Riddles for preschoolers with answers - the largest file cabinet

Riddles for preschoolers with answers - the largest file cabinet

Card index of puzzles for preschoolers who will help you in a playful way to introduce the baby to the outside world.

Riddles for preschoolers - the best selection

Riddles for preschoolers - the best selection
Riddles for preschoolers - the best selection

Riddles for preschoolers - the best selection:

Doors, windows, but not a house.
There are seats even in it.
The headlights shine like eyes
There are four wheels.
Dust swirls from under them.
What's this?



So that I will take you
I don't need oats.
Feed me with gasoline,
Give rubber to the hoof
And then, raising the dust,
Will run ...


Steel horses
All my life in pursuit ...


Blinks eyes
Creaks with brakes ...


The eyes of the eyes buzzed,
Lugged the green meadow
Kovil crumpled by the road
And he left, picking up the dust ...


Steering wheel, pedal and brakes,
And four wheels.
Engine, trunk, tires
And the motor has ...


He runs along the highway of Yegoza.
Yellow, radiant eyes.
Gasoline: "Am! Am! "
Afraid of holes! ..


Eleza runs.
Behind the eye.
In front of the eyes.
Brakes scream ...


Does not fly, does not buzz,
The beetle runs along the street.
And burn in the eyes of the beetle
Two blinding lights ...


Iron animals
They growl and buzz.
Eyes like cats
At night - burn ...


On the way, behind the gate
Multi -colored wagons
They flee each other.
Their traffic lights guard ...


I drink gasoline and oil, I eat
Although not hungry at all.
And without them, I'm so sick
That I will not be able to go ...


The fraudulent dog
Four paws - wheels.
Rushing along the road
The legs rotate ...


The light is on, the motor is buzzing
On the wheels of the tire
Rushing on the way
Us in ourselves ...


Running, buzzing.
Looks in two eyes
Only a red eye will look -
How dug will become ...


I am twisting with the wheels.
Himself - Kachu through the streets.
Behind the turn - a turn
And to the garage ...


The eyes of the eyes buzzed,
Lugged the green meadow
Kovil crumpled by the road
And he left, picking up the dust ...


The audience is running
In rubber bagels.
The fifth bagel behind his back
He is probably a spare ...


On the right is the door!
On the left is the door!
And a gasoline heart!


She will deliver without difficulty
You in other cities.
But if you are going on the road
Do not forget to season it!


The leg is wooden,
Chocolate shirt.
In the sun I melt
I disappear in my mouth ...
(Ice cream)


Children are very fond of
The chill is in the bag.
Chill, chill,
Let me lick you once ...
(Ice cream)


There is and is it not laziness
It was my sister Nina.
And the next day
We fell ill with angina ...
(Ice cream)


This is not known to me alone -
In the bread glass was imprisoned in the winter.
What is this - all inhabitants of the world know,
From Barnaul to Zair ...
(Ice cream)


On a holiday, I will come to everyone
I am big and sweet.
There are nuts in me, cream,
Cream, chocolate.


He lives in his foil,
He quickly melts in his hand.
Very tasty, very sweet,
Makes the face of the guys.


I am in a glass, a horn,
Tasty and tender.
Made in milk,
More often - snow -white.
I live in freezers,
And in the sun I immediately melt.
(Ice cream)


I took the strength from the fruits
Sweet berries, fruits.
For the guys I'm ready
The best of the products.
You drink me more
Pour, do not regret it!


We are in a confectionery rustling
Fantiki bright.
And we want for a holiday
To get to you with gifts.


It turned out a cake for fame,
I’ll pick it up and pick up the crumbs.
They added a seasoning to the cake,
Not simple, but a bark.


We are in the package of one hundred zero
We notice with poppy seeds.
Grandma, pour seagulls,
There are a bit of them for tea.
(Lambs, drying)


He was swab in the stove, dark
Like a bagel, also round.
This soft lamb
I eat for breakfast in a doseran.


Their granny with sugar
Baked, sweet.
The first came out - like a lump,
And others are smooth.

I am raisor, almond
We bake them on Easter.
And sculpt them in the yard
Also to be a child.
(Easter cakes)


It can be sandy,
And sometimes with cream.
Sometimes it happens with juicy
Appetizing jam.
And the meringue happens - crumbs,
And in the icing peel
Maybe it is potatoes,
Only not mashed potatoes at all.

Original puzzles for preschoolers with answers

Original puzzles for preschoolers with answers
Original puzzles for preschoolers with answers

Original riddles for preschoolers with answers:

He will not leave in trouble
He will not ask too much
This is what the real one means


We will shook each other in trouble,
We make lessons together and play,
Together we go for a walk, to the store.
When you are not, then I am alone.
Come on, I miss
I don’t even play with my beloved tank.
I really need communication with you,
And you also need male ...


Maybe you have a neighbor
I torn my pants
Damed your stool
And tore two books?
Maybe he himself is not happy
What happened? -
So many pranks in a row
He happened to him.
You will cry, scream
You will seize your feet
And, of course, you will run
Complain to mom ...
And let's forgive him,
We will not tell anyone,
We will not even be sad,
We will not show the species.
You live in the neighborhood
So, it is necessary ...
(be friends)


We are now not friends
You left, I was offended.
They quarreled in earnest,
They called each other
Well, now I am sad.
Come, I will forgive you.
Agree, because because of the nonsense
This one has grown ...


I am my neighbor Olya
I pulled for a pigtail at school, -
This Olya is to me again
I did not give an answer to write off.

I picked the hand in my back in the back
Classmate Marina,
It is necessary with her, in general, built,
So that she does not build faces for me.

I threw it in Lena with a washing machine
She is like peas against the wall,
And a cheerful Katyushka,
I called a laughter.

In the bag of Yabeda Larisa
I threw a rat in the morning,
She will arrange a hole in the bag, -
Here the fun will be soon!

For the whole class, one Irishka
I respect like a boy
I will only put the button,
Because with her ...
(I am friends)


On the control will let me write off
It is always easy to chat with him.
If necessary, it will give advice,
He knows my secret.
He shares joy with me
For me is always a mountain.
If the trouble will happen suddenly,
True will help me ...


We will quarrel and make peace
Do not pour water, joking everything around.
At noon or midnight, he will come to the rescue,
This is what the real true one means ...


They say that we are similar.
We answer: "So what?"
They say that they are inseparable.
Without each other is really boring.
They say that we are chatterboxes ...
So what! After all, we ...


He will always be able to help me out
If something happens suddenly.
It’s necessary to be someone in difficult times,
This is what the real true one means ....


What, girlfriend, I suggest
To forget our quarrel.
I take a step towards
I want to be friends with you.
Stop, girlfriend, get angry,
I offer ...
(make peace)


This is the main miracle always
STO discoveries for all the present,
And any trouble is not a problem
If they are real nearby!
Who is it?


If a friend is not close yet
That, perhaps, he is not a friend.
Suddenly the act is low
Or will refuse the request suddenly.
In the meantime, I communicate with him,
There are many common things with him.
I turn into a friend myself
From the number…


When you and Alyosha go by the handle,
Then you do not care any rains or fogs.
And all because he is yours ...
The best, the most


"Bride and groom"
My name is with Marinka,
The guys came up with
Absolute teaser.
If it is difficult to make peace
If you don't choose words,
Do not be angry no longer
And tell the poem.
Teasers will forget
If you say ...


There is much in common with him, you have only quirks.
Anyone is very much wild for you.
You - do not spill water,
Because the real ...


He is behind a desk of one
He is sitting with me for a year.
Pencil will give me a pen,
He will never miss.
And he is not more reliable,
He's on my desk ...


They are called this word
Everyone who studies together.
Comrades, friends, pranksters,
Of course this ...


Children's riddles of a preschooler
On the shelf in my room
Always full of friends.
They will comfort, entertain
And it is necessary - and they will give advice.


I know everything, I teach everyone
And I myself am always silent.
To make friends with me,
We need to learn literacy.


The seed is flat, the field is smooth;
Who knows how, he sows;
The seed does not rush
And the fetus brings.
(Paper and letter)


The sages settled
In glazed palaces,
In silence alone
Distribute secrets to me.


The birds sat on the pages,
They know the past and fables.


I go along the beds,
I darling the demon account
On the beds does not decrease,
And arrives in my head.
(Knowledge from books)


There is a leaf, there is a spine.
Not a bush and not a flower.
He will fall on his knees to mom,
He will tell you about everything.


At least not a hat, but with the fields,
Not a flower, but with a spine.
Talking to us
All understandable language.


Who speaks silently?


With friends and sisters
She comes to us
Stories, lead new
Brings in the morning.


Black, crooked,
From birth, all dumb,
Will stand in a row -
Now they will speak.


Pine and Christmas trees have needles.
And on what leaves are words and lines grow?
(Books of the book)

Open your secrets
Anyone is ready.
But you are from her
You will not hear a word.


Myself is small
And I gave the mind.


Galka arrived in the field
And sat down in the snow ...
I will study at school -
I can figure them out!


The wall is large and important
The house is multi -storey.
We are on the bottom floor
All residents have already read.


In the white field blue
The lines stretched out
And the friends are going on them,
They lead each other's hands.
(Letters in the notebook (


I'm in a hurry today
From the street home:
Waiting for me at home
The narrator is dumb.


They sow with a pen, they are reached with their eyes,
They eat their heads, digest with memory.


Not a bush, but with leaflets,
Not a shirt, but sewn,
Not a person, but tells.


She says soundlessly
But it’s understandable and not boring.
You talk to her more often -
You will become four times smarter.


Black birds on each page
They are silent, they expect who will guess them.


Letters-digits, like fighters for a parade,
In strict order are built in a row.
Everyone in the assigned place is worth
And called ...

Riddles for preschoolers short

Riddles for preschoolers short
Riddles for preschoolers short

Riddles for preschoolers are short:

Somehow the mouse is small
I threw the testicle on the floor.
Baba cries, the grandfather cries.
What a fairy tale, give me an answer!
(Heap of poles.)


In this house without worries
Beasts lived, only now
The bear came to them later,
Breeding an animal house.


He was able to escape from the house.
Wolf and hare, and bear
They could not keep up with him.
But the fox knows the case -
Quickly "am" and ate it.


Difficult to grandmother and grandfather
Take the turnip to dinner.
Granddaughter, bug, even a cat
They helped them a little
Who else came to the garden?
Guess you a riddle.
(Mouse from a tale turnip.)


In the tale of Lisonka, the rogue
She deceived the bunny deftly
Having drove away from the hut.
Bunny cried day and night.
But in trouble he helped him
One brave cockerel.
(Zaykina hut.)


Evil birds dragged
Brach-brotz at the sister,
But sister, at least small
Nevertheless, the baby saved.
What kind of birds in the fairy tale were
And to whom did they serve?
(Geese swans and Baba Yaga.)


Pounded and chopped on a plate with his nose -
He did not swallow anything
And he stayed with his nose.
(Fox and crane.)


The nose is not put in their affairs,
They peck with their noses before going to bed,
But one cheerful nose
Dad Carlo brought us.


Oh, you are Petya-Pasto,
He blocked a little
The cat did not obey
He looked out the window.
(Golden scallop cockerel.)

Card index of puzzles for preschoolers

Card index of puzzles for preschoolers
Card index of puzzles for preschoolers

Card index of puzzles for preschoolers:

Waited for mom with milk,
And they let the wolf into the house ...
Who were these
Small children?
(Seven goats.)


She was an artist
Beautiful as a star
From evil Karabas
I fled forever.


That's completely not difficult
A short question,
Who put it in the inkwell
A wooden nose?


A middle -aged man
Here with a hiding beard.
Offends Pinocchio
Artemon and Malvina,
And in general for all people
He is a notorious villain.
Any of you knows
Who is this?


A little more a nail.
In a walnut crib
The girl was asleep.
And so small
It was sweet.
Have you read such a book?
What is the name of this baby?


Thumbelina is a blind bridegroom
Lives all the time underground.


I went to visit my grandmother,
She carried her pies.
The gray wolf followed her,
He deceived and swallowed.
(Red Riding Hood.)


She was a girlfriend of gnomes
And you, of course, are familiar to you.
(Snow White.)


The evening would rather come close
And the long -awaited hour has come
So that I am in a gilded carriage
Go to a fairy -tale ball!
No one in the palace will recognize
Where am I from, how am I called
But only midnight will come
I will return to my attic.


Grandfather and Baba lived together,
The daughter of Snowball was blinded,
But fire is hot heat
Turned the girl into steam.
Grandfather and grandmother are sad.
How was their daughter called?
(Snow Maiden.)


The red girl is sad:
She doesn't like spring
She is hard in the sun!
The poor thing pours tears
(Snow Maiden.)


Near the forest, at the edge of the edge,
Three of them live in a hut.
There are three chairs and three circles,
Three cribs, three pillows.
Guess without a hint
Who are the heroes of this fairy tale?
(Three Bears.)


The nose is round, a heel,
It is convenient for them to rummage in the ground,
The tail is a little crochet,
Instead of shoes - hooves.
Three of them - and to what
Friendly brothers are similar.
Guess without a hint
Who are the heroes of this fairy tale?
(Three pigs.)


Heals small children
Heals birds and animals,
Looks through his glasses
Good doctor ...


This fabulous hero
With a tail, mustachioed,
He has a pen in his hat,
The whole striped itself
He walks on two legs,
In bright red boots.
(Puss in Boots.)

Riddles for children of preschool children with answers

Riddles for children of preschool children with answers
Riddles for children of preschool children with answers

Riddles for children of preschool children with answers:

School, house, grass, earth.
I denote any subject.
Who? Teacher, doctor, neighbor.
What? Sofa, bicycle.
I am different of me:
Sidewalk, window, nature.
I change by numbers, by cases.
I'm in a hurry to visit the students.
That's how am I amazing.
I am called ...


I'm learning. I look at the notebook.
I have a serious look.
"A", "b", "c", and in order
I repeat ...


And in Russian with us
A very complicated program.
We are in words from different phrases
We are looking together ...


Thirty -three girlfriends
They will get up one after another,
All words will be.


If we highlight the syllable
When reading it,
We denote a stick


The words of the same part of speech.
But they have different meanings.
I will say "cowardice",
You will answer - "courage",
I will say "sadness"
And you are in response to me - "joy."


With the question of proposal
I called the "asked."
I forgot in excitement
Name ...


He answers the question "What to do?"
Part of the speech is. For example, "went."
Denotes the action of the subject
And proudly called ...


Art read and art to write
More complicated than reading, more complex mathematics.
Science that the language can learn,
It is called simply - ...


I am looking for the main members in the sentence.
There is no subject, somewhere it hid again.
It with a predicate in the connection
Is ...
(grammatical basis)


The sign is: hook and point,
I will write it on the line.
If I ask something,
Then I write it at the end.
How? Where? When? Everything is simple ...
After the words of those - ...
(question mark)


What the weather!
And the snow is wonderful!
I will put at the end
Another sign - ...


I said alone
It was a monologue.
The interlocutor entered,
It became a speech - ...


Part of the word known to everyone.
It may not be it at all
It can be sound
Or maybe zero.
(The ending)


She expresses the meaning of the word
And it is called simply - ...
(the foundation)


Two brothers live in the neighborhood,
They get into the words every now and then.
One brother softens sounds
Another brother shares them.
(Hard and soft signs)


I wrote a letter to Seryozha,
About business, friends a little.
I did not write many words
Well, five sheets came out.
At the end of the fifth leaflet
I finished. I put it ...


If we highlight the root,
We determine the suffix
And we will find the prefix,
We will circle the end.
Our actions are not nonsense
In composition then ...


We start with her every paragraph.
Remember the name about it.
And any schoolboy will say correctly,
That the apart is called ...
(red line)


Work on errors
I did a whole Saturday.
Patience has been exhausted


The punctuation mark is very necessary for us,
He is similar to the point and is generally friendly to her.
Sister points with a curl of a funny
We always call ...


If the text is suddenly unfinished,
Instead of a point is worth ...


There was one candy in a vase.
Mom poured it, it became full.
Answer me the question, kids,
What has changed in sweets?


If the first is “I”, “we”,
If the third is “he”, “they”,
And the second if it means
"You" and "you." And not otherwise.


“Ivan gave birth to a girl,
He ordered to drag a diaper. "
Read the first letters,
Call all six brothers.
Tell me their names.
Of course this ...


We read the story
The teacher asked us
Show diligence -
The text give a name.
Then I turned out to be dexterous -
Instantly came up with ...

Mathematics riddles for preschoolers

Mathematics riddles for preschoolers
Mathematics riddles for preschoolers

Riddles in mathematics for preschoolers:

I take pencils.
You count, but do not hurry.
Look, do not be rampant:
Red Black,
Yellow, blue.
Answer - in my hand
How many pencils?
(4 pencils)


Tell me guys,
How many corners
Any square?
(4 angle)


The walnut fell at the path,
Braked into two halves.
Three crows will not share
Two halves are equally.
But here - such a fun!
Two more nuts fell
And also two halves
They crashed at the same path.
Now three black crow
The prey will be divided equally!
We wish them success in this!
But every crow,
If equally,
How many nuts got?
(one nut)


Baked Oladushkov.
I treated two grandchildren -
Two fights are badger.
But the grandchildren did not ate
They knock with a roar.
Well, how much bad
Waiting for supplements and are silent?
(no one)


Egorke was lucky again
It is not in vain at the river.
Two karasiks in a bucket
And four sands.
But look - at the bucket,
A cunning cat appeared ...
How many fish is Home Egor Home
Will he bring us to the ear?
(no one)


Two boys walked along the way
And they found two rubles each.
Four more follow them.
How much will they find?
(no one)


Ten trees were in the garden.
Eight cut down last year.
I guys will not find the answer:
How many trees are left in the garden?
(In order to find the answer here, and do not count.
If there are no eight trees, which means there is no garden).


Kolya and Marina.
Four tangerines.
Of these, the brother has three.
And how much is sister?
(1 tangerine)


Three white pigeons were sitting on the roof.
Two pigeons starred and flew away.
Well, tell me as soon as possible,
How many pigeons are left?
(1 pigeon)


They asked the children at school a lesson:
It jumps in the field ten forty.
Nine flew up, sat on the spruce,
How much is left in the field?
(1 forty)


Misha alone with a pencil,
Grisha alone with a pencil.
How many pencils
Both kids?
(2 pencils)


Three apples.
To tear one
The hand is stretching.
But first you need to count -
And how much will it remain?
(2 apples)


There are seven grasshoppers in the choir
Songs sang.
Soon five grasshoppers
They lost their voice.
Count without unnecessary words
How many votes became?
(2 votes)


Four forty came to lessons.
One of the forty did not know the lesson.
How much diligent
Studied forty?
(3 magpies)


Marina entered the class
And behind her - Irina,
And then Ignat came.
How many guys became?


There are seven plums on the plate,
Their appearance is very beautiful.
Paul ate four plums.
How much did the boy leave the drain?
(3 plums)


Three loud mom-white
Waited near the hollow.
They for breakfast mom-white
She brought nine bumps.
Divide into three -
How much is each of them?
(three nuts)


Five guys played football
They called one home.
He looks out the window, believes
How many are playing them now?
(plays 4 guys)


Marina tore off the mug
Nine raspberries.
Five gave her girlfriend.
How many berries have you been in a circle?
(4 berries)


I draw Koshkin House:
Three windows, a door with a porch.
There is still a window upstairs
So that it is not dark.
Count the windows
In the house at the cat.
(4 windows)

Riddles about autumn for preschoolers

Riddles about autumn for preschoolers
Riddles about autumn for preschoolers

Riddles about autumn for preschoolers:

Fields of the field, the earth is wet,
Rain water when it happens?
(In the fall)


The days have become shorter
Nights were longer,
Who will say, who knows
When does it happen?
(In the fall)


In the morning we go to the yard -
The leaves are pouring rain,
They rustle underfoot
And fly, fly, fly ...


Leaves fall from aspen,
a sharp wedge rushes in the sky


I carry crops
I sow the fields again,
I send birds south,
I undress the trees,
But I do not touch the pines and Christmas trees.
I - …


I came without colors
B without a brush
And she repainted all the leaves.


Forest undressed,
Sent to the sky
This is the time of the year - ...


I carry crops, I sow the fields again,
I send birds south, I undress the trees,
But I do not touch the pines and Christmas trees, I ...


There is no sun, in the sky clouds,
The wind is harmful and prickly,
It’s blowing like that, there is no salvation!
What? Give an answer!
(Late fall)


Red Egor
Falled to Ozerko,
He did not drown himself
And the water did not stir.
(Autumn leaf)


Who beats the roof all night
Yes tapping
And mutters, and sings, lulls?


There was lanky, it was bogged into the cheese.


Large, fractionally often,
And the whole earth was wet.


He is coming, and we are running
He will catch up anyway!
We are in a hurry to hide in the house,
Will knock on the window to us,
And the roof is stuck and tuk!
No, we will not let in, a dear friend!


Without a road and without a road
Walks the longest,
Hides in clouds,
In the darkness,
Only legs on the ground.


Warms the field, forest and meadow,
City, house and everything around!
He is a leader and clouds,
You know, this is ...


Clouds are catching up
Howls, blowing it off.
Rummages around the light,
Sings and whistles.


Flies, not a bird
Howls, not a beast.

Autumn came to visit us
And with it brought ...
What? Tell me at random!
Well, of course …
(Leaf fall)


The leaves are yellow,
Fall, circle,
And under your feet just like that
How the carpet is lying!
What kind of yellow snowfall?
It's simple …
(Leaf fall)


Riddles about bread for preschool children

Riddles about bread for preschool children
Riddles about bread for preschool children

Riddles about bread for preschool children:

Comers and ride
They are tempered in the stove,
And then at the table
Cut with a knife.


Soup plate between the elbows,
And he is in the hands of everyone with slices.
Without it, as you can see,
Not tasty and not satisfying!


There are such words:
"He is the head of everything"
The crispy crust is dressed
Soft black, white.


Guess easily and quickly:
Soft, lush and fragrant,
He is black, he is white,
And it is burnt.


We are rye bricks
The stoves were baked in hot.
They loaded on the car-
Buy in the store!


In the spring in the ground,
And all year on the table.


At one large factory,
He is not brick like
In a fire -breathing furnace
Bricks bake.
I bought a brick for lunch,
After all, for a lunch is needed ...


Komovy, nostril,
Both Gubato, and Gorbato, and firmly,
And softly, and round, and brilliantly,
And black, and white, and everyone is nice.


Everyone needs it, not everyone will do it


They beat me with sticks, press me with stones,
Keep me in a fiery cave
Cut me with knives.
Why are they so destroyed?
For what they love.


He is round and oil, he
Moderately cool, salted, -
Smells of solar heat,
It smells of a sultry field.


Here he is -
Warm, golden.
To every house,
For each table -
He granted - he came. In him -
Health, our strength,
In him -
Wonderful warmth.
How many hands
He raised it,
Protected, shore!


The ring is not simple
Gold ring,
Shiny, crispy,
Everyone is a sight for sore eyes ...
Well, a schedule!
(Baranka or bagel.)


What is poured into the pan
Yes, four are bent?


A giant ship is not floating by sea.
A giant ship is on the ground.
The field will pass - the crop will be gathering.


It happens with a toleck,
With rice, meat and millet,
It happens with cherry sweet
First, they put him in the stove,
And how he will come out of there
Then put it on a dish.
Well, now call the guys!
They will eat everything on a piece.


You do not peck me, my friend, a vocal cockerel.
I’ll go into the ground warmly, I’ll ascend to the sun with the ear.
In it, then, like me, there will be a whole family.


Grounded a house in the field.
The house is full of grain.
The walls are gilded.
The shutters are boarded up.
The house walks a shaking
On the pillar in gold


He is a golden and Usat,
In a hundred pockets - a hundred guys.


First grew in the wild in the field.
In the summer he bloomed and collapsed,
And when they thundered,
He suddenly turned into grain.
From grain - to flour and dough,
I took a place in the store.


What the riddle is about here,
It’s good to eat with a seagull,
In appearance - a small loaf
And with the filling of sweet he.


In a piece
There was a place for the filling,
There is no empty inside it -
There is meat or cabbage.


In the house
What is in the kitchen
Black bread
And the bar is "visiting".


Wooden dungeon -
And in it bread is always stored.


He walks the field from the edge to the edge, cuts a black loaf. ”


“The Bird of the Yaritsa is looking down the wind
He waves wings, herself from the place. "


"Everyone needs, not everyone will do it"


“A month-Novets shone on the field during the day,
By night, he flew to the sky. "


A clear month at night in the Nebushka hangs,
In the afternoon in the pole shines. ”


Was a grain of gold,
He became a green arrow.
The Sun Summer Light
And the arrow was gilded.
What kind of arrow?

Riddles about birds for preschoolers

Riddles about birds for preschoolers
Riddles about birds for preschoolers

Riddles about birds for preschoolers:

Fidget is motley
The bird is long -tailed,
The bird is talkative,
The most talkative.


He sits in the cage all day,
And he repeats under his nose,
But when he heard the door creak,
He screams "Philip Filipp",
Give a cache faster,
Who is it - ...


Along the river, on the water
The boats are floating, a string,
The ship goes ahead,
Following them leads,
Small boats have no oars
And the boat is painful.
To the right, left, back, forward
The whole Vatagu will turn.
(Duck with ducklings)


Who will be born twice:
For the first time smooth
The second time soft?


In his crown red
He walks like a king.
You are it hourly
Listen to please:
- I'm here! I'm on the alert-oo-oo!
I all go to you all!
The children fell asleep. The light went out.
Silent, throaty ...


Red -breasted, black -winged,
Loves to peck grains,
With the first snow in the mountain ash
He will appear again.


White feathers,
Red scallop.
Who is this on the peg?


It gets up before everyone,
"Ku-ka-re-ku!" Sings.


Palace Kryakusha
Catching frogs?


The brave warrior has a red cap
Spur boots and an important gait
A motley uniform, at the chickens he is a commander.


Not a ride, but with spurs,
Not an alarm clock, but wakes everyone up.


Dissolves the tail with a peacock,
Walks an important master
On the ground with your feet - a knock,
What is his name - ...


Beloboka's Vereshchi,
And her name is ...


I go to bed every evening,
I am not afraid in the room alone.
I fall asleep sweetly
Under the singing of birds -


He sits in the cage all day,
And he repeats under his nose,
But when he heard the door creak,
He screams "Philip Filipp",
Give a cache faster,
Who is it -


I go to bed every evening,
I am not afraid in the room alone.
I fall asleep sweetly
Under the singing of birds - ...


Will deliver letters and newspapers,
Carries the parcel to the ends of the world
He knows how to store all secrets.
Krylat was daring, and he was.
Who is this postman?


Although I'm not a hammer -
I knock on wood:
It has every corner
I want to examine.
I walk in a red hat
And the acrobat is beautiful.


In front - nameph
On top - black cloth,
Below is a white towel.


He wanders importantly on the meadow,
It comes out of the water dry,
Wears red boots,
Gives soft Perinki.


Guess what kind of bird
Sveta is afraid of bright
Crochet, eye with a heel?


Bathed in the water, remained dry


I'm going, I'm afraid who is this?


There is a tag with tagans - -
Not with your feet, but with shovels.
All swimmers are not bad
Dry water comes out of the water.


Winged, throaty,
Red flippers.


Long neck, red paws,
Pinches the heels - run without looking back!


Input bathed,
Yes, dry remained!


I declare everyone in a row -
Go away from the chickens.
I have at least the appearance of a bird
But character is like a lioness.


Here is a bird is so a bird
Not a thrush, not a blue,
Do not swan, not duck
And not a goat.
But this bird is here
Though small
Displays chicks
Only fierce in winter.


On claws on the barrel pine
Monter red -headed climbed.
He worked on weight,
But the light did not flare up in the forest.


Carpenter with a sharp chisel
Builds a house with one window.
“I knock on a tree,
I want to get a worm! "


Look - above the roofs
The sky cuts fast ....


It flies all night -
Mice mines.
And it will become light -
Sleeping in the hollow.


Sleeps in the afternoon
Flies at night
Passers -by in the forest scares.


Let me be a new bird
My friends have a habit -
How the cold will begin,
I fly here.


Black -winged, red -chested,
And in winter he will find a shelter:
He is not afraid of a cold -
With the first snow, how is it!


In winter, apples on the branches!
Get them soon!
And suddenly apples fluttered ...
Yes it ….


There is a barrel
On the trunk of the stake,
On the stake of the palace
In the palace, the singer.


This bird
Name ....


It is silent during the day
Shouts at night
It flies through the forest
Passers -by scares.


So important she walks along the swamp!
And the living creatures swamp away runs away.
After all, if the frog cannot hide,
Then no one will help this frog!


On one leg is worth
Looks intently into the water.
Pokes at random at random,
Looking for frogs in the river.

Long, nosy,
It costs a whole day like a statue.
I have strokes -
I'm not afraid of a swamp.
I will find frogs, -
Here is my concern!


About this Forest Ptashka
Song in the song alone:
She went to the bazaar
Bitter vodka got drunk there.


He builds a house on a rock.
Isn't it scary to live in it?
At least around and beauty
But such a height!
No, the owner is not afraid
Slide from the cliff - slide off -
Two powerful wings
The owner ....


He knows the sky, they know the wind
Rocks and river liman
That faster than anyone else in the world
Proud bird ...


Cries in the swamp,
And it does not come from the swamp.


Lives in the swamp,
He sings with a soul.
Legs like knitting needles
And the very small one.

Little boy
In the gray Armenian
Slits around the yards
The crumbs collects
In the barn is night -
The hemp is stealing


She sits in the forest on a branch,
She repeats one "ku-ku"
She considers to us all years,
She loses her chicks.
"Ku-ku" here and here
What is the name of this bird? -

Riddles about animals for preschoolers

Riddles about animals for preschoolers
Riddles about animals for preschoolers

Riddles about animals for preschool children:

Thick -skinned, thick -skinned,
And there are four teeth in the mouth.
If he reveals his mouth
You can faint!


I go in a fluffy fur coat
I live in a dense forest.
In the hollow on the old oak
I get nuts.
The lush tail sticks out of the top.
What a strange little animal?
Substates the nuts finely,
Well, of course, this is ...


That's how animals!
Nor do not dig
But the dams are being built.
They are all dressed in fur coats
The tool is not saw - teeth.
These builders -
River residents.
Drink wood,
Build a dam.
Who is digging in the forest,
Does the dams build dams on streams?
Teeth, like axes,
It works ...
We do not need axes
We are builders - ... (beavers)
The one who is called beaver
Without nails will build ... (house).

His back is in stripes,
The tail is light, like a fluff.
All reserves are like in a chest,
Hides in the hollow ...


What is the name of the deserts called?
He has a hunchback back
Because he …


In the forest in the winter cold
Walks angry, hungry.
He clung with his teeth!
This is gray ...


A ball rolls in the forest,
He has a prickly side.
He hunts at night
Behind beetles and mice.
Thorny glomerulus
Lies under the Christmas tree.
If you want to touch -
Instantly will run away.
Good -natured, business
All needles are covered ...
Do you hear the stomp of nimble legs?
This is our friend ...


Unwashed in the mouth
He will never take.
And you be like that
Like clean ...
Wash his food in the river,
So that she was cleaner
Only then he will send in his mouth.
And that cleaned ...


That's how the legs! That's the neck!
We have not seen longer!
Like a tower between herbs,
Rises ...
He walks, lifting his head,
Not because an important count,
Not because a proud disposition,
But because he ...
This beast is some kind of strange:
The neck is like an arrow by the crane.
To get the mouth to the herbs,
It will double ...
You know me,
I am a horse with a long neck.
You, my friend, of course, are right
You realized that I ...


What a forest beast
Standed like a column under a pine tree?
And it stands among the grass -
Ears are more head.
Jump-slop, coward!
Tail - shorty,
Ears along the back,
Eyes with a mow,
Clothing in two colors -
For winter and summer.
Gray little animal,
Crash -eyed long -coil.
Well, who he is, guess
And give him carrot!
A lump of fluff, a long ear.
He jumps deftly, loves carrots.
Rushes without looking back
Only sparkle the heels.
Rushes that there is a spirit,
The tail is shorter than the ear.
Guess vividly,
Who is this? - ...


The horse has a shirt -
In striped, like a vest.
The horse is a horse, not a sailor.
What kind of oddity? Here's a question.
A horse like a horse
But only in stripes.
I saw someday
A horse in a strip?


Lies a rope
The rogue hiss.
It is dangerous to take it -
Book. It's clear?
Rustling, rustling with grass,
The cord crawls alive,
So he got up and hissed.
Come, who is very daring.
Although her dangerous poison
Sometimes useful, they say
But so as not to contact doctors,
We better not meet with her.


Near oak with a sharp snout
He was busy with the earth, he snouted,
Apparently, I was looking for acorns.
I did not scare him.
My Polkan did not frighten off -
It was very formidable ...


Someone in the bag wears matches,
Someone are important things,
Someone is a book and a game,
And the kids - ...

I am angrier than other snakes,
But when I meet in growth, I get up,
I immediately inflate my neck,
The sign "Danger!" I serve.
You can't call me
Too affectionate and kind.
Never touch me
I am a snake, big ... (cobra)


With a beard, not an old man,
With horns, not a bull,
Not a horse, but bursts,
Milk, not a cow,
With fluff, not a bird,
Lyko is fighting, but does not weave bast shoes?
Who is it?
Horned, not a deer.
Gives milk, not a cow.


With a beard will be born -
No one is wondering.
He is a horn and bearded
Strictly looks at the guys.
If anyone is mischievous -
Cares, cares!
You don't chase me!
I care! Watch out!
I have horns!
Go away from the path! Who is it?


Among the yard is a shock
In front of the pitchfork, a broom behind.
Mumains: "Mu-oh!"
Who is it? I do not understand.
Harse day and night chews,
Gives a lot of milk.
Red milk
The day is chewing and chewing night.
After all, the grass is not so easy
Remove to milk.

Cat Kitty)
The muzzle is mustached,
Striped fur coat,
Often washed
But it does not know with water.

Riddles about letters for preschoolers

Riddles about letters for preschoolers
Riddles about letters for preschoolers

Riddles about letters for preschool children:

Aibolit is all first
They said the letter ...


Hoop, ball and wheel,
They will remind you of the letter ...


In the old tree hollow
Well, just like a letter ...


For a long time, children know everyone:
The cow knows the letter ...


Every lamb will tell you
They really love the letter ...


Separate all he is a mastic,
(hard sign)


The whole hour is already buzzing
On the flower the letter ...


One has a leg on one
Love geese the letter ...


For the spike, it is good
In the alphabet of the letter ...


You will immediately recognize her -
With two eyes, the letter ...


"Hotly like me in a candle!" -
It laments the letter ...


"Hi-hee, ha ha ha!" -
So the letter laughs ...


Walks with a stick, alas,
On the pages the letter ...


It will not work borscht
If there are no letters in it ...


Claw on the porch
Scratching letter ...


Hares from the beetle
Makes the letter ...


He is a good -natured woman
All softens ...
(soft sign)


I put on my nose glasses,
I will immediately become a letter ...


I found a bitch in the forest
He looks like a letter ...


We remembered easily:
Number one - letter ...
(not oh, but a)


I ate a piece from the bagel,
And the letter turned out ...
(not l, but c)


Round -shaped head,
The same form is the letter ...
(not, but o)


We see the metro in Moscow,
And above the entrance the letter ...
(not oh, but m)


You will say for sure
It looks like a horizontal bar ...
(not to, but n)


On one stands a leg
On the roof of the house is the letter ...
(not g, but t)


The word delicious ear
The letter starts ...
(not x, but y)


The first letter, friends,
In the alphabet - this is ...
(not me, but a)


Alphabetical family
He heads the letter ...
(not yu, but a)


This is not a lie at all:
The letter has no sound ...
(not at e, but at or b)


The farthest, completely at the end,
In the alphabet of the letter ...
(not c, but me)


We are distinguished by sound,
Mine is longer, yours are shorter
And you are marked -
Sign from above, but not a point.
(And - th)


Do not suddenly say
This word is this letter!
You will start a story about yourself,
So you call her!


We are not suitable for us!
You can make sure of this -
Look at the alphabet,
Between us "s" stands!
(B - b)


You can sing her, my friend!
But, the barrel is erased
And look - already from the stump
It turns out a hoarse!
(O - c)


On your hissing just
We will find the council!
After all, he is softened by the tail
In the corner on the right.
(W - sch)


She is pronounced by a snake
And a hedgehog, a little angry
Souring ball and I, -
But just not like that - Ponaroshka!


There are no angles in this letter
And she would have rolled away
If there are a lot of different words
I would do without her!


Two neighbors in the alphabet
So similar, oh-oh-oh!
Almost never distinguish them,
Only one point!


We can designate it
What is unknown in the task
And looking at everything differently,
In it we will see just a cross!


This letter is like a bug
Pushed six legs
And, of course, you know
What does not follow her "s"!


The doctor knows how to very simple
Check our throat -
He always asks for
This letter is called.


Our lamb knows the letter
Only a little softens, -
I taught him while he was
I almost forgot it myself.


In the yard it was:
Kura Bukovka taught,
Only I couldn't
Complement it on "A".


What is so complicated! -
Why, why,
This letter is at the cow
Pronounced on "y"


If I do lips
A very thin pipe
I will make a sound later,
Then you will hear the letter ...


Took the "en" and on the right leg
We stretched a little
Yes, they turned off the letter "o"-
Well, what happened?


What should I do, what should I do?
How to fix my language? -
I say it
Instead of a pause, I got used to it!


At the buckshot Volodya
This letter does not come out
And, of course, very strange
But it comes to Polkan!
(P) if a small feature
We cross the letter "o"
We lose the letter "o",
But we will find another!


My neighbor has a goose
He scares everyone angrily
This letter alphabet,
But I'm not afraid of him!


"PE" in another letter can
Turn very quickly -
The crossbar is a little
You just need to lower it!


With this letter, I
I am notia
And her friends
Often hum.


You agree when
With it, you put the letter "a",
And when you put "o" you,
You just get a note!


What is jumping here in I-th,
Rushes noisily in e-he
What runs in oh-huh
On one leg only?


There is such a law with us
I have no right to change it -
This letter every time
He wants to direct me inside!


With this letter more fun!
Well, how not to smile -
I can hang on it,
And also pull up!


In this word stands us
"E" put instead of "s",
How immediately and himself
You will turn into a letter!
(You are Tae)


Very often under the window
Sparrows arrive,
Very noisy and meticulous
This letter is discussed!


What kind of vowel is such
Not simple, but double
And I swear I am ready -
There is no words at the beginning of the words!


The letter "PE" turned over,
On the right, the tail was fastened,
Topped at the end
The letter turned out ...


If I add a leg,
To trim me a little
Then without new changes
Get the letter n!


She is in any pocket
In the bag, in the room, in the hand,
There is in a pan, there is in a glass,
And two whole in the wallet.
A cow will not give it without it
We are fresh milk.
It is not a word that is made here,
And just the letter ...

Riddles about numbers for preschoolers

Riddles about numbers for preschoolers
Riddles about numbers for preschoolers

Riddles about numbers for preschoolers:

Friends cannot live without them
You need to calculate the cars,
Pencils, hairpins,
We will not write a birthday
We will not recognize the bus number,
They will not give us change,
We will not find out how many minutes.
Each new day comes
He gives a different number!


Live in a smart book
Cunning brothers.
Ten of them, but these brothers
They count everything in the world.


Live in a difficult book
Cunning brothers.
Ten of them, but these brothers
They count everything in the world.


The figure opens the score to us,
A thin nose completes her.


With a cunning nose sister
The score will open ...


A hundred moon would have appeared -
And then it would be illuminated
Night as a day!
But, it is a pity, the moon
It always shines us ...


It stands among the sheet
One when the notebook is empty.
Rusing your nose to the ceiling,
She scolds the student.
And like a heron in the middle of the swamps
He is pecking him for laziness.
At least she has one leg
She is slim, proud, strict.
Neither the crane nor a tit.
And just ...


High as a wand
And with a big tail,
The first one is always everywhere -
The dial ....


Two nuts Burunduk
I wanted to put in a chest.
Only he did not endure
And one nut ate.
How many chopper has nuts left?


Three tigers did not be sad,
Air balloon was made.
Two flew up at dawn
And suddenly disappeared from the eyes.
Kohl take away these -
What will remain with us?


Two tits sang the song,
Two girlfriends, two singers.
Here one of them disappeared
Apparently, she is tired of singing.
A hint is not needed here:
There were two, now ...


Swan swims in a notebook,
So something is wrong.
If you're completely Dunno
Get this figure.


Like a swan, a miracle bird,
The sea rushes like a queen,
What is it called?
Well, of course, the figure ...


The mushroom grew in the shade of aspen,
He was one at first.
Then the second fungus made his way
Near the first he found himself.
The owl began to consider them:
It turned out exactly ...


The cat played in cubes,
The cat lost the cube.
Head is spinning…
There were three, left ...


Now it's time to bananas
Count from the monkey.
One two three four five…
You can give three for breakfast.
If three for breakfast,
There will be no five of them.
Monkey, you're right:
There will only remain ...


What slides along the light surface
Student notebook
White swan is beautiful,
Which became red from shame
For a loafer, a spit
Naughty boy?
For which he is scolded
And they are deprived of sweets for lunch.
With a light stroke of the pen
There was a figure ...


People are given to everyone from God
For the head only!
Well, what, what, and legs?
Everyone has them for ...

Guess this figure!
She is a lot of arrogant.
You will put a unit with a deuce
And you will get a figure ...


The rich wolf wolf
There were two barrels of kvass.
There is another barrel here
The wolf cub rolled home.
Began to fold them together -
How much did he count?


Four geese walked in the garden,
One was planning to swim in the pond,
He decided to dive under the water ...
And how many goslings continue their way?


Seven paper ships
He made a master Vorobey.
I gave four bears,
What did the sparrows leave?


This figure is just a miracle.
She has her relatives everywhere.
Even in the alphabet there is
She has a twin sister.


That's the miracle! Come on, well,
Look better -
It seems to be a letter
But also the figure ...


Someone at night old chair
He turned down his back down.
And now in our apartment
He became digital ...


Two mouses gnawed at the crust,
Two - the cheese was dragged into the mink.
How many of them do we have in our apartment?
Two plus two - in total ...


The protein collected the cones,
Collected and counted.
I climbed onto the pine tree
I added to three - one.
There were three shiskes first,
And now how many of them have become?


Either the figure, or the fork,
Either two roads for a fork.
In a student notebook
I know for sure - everything is glad to her.


I had my grandmother, -
She has in her entire apartment
Three huge tables
Each legs - ...


If two turn it over
And look carefully,
So take a look again,
Then we will get a figure ...


Three tits on the feeder.
Two tits on the tub.
We can add:
All the blue will be ...


Traded a ram in the market,
He sold the sheep of baskets.
He sold seven baskets
And chewed, chewed, chewed ...
There are no more two baskets,
So we write what in response?


The mouse walked along the path,
She carried nine grains.
Four - gave the bird,
What did you put in the pantry?


Mom looks impatient
On the pages of the diary.
Waiting for a treasured assessment
The son of a native.
But again there are only four.
No beauty ...


On the hand of the baby
Lena loves to count her fingers!
She has surprised at her
Each time it comes out ...


If a hinged lock
Up raises the proboscis,
Then we will see here
Not a lock, but a figure ...


Vaska is a clever fisherman -
Catchs the fish on the hook.
He caught three at dawn
I caught three in the evening.
Three plus three will answer
How many fish do we have?


I looked at the number in the mirror
And she dreamed of her sister.
But only the properties of one
She did not know him.
And received a double.
Like a drop of water
Sister looks like her.
Yes, only down the spit.
(Six and nine)


And my friend Tone
I had a chance to sit down on a pony
And Tony has with ponies
It became the legs at once ...


She looks like a braid
But the grass cannot mow -
Not sharpened at all
And the figure does not mow ...


Curls in the wind of a braid,
And in the middle of the back is a strip.


We have a proverb
And she is known to everyone -
Cut only once
And it is necessary to measure ...


I am a number, less than ten.
It's easy to find me.
But if the letter "I" will order to stand nearby,
I am everything: father, and you, and grandfather, and mother ...


This dial with a secret.
And in winter and hot summer
Distinguish barely,
Where is her legs, head.


The figure is like a toy -
Do not hit her on the land.
Everyone is clear - this is ...


- How many legs do you have?
- We will quietly ask the octopus.
He cannot answer us,
But so we know - ...


The number six turned upside down
I turned into a new number!


So the dial, take a look
She has a focus -
You turn her over
And you will get the number six!


Nolik, become a unit,
For his own sister.
This is the only way when you are together
They will call you ...


Early in the morning by the river
The cornflowers bloomed.
Five - on the left bank.
Five - on the right bank.
I am vasilent flowers
I can easily count.
Because five and five
How much will it be, how not to know?


How much will weigh together
Two dumbbells with a number five?
Yes, no need to guess -
Not kilo, but whole ...


Nolik, become a unit,
For his own sister.
This is the only way when you are together
They will call you ...


Here is a unit, and nearby is zero,
It is important as a king.
If zero leans to one,
What number will it turn into?


He looks like a bun
He is puzata and round.
A cat looks like him
If it turns into a ball.


The ball jumps on the pages,
He is looking for his sister.
What has the form of a ring -
Without beginning and end?

Riddles about vegetables for preschoolers

Riddles about vegetables for preschoolers
Riddles about vegetables for preschoolers

Riddles about vegetables for preschoolers:

Golden and healthy,
Vitamin, although sharp,
It has a bitter taste ...
It burns ... not a lemon.


Like on a bed under a sheet
The churbachka rolled -
Zelenets are remote,
Tasty vegetable is small.


Garden Kralya
Hid in the basement,
Bright yellow for color,
And the braid is like a bouquet.


Green fat woman
I put on a lot of skirts.
It costs like a ballerina
From the leaves of the Pelerin.


Red, kids, but not poppy.
In the garden - not Burak.
Juicy tidbit Signor.


In the garden - a yellow ball.
He just does not run to jump,
He is like a complete moon.
Delicious seeds in it.


At the winding path
The sun is growing on the leg.
How the sun will ripen,
There will be a handful of grains.


In a green tent
Koloboks sleep sweetly.
A lot of round crumbs!
What's this?


• He bites, only now
There is a tooth, but where is the mouth?
White wears a frock coat.
What, tell me, my friend?


Brown - not a bear,
In mink - but not a mouse.


At least it grew up in the garden
Knows the notes "Salt" and "FA".


In these yellow pyramids
Hundreds of appetizing grains.


This is not a toy at all -
Fragrant ...


At least he did not see the ink
The purple suddenly became
They love Vanya vegetable, Jean ...
So this is ...


What kind of trotter is this
Failed on the barrel?
The very well -fed, salad.
True, the kids ...


What are these miracles?
On the grass lies a star!
Maybe this is a marvelous dream?
No, it's ...

Round, crumbly, Bela,
She came to the table from the fields.
You smelled her a little
After all, however, delicious ....


The old grandfather is dressed in a hundred fur coats.
Whoever undresses him, he sheds tears.


Ermolka sits,
On one leg,
It has a hundred clothes on it
And all without fasteners.


Green grass above the ground,
A scarlet head is underground.

Riddle fruits for preschoolers

Riddle fruits for preschoolers
Riddle fruits for preschoolers

Riddle fruits for preschoolers:

Sami with a cam
Red barrel,
Touching - smoothly,
You will bite off - sweet.


A ruddy pylip to stick to the stick.


Were white flowers
Became ripe fruits
Steel like balls,
Fund balls.
How to take them on a tooth -
Sweet juice will sprinkle right away.


Yellow ball, slightly bitter.
In the summer, thirsty will quench.


Riddles about a pear
This fruit tastes good
And it looks like a light bulb.


Yellow leather,
It looks like a light bulb.


Riddles about melons
Round -side, yellow -faced,
It can be compared with the sun.
And what a fragrant,
Sweet pulp is like that!
We are now fans
Queen Paul ...


On the cord-stake
Sweet berries pile
On a large dish.


He grew up in the south
He collected his fruits in the clock.
And stern in winter
He will come to our house.


I judge on the tower
Small, like a mouse
Red as blood,
Tasty, like honey.


Kids know this fruit,
They like to eat his monkeys.
He is from hot countries
The tropics are growing ...


They are loved by adults and children
And monkeys are all in the world
They ripen on the palmam,
From hot countries they come to us!


What kind of fruit was ripening in the garden?
The bone is inside, in the freckles of the cheek.
Roy OS flew to him -
Soft is soft ...


The skin smells of honey,
There is something to worry about.
From themselves, persistent OS
Drives away ...


Green striped ball,
With a scarlet scarlet like a fever
Lies in the garden like a load,
Say what it is.


With orange skin,
Similar to the ball,
But the center is not empty
And juicy and tasty.


He is almost like an orange
With thick skin, juicy,
There is only one drawback -
Very, very sour.


Well, to guess it
Very simple:
Orange, neither give nor take,
Only less growth.


We know all him since childhood -
An amazing fruit,
Orange reminds
Called - ...


This is the best dinner
I am glad and Misha is glad
After all, today is our mother
I bought us ...


They seem to be cucumbers
Only ligaments are growing,
And for breakfast these fruits
Monkeys are served.


Guessing is not very simple -
Here I know such a fruit -
It's not about coconut,
Not about pear, not about plum, -
There is still a bird
They also call - ...


This very strong is small
Naughty tooth
Split it first
And then eat.


Not in forests and not in the gardens,
Not with you and with us
And in tropical fields
Grows up ...
(a pineapple)


From plant products,
Of the famous berries, fruits,
From everything that is sweet, juicy,
What is edible and not very,
For children to all overwhelming,
We can cook ...


Among Bakhchi are green balls.
The kids flew - from the balls one bark.


Papul Father
It has many children
And puts on everyone
And then he leaves
(Oak and acorns)

Riddles about professions for preschoolers

Riddles about professions for preschoolers
Riddles about professions for preschoolers

Riddles about professions for preschool children:

There are many different professions,
Everyone is beautiful in their own way
Everything is needed and everything is useful,
Well, do you know them?

From salad to pilaf
He knows all the recipes ... (answer - cook)

If that, what hurts does not cry
Will quickly cure us ... (answer - doctor)

Birds, animals from different injuries
The doctor treats ... (answer - veterinarian)

Haircut new lurcé
Can do ... (answer - hairdresser)

Bread, sweets, cucumber,
He will sell everything to us ... (answer - seller)

If the music is talent,
So this is ... (answer - musician)

In the garden all year round,
Everything plants .. (answer - gardener)

If we were going on flight,
The plane leads ... (answer - pilot)

And on the train, it rushes
We are on rails ... (answer - driver)

Well, if the seas,
He is brave ... (answer - captain)

Dress in any manner
Sew will help ... (answer - fashion designer)

The backstage opens,
On the stage in the image ... (answer - actress)

Then it will be more difficult
We need to answer faster ...
Building a big house? (answer - builder)
Does it teach us at school? (answer - teacher)
And lucky there? (answer - driver)
In the circus with a tiger? (answer - tamer)
Does light include? (answer - illuminator)
Replacing it? (answer - deputy)
All the main thing? (answer - leader)
But it, at any time,
Even more important? (answer - president)

Video: interesting riddles for children. Riddles about objects. Drawing lesson for children

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