Riddles for OBZh for preschoolers, schoolchildren - the best selection with answers

Riddles for OBZh for preschoolers, schoolchildren - the best selection with answers

We bring to your attention a large selection of puzzles for OBZh for cognitive and fascinating classes with children.

Riddles for OBZh - the best selection

Riddles for OBZh - Best selection
Riddles for OBZh - the best selection

Riddles for OBZh - the best selection:

Where to call when emergency situations?

If a flame flashes in the house,
You are unlikely to cope yourself
Before arguing with him
Type ...


If you see a crime
Il preparation for him,
Citizens protect the rights,
Get it soon ...


If a person is bad
There is no sense in sigh and groan,
Dail the number urgently


If the house smells of gas,
Open the windows immediately
Do not turn on the light in the apartment
And call ...


Remember mom's phone,
He can be useful.
If you are left alone
Got lost, lost
Go to a passerby lady,
Let you call your mother.

What to do during a fire
There is no more unpleasant surprise
Than a burning TV.
But don't really rush
To pick up a fire extinguisher,
First of all, children, children
Take out a fork from ...


If the flame is dusting with heat
And there is no means of combating fire,
Run away soon
Sticking the door behind him.
After all, fire, although dangerous,
He will go out without air.

From fire, friends, alas,
You will not be saved in the bathroom.
Do not sit on the closet,
And go outside.
Kohl in the entrance, smoking,
The staircase is not the path to saving.
If smoke from all sides,
Go to ...


In a fire for people
Not one fire of the villain,
It is aiming with him
Harmful for health ...


If the house is multi -storey,
It is very important to remember:
In case of fire in it, friends,
You can’t go in the elevator down.

The fire is not sparing
No objects, no people.
If the flame is attached to you,
Wrap yourself in ...


What to do if you got burned?
Never a place of burns
Do not touch your fingers,
And you can’t be terrible bliste
Smear with alcohol or oil.
For a burn on the skin is strong
You can only put ...
(sterile bandage)


What to do during flood?
If the city is a flood,
So that no one is drowned in it,
You need to climb above -
On trees and on ...


What to do if the thermometer crashes?
If the thermometer crashes
The metal spilled from it,
You immediately know adults -
Mercury is terribly poisonous.

If you see where it got
Drops of liquid metal,
Do not play next to them,
But rather run away.
It’s just horror to be poisonous
Metal ...


What to do if insects bit?
Has the mosquito Il Gnus bit?
Do not comb the bite
And do not smell green with iodine,
And washing the solution ...


What to do if the bee stung?
Suddenly stung the bee?
These are bad deeds!
So that it is no longer possible,
Remove with tweezers ...
(the sting)

Riddles for OBZ with answers about nature security

Riddles for OBZ with answers about nature security
Riddles for OBZ with answers about nature security

Riddles for OBZh with answers about nature safety:

There is water in the refrigerator
In the summer it is not warmer than ice.
Petya that water got drunk
And terrible ... (caught a cold)


She sparkles in the sky,
Thunder warns us:
“Hide in a thunderstorm, friends,
Under the trees you can't! "


Millions of them in the forest
From passers -by sucks blood,
If you want to be healthy
Take the ointment from ...


Do not walk through the forest in the summer
Undetted and undressed,
There are more things on you
Less than bloodsuckers - ...


A lot has grown in the garden
Sweet vegetables and berries,
Vanya, without raining, ate them,
And the tummy ...
(fell ill)


If you want to swim,
Swim and splashing in the river,
Then don't choke suddenly
Inflatable will help ...
(a circle)


Berries ripen in forests
On the grass and on the bushes,
Only they do not tear them -
A lot of…


Making your way through the bushes
You are a little a little
And to the one ahead,
Don't go too close
Otherwise, aptly
It will hit the eye ...


Do not drink water from the river
Microbes swim in it,
But much worse
Drink from dirty ...


The tail of scaly is crawling,
The deadly poison is lucky
And hisses strictly for us:
“I will bite! Do not touch!"


Red hats in polka dots
The mushrooms are bad.
They say: “Go away!
Do not put us in the basket! "


Ignat really likes
The species are sweetly striped,
But she buzzes: “Do not touch!
The sting is burning like fire! "


He lives in a huge heap
You don't touch him better
Albeit small in appearance,
For resentment, it hurts painfully.


The angry flower has
Very burning leaves.
If touched,
They bite right away.


Pit, and at the bottom water,
Do not look there.
If you come close,
Bukh! And you will fall into the water.


If sunny and hot
Do not forget to put on a panama,
Otherwise, the sun is clap! -
And light up right on the forehead.


It fell on the floor of the coal
The wooden floor lit.
Do not look, do not wait, do not stand.
And rather pour ...


The fire will win
The one who is called ...


I rush with Siena to the fire,
I carry water with foam.
Turn the fire and heat
We are quickly like arrows.
(fire engine)


What kind of stairs is such
It grows out of the car,
Rising above the house
I am so familiar to all firefighters.
(staircase on a fire engine)


The smoke stuck in a carbon monoxide, the room is full of burning.
What is the fireman putting on?
What is impossible without?


I'm stronger in the world,
I am bolder in the world,
I'm not afraid of anyone
I will not conquer anyone.
(the fire)


Is it too early in the morning during the day, at night, in the morning
If something will light up,
That fire guard
Rushes to help quickly
Remember your friends tightly
That you can’t joke with fire!

Riddles for Preschoolers - safety on the road

Riddles for Preschoolers - safety on the road
Riddles for Preschoolers - safety on the road

Riddles for OBZh for preschoolers - safety on the road:

On a rubber drive
I’ll get around all the roads
I will come in handy at a construction site
I'm not afraid of work.
All paths are open to me.
You are with me along the way!


Turn it with a long neck,
The cargo is heavy picked up
Where they order - I will put
I serve a person.
(Lifting crane)


The house on the street goes
Everyone is lucky to work.
Not on chicken thin legs,
And in rubber boots.


He flies, does not buzz,
The beetle runs along the street,
And burn in the eyes of the beetle
Two shiny lights.


To help you, my friend
The path to go dangerous,
Fights burn day and night -
Green, yellow, red.
(Traffic light)


“Squeezed the monster
Emerald Eye -
So you can street
Go now.
(Traffic light)


I blink eyes
Tireless day and night.
I help the cars
And I want to help you.
(Traffic light)


Vigilantly looks at the guide
For a wide pavement.
As he will look with a red eye -
Everyone will stop at once.
And the green winks -
Both cars and people
Sent in front.
(Traffic light)


Upstairs - cars flow,
Here is a pleasant chill.
Here and the light will not go out in the afternoon
There are kiosks for newspapers.
(Underground crossing)


Hey, the driver carefully!
It is impossible to go quickly.
People know everything in the world -
Children go in this place!
(Sign "Children")


You will find my first syllable in the middle of the notes
The second and third elk will show.
Where you won’t go from home,
You will notice a whole at once.


In two rows of the house they stand -
10, 20, 100 in a row.
And square eyes
Everyone looks at each other.
(The outside)


The bus does not roll here.
The trams will not pass here.
There are calm pedestrians here
They go along the street.
For cars and for tram
The path-road is different.


If you are in a hurry on the way
Go through the street
Go there, where the whole people
Where there is a sign ...


On the road sign Tom
The man walks.
Striped paths
They lay us under the legs.
So that we do not know the worries
And they walked forward along them.


Cars rush menacingly,
Like an iron river!
So as not to be crushed,
Like a fragile bug, -
Under the road, like a grotto,
There is…
(Underground crossing)


He has a harsh hole -
Long, thick, like Bors,
He lay down at the crossing,
Protecting a pedestrian.
(Lying policeman)


Look, what a strong man:
On the move with one hand
I am used to stopping
Five -ton truck.


Lihachu will order "Stop!"
On the road …


He rolls briskly on rails,
All iron wheels.
Hey passerby, don't yawn -
It rolls ...


Riddles for OBZh for schoolchildren - on security in everyday life

Riddles for OBZh for schoolchildren - by security in everyday life
Riddles for OBZh for schoolchildren - on security in everyday life

Riddles for OBZh for schoolchildren - on security in everyday life:

This is a cramped-tower house.
One hundred sisters are clinging in him.
And any of the sisters
It can erupt like a fire.


They are usually for sewing;
And the hedgehog saw them;
Are on the pine tree, on the Christmas tree,
Are they called?


Boils - proceeds with a ferry,
And whistles and puffs with heat,
Grits the lid, knocks:
- Hey! Take me off! - Screams.


All I am made of iron
I have neither legs nor hands.
I will climb into the board on the board,
And for me all the knock and the knock.


He is floating on clothes,
Like a hot ship.
All the laundry has become marvelous
Very smooth and beautiful.


I am very fragile
Take care of me.
If only you break -
Only gather fragments.
(Glass jar)


They love to cut it very much,
Cut and cut.


I don't want to be silent -
Give me a plenty to knock!
And knocks on the day-day
He is an iron head.
(A hammer)


I'll sit under my arm
And what to do will indicate:
Or I will allow for a walk,
Or put in bed.


Mushroom pickers really need it,
You can’t cook dinner without it,
You won’t go hunting.
What is this?


Strokes everything that concerns
And touch it - bites.


Cuts bread
Will smear oil
But remember:
It is dangerous from him!


Filled with gunpowder shell.
He is waiting for the team from the guys.
It sparkles with different lights,
Under the clouds when it takes off.


And shirts and pants,
He strokes for you, kids,
But remember your friends
That you can’t play with him!


Then back, then forward
Walks, wanders the ship.
Stop - grief
Sick the sea.


Then back, then forward
Wandering, wandering the steamer.
Stop - grief
You will perfume the sea.


Speaked too suddenly

Electric iron,
What should you do, children?
Take out a fork from ...


Fell on the floor
The wooden floor burned.
Do not look, don't wait, do not stand,
And pour it ...


The stove is burning - do not touch it,
Because in it ...


Shalun with matches praised
Shalun to the hospital ...


If younger sisters
Light matches at home,
What should you do?
Those matches at once ...
(Take away.)


If the garbage is stored where
Or just different trash,
It will be necessary to work hard
Put things in order there.
Broom, a shovel was taken
And quickly everything ...


If you want to save property
Do not leave when he drowns ...


The iron is included, there are no owners,
A trace smokes on the sheet.
Guys, take measures,
Hot iron ...
(Turn off!)


Firefighter often defended in fire
Such a “cap” is made of metal.


The substance is flying
With a caustic smell and without color
From the burner in the kitchen streams,
Chirking with a speech - it will light up at once.


I'm running along the paths
I can't without a path.
Where are I guys no,
Light will not light up in the house.


The smoke stuck in a carbon monoxide
Garia is full of the room.
What is the fireman putting on?
What is impossible without?


Who is both strict and important,
In a bright red tails, dressed up,
As in the service, sentry -
Protects our peace?
Well, if it suddenly happens -
Something will smoke somewhere,
Or suddenly a fire-prisoner
Will flare up at the door
He will always have time to help
And the villain will overcome ...
Both the child and the parent
They know - he ...
(fire extinguisher)

Puzzles for OBZh for high school students - fire safety

Puzzles for OBZh for high school students - fire safety
Puzzles for OBZh for high school students - fire safety

Riddles for OBZh for high school students - fire safety:

I am shaggy, I'm kudlat,
I am over every hut in winter
Above the fire and the factory,
Above the bonfire and steamer.
But nowhere is it
It does not happen without fire.


The stove was flooded in the house,
But the damper was not opened.
He did not go through the pipe
And the pillar stands in the hut.


And the face of the chimneyist
It is not clean-clean.
On the cheeks and centuries even
He turns black ...


A meek prisoner for years
I live inside the furnace
And I cook soups with borscht,
I bake kalachi.
I give warmth for the house
But in me always, believe me,
Strash the thunder
Clothing is hidden beast.


A little born - he is funny
Quiet, weak, but insidious.
Grows up - cracks and burns,
The swarm of sparks
And dancing on the charcoal,
It often causes fear.


Logs in the firebox blazing
And these "stars" throws these in us.
One burning particle
A fire can turn.


Hanging - is silent,
And turn over, hisses,
And the foam flies.
(Fire extinguisher.)


With the tip of the iron,
With a bent hook
Firefire inventory.
He is not familiar to you?


Climbs into the flame ahead
Fireman inventory ...


On wheels, not WHO.
With water, not a steam locomotive.
Sides in belts,
Always on the clock.
(Fire barrel.)


Red crown,
Two ears, two puffs,
The empty shrubs
And fill it - is silent.
(Fire bucket.)


The head is burning with fire,
The body melts and burns.
I want to be useful:
There are no lamps - I will mess up.


Daughters are sleeping
In a plywood house.
Sonya, Tikhon
Fire in the heads.


This is a cramped-tough house:
One hundred sisters are clinging in him.
And any of the sisters
It can erupt like a fire!
Do not joke with the sisters
Thin ...


She won all the matches.
In combustible gas, her strength.
Tired - I need to refuel,
Burning so that she again.


Who is dangerous to the whole district
With a sultry day, in a crazy blizzard?
Who will leave us without a shelter
Without a coat in the frost harsh?


There are no matches with you,
I saw a flame - extinguish.
From the game with fire - trouble:
The house burns without a trace.


The flame beats from under the roof,
We hear a cry for help,
Everyone is fussing, a nightmare!
This disaster - ...


I helped to extinguish the fire
I earned there ...
But my family is proud -
I saved the cat's cat!


Tourists will come to the camp,
He will be divorced in the evening.
He will blaze for a long time
Warm them with their warmth.


Here the clouds sprinkled with rain,
It suddenly became light, just in the afternoon.
What dazzles sparkles,
Does the thunder give birth to a deafening?
(Does the trees set fire in the forest?)


White eats, black drops.
(Luchina burns.)


Shakhtar knocks with a hammer,
Black stone mines.
He then burns in the stove,
Our house warms our winter.


Black horse
Jumps into the fire.


It is usually incurred,
But in the same word they call
Family comfort, house and shelter,
Where is care and love.


What comes from fire
Gowing you, you, me?


You have, I have
At the boot, by the fire.
(Language is a flame language.)


The hostess drowns a stove in the kitchen,
Tell me when the fire goes out,
What remains of firewood?
You are ready to call me the word?


I am an insidious arsonist!
You want fire - Nate!
I am an omnipotent oxidizing agent
(If only give firewood).


The candle spilled tears
It just became tiny.
The flame does not beat cheerfully.
What is the candle now called?


I helped to extinguish the fire
I earned there ...
But my family is proud -
I saved the cat's cat!

If suddenly trouble came
We always beat the bell.
Flood, fire -
Everyone will run away: small and old.


Tourists will come to the camp,
He will be divorced in the evening.
He will blaze for a long time
Warm them with their warmth.

OBZh - riddles for children interesting

OBZh - riddles for children interesting
OBZh - riddles for children interesting

OBZh - riddles for children are interesting:

A hundred fires are kept in a small barn.


Moshka flew - a pine leg,
She sat on the stack - ate all the hay.


The wand is thin, but not a toy.
Lives in his box.
It will fall into the hands of children -
Briefing will bring a big one.


This is a cramped-tower house.
One hundred sisters are clinging in it.
And any of the sisters
It can erupt like a fire.


In a wooden house
Gnomic live.
Such good -ows -
Give out the lights to everyone.


In a purely cleaned light
Dorm sisters-jelly.


Logs in the firebox blazing
And these stars throws into us.
One burning particle
A fire can turn.


They, like spray from fire,
Everyone strives to burn me.


I am small, so angry, a little candle.
But if I fly, I’ll bring a lot of grief.


What happens if birds light up matches at home?


He is a friend of the guys, but when they rummage with him,
He becomes an enemy and burns everything around.


I can sometimes be meek
I will warm your home in the winter.
But if they take to play with me -
I can turn around with a fire!


On a halt helped us:
I cooked the soup, the potatoes are baking.
For a campaign, he is good
Yes, you can’t carry it with you.
(Fire, fire)


It is so different -
White, blue and red,
Bright yellow and, more,
He can be Olympic.


Firebird flies
Golden feathers drops.


That, touching barely,
Does it turn firewood into smoke?


He eats everything, does not eat,
And he drinks - he is not enough.


He is a friend of the guys, but when they are rummaging with him, he
He becomes an enemy and burns everything around.


The red cock runs along the pole.


Without arms, without legs, but rages.


He hisses and angers, and is afraid of water.


Hisses and angers, is afraid of water,
With the tongue, not barking,
Without teeth, but bites.


The red beast in the stove is sitting,
The red beast is angry with everyone,
He eats firewood with anger
An hour, and maybe two,
You don't touch his hand,
Cules the whole palm.

Without arms, without legs, but rages.

You feed - lives,
You will drink - it will die.

I don't chew, but eat everything,
I just eat everything, but I die of hunger.

Father is hot and red,
It happens that he is dangerous.
And the son calls the bird -
He will not return to the father.
(Fire and smoke)


Father was only born
And the son is already walking along the street.
(Fire and smoke)


While the father was born,
The son was in the world.
(Fire, smoke)


Red bull on the ground lies,
The blue bull is reaching for the sky.
(Fire, smoke)


I am over every house in winter,
Above the fire and the factory,
Above the bonfire and steamer,
But nowhere, it never happens to me without fire.


Without wings, without legs,
And everything climbs the mountain.


Kucheriyvy Ivan climbs the mountain.

Without arms, without legs,
And he ran into the hut.

Riddles on the topic of OBZh for children

Riddles on the topic of OBZh for children
Riddles on the topic of OBZh for children

Riddles on the topic of OBZh for children:

He has three signals.
You name the signals.
There are exactly three of them in a row ...
(Red, yellow, green)


Everyone sees it at once.
He hangs between two supports.
He has three eyes.
He is called ...
(Traffic light)


Close - wide,
From afar - narrow.


What kind of dark hole?
Here, probably, Nora?
The fox lives in that hole.
These are the miracles!
Not a ravine here and not a forest,
Here the road is on the cut!
There is a sign by the road,
But what is he talking about?


Vigilantly looks at the guide
For a wide pavement.
As he looks at the red eye -
Everyone will stop at once ...
(Traffic light)


The night is dark. There is no sun.
For the night to come without troubles,
People need a beacon -
One -legged firefly.


Warns this sign,
That the road has a zigzag here,
And the car is waiting ahead
(Dangerous turn)


Under the feet of the earring
Striped path.
He boldly walks on her,
And behind him and the whole people.


On the sidelines are worth
They talk with us silently.
They are ready to help everyone.
The main thing is to understand them.
(Road signs)


Lihachu will order "Stop!"
On the road …


Commanding the rod
He directs everyone
And one controls all the intersection.
He is like a wizard
Car trainers,
And the name is ...


A friend stands along the road,
What does we say.
Instead of words in winter and summer
He shines us with different lights ...
(Traffic light)


Two wheels are enough for him
And the motor does not disappoint.
You just need to get it -
And a happy journey!


Red circle, rectangle
Every schoolboy must know:
This is a very strict sign.
And where did you not be in a hurry
With dad in a car,
You will not go through.
(No entry)


Iron animals
They growl and buzz.
Eyes like cats
At night - burn.


Here the car will not go.
The main here is a pedestrian.
That they don't interfere with each other,
It is necessary to keep the way on the right.


It will oblige us to go quietly,
The turn nearby will show
And he will remind you what and how
You on the way ...
(Road sign)


What a zebra without hooves:
Dust flies not under her,
And over it a blizzard of dust
And cars fly.

There are no militia caps,
And in the eyes of a glass light,
But any car will say:
You can go or not ...
(Traffic light)


The move is ahead -
Brakes and wait:
It is lowered - the move is the move,
And raise - drive.


What a miracle this house is
The windows are light around.
Wears rubber shoes
And feeds on gasoline.


Machines grinded:
It’s time to cool the tires
Let's stop where the square is!
But the letter "er" intervened:
Only I can decide
Where to allow the parking lot!
(Parking lot)


A person walks for me.
Zebra calls me.


Hey, the driver carefully!
It is impossible to go quickly.
People know everything in the world
Children go in this place!
(Sign "Children")


Brakes soon the driver!
You can crash into the fence!
Who blocked us the way
And blocked the road?
(Railway barrier)


On the side of the road,
Like soldiers, they stand.
We are all doing,
All that they drive to us.


Our bus was driving,
And he drove up to the site.
And on it the people misses it,
Silently the transport awaits.


Not alive, but coming
Fighting - but leads.


Commanding the rod, he directs everyone,
And one controls all the intersection.
He is like a wizard, cars, a trainer,
And the name is ...


The sign was hanged with dawn,
So that everyone knows about it:
Here the repair is the road -
Take care of your legs!
(Road works)


White circle with a kamka red
So it is not dangerous to go.
Maybe he hangs in vain?
What do you say friends?
(Movement Prohibition)


Two roads walked for a long time
And they approached each other.
They did not quarrel
They crossed and ran further.
What kind of place is it,
We are all interested in.


If you are in a hurry on the way
Go through the street
Go there, where the whole people
Where there is a sign ...


What light tells us:
"Come on - the path is open" Green
It got into a patrol for us
Bulk -eyed ...?
(Traffic light)


He has a harsh hole -
Long, thick, like Bors,
He lay down at the crossing,
Protecting a pedestrian.
(Lying policeman)


Near the highway lies,
Transport does not run on it.
Well, if suddenly trouble
Then they move here.


The rolling pin walks along the road
Overweight, huge.
And now we have a road
Like a ruler, even.


You can't take this tape
And you won’t swim into the pigtail.
On earth she lies,
Transport runs along it.


Red circle, and in it my friend,
A quick friend is a bicycle.
The sign says: here and around
There is no travel on a bicycle.
(Cycling is prohibited)


What is this miracle-yudo
Two humps, like a camel?
This triangular sign
Is it called what?
(Rough road)

OBZh - riddles for presentation about personal hygiene

OBZh - riddles for presentation about personal hygiene
OBZh - riddles for presentation about personal hygiene

OBZh - riddles for presentation about personal hygiene:

To be clean always,
Everyone needs everyone ...


To make the hair shone and
They had a beautiful view,
To sparkle with cleanliness,
Get it soon for me.


After the bath I help,
I get wet, wipe it.
Fluffy, terry,
Clean, new.


In the morning and evenings
Brushes - brushes teeth to us,
And the day is resting,
He misses a glass.


I wake up early in the morning
Together with the sun is rosy.
I fill the crib itself
I do quickly ...


All girls and boys
Wear me in a pocket
And how I need it,
So they will get me.


The little girl
He sat down on the top of the head.
Not moth, not a bird -
Holds two pigtails.


If the rain, we are not bothering -
Boyko slap on the puddles.
The sun will shine -
We should stand under a hanger.
(Rubber boots)


Walks and boils on the carpets,
He drives his nose in the corners.
Where it went - there is no dust there,
Dust and SOR - his lunch.
(A vacuum cleaner)


Who cannot call me?
I look like a hedgehog.
I'm from dust and spots
I guard your dress.
(Loan brush)


Let's play! Pass in rhyme in chorus!
If you came from a walk,
It is necessary quickly ...
(Wash the hands)


In the morning two minutes
We must clean ...

So as not to part with health,
It is necessary right ...


They offer us everywhere
Eat on the go ... (fast food).
The word is in fashion, yes,
Only from him ...


Under the synthetic leather
He cannot breathe correctly.
Cotton fabric, wool, flax
For health to us ...


Even in a dense schedule
Leave a place for ...


So as not to be afraid of colds,
It is necessary since childhood ...


You can spoil your vision,
If you read ...


Don't sit all day at home
To walk …
(Come out!)

I repeat, again and again I
The well -known aphorism:
Cleanliness - the key to health,
Take care of the body!

Riddle about the subject of OBZh on a military theme

Riddle about the subject of OBZh on a military theme
Riddle about the subject of OBZh on a military theme

Riddle about the subject of OBZh on a military topic:

The barrel sticks out of the fence,
He is mercilessly scribbling.
Who is guessing, he will understand
What it is ...
(Machine gun)


She wore the name girl
And the enemy mowed with fire,
The enemy plans to disdain
Legendary ...


Dad is small in stature
But beautiful, like an artist,
The engine starts simply
So, daddy ...


I grow up, and after the brother
I will also be a soldier
I will help him
Protect your ...


A cockerel without eyes, but pecks aptly.


I'll put it under myself
And under the head,
Yes, and will take refuge from above.


Under fire, under the bullets straight,
The whole war was our ...
(Armored car)


At night, at noon, at dawn
He carries a secret.
(Border guard)


Not God, not the king,
But you can’t disobey.


Matvey is small, but it spits far.


It doesn't look like a gun
And gives God.


Similar to the gun,
Put - so give me a god
Enemies do not leave,
Do not save yourself.
(Guards mortar)


He is ready in the fire and fight,
Protecting us with you.
He goes to the patrol and in the city,
Will not leave the post ...
Answer: Soldier


This Friday again
We go to shoot with dad to shoot,
So that I could, to the army,
Become like "Voroshilovsky ..."!
Answer: Shooter


Who guys are on the border,
Our land will guard our land,
To work and study,
Could our people calmly?
Answer: Border guard


Dad is small in stature
But beautiful, like an artist,
The engine starts simply
So, daddy ...
Answer: Tanker


Homeland gave an order,
And he is immediately to the Caucasus!
Jumped at night with a parachute
Road, sometimes a minute!
Answer: Paratrooper


The plane stands on take -off,
I'm ready to be in flight.
I am waiting for the cherished order,
Protect to you from the sky!
Answer: Pilot


"Where we are, there is victory!"
The motto is our glorious, combat.
We are from the sea to the shore from the century,
We fled the "stone" wall!
Answer: Sea infantry


I serve in the fleet now,
I have good hearing.
There is the same in the infantry -
We are friends with a walkie -talkie not in vain!
Answer: radio operator


If dad is very brave
He will protect everyone skillfully,
Air troops will celebrate the holiday,
That means he ...
Answer: Paratrooper


At the Officer-Revelet,
Only two stars so far.
The captain has not grown up,
In what rank he is, the question.
Answer: Lieutenant


The plane soars like a bird
There is an air border.
On the post both day and night
Our soldier is a military ...
Answer: Pilot


I want to become a sailor
To visit the sea,
And not to serve on earth,
And on the military ...
Answer: Ship


We have "poplar", "poplar",
We do not serve Flora at all.
We are on guard we are countries
So that there is no more war.
Answer: missile troops


The car rushes briskly into battle,
The enemy does not conceal before her,
That car in the field is clean
Controlled …
Answer: tanker


You can become a soldier
Swim, ride and fly,
And if you go hunting in the ranks -
Waiting for you, soldier, ...
Answer: Infantry


His car is all in armor,
Like a turtle.
After all, in war as in war,
There should be no fear here!
The gun barrel is ahead:
Dangerous! Enemy, don't come!
Answer: Tanker


He lifts him to heaven
Your steel bird.
He sees mountains and forests,
Air boundaries.
Why does it fly in an embroidered?
To protect your country!
Answer: Military pilot, pilot


In this form, dark blue
He protects the country
And in a huge submarine
It falls to the bottom.
Protecting the ocean,
Was in the ports of a dozen countries.
Answer: submariner


Strong durable parachute
He opened behind him,
And in a few minutes
He sank to the ground.
It will pass both forest and ford,
But he will find the enemy.
Answer: Paratrooper


To serve the homeland,
You need to be very strong.
To accumulate strength,
We need to be friends with the spoon.
Only mom is not nearby ...
Who concocts dinner?


A young soldier was wounded
On the field in the morning early.
And he took him to Sanbat
And processed the wounds.
Remove the daredevil from the body
Dangerous fragments.
His hand was hard:
"Live, brother, long!"
(Military doctor)


Both at the front and in the rear
Day and night are fighting:
Lives to the wounded rescue,
They help to return to the system.
(Military doctors, nurses)

Riddle for OBZh on dangerous electrical appliances

Riddle for OBZh on dangerous electrical appliances
Riddle for OBZh on dangerous electrical appliances

Riddle for OBZh on the topic of dangerous electrical appliances:

Walks - wanders around the carpets,
He drives his nose in the corners.
Where it went - there is no dust there,
Dust and SOR - his lunch.
(A vacuum cleaner)


Look, what kind of house-
Even in the summer, a cold in it.


Miracles in the evenings
I show you
On mine, friends, the screen
Then the seas are noisy in the fog,
Then the fruits pumps the garden.
There are programs for guys.


There is a red chest,
You can’t touch him - he is silent,
But it is worth turning the pen,
He will speak and sing.


He is with a rubber trunk,
With the stomach of the canvas.
How his motor will ruin,
He swallows both dust and sor.
(A vacuum cleaner)


I will see the dust - the grunt,
I will finish and swallow.
(A vacuum cleaner)


In a license country along the River Zaspes
The ship floats, then back, then forward,
And behind him is such a surface, not to see wrinkles


A pear hangs -
You can’t eat.

House - Glass Bubble,
And the light lives in it.
He sleeps in the afternoon, and how he wakes up
It lights up with a bright flame.


Passed under the ceiling
Amazing lace.
Screwed the bubble -
The light caught fire.


What kind of button? Pressed,
I waited at the threshold
And they opened the door to you:
Come in, you are a guest now


Decorates the apartment, but not furniture.
It burns brightly, but not fire.
Rigs, but not a bell.
Shimmers and sparkles, but not diamond.
Hanging, but not fruit.

Put the magic circle
And a friend will hear me.


So the house -
One window!
Every day
In the cinema window.


He climbed onto the table from under the bench,
Looked around on the stand,
The flexible tail wilted
The folds from the tie were licked.


No ears, but hears,
There are no hands, but writes.
(Record player)


I will not say boasting:
I’ll rejuvenate all my friends!
There are dull to me -
With wrinkles, with folds,
Very cute leave -
Funny and smooth!
So I'm a reliable friend
Electric ...


He sleeps in the afternoon, and how he wakes up
It lights up with a bright flame.


Light, look -
North Pole inside!
There is snow and ice sparkles,
Winter itself lives there.
This winter is forever
They brought from the store.

There is one window in the houses,
Unusual a little
Who will appear in the window -
He will say the word to the whole country.


A voice is cast through the field and a forest.
He runs along the wires -
You will say here, but you can hear there.


In the summer, our dad brought frost in a white box.
And now the frost of a gray house in summer and winter
Process products: meat, fish, fruits.


What a steamer
Does the waves walk?
Where it will pass,
The waves disappear.


He blinks with a yellow eye,
He is all the time at the post.
He burns and disperses
On the road is dark.


There is a beautiful chest.
You won’t touch him - he is silent.
But it is worth clicking the button,
He will sing, and you will dance.
(Record player)

Riddles for OBZh about electricity

Riddles for OBZh about electricity
Riddles for OBZh about electricity

Riddles for OBZh about electricity:

Night -
But if I want
Click once -
And I turn on the day.
Answer: The switch
I am small
I am evil.
A little candle
I never grumble.
Sometimes I will fall like that
I will smash everything
I will bring a lot of grief.
Answer: Electric spark
House - Glass Bubble,
And the light lives in it.
He is sleeping during the day
And how will he wake up
It lights up with a bright flame.
Answer: lantern, electric light
I have a boy in the house I have
Three and a half years.
He lights without fire
In the entire apartment, light.

He will click once -
Light with us.
He will click once -
And the light went out.
Answer: Electric bulb


I'm running along the paths
I can't without a path.
Where are I guys no,
Light will not light up in the house.
Answer: Electricity


To distant villages, cities
Who goes through the wires?
Light Majesty!
It …
Answer: Electricity


Riddle for OBZh about dangerous natural phenomena

Riddle for OBZh about dangerous natural phenomena
Riddle for OBZh about dangerous natural phenomena

Riddle for OBZh about dangerous natural phenomena:

First shine,
For shine, a crack,
Behind the bang - shine.
Answer: Thunderstorm


I have grown, heated
I washed and left.
Both gardens and gardens
The whole okrug was poured.
Answer: Thunderstorm


Throw a fiery sword
Yes, there is no one.
Then he will bargain with the bass
It cries for an hour.
Answer: Thunderstorm


Fire -shaped girl
On the girl - the world is wondering!
The sky embroidered with a sling -
Rolls with a booby.
Answer: Thunderstorm


Black yarn.
The needle is fiery.
Water threads.
Answer: Thunderstorm


Thunder thundered in the sky,
The whole house shakes
I closed my eyes.
What is on the street?
Answer: Thunderstorm


The clouds of the sun were obscured,
Thunder laughs rolled.
In the sky lightning strip -
So it has begun ...
Answer: Thunderstorm


Here the horse rushes around the sky -
Fire flies from under the legs.
The horse huds the powerful
And the clouds are cracking.
So he runs hard,
That the earth is trembling below.
Answer: Thunderstorm


I made it?
I washed and left.
Both gardens and gardens
The whole district and poured.
Answer: Thunderstorm


Thunder thundered in the sky,
The whole house shakes
I closed my eyes.
What's on the street ...


Redeled arrow
Oak dumped at the village.


From a down cap
Arrows fly without looking back.
After noise and rain
Vata evaporated all.
(Lightning from the cloud)


A thunderstorm brightly sparkles,
Thunder thunders above his head.
Children close the ears ...
And they run home with a coward.
Drops spray from the sky,
The foliage rustles from them.
The bad weather was
And it began ...


Redeled arrow
Oak burned at the village ...
Zlyuka waves menacingly.
It beats loudly in a booby tambourine
And at the same time it pours tears.
(Answer: Thunderstorm)


Sister and brother live:
Everyone sees one
Yes, he does not hear
Everyone hears the other
Yes, he does not see.


Electric discharge,
But no one is happy for him.
Often he happens to a thunderstorm,
From the sky it hit the ground.
And no matter what he touches,
Everything is charred, burned.


I'm sure the guys
They heard my peals.
After all, they always happen
If lightning sparkles.
For her, I am the best friend -
Very formidable booming sound.


Invisible - a giant
He hits a huge drum.
Answer: Thunder


Throw a fiery sword
Yes, there is no one.
Then he will bargain with the bass
Then crying for an hour ...
Answer: Thunderstorm


Sparkles, blinks,
Crooked arrows are allowing.
Answer: Lightning


Eagle bird flies,
Carries fire in his teeth,
The firing arrows are allowing
No one will catch her.
Answer: Lightning


Fire arrow flies.
No one will catch her:
Neither the king nor the queen,
Not a red girl.
Answer: Lightning


Redeled arrow
Oak dumped at the village.
Answer: Lightning


Electric discharge,
But no one is happy for him.
Often he happens to a thunderstorm,
From the sky it hit the ground.
And no matter what he touches,
Everything is charred, burned.
Answer: Lightning


Pan flew.
Ha Vody Pal
No one
And he did not slip.


Ah, they are - PAZBEGYT.


Poyavli - so


The field, LEC and LYG,
O Tych and Tych,
TS You know, kto?


Had so,
I had a long time,
Hocalized the NAC LEC -
Popoxyed and and and and and it.


B Inlaments of YDAP -
There is no time.


And when, and how
BCE Okpygi.


He is coming, it will not
A swimming and floating.


He is a peshex, but it goes.
MODENT people Y Vopot.
Lobs a dvopnik ego in Kadky.
What is the same?


He was in CIT
And, having been in love,
Tychki to the rest.

Riddles for OBZh security in nature

Riddles for OBZh security in nature
Riddles for OBZh security in nature

Riddles for OBZh security in nature:

The first commandment.
Do not spoil the bark of trees
His autograph,
What were you here, we will believe
But you'd better not!


The second commandment.
Do not break, kids!
The trees have a branch!
Each twig
For wood - .... baby.


The commandment is the third.
Do not take the dog in the forest:
You see, the dog climbed into the nest.
He does not understand,
What chicks ... scares!


The commandment is fourth.
Hedgehog puffs and frowns:
“What am I to you, cleaning lady?
I can’t sweep the forest in any way
Follow ... purity "!


The commandment is fifth.
Although you are still a child
But you are not a pig,
In the meadow is not a duck
Everything ... take away!


The commandment is sixth.
Do not make noise in the forest, guys,
Forest residents are unpleasant!
Keep quiet,
No noise is needed .... nobody.


The seventh commandment.
Fire in the forest do not divorce,
Forest from the fire take care
Kohl divorced, keep in mind:
Before leaving zabushi!


Commandment eighth.
Do not tear bouquets in the forest,
We must remember about it.
Let the flowers grow in the forest!
Take care of the forests ... beat!


Ninth commandment.
Do not ruin bird nests!
And to others ... do not let!


The commandment is tenth.
Not stomping mushrooms with your feet
Let them have a lot in front of you.
Eat the mushroom, take it,
Inedible - leave it!


I beg you, children!
Remember these commandments!
And in the forest, please do not forget
They must .... perform!


Put all the garbage in the bag and take it with you -
After all, no one will remove it for you.
Do not break the bottles under the foot -
People and the forest people will be injured.
And if suddenly food remains from lunch -
You carefully fold all ... under the bush.


Do not dilute the bonfire, where you are.
And then the forest will die - and everything is gone.
You better light it on the site of the old
Where someone had already bred fire.
So that the picnic does not end with a fire -
Away from trees rest ... device.


Cigarette butts
A cigarette butt is the same garbage.
He is poisonous, as the Ministry of Health says.
A fire will happen in the forest if you do not extinguish.
Burn him in the stake - and you will be right!


Never eat
Unfamiliar berries ...
And mushrooms-gangs
Do not drag in the mouth:
The head will be spinning
The stomach will get sick
And from poisoning ....
The doctor will not save.


You always need to follow health,
And therefore is supposed to wash
Fruits and vegetables before meals
Very carefully warm water ...
The washed apple shines brighter,
And the stomach is from him ... does not hurt.


Do not spray aerosols
Near open fire
From a mosquito or from moths,
From the spider and from the blind ...
After all, if you spray on the flame,
The bonfire rises to heaven,
And as a result they will suffer
Friends, you yourself ... and a whole forest.

Riddles for OBZh - safe toys for children

Riddles for OBZh - safe toys for children
Riddles for OBZh - safe toys for children

Riddles for OBZh - safe toys for children:

I hold it for a leash
Although he is not a puppy at all.
And he broke off the leash
And flew under the clouds.
Your tail
I held in my hand
You flew - I ran.
Round, smooth, like a watermelon ...
Color is any, to a different taste.
If you let go from the leash
He will fly away to the clouds.
At the tail tied,
He flies behind us under the clouds.
This bird will not darken,
This bird will return
Let it circle under the clouds -
I hold the tail with my hands.


At least it takes off to the clouds,
But the tail is tied to us.
Keep him
He is a funny air ...


Today everything rejoices!
In the hands of the children
They dance with joy
Air ...

On an empty stomach
They beat me unbearable;
Players are poured aptly
My feet are cuff.
Soccer ball
The air is inflated into it
And they kick him with his foot.
Soccer ball

Blue eyes,
Kudri gold,
Pink sponges.



Here is a stubborn person!
Do not force you to lie down forever!
Do you meet this?
He doesn't want to sleep at all
I'll put it - gets up again
And standing - sways.
What is it called?


This thick toy
Do not put on the pillow.
Know, I took an example from the horse:
Standing to sleep, not in the crib!

Different girlfriends are nearby,
But they look like each other.
They all sit in each other,
And only one toy.


In this young man
The sisters are hiding.
Each sister -
For less - a dungeon.


What toy
First they break in half,
And then they play it?

There is one doll in the world
This doll is loved by children.
She's big fashionista -
Dresses endlessly changing.


I am changing her outfits
I put to sleep, I drive for a walk,
I will comb out and if necessary
I will tie a beautiful bow.
What is I playing with, tell me, friends?


What does all of this mean?
Daughter, not crying;
You will put down to sleep -
Will sleep
Day, and two, and even five.

You will knock on the wall - and I will bounce.
Throw it to the ground - and I will jump.
I'm flying from my palms in my palms
I do not want to lie quietly.


It will fall - it will jump,
Hit - does not cry.


Beat him with his hand and stick
No one sorry for him.
And why are the poor fellow?
And for the fact that he will put on.


He is funny and funny
He jumps together with me
Deftly jumping like a bunny
Striped, round .......


Growing, but daring,
I rode away from me.
Though he always put on -
It is never bored with him.

I lie down, hiding in a corner
While you are sitting with the book.
When will the lesson end
And I'm jumping with you.
I am multi -flowing and elastic,
At least not alive, but still a friend!


You throw in the river - it does not sink,
Beat on the wall - does not groan,
You will throw about the ground -
It will fly up.


It is basketball,
Volleyball and football.
Jumps, jumps, flies
And he does not know fatigue.


I will jump on the asphalt
I fly through the courtyard in the grass.
Do not hide me from friends,
Play with them in ...


These miracles are bricks
I received as a gift.
What I lay out of them - I will break
I start all first.


I will be like that
Like our Uncle Evdokim:
Make chairs and tables,
Color doors and floors.
In the meantime, sister Tanyushka
I do it myself ...


This is a playground.
The ball here is a bucket, a shoulder blade.
Both boys and girls
Brought with them ...



And I draw and sculpt -
I love it very much.
And to his sister Valyushka
I do it myself ...


Bricks take color,
We add any houses,
Even a circus for the public.
After all, we have ...


Build a house from bricks,
He is still nobody.
Here is a brick to the brick -
I am building everything I want!
I don't like it - I break
And start again.


I will get them soon
I will build a house for animals,
There will be a table and a chair in the house,
To be more comfortable in him.
For a machine, I will build a garage with a bridge ...
What is I playing with, tell me, friends?
Construction cubes


I build everything I want!
I put a brick to the brick -
I will build a tall house
And the settlement of the animals in him.


The whole board in squares,
They are full of soldiers.
There are no cartridges for soldiers
But they will put a shah and mat.

She does not need a driver at all.
You start it with the key -
The wheels will begin to spin.
Put it and it rushes.
Clothing machine


The very empty,
The voice is thick,
The fraction beats,
Walking helps.


The peas ringing in it,
Karapuzov is amused.
This is the first toy
Under the name ...


You can’t do without it,
If I'm waiting for guests for tea:
Teddy bear, frog,
Striped kitten.
I want to treat everyone
Fragrant tea drink.
What is I playing with, tell me, friends?
Toy dishes


The brother has a lot of them:
Passenger, cargo and special such.
In this I open the door
Sand is loaded into this ...
My brother and I, to be honest
We play the whole day.
What is I playing with, tell me, friends?


Yellow huts
Hold on each other.
One with a pipe
Pulls everyone behind him.

Here the toy is not simple
And it happens like a living.
I will twist the key from the side
He will run wherever I want.
What is I playing with, tell me, friends?
Clothing toy

As if in a circus, a circle behind a circle
Horses rush one after another.
And the kids rush to them,
It is very difficult to resist!
Only their children hide their fear
And they laugh, not cry.
Up down,
Up down,
Do you want to ride -
Sit down on us.
On a deer, on a horse
It’s good for me to ride!
Not on the tundra, not in the meadow -
I'm going on a miracle-circle.
I'm jumping, I'm flying
I am delighted!


Under your feet a board,
And in the hands of ropes.
On the board under the clouds
We take off deftly.


I only hold on the go
And if I become, I will fall!

He is a rocking chair and a bed
It is good to lie on it.
He is in the garden or in the forest
Walking by weight.

This horse does not eat oats
Instead of legs - two wheels.
Sit on top and rush on it,
Only better to the rule of the steering wheel.


Look deeper into the pipes: as in a fairy tale,
There were paints in the pattern.
The tube is not a microscope.
And color ...

He is slim and beautiful,
He has a thick mane.
Sorry, you can’t rush on it.
Only you can swing.

Gray bike beast,
Clotted Long Lower.
Well, who he is, guess.
And give him carrot!
The funny beast is sewn from Plush,
There are paws, there are ears.
Give a little beast a little.
And arrange him a den.
Teddy bear

This soft toy -
Long -eared beast.
Give her carrots in the foot,
After all, this toy - ...

Favorite beast all of Plush:
Paws, tail, even ears.
Teddy bear

I'm spinning, I’ll beg,
And I'm not too lazy
Walk even all day.
The baby is dancing,
And only one leg.
Will spin on a sharp leg,
Buzzing, as if a bug,
He wants - to jump a little,
He wants - he will lie on the barrel.

The guys have fun with me:
On my leg I spin alone,
While I get it,
I'm not giving up
I am circling - buzzing
Zhuzhzhu - I am circling.

When April takes his
And the streams run ringing,
I'm jumping through her
And she is through me.

Under enemy shelling
The soldiers are bold.
And if they are being played,
They get up again.


Ask me how I work?
- I am circling around my axis.


One -legged Ivashka -
Painted shirt!
Sing, dance - mastic,
And to stand in any way.


At least on the leg he is alone,
It is spinning like a grooved.
It will only get tired - on the barrel.
Bright, mischievous ...

Riddles on OBZh about tools Human assistants - free download

Riddles on OBZh about tools Human assistants - free download
Riddles on OBZh about tools Human assistants - free download

Riddles on OBZh about tools Human assistants - free download:

Iron nose
In the ground has grown,
Digs, digs,
The earth is loosening.


Strong a sharp nose,
Pounded a sharp nose.
He worked a sharp nose -
They took the green WHO.


Choose an armful!


Brick, iron boards
It will drill without a problem


We hear the sound at construction sites:
"Tuk, tuk, tuk, tuk, tuk, tuk, tuk!"
Cut the nails into the wall.
Painfully knocks on the knee.
From the boards will drive a tray ...
Labor lover ...
(a hammer)


A very important tool.
Will prepare firewood at the moment.
She has teeth:
Sharp, not stupid.
Guessed that there was
This is necessary - ...


Outwardly, he is not a throw,
A board is a moment in a moment.
I work with him as an instill.
What is in my hands?


I score nails,
I get very accurately.
The house for birds could build,
And he helped me - ...
(a hammer)


Buzzing, not a bee, not a fly.
The sound is loud - but not a bumblebee.
Hang the picture -
Take it soon ...


The tool is in our hands,
In the garden - the upper class!
We can dig beds with them.
Tell me what to call?


Hundreds of years with that tool
People are digging the earth everywhere.
Looking for treasures with her, ore,
Gold and nonsense.
For the trench to all soldiers
They also give out ..


So as not to stick the severns
The board needs to be disconed.
The tool is familiar with everyone
They stroke them like an iron.
For a large board of fugans,
And for little ...


The tool is small
But so remote.
Without it a brick house
We will never build.
He is a friend to the mason,
With a handle handle ...
(Master OK)


To saw off the board
You need to buy it.
One hundred teeth of her terrible
They saw a tree like butter.
Even a leg by the table
Saws you ....


That heavy tool
The nail will vibrate at one point.
Each house needs it,
Without it they do not build a house.
In the wall is a nail and in the ceiling
Scores ...
(A hammer)


On the nails working days
He knocks with an iron forehead
Without any tired
Nails feel it!
(A hammer)


That touching wood,
Maple, poplar, aspen
With your toothy mouth
Will divide the barrel into parts?


There are no legs, there are pens,
But he knows how to eat firewood.
Everything chews, chews, chews,
Anyway, an empty stomach!
Teeth only on the back
But along its entire length.
And logs from the trunk
can only do -


Two ends, two rings,
In the middle of the clove.


Titus went to work -
Everyone heard!
(A hammer)


Himself is thin -
Head with pood.
(A hammer)


Bends, bows,
He will come home - stretch out.


Quickly gnaws, cheerly chews,
It doesn't swallow itself.
What is it, who will guess?


A tenacious mouth on those is angry
Who is in vain in the board.


At the skate, at the hunchback
Wooden sides.
He has from under the hooves
White chips are running.


See: we opened my mouth,
The paper can be placed in it.
Paper in our mouth
Divided into parts.


Where it will rest on the tail
There will be a hole later.


Iron nose
In the ground has grown,
Digs, digs,
The earth is loosening.


Strong a sharp nose,
Pounded a sharp nose.
He worked a sharp nose -
They took the green WHO.


Choose an armful!

Video: Children's safety. Puzzles

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