Riddles on geography - interesting, complex, with answers: Best selection

Riddles on geography - interesting, complex, with answers: Best selection

A collection of geography riddles for schoolchildren of all ages.

Riddles on geography for children

Riddles on geography for children
Riddles on geography for children

Riddles on geography for children:

In my palms of the country,
Rivers, mountains, oceans.
Have you guessed what the trick is?
I hold my hands ...
(The globe)

He stands on a thin leg
In the office on the window,
And on it, you believe, no,
The whole world fit!
(The globe)


On the leg stands alone,
Wipes-worships his head.
The countries shows us
Rivers, mountains, oceans.
(The globe)

In four barrels
Six whales are salted.
(Earth: Oceans and continents)


Round barrel
333 rod.
(Earth and parallels)

The globe shares even
The line is conditional.
Above - north, lower - south.
Name the border, friend.


There is always summer there -
In September, in April.
And this circle is longer
Other parallels.
All the guys will say in unison:
"This line is ...!"


From above the pole, below the pole.
In the middle, a hot belt.


The whole globe is crossed,
Converge at the poles.
Gradually move
Arrows on any clock.
Through land, oceans
Sluded ...


The eldest among them is the equator.
And from north to south
These lines, guys,
All parallel to each other.
You managed to guess
What is this? ...


He paints the planet
Blue color,
We call it
Ocean ...


The membrane of the water
Large ships swim along it.
(World Ocean)


There are roads - you will not pass
You will not suck the grass in the meadows,
You can't pick mushrooms in the forests
And from the mountains you won’t throw a gaze to the ground.
(Geographic map)


I walked to different countries
Sailed along the rivers, oceans,
Walked bravely in the desert -
On one sheet of paper.
(Geographic map)


There is a sea - you can’t swim,
There are roads - you can't go,
There is land - you can’t plow.
(Geographic map)


A geologist takes her with him,
Tourist, driver, archaeologist.


States and sea -
Everything is on the wall.


In geography drawings
The carpet is large.
And on it is my country
From the end to the end is visible.


On the map he is laid here,
We will not change our ...


I have in my table stored
Earth ball on a hundred pages!


Cards in it one to one
Sewn in the printing house.
He is now always with you -
Geography guide.


I'm sitting under the glass,
I look north and south.
You will go with me -
You can easily find the road back.

This device is true
The way will tell you
Magnetic needle
He will indicate the north.

Take a friend,
I on a hike!
No one is with me
Will not be lost!
The road
I will definitely indicate!
Where to go, -
I’ll always say!


I am your comrade, captain.
When the ocean is angry
And you wander in the darkness
On a lonely ship, -
Light a flashlight in the darkness of the night
And advise me:
I let go, fucking -
And I will point out the way to the north.


He is both summer and winter -
Between heaven and earth.
At least go to him all your life -
He will be all ahead.


We could not get there,
Where the sky is the edge and edge of the earth.


The edge is visible, you won’t get it.


There, the sky seemed to meet the earth.
How will we call this meeting with you?


Listen, friend,
There is a circle -
The usual circle is simple
And there is another circle on the map.
What is this circle called?
Let's tell you that in the north
Behind this very circle
Deer in the tundra run
After each other.
In the north, in the north,
Behind this very circle -
Expanse sledges narrow,
Expanded snow blows.
(Polar circle)

North -
Where there are a lot of blizzards.
Where it's hot -
Will be…


Here is summer, vacation soon,
We will go to the mountains with mom,
We will definitely wrap the sea,
And where will we get?
Not north here, I know for sure
What is this point called?


The sun is going to sleep there,
Since it gets tired in a day
To warm and illuminate the ground
Yes, give energy.


Everyone knows: old and young,
That the point is on the map - ...


There are many buildings, there is an area,
And there are no people there!
The plant smokes, sings a tram.
Where is all this? Call!
(In the town)


There are tall houses here,
There are a lot of streets,
But, of course, I myself
I will find the road
In the cinema, to the library,
To the circus, at the disco,
To theaters and museums ...
I can spend you!


The main city of the state,
At least the republics, at least kingdoms.
Here the ingenuity will come in handy:
Here is Moscow, she - ...


With this city
Others cannot be compared.
He is the main in the country
It is called ...


Territories of the country
You guys should know
To write letters to everyone,
To send parcels.
There is Ryazan, Tver,
What is it for you?


There, as in the city, at home,
But they are lower in tall.
There, as in the city, winter,
But snowdrifts are higher.


Like a city, but at home lower,
Yes, asphalt is older.


Sushi is a small piece, -
But sometimes it happens
He is big, and even very,
And there is always water around.


He washed from all sides
Silver Sea.
He turns green
And does not know grief.
Liana's forest is being seen
On the trees - monkeys.


Nearby, near the islands,
Not one, and not two,
And dozens, hundreds of hundreds.
Living in the neighborhood is more willing to them.
All relatives, after all.
So here ....


That island is similar to the ring
We are not easy to get there.
But on the map I found
That coral ...


Vanya told us in the lesson:
Coral island is in the ocean,
He once found the shape of a ring,
And the island is called - ...


In the lesson, I found out
Where corals grow in the seas.
There is an island in the form of drying -
Name it here.


Unsteady and unstable,
Nanos coastal, sandy hill,
That from the gust of wind
Ready to run two meters.


Behind the airfield.
We fly four hours.
We see the tundra under the wing,
And then - the forests of Siberia.
There is a snowstorm in the winter.
This coniferous forest - ...


Here birch trees are kneeling.
The moss of the herd of deer is pinch.
They are grazing with the Kayur family,
They have plague from smoky skins.


Try it, guess
What is this the edge:
Summer here shines with light,
But there is no frosty winter
The climate is humid here by sea,
This land is my home.


Velvens float along it,
Like the waves of the ocean.


It has big piles in it
CARKHAYS are called,
And camels follow them,
Stretching off the caravan.


There are only yellow sands.
Here the sun blazing
Here from the heat and from longing
Everything dries at once.
And there are no clouds in the sky
Not the smallest cloud.
That's why among those sands
Some thorns are growing.

Riddles on geography with answers

Riddles on geography with answers
Riddles on geography with answers

Riddles on geography with answers:

Like the waves that the oceans are heating up,
They rise in deserts ...
A fair wind, chief architect,
Always builds them according to its projects.
Leeward - cool,
Windless - gentle.
Such slopes have experienced many.
Hills from above the shape of the sickle
They will appear obvious in motion.


Although the sun bakes,

Everything grows in it, everything blooms:
Parks, lush gardens -
They have enough water here.


The dust and heaps of ash fly up,
The god of fire was raging in the earth.
Such a question is from me.
What are the mountains of Etna? Hekla? -


Magma on the vent is torn out,
She really needs a way out of the crater.
If the passage to the surface is given to her,
So, Grozny woke up ...


Mountain fiery fountain
Called ...


That big mountain
The character is quiet for the time being.
But it can happen -
It will explode, smoke!


He breaks fire and smoke.
Do not build the cities next to him!


I give a definition:
In the form of a bowl
At the top of the volcano.
Think, friend, to give up early.


The earth trembled, the volcano smoked,
The fire from under the ashes and stone made its way.
And now from the vent of the volcano flow
The molten rock stream!


The fountain is beating the source,
Stream to ski.
A volcano lives in the neighbors with him,
The fountain is known to you.


Close from volcanoes sometimes happens
Natural source with hot water,
What is whipping with a stream of boiling water with the steam.
It is not a couple of ordinary fountains at all.


Near the ocean
Hot fountains beat.


For many years in the mountains in a row
Snow goes and pour hail.
The precipitation layer is great
And his name is ....


A mass of snow from the top
Sunning from the mountain to the valley.
Do not stand in her way
And in a hurry to leave soon.


The noise was heard among the rocks,
And the avalanche rushed down.
And the ridge became lower.
What, guys, is the reason


The mountains of ice from the mainland broke off,
The ocean river carried them,
A high -rise White House floats from ice,
There is only a roof and a balcony above the water.
Ten kilometers in length,
The ship may be in captivity.
Neither go through nor go around: there is no “gate” in it,
And this ice knows how to smoke.
The house is melting in warm waters, because
He really wants to tilt.
Captains avoid those latitudes,
Where in the fog a meeting with ... is waiting.


He floats, shining in the sun
This island is icy,
He is big, and does not swing
Even a strong wave.


Swims on the sea of \u200b\u200bthe mountain,
Like silver shaft.


In the Arctic Ocean,
On the edge of the native land,
They are swimming in the fog
Like ships.

If the mountains are in a mess
A lot of mountains, not one,
Then remember the guys,
This is mountainous ....


At the foot of the top
There are green ....


There is a plain, the right word.
Above the level of marine.
From the forests of the fields she
The slopes are separated.


Are there any children, a blanket
So that the whole earth covers?
So that he is enough for everyone,
Yes, moreover, it was not visible
Neither folding nor expand,
Neither to feel nor look?
Rain and light missed
Is there, but it seems not?
(Yes, there is such an air blanket - atmosphere)


A layer of snow, rains and winds -
The atmosphere is alive layer.
Eighteen kilometers
This is the lower layer.
There is everything here, but to a greater extent -
Oxygen, nitrogen, ozone,
In small shares, iodine and helium,
Hydrogen, Neon, Radon.


Who tore my cap from me?
Who pout my shirt?
I'll show you a bully -
I'll put it on the shoulder blades.
Only very offensive to me.
That it is nowhere to be seen.


The traveler is alone
Walks around the world.
When good, sir -
It helps people:
He will revive sails
In the blue sea
And strengthen the voice
In the vastness.


He is invisible and powerful,
Drives flocks of clouds,
He howls in the open
And he argues with the waves into the sea.


In the sky, the clouds will be alarmed,
It will make it possible to sunbathe,
A sailing boat will help
Sweat in a stove pipe ...
I visited everywhere in the world
Mischial, cheerful ...


What a weak breeze
Could not inflate sails?


During the day on land from the sea, blows,
At night - aside another.
You would have helped me
That coastal breeze.


He captured dust from the road,
And then, having gained strength.
Filled, spun
And the pillar soared to the sky.


The wind raged in the sea.
Turning waves into a shaft.
I did a lot of things.
And where did Neptune look!
(Storm or storm)


You see - "The sky covers with a haze",
Waves walk, the wind howls:
Storm Storm on the sea
Little boats on the mountain.


There is a huge wave
She ruins everything in the way.


In the atmosphere, pressure decreased,
The air passes in the offensive.
Strong wind, in the clouds of a skill,
So, approaching ...


Will run at a big speed,
In summer - rain, and snowfall - in winter.


If inland
He wandered from the ocean,
So there will be clouds,
And sometimes hurricanes.
He comes to us with the rain,
Wet windy ...


The pressure is high, the air is dry,
A weak wind, quiet and peace.
In the winter in the sun, a strong frost.
In the summer, the "clear" was given a forecast.
Only he starts such orders,
The one who is called ....

Riddles on geography on minerals

Riddles in geography for grade 1-4 about minerals
Riddles on geography on minerals

Riddles on geography on minerals:

Anyone who knows me well
Often calls dirt,
But I will touch skillful hands
And I will decorate around:
I will give toys to you, kids,
Adults- vases, figurines,
Bricks, plates, saucers
I will find for everyone!


I appeared from peat
And for glory was ugly.
My sign is a black square
And I am glad to help people.
Although I am fragile, but combustible,
You use me better:
I will give heat to the factories,
And plastic, paints to you.


Since childhood, I have been familiar to you all:
I can warm your home.
And I can prepare treats without delay.
Better you are friends with me
Otherwise, wait for trouble.
I am colorless and fuel,
You look better for me.
If I take the whole apartment,
Then call 04.
(Natural gas)


My color is gray and red.
Heavy and durable, I am not in vain.
I can live under the ground
Or stand with a mighty rock.
Kohl knowledge of your own and skill,
Then in the city I will become a decoration.


I get me from the ground,
I'll give you steel for this
But I can be iron, iron
This is also all useful.
You will make machines
Both cars and blades ...
All do not list it:
From the nail to the rocket.
(Iron ore)


You will spill me into the sea
I will bring a lot of grief.
With good handling,
I will give people relief:
I will give all the cars to give food
To help you.
For repair- varnishes, paints
And plastic, as from a fairy tale.


It is mined from the sea.
And everyone knows her well,
After all, if it is not in food,
Your lunch will become tasteless.
And it will help to save
Mushrooms, cucumber, fish too.
You will find it in the kitchen,
You will not be lost on the farm with her.


From plants in the swamp, I can form.
You should carefully treat me.
I will remove moisture in their homes in their home,
To make the crop better, boldly fro in the soil.
If you become freezing, I will warm it warmly,
You will get sick, I will be able to give you a medicine.


Option 2.
I formed in the swamp,
I tried very hard to become people useful:
I can be a litter for animals,
I will heat in the cold, I will give warmth.
So that there is a beautiful crop in the garden,
They will not add me to the soil in vain.
But, if I do not protect me from fire,
Then a big trouble may happen.


The sea sent me to you
So that you do not know grief,
So that wherever I could,
In life, I helped people.
I will face you ceilings
I will give tooth powders,
I will appear in school at school
And at the construction site I will come in handy.


Granite was heated for a long time,
I was very cool at night
He was blurred with rains,
It lasted all years.
Of course, he began to crumble
Then I could appear.
Yellow, white or gray,
I pass the water boldly.
I try day and night
To help builders.


Option 2.
My ancestor was granite
But I'm not famous for that
I can be yellow, gray,
Even red or white.
I am loose, not combustible.
There is no better friend for children:
You can sculpt cakes,
You can build locks,
You can run barefoot
And lie on me later.
I will decorate the river
I will ensure security,
And I try day and night
To help builders.


The kids really need him.
He is on the track in the yard
He is at a construction site and on the beach,
And he is even molten in the glass.


No wonder it was cooked in a domain furnace.
The glory turned out to be scissors, keys ...


Very durable and the UP
Builders are a reliable friend.
Houses, steps, pedestals
Beautiful will become and noticeable.


Will not run without it
No bus, no taxi
The rocket does not rise.
Guess what it is.


He carries heat to the houses
It is light from him.
Helps to melt steel,
Make paints and enamel.
He is black, brilliant,
Assistant real.


If you meet on the road,
Then the legs will strongly get bogged down.
And make a bowl or vase,
It will need it right away.


The pipe flows,
Pies bakes.


Plants grew in the swamp,
Became fuel and fertilizer.


They cover the roads for them,
Streets in villages.
And he is in cement.
He himself is a fertilizer.


In the kitchen of mom, the assistant is excellent.
It blooms with a blue flower from a match.

Riddles in geography grade 5

Riddles in geography grade 5
Riddles in geography grade 5

Riddles in geography grade 5:

"What layer are we talking about?"
Loose layer and fertile,
Will not leave everyone hungry
Only with the landing you hurry
And you will do the work.

You dug and pour
You will find weed grass
You dig up the crop -
Stark them your neighbors!
Answer: soil layer

Blooming plants. A bountiful harvest,
How did it turn out? Take it more likely.
And the seeds are good, watering, feeding, care,
And most importantly, what requires big human worries?
Answer: Soil

It happens that it is fertile
Sometimes it happens poorly.
So that the new year is not hungry,
You know, you need a mood -
She is our nurse,
It is very important to follow it,
Food is the best
Of course, to make a deadline.
Answer: We are talking about the soil

It is necessary
Of course, save.
Loosen, feed systematically,
Follow, do not clog.

Cultures sowing
Change on the schedule.
And important - fertilizers
To stock up on the deadline.

Then the plants will be,
Bloom, grow, shine,
And the crop is good,
It will be possible to collect everyone.
Answer: It is necessary to save the soil

Riddles in geography grade 6

Riddles in geography grade 6
Riddles in geography grade 6

Riddles in geography grade 6:

We sat in the lowlands
You can recall the peaks!
How great he is
In a white hat is a mountain peak.
And at any time of the year
The weather is cold here.


Above I, than all the neighbors -
Mountain peaks.
It is not rare for me at all
Snow avalanches.


Oh, the river fell down
From the cliff!
Here do not hide from spray.
What kind of place is it?


The wind of the pebble touched -
He rolled.
He did a lot of things
So far, I went down from the mountains.
Although that stone was tiny,
He hooked his brothers.
And in the mountains there was a roar -
We need to scatter!


Snowflake fell from the sky,
Harded a ball of snow.
They roll together,
Lump is growing mighty.
You are on hiking these days
Do not go better!
(Snow avalanche)


My source is not at the stream -
I run away from the glacier.
Very, very fast,
Fresh and clean.
(Mountain river)


All at the peaks this area,
For people non -sorceres.
It is interesting tourists here
Up go along the path.
(The mountains)


Beware of the mountain pit,
It’s scary to break here!
And easy to fall down,
Like from a high tower.


Here is a mountain, she is a goal
Like from dark glass.
It does not grow on it, alas,
Neither a bus, no grass.
And about that, she is steep.
Name this place for me.


He is not walking along the path -
Rises along the rocks.
He has boots-cats,
There are a lot of equipment -
Ice ax, and alpensteus,
And safety sink.


If only I want -
I'm on snowy rocks
And I will jump down with Pamir.
I love slalom!


We walked around the mountains
And they heard the Tarara.
Kolya cried out: "Broke!"
And in response he heard: "Whose!"
Dima cried out: "Water!"
And in response he heard: "Yes!"
Masha shouted: "Flowers!"
And in response returned: “You!
Here is deserted, only rocks.
What screamed in response to us?

Riddles in geography grade 7

Riddles in geography grade 7
Riddles in geography grade 7

Riddles in geography grade 7:


  • In her hands can not be held - and cannot be overtaken on a horse. (Water)
  • It goes along the sea, goes, and it will reach the shore, and here it will disappear. (Wave)
  • What can not be rolled uphill, not to take away in the Decision. (Water)
  • Breathing - moisture, blanket - fog, bed - mirror. (Water)
  • No one salted, and Solono. (Sea)
  • It lives in the seas and rivers, but often flies across the sky. And how to bother her to fly, falls to Earth again. (Water)
  • Not a precious stone, but shines. (Ice)
  • In the yard a mountain, and in the hut with water. (Snow, ice)
  • Around water, and with drinking trouble. (Sea)

Inland waters

  • -The, flows, does not leak, runs, runs, does not run out. (River)
  • He runs in the summer, but stands in winter. (River)
  • Two brothers look into the water and everyone will not converge (shore)
  • He runs without a leash. (Stream)
  • It pours into it, pours out of it, weave it itself. (River)
  • The sled run, and the shafts are standing. (River and shore)
  • In winter I’m hiding, I appear in the spring, I have fun in the summer, I go to bed in the fall. (River)
  • A goby runs, a golden horn, runs, murmurs. (Stream)
  • A slightly trembles in the breeze, the tape on the open, a narrow tip in the spring, and wide in the sea. (River)
  • Flowed, flowed and lay down under the glass. (Ice on the river)
  • The fur coat is new, on the hem of a hole. (Hole)
  • In the middle of the field lies a mirror: the glass is blue, the frame is green. (Pond)
  • Not the sea, not the earth, the ships do not swim, but you can’t walk. (Swamp)
  • I run to my mother-river and I can’t be silent. I am her son's son, and I was born in the spring. (Stream)
  • Rybina - Belzhina surrounded all the shores, winter came - she went uphill. (Boat)
  • He is without arms, he could break through the ground without legs, he in the summer, in the most heat, ice -ice water. (Spring)
  • Everyone costs this place: here the earth seems to be dough. Here is sedge, bumps, mosses - there is no support for the leg. (Swamp)

Time. Time Zones.

  • What is going without moving? (Time)
  • What happened tomorrow, and will be yesterday? (Present day)
  • Who walks the night and walks the day, not knowing what laziness is? (Watch)
  • Dawn was born, the more he grew up, the less became. (Day)
  • Without legs and wings, it flies quickly, you can’t catch up with it. (Time)

Riddles in geography grade 8

Riddles in geography grade 8
Riddles in geography grade 8

Riddles in geography grade 8:



You will meet a slope in an open field,
You know for sure - this (hill).
-Far, the end is not visible,


Wears a grandmother
Snow hat.
Stone sides
Squat in the clouds


Snow melts - and I grow,
The rain pours - and I grow,
But it is not in height,
And in depth and in width.
I am the venom of the bread I am the enemy,
And my name is.


It does not drown in water, it does not rot in the ground.


He is black, brilliant,
People are real.
He carries heat to the houses
It is light from him in the houses
Helps to melt steel
Make paints and enamel.


The kids really need him
He is on the tracks in the yard
He is at a construction site and on the beach,
And he is even molten in the glass.


Plants grew in the swamp.
And now it is fuel and fertilizer.


This master is white-white,
At school does not lie idle
Runs through the board
Leaves a white mark.


Will not run without it
No taxi, no motorcycle,
The rocket will not rise.
Guess what is it?


He is very durable and elastic,
Builders are a reliable friend:
Houses, steps, pedestals
Beautiful will become and noticeable.


It flows over the pipe, bakes pies.


No wonder it was cooked in a domain stove!
The fame turned scissors and keys.


If you meet along the way
Then the legs will strongly get bogged down.
And make a bowl or vase -
It will need it right away.


The black blanket has a green pattern.
(Soil and grass)


  • Whatever you see in the room or on the street. (Air)
  • In the morning, the beads flashed, all the grass was stuck, but we went to look for them during the day - we are looking for, we will not find it. (Dew)
  • He is everywhere: in the field and in the garden, but he will not fall into the house. And I won’t go anywhere as long as he goes. (Rain)
  • They often ask me, wait, but only appear - everyone will begin to hide. (Rain)
  • Red rocker hung over the river. (Rainbow)
  • The sun ordered - stand, a seven -color bridge steep! The cloud hid the Sun light - the bridge collapsed, but there are no chips. (Rainbow)
  • Without arms, without legs, and the gate opens. (Wind)
  • Gray cloth stretches out the window. (Steam)
  • Without arms, without legs, but knows how to draw. (Freezing)
  • Fluffy cotton swims somewhere. The lower the cotton wool, the closer the rain. (cloud)
  • In the yard a mountain, and in the hut with water. (Snow)
  • It does not burn in the fire, nor in the water does not drown. (Ice)
  • It grows down the head, grows not in summer, but in the winter. But the sun will bake her - she will cry and die. (Icicle)
  • Orlitsa flies around the blue sky, the wings spread out, the sun was stuck. (Clouds)
  • Peas scattered on seventy -seven roads, no one will pick it up. (City)
  • There was lanky, got into the ground. (Rain)
  • White flies sat on the field. (Snow)
  • The white tablecloth covered the whole earth. (Snow)
  • Grandpa bridge bridges without an ax and without wedges. (Freezing)
  • The old grandfather, he is one hundred years old, was nasty on the whole river, and young came - the entire bridge was blocked. (Frost, spring)
  • Pike waved its tail, the forest bent. (Wind)
  • In the evening, it flies for the ground, arrives on the ground, flies away again in the morning. (Dew)
  • The sniffles, growls, breaks the branches, lifts dust, knocks people off their feet.
  • You hear him, but you can’t see him. (Wind)
  • White geese are floating along the blue sea. (Clouds)
  • The owl flies through the blue sky, the wings spread, the sun got stuck. (Cloud)
  • He walks in the field, but not a horse, flies in the wild, and not a bird. (Wind)
  • First, shine, behind the gloss of the crack, behind the bang splash. (Lightning, thunder, rain)
  • He knocks loudly, shouts loudly, and what he says, no one can understand and the sages cannot be recognized. (Thunder)
  • He shouted the ox for a hundred villages, for a thousand cities. (Thunder)
  • The bird of the eagle flies, carries fire in his teeth. The fire arrows letting it down, no one will catch it. (Lightning)
  • The wool is black sable, the eyes are clear of the falcon. (Cloud of thunder)
  • There are no legs, but it goes, there is no eye, but cries. (Cloud)
  • The horses of the Bulans are running, all the depths are torn, neither sit down, nor stroke, nor a whip. (Clouds)
  • There was a lanky, it was bogged into cheese. (Rain)
  • The old man at the gate fired, he does not run, he does not tell him to stand. (Freezing)
  • Thin, tall fell in Seduka, did not go out, but brought the children. (Rain)
  • Carriedly, fractionally frequently, drove the whole earth. (Rain)
  • The Golden Bridge was spread out seven villages, seven miles. (Rainbow)
    A horse runs along along our village, a full oats wallet hangs under the end of the tail, runs and shocks. (Blizzard, blizzard)
  • He walks in the wild, in the forest, in a clean field. Twists, howls, grimaces, grumbles throughout the world. In villages, cities flying, does not want to know anyone. (Blizzard, blizzard)
  • In winter he warms, smolders in the spring, dies in the summer, comes to life in the fall. (Snow)
  • White Tikhon from the sky Speakhan, where he runs - lies with a carpet. (Snow)
  • I like a grain of sand, and cover the ground; I am from the water, and I fly in the air. As a fluff I lie in the fields, like a diamond, shine with sunlight. (Snow)
  • He goes through the nose in the chest and the opposite keeps the way. He is invisible, and yet, we cannot live without it. (Air)
  • The white sheet went around the whole earth. (Cloud)
  • Silver threads sew the earth and sky. (Rain)
  • I, like a grain of sand, are small, and cover the ground. I am from the water, and I fly in the air. Like fluff, I am lying in the fields, and, like a diamond, shine with sunlight. (Snow)

Riddles in geography grade 9

Riddles in geography grade 9
Riddles in geography grade 9

Riddles in geography grade 9:


  • The field is not measured, the sheep is not considered, the shepherd is a horn. (Sky, stars, month)
  • White flowers bloom in the evening, and fade in the morning. (Stars)
  • The sister goes to visit his brother, and he is hiding from his sister. (Moon and sun)
  • When I was young - light shone, I began to fade under old age. (Month)
  • At night in the sky, one golden orange. We passed two weeks, we did not eat orange, but only an orange slice remained in the sky. (Month)
  • Sinhenka Shubenka covered the whole world. (Sky)
  • Neither the beginning, no end, nor the back of the head, no face. Everyone knows, both young and old, that she is a huge ball. (Earth)
  • The whole path is strewn with peas. (Milky Way)
  • Above the grandmother's hut hangs bread.
  • Dogs bark, but cannot get it. (Month)
  • At our gates, peas scattered, not to pick up a shovel, not to shift a broom. (Stars on the sky)
  • Golden grain scattered by night, looked in the morning - there is nothing. (Stars on the sky)
  • Neither to the sky, nor to the ground. (Shooting star)
  • I look out into the window: stands turnips of the basket,
  • I look into another: there is a whip with an arc. (Sky, stars, month)
  • On the street is a shirt, in the sleeve's mouth. (The lights of a sun)
  • What is above the forest, more beautiful than light, burns without fire? (Sun)
  • A pike of gold lies from the gate to the gate. (The lights of a sun)
  • Matushkin cannot be collected, Batyushkin cannot be caught. (Sky, stars, month)
  • I will take a horn, sow peas. I will put a kalach, no one to take. (Sky, stars, month)
  • On the door, it will not knock on the window, but it will rise - and it will wake everyone. (Sun)
  • Kololitza, Belolitsa, looks into all mirrors. (Moon)
  • A painter without brushes walks around the sky,
  • Brown paint paints people. (Sun)
  • On a high road there is a cool goby, day he sleeps, and looks at night. (Month)
  • Either pancake, then half a blin, then this side. (Month)
  • Gold the owner - on the field, Serebryan shepherd - from the field. (Sun moon)
  • We cry without him, but how to appear, we hide from him. (Sun)
  • White flowers bloom in the evening, and fade in the morning. (Stars)

Plan and map

  • The size of the head, but the whole world is fit. (The globe)
  • The edge is visible, you won’t get it. (Horizon)
  • Who is changing four times in a year? (Earth)
  • A shuttle flies over the ball, shakes on a ball of turns. (Satellite. Earth.)
  • Which bucket is not drunk from, do not eat, but only look at it? (Constellation Big Bear)
  • The more you take from it, the more it becomes. (Pit)
  • You see the city, you won’t get
  • You see the river - you won’t drink water. (Map)
  • Lies the elk, extending his nose. If he got up, so he took out to the sky. (Road)
  • It costs a hoof, full of water. (Well)
  • He waves wings, but he cannot fly away. (Mill)

Riddles on geography with answers about the cities of the world

Riddles on geography with answers about the cities of the world
Riddles on geography with answers about the cities of the world

Riddles on geography with answers about the cities of the world:

In Asia, the country of Iran -
Muslim state,
The Qur'an runs life here,
Main city…
(See the name below)
There is a city in Scandinavia -
He is very dear to the Norwegians.
He is the capital. Here is the ambassador
You will meet more often than a donkey.

It is incomprehensible simply
Who called that ...
(See the name below)
In Canada, more than a century, right,
The capital is the same ...
(See the name below)
Who came out of Europe alive
Tel Aviv made the capital,
But the year passed and after him
Became the capital ...
(See the name below)
From childhood, he was metered in the Third Rome.
It was not possible - did not become like that.

And just call the bells,
That this "third Rome" ...
(See the name below)
Stands on the Nile, old, like a world,
The capital of the Egyptians ...
(See the name below)
If we are talking about the capitals of the world
Then we will not forget the "eternal city" ...
(See the name below)
Yaroslav, and Vyacheslav,
Svyatoslav, and Borislav,
Vladislav, and Rostislav, ...
Apparently, in Poland they love fame,
So named for glory of fame,
Only true glory -
All the capital of them ...
(See the name below)
Capitals: Naro and Kyoto
It is unlikely that someone will remember
But Pinocchio also knows -
Japanese capital ...
(See the name below)
He sets the tone to all the states.
After all, he is the capital! -
(See the name below)
The elder and baby know -
The main city of France -
(See the name below)
We are in Iraq. How glad I am! -
Sinbad once lived here. -
We are met by a table city
(See the name below)
Here is the center of events,
In culture, life.

You can't step on the Czech Republic
So as not to “hurt” the capital ...
(See the name below)
Alma-Ata was the main camp,
But became free Kazakhstan
And only the country rose -
The capital became ...
(See the name below)

But now the blue screen
Corrects us -
(See the name below)
Other times have come.
Estonia became free.
But, as before, to the "collapse",
They have the same capital -
(See the name below)
Indian films, no matter how much you looked,
You do not understand the charm of their capital from them ...
(See the name below)
Behind the Pyrenees - the Spaniards
(South - only Africans).
The connoisseur of Europe says
That the main city is ...
(See the name below)
That they are the whole world, its peoples -
English ranks and lords
Everyone is getting rich every year,
And with them the capital ...
(See the name below)
They rushed from the "Incredible"
Fans of borsch and gopak.
Ukrainians took root in Russia -
Now Moscow is their capital, not ...
(See the name below)
The capital of Georgia - yesterday, now
All the same - believe me!
Do you think about the city of Tiflis?
Silent - the century is not called like that ...
(See the name below)
A lot of hassles with him
France raised -
He is a neighbor and a friend of Morocco,
The same nation.

Who does not know will come in handy -
He sells oil, figs ...
The state and the capital
Called ...
(See the name below)
The country went its own way
(The enemy is waiting, when he breaks your legs),
But in the life of the poor and wretched,
From anyone is not expecting a help.
After the "collapse" like a sphinx -
The capital of Belarusians ...
(See the name below)
There are many cities in China
The largest than ours: Perm, Rostov -
Shanghai, Shenyan, Harbin, Nankin ...
But the most important thing is all ...
(See the name below)
There are people in the north,
He lives in Finland,
Not a talker, not an extravagant,
In circulation like ice.

Peers will tell you:
“His capital ...
(See the name below)
Latvian capital of Riga
Room of the word Riga.
It sounds almost like a hangar
The capital of the Turks ...
(See the name below)
All as one, capital
Various in faces.
Beautiful, like a star star,
Cuban ...
(See the name below)
He is the president,
He is the state,
He is the capital.
And just a city ...
(See the name below)
Since the Suhe Bator died,
Mongolian capital ...
(See the name below)
In honor of the mother of love, hope, faith
The city of Christian faith was named.
With reverence the whole world, Russia
The name is the capital that ...
(See the name below)
At least far from us Vietnam,
But he is our friend and dear to us.
In the twentieth century, burned by war
I haven't lost its meaning ...
(See the name below)
We know how afraid
Russia update the capital,
But Australia, for example,
Even when I built it ...
(See the name below)
It is known: Jordan
It is not where Denmark.
Oman is much closer to her.
The capital of Jordan -
(See the name below)
The capital of the former federation
And after a terrible operation,
With her associated losses, loss,
And call in a new life ...
(See the name below)
There are many countries where Sharia rules.
In the country where Mecca is the capital ...
(See the name below)
There is an Arabian country,
There are mountains and deserts in it
Her capital and bottom
The oldest ...
(See the name below)
Lover of waltz, operetta
You know the capital this
And you say now instantly:
“The Austrian capital ...
(See the name below)
They fly to the capital of Greece
From all over. Look:
Chinese, Yankees, Finns ...
They like ...
(See the name below)
There is a country of Brazil -
The table city is Brazil,
And the capital of Nicaragua
The world calls ...
(See the name below)
In the very south of Asia
Lies the country of Malaysia
(next to her - Singapore);
Her capital ...
(See the name below)
It is true to its traditions
Within the dogm of Islam
Bahrain, Arabic country,
And her center is
(See the name below)
On the African continent
Capitals as personnel in the film.
Not as rich as Monaco,
But the force holds in Mali ...
(See the name below)
Hungar does not know the capital more than the capital,
Than the one on the Breggs of the Danube, -
It hurts a lot of strength, love, hopes
They put the Hungarians in the city ...
(See the name below)
Although it ends on "yang",
Pyongyang is not the Armenians.
Rhyme with the name Ivan
Armenian capital ...
(See the name below)
For a long time in the country of Enver Khoja,
The people live without a tyrant,
But those in power and the president
Everything in the same city ...
(See the name below)
Aliens from Europe
She was erected in a blade.
As much as a century and a half
The capital noted!

In South Africa, in her history
Everything is dancing from ...
(See the name below)
From Malta (ours) to Malta
There are no roads without asphalt.
But you can get to it all the same -
Our aeroflot will help.
Waiting guests in winter and summer
The capital of Malta ...
(See the name below)
The Romanians had to work hard,
To raise the capital from ruins,
And so that, besides, she is proud of,
She had to be born again.
What a pity!
But there are many places in the world
With such a fate as ...
(See the name below)
Similar words are not marvelous.
This example is the Maldives. -
The capital of the islands, to know,
As if small, but ...
(See the name below)
At least far from Athens, to Rome,
And, God sees, to Jerusalem,
Entails irresistible
The capital of the Peruvians ...
(See the name below)
Two oceans: from the west, from the east;
And the two countries are not lonely: not lonely:
Panama, Nicaragua.
Two numbers are loved in the country -
Two volcanoes, in all its glory,
The capital of Costa Rica-
(See the name below)
On the map of the world, Qatar is a baby,
Having oil, lives well.
Wealth is glad like a fool
The capital of the state -
(See the name below)
There is Niger and Nigeria.
You know them. That I believe.
Yes, just do not forget -
The capital of the FRN -
(See the name below)
And in that doubt do not have -
After all, Niger, -
(See the name below)
Capitals of France and Senegal
Forever life tied up forever
Dear, given to the rallys as a gift.
Her name is: Paris -
(See the name below)
All those who are eager for Honduras,
I am ready to say for the hundredth time:
No less risk than somewhere in the Alps,
And in the center of the city ...
(See the name below)
Sir Sukharto ruled for a long time,
But I did not have time to correct the card.
And good! Yesterday Today Tomorrow
The capital of Indonesia -
(See the name below)
As a bread city it is known
(Words cannot be thrown out of the song),
But the president lives in it.
He is the capital. The name is
(See the name below)
Columbus did not open Sri Lanka,
Lieutenant Colombo was not there
And all this is not a Spanish
The capital is called ...
(See the name below)
Two Korea live side by side,
But the flags are different above them.
The one that is closer to us, the northerners,
The capital is called ...
(See the name below)
The other, perhaps, Velzevul
Called ...
.(See the name below)
Calls and beckons the world from the screen. -
There are strangers somewhere there!
Which of you the road was beckoning
The heart of the Philippines awaits that ...
(See the name below)
Life in the center of Africa, no resources.
What to hope for such conditions?
Everything is waiting and waiting for some kind of change
The capital of the state of the Chad ...
(See the name below)
Afghanistan is now known for the whole world
The fact that he had left the world,
The capital has become like a big aul,
We did not visit ...
(See the name below)
Known throughout the world: Lausanne,
Geneva, Zurich (a lot of data,
That even the town of Lucerne),
Well, the capital is still ...
(See the name below)
Not around the mountains and fields,
And behind the vast seas
You will suddenly announce to you on an airplane
The capital of former Vikings ...
(See the name below)
Europe is besieged by Moroccans.
Coy-where are no longer foreigners.
For them, Siberia is an unknown side -
Either the desert in Asia, or the country.
For their students, we are Moscow, Arbat,
For us, they are their capital ...
(See the name below)
In an internecine fight
The inhabitants of Iraq are tired.
No better in a former fairy tale
The capital of Syria, ...
(See the name below)
There is a small word - whale.
For the words of others - a bug, a parasite.
Dictionary open and polysty
And you will hit the monastery, China;
Kit - a full -fledged resident
In the words of Rakita, tunic;
Not without a whale - mosquito, Nikita,
The capital of Ecuador ...
(See the name below)
A few words ends on z:
Iron, Puzo, Aviso
And only one capital -
Dominican ...
(See the name below)
Earthquake! -
Death, pain, fear, stress
In the capital of the Haicians ...
(See the name below)
In Ireland, in the capital,
The tourist will marve a lot
On the unusual buildings
And for a lack of knowledge
Their own - about the city, people
Peculiar by nature.
Until your vacation is ruined -
My advice to you: Fly in ...
(See the name below)
The center of Rome knows everyone
Especially who was there twice -
Idol of Catholics, their idol,
The country-country ...
(See the name below)
The country of Turkmen is known badly.
Hit the drum, call the alarm -
You can’t call a tourist in ...
(See the name below)
The Portuguese has the main city,
As a settlement, already middle -aged -
Strabo mentioned him,
He was also called -
(See the name below)
It's a pity to fly home
From this exotic country -
There is something to see:
Giraffes, lions, elephants ...
All nearby - life and death
In Tanzania,
But the capital is so -so ...
(See the name below)
For life, his spoiled lady
I darkened a lot of shame,
But, that the advertisement will not do! -
Over time, the drama was forgotten
And the word that meant a scandal, -
International profitable channel,
Country, capital (not manama) -
American ...
(See the name below)
Wherever the current tourist was
What is the faithful, that the Baptist,
That the farmer from Texas, that Sultan,
And then he recalls the Butane:
“Oh, let me shook old people!
Where have I not yet? - Only, it seems, in ...
(See the name below)
There is something to see in Venezuela. -
You only need to fly to the capital,
To hear jazz there under the rhythm of Marakas there
And just see ...
(See the name below)
For nearby countries, Lebanon -
Shelter, trench, Redan.
Whoever you are, you are very cool
If you are going to ...
(See the name below)
There are many capitals in America.
By the name of the country - the capital ...
(See the name below)
In Kyrgyzstan - you will hear what you see
Then you will remember the century.
Such people are there, such mountains
And their main city ...
(See the name below)
Got upset? Forgot the capital of Chile?
God be with her! They didn’t teach at school.
We are amazed at the answer, wait a minute
Having said that in Somalia the capital ...
(See the name below)
You saw everything, a well -known trick.
And you can say that the capital is in Bangladesh ...
(See the name below)
Big Africa! - Algeria, Uganda, ...
There is a main city in the Congo and South Africa,
In Mali, the Republic of Madagascar, ...
There is also in Angola. Remember -
(See the name below)
Have you wanted to participate in Safari?
In Zimbabwe? - With God! Flight to ...
(See the name below)
Tutsi ran away from Hutu.
But all who were overtaken,
The villains immediately killed.
And where would you think? - AT…
(See the name below)
On the map of the world of the country Benilux
Almost like a point goal.
Want to visit? - Well.
The idea, by the way, is Lux!
(See the name below)
One hundred and fifteen islands
A little southern equator.
For a tourist - paradise (no words!),
Tears for the planter.
Such a story.
The capital is at Seychelle ...
(See the name below)
Paris feeds hay
Danube permeates Vienna.
What a capital without a river!
By European standards, giant
A hail stretched along the spray ...
(See the name below)
Two idols in the country of Oman:
One, their Bible, is the Qur'an,
The other, their king, is that is, the Sultan.

From ancient Oman countries, Muscat
The sultanate was formed.
Remember the capital? -
(See the name below)
Fumigure in Uganda - an indicator!
And the average age here is 15 years old. -
The struggle for power, feud, friend, friend
And therefore there are few old people here, no.
Such in history ended
Long -suffering ...
(See the name below)
There is an island in a beautiful place,
Europe, Asia at the side;
Getting on Cyprus is quite simple.
(Do not fly away to Crete inadvertently!)
All of Russia visited there.
They know the capital -
(See the name below)
The capital of Palestine visits little.
A trip, let's say so - for extreme.
Dangerous, not hazardous as carambola
Jordan has the city main ...
(See the name below)
And what a wise guy is strong!
Whatever ask - he knows everything.
Ask his capital of that -
Will answer in an instant, not to wait long,
And not in Moscow, but somewhere in Khokhloma:
“The capital of that center is
(See the name below)
At the local level and in Zambia there are people,
Whom relatives with respect are said
But there will be no fiction - alas -
The castlers do not boil talents.
The Zambians were not lucky for Khayyam,
Fermi, Lamarka, Gay-Lussaka, ...
Not ugly, no, I will tell you directly,
And, even in the main city ...
(See the name below)
Once seven centuries ago
At this place was a hill stump
And now here the Khmerov city -
The capital called ...
(See the name below)
The African people of Tsvan
The country, of course, is Botswana.
Her desert is Kalahari,
Oh, how, rhymes with Harara!
But at least they are in one area,
The capital of Tsvanov ...
(See the name below)
When the boredom is overcome,
You just shake your mind
And recall the connection: Sudan - Hartum,
Bahrain, of course, is Manama,
Panama (what to guess?) - Panama,
Colombia, of course, -
(See the name below)
Who was in Guiana, certainly
Tell you about the cosmodrome
About humidity with the southern mosquito,
Her nature, center -
(See the name below)
Who wants to see Kaiman,
Gayan is waiting for you in America,
But be afraid to get a knockdown
From humidity in the port ...
(See the name below)
Slovenes just like Slovene,
Original Slavs;
Their capital is not in Austria, not in Vienna -
In Slovenia, in ...
(See the name below)
In the country called Burundi,
French language along with Rundy;
Live: Hutu, Tutsi - two peoples,
Their eternal enemy is rainy weather.
None of the locals saw snow here,
But at any time it rains in ...
(See the name below)

Answers to geographical riddles

Abuja - 52, Algeria - 21, Amman - 32, Astana - 14, Ankara - 25, Athens - 37, Ashgabat - 71, Baghdad - 12, Bamako - 41, Beeut - 77, Belgrade - 33, Berlin - 87, Bern - Bern 62, Bishkek - 79, Bogota - 96, Brussels - 85, Budapest - 42, Bucharest - 47, Warsaw - 8, Vatican - 70, Washington - 10, 27, Vienna - 36, Victoria - 86, Gaborona - 95, Harbalon - Havana - 26, Guatemala -78, Gidega -100, Dakar -53, Dacca -81, Damascus -65, Delhi -16, Jakarta -55, Georgetown -98, Dodom -73, Dublin -69, Yerevan -43, Doblin, Yerevan, Yerevan, Yerevan, 43 Jerusalem-4, Kabul-61, Cairo-6, Kayenna-97, Campala-89, Kanberra-31, Karakas-76, Kigali-84, Kiev-19, Kito-66, Colombo-57, Kuala Lumpur-39, Kuala Lumpur, 39, La-valetta-46, Lima-49, Lisbon-72, Loma-92, London-18, Luanda-82, Luzaka-93, Lyubljana-99, Madrid-17, Mali-48, Managua-38, Manama-40, Managua, 40, Manila -59, Maskat -88, Minsk -22, Mogadisho -80, Moscow -5, Njiamen -60, Niamay -52, Nicosia -90, Oslo -2, Ottava -3, Panama -74, Paris -11, Beijing -Beijing 23, tonnomer - 94, port -O-swing-68, Prague-13, Praetory-45, Pyongyang-58, Rabat-64, Ramalla-91, Reykjavik-63, Rome-7, Roso-67, San-San Jose-50, Seoul -58, Sofia-29, Tallinn-15, Tashkent-56, Tbilisi-20, Tehran-1, Tegusigalpa-54, tyrant-44, Tokyo-9, Thimph-75, Ulan-Bator-28, hali-30, harara -83, Helsinki-24, Er-Riyad-34.

Complex riddles in geography about continents

Complex riddles in geography about continents
Complex riddles in geography about continents

Complex riddles in geography about continents:

There is little precipitation and river Murray.
What is the mainland, tell us quickly.

He is cold, icy.
What is the name, who is it?

Every schoolboy knows this:
Where is Tibet, where are the Himalayas.

Think, boy and girl,
Where the Andes mountains are and the Amazon river.
South America.

There is no salvation from the heat
And there is Mount Kilimanjaro.

There are mississippi and great lakes,
Even larger Cordillers of the mountain.
North America.

Where there are rivers, guess:
Hay, Volga and Danube?

In four barrels
Six whales are salted.
Earth: Oceans and continents
Here are giant mountains-
Tibet, Altai, Pamir,
Carpathians and Balkans.
They know the whole world.
Here are the rivers - Ob and Angara,
Don, Volga, Lena and Kura.
Forests diversity
In our native ...

Only in the country is large, green
Kangaroo lives smart.
He will not leave his children,
He carries them with him in a bag.

Sharks scurry there, gorillas jump.
Terrible "Big Evil Crocodiles
They will bite you, beat and offend you. ”
Remember the place where you can’t walk?

Here, among polar ice floes,
It is important to stomp the penguin.
This mainland is deserted
And the penguin is in the role of a guide.
He is ready to tell people
How beautiful ...

Srumber from the heat
Desert sugar.
But among the savannah -
Elephants and monkeys,
Lions, zebras and giraffes
Walking in hot ...

This is a miracle material,
He is beautiful and small.
And there is only one on it
Picturesque country.
In other places of such animals
I can hardly find
After all, kangaroo among the steppes
It walks only in ...

Part of the world and mainland
It connected for centuries
With another part - with Asia
And she called ...

It is not clear where I am now?
The steppes are called "Prairi".
Here they have a shepherd
Called "cowboy".

It has a Kalahari desert in it,
Mirages are full in sugar.
This southern mainland
And the area is great.

Well, in this part of the world
Lives half a planet
And, of course, here, without a dispute,
The largest mountains.

All the mainland is one
Lies a huge country
Where the world is unusual,
It is very ancient, exotic:
There are a lot of marsupial animals,
Carrying children.
In the southern hemisphere
Spread out ...

It is always very cold there.
There are never melting ice there,
Bushes, trees do not grow
And the birds are not curled nest.
There are no permanent villages,
Penguins and seals live.
At the south pole she
The mainland is placed.

This is a huge continent
Known to people for many years.
Crocodiles live there
Lions, hippos and gorillas.
Giraffes also live there.
What is the name of this continent?

In exchange for oaks, birches and linden
You will see eucalyptus
You look at the window in the morning -
Kangaroos jump across the field.

Riddles in geography of Russia

Riddles in geography of Russia
Riddles in geography of Russia

Riddles on the geography of Russia:

The main health resort of Russia is all called him.
Here the rarest trees and flowers grow.
Everyone wants to be here as the Olympic champion.
Have you recognized this city?
Well, of course, … (Sochi)


Spread out on seven hills
Wide rings of the miracle grade
The Kremlin is Scarlet Star
The City of Russia ...!


City of stone stands on the river
Peter-Veliky erected on the Neva
During the day, the gun shoots from the fortress
And at night they breed bridges
(St. Petersburg)


This city is a sight for sore eyes.
Ahead - pronoun,
In the middle - the forest is noisy
The letter "g" is at the end.
The glorious city is waiting for guests
Guess him soon.


Old Russian city -
He is still young.
The weapon there is a plant,
And rumor has been going on for a long time
About printed wheels
And noble samovars.


Like a pearl in the crown,
Great and modest
In the golden ring of Russia
The city is glorious - ...


The first syllable is a working bull,
The earth is used to plowing.
The second syllable is the game with stones,
On the board, with stripes.
And the cold third syllable -
Ice from heaven peas.
You will read the syllables together,
You will guess the city of Volzhsky.


The farthest city in the east
My immense homeland,
He scattered high on the hills
Golden lace of lights.
Sailors are always looking for meetings with him,
Their ship will be tamed in a storm any
The coast of his cool shoulders
Above the gray -haired Avachinsky lip.

The edge of magic gems,
Edge of forests, caves and rocks,
He is wonderful in winter and summer,

The edge is harsh, the edge is taiga,
Where are the forests of dense shir.
It is impossible not to fall in love
In our marvelous ...

Where they gave the blue,
There is a wonderful mountain region.
He is the pearl of Russia,

Sea, palm trees, screams of gulls,
South of the sunny gift,
He is beautiful unusually -
The edge of the resort ...

Under the high sky blue
There is bread, wherever you look.
This is a resident of Russia,
Our Cossack region ...

Interesting riddles in geography

Interesting riddles in geography
Interesting riddles in geography

Interesting riddles in geography:

In the name of the city, the note sounds,
At the very beginning of the word stands.
And in the middle - a skilled pilot,
He is the best flying master.
Well, after him - a very short excuse,
That the prefix could also be.
What kind of city? You guessed?
I will tell you: he is in the Southern Urals.
(Mi + AS + C \u003d Miass)

The first syllable is a working bull,
He is used to plowing the earth.
The second syllable is the game with stones,
On the board, with stripes.
And the cold third syllable -
Ice from heaven peas.
You will read the syllables together,
You will guess the city of Volzhsky.
(Vol + GO + City \u003d Volgograd)

This city is a sight for sore eyes.
Ahead - pronoun,
In the middle - the forest is noisy
The letter "g" is at the end.
The glorious city is waiting for guests
Guess him soon.
(You + Bor + G \u003d Vyborg)

Is there interest in sharads?
Sawed from the chair "C".
Take a hammer soon
The letter "A" now repel.
If you beat it right,
You will read the name of the city.
And you will beat it in the wrong place
There will be just nonsense.
(C - TUL + A \u003d Tula)

In the "foam" the letter "z" fell,
She did not want to get out.
The word new now
Has become a city. Check!
(Foam + z \u003d Penza)

There is a constellation Taurus,
And without "t" - there is a hail ...
There is standing on the Sosna River
Tulesa fish is famous.

Riddles with a catch geography

Riddles with a catch geography
Riddles with a catch geography

Riddles with a catch geography:

If rain over the field
Sowing a strip,
Direct from rain
He will make a scythe.
On the alleys of the park
The leaves will spin.
If it's hot in summer,
He will refresh you.

If lightning sparkles,
What always happens for her?
What is there in the sky, upstairs
So rumble like in the workshop?

If it is white,
That is the shadow of it.
If it happens black
Rain, like tears, spills.
Cloud and cloud

The sky is a blue sheet,
And on it lies the Perink.
What a white fluffy
Flew out of the Perinka?

Who glazed all puddles,
The lake covered with glass,
Allows on rinks

I made a boy a snowball.
Bach! - To the girl. Here is a blow!
And she is two response.
What is the winter game?

The sun is higher by spring.
Snow lies on the roof.
The luminary was tired
Yes, the snow was melted,
Water is dripping from the roof.
In the morning - a cone from ice.

Appears in the spring
And grows upside down,
And more faithfully, only the nose grows,
If there was frost at night.
All transparent beauties,
How crystal hangs ...

There is a common name
Nature of state.
From the time of the year
Depends …

In the summer it is blue,
In the fall - gray, evil,
And the wind drives clouds there,
From the clouds down-tears-stalls.
In winter, it is full of snowflakes,
Well, it is displeased - black.

Water poured from the sky,
Rain goes like a bucket.
As if the night came during the day
How do we call this rain?

Gray in the sky of cotton wool
Too wet.
From her, and wait,
Rains will begin to sow down.
Wind, you're mighty,
Rise in the sky ...

What a blue dome
Above you and over me
And on it, like a rocker
Did the arc hung rainbow?

The desired spring came
The river shook from sleep
And, like dolphins, arched their backs,
We sailed down the river ...

Everything knocks, herself without hands
And burns, but without fire.
This sky lit up
Bright light ...

What happened? What?
All the trees are in the White Khvy!
In snowy needles all the bushes
In the middle of winter you saw!
This is a winter sign.
What is the name of this needles?

He is without wings and without hands
The herd of clouds he is a shepherd,
There is also work on Earth:
Open the gate wider.

She looks like a hedgehog
Like a hedgehog, she is in needles too,
On it there are fruits - cones.
The girls are waiting for her, boys,
When she is under the New Year
It will come to stand on the holiday.

Frost covered with needles,
Cold and chilled
Bushes, trees branches.
What kind of needles, kids?

Nothing in the meadow
I can't consider it -
There was a white pan.
Well, to call Pan ...

You guess the riddle:
Everyone calls him like May,
Like June and how January,
Like April and as February,
His horns are visible
He is the night son of the moon.

A cloud came out for a walk
And took a box with her.
The cloud ran, frolic,
And the casket opened,
And scattered down - oh! -
Round, ice peas.

Vata flew across the sky.
Vata was dirty.
The wind drives away cotton
Vata sheds tears.
Is Vata to blame?
What is it, and guys?

Who will guess the riddle?
He is an invisible shepherd,
Drives in a blue field
He is sheep, white flies.

If the sun illuminated
Shines right away, like a luminary
Reflecting his rays,
And even then always in the night.
She will become round
They say: complete ...

In the morning, droplets of water
You will see on the grass
In drops of flower petals,
In drops of the leaves of the bushes.
He drinks a wasp from a drop.
These droplets - ...

You will not find them in the sky during the day
Though the light from the lighter,
Though go in your hands with fire.
But at night ... Christmas trees!
There are only flashes in the sky!
How are they calling the "flashes"?

A gloomy cloud sailed across the sky.
What was she unhappy with?
What angered her this time?
The fact that she is like a holey mattress!
Puffers pour into the holes.
These fluffs - ...

The rain has passed and the sun shines.
What a miracle in the sky, children?
The arc grows from the ground!
This is marvelous - ...

The offender is not visible -
We are offended.
Each finger froze
In the midst of winter.
And we lost
Mittens in the snow.
And who, except for mom,
Will it be angry with us?
Well, isn't it clear?
Hide your ears and nose!
You are in vain on us
Grandfather, grandfather ...

Only in the sky can be immediately
See a hare, porcupine,
And the elephant and the hippo,
Crocodile, sperm whale,
Dragonfly and moth.
And all this - ...

Dazzling bird
In the sky, a thunderstorm sparkles.
It will fly - the peals of thunder.
Do you know this bird?

Lightning flashes in the sky,
And behind her the sound goes
How the rockfall rumbles,
Il firecracker, but not in the way.

The sky suddenly closed,
It became dark-dark day.
In the stable - a cow and a goat.
Thunder struck, came ...

Fluffy Barashkov Big Herds
Drives around the sky and there,
There is no shepherd in the world.
And he became a shepherd ...

The day is over
Black shadow,
Like a bedspread
Falled to the ground.
And around darkness.
How to call it?

From the snow around everything will sparkle,
Kohl Santa Claus shakes the mitten,
In the forest, in the clean field, it will suddenly become white.
It doesn’t matter whether it is dark in the sky, light.
Dig a gimmer on the branches in the forest.
Frost will blow and begin ...

Video: jokes and riddles on geography for children

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