Riddles about professions - about female, male, military professions, about the profession of a policeman, engineer, driver, teacher, cook, doctor: the best selection for preschoolers and schoolchildren

Riddles about professions - about female, male, military professions, about the profession of a policeman, engineer, driver, teacher, cook, doctor: the best selection for preschoolers and schoolchildren

A selection of riddles about professions for preschool and school age children.

Riddles about the profession with answers for preschoolers - a selection for children of the younger, middle, senior group of DOW

Riddles about the profession with answers for children of the younger, middle, senior group of DOW

Riddles about the profession with answers for preschoolers - a selection for children of the younger, middle, senior group of DOW:

A curious person.
A lot of rivers went around
Mountains, water and forests
And I found miracles in them!

Zucchini and eggplant,
Cucumbers and tomatoes,
Collected early in the morning
We need these fees like this.
That product all year
He feeds us.
(Vegetable growing.)

For shoes - a good friend,
The broken heel is repaired.
Puts strong horseshoes,
Sews shoes deftly.
This uncle is not a cake
Master of shoes ...

Quickly, cleanly removes:
Wash, cleans, sweeps
Dust and dirt, do not wrinkle.
The dirt does not hide from the rags-
She has order everywhere.
There is such a profession
Remove …
(Cleaning woman.)

He cleans the pipes day, he is everyone,
He is not very clean.
Hands, nose and cheeks in soot-
Looked ...
(Chimney sweep.)

The warehouse is huge in the store,
One hundred goods on the window.
Sellers - do not count
And there is a director too.
Well, at night here is the boss
Very experienced ...
(Security guard.)

You need to guess here
Who grazes the sheep herd?

Leaving all your affairs
The team with the ranger has gone.
It’s not easy for them, but then
They will return with a boar.

The uncle in the courts happens
He knows the laws on the tooth.
Not a teacher, not an artist,
This uncle - (lawyer)

If the bird is sick,
Or a dog, or a cat.
All of them will cure them skillfully
Doctor Toy will help everyone.

We know the pharmacy to all.
Well, who will go there,
It will see a man in it,
That the medicines give out.

He was daring, smart, his work -
Behind the helm of the plane.
After all, you need to know a lot
To control the plane.

He floats on the thickness of the waves
To breathe like a fish.
There is a cylinder behind the back
Moves beautifully.

The smallest sailor.
But where does age, growth?
See the mast?
All faster
He will be on her!
(Cabin boy.)

What kind of stone, what kind of wild?
He was dark, ugly.
This master worked
And the diamond turned out.

You see, he is not afraid
When the blood flow from the wound.
This doctor will help you.
So you are not crying!

Riddles about professions for schoolchildren-a selection for children of grade 1-4

Riddles about professions for schoolchildren-a selection for children of grade 1-4

Riddles about professions for schoolchildren-a selection for children of grade 1-4:

Rotating the clay pot
Himself grew up - immediately to the top.
Answer the question rather:
In whose hands did he grow so?

There is such a lawyer
Defends the defendants.
Guess or not
What is the name of the lawyer?

Pilot Borya has a friend
Paints all around.
On the window draws a rain,
So it will grow up ...

I have a pencil,
Multi -colored gouache
Watercolor, palette, brush
And a tight sheet,
And also-an easel of a track,
Because I ...

In the book Sea, he is endless
Real captain.
Find any book
It helps us quickly!

Mom is more important, believe me!
Mom walks with a thick bag.
Will bring a letter in the envelope
Parcel and telegram.
People are waiting for mom.
Respect my mother's work!

Batteries are warming poorly
Or the tap dripped?
You call the housing office rather
Call dad!
He has a tool
Dad represents everything at the moment!

At work, day-day
He commands his hand.
That hand raises
One hundred pounds for clouds.

He is a very good master,
I made a closet to us for the hallway.
He is not a carpenter, not a painter.
Furniture does ...

He puts bricks in a row,
Builds a kindergarten for guys
Not a miner or a driver,
The house will build us ...

He studied science.
Earth - as if tamed,
He knows when to plant
Sow, as well as clean.
Knows everything in the edge of his native
And he is called ...

Having hidden the bangs under the cap,
I lead a dope with my dad in the field.
I am proud of the work on Earth,
A shirt was wetted from sweat.
But the palms are on the steering wheel.

Riddles about military professions for preschool and school children

Riddles about military professions for preschool and school children

Riddles about military professions for children of preschool and school age:

All soldiers walk in construction.
He distributed the orders to the heroes
And sent back to battle
Roma is brave ...

At the Officer-Revelet,
Only two stars so far.
He has not grown to the captain.
In what rank he is, the question.

Both at the front and in the rear
Day and night are fighting:
Lives to the wounded rescue,
They help to return to the system.
(Military doctors, nurses)

At the post and in the rain, and in the city,
It will go to battle for us ...

For the soldiers their example -
Brave, brave ...

This Friday again
We go to shoot with dad to shoot,
So that I can be able to the army
Become like "Voroshilovsky ..."!

I will walk on the ship,
When I go to the fleet.
And that ship, like a miracle,
He grows the oncoming wave.
His team lives on him -
All people of different ages.
I will be the youngest, it's true
And who is ready to call me?

Striped shirt,
The ribbons are curls behind the cap.
He is ready to argue with a wave,
After all, his element is the sea.

My friend went to the fleet,
On the ship is now floating.
And even though the wave goes a mountain,
There is a hero on the deck.
It has a marine uniform,
He is not afraid of the storm.
(Sailor, sailor.)

In this form, dark blue
He protects the country
And in a huge submarine
It falls to the bottom.
Protecting the ocean,
Was in the ports of a dozen countries.

Homeland gave an order,
And he is immediately to the Caucasus!
He jumped at night with a parachute -
Road, sometimes a minute!

Strong durable parachute
He opened behind him,
And in a few minutes
He sank to the ground.
It will pass both forest and ford,
But he will find the enemy.

I serve in the fleet now,
I have good hearing.
There is the same in the infantry -
We are friends with a walkie -talkie not in vain!
(Radio operator)

Replace the robot-machine
He will defend the bomb, a mine.
Should not be wrong at all
To stay alive later.

The detachment is in a hurry on the call,
Ready to find a shell
And on the wheat field,
Both in transport and at school.
The detachment fighter is very daring -
He managed to discharge three mines.

I serve on the "tractor"
This is the only way, I'll tell you:
“After all, before plowing me arable land,
I will turn the tower first. ”

The plane stands on take -off,
I'm ready to be in flight.
I am waiting for the cherished order,
Protect to you from the sky!
(Military pilot.)

Into battle - with a purposeful gun,
The best girlfriend.
Need an accurate eye,
So that the faithful was the sight.

The guy has a dream -
He came to serve in a company.
Now shoots: "Tra-Ta!"
From a gun, mortar.
Recently serves as a guy,
But he is the best shooter.

The plane soars like a bird
There is an air border.
On the post both day and night
Our soldier is a military ...

He lifts him to heaven
Your steel bird.
He sees mountains and forests,
Air boundaries.
Why does it fly in an embroidered?
To protect your country!
(Military pilot, pilot.)

At night, at noon, at dawn
He carries a secret
On the trail, on the shore,
Blocking the path to the enemy.
(Border guard.)

He protects the rye field,
And the grove and the oak tree.
Protects the borders
Far from the outpost.
And the military duty is like this:
Store peace and yours.
(Border guard.)

Riddles about female professions, professions for children

Riddles about female professions, professions for children

Riddles about female professions, professions of mothers for children:

She makes hairstyles
Cuts the bangs.
Fans, scissors, combs
She has on a shelf.
(Answer - hairdresser.)

This sorceress,
This artist,
Not brushes and paints,
A crest and scissors.
She possesses
Mysterious power:
To whom he will touch
He will become beautiful.
(Answer - hairdresser.)

Teaches us politeness,
Reads the story aloud.
Not a teacher, not a writer.
This is the best …
(Answer - teacher.)

All teaches the letters to fold, count
Generate flowers and catch butterflies,
Look at everything and remember everything,
For everything native, love the homeland.
(Answer - teacher.)

In kindergarten, lunch,
The cook takes a sample from dishes.
But mom is not nearby,
Who sets us on the table?
(Answer - nanny.)

Who in the days of disease
All are more useful
And heals us from all
(Answer - doctor, doctor.)

Today, tomorrow and yesterday
Personal injections ...
(Answer - nurse.)

All hands
A jacket and trousers will sew us.
Not a cutter, not a weaver.
Who is she, tell me?
(Answer - tailors.)

He knows all the composition of the drugs,
And he will tell and sell.
(Answer - pharmacist.)

She has on the counter
Dolls, balls, pins,
Shoes - right, fabrics - on the left,
Cups - in the window.
She is like a queen
In every store!
(Answer - seller.)

She sells goods,
With them, the check always gives.
(Answer - cashier.)

She sits on the bus
And carefully watches
So that everyone has tickets,
To buy them, they did not forget.
(Answer - conductor.)

Stretched canvas,
Brushes, paints, tripod -
Writes from nature a picture ...
(Answer - artist.)

Writes and draws with chalk
And fights with errors,
Teaches to think, to think,
How is her guys calling?
(Answer - teacher.)

We teach children to read and write
Love nature, respect the elderly.
(Answer - teacher.)

Her work on the plane,
Helps us in flight,
Like an air princess,
In the form of flight ...
(Answer - stewardess.)

People can understand,
And the problems are solved.
Will calm and support
I am ready to help everyone.
(Answer - psychologist.)

To mix components
She knows all the interest
Cleverly makes lotions
Spray, perfumes, cologne.
(Answer - perfumer.)

Creates its own models,
So that we will put them on then,
On anyone will create a manner
Dresses, lady ...
(Answer - fashion.)

I sew all day today.
I put on the whole family.
Wait a little, a cat, -
There will be a clothes for you.
(Answer - seamstress, tailor.)

Will make you makeup
New image and makeup.
(Answer - makeup artist.)

Update the face and body,
Using various creams.
(Answer - cosmetologist.)

Her work is a defile,
Showing clothes on yourself.
(Answer - fashion model, model.)

High, slim, like a spruce,
In the dress of a fashionable top- ...
(Answer - model.)

A pack, pointe was made beautifully,
She fluttered on the stage easily ...
(Answer - ballerina.)

I always draw face, eyelashes.
My palette is different faces
I help them turn faster
To the villain, to the beauty, to the blue bird,
Who needs instantly
The actor will appear
Behind the scene, creates
Above the face so ...
(Answer - dressing room.)

She breeds roses
Tulips and mimosa,
They are planted exactly in a row,
Not work - a marvelous garden!
(Answer - flower breeder.)

All the Burenks know her,
They always meet with mooing
And for her hard work
All milk is given to her.
(Answer - milkmaid.)

Riddles about men's professions for children

Riddles about men's professions for children

Riddles about men's professions for children:

I am building a high -rise building
So that people live in it.
There is a ready -made pit,
There are forests, a lifting crane.
There is a brick. Mear the solution.
Have you guessed? I ….

(Answer - builder.)

He is a very good master,
I made a closet to us for the hallway.
He is not a carpenter, not a painter.
Furniture does ...
(Answer - carpentry.)

He is not an artist, but paint
It smells invariably
According to the paintings, he is not a master -
He is a master on the walls!
(Answer - painter.)

He creates from a tree
Cutting, crafts.
(Answer - carpenter.)

Needle with a fiery tailor
Sews the ship
Steel suit.
(Answer - electric welder.)

Exactly he puts a brick,
And from scratch the wall will erect.
(Answer - mason.)

Electricity burns
So light in the apartment.
We must thank
The one who is used to giving light.
(An electrician.)

He needs such things:
Hammer, vise and ticks,
Key, file and hacksaw,
And all the need is more needed.

On the machine, the details sharpen
This personnel worker.
Without his skilled hands
Do not collect either a tank or a plow.
(Answer - turner.)

The bake is buzzing like a samovar
Steel in it cooks ...
(Answer - steelmark.)

The flame is dusting with heat
Sweat pours from the face
Loudly hits steel
Hammer …
(Answer - blacksmith.)

The area bypassing the area with a heavy bag,
Letters put letters to us in a box ...
(Answer - postman.)

He was given the parcel in his hands,
To award to the address sent
So that he delivers a package
Who is he, give me a rather answer.
(Answer - courier.)

An uncle will stand at dawn,
Snow will clear in the yard.
He will remove all the garbage
And the ice sprinkles with sand.
(Answer - janitor.)

He knocked the “dough” in the tub.
But his goal is not kalachi.
Flower pot was made,
Then he burned him in the stove.
(Answer - potter.)

In the snow -white robe
Heals all patients in the ward.
If suddenly the trouble happens
Then he will rush to the ambulance.
(Answer - doctor, doctor.)

We suffer from the cold again,
We call a doctor at home.
He will give us a sick leave.
And who is he as a specialist?
(Answer - therapist, pediatrician.)

This doctor will delete
Easily appendicitis.
Scalpel is his best friend,
He is a skilled doctor ...?
(Answer - surgeon.)

This doctor is not just a doctor
He treats people's eyes
Even if you see bad
You see everything with glasses.
(Answer - OKULISTIC.)

So that you are healthy,
All the sounds pronounced
Who cares about you?
Tell me now.
(Answer - speech therapist.)

Tell me, how can you look through the wall?
In glasses and in the light, and then do not be able to.
Meanwhile, he saw through it
Not only me, but my heart.
(Answer - X -ray.)

Riddles about professions are difficult for children

Riddles about professions are difficult for children

Riddles about professions are difficult for children:

Trainer with a friend of Dima
They searched for a mine all day.
Dima Bank under the fence,
Buried to become ...

The sapper has an older brother,
He is always happy to help everyone.
Cats from the tree "Remover",
Leva is the future ...

I drive the cargo cranes
I'm sitting in a high booth.
I'm not used to walking
My name is…
(Crane operator.)

He covers the house with iron,
So that it was dry in it.

Excellent processing of soldiers.
He carries the service, but moreover
Armed with water, crimson.
He is at the post in the cold and in the heat.
Tell me, who is he?

We dig the earth deeply,
And in the depths of the earth
We get charcoal people,
So that the house can drown.

He jumped down -
Hang on the flower
The land touched -
The flower curled up.

This doctor will delete
I can easily appendicitis.
Scalpel is his best friend,
Who is the doctor? ...

White teeth - of course beautiful,
He will play the caries in the heart.
The seal will be left in the mouth not a proctologist,
Everyone's beloved doctor ...

My dad is not along the path
Walks, but on the rocks,
He has boots-cats,
There are a lot of baggage -
Ice ax, and alpensteus,
And safety sink.

His work in the depths,
At the very bottom.
His work in the dark
And silence.
But who is he,
Answer the question,
Not an astronaut,
Does he walk among the stars?

In aqualanga, in a mask, in flippers
The one who floats perfectly.
He is a hero one
In the silence of sea depths.
(Diver, submariner.)

Walks around the bottom,
Breathing depth.
He will find everything under silt,
The ship will brew the bottom
If you flow, trouble has been shaking -
Not a hindrance and water.

He protects nature,
Braciers drives away,
And in the winter at the feeders
Waiting for forest animals.

Riddles Poems about professions for children - agricultural professions

Riddles Poems about professions for children - agricultural professions

Riddles of poems about professions for children - agricultural professions:

He looks like a captain,
But the ship leads the steppe.
He argues stubbornly with the wave
Only with a gold wave.

Doctor, but not for children,
And for birds and for animals.
He has a special gift
This doctor - ...

They feed us every day,
They are not lazy to get up at three in the morning
Without their care and dexterity
Cute cows were missing.
Their work is hard and honorable,
High awards are all worthy.
Not afraid of any work
Our modest

In the morning on the feet
And all the poor in business!
Then the diet is calculated,
Then take the meat, milk,
Everywhere the order to put up, the reports on time, take it,
And with a calm soul
Wait for the result is big again!
They are milkmaids, and feeding and technology ...
They should cope with everything ...

The skill unites them all,
Everyone respects them for this,
They can replace anyone
And everywhere and everyone will help.
In mechanization, in animal husbandry - commanders,
The most responsible people! Your ...

They are for mother - lands - parents,
And bread are the main connoisseurs!
They disciscate, sow, plow, clean,
And then (from the word "sweat") each coloss is watered
In their cars, as behind the console operators,
Work in the fields ...
(Machine operators.)

The specialist is great!
The leadership knows personally.
From morning to night on the field
There is no rest to anyone!
The hard workers are respected:
Stones are removed from the fields,
Sow, plow, harrow
Idle, in general, do not sit,
It's about now?
Well, of course…

I'll tell you no secret
He has authority!
Sensitivity and dedication,
Competence and in addition
Fidelity to the word and skill
Give an exact solution,
To choose the right path,
Go forward and do not turn!
The whole farm he is a driver
(The head of the collective farm.)

From the cow milk
It’s not easy.
You need to get up early in the morning
And stroke the Burnok.
They are not yet hot
Village ...

Sings the horn, sings the horn!
We drive a herd to the meadow.
PASM cows We all day,
It will only become hot - we drive into a shadow.

Looks behind the cows
And when he is angry,
Loudly clicks with a whip.
So a riddle about who?

Short riddles about professions for children

Short riddles about professions for children

Short riddles about professions for children:

  • He can sell housing, exchange, buy and hand over. (Realtor.)
  • It will update the face and body with the help of devices, creams. (Cosmetologist.)
  • He will bring us the menu and gives us food. (Waiter.)
  • The body owns well, knows how to move brightly. (Dancer.)
  • He knows how to amuse everyone, cause a smile, laughter. (Clown.)
  • Each is glad of his arrival when a waterfall is in the kitchen (Plumber.)
  • It will wave a wand - the music will play. (Conductor.)
  • The needle of a fiery tailor sews a steel suit for a ship. (Welder.)
  • He will lead a glass eye, click once, and remember you! (Photographer.)
  • He knows everything about the artists, announces them from the stage. (Confraure.)
  • He certainly knows in sports, because he instructs athletes. (Trainer.)
  • To defend in court everyone is glad, our skillful ... (Advocate.)

Comic puzzles about professions for children

Comic puzzles about professions for children

Comic puzzles about professions for children:

Black all, as if rook
It climbs from our roof ...
(Not a doctor, but chimney sweep.)

Bunks and kalachi
They bake every day ...
(Not doctors, but bakers.)

Cooks porridge and broth
Good, fat ...
(Not a postman, but a cook.)

Arya, Opera writer
Called ...
(Not a teacher, but a composer.)

Three shifts in factories
There are ...
(Not athletes, but workers.)

They say about the sounds of paired
At school, you and me ...
(Not firefighters, but teachers.)

Planted hundreds of roses
In the city garden ...
(Not a sailor, but a gardener, flower breeder.)

Lviv, dogs train
Brave, bold ours ...
(Not a fisherman, but a tamer.)

To first -graders enters the classroom
Only fearless ...
(Not a diver, but a teacher.)

Who grazes cows, sheep?
Well, of course, …
(Not a seller, but a shepherd.)

In the class of English, a dialect is heard -
Gives a new topic to children ...
(Not a cook, but a teacher.)

It sweeps the yard purely
At six in the morning, of course, ...
(Not a thief, but a janitor.)

The horse and the boat are walking along the cells,
He prepares his victorious move ...
(Not a judge, but a chess player.)

Folds, pockets and even Kant -
I sewed a beautiful dress ...
(Not a musician, but a tailor.)

Under the dome of the circus into a dangerous flight
Bold and strong will go ...
(Not a pilot, but an air gymnast.)

Plant new seedlings in Yelnik
Our in the morning will go again ...
(Not a miller, but a forester.)

On the piano, piano
The waltz will perform ...
(Not ballerina, but a pianist.)

The restaurant has a game of game
Cooking skillfully ...
(Not forester, but a cook.)

Medicines in the pharmacy
Will sell ...
(Not a librarian, but a pharmacist.)

She painted the walls brightly
In our room ...
(Not a milkmaid, but a painter.)

Riddles about the profession of a cook for preschoolers and schoolchildren

Riddles about the profession of a cook for preschoolers and schoolchildren

Riddles about the profession of a cook for preschool children and schoolchildren:

Cooks, fries, salt, extinguishes
Removes, cuts, sculpts, dries ...
The stove has his work.
He listens to food.
It sheds a lot of sweat
At the hot stove ...

On a baking sheet, cutlets bathe in the fat,
A fragrant pickle boils in a large tank,
A ray was fried in an oil pan in oil,
Ours ... Aunt Galya puts him in a tank,
Vegetable Vegetable Missiles - a salad is being prepared.
Our ... loves to cook for the guys.
Always in a bathrobe with a white, starch cap,
He cooks porridge for children with fresh milk.

Walks in a white cap
With a cook in the hand.
He prepares us dinner:
Porridge, cabbage soup and vinaigrette.

Who prepares cabbages, cutlets,
Borsch, dumplings, vinaigrettes;
Cooks cereals and compotes,
Frying in an antrakot oil,
Cums with a chisel potato,
Does the soup interfere with the cook?
He has a cheerful dialect.
Call him ...

Who knows how to cook
Ten pasta dishes?
Who is in cooking
Is it immersed daily?
Without whom
Kindergarten and day to live
And who urgently for this
We must thank you?
It's time for you to guess.
This is ours ...!

He creates at the stove,
As on the wings he soars.
Everything is seething around him
The kitchen is his forge.

In the restaurant I will find them -
These people are in caps
They conjure over the pots
With cooks in their hands.

Oh, what a mom has a workshop!
Fragrant, sweet!
Mom sugar and nut
Saws in chocolate.
Here order, cleanliness,
Not work - beauty!

He worked in a sweet workshop,
The dessert result turned out -
Eclairs, cupcake, Napoleon.
Now think, who is he?

White hair, eyebrows, eyelashes.
In the morning he gets up earlier than birds.

We will get up when you sleep
And we sift the flour in Sita,
We’ll be reddened by the stove,
To bake bread by morning.

Riddles about professions for children - a selection of doctors

Riddles about professions for children - a selection of doctors

Riddles about professions for children - a selection of doctors:

Who is more useful in the world,
Heals from any disease?
Who is always in the bathrobe white
Busy with the most necessary business?
Who, only you will enter,
Says: “Open your mouth
And tell me loudly-ah ah!
Does the head hurt? "
Who is caring and kind?
Of course, this is ...

Every day her hands create magic
She will not leave anyone in illness!
Can quickly cure both measles and sore throat ...
By profession, she is definitely -
(Not ballerina, but a doctor.)

With any medical examination
He feels, examines us.
How to treat people he knows
Before that, the diagnosis makes.

Do not be afraid of a pediatrician
Do not worry, calm down
And, of course, do not cry,
It's just a child ...

We suffer from the cold again,
We call it to the house.
He will give us a sick leave.
And who is he as a specialist?

Seryozha coughs loudly.
He has bronchitis, it seems.
They call the clinic,
And Seryozha says:
Do not be afraid and do not cry -
Good ...

Who is sitting at the patient's bed?
And how to treat him to everyone.
Who is sick - he will offer to accept the drops.
Those who are healthy will allow you to take a walk.

Captain Ksyusha with Zhanna
Infected with a manna porridge.
And then they treated it with dots
They want to become ...

Mom can put banks
Smear abrasions and wounds.
Mom makes injections
All the guys of our school.
Mom affection, kind word
Helps to become healthy!

Riddles about theater professions for preschoolers and schoolchildren

Riddles about theater professions for preschoolers and schoolchildren

Riddles about theater professions for preschoolers and schoolchildren:

He walks on the stage, jumps,
He laughs, then cries!
At least someone will portray -
The skill will hit everyone!
And has developed for a long time
Type of profession - ...

He leads everyone
He thinks, runs, screams!
He is inspiring actors
He controls the whole performance,
As an orchestra conductor,
But it is called - ...

Then king, and then a jester
Poor or king
To become, for example, to become

Ask anyone about that,
They know - they were in Russia
Funny snaps,
Scenes, jokes and tricks
Composed ...

In the design of the person -
Wigs, coloring,
And shinions and overlays,
And stickers, masks -
This is all for makeup,
Everything is needed, without a dispute.
The master of makeup needs -
The artist-...
(Make -up.)

He is a theatrical worker -
Productions "conductor",
The manager of the performance -
It's right, …

Last time he was a teacher,
The day after tomorrow is a driver.
He must know a lot,
Because he …

He gives us a lot of songs
Musical, vocalist,
And talented and known
Because he …

I work in the theater.
I am just aunt in the intermission.
And on the stage - then the queen,
Either granny, then a fox.
Kolya and Larisa know
That in the theater I ...

At least on the set of the film camera,
Though on stage here in the theater,
We are obedient to the director
Because we …

He plays a role at work
And skill is amazing at us.
We are looking forward to the day
When we go to the theater to him.

Mom needs to work
Put the notes on the pupiter.
Mom just ask -
And he will play: "Mi, salt, si!"
I will tell the guys proudly:
"Mom knows all the chords!"

Riddles about the profession of a teacher for preschoolers and schoolchildren

Riddles about the profession of a teacher for preschoolers and schoolchildren

Riddles about the profession of a teacher for preschoolers and schoolchildren:

The bell rang loudly
A lesson began in the class.
The student and parent know -
Will conduct a lesson ...

At school, I am the very scientist -
I was very lucky with my mother.
Children learn from her
In the lesson, everything is in the world.
They will become better and smarter
Fair and kind.

Lobotryasov tamer,
At school, he teaches us ...

Our souls, mind builder -
Our wise school ...

He gives us knowledge
Sets marks,
From us in response recognition
He gets all the time.
Mentor, leader,
Our beloved ...

Writes and draws with chalk
And fights with errors,
Teaches to think, to think,
How is he guys to call?

Who will teach guys to write
Works, dictations?
Who will help them reveal
All their children's talents?

With a white chalk and a pointer
He conducts us a lesson!
So tells me cool
Our beloved ...

He is the head of the faculty,
All students know this.
You will go to the university to study
Then you will find him there.

Dad knows everything in the world -
How the sun shines in the sky,
About molecule and atom
Can tell the guys.
He knows everything about ultrasound.
Dad is a candidate of science!

The teacher will solve any problem
And the circle from the square is easily distinguished,
A long example will count in the mind.
What kind of teacher he is, tell me?
(Mathematic teacher.)

He will instantly hear a mistake in speech,
He reads a lot and writes competently,
He would have written a dictation on Five.
What kind of teacher he is, try to say?
(Teacher of Russian language.)

Both retorts and test tubes -
Like magician magicians.
None of the class is in a hurry
Although the bell rings.
To any question with a catch
He knows the correct answer.
She has long been open
Eternal youth secret.
(Chemistry teacher.)

The teacher has this computer,
He knows how to work on it, he knows how to calculate.
The program will compile, write down the diskette.
What kind of teacher he is, you know, children?

He reads poetry by heart,
About the life of writers knows everything,
Anyone make us a story.
Which teacher is this, class?
(Literature teacher.)

He gives us knowledge
Sets marks,
From us in response recognition
He gets all the time.
Mentor, leader,
Our beloved ...

There is no more important at school,
He has his own office.
He knows all the students
Ready to help and punish.

There are a lot of brushes in the closet at the teacher
Albums, easels and different colors.
He himself could have been an artist.
What kind of teacher he is, tell me?
(Drawing teacher.)

This teacher plays on a flute,
He composes music with songs,
He sings wonderful, I will say, without melting.
What kind of teacher he is, answer, friends?
(Music teacher.)

We are always interested in the teacher:
Will tell about rivers and all cities,
Any mainland will find on the map.
Did you recognize him, say, student?
(The teacher of the world.)

The teacher does not write - the teacher creates,
He glues and makes a whole lesson.
The beautiful craft came out completely.
What kind of teacher he is, answer me?
(Labor teacher.)

He easily clogs into the ball basket,
Always in volleyball, he plays basketball,
You will not find it in relay races faster.
What kind of teacher is he? Answer soon.
(Physical education teacher.)

Riddle about the profession of a policeman for preschoolers and schoolchildren

Riddle about the profession of a policeman for preschoolers and schoolchildren

A mystery about the profession of a policeman for preschoolers and schoolchildren:

Who is on guard day and night
Catchs those who want to rob?
With a gun in hand,
With a faithful dog on a leash?
Give your example,
It? (Police officer.)

Fun work,
Enviable from the heart!
Whistle when hunting
Yes, a wand of Masha!
(Police officer.)

My dad is a hero!
Walks in uniform, with a holster!
In the middle of the night darkness
Somewhere theft or fight?
Immediately by "102" call,
Call my dad!
(Police officer.)

No one in the world can do so
With one movement of the hand
Stop the flow of passers -by
And skip trucks.
(Police officer-regulator.)

He is very attentive and inquisitive,
Looking for evidence everywhere ...
(Police officer.)

Lihachu will order "Stop!"
On the road …
(Police officer.)

He shoots aptly
I have seen a lot
Smart, brave, strong -
Just an ideal!
And on blue uniform,
He has stars.
My dad is the strongest
He himself achieved everything.
(Police officer.)

A mystery about the profession of an engineer for preschoolers and schoolchildren

A mystery about the profession of an engineer for preschoolers and schoolchildren

A mystery about the profession of an engineer for preschoolers and schoolchildren:

Constructs cars,
Ships, machines, toys,
Skyscrapers of all collars,
Aircraft, taps, guns.
And any example will solve!
Children are ........

The fruits of human acts,
Everything that we see, for example,
And what we live from century to century,
I created it ...

When the deadline is finished, the product is ready,
And the smell of fresh paint gnaws his nose.
Then don't forget about the person
Who embodied thoughts in the drawing.

Difficult designer work,
Patience also requires experience.
But in general, the result is important:
Sketches, schemes, study,
Notes, explanations, reports
Defines the unit ...

Builds factories, cars, houses,
Workers and masters are suitable.
He will say what to do
What is the size here
Will make a drawing - drawing ...

He created a plane for a long time,
How many times the outlines have changed!
The pilot will sit down soon for the helm,
His work will finish the test.
(Design engineer.)

Here you have a drawing where every size
Gave a new detail ...

In appearance harsh and businesslike,
The soul hurts for each screw, where what to buy, what to sort,
What technique to drive away,
And if you count everything?
That's where the millionaire!
Your most important ...

Riddles about the profession driver, driver for preschoolers and schoolchildren

Riddles about the profession driver, driver for preschoolers and schoolchildren

Riddles about the profession driver, driver for preschoolers and schoolchildren:

He controls the machine,
She directs her to the goal.
Goes to the destination.
He is always ready for adventure.

Maybe he is big, heavy
Manage a truck
Or to take the kids to school,
If far on foot.

Il bus, or minibus,
Or self -sulfur with coal
He leads, forgetting about the joke -
After all, he is sitting behind the wheel!

Here he is going along the way
And looks at the traffic light.
You will tell me, children
What is his name? ...

I'm in the car driving
In the morning, in the evening and day.
Together with mothers guys
I take it to kindergarten.
Here I turn on the motor
Hey, let's go

Daily is a dimensional
He takes the steering wheel in his hands.
Wipes, turns so and Xiak,
But she will not eat her in any way!

He goes on the road
He is usually an instructive
Putting the leg on the pedal
And turning the steering wheel with his hand.

Who at anyone's address
Will bring you right to the house
On a car green -eyed?
Answer children at once!
(Taxi driver.)

The transport is green -eyed
Coming to us right away
It is only worth calling him
He buzzes us.
He will take where you need
And on the meter payment.
(Taxi driver.)

We get up very early
After all, our concern -
Direct everyone in the morning to work.

Riddles in English about professions with translation

Riddles in English about professions with translation

Riddles in English about professions with translation:

I Work in An Office.
I Like Serving Different People.
I am good at Typing.
I am hard -working.
Who am I?
I work in the office.
I like different people.
I print well.
I am hardworking.
Who am I?

I have Strong Debating Skills.
I Advise People About the Law.
I repressent peeple in a court.
I am Talkative.
Who am I?
I have good discussion skills.
I tell people about the laws.
I represent people in court.
I say a lot.
Who am I?

This is my dream Job.
I am Interested in Music.
I can play the Piano EVERY DAY.
I Like to Travel Around the World and Play Concerts.
Who am I?
This is my dream.
I am interested in music.
I can play the piano every day.
I like traveling around the world and playing concerts.
Who am I?

I Wear a Uniform.
I am Offten a Woman.
I work in a hospital.
I Help A Doctor.
I wear a uniform.
I am often a woman.
I work in the hospital.
I help the doctor.

I Use Markers or Chalk.
I work in a School.
I have students.
I Give Homework
I use markers or chalk.
I work at school.
I have students.
I give homework.

I can be or thick.
I have a Lot of Pieces of Paper.
I usually has pictures, too.
You can read me.
I can be thin or thick
I have a lot of pieces of paper.
I usually have pictures too.
You can read me.
(Answer: Book - book.)

I’m Usually Round.
I have Two Hands.
I Hang on the Wall.
I can tell you the time.
We are usually round.
We have two hands.
We are hung on the wall.
We can tell you time.
(Answer: Clock - watch.)

I’m in the lining-home.
You can sit in me.
I am Soft.
I have arms.
I am in the living room.
You can sit in me.
I'm soft.
I have pens.
(Answer: chair - Armchair.)

I have a Ball Shape.
I have One Leg to Stand on.
I have the Map of the World.
I am Very Useful on Geography Lesson.
I have the shape of a ball.
I have one leg, I stand on it.
I have a map of the world.
I am very useful in the geography lesson.
(Answer: Globe - A GLOBE.)

Video: Riddles about professions for children

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