Physics puzzles for children with answers - the best selection

Physics puzzles for children with answers - the best selection

Collection of riddles with answers.

Physics puzzles about physical phenomena

Physics puzzles about physical phenomena
Physics puzzles about physical phenomena
Physics puzzles about physical phenomena
Physics puzzles about physical phenomena

Riddles in physics about physical phenomena:

I have no fire or heat,
And I burn everything


Redeled arrow
Oak dumped at the village.


Fire arrow flies,
No one will catch her


Without wings, without legs
White flies fly.


White, not sugar
Soft, not cotton wool
Without legs, but it goes


In winter walks - locks at home,
And in the spring it cries - it releases people.


The white tablecloth covered the entire field.


He warms in winter, smolders in the spring,
He dies in the summer, comes to life in the fall.


Lay, lay
And in the spring he ran into the river.


From me in winter, like in the summer,
It blossomed everything in white.


Flies - silent, lies - silent,
When he dies, then he roars.


I am born in the fall, I die in the spring,
In winter, I warm the earth with my body.


Fluffing the earth is covered with -
Outside the window white-white.
These white fluffs
Not suitable for Perinka.


On trees, for bushes
Flowers fall from the sky.
White, fluffy,
Only not fragrant.


He was a black cloud at first,
He lay down on the forest with white fluff.
Covered the whole earth with a blanket,
And in the spring it disappears completely


In winter - a star,
In the spring - water.


They fall from the sky in the winter
And circle over the ground
Light fluffs,
White ...


The white star fell from the sky,
It lay on my palm - and disappeared.


Who does not cry, and tears flow?


He came from the sky, went into the ground.


He is noisy in the field and in the garden,
And it will not fall into the house.
And I won’t go anywhere,
As long as he goes.


He is cold, shed,
He runs after me on the heels.
I run away - only worse
Because everywhere - puddles!


Without a road and without a road
Walks the longest.
Hides in clouds, in the darkness,
Only legs on the ground.


Who is the roof all night
Hits and tapping
And mutters and sings,


Without arms, without legs, knocking under the window,
Asks to the hut.


Tears are dripping from heaven -
Watched meadow and forest.


What happened? Oh oh oh!
In the summer it became like in winter:
White peas
Rall along the path.


And not snow, and not ice,
And silver will remove the trees.


Walks in the field, but not a horse,
Flies in the wild, but not a bird.


He himself does not see and does not hear,
He walks, wanders, dulls, fades.
Who will come to the meeting -
Hugs and fights.


Without arms, without legs,
And the gate opens.


It is not known where he lives.
It will fly, the trees are oppressed.
Versistal - trembling along the river.
The mischievous - and you will not die.


I will swing a birch
I'll push you
I will visit, I will whistle,
I’ll even drag the hat.
But I can't see me
Who am I? Can you guess?


In white velvet, the village -
And fences and trees.
And how the wind will attack -
This velvet will fall.


Milk over the river floated,
Nothing was visible.
Milk has dissolved -
Apparently, it has become far.


Above the river, above the valley
The white canvas hung.
(fog) did not give birth to anyone,
And everyone is called mother.


Here's what a glutton is there:
Everything in the world can eat
And when he drinks water -
Be sure to fall asleep.
(the fire)


On a halt helped us:
I cooked the soup, the potatoes are baking.
For a campaign, he is good
You can't carry it with you ...
(fire, fire)


He runs in the summer, sleeps in winter,
Spring has come - she ran again.


You can wash me.
I can spill.
I always live in cranes.
Well, of course, I - ...


The water itself, but floating on the water.


Transparent like glass,
And you will not insert into the window.


Winter glass
In the spring it flowed.


It grows down your head,
It does not grow in the summer, but in the winter.
But the sun will bake it -
She will cry and die.


White carrot in winter
grows upside down.


In the morning, the beads flashed
All the grass was stuck.
And let's go look for them during the day
Looking for, we are looking for - we will not find.


Lives without a body, says without a tongue,
No one sees it, but everyone hears.


In the dark borus, for any pine,
The marvelous forest is hidden.
I shout: "Au!" - And it will respond.
I laugh - and it will laugh.


He entered - no one saw
He said - no one heard.
Blowing through the windows disappeared
And the forest grew on the windows.
(frost, frosty patterns)


Drowned overnight everywhere,
And we have a miracle in our apartment!
The courtyard disappeared outside the window.
The forest has grown there.
(patterns on glass)


What kind of master applied to the walls
And leaves, and herbs, and thickets of roses?


The old man at the gate was warm.
He does not run and does not tell.


Grandpa bridge bridges without an ax and without wedges.


Who is the meadow white white
And he writes on the walls with chalk,
Sews downy feather beds,
Did you decorate all the windows?


Invisibility-nostril into our room penetrated.
The curtains dancing, the calendar set off on the dance.
It’s good that immediately with a bang the door slammed slammed with us.


Why can't you roll out the mountain,
Do not take away
And do not conceal in your hands?
(Answer: water)


That's the miracle!
That's so wondrous!
How he broke
From a cliff,
So already
Which year
All all
Will not fall.
(Answer: waterfall)


Between the mountains,
Between dollars
The white horse runs.
(Answer: waterfall)


He flies from the cliff down,
About the stones breaks.
He roars louder than the beast
And it turns into foam.
(Answer: waterfall)


There is invisibility: it does not ask for the house,
And before people are running, in a hurry.
(Answer: air)


What in the room you will not see?
(Answer: air)


It goes on the sea, it goes
And it will reach the shore -
Here it will disappear.
(Answer: wave)


White curls -
Emply lambs.
They are for a rain in a forest
They go along the lake
But only stalk on the sand -
Sig a breath
And they will fall.
(Answer: waves)


While the mountain is sleeping, he is silent
How to wake up - growl
(Answer: volcano)


Walks in the field, but not a horse,
Flies in the wild, but not a bird
All the time howls, but not a wolf.
(Answer: Blizzard)


Where is the end of the world?
(Answer: where the shadow ends)


Wears a woman a snow hat,
Stone sides are wrapped in clouds.
(Answer: Mountain)


Run, run - do not run,
To fly, fly - not to fly.
(Answer: horizon)


The edge is visible, you won’t get it.
(Answer: horizon)


He is both summer and winter -
Between heaven and earth.
At least go to him all his life -
He will be all ahead.
(Answer: horizon)


Without arms, without legs, and the window knocks out.
(Answer: Grad)

Fly from heaven uninvited
Cold peas.
(Answer: Grad)


In the yard is a commotion: peas are pouring from the sky.
Inna ate six peas, she now has an Angina.
(Answer: Grad)


Peas scattered
Seventy roads.
Falls with peas,
Ralls along the paths.
(Answer: Grad)

Riddles in physics Grade 7 - physical bodies

Riddles in physics Grade 7 - Physical bodies
Riddles in physics Grade 7 - physical bodies
Riddles in physics Grade 7 - Physical bodies
Riddles in physics Grade 7 - physical bodies

Riddles in physics Grade 7 - Physical bodies:

He is both yellow and loose,
A heap is poured in the courtyard.
If you want, you can take
And play the Easter cakes.
* * *

He appeared from stones,
Grains appeared to the light:
Yellow, red, white
Or light gray.
Then he is sea, then river.
Guess who you are!
* * *

Children in the yard
He needs it for Easter cakes
And in the desert, in the heat,
He is hot from rays.
* * *

Something can be buried in it,
I like to walk on it,
And sleep an hour on it.
Guessed what?
* * *

Petya castle builds deftly,
Katya cake bakes a bucket.
Here, by the sea for an hour
I gathered all the children ...

* * *

"What requires big human worries?"
Blooming plants. A bountiful harvest,
How did it turn out? Take it more likely.
And the seeds are good, watering, feeding, care,
And most importantly, what requires big human worries?
Answer: Soil

* * *

"What is this about?"
It happens that it is fertile
Sometimes it happens poorly.
So that the new year is not hungry,
You know, you need a mood -
She is our nurse,
It is very important to follow it,
Food is the best
Of course, to make a deadline.
Answer: We are talking about the soil

* * *

"What needs to be preserved?"
It is necessary
Of course, save.
Loosen, feed systematically,
Follow, do not clog.

Cultures sowing
Change on the schedule.
And important - fertilizers
To stock up on the deadline.

Then the plants will be,
Bloom, grow, shine,
And the crop is good,
It will be possible to collect everyone.
Answer: It is necessary to save the soil

* * *

We have a lot of experts,
Fishermen know this:
A drop of this metal
Pulls the tackle to the bottom of the river.
Very soft and heavy,
Denies magnetism.
He is X -ray waves
He will not pass into the body.

* * *

You can test with experience,
Put it in a glass:
Cleans from bacteria
Water is rare that metal.
And also on the body cross
You will sometimes find from it
And the bride groom
Gives earrings or brooch.

* * *

In electronic components,
So that the current fits faster,
Coves the elements
This solar metal.
Jewelers are very appreciated
Noble that metal.
States in ingots hold
Your backup capital.

* * *

He carries heat to the houses
It is light from him.
Helps to melt steel,
Make paints and enamel.
He is black, brilliant,
Assistant real.

* * *

If you meet on the road,
Then the legs will strongly get bogged down.
And make a bowl or vase,
It will need it right away.

* * *

The pipe flows,
Pies bakes. (Gas).
Plants grew in the swamp,
Became fuel and fertilizer.

* * *

They cover the roads for them,
Streets in villages.
And he is in cement.
He himself is a fertilizer.

* * *

No wonder it was cooked in a domain furnace.
The glory turned out to be scissors, keys ...

* * *

Very durable and the UP
Builders are a reliable friend.
Houses, steps, pedestals
Beautiful will become and noticeable.

* * *

I adorn the house,
I collect dust.
And people are stomping my feet,
Yes, then they still beat the baths.

* * *

What tool can you soup soup?
A spoon

* * *

In the license plate country
Along the river sheet
The steamer is floating,
Then back, then forward
And behind him is such a surface
You can’t see a wrinkle.

* * *

He is with a rubber trunk,
With the stomach of the canvas.
How his motor will ruin,
He swallows both dust and sor.
A vacuum cleaner

* * *

It is stuffed with fluff, lies under the ear.

* * *

Under the roof - four legs,
Under the roof - soup and spoons.

* * *

Eliminates like living
But I will not let him out.
Foam foam with white foam
Hands to wash is not lazy.

* * *

Glass Akulinka
I went for a walk on the back.
And while she was walking
The back became pink.

* * *

Meets everyone with one pen,
It escorts the other pen.

* * *

In the locker room I serve, holding a coat on weight.

* * *

I walk and shut down not in the forests,
And on the mustache and hair,
And my teeth are longer
Than wolves and bears.

* * *

A voice is cast through the field and a forest.
He runs along the wires -
You will say here, but you can hear there.

* * *

I'm puffing, puffing, puffing,
I don't want to warm up anymore.
The cover rang loudly:
"Drink tea, water boiled!"

* * *

In a wooden house
Gnomic live.
Such good -ows -
Give out the lights to everyone.

* * *

Every day at six in the morning,
I'm cracking: it's time to get up!

* * *

Beat him with his hand and stick -
No one sorry for him.
And why are the poor fellow?
And for the fact that he will put on.

* * *

The staircase lies in the field,
The house runs up the stairs.

* * *

Does not fly, does not buzz,
The beetle runs along the street.
And burn in the eyes of the beetle
Two blinding lights.

* * *

Iron sister,
Zubasta and acute:
She is afraid of her and maple
And poplar and pine ...
And even an oak is afraid
To get on a tooth sister.

* * *

Bone back,
Hard bristles,
With peppermint paste is friends
And he serves diligently.

* * *

If you are tired of playing
Then you go to ...
At dawn and sunset
Sweet sleeps on ...

* * *

What is before us:
Two shafts behind the ears
In front of the wheel
And the saddle on the nose?

* * *

Here is a dome-grib on the leg,
He will protect against the downpour.
The pedestrian will not get wet
If it hides under ...

* * *

I'm lying in a school bag,
How you study, I will say.
A diary

* * *

He will lie without attention
All day in your pocket.
You will come home without him -
You won’t get into the house.

* * *

Two snub girlfriends
They did not lag behind each other.
Both run in the snow,
Both songs sing,
Both tapes in the snow
Leave in the snow!

* * *

All I am made of iron
I have neither legs nor hands.
I will climb into the board on the board,
And for me everything is here yes.

* * *

If he lies at the bottom,
The ship will not run into the distance.

* * *

Passed under the ceiling
Amazing lace.
Screwed the bubble -
The light caught fire.

* * *

They stood all summer
Winter expected
We waited for the pores
They rushed off the mountain.

Middle Physics Grade 8 - with answers

Puzzles in physics grade 8
Middle Physics Grade 8 - with answers
Puzzles in physics grade 8
Middle Physics Grade 8 - with answers

Riddles in physics Grade 8 - with answers:

General properties of aggregate states of the substance
Gas particles are scattered everywhere.
They may approach.
Due to large intervals between them
Gases are able to contract.
The liquid can take
The shape of all vessels,
It can be overcome
In any dishes.
But, however, placing
Fluids in the vessels,
The form will change,
And the volume will not.
Firmly stands on its own
Not cheating
Neither your form nor volume.


The phenomenon of inertia
1. When we move calmly.
Stumbling, we notice,
That we continue to move
Forward, not backward.
Meeting a lot in life
Obstacles and barriers.

2. If we stumbled - it does not matter,
After all, we know in advance
That we will always fall
Back, not forward.


If you drop the paint into the water
And wait a bit,
Then the creation of the solution
It will be possible to observe.
If you go to the garden in the garden,
You will inhale the aroma of flowers,
These strange phenomena
You call ....

Determination of pressure
If you suddenly decide
Here to find pressure,
Then you are this power
Bold with Delhi Square.
Speed, path, time
To find out the speed to us,
You need to know the path and time,
Speed \u200b\u200bto determine,
Divide the path for a while.
You can get time,
And multiplying V by t,
Feel free to determine the path.


Determination of the density of the substance
To get it,
For volume - (capacity)
It is necessary to divide the mass
So that everything works out.
Work and energy
Energies changes
(It always comes out)
To the commission of work
They always bring us.


Shifts and twisting,
And there is also a compression,
As well as stretching.
The law of preservation of the impulse
The impulse is saved,
Every schoolboy knows
I took a balloon
He flies, robber!
Let the air come out
And the ball is pushing
Sounded and flies
Higher than a mosquito!
In space flights,
The idea was impudent,
The principle is reactive
I gave Tsiolkovsky!


The first law
1. Kohl of the body all equal mass,
But their volume is not equal,
Then the largest of them
FA will provide rise.
If all bodies are twins
They float in different liquids,
From ρ liquid, not body,
FA will depend here.
It's simple: Archimedean force
The weight of the liquid is equal.
That fluid that is plunging
The bodies will be replaced by themselves.

2. You are decisively and bold
Dear the body in the liquid.
Liquid, for example, water
It will push him then.

3. The nail is drowning, not the frigate,
Though massive more than a hundred times.
Why? - I gave us an answer
The famous Archimedes.

4. I always want to swim,
Everything is drawn to the bottom,
I will inhale a lot of air
I will pop up to the surface.


The law is second
Were the water or air
Be it liquid or gas
Surprising us sometimes.
At each point without changing
The pressure always reaches
It will be the same in all directions,
If this is not solid, this environment.


The third law
The rod took the spring -
A sample is elastic and durable.
For elastic deformations
This law is very accurate.
In addition, it is simple in writing,
The content is also simple:
When lengthening, you get
You are elastic strength growth.


The fourth law
Particles can turn,
Can be born, disappear,
Giving birth to pairs, however,
Gave new to the particles.
They can disappear only by a couple,
Having become a neutral particle.
On the charge of the entire system
Then not to affect.


The law is fifth
If the bodies are two,
The result is obvious:
What was smaller than mass
Faster back.
The body acting on the body,
Meets the power of the resistance,
Such a force arises,
But another direction.


Sixth Law
He studied the attitude
To the strength of the current tension,
He was incredibly glad
Receiving the result.
The relationship did not change
Kohl did not change the conductor
(U on i) u/i \u003d const -
He was used to this thought.
Denoted the attitude
Letter R (resistance),
He found dependence
And he went down in history.
Time has passed. This recording
They put on a different form
And in memory of the works of the great
He called him in the name.


The law of the seventh
The longer electrolysis lasts,
The more pure metal,
With an increase in current strength
The mass also became more.
I*t (I on t) - a charge - then general.
A new idea arose:
The mass depends on
The last charge.


The law of the eighth
The current strength depends on the EMF.
(You fix these knowledge!)
There will be I back the same
The resistance to the full circuit.


Law Ninth
There is a feature of movement
On a pipe with variable sequel.
One and that volume of water
Will pass through different sections.
This option is possible
At different speeds of the teal.

Law of energy conservation
The conclusion is based on:
The less p water is
Thus, with the larger V, the water runs.


The law is tenth
The movement began straightforwardly,
Without any intention to turn off
But returned to the environment from where
Not so long ago, he began his way.
The beam clearly saw a point on the border,
I met a perpendicular in it,
And no matter how the angle has changed the angle,
At the same angle, he returned.

The water is all warming, warms up
And throughout the volume the liquid evaporates.
The physical process of evaporation -
He was nicknamed a long time ago ...



When I fell from a tree,
I experienced physics
This is earthly power!
Causes amazement.


The law of reflection
The beam to the ground has spread,
He hit the mirror and reflected.


The law of refraction
When passing the border
Air - oil, air and glass
The beam spreads easily.
In this case, its speed changes,
And he himself is certainly refracted.


Pascal Law
I must say, he is not complicated at all.
When you read his law,
Of course you will understand
What is fluid and gas
The pressure is noticeable immediately
And what does it tell you to you
Acts on the sides.


Hook law
For each situation
In elastic deformation
The law is one everywhere:
All forces, as usual,
In the proportion are located
To increasing lengths.
And if when solving
The lengths have a reduction,
The law is the law here:
The proportions are stubborn
Straight (the same),
But their sign is replaced.
Well, what is this flour:
But we will go to the risk.
Let's write on the left,
And on the right, so that there is
The sign "Minus", "K" and "X".


Thermal phenomenon
On a window silver from hoarfrost,
Chrysanthemums blossomed over the night,
In the upper glass-the sky is bright blue
And a lust in snow dust.


Mechanical phenomenon
A tidy fashionable parquet
The river is shining, dressed with ice.
Boys joyful people
The ice skates cuts out ice.


Light phenomenon
Two moons, swinging their horns,
Muddered with yellow smoke,
The surface of the lakes with grass without distinguishing,
Slipa crying quietly in the swamp.


Mechanical phenomenon
The arc, splitting, splashes,
Then emerging, then disappearing,
Not fascinated, will not deceive
Your decorated sleeve.


The phenomenon is crystallization
Here the frosts cracked
And they constrained all the ponds,
And the boys screamed
“Thank you” for her labors.


Thermal phenomenon
The night turns pale ...
Tumanov veils
In the hollows and meadows it becomes whiter,
Sound than a forest, more lifeless moon
And silver dew on the glass is colder.


Light phenomenon
Sharl -hot ball
The beam will send a huge ray,
And a long cone of dark shadow
Another ball will be thrown into the space.


Thermal phenomenon
The sky was breathing in the fall
Less often the sun was shining
In short, the day became
Forests mysterious canopy
With a sad noise was exposed,
Fog lay down on the fields ...


Thermal physical phenomenon
Grits the forest of his bugging,
Frost will cut off the firing field.
He will see the day, as if inevitably,
And it will hide behind the edge of the district mountains ...


Thermal phenomenon
"Blizzard" everything is silent, - Luchina with a bang
Only burns with a crimson shine
Yes, the wind is noisy on the roof.


On a window silver from hoarfrost,
Chrysanthemums blossomed over the night,
In the upper glass-the sky is bright blue
And a lust in snow dust.


Light phenomenon
Ah, how this north plays!
Oh, how glows over me
Various rainbows fan
In his crown Ice!
He probably by nature
Cold passion Beauty,
The effort of magnetic storm
Transformed into colors ...


Light phenomenon
There are waves with shine and bursts
Ongoing dance,
And there it flies with races with sharp
The ship of the Flying Dutchman
Neither a myth nor aground will meet him,
But a sign of sadness and misfortunes
The lights of St. Elma shine,
Having dotted the side of his and tackle.

Puzzles-hackers in physics grade 9

Puzzles-hackers in physics grade 9
Puzzles-hackers in physics grade 9
Puzzles-hackers in physics grade 9
Puzzles-hackers in physics grade 9

Riddles-hackers in physics Grade 9:

In every school, every year
And at the indicated time,
Only autumn comes,
From tasks from school
The boy rises in torment!
And in tantalum torments
Each muscle straining
With an awesome grin
The boy drags the sled in the hill!
Drags a boy in a hill,
Between sled and hill
The strength of the thunder arises.
This power is not simple!
And it prevents him from walking
Wind, blizzard, rain and hail.
All clutch reduces,
And he seeks Mu to zero ...
The guy has troubles
Do not end there.
At the base of the hill,
Walking up from malice,
The angle of Alpha hid.
Waiting, insidious, that the guy
Will not take the top of the slide
And it will fall down, poor fellow.
With a wild laughter cries
Tangens is terrible
In the body of a poor boy!
No, alas, alternatives
The rebellious hero
Except to drag stubbornly
In the hill of a sled. Sled. In the hill ...

And what power is it
The hero needs to be developed,
To challenge hell
And drag the damned cargo
Mass M to the top
Higher “Ash” is large?!
To disappear again for a year ...
And at the indicated time,
When autumn comes,
Again rebel from school books,
Repeating the circle of samsara ...

M is the mass of the cargo;
H is the height of the slide;
α - angle in the base of the slide;
µ - friction coefficient

F traction -?

The task of displacing the boat

The task of the 10th grade. It is solved either by the law of preserving the impulse, or according to the position of the center of the massive system of bodies.

Morning is foggy, gray -haired morning.
Two were fishing on the lake in the boat.
One at the stern, and the other on the nose.
Mirrily sniffled, holding on to the ud.
The smoking room remembered passionate speeches.

The one who was sitting in a notorious.
He got up and went to his friend's nose.
The boat rocked, and then it began.
The path was not long, the long El Big.
Here is my friend, but! It will happen!
The floating product moved from the place ...
Two were fishing on the lake in the boat.
The tragedy of the situation - we do not know
How much did the boat move?
The mass of the boats for all EM is large,
Small "EM" with our heroes.

L is the length of the boat;
M - mass of the boat;
M is the mass of each of the fishermen

Δx - boat displacement

The standard task for the rule of speeding

On the river, on the river, on that berezhochka
Soap Marusenka white legs
On the same on the river, opposite Marusi
Two friends were sitting and laughed like geese.
And then one friend stopped suddenly laughing,
I decided to get to Marusi on the river.
He boldly jumps into heated waters
And to Masha floats along the river like a log.
At least with handles, legs beats on water
But the river blows him away from the sister.
Demolished him about twenty meters aside
He hears Marusenkin.
On the river, the water has a current
And everyone in the village knows the meaning.
Now, if he sailed on the lake now
Then the speed was a kilometer per hour.
The river is not a river, but a hundred meters
What is the current boy demolished?

L \u003d 100 m (river width)
v \u003d 1 km/h (the speed of the boy in standing water)
X \u003d 20 m (the bias of the boy along the coast)

V -? The speed of the current

When a wide hoof
In the swamp -shed a moose dares,
We said - this is a paw.
Why does "a wide hoof in a swamp swoop holds a moose?"


Sea sign
The arrow rides up and down,
Then the weather is only a whim,
If the movement is slowly,
Wait for a long time.
About the arrow, what device is it in a marine session?


The story of grandfather
He did not sink in a heavy bucket, but swimming
Melted candles enchanted wax ...
Why is wax floating in water?


Dumplings in sucked water
I am a round dumplings, white-white,
Acactive, sweet and lush.
I swim, swim - everything is not drowning.
I will become heavy and a stone to the bottom!
Why does the dumplings float at first and then drown?


Grandfather Masai and hares
The log of the cloth swam past the log,
Sitting, and standing and lying down,
Zaitsev was saved on him a dozen.
"I would take you - yes sink a boat!"
Sorry they, however, is a pity the find
I hooked a bugr by the bitch
And behind him a log was dragged ...
Evaluate at what minimum volume of logs the hares could swim on it. Set the mass of the hare yourself.


Now the airships are everywhere
Flying, grumbling with a propeller.
What is the advantage of the airships over other air vehicles?


And everything is available
Everything is open
And nothing is sorry yet.
And he floats at me like a fish,
Huge sleepy airship.
Where did he swim light and straight -
To the far pole, to the parade,-
Forgotten, extinct, like a mammoth,
Imperfect device.
Why do the airships give the streamlined shape?


Born desert,
The sound hesitates
The blue fluctuates
Spider on the thread.
The air fluctuates
Transparent and clean,
In shining stars
The sheet ranges.
What examples of oscillatory movement are given in these lines? Give your examples.

The last elegy
Push is in the spill a proud river.
Swim ships, hesitating majestically,
Their black sides are blown,
Above them, the flag, on the flag is the inscription: Glory!
Why are ships swaying?


Gifts Terek
Terek howls, Dick and evil,
Between the rugged communities,
His crying is like a storm,
Tears fly with spray.
But, scattering along the steppe,
He took the sly look
And, carefully caressing
The Caspian is murmurs to the sea ...
Explain the phenomenon.


Survived the city
But while it lies calmly
Divo-grade at the bottom of the sea:
Through the loopholes of the tower slim
Fish walks with a jamb.
Why do moving flocks of fish have a streamlined shape?


Having flew out of Africa in April
To the shores of the paternal land,
They flew a long triangle,
Drowning in the sky, cranes.
Stretching the silver wings
Through the entire wide sky,
Led the leader in the valley of abundance
Your few people.
Why are stronger birds fly ahead?

Determine the specific physical content in each example.

Riddles on physics - about physical devices

Riddles on physics - about physical devices
Riddles on physics - about physical devices
Riddles on physics - about physical devices
Riddles on physics - about physical devices

Riddles on the topic of physics - about physical devices:

The volume of bodies will determine you without any difficulty
It is worth only pouring water, and the problem is solved
We lower the body into the water and look at the scale
The water level rose and the volume is all in sight.


A considerable and deaf, and the volume of fluid allows you to determine. (Beaker).


So that the fields are drawn to us, accurately show
And of course make measurements of different lengths
We need this tool to help at one point.


I will lay a pencil,
I will reward with a straight path!


I'm straight, flat
On the back the scale,
Each student,
I am familiar!


Length, width,
I will tell you without difficulty
You are only to the figure
Apply me!


Distance on the map,
You can quickly calculate
Just don't forget, please
Pull her in your hands!


Numbers, dashes on me,
And the sides are straight
I will help you avoid
Lines Curred!


Measure, spend,
And I will handle it in the devil,
I am friends with geometry,
I bring benefits in general!


Direct nature,
I don't like a curvature
Even line,
I will easily spend!
She has been invented for a long time,
The bright minds of the earth,
And even in the twenty -first century,
A modern man draws her!


Point A and point B,
Direct connection,
When with a pencil,
I will spend it on it!


Made of wood, plastic,
Even from metal,
The whole back is in millimeters,
Guess who am I?


Line line, well,
Draw yourself a lot!
This is a complex science!
It will come in handy here ...


I love directness
I myself am straight.
Make a flat line
I help everyone.
Something without me
Draw a decline.
Guess, friends,
Who am I? ..


I am in a notebook
Oblique and straight;
In its other meaning
I am a bar for drawing;
And finally, sometimes
I will build you in the line.


Kohl on the street frost, we don't want to freeze your nose
We will look at him, shout: "That's lucky!"
We do not need to go to school, liberation is given.


And in the heat and in the cold
Outside the window, a glass nose.
So that at any time of the year
We knew what the weather.


Outside Ivashka-
Glass shirt.
Tags on the shirt,
Not thick, not rare,
If it becomes chilly
The nose hides without a trace.
Frost will pass
Breaks his nose.
The nose is not simple
Thick, mercury.


Lives behind the frame
Glass man.
Any weather
Freezes on the move.
It acts simply
Measures with growth.


If it becomes chilly
The nose will hide without a trace.
Frost will pass
The nose lifts up up.


A mercury man will show.
What to be dressed.
What to be shod.


What will happen to the weather soon
The barometer will tell us
To find out the temperature,
We take ...


Our physicalcar he knows for sure who is faster and wins
Because he has them soon
He measures along them, as we walk and how we run.
(clock, stopwatch)


There is an alarm clock
There are manual
And mechanical,
They are often wearing for beauty,
Everyone needs it just ...


Arrows run in a circle
And they want to catch up with each other.
Three sisters right now
They will tell us what time will be.


They walk and stand
They tell us about time.


They: tick, walk, ring,
That "it's time to get up!" Trumpet.


They hang on the wall,
Time is told to all of us
We can wear on the hand,
To follow the time.
Arrows are about us for seconds,
They will only be checked for accuracy.


They walk and ring,
In the morning to get up.
There is a dial
And the arrows, of course.


They walk tirelessly
At night, day and morning early
The arrows all run, run
And the calculation of minutes is conducted.


Not a second are worth
Everyone will take a look at them.
The arrows all run, run.
Time is leaving.


If you want to know time
They must be shown to themselves
The arrows will quickly measure the circle,
For a day they even get merged.


There are arrows on them, there are numbers,
The mechanisms cannot be counted there,
They will show everyone time
Maybe they will even say a date.


I wear them in my arms,
I look at the time at them
The arrows quickly go like that
They will count me for minutes.


There are sunny,
There are sand
There are wristwells,
And always accurate.

There are wall
There are in chimes,
About the time important
They remind us.


They go both night and day
Go all the time they are not lazy
Tick-so, tick-so they walk
And time is notified to us.


We are manual, we hang on the walls,
We walk perfectly, as well as we ring,
The right time we tell you
And we will never let me be late.


Legs - no, but they go
They are not supposed to stand,
They do not wait for a bit,
In life, so composed.


Shooting arrows on their dial,
Time, on them, is accurate by the way.
They help us wake up in the morning,
So, in a word, are they called?


The arrows rush in them, go and run
Seconds, for minutes, reports.
Without them, we will not find out time,
Without them, we will be late everywhere with you.


Both day and night go
And they will not come from the place.


Tells everyone
Albeit without a language,
When it will be clear
And when - clouds.


Two sisters swayed,
The truth was sought.
And when they achieved
Then stopped.

Before collecting the device, you need to know a lot of rules
Love loves accuracy, from purity, he himself is not his own
Gir set in it and tweezers, guessed or not?


There is a spring and a scale in Newton is divided
So that in the movement to bring power to them attach to them
What is this device, what can it measure?


They change the current strength,
If something is shifted in it.


He sits with a groin on horseback, reads, but does not know letters. (Glasses.)


Two twins, two brothers on their nose sit on top. (Glasses.)


What is before us:
Two shafts behind the ears
In front of the wheel
And a nurse on the nose?


Herself on horseback
And legs behind the ears.


Two glasses, frames, arches
Caught on the ears.
There are not newcomers on the nose -
They sit well ...


Their children wear
They wear old men
To see better!
What is it?..


Two glasses and frames,
I wear them not like fun,
Hold hooks by the ears
Medical ...


They sit on the nose,
They shine with glasses
And their stuff
Hide behind the ears.


Two friends live
Look in two circles.
Glasses and eyes


I saw my portrait, walked away - there is no portrait. (Mirror.)


I did not look out the window - there was one Antoshka, looked out the window - there is the second Antoshka!
What kind of window is this, where did Antoshka look?


There is no language, but will tell the truth (mirror)


On a silver saucer
Few are offended.
Who will look at the saucer -
He will see himself in him.


To the left, right, turn,
In it - the opposite!


I didn't look out the window -
There was one Antoshka
I looked out the window -
There is the second Antoshka!
What is this window
Where did Antoshka look?


There is a portrait in the room,
Everything is similar to you.
Law up - and in response
He will laugh too.


Without spending a word,
It is always ready to say
There is a hairstyle or not
The costume looks like a color
Or it will not hurt to lose weight.
And what is it, who will guess?


In the morning you look frowned in the bathroom,
Who is looking there from him?
It will show you instantly
Submit the same face.
It can imitate it,
Raise your hand briskly.
It will rush for you
Or quickly get out.
Also there will freeze the baby.
Further actions will wait.
The picture is changing there,
Only here it is worth changing.


My mother looks at him many times
And for a long time he paints his eyelashes.
It will tell us what appearance
And how neat and beautiful he is.


Wait, before leaving the house,
You really need to look at him.
And maybe tie the scarf differently,
And maybe put on another hat.
It will tell you how you look like outwards
Where to correct, and where to comb.
And living with him is calmer and better, of course,
What, what your hair is not known.

Nuzzles associated with physics

Nuzzles associated with physics
Nuzzles associated with physics
Nuzzles associated with physics
Nuzzles associated with physics

Nuzzles related to physics:

1. Who shouted: “Eureka! Found!"
Everyone in the world knows well.
It is useful for adults to know the peanuts:
He defended his native siracuses.


2. sat under the apple tree, dozing,
Suddenly the fruit fell on the top of the head.
That fruit was happy.
Hit! And man opened the law.


3. The nucleus - star, planet - electron.
He said the first about this.
This is how everyone atom works,
And we will tell others about that.


4. We have no doubt for a long time,
That in the gases each there is pressure.
And in the fluids, crushing too
It can spread around.
(Pascal Law)


5. He is Scandinav. Not at all Hamlet.
But he recalls him
Who will look at the thermometer
When walking in winter.

6. And here is the Danish. I did not write fairy tales.
He gave lectures to students.
Current arrow magnet
Suddenly turned sideways.


7. Professor of anatomy
He lived in the city of Bologna.
With a knife of frogs, he touched his paws.
I saw a miracle that it was called the current.


8. He also lived in Italy,
I took up the current further.
And the first battery was
Almost two meters, not small.


9. In the sky, a motley arc.
Of course, this is a rainbow.
Who will explain where
This miracle is taken.


10. There was a man, stumbled and fell
And even plowed his nose.
The phenomenon is one.
Is it always harmful?


11. "A person is ready for flights"
He told the people .... (Korolev)
And proud of Russians with success.
Our man said: "Let's go"


12. always lives in motion
There is no mass alone.
And there is no doubt
That he is in the wave, where is the light.


13. It warms and chemists,
It is always great everywhere with him.
Without him, whatever it may be,
We can no longer do.


14. There are so many of them in physics,
Without them, an empty road.
They need to be known, they must be honored,
And we are simple and sinful
They cannot be changed for anything.
(Nature laws)


15. The planets are big,
The particles are minimal.
It is not measured by eye,
After all, she has not few persons.


16. Nobody and nothing will stop me
You can only count
I equal infinity
To fit with the universe.


17. I am often vertical,
I can accept any tilt
I can lie horizontally
I can determine the size.
I can curl up in the ring, the spiral,
I can crawl with a snake
I can go back again,
I can go a huge way.


18. I control the whole universe,
I put the bodies in motion,
I cope with any work
And I drive round dances.

19. I am and constant,
And more often the variable,
And sometimes instant.


20. I live on the top floor of the Mendeleev temple,
In different entrances I occupy two apartments,
And under the number one
Here I am a gentleman!


21. Having examined my spectrum in the window,
Found me in the sun.
I am friends with nobleness,
I'm entering the gas family.


22. My mother is called salt,
Electrolysis my father,
I am aggressive with water
And a very quick -tempered businessman!
(Any alkaline metal)


23. More often black I am in color,
I can be transparent.
They write and draw me
I am gloomy.


24. I play a big role in life,
I am contained in the atmosphere.
I hardly dissolve in water
And I am proud of chemistry.


25. Without me there is neither life nor fire.


26. I belong to non -ferrous metals
Let it be distant,
Electrical conductivity - my element
And in the sulfate, I'm a consolidated brother.


27. When they bend me,
I am emitting a slight crack,
When is it placed in the cold,
Then I lose color and shine.


28. From the names of two animals
My name consists
At the container where they keep me,
The toxicity sign is worth it.


29. The film protects me
From the environment,
I find application
For boiling water.


30. I remind you to appearance
Carbon steel.
And iron crafts
I cover like a shawl.


31. I suffer from oxidation
And in nature I find
Only in the compounds.

Logical puzzles in physics

Logical puzzles in physics
Logical puzzles in physics
Logical puzzles in physics
Logical puzzles in physics
Logical puzzles in physics
Logical puzzles in physics

Logical puzzles in physics:

1. Two sisters swayed, sought the truth, and when they achieved, they stopped. (Answer: Libra)

2. On the back the tongue, what they say - people believe. (Answer: Dynamometer)

3. They stand - they are silent, go - they will sing. (Answer: watch)

4. A considerable and deaf, and the volume of fluid allows you to determine. (Answer: Menzurka)

5. I will sit under my arm and I will indicate what to do: either I will allow you to walk, or put it in the bed. (Answer: thermometer)

6. On foot is not a comrade; Hurry up - make people laugh; the quieter you go, the further you'll get. What physical quantities are we talking about? (Answer: speed)

7. With what physical quantity can these proverbs be associated: not everything on your arshin measure; Measure seven times - you will remove it once; You won’t weave without measure and bast shoes? (Answer: length)

8. Bad things where the power is crazy; Without skill and strength nothing to do with it; Through strength and the horse does not pull. (Answer: strength)

9. Mal spool and roads; his burden does not pull; You’ll carry it hard - you won’t bring home. (Answer: mass)

It is always preserved
It changes discrete.
And its current through the wires
Bends heat and light to us.
[Electric charge]


So since ancient times it happened
That we feel it separately,
Although it is just an axis,
Like three others, what we know.


He would have two more right parts -
He could last then
And integral with his fate
He doesn’t want to grow - here is a bald!

With the length of it you can confuse
Kohl in physics is completely a profan!
In dynamics, he is an important sir,
Almost like ... Hamiltonian!


She is everywhere, but during the day you will not pay attention:
Only a clear night is pleasing to our gaze,
Flinging the horizons,
By morning, losing all the charm ...

She is drawn by uncles with beards,
Looking nervously at heaven,
And their eyes are eagerly growling on it,
Open another planet, waiting.
[Celestial sphere]


I am created for vectors
And for practical people,
Who is ready to apply me
Symmetric tasks.
I am in the Maxwell system for the future
I played two roles.
I will easily tie a stream for you
With sources of field.
[Electrostatic theorem of Gaussa-Ostrogradsky]


I'll tell you, brothers, without melting,
What is attributed to me with rumor,
Like our universe I
He threatened the death of Teplova!
But this myth was scattered
Little by year, over the years
And the fact that I tend to grow ...
So don't judge strictly!


No, I'm not a vector, I'm different!
But I will connect them in a moment
A beautiful entry simple,
Linear attitude.
When changing basic supports,
As if I played
I change the appearance as an actor
But I do not violate the connection.
[Tensor or operator]

Video: interesting riddles for children. Riddles about objects. Drawing lesson for children

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