Bath.)

A warm wave splashes
To the shores of cast iron:
Guess, remember,
What is the sea in the room?
(Answer: Bath.)

I'm not a sea or a river
I'm not a lake, not a pond,
But like morning or evening -
People all run to me.
(Answer: Bath.)

The violent sea
Plays in the open
Kit sailed -
The mouth opened
And in the mouth - the grill,
The sea flows through it -
The wave dutifully pours to the wave.
(Answer: Hair and comb.)

The rain is warm and thick:
This rain is not simple
He is without clouds, without clouds
All day is ready to go.
(Answer: shower)

White river
I stopped into the cave,
It goes out by the stream -
From the walls, everything withdraws.
(Answer: Toothpaste.)

Bone back,
Hard bristles,
It is friends with mint paste,
He serves us diligently.
(Answer: Toothbrush.)

Tail - from bone,
And on the back - bristles.
(Answer: Toothbrush.)

At least it looks not very good
And a little like a hedgehog,
Loves very much before I go to bed,
Poking on my teeth for a minute.
(Answer: Toothbrush.)

Little girl -
Hard bangs,
Cool cools during the day.
And in the morning and evenings
Work is accepted:
The head will cover
Yes, the walls will wash.
(Answer: Toothbrush.)

Little girl -
Sticking bangs,
Early in the morning and before bedtime
Cleanliness brings us.
(Answer: Toothbrush.)

Iron hedgehog
With rubber skin,
It goes down with needles,
The grass rowing the grass.
(Answer: Massage brush.)

Glastic - Akulinka
I went for a walk on the back.
In the meantime, she walked
The back became pink.
(Answer: washcloth.)

Where the sponge does not master
Does not house, does not weld,
I take work for myself:
Heels, elbows with soap work,
And I rub my knees,
I do not forget anything.
(Answer: washcloth.)

The path says
Two embroidered ends:
Doned at least a little
Ink, rinse off the face! -
Otherwise you are half a day
You stain me!
(Answer: towel.)

Riddles about the names of girls - funny quatrains

Riddles about the names of girls - funny quatrains

Riddles about the names of girls are funny quatrains:

Girl, kind soul,
Will rush everywhere, slowly,
With it wears a doll Klash
And sews outfits to her ...
(Answer - Natasha.)

Near the house, by the window,
Kalina flourished.
“So spring came to us!”
Claims ...
(Answer - Nina.)

Loves a girl - quiet
Remove on the balcony.
Her horse-poonia is waiting for her
She often walks with her ...
(Answer - Sonya.)

Union, preposition, union, particle
And just a little bean behind them -
We can be very surprised
But it turned out someone's name!
(Answer - Olga.)

I prepared dinner:
Cabbage soup, cutlets, vinaigrette.
And for the brother - porridge.
He knows everything ...
(Answer - Dasha.)

The paint is and there is a chalk -
I will paint the ceiling!
All tenants in the apartment
Thanks they will say ...
(Answer - Ira.)

I read fairy tales
And closed her eyes.
"Passion dreamed at night!"
I complained ...
(Answer - Nastya.)

Your voice, your gestures, look,
The breath of the world is inspired in us.
You give us a positive charge -
Our sweet, kind ...
(Answer - Ira.)

Sang a song and ditty
We have a cheerful girl.
In the singing lesson
Distinguished ...
(Answer - Ksenia.)

The cat jumped on the branch
From the branch - quickly to the gazebo
And walks along the cornice,
Looks down on ...
(Answer - Lisa.)

Reads and sings poetry
Dancing, living cheerfully.
He will not give himself offense.
They love for this ...
(Answer - Lida.)

I drew the whole evening
And a little tired.
Removed the album, notebooks
And she fell asleep tightly ...
(Answer - Nadia.)

Knows how to sew and sings,
Help Grandmother is growing,
Studies perfectly at school,
Wants to be a singer ...
(Olya answer.)

The little boy is crying
The cat was scratched with an ankle.
Ambulance from home
I ran with iodine ...
(Answer - volume.)

Children's riddles for girls about fairy tales heroes

Children's riddles for girls about fairy tales heroes

Children's riddles for girls about fairy tales:

I'll tell you secretly:
This is a pumpkin, not a carriage.
Who will go to the ball in it,
Chasing all guests?

You know this girl,
She is in an old fairy tale.
Worked, modestly lived,
I have not seen a clear sun,
Around - only dirt and ash.
And they called the beauty ...

She is beautiful and sweet,
And her name is from the word "ash".

I have never been to the ball
Cleaned, soap, cooked and spun.
When it happened to get to my ball,
Then the prince lost his head from love.
I lost my shoe at the same time.
Who am I? Who will tell you here?

With blue hair
And with huge eyes.
“Brush your teeth! Wash your hands! "
Likes to Vyuvo!

Who can melt in the spring
And is afraid of fire too?
We will come to us on the New Year,
The song will sing with us.
(Snow Maiden.)

And is afraid of fire too?
We will come to us on the New Year,
The song will sing with us.
(Snow Maiden.)

The red girl is sad:
She doesn't like spring
She is hard in the sun!
The poor thing pours tears.
(Snow Maiden.)

The granddaughter went to my grandmother,
She carried her pies.
The gray wolf followed her,
He deceived and swallowed
(Red Riding Hood.)

Grandma loved the girl very much.
Red hat gave her.
The girl forgot her name.
Well, tell me her name.
(Red Riding Hood.)

From a beautiful flower.
Good, baby is simple!
With an inch was a baby.
If you read the fairy tale
Do you know what my daughter was called?

At first there was a barley grain,
Mom put him in a pot.
A wonderful flower grew later, then
A mother-girl found a mother in him.

The mole did not almost become a wife
And a mustachioed beetle!
Together with a swallow flyed
High under clouds.

The arrow of the fellow fell into the swamp,
Well, where is the bride? Marry hunting!
And here is the bride, eyes at the top of the head.
The bride is called ...
(Princess Frog.)

The arrow flew and hit the swamp,
And in this swamp someone caught it.
Who said goodbye to green skin?
Got in an instant beautiful, useful?
(Princess Frog.)

She knew how to work beautifully and deftly,
In any case, showing dexterity.
The bread and a tablecloth woven,
She sewed a shirt, embroidered a pattern,
Belaya swan in the dance sailed ...
Who was this craftswoman?
(Vasilisa Wise.)

Riddles for a quest for a girl for a useful pastime

Riddles for a quest for a girl for a useful pastime

Riddles for a quest for a girl for a useful pastime:

Strange tube on the table
It stands in the room in the window.
Mom often opens
The whole body covers them.
(Body cream.)

In banks, in tubes pouring,
Like sour cream, he looks.
Mom likes him to everyone.
It's fragrant ....

This mixture is applied by mom,
A little completely very much
He takes his finger delicately
And puts on the face.
(Face cream.)

There is for hands, but there is for the legs,
The skin helped to become softer.
In a tube and a jar
On the table at the mommy!

To make the skin smooth -
Apply it a little.
Mom likes him to everyone
In a flavored bank ...

There are a lot of teeth in her
But the character is not harsh.
Teeth not to bite,
And to comb beautifully.
This strip with teeth,
Called ...

In the ears of my mother’s shiny
The pebbles sparkle.
The girls like them
But they don’t know how to wear it.
(Earrings, earrings.)

Two glasses and frames,
I wear them not like fun,
Hold hooks by the ears
Medical ....

What is what happened?
That's how the miracle happened!
Additional eyes
Appeared as if in a fairy tale.
Mom protects the eyes
And the sun does not bother mom.

They are sitting on the nose,
It’s bad to see- they don’t command!
"Magic glasses
They go to me? " ", Maybe,"

To lengthen the eyelashes
This thing is useful.
Let's apply it with strokes
And we will immediately become beautiful.

Today is fashion for eyelashes,
Long luxurious.
This is not nonsense for you -
It will come in handy for mom ...

No microbe is terrible,
Since there is no water nearby even
Cell skin cleanse the skin
These …
(Wet wipes)

The sweet smell of sweets
The table and stool smells.
She dropped from hand
I am French ....

They sell in the store,
The spirit is pleasant, they give
And they taste bad.
Called ...

Riddles for little girls about flowers

Riddles for little girls about flowers

Riddles for little girls about flowers:

Grounds in the field of rye.
There, in rye, you will find a flower.
Bright blue and fluffy,
It’s only a pity that not fragrant.

I am capricious and gentle,
Any holiday is needed.
I can be white, yellow, red,
But I always remain beautiful!

There is a curl in the garden -
White shirt,
Gold heart.
What it is?

A lush bush in the garden blossomed,
Attracting OS and bees.
All in large colors of terry -
White, pink, burgundy!

The bush is window and balcony.
Sheet - fluffy and fragrant,
And the flowers on the window -
Like a hat in fire.

White peas
On a green leg.
(Lily of the valley.)

I am a ball of fluffy white in the field clean,
And the breeze blew - the stalk remained.

These residents of the river
The petals are hidden at night.
(Water lily.)

On the window, on the shelf
Needles grew up
Yes satin flowers -
Scarlet and red.

In the garden, on the path, under my window
The sun has blossomed today on a high leg

Beautiful flowers
Bloated in the garden
Cared with paints,
And autumn on the nose.

From green chicken,
Completely covered with a fluff,
I become proud
Scarlet cockerel!

The snow -covered bumps,
Under a white cap snow
We found a small flower
Half -frozen, a little alive.

This flower is blue
Reminds us with you
About the sky-pure-clearing,
And the sun is radiant
(Forget -me -not.)

There is a curl in the garden -
White shirt,
Gold heart.
What it is?

We have no fingers, no hands -
Only the petals around.
We are unusually called
But we do not need a manicure!

On the flowerbed by the window
Potted potatoes.
Her flowers are huge
Both light and dark.

The blue call hangs
He never rings.

Yellow, fluffy
The balls are fragrant.
They will be tired of frost
In their twigs ...

This flower is blue
Reminds us with you
About the sky-pure-clearing,
And the sun is radiant!
(Forget -me -nots.)

Beautiful flowers
Bloated in the garden
Cared with paints,
And autumn on the nose.

It’s very easy to recognize me:
By name I am Tigram relatives.
Red in a speck of my flower
Among the greenery, like a light!
(Tiger lily.)

I'm in the winter garden
I’ll spend the whole day.
I will capture watercolor paints.
I will draw ...

Even at night an ant
He will not miss his house:
The path-path to dawn
Light lanterns.
On large pillars in a row
White lamps hang.
(Lily of the valley.)

My flowers are an orange flame,
And the leaves are like green medals.
The name is the Eastern Country.
Well, guys, did you recognize me?

There are lawns in our park,
They blossomed there ... Patetepons!
Purple, white, cherry colors ...
That's just the music is not heard.

I climb higher and higher,
DOLEZA to the very roof!
Let me have no hands and legs -
No wonder I am called ...

There is a cockerel in the garden -
Lilac scallop,
And the tail is combat,
A crooked saber

Everyone is familiar with us:
Bright as a flame
We are namesakes
With small nails.
Direct the wild
Aly ...

According to legend, my flower
The treasures opens.
They say that once a year
The miracle happens.
But I will tell you honestly:
I'm actually not a bloom!

At the winding path
The sun is growing on the leg.
How the sun will ripen,
There will be a handful of grains.

In the field at the ravine
Red porridge.

The spring flower has
Signs so as not to be mistaken:
Leaf - like garlic,
And the crown is like the prince!

The first to get out of the earth
On a protaby.
He is not afraid of frost
Though small.

I'm good in a wedding bouquet,
And in the garden where nightingales are whistling.
All year round in many countries of the world
I serve as a declaration of love.

I'm in the winter garden
I’ll spend the whole day.
I will capture watercolor paints.
I will draw ...

Yellow flowers -
Varnish cheeks,
Five corners,
And the leaves are changeable.

I'm not a field flower
I am a water inhabitant.
And my girlfriends -
Green frogs.
(Water lily.)

At least I am not a beast and not a bird
But I can defend myself!
I will spread the claws -
Only touch my flowers!

Jugs and saucers
Do not drown and do not beat.
(Water lilies.)

From Lukovka grew up,
But in food is not.
On a bright cup
The flower is similar.

Dandelion of the sister
Hats motley:
Who is in white,
Who is in red,
Who is pink.

Autumn has come,
Breathing cold ...
And burns on a flowerbed
The last star.

Complex puzzles for girls - short with answers

Complex riddles to girls are short with answers:

  • What animal do people go and cars pass? (Answer: Zebra.)
  • What stones are not in the river? (Answer: dry.)
  • Where was potatoes first discovered? (Answer: in the ground.)
  • What belongs to you, but others use this more often than you yourself? (Answer: Your name.)
  • Strange rain sometimes goes: he beats up a hundred jets. (Answer: Fountain.)
  • It goes to the mountain, then from the mountain, but remains in place. (Answer: Road.)
  • Where do people pay for what they take away from them? (Answer: hairdresser.)
  • What animal do people go and cars pass? (Answer: Zebra.)
  • You can tie it, but you can’t untie . (Answer: conversation.)
  • Who speaks all languages? (Answer: Echo.)

Riddles for logic for girls - funny balls

Riddles for logic for girls - funny balls

Riddles for the logic for girls - funny charades:

My first syllable is on a tree,
My second syllable is a union.
But in general I am matter
And I'm sitting on a suit.

You do not value me in vain -
I can saturate you.
But if "y" to "e" you will change,
I'll run around the trees.

I can't go into a branchy forest,
My horns are stuck in the branches,
But exchange me l on c -
And the leaves of the forest will all out.
(Deer - Autumn.)

Start - mouse squeak in the grass.
The end is on the bull head.
It happens apple, cabbage,
Rosy, lush, very tasty.

Take my first syllable from the list of birds,
The second is with a lamb head.
Open the stove and take there
What you were eating more than once.

My first syllable calls to himself
The second syllable is the house on the contrary.

My first syllable mumbles a cow,
There will be no gamut without the second.
Denotes the third syllable
All that is above, he is an excuse.
All syllables together are me
Sea terrible snake.

You will solve the problem freely:
I am a small part of the face.
But read me from the end -
You will see anything in me.

The old man with difficulty carries me
But if you are added instantly,
That one will come to the rescue
Whoever carries me easily.

Video: puzzles for children - puzzles and riddles

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