Riddles about animals with answers - the best selection for children: 130 riddles

Riddles about animals with answers - the best selection for children: 130 riddles

A selection of riddles about animals for children of different ages.

Riddles are a great way to teach a child to think logically, and to do it very quickly. And the sooner you bring into the life of your baby such a game form of learning, the faster he will be able to understand the world around him. You can start acquaintance with a new and unknown with the help of riddles about animals.

Riddles about animals - the best selection

Riddles about animals with answers

Let's start a selection of light and simple riddles, which children of all ages will surely like.

IMPORTANT: Start dating a child with riddles with the simplest as possible. Ideally, it should be one sentence or quatrain. If the riddle is very large, then the baby will not be able to catch the issue, and as a result, it will lose interest in the process.

Riddles about animals:

  1. He does not spin, not a tc, but dresses people. He takes a fur coat twice a year. Who walks under Shuboy? (Answer - sheep.)
  2. He is friends with the owner, the house is watching, he lives under his porch, his tail is a ringlet. (Answer - dog.)
  3. In the summer he walks without a road, near the pines and birches, and in winter he sleeps in the den, from frost hides his nose. (The answer is the bear).
  4. The muzzle is mustached, the fur coat is striped, often washed, but does not know with water. (Answer - cat.)
  5. We will learn the animal by two such signs. He is in a coat of gray in winter and in a red fur coat in the summer. (Answer - protein.)
  6. Gray, but not a wolf, long -eared, but not a hare, with hooves, but not a horse. (Answer - donkey.)
  7. Who walks in a stone shirt in the world? They go in a stone shirt ...? (Answer - turtles.)
  8. Lies the lust in the bristly shirt. Tail with a codel, nose with a heel. (Answer - piglets.)
  9. Although believe, at least do not believe, the beast ran through the forest. He carried two overweight bush on his forehead. (Answer - deer.)
  10. They have a trunk and ears, they go important on land. They are huge and strong, but gray ...? (Answer - elephants.)
  11. I am deftly arranged, I have a pantry with me. Where is the pantry? Behind the cheek! Here I am a cunning! (Answer - hamster.)
  12. Here is a handsome man so handsome! Long -eared, not a hare. After all, he was born just right, he is thoroughbred with us. (Answer - rabbit.)
  13. He looks like a shepherd. Whatever the tooth is a sharp knife! He runs, grinning his mouth, is ready to attack the sheep. (Answer - wolf.)
  14. The red -haired dairy is chewing day and chews night, because the grass is not so easy to remake into milk! (Answer - cow.)
  15. The tail is fluffy, the fur is golden, lives in the forest, steals in the village of chickens. (Answer - fox.)

Riddles about animals with answers

Riddles about animals with answers

In order for the child to learn to correctly solve riddles, you need to make a little effort. If the baby is thoughtlessly calling the words, if only to guess, then stop it and focus on the signs describing the mysterious animal. This should help him to navigate correctly.

Riddles about animals with answers:

  1. He lives in the north, roars in a loud voice. In the circus, it is not lazy to catch the ball - it works there ...? (Answer - seal.)
  2. Two powerful fangs, two fins and two fins. But this uncle does not touch, lay down to relax fat ... (Answer - walrus.)
  3. For people we are like riddles, but we are not evil guys. We will not play hide and seek with you, because we ... (Answer - killer whales.)
  4. Here, guess whose fluff for funki, on hats, gloves come to you, guys? (Answer - rabbit.)
  5. Workers animals are building a house among the river. If you visit who comes, know that the entrance is from the river. (Answer - beavers.)
  6. A ball rolls in the forest, he has a prickly side, he hunts at night for beetles and mice. (Answer - hedgehog)
  7. Without a comb combed out and washed without water, in a soft chair climbed and sang in all ways. (Answer - cat.)
  8. There are horns, not a ram, a tail with a candle, not a protein. Not a cow, but gives milk. (Answer - goat.)
  9. A little animal jumps, not a mouth, but a trap. A mosquito and a fly will fall into a trap. (Answer - frog.)
  10. Who has the eyes on the horns, and the house on the back? (Answer - at the snail.)
  11. A miracle giant floats through the sea-ocean, hides a long mustache in his mouth, stretched out a mint. (Answer - Kit.)
  12. All my life I wear two humps, have two stomachs! But each hump is not a hump, a barn! Food in them - for seven days! (Answer - camel.)
  13. We are grabbed guys, we will build huts for ourselves. We cut down willow and aspen, and build dams. (Answer - beavers.)
  14. It’s easy for us to recognize him, it is easy to recognize him. He is tall and he sees far. (Answer - giraffe.)
  15. I am funny, clumsy, licked you right in my nose, let me in the hallway, and fell asleep on the rug. (Answer - puppy.)

Riddles about animals for children 4-5 years old

Riddles about animals with answers

INTERESTING: The word "riddle" itself has an ancient Russian origin. In those days, it was deciphered as “thinking”, “reflect”. People used the word “riddles” to emphasize that the question asked the semantic load necessary for the development of logical thinking.

Riddles about animals for children 4-5 years old:

  1. He grumbled by a living castle, lay down at the door across, two medals on his chest. Better do not go into the house. (Answer - dog.)
  2. Ku-ka-ra-ku, he screams loudly, claps his wings loudly and grumble, heaps of faithful shepherd,
    What is his name? (Answer - rooster.)
  3. He is very obedient, he does not want to bark at all, he has grown a lot with wool, well, of course it ...? (Answer - dog.)
  4. He dissolves the tail with a peacock, walks an important master, a knock on the ground - a knock on the ground. What is his name? (Answer - turkey.)
  5. On the Thumbeline decided to marry, only a bird saved the girl, he stuffed his mouth with grain.
    Well, of course it ... (Answer - mole.)
  6. The ship goes through the desert, he carries packs on himself. Heat and thirst are not afraid of him, he goes bravely along the sands. (Answer - camel.)
  7. She is such a krivlyak and a terrible clog. It imitates a person in everything, in the circus it often performs. (Answer - monkey.)
  8. A cat sits on a window, and a tail like a cat, and a nose like a cat, and an ears like a cat, not a cat. (Answer - cat.)
  9. And they do not bathe in the sea, and they do not have bristles, and yet they are called - sea ... (Answer - pigs.)
  10. What do we know about him? He will guard the landlord, then growls, then barks, then wags its tail.
    (Answer - Watchtower.)
  11. Cloth hooves - my friend rushes! He knows that I brought him oats! (Answer - horse.)
  12. Tigeritsa has a tigerok, the goat has a goat, the cat has a kitten, the sheep? (Answer - lamb.)
  13. Acrobatics do not jump on trees for charging. They will find ripe cones - they will take it to the pantries. (Answer - proteins.)
  14. He is both slender and beautiful, he has a thick mane. He is hoofs-Tsok-Tsok! Give me a friend! (Answer - foal.)
  15. The tail is fish, not a fish, fall with fangs, not a beast. (Answer - crocodile.)

Riddles about animals for children 6-7 years old

Riddles about animals with answers

Riddles about animals can be a little more complicated. More precisely, they may have a certain catch that makes the child turn on fantasy, logical thinking, and connect existing knowledge.

Riddles about animals for children 6-7 years old:

  1. He poked in his mother's side silently. Mom smells of milk, freshly chopped grass, sun and kindness. And he sighs heavily: "Holes were cunning!" (Answer - calf and cow.)
  2. Not a plowman, not a carpenter, not a blacksmith, not a carpenter, but the first worker in the village. (Answer - horse.)
  3. White wrote on white where he ran. The redhead will read - he will find white. (Answer - hare and fox.)
  4. He climbed into the cabbage sometimes - horned and shaggy and with a long beard . (Answer - goat.)
  5. The beast rushes faster than the wind - was here, but where is it now? Instantly taking a great start, already at the finish line ... (Answer - cheetah.)
  6. I rush quickly on the steppe, do not catch me in any way. You, brother, forgive me, I am antelope, ...
    (Answer - saigak.)
  7. If I want to have it, I won’t jump anywhere, but I’ll climb, like a hole, in a bag to my mother. (Answer - kangaroo.)
  8. I really want to fly, but it hurts heavy. I run to the horse to match the steppe. (Answer - ostrich.)
  9. My road is Liana, my food - so there are bananas! Trees are a continuous house, without them life would become "empty"! (Answer - monkey.)
  10. He plays hide and seek with us, hides in damp earth. And he stores his reserves in a large hole. (Answer - gopher.)
  11. This bird loves cold, but cannot stand hunger. He dives for fish into the ocean, eating - he flows onto the ice. (Answer - penguin.)
  12. This small "child" grew without diapers at all. Mom in her bag wore everything - and fed and watered. (Answer - kangaroo.)
  13. This little baby is so similar to the mouse. The mouse has large ears, it has a short tail, wears drying behind your cheeks and has more growth. (Answer - hamster.)
  14. I live on the shore, I am a permanent resident there. I'm a product for sticks, but not at all wooden. (Answer - crab.)
  15. I fell from the sky to the seabed. And the predator became a long time. (Answer - sea star.)

Short puzzles about animals

Riddles about animals with answers

Short riddles are good in that they literally activate the attention and imagination of children in a matter of seconds. They are ideal for the first acquaintance of children with the world of domestic, wild and forest animals.

Short riddles about animals:

  1. A white collar jumps straight through the field. (Answer - hare.)
  2. He arched his back with an arc, groaned. Who it? (Answer - cat.)
  3. The hedgehog grew ten times. It turned out ...? (Answer - porcupine.)
  4. Herself is motley, eats green, gives white. (Answer - cow.)
  5. Who runs along the road and rattles with hooves? (Answer - horse.)
  6. The rope curls, at the end - the head. (Answer - snake.)
  7. He made a hole, dug a hole, the sun shines, but he does not know. (Answer - mole.)
  8. Under the pines, under the Christmas trees lies a bag of needles. (Answer - hedgehog.)
  9. Which animal is very beautiful, the highest, the longest. (Answer - giraffe.)
  10. In the rivers Africa lives, an evil green ship! (The answer is a crocodile.)
  11. We are green, like grass, our song: “Kv-kva”. (Answer - frog.)
  12. There is a patch, but nothing to buy on it. (Answer - pig.)
  13. I’m scraping under the floor, but I'm afraid of cats. (Answer - mouse.)
  14. I am a humpbacked beast, but I like the guys. (Answer - camel.)
  15. He has a huge mouth. He is called ...? (Answer - hippo.)
  16. From the banana to the banana deftly rides ...? (Answer - monkey.)
  17. The head with four legs lives between the stones. (Answer - turtle.)
  18. A fur coat and caftan go along the mountains, on the valleys. (Answer - ram.)
  19. Who walks evil, hungry in winter in winter? (Answer - wolf.)
  20. In winter he sleeps, in the summer the hives are turning. (Answer - bear.)

Riddles about animals are complex

Riddles about animals with answers

Well, in this block we bring to your attention longer puzzles. It is precisely because they are pronounced more pronounced, they seem more difficult for children. Therefore, such riddles about animals should be read as expressively as possible, and in no case do not rush.

Riddles about animals are complex:

  1. From a branch to a branch, fast as a ball, a red circus rifle rides through the forest. On the fly, he tore the bump, jumped onto the barrel and ran away into the hollow. (Answer - protein.)
  2. With a beard, and not an old man, with horns, and not a bull, they milk, not a cow, basts, but has no bast shoes. (Answer - goat.)
  3. When he is in a cage, he is pleasant. There are many black spots on the skin. He is a predatory beast, although a little, like a lion and a tiger, looks like a cat. (Answer - leopard.)
  4. He holds his ears with a stump. His tail is crochet. He will put his paws on his chest, and asks to give him sausages a little! It licks on the cheek and in the nose, my friend of my shaggy ... (Answer - dog.)
  5. This beast has huge growth. Behind the beast is a small tail. In front of the beast - the tail is large. Who is this? Who is this? Well, of course, it's him! Well, of course, this is ...? (Answer - elephant.)
  6. Behind the mountains, behind the fields, behind dense forests, a predator-warrior is dulling at night. Looking for prey, his teeth - click. Who is this? (Answer - wolf.)
  7. The host lives in the house - satin fur coat, velvet legs, small ears, but a bit, eyes, like lights. He sleeps in the afternoon and speaks fairy tales, and wanders at night, goes hunting. (Answer - cat.)
  8. The animal is brown, clumsy, he does not like winter cold. Until spring, in the hole is deep, in the middle of the steppe is wide, a beast sleeps sweetly. What is his name? (Answer - marf.)
  9. What kind of stubborn beast is too much, does not want to make a haircut? He walks with a shaggy mane and believes that it is beautiful. (Answer - lion.)
  10. Guess who am I? Though a mouse, I fly. When the night is around and quiet, when you sleep in the crib, I love to circle, I catch midges in the dark. (Answer - bat.)
  11. He loves red carrots, gnaws cabbage very cleverly, he jumps here and there, in the forests and in the fields. Gray, white and scythe, who is he like that? (Answer - hare.)
  12. A huge cat jumps through the woods, she does not hide her in the ears of earrings, you won’t say a word - spray, because it is ... (Answer - lynx.)
  13. What kind of beast is playing with me? He does not mumble, does not growl, does not bark. He attacks balls, hides in the paws of a claw. (Answer - kitten.)
  14. Sweat, tooth, dentisting around the field, calves, lambs are looking for. The howl does not give any rest to the moon. (Answer - wolf.)
  15. Cautious, sensitive, brave, walks in the fur coat in winter, the younger brother of Lisitsa is proud of the furious. (Answer - arctic fox.)

Light puzzles about animals

Riddles about animals with answers

ADVICE: If your baby does not perceive riddles about animals, and refuses to devote time to this occupation, then try to encourage him. You can give your favorite sweets as a reward, or inexpensive small toys. But choose for such incentive gifts only what the baby will definitely like.

Light puzzles about animals:

  1. The whole summer he jumps gray, and by winter he changes a fur coat to the white. (Answer - hare.)
  2. Does not know how to speak and sing, but gives the owner about guests a news . (Answer - dog.)
  3. This beast is very high, he was able to get into the ceiling, he looks like a lifting crane. Who is it? (Answer - giraffe).
  4. She has very kind eyes, she is fluffy, soft, but for mice - dangerous. (Answer - cat.)
  5. She does not spin, she is not a tc, but for people gives on clothes. (Answer - sheep.)
  6. She is in the heat, and in a strong cold does not remove her fur coat. (Answer - sheep.)
  7. He has a muzzle, and its fur coat is striped. (Answer - kitten.)
  8. Hungry - mumbles, well -fed - chews, gives all the guys milk. (Answer - cow.)
  9. Tropical wild boar with a trunk. You probably heard about this? (Answer - tapir.)
  10. In America South, in the forest, on trees, on the weight, the emerald beast lives, eternally sleepy eats and drinks. (Answer - Lazvets.)
  11. Big cat with Tibet. What do you know about it? (Answer - Irbis.)
  12. Rodent, planning capable, it is similar to the airplane. (Answer-a-leteaga.)
  13. Likes to sleep for almost a year. How does the people call him? (Answer - marf.)
  14. Who wears the forest? (Answer - deer.)
  15. He jumps deftly, loves carrots. (Answer - hare.)

Riddles about wild animals

Riddles about animals with answers

If pets are familiar to children literally from the diapers, then the wild representatives of the fauna are an exotic curiosity for them. Therefore, it is very important how to fill this gap as soon as possible, and introduce the baby, and with the forest and marine residents of the planet. To do this, we offer you a selection of riddles about animals living in the wild.

Riddles about wild animals:

  1. He sleeps in the den in the winter. Under a large pine tree, and when spring comes, it wakes up from sleep. (Answer - bear.)
  2. Behind the trees, bushes flashed as if a flame flashed. It flashed, ran ... There is neither smoke nor a fire. (Answer - fox.)
  3. Who deftly jumps on the Christmas trees and takes off on oaks? Who hides nuts in the hollow, dries mushrooms for the winter? (Answer - protein.)
  4. It hides, like a mask, from all protective coloring. Designed as a transition, it goes through Africa. (Answer - zebra.)
  5. Under the green pine, the forest trumpeter won, lowered the horns to the ground and disappeared into the autumn darkness. (Answer - moose.)
  6. I love me to feed in acorns under the oaks. Although I am a relative of pigs, I am more hardy, stronger. Courage, dexterity is given to me. Learn ...? (Answer - wild boar.)
  7. There are lumberjacks on rivers in silver-brown fur coats. Durable dams is built from trees, branches, clay. (Answer - beavers.)
  8. There was a pillow with needles between the Christmas trees. She lay quietly, then suddenly ran away. (Answer - hedgehog.)
  9. In the bag of warm and big mom carries them with her. Two wonderful kids in the bag go slowly. (Answer - kangaroo.)
  10. What kind of Forest Beast got up like a column, under a pine tree? And it stands among the grass - the ears are more head. (Answer - hare.)
  11. He is thick and clumsy, his river is no deeper than puddle. Throughout his life he carries his powerful horn - why is it punished ...? (Answer - rhino.)
  12. He is huge and strong, his python does not fear, the king of animals is not ashamed to escape from him soon! (Answer - elephant.)
  13. The bear is white - to the pole. Bear Bear - in the forest. This one - sat on eucalyptus, eats leaves and sleeps a lot . (Answer - koala.)
  14. Small, ser, Usat, tail - barrier strip. Dirty food does not gnaw - it washes everything in the water ... (Answer - raccoon.)
  15. Sitting on an ice block, I catch fish for breakfast. I have a snow -white and I live in the north. And the taiga brown brother Honey and Malina are glad. (Answer - White Bear.)

Riddles about animals in English

Riddles about animals with answers
Riddles about animals with answers

Well, for those children who have already begun to master foreign languages, we offer a selection of riddles about animals in English. And in order to make it easier for you to deal with the meaning of verbal puzzles, we will add them to translation.

Riddles about animals in English:

  1. He is not a Tailor, (it is not a tailor)
    But Carries Needles on Himself (but carries needles) (Answer - hedgehog)
  2. In Winter it is White, (in winter - white)
    In Summer It is Gray, (in the summer - gray)
    It Likes Carrot and Cabbage. (Loves carrots and cabbage) (Answer - hare.)
  3. I Can Catch A Frog. (I can catch a frog.)
    I Can Sleep Like A Log. (I can sleep like a log.)
    I Can Find Your Sock. (I can find your toe.)
    My name is? (A DOG) (My name is?) (Answer - puppy.)
  4. I’m a Little Red Animal (I'm a little red animal)
    So Busy as Can Be, (as busy as soon as it can be)
    I Gather Some Acorns (I collect acorns)
    For the Winter Food Me. (So \u200b\u200bthat in winter they feed me.) (Answer - protein.)
  5. The Animal That Sleeps (an animal that sleeps)
    All Winter in the Den is? (All winter in the den, is it?) (Answer - bear.)

Video: Riddles about animals for children

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